BCIE - Financing Resources

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Agence Française de DÊveloppement (AFD)

Overview of Cooperation - AFD

5 projects has been assigned to the loan

One loan contract has been signed for a total amount of EUR150.0 million (US$166.8 million).

The relationship with AFD began in 2016.

Amount Assigned by Country Honduras; 19.09% Costa Rica; 19.75%

Nicaragua; 61.16%

The total amount of the line has been disbursed.


Costa Rica


Loan Amount by CABEI Focus Area 7.00%

Loan Amount by Sector 46.00%


Private; 19.09%

Public; 80.91%

Human Development and Social Infrastructure Rural Development and Environment Energy 3

Relationship AFD Agreement N° CZZ 2028 01 Z • Signing Date: April 10, 2016 • Loan Amount: US$166.8 millions Destination: The financing of CABEI´s projects and programs with mitigation and adaptation components for climate change adaptation and other activities.

•     

Assigned Projects: Water Supply and Sanitation “19 Ciudades” – Nicaragua. Biomass Energy Generation Plant – Honduras. Infrastructure and hospital equipment – Costa Rica NICAVIDA – Nicaragua. Sustainability of the electric sector. Nicaragua

All the resources have been allocated and disbursed. 4

European Investment Bank (EIB)

Overview of Cooperation - EIB The CABEI focus areas of the assigned projects are oriented to Energy. “CABEI and the EIB have participated in the co-financing of 4 projects to the public sector in the region for a total amount of US$341.9 million�

The relationship with EIB began in 2000.

Types of Financing Contract Loans (Especific Projects); 7.68%

Co-financi ng; 40.93%

Fa ci li ties; 51.39%

US$260.1 millions has been disbursed.

4 facilities have been subscribed and 2 loans contracts for specific projects adding up to a total amount of US$493.6 millions.

Co-fina nci ng Contract Loans (Es pecific Projects )

Loan Amount by Sector Private ; 39.23% Public; 60.77%

*Public Sector Co-financing not included

Faci l i ties

Amount Assigned by Country Regional; 14.36% Honduras; 38.30% Costa Rica; 47.34%


Relationship Central America Climate Change Framework Loan II (CACCFL II) • Signing Date: August 21, 2013 • Loan Amount: US$231.6 millions Destination: The financing of CABEI projects that contribute to mitigate the effects of climate change in the Central American Region.

• Assigned Projects:  3 photovoltaic solar power generation plants called “Pacífico I”, “Choluteca I” and “Choluteca II” – Honduras.

To date, the amount of US$69.5 millions for this facility has been disbursed.



Central America Climate Change Framework Loan I (CACCFL I) • Signing Date: December 15, 2011 • Loan Amount: US$131.8 millions Destination: The financing of CABEI projects that contribute to mitigate the effects of climate change in Central America.

•   

Assigned Projects: Expansion of “Cachí” Hydroelectric Plant – Costa Rica. “Reventazón” Hydroelectric Plant – Costa Rica.

The total amount of the loan have been allocated and disbursed. 8


Loan Agreement for the Atlantic-Pacific Corridor Villa San Antonio - Goascorรกn Signing Date: March 2006 Loan Amount: US$24.2 millions

Destination: The financing of finance 110 kms of road between the cities of Villa San Antonio and Goascorรกn as part of the Logistic Corridor of Honduras whose objective is to connect the coasts of the Atlantic and the Pacific.


Relationship Loan Agreement for SIEPAC Loan Amount: US$40.0 millions

Destination: To finance the project "System of Electrical Interconnection of the Countries of Central America", identified with the abbreviations in Spanish “SIEPAC”.

The total amount of the loan have been disbursed.



Loan Agreement Global Loan II Loan Amount: US$28.5 millions

Destination: The financing of medium and longterm projects of the private sector that belong to the sectors of industry, tourism, infrastructure, energy and telecommunications, which contain a "European interest“.


Relationship Loan Agreement Global Loan I • Signing Date: May 1999 • Loan Amount: US$37.4 millions Destination: To formalize sub loans for the reconstruction and / or expansion of the private sector belonging to industrial sectors, services, tourism, infrastructure and environment in the regions most affected by Hurricane "Mitch" in Honduras.




