Portfolio 2023

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+39 3489881496


Interior and Exhibition Designer Carlotta Leoni

Carlotta Leoni - Interior and Exhibition Designer

Via Prudenziana 38 Como, Lombardia, Italy

+39 3489881496


26 - 06 - 1998

Nationality - Italian

Drivers license - Car owner

Following my five - year High School Diploma in scientific studies, I decided to enrol in a Bachelor and Master in Interior Design. Since my childhood, I have always been a very creative and manual person, a keen observer, constantly on the move and curious.

These studies have allowed me to become a woman with a good sense of organization and brought me experience in project management, concept definition and development. I am thoughtful, precise and humble. I always aim to do my best with passion and determination. I am fond of visual arts and everything related to user research and trends. I love travelling and discovering new cultures.

Regarding my future, I have no boundaries set. I am open to new experiences and always look forward to facing new creative challenges.


NABA, Nuova Accademia di Belle Arti Master of Arts - MA, Interior Design

Vote - 110 cum laude

September 2020 - February 2023

Milano, Lombardia, Italy

IED, Istituto Europeo di Design Bachelor of Arts - BS, Interior Design Specialization in Event Scenography Vote - 107/110

September 2017 - July 2020

Milano, Lombardia, Italy

I.S.I.S., Paolo Carcano High School Diploma, Scientific Studies Specialization in Applied Science/s

September 2012 - July 2017

Como, Lombardia, Italy

Work Experience

FORO Studio Interior and Exhibition Designer Stage

July 2021 - October 2021

Milano, Lombardia, Italy

Design in the architectural fields of exhibition and interior design. Inclusion also in the graphic and visual design fields.

Italian - Native

English - Professional knowledge

Spanish - Basic knowledge

Languages Social

Linkedin - linkedin.com/in/carlottaleoni

Issuu - issuu.com/carlottaleoni

Profile About me

Soft skills



Concept Idea

Design Thinking

Problem Solving

Project Management

Team Leadership

Team Working

UX/UI Research

Hard skills

Adobe Illustrator

Adobe InDesign

Adobe Photoshop

Adobe Premiere


Microsoft Excel

Microsoft PowerPoint

Microsoft Word




3D Studio Max

Pg. 05

Projects -

Abitae l’Incompiuto italiano.

Final Thesis - Salvatore Ponzo

February 2023

Pg. 22

Rinascimento della materia

Interior Design - Alberto Nespoli

July 2022

Lo spazio di relazione

Art Direction - Pierluigi Anselmi

July 2022

Pg. 28

Casa degli artisti

Lighting Design - S.Boccia e N. Rossi

February 2022

Pg. 36

Connections’ Garden

Exhibition Design - Angela Rui

February 2022

Pg. 40

Leave a trace

Exhibition Design - Andrea Mancuso

February 2022

Pg. 44

Tavole tecniche

Product Design - Giovanni Tironi

February 2022

Fondazione ICA

Interior and Exhibition Design - Luciano Giorgi

July 2021

Centrale dell’acqua

Exhibition Design - Contest MM Spa Milano

July 2021

Pg. 48

Essent’ial x Tobeus

Brand Strategy - Matteo Ragni

July 2021

Cut Back

Experience Design - Luca Maria Buttafava

July 2021

9 Squares

Spatial Design - Michele Calzavara

February 2021

Pg. 50

Out of the box

Interior and Exhibition Design - Arnaldo Arnaldi

February 2021


Exhibition Design - Salvatore Ponzo

February 2021

Ceci n’est pas une Moncler

Exhibition Design - Claudio Lopasso

July 2020

California Bakery

Exhibition Design - M. Rigamonti e I. Innocenti

February 2020


Exhibition Design - G. Di Muzio e I. Innocenti

July 2019

My Style Bags

Interior Design - E. Fantinel e V. Daddato

February 2019


Abitare l’Incompiuto italiano. La rinascita di uno Stile.

Project title: “Abitare l’Incompiuto italiano. La rinascita di uno Stile.”

