CARL WHO? My name is Carl and I come from Sweden. Im positive, driven and full of energy. I have a bachelors in Industrial design from UmeĂĽ Institute of Design and have, until recently, been working at Sensavis in Stockholm making 3d visualisation. My biggest dream is to design, produce and manage my own products. Im a very driven person and the dream is never too far away. I love learning new things and believe that to learn something you have to experience it first hand. My philosofys in life is to “live life to the fullest“. By always looking for that next adventure; surfing, bouldring, wakeboarding and having built a couple of longboard I keep myself inspired. And hoping that living in Sydney, Australia will get me closer to my dream.
2012 – 2013, Shop assistant at “The Works“ in Sydney, Australia 2012 – 2012, CAD and design at Sensavis in Stockholm, Sweden. 2010-2012, graphic design work for smaller companies and musicians. Making logotypes and CD covers. 2010, worked at the ISPO fair in Münich. Promoting the sportscompany “nocopy“, by sketching and talking to people. 2009 – 2010, the president for the design section in the student union of NTK in Umeå, Sweden. 2006 – 2007, Security Manager in the military in Enköping, Sweden. 2007 - 2008, tailor at “Inredningsateljén i Djursholm AB“, in Stockholm, Sweden. Helped to sew curtains. exported and picked up materials. Put up curtains in peoples houses.
2007 - 2008, kindergarten teacher at “Kyrkansförskola” in djursholm, in Sweden. 2007, stagehandler at the “peace and love“-festival, Borlänge, Sweden. 2004 - 2005, lobbymanager at McDonalds, in stockholm, Sweden. 2002, shop assistant at “Design House”, in Stockholm, Sweden. 2002, animator at “EasySale“, in Örebro. Worked in 3ds max, created 3d objects for “EcDesign“.
2009 - 2012 Bachelorprogramme, industrialdesign, Umeå Institute Of Design, Sweden 2008 - 2009 Foundation year, industrialdesign, FidU, Hällefors, Sweden 2006 - 2007 Militaryservice, EW-soldier, Enköping, Sweden
BROKK, Controller - demolitionrobot SVEVIA, Shovel and spear (teamproject) SVID, third place - designopen competition (teamproject) MARIEBERGSKOLAN, Creative playground KIWOK, BodyKom PIEP, Mint (teamproject) KOMATSU, Designmanual
2011, Kiwok (portable hospital equipment), I had a project with a ECG-recorder where I did all the research and design.
User research Observation Analythic thinking Creative techniques Functionlisting Speaker Computer programs: Adobe Photoshop Adobe Illustrator Adobe Indesign Solidworks 3ds max Rhino Alias studiotools Modo
SKILLS Sketch: Ballpoint Marker Pastel
Hands on: Mock-up-making Model building Clay modeling Wood/metal Plaster
LANGUAGES Swedish, fluent English, fluent
I found a few main problems after the observations. The users got pain in their hands after using the crutches, some of the users even had to have an operation after getting carpaltunnel syndrome. They were afraid of using stairs because of the angle of the crutches. They could barely carry stuff with them beacuse of the thick handle grip.
Flattened back for balancing against walls.
More ergonomic grip and weightdistrubution with grooves that make it easier to carry things and climbing stairs.
Better lock-mechanism for setting height.
Oval aluminium profiles to prevent the locking bult from hiding when setting the height.
Reshaped rubber ferrule for holding door open when walking throught.
Five electrodes attached to the patients body The main Body Kom device Bluetooth-connection between the device and the cellphone
A simcard to send the cardio-information
A cellphone to hold the simcard and to send information
Two batterichargers for both devices
What I did was to combine everything into one single device and moved around the different parts so that it would be easier to handle. The Users are not suppose to interact with it or even take it of for a period of a week. So in a way the device should be invisible. What I came up with was this, a simple smooth device with 4 plugs for the electrodes and a electrode spot in the back to take less space on the body. The simcard is inserted inside the device. The batteri is charged before its given to the patient and then again when given back after the measuring is done. Before this the patient had to charge both the phone and the Bodykom device everyday, but by taking away the phone and therefor the bluetooth the batteri will hold for 7+ days. To be able to actually use the device for a week straight there’s a alot of situations that has to be taking into account; taking showers, sleeping, taking on and off cloths. This is what I’ve based my design on.
The excisting product
IDEATION Making a device is suppose to follow the user where ever he or she goes is not not as simple as it may sound. Its important that it doesnt intrude on the everyday activities like going out with friends, being physical, being romantik, taking showers and so on. So I ended up with a soap inspired shape and a simplified design where by intergrating the different parts, it would take less space. The most important part was to make it fit under a shirt without being seen. Basically making it invisible, and so making it into a soap shape would make the fabric flow over it and give the desired effect.
By fitting the simcard inside of the main device instead of having it in a external one adds to the simplicity of the product. There is no need of carrying more than one product at one time. This also takes away the need of having to charge it every day. When taking away the bluetooth activity the battery can last for more than 7 times what it used to be able to do. Not having to keep track of neither doing stuff or remembering to bring with you things gives a big releif to the patient and makes the reading that much better in the longrun.
Because there have to be 5 electrodes, but it still should feel more simple, I put one of the electrodes on the back of the device. What this does is that the Bodykom needs less cables, uses the space more efficently and takes advantage of its needed parts in a intellegent way.
When using the device you want the least amount of obsticles as possible; having the user charging the batteries, having to take of the device, putting it back on again. Making a smaller device with a intergreated system saves battery time up to a week. This takes away the obligation from the patient and puts it on the device. It gives less distraction and provides a more accurate reading of the patient.
THE IMPORTANCE OF “PLAY” Kids are generally very creative and they’re fantasy makes it so they can turn anything into whatever they want it to be. The Pillars are designed to be a big modulare puzzle where the kids not only can build something but also play inside of it. Every pillar can be lowered or raised. Everything is cushioned, wich keeps the children from hurting themselfs. To raise a pillar you just pull it up and it stays when letting go, to lower you have to push it down from the top. The pillars can be raised up to 180 cm above ground, wich could pose as a problem for a child of 110 cm who wouldnt be able to push down. The reason for this is problem solving. The child will have to find a solution, maybe build a staircase or whatever they can come up with.
CARL ÖSTLUND 048 12 90 715