Public Sector Co-financing I CABEI and the EIB maintain a broad dialogue and coordination in financing projects to the public sector in the region. 3 projects have been financed:  National Program for Sustainable Electrification and Renewable Energy (PNESER) – Nicaragua.  Improvement and Extension of Potable Water Supply and Sanitation Systems in 19 Cities – Nicaragua.  Rehabilitation Project for the Road La Entrada-Copán Ruinas - El Florido and La Entrada-Santa Rosa de Copán – Honduras.


Nordic Investment Bank (NIB)

Overview of Cooperation - NIB Amount Assigned by Country

The relationship with NIB began in 2001.

Guatemala; 30.61%

Currently US$88.0 millions have been disbursed. 4 credit agreements have been signed for a total amount of US$150.0 millions.

Honduras; 38.78%

El Salvador; 30.61%

Amount Assigned by CABEI Focus Area

Amount Assigned by Sector

Productive Infrastructure; 20.41%

Private ; 38.78% Public; 61.22% Energy; 79.59%


Relationship Loan Facility Agreement # 5641 (NIB IV) • Signing Date: September 4, 2014 • Loan Amount: US$60.0 millions Destination: The financing of public and private sector projects in the founding and beneficiary countries of CABEI, which contain a Nordic interest component.

• Assigned Projects:  Wind Energy Project “Chinchayote” - Honduras. The amount of US$8.0 millions has been disbursed for this facility.

16 16


Loan Facility Agreement # 5159 (NIB III) • Signing Date: March 2010 • Loan Amount: US$30.0 millions Destination: The financing of public and private sector projects in the founding and beneficiary countries of CABEI, which contain a Nordic interest component. • Assigned Projects:  Wind Energy Project “San Antonio El Sitio” – Guatemala. The amount of US$2.0 millions has been disbursed for this facility.

17 17

Relationship Loan Facility Agreement (NIB II) • Loan Amount: US$30.0 millions

Destination: The financing of public and private sector projects in the founding countries of CABEI, which contain a Nordic interest component. • Assigned Projects:  Thermal Power Plant Talnique - El Salvador.

The total amount of the loan have been disbursed.


Relationship Loan Facility Agreement (NIB I) Loan Amount: US$30.0 millions

Destination: The financing of public and private sector projects in the founding countries of CABEI, which contain a Nordic interest component.

• Assigned Projects:  National Program for Social Electrification, Stage ES-N98, extension No.2 – Honduras.  Rehabilitation and construction of the road to Puerto Cortes - Border with Guatemala (CA-13) Section II - Honduras.

The total amount of the loan have been disbursed. 19

Oesterreichische Entwicklungsbank AG (OeEB)

Overview of Cooperation - OeEB The total amount of the agreements have been disbursed.

The relationship with OeEB began in 2008.

3 facility agreements have been signed for a total amount of US$82.6 millions.

The total amount assigned is focused on Energy.

Amount Assigned by Country Loan Amount by Sector Guatemala; 3.94% Panamรก; 8.62% Honduras; 23.15%

Public; 36.31%

Nicaragua; 64.29%

Private ; 63.69%


Relationship Facility Agreement OeEB III • Signing Date: May 11, 2018 • Loan Amount: US$30.0 millions Destination: Medium and long-term financing of CABEI eligible projects related to energy efficiency, renewable energy and adaptation to climate.

• Assigned Projects:  National Program for Sustainable Electrification and Renewable Energy (PNESER in Spanish) - Nicaragua.  Sustainability Program of the Electricity Sector Nicaragua.

The total amount of the loan have been disbursed. 22

Relationship Facility Agreement OeEB II • Signing Date: December 11, 2013 • Loan Amount: EUR30.0 millions (US$33.1 millions)

Destination: Medium and long-term financing of CABEI eligible projects.

•   

Assigned Projects: Expansion of Wind Project of Cerro de Hula - Honduras. Hydroelectric plant in the Department of Jinotega - Nicaragua. Wind Energy farm of the Municipality of Villa Canales – Guatemala.

The total amount of the loan have been disbursed. 23

Relationship Facility Agreement OeEB I • Signing Date: December 29, 2008 • Loan Amount: EUR15.0 millions (US$19.5 millions) Destination: Medium and long-term financing of CABEI eligible projects, as well as other CABEI financing needs. • Assigned Projects:  Polaris Energy - Nicaragua.  Hydro Xacbal - Guatemala.  Zona Franca las Palmera - Nicaragua.  Consorcio Eólico Amayo I - Nicaragua.  PH Los Laureles - Honduras.  DISNORTE y DISSUR - Nicaragua.