University: NABA, Nuova Accademia di Belle Arti, Milano, Italy

Tutor: Salvatore Ponzo

Year: February 2023

Project link: issuu.com/carlottaleoni/docs/unione_issuu

Final Thesis from my Master of Arts in Interior Design at NABA, Nuova Accademia di Belle Arti, Milano, Italy.

In this day and age in which reducing, reusing, and recycling resources has taken on primary importance in our everyday life, it seemed essential to us, as interior designers, to provide a concrete design to address a prominent issue that silently lived throughout our territory for decades.

We are talking about the so - called Italian Unfinished.

By “Italian Unfinished”, we mean the set of all those great works planned, designed and authorized, whose construction has remained suspended and, in turn, never finished. This phenomenon is cross - sectional as it develops across Italy, from northern regions to southern ones, and brings together cutting - edge and underdeveloped areas.

How can we take advantage of this heritage? Can we revitalize Italian SMEs with demolitions? Should we reconvert the unfinished works into something useful, disallowing the non-functionality for which they were originally created? Or perhaps, is it better to leave them untouched and pretend they do not exist?

Types of housing modules

5Abitare l’Incompiuto italiano
6Abitare l’Incompiuto italiano
7Abitare l’Incompiuto italiano
8Abitare l’Incompiuto italiano First Floor Plan Scale 1:400
9Abitare l’Incompiuto italiano
10Abitare l’Incompiuto italiano
11Abitare l’Incompiuto italiano
12Abitare l’Incompiuto italiano Ground Floor PlanScale 1:400
13Abitare l’Incompiuto italiano Section C C’ Scale 1:400 Section BB’ Scale 1:400 Section A A’Scale 1:400
14Abitare l’Incompiuto italiano
15Abitare l’Incompiuto italiano
16Abitare l’Incompiuto italiano
First Floor Plan Scale 1:400
17Abitare l’Incompiuto italiano
First Floor Plan Scale 1:400

Apartment Area: 32.8 mq

Time: 9 am

Guests: 2

Apartment Area: 32.8 mq

Time: 14 pm

Guests: 2

18Abitare l’Incompiuto italiano
19Abitare l’Incompiuto italiano Render

Lighting Plan - Scale 1:45

L1 - Spot light - Mounting ceiling surface

L2 - Spot light - Mounting wall surface

20Abitare l’Incompiuto italiano
21Abitare l’Incompiuto italiano Material Moodboard 01 - Brushed spruce wood planking 02 - Lacquered spruce wood planking 03 - Brushed fir wood panel 04 - Lacquered fir wood panel 05 - Steel finishes: matte white, chrome, matte black 06 - Linen / Cotton 07 - Stone 08 - High Pressure Laminate 09 - Minerals and recycled materials 10 - Linoleum

Project title: “Rinascimento della materia.”

University: NABA, Nuova Accademia di Belle Arti, Milano, Italy

Tutor: Alberto Nespoli

Year: July 2022

Starting with the theme “New Hospitality Scenarios” in Italy’s historic villages, the intent is to develop an interior design project for the spaces within Palazzo Ricci, a historic 18th-century palace located in Casoli, Abruzzo, in order to create a hospitality facility.

The palace was originally designed and built for the Ricci family of Italian nobility and remained in the Ricci family’s possession until acquired in 2020 by Viaggio Resorts, LLC.

The project is a Fractional Ownership Private Residence Club. Palazzo Ricci will become one of the world’s most prestigious private residence clubs. Members enjoy all the benefits of ownership - without the responsibilities or worries - at a fraction of the cost.

Palazzo Ricci is being completely renovated following the highest standards of historical conservation. The completed project will have 14 luxuriously appointed, palace residences with five - star amenities throughout the palace, its grounds, and extensive common areas.

Fundamental will be the preservation of the original structure of the Palazzo to which the new possibilities of use will have to be integrated.