The total amount of the loan have been disbursed. 24

OPEC Fund for International Development (OFID) USO INTERNO

Overview of Cooperation - OFID Loan Amount by Sector

*Co-financing and lines of credit included

Currently US$88.0 millions have been disbursed. 4 credit agreements have been signed for a total amount of US$150.0 millions.

“US$33.0 million has been cofinanced in operations of the public and private sector�

Public; 26.47%

Private ; 73.53%

Amount Assigned by CABEI Focus Area

The relationship with NIB began in 2001.

Type of Financing

Rural Development and Environment; Productive 15.53% Infrastructure; Energy; 40.99% 12.42%

Financial Intermediation and Development Finance; 31.06% Energy

Financial Intermediation and Development Finance

Productive Infrastructure

Rural Development and Environment

Lines of Credit; 51.47%

Co-financing; 48.53%


Relationship Line of Credit Agreement – No. 1444PS • Signing Date: June 21, 2012 • Loan Amount: US$20.0 millions Destination: Financing of urban and rural SMEs, through financial institutions whose purpose contributes to the promotion of economic and social development, productivity, and growth in the Central American region.

• The line was assigned to several financial intermediation projects.

The total amount of the loan have been disbursed. 27

Relationship Line of Credit Agreement – No. 953PS • Signing Date: October 15, 2003 • Loan Amount: US$15.0 millions Destination: Financing of private sector projects in the founding member countries (Private Sector Credit Line). This loan was assigned/used to finance 5 operations of the private sector:  Consorcio de Inversiones S.A. de C.V  Caracol Knits, S.A. de C.V.  Compañía Azucarera Tres Valles  Energy and Transmission, S.A. of C.V  Cukra Development Corporation.

The amount of US$11.4 millions has been disbursed from this facility.

28 28

The Export – Import Bank of Korea (Korea Eximbank – KEXIMBANK)

Overview of Cooperation - KEXIMBANK The relationship with Korea Eximbank began in 2011.

2 credit facility agreements have been subscribed for a total amount

of US$350.0

To date,

US$100.0 millions has

Currently the CABEI focus area of the assigned project is oriented to Energy and to the private sector.

been disbursed.


focus areas of the assigned project is oriented to Energy and to the private sector.


Relationship Master Interbank Credit Facility Agreement Initial Credit Facility • Signing Date: March 28, 2015. • Loan Amount: US$100.0 millions.

Extension of the Credit Facility • Signing Date: April 2, 2017. • Loan Amount: US$200.0 millions. Total Amount of US$300.0 millions

Destination: Financing of international trade operations between the Korea and the member countries of CABEI.

The following project has been assigned:  Atlantic Natural Gas Power Generation Plant (GANA) and Costa Norte Regasification Terminal (CONO), in Panama.

US$100.0 millions has been disbursed from this facility. 31


Master Interbank Credit Facility Agreement • Signing Date: March 17, 2013. • Loan Amount: US$50.0 millions. Destination: Financing of CABEI programs and projects that require the importation of goods and services from Korea.

To date, no projects have been assigned.

To date, no resources of the line have been disbursed.


Economic Development Cooperation Fund (EDCF) USO INTERNO

Overview of Cooperation - EDCF The relationship with EDCF began in 2017. 1 facility agreement has been signed for a total amount of US$100.0 millions, which has increase the amount established in US$300.0 million to reach a total amount of US$400.0 million. 2 projects have been assigned to the initial facility.

Amount Assigned by Country Nicaragua; 21.00%

The assigned projects are oriented to the private sector. CABEI focus area is oriented to human development and social infrastructure.

Guatemala; 79.00%

To date, no resources of the facility have been disbursed. 34

Relationship Facility Agreement Korea Development Co-Financing Facility for Central America Initial Facility • Signing Date: January 17, 2017. • Loan Amount: US$100.0 millions

Extension of the Credit Facility • Signing Date: May 17, 2019. • Loan Amount: US$300.0 millions. Total Amount of US$400.0 millions.

Destination: Co-financing of projects of the sovereign public sector of CABEI member countries. . The following projects have been assigned:  Bluefields Sanitation Project – Nicaragua.  Investment Program in Infrastructure and Hospital Equipment - Guatemala.

No resources of the facility have been disbursed. 35

Japan Bank for International Cooperation (JBIC) USO INTERNO

Overview of Cooperation - JBIC Amount Assigned by Sector Private ; 27.69%

Since 2001, US$130.1 millions has been disbursed.

JBIC has signed several financing agreements with CABEI and has subscribed an aggregate amount of US$417.3 million

Public; 72.31%

Amount Assigned by CABEI Focus Area Amount Assigned by Country Productive Infrastructure; 1.99% Honduras; 13.07% El Salvador; 14.95% Nicaragua; 53.53%

Energy; 98.01%

Regional; 18.46%


Relationship JBIC Green Untied Loan 2 • Signing Date: November 8, 2018. • Loan Amount: US$100.0 millions. Destination: Financing of CABEI projects in the sectors of renewable energy and energy efficiency.

• The pre-identified projects are:  National Program for Sustainable Electrification and Renewable Energy (PNESER in Spanish) - Nicaragua.  Sustainability Program of the Electricity Sector - Nicaragua.  Second Circuit of the Electrical Interconnection System for the countries of Central America (SIEPAC II in Spanish).

 No resources of the facility have been disbursed. 38

Relationship JBIC Global and RE Bank Loan • Signing Date: April 17, 2013. • Loan Amount: US$50.0 millions. Destination: Financing of various projects in general equipment (medical and industrial), renewable energy, energy efficiency, mitigation to climate change and water treatment and sanitation.

The Final application date of the facility is on September 30, 2019.

No resources of the facility have been assigned nor disbursed. .


Relationship JBIC Green Untied Loan • Signing Date: December 1, 2011. • Loan Amount: US$100.0 millions. Destination: Financing of CABEI projects in the renewable energy and energy efficiency sectors.

The following projects have been assigned:  Expansion Project of the Hydroelectric Plant "5 de Noviembre“ - El Salvador.  Ojo de Agua Hydroelectric Project - Honduras.  San Jacinto Tizate Geothermal Project - Phase II Nicaragua.

 The amount of US$62.3 millions has been disbursed from this facility. 40

Relationship Other Facilities JBIC Global Export Credit Loan • Loan Amount: US$100.0 millions. • Destination: Financing the acquisition of goods and services from Japan. • The line was not renewed because it was not used. Export – Import Bank of Japan (JEXIM) • Loan Amount: US$3.6 millions. • Destination: Financing of the Central International Switching Project of HONDUTEL. • JBIC was founded on October 1, 1999, through the merger of the Japan Export-Import Bank (JEXIM) and the Overseas Economic Cooperation Fund (OECF).

Export – Import Bank of Japan (JEXIM) General Loan 4 • Loan Amount: US$63.7 millions. • The Board (Resolution No. DI-5/1988) approved the signing of a loan agreement in the amount of up to ¥6.000 millions.


Estados Unidos Mexicanos (México)

Overview of Cooperation - MĂŠxico The relationship with MĂŠxico began in 1984.

The assigned projects are oriented to the public sector.

The Government of Mexico and the BCIE have a relationship of more than 34 years, having signed several financial cooperation instruments for a total amount of US $ 520.8 million.

Amount Assigned by Country Honduras; 32.13%

Nicaragua; 47.36%

Guatemala; 18.04% Regional; 2.46%

CABEI focus area is oriented mainly to productive infrastructure.

Amount Assigned by CABEI Focus Area Human Development and Social Infrastructure; 2.43%

Productive Infrastructure; 97.57%

Productive Infrastructure

Human Development and Social Infrastructure


Relationship Yucatan Agreement The Yucatan Agreement is an Infrastructure Fund for Mesoamerica of US$160.0 million to attend development projects of the countries belonging to the Mechanism of Dialogue and Agreement of Tuxtla.

The Public Administration Trust Fund Infrastructure for the Countries of Mesoamerica and the Caribbean (FIMCA in Spanish) was created for which BANCOMEXT was designated as trustee. On May 22, 2012, the BCIE subscribed with BANCOMEXT an Agreement for Channeling the Resources Derived from FIMCA.

The operations approved under the FIMCA are detailed below:  Villa San Antonio – Goascorán Road (Sections IA y IB) – Honduras.  Nejapa - Puerto Sandino Road – Nicaragua.  Puerto La Libertad Road – El Salvador.  Anguiatú Bridge – El Salvador. 44

Relationship San José Agreement (ASJ in Spanish) Beginning in 1984, the Government of Mexico, through the Ministry of Finance and Public Credit (SHCP in Spanish), signed several financial cooperation instruments with CABEI, based on the resources approved by Mexico and Venezuela to the beneficiary countries of the San José (Energy Cooperation Program for the Countries of Central America and the Caribbean).