Rinascimento della materia.
23Rinascimento della materia Render
09 -
- First floor
Area: 130 mq 09
Area: 130 mq 24Rinascimento della materia
- Apartment - Second floor plan
Second floor plan Area: 380 mq 04 - Apartment: 80 mq 05 - Apartment: 80 mq 06 - Apartment: 110 mq 07 - Apartment: 65 mq 08 - Apartment: 95 mq Third floor plan Area: 380mq 09 - Apartment: 130 mq 10 - Apartment: 150 mq 11 - Apartment: 75 mq 12 - Apartment: 95 mq 25Rinascimento della materia 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12
26Rinascimento della materia
12 - Apartment - Floor plan Area: 95 mq
27Rinascimento della materia 08 - Apartment - Floor plan Area: 95 mq

Project title: “Casa degli artisti.”

University: NABA, Nuova Accademia di Belle Arti, Milano, Italy

Tutor: Sergio Boccia e Nicoletta Rossi

Year: February 2022

The project aims to rethink the interiors of the Artists’ House in Milan in order to accommodate different configurations and situations of use:

The exhibition area will be dedicated to the showcasing of the works of a freely chosen artist. Crucial will be the integration of a lighting design tailored to each space considered.

01 - Archive 02 - Cafè & Bistrot 03 - Courtyard 04 - Co - working 05 - Exhibition space 06 - Meeting room 07 - Reception desk 08 - Toilet 09 - Kitchen
First Floor Plan
Luminaires / Real size
- led
ground Spotlight on low voltage track Suspension In - ground General lighting
Luminaires / Symbols Strip
05 30Casa degli artisti Explication perspective sections 01 - Archive 02 - Cafè & Bistrot 03 - Courtyard 04 - Co - working 05 - Exhibition space 06 - Meeting room 07 - Reception desk 08 - Toilet 09 - Kitchen
05 31Casa degli artisti
32Casa degli artisti
33Casa degli artisti Explication illustrations 01 - Recessed ceilling 02 - Spotlight on low voltage track 03 - Strip - led 04 - Suspension


Color temperature: 3000K

Luminous flux: 2000 lm

Beam angle: 26°

CRI: 90

IP: 20

Color temperature: 2700K

Luminous flux: 350 lm/m

Beam angle: GL

CRI: >90

IP: 40



Colore temperature: 2700K

Luminous flux: 350 lm / m

Beam angle: GL

CRI: >90

IP: 40


Colore temperature: 3000K

Luminous flux: 620 lm

Beam angle: framer

CRI: 90

IP: 20

Colore temperature: 2700K

Luminous flux: 600 lm

Beam angle: GL

CRI: >90

IP: 40


34Casa degli artisti


Color temperature: 3000K

Luminous flux: 2000 lm

Beam angle: 26°

CRI: 90

IP: 20


Colore temperature: 3000K

Luminous flux: 619 lm

Beam angle: 45

CRI: >90

IP: 20


Color temperature: 2700K

Luminous flux: 300 lm / m

Beam angle: 15°

CRI: 95

IP: 67


Color temperature: 3000K

Luminous flux: 354 lm

Beam angle: 20°

CRI: >90

IP: 20


Colore temperature: 2700K

Luminous flux: 350 lm / 180 mm

Beam angle: 60°

CRI: 90

IP: 20

Color temperature: 2700K

Luminous flux: 600 lm/m

Beam angle: GL

CRI: >90

IP: 67


35Casa degli artisti

Project title: “Connections’ Garden.”

University: NABA, Nuova Accademia di Belle Arti, Milano, Italy

Tutor: Angela Rui

Year: February 2022

A “garden of connections” that can accommodate [ 01 ] and, at the same time, screen complexities [ 02 ] while keeping the margins open to surprising connections, whether old or new [ 03 ].

01. The intent is to shorten the distances between the human sphere and nature, using an intuitive and accessible language that can solve the coexistence issues that will arise from this connection.

02. Accordingly, the designer should expand the idea of subject to the more than human to avoid thinking by dualisms. Thus, species such as hedgehogs and birds will be included. The latter, will include ducks, coots, kestrels and robins.

03. All of this will be synthesized into a form that will take into account the environment in which it goes into design intervention, taking advantage of and accommodating what are the needs and changes of nature over time.

Over time then, a “garden of connections” will thus develop that is capable of creating people, not necessarily as individuals or human beings and certainly something more than a series of entities united in a lineage.