 First Agreement, signed in 1984, amended in 1988, for an amount of US$107.6 million, based on the guidelines of the "Pacto de San José".  Second Agreement, signed in 1991, also based on the guidelines of the “Pacto de San José" for an amount of US$153.2 million.  Addendum to the previous Agreements, signed in 1993, and that increased the values set forth in the First and Second Agreements by US$100.0 million.  Canalization Agreement between the Ministry of Finance and Public Credit (SHCP in Spanish) of Mexico and CABEI, signed in June 2005, based on the guidelines of the San José Agreement.  In June 2008, the National Foreign Trade Bank, S.N.C. (Bancomext in Spanish) becomes the channeling institution of the San José Agreement, replacing the SHCP of Mexico.

Relationship San José Agreement (ASJ in Spanish)

The projects approved by Mexico under the José Agreement between 2008 - 2015 are detailed below:  CABEI Social Housing Program – Phase CA-1a.  CABEI Social Housing Program – Phase CA-2a.  Puerto Cortes road border with Guatemala – Honduras.  Chinandega – Guasaule Road, First Phase – Nicaragua.  Villa San Antonio – Goascorán Road – Honduras.  National Road Safety Plan – Honduras.  San Ramón Muy Muy Road – Nicaragua.  Matagalpa – Jinotega Road – Nicaragua.  Road Infrastructure PRODESFRO – Guatemala.  Tecún – Umán Border Port PRODESFRO – Guatemala.  Fleet Replacement of 350 Buses – Nicaragua.  Replacement Military Hospital Alejandra Davila Bolaños- Nicaragua.


Kreditanstalt fĂźr Wiederaufbau (KfW)

Overview of Cooperation - KfW An aggregate of EUR 573.2 millions (US$699.7 millions) has been subscribed in loans aimed at the sustainable development of the region, mainly to the promotion of renewable energies and energy efficiency, as well as Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MIPYME) .

The relationship with KfW began in 2002.

Non-refundable facilities have been signed for an amount of EUR22.4 million.�

Subscribed Amount by CABEI Focus Area Rural Development and Environment; 9.29% Energy; 23.79%

US$377.3 millions have been disbursed.

Human Development and Social Infrastructure; 40.51%

Energy Human Development and Social Infrastructure

Financial Intermediation and Development Finance; 26.41%

Financial Intermediation and Development Finance Rural Development and Environment

Amount Assigned by Country El Salvador; 2.66% Nicaragua; 1.50% Costa Rica; 18.35%

Regional; 77.49%


Relationship 2 Loan Agreements - Water and Sewerage Program of Central America III • • •

Approved by Resolution No. DI-88/2016, modified by Resolution No. DI-58/2017 Loan Amount: US$58.9 millions. Loan Amount: EUR25.7 millions.

Destination: Financing of loan No. 2188-A granted to the Costa Rican Institute of Aqueducts and Sewers (AyA), of the Republic of Costa Rica, within the framework of the Water and Sewerage Program in Central America III.

The loan disbursement process has not started.


Relationship Environmental Credit Program for MSMEs through BCIE II • Signing Date: December 21, 2016. • Loan Amount: US$41.5 millions. Destination: Financing of the Regional Program of financing of MIPYMES Verdes II.

Through the reimbursement procedure, US$10.3 million have been assigned to the following financial institutions:  Banco Hipotecario de El Salvador.  Financiera CAFSA - Costa Rica  Financiera CREDI Q – Honduras

 US$10.3 millions has been disbursed from this loan agreement. 50

Relationship Loan contract for Phase III of the Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency Program • Signing Date: December 22, 2015. • Loan Amount: US$69.8 millions. Destination: Financing of the Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency Program.

US$49.0 million have been assigned to the following projects:  Second Circuit of the Electrical Interconnection System for the Countries of Central America (SIEPAC II in Spanish) - Costa Rica.  Construction of a set of ten (10) solar photovoltaic plants, to be executed in three (3) phases: Bosforo I, II and III – El Salvador.

To date, no resources of the line have been disbursed. 51

Relationship Loan agreement to finance the DINAMICA Initiative • Signing Date: September 22, 2015. • Loan Amount: US$44.6 millions.

Destination: Financing of the Business Development and Promotion Program of the MIPYME in Central America (Iniciativa Dinamica in Spanish).

Through the reimbursement procedure, US$32.9 million have been assigned to the following financial institutions.

 US$32.9 millions has been disbursed from this loan agreement 52

Relationship Loan agreement for the Water and Sewerage Program in Central America II (RANC) • Signing Date: November 20, 2014. • Loan Amount: US$125.0 millions. Destination: Financing of the Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency Program.

Destination: Financing of the Program for the Reduction and Control of Unmetered Water and Optimization of Energy Efficiency (RANC-EE in Spanish), to be executed by the Costa Rican Institute of Aqueducts and Sewers (AyA in Spanish) of the Republic of Costa Rica.

To date, no resources of the line have been disbursed. 53

Relationship Contracts and Agreements Disbursed  • • • • •

Loan for Phase II of the Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency Program Signing Date: February 27, 2013. Loan Amount: US$39.2 millions. Financing projects in the sectors of renewable energy and energy efficiency. The resources of this loan were assigned to renewable energy and energy efficiency projects in the Bank's portfolio. US$26.6 million in resources were disbursed.

 • • • • •

Promotional Loan for "Protection of the Environment and Regional Infrastructure“ Signing Date: December 2011. Loan Amount: US$65.0 millions. Financing of credits from the BCIE with a focus on climate combat and regional infrastructure. The amount was assigned to the Electric Interconnection System of the Countries of Central America", (SIEPAC in Spanish) in the promotional framework of Protection of the Environment and Regional Infrastructure. All the funds were disbursed. 54

Relationship Contracts and Agreements Disbursed  • • • • .

Loan for the financing of the SME Environmental Program through CABEI. Signing Date: March 2010. Loan Amount: US$40.5 millions. Financing of the "Credit Program Environmental SMEs through the BCIE ". (Program of MIPYMES Verdes). All the funds were disbursed

 • • • •

 • • • • •

Promotional Loan Signing Date: December 2008 Loan Amount: US$50.0 millions. Financing activities of CABEI programs and / or projects of the public and private sectors in Central America. All the funds were disbursed.

Loan to finance renewable energy projects and energy efficiency (co-financing with IDB) Signing Date: December 2007 Loan Amount: US$10.5 millions Financing of projects under the "Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency Program.“ (co-financing with IDB). Funds were assigned to the Central American and Santa Bárbara Hydroelectric Plants in Nicaragua. All the funds were disbursed.


Relationship Contracts and Agreements Disbursed  • • • • .

Loan for the financing of the Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency Program. Signing Date: December 2007. Loan Amount: US$46.9 millions. Financing of projects under the "Renewable Energies and Energy Efficiency Program" (03/03/2006 signed an agreement with a credit composed in the framework of the Official Development Assistance -AOD, All the funds were disbursed.

 Loan for financing of the Regional Microfinance Program II

• •

Signing Date: December 2007 Loan Amount: US$29.4 millions.

Financing of projects under the "Regional Program of Microfinance II". All the funds were disbursed.

All the funds were disbursed.

Environmental Credit Line for SMEs through the Multisectorial Investment Bank (BMI in Spanish)

• • •

Signing Date: August 2006 Loan Amount: US$9.6 millions Financing projects under the Program called "Environmental Credit Line for Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs)" All the funds were disbursed. 56

Relationship Contracts and Agreements Disbursed

 • • • •

Loan for financing of the Regional Microfinance Program I Signing Date: June 2004. Loan Amount: US$19.1 millions. Financing of projects of the Regional Microfinance Program All the funds were disbursed.

 • • • •

Loan to finance infrastructure projects in founding member countries of CABEI Signing Date: March 2003 Loan Amount: US$20.0 millions. Financing of infrastructure projects of the public or private sector that are framed in any of the CABEI credit policies. All the funds were disbursed.


Instituto de CrĂŠdito Oficial (ICO)

Overview of Cooperation - ICO CABEI and ICO have a relationship of more than 27 years. Since then, ICO who acts as the financial arm of the Government of Spain, has subscribed US$337.2 millions in different agreements, interventions and CABEI´s programs and projects. The total amount of the line has been disbursed.

A total of US$142.5 millions in resources has been disbursed (since 2001).