Connections’ Garden.
37Connections’ Garden


Connections and relationships

Barrier and non-barrier

38Connections’ Garden
Screen and show
and accessible language
39Connections’ Garden Manifesto

Project title: “Leave a trace.”

University: NABA, Nuova Accademia di Belle Arti, Milano, Italy

Tutor: Andrea Mancuso

Year: February 2022

Black Rock City, Nevada, is an ephemeral city that exists for only one week a year during Burning Man, a radical gathering experience.

At its maximum occupancy, the city has about 70,000 citizens and a post office, an emergency services team, a volunteer police department, streets, houses, bars, clubs, restaurants and hundreds of art installations and participatory “theme camps.” After a week, the city is completely disassembled - mostly burned out - leaving the desert white and bare exactly as it was at the beginning of the event.

The goal is to design a functional and self - sufficient structure / pavilion. The size may vary depending on the type: temple, common area, entertainment, clean energy resource. The implementation must comply with Burning Man rules while the design must be self-sufficient through the use of renewable energy sources: solar, wind, mechanical / kinetic. The area of focus is the “open playa” of Burning Man.

Black Rock City is a temporary city that vanishes without a trace. Leave no trace reflects a necessary condition of self - sufficiency and respect for the planet. Burning Man can be regarded as an experiment, an ideal city where man is guest and not master.

Leave a trace.
41Leave a trace Plan Illustration
42Leave a trace Model pictures
43Leave a trace Explication illustrations 01 - Bamboo cane 02 - Cork boards 03 - Hemp rope 04 - Polyester mesh 05 - Tie rods

Project title: “Tavole tecniche.”

University: NABA, Nuova Accademia di Belle Arti, Milano, Italy

Tutor: Giovanni Tironi

Year: February 2022

Technical drawings for the production of a cabinet, a display, and a exhibitor. They illustrate construction drawings for each type of workmanship. Hardware, components, fitting and connection systems will be listed. Dimensions, quantities and types of materials used will be defined.

45Disegni tecnici
Cabinet’s technical drawings
Display’s technical drawings 46Disegni tecnici
47Disegni tecnici
Exhibitor’s technical drawings

Project title: “Essent’ial x Tobeus.”

University: NABA, Nuova Accademia di Belle Arti, Milano, Italy

Tutor: Matteo Ragni

Year: July 2021

Design of a display for Tobeus toy cars that reflects the brand value of both brands: Tobeus and Essent’ial.

Tobeus is the result of a strong, indestructible, fragrant toy that is nice to touch and hold. Vaguely noisy. That you can paint and then clean up with a piece of sandpaper. A game of the kind that has an ironic, self - referential form, that when you find it at the bottom of a crate after twenty years, you feel like putting it on a bookshelf or giving it to a child.

Essent’ial, a brand of home and leisure accessories and furniture complements, has always been interested in sustainable design and objects that enhance the balance between attention to detail, aesthetics and practicality, has been supporting environmental protection issues since its inception in 2006 by bringing them concretely into daily production practice.

Essent’ial x Tobeus.
Explication illustrations 01 - Adult audience 02 - Children audience 01 02 49Essent’ial x Tobeus

Project title: “Out of the box.”

University: NABA, Nuova Accademia di Belle Arti, Milano, Italy

Tutor: Arnaldo Arnaldi

Year: February 2021

“A horizontal skyscraper.” That’s what someone called this kilometer - long concrete construction, with above it the tracks of the train from Milan’s Central Station and, below, the Magazzini Raccordati, 140 spaces located along Via Ferrante Aporti and Sammartini.

The intent is to create a permanent exhibition space that can be rented over time as needed. The white cube concept will be eradicated in favor of representing what is outside the box. Hence the name of the project.

We say goodbye to the regular room, to the walls painted white, to the polished floor, to the disappearance of every object of furniture, to lighting from above that can create a homogeneous and shadowless environment, to the segregation from to external reality where the viewer is obliged to maintain that artificial silence. It will thus be a multifunctional space where different functions will interfere with each other. It will be a game of ups and downs, of ups and downs, with interpenetrations of volumes.

Out of the box.
51Out of the box Illustrations
52Out of the box
53Out of the box
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