Amount Assigned by Country

Loan Amount by Sector *Since 2017 Private ; 12.23%

El Salvador; 4.12% Dominicana; 0.70% Honduras; 0.00% Guatemala; 5.31% PanamĂĄ; 25.14% Costa Rica; 15.87% Nicaragua; 2.89% Regional; 45.97%

Financial Amount Assigned by CABEI Focus Area

Intermediation and Development Rural Development Finance; 4.23% and Environment; Energy; 8.00% 3.00%

*Since 2017

Human Development and Productive Infrastructure; Social 80.80% Infrastructure; 3.98%

Energy Financial Intermediation and Development Finance Productive Infrastructure Human Development and Social Infrastructure Rural Development and Environment

Public; 87.77%


Relationship Financing Agreement ICO - CABEI • •

Signing Date: February 22, 2019. Loan Amount: EUR80.0 millions. Destination: Financing investment and / or liquidity operations and export / import of Spain companies in CABEI member countries.

The following projects have been assigned:  Expansion Project of six road lanes of Corredor Las Playas, Section I: La Chorrera-Santa Cruz – Panama.  Regional Wholesale Market Project in the Brunca Region - Costa Rica.  Regional Wholesale Market Project in the Chorotega Region - Costa Rica.  Consultancy for the study and design of hydraulic infrastructure for the expansion of the potable water supply system in the city of Gracias Honduras.  Multiple Project of the Montegrande Dam Phase III - Dominican Republic.  Strategic Works for Road Infrastructure Program - Costa Rica.  Feasibility Study for the Construction, Equipment and Start-up of the Rapid Passenger Train (TRP) of the Great Metropolitan Area (GAM) - Costa Rica

US$11.1 millions has been disbursed from this agreement. 60

Relationship Financing Agreement ICO - CABEI • •

Signing Date: May 07, 2018. Loan Amount: EUR30.0 millions.. Destination: Financing investment and / or liquidity operations and export / import of Spain companies in CABEI member countries.

The following projects have been assigned:  Construction of a set of 10 solar photovoltaic plants in 3 phases: Bosforo I, II and III – El Salvador.  Work Program of Strategic Road Infrastructure Work – Costa Rica.  Improvement of the Malacatoya-Victoria de Julio and Malacatoya-El Palo-El Papayal road sections – Nicaragua.  VI Highway Improvement Project – Nicaragua.  Multiple Project of the Montegrande Dam, Phase III – Dominican Republic.  Extension of the Highway to the Port of La Libertad. Sections II and III and Construction of the Bridges over the Anguiatú and Paz Rivers in the Anguiatú and La Hachadura Borders – El Salvador.  Operation with Bandesal; import of machinery - El Salvador.  Operation with Banco Industrial; trade – Guatemala.

The total amount of the agreement have been disbursed. 61

Relationship Financing Agreement ICO - CABEI • •

Signing Date: March 07, 2017. Loan Amount: EUR25.0 millions. Destination: Financing investment and / or liquidity operations and export of Spain companies in CABEI member countries.

The following projects have been assigned:  Work Program of Strategic Road Infrastructure Work – Costa Rica.  Operation with BANRURAL; working capital – Guatemala.  Improvement and Expansion of Potable Water Supply and Sanitation Systems in 19 Cities – Nicaragua.  Operation with Banco de Finanzas; trade – Nicaragua.  Operation with BANRURAL – Guatemala.

The total amount of the agreement have been disbursed. 62

Relationship Expired Facilities Line of Credit Agreement "Development Assistance Fund (FAD)", under concession terms - US$40.0 million (December 15, 2006). Loan contract with the Spanish Agency for International Cooperation (AECI) under the Spanish Microfinance Program in Guatemala - US$13.1 million (December 26, 2006). Financial Cooperation Agreement for clean development projects within the framework of the Kyoto Protocol - US$40.0 million (May 9, 2006). Collaboration Agreement to boost the investments of Spain companies in the Central American region - US$30.0 million (October 17, 2003). Extension of the Microcredit Loan agreement with the AECI, incorporating the Microcredit Program Spain-CABEI to Costa Rica - US$13.1 million (December 19, 2001). Microcredit Loan Agreement of the AECI for Guatemala, El Salvador, Honduras and Nicaragua - US$11.7 million (January 11, 2000).

Credit Agreement under conditions of the Development Assistance Fund - US$35.8 million (March 18, 1991). 63

Financial Division – DAECI Financing Sources



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