2013 11 quarterly update

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presi dent ’ s quarterly u pdate carlow university

• office of the president • november 2013

This is the first quarterly update from the Office of the President to promote increased communication and provide important information and updates on progress occurring across the University.

listening circles and survey results

charting a new vision and strategic plan


distinctive characteristics, assets, and strengths; 2) What special opportunities are or may be before


Carlow University; 3) What are the most critical issues and challenges facing Carlow University that

approved by the Board of Trustees at its May

you hope will be addressed by the new administration; and 4) What advice or suggestions do you

Board meeting.

wenty-one “Listening Circles” were held with faculty and staff, along with regular meetings with students and the Student Government Association. In addition, a survey was sent internally to the campus community asking them four questions: 1) What are Carlow University’s most







development of a shared vision for the University for the next five years

and a strategic plan developed this year and

have for me as the new President? I am extremely gratified by the openness of the responses I have heard across the entire University and the willingness of the community to work together to achieve our goals together.

As already shared with you, I have charged a Strategic Planning Steering Committee (chaired by Deanne D’Emilio, Dean of

Several themes emerged:

the School of Management) with broad

• A strong commitment to the University and its mission, particularly focused on the heritage of the Sisters of Mercy and the focus on social justice; • Strong emphasis on student-centeredness, but concern about addressing the diversity and bimodal quality of students (undergraduate);

representation across the entire University. The external firm that is assisting us, Credo, specializes in working with smaller institutions to assist them in becoming thriving institutions.

• Voiced concern about where are we going and a need for vision; • Expectations of accountability needed across the University and taking us out of our comfort zone;

Focus groups to receive your input have occurred and data is being synthesized by

• Need for planning but agility in decision-making;

Credo and reviewed by the Strategic Planning

• Being financially sustainable and addressing compensation of faculty and staff;

Steering Committee. In early February, the

• A strong need for reinvention of ourselves and being entrepreneurial in program development and delivery;

solicit your feedback.

• Need for more partnerships across the region; and

Measures and targets, with a “Thriving

• Need for more visibility and marketing of the University (“unknown in Oakland”).

Scorecard,” [indicators of progress attached

I will continue to solicit your input and have started smaller gatherings with faculty and staff on a monthly basis to continue to listen to you and hear your questions and input.

11,000 friends and fans of Carlow University on our social media sites on

to the plan] will be created to ensure that we will be moving the plan forward. The Board of Trustees will be involved throughout this process before we bring it forward to them

join the carlow community online!

and celebrate alumni successes. Join in the conversation with more than

campus-wide presentation, discussion and the draft plan. At this time, we will again

• Growing enrollment and facilities to support students;

Stay up-to-date with campus happenings, faculty/student research news,

consultants will be returning to Carlow for a

for final approval in May. 11,00 frien 0 and f ds ans

Facebook, Twitter, Google+, LinkedIn, Instagram, and YouTube!

office of the president

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carlow university

• president’s quarterly update • november 2013

institutional goals: progress update

9. C omplete




As noted in August, there are 12 institutional

best practices in staff advisory councils/

goals that we are working on across the entire

assemblies across universities so we can move

of the University’s human resource capacity



toward a structure by the end of the academic

to achieve the University’s strategic goals.

strategies, timelines for implementation and

year. Members of the Task Force for Staff

This process is ongoing. The first phase


Engagement are:

consisted of intensive training for expectations

There and






various vice presidents and divisional leaders. I






committees that address these goals and, as best practices in higher education, are important to have at Carlow. These include the Institutional Effectiveness Committee, Retention Committee, and the Budget Advisory Committee to ensure full participation and transparency in the budgeting process. The following is an update for

• Judith Cichowicz

• Lacey Fetcko

• Judith Halterlein

• David Maier

• Lindsay O’Leary

• Mary Fran Reidell

• Patty Ruffner (Chair)



2. C omplete the master academic plan, inclusive of establishing general education outcomes. A draft outline of the Academic Plan is being evaluated by academic leadership and faculty for input with consensus. General Education outcomes have recently been developed and approved by the University Faculty Assembly.



management and retention plan for the University (marketing, recruitment, alumni involvement) that increases FTE enrollment and student retention. Enrollment goals have been identified for FY14 for all student groups which are an increase from the current year. The Admissions department is working to achieve this in concert with the Provost’s office. The Retention Committee is now fully operational to address strategies to increase retention. This fall, the retention rate for first year students is 72% which is progress and working toward our goal. The search for the new Vice President of Enrollment Management is underway and telephone interviews are

4. C reate and implement a new leadership model to work in partnership with the Board of Trustees in their governance role and internally with faculty and staff in a shared governance model. We are actively engaged I

have recently charged a task force to provide recommendations to me by early 2014 about



processes ongoing. 10. E stablish program


academic review






institutional effectiveness with established



strategic planning process and tie plan implementation with budgeting. The Budget Advisory Committee is now in effect and will be addressing this as part of their work. 6. U se evidence-based practice for discussions in planning and resource allocation throughout Committee is now up and running under the leadership of Anne Candreva. More specific information is detailed further in this Quarterly Update. One major achievement is the start of University Institutional Dashboards to track how we are doing in critical indicators (https://

timelines. This process is in development and will be started in the beginning of the year. 11. R efresh the Master Facilities Plan in concert with new developments and strategic needs of the University. The President’s Task Force for the Refresh of the Master Facilities Plan is actively engaged and will be developing recommendations. We will share preliminary information in a State of the University address/discussion in January. 12. I nitiate an enterprise risk management plan. Policies are being reviewed and being updated. As previously communicated to you, a part-time In-house Counsel has been hired to assist the University in this essential work.

myportal.carlow.edu/employee/irande/Pages/ academic affairs

irinfo.aspx). 7. Refine and solidify the priorities for the

General Education Workshop: Seventy faculty

Comprehensive Campaign with increased

and staff came together as a University and

attention to growing the Carlow annual fund.

engaged in robust and thoughtful discussion

The Campaign is making steady progress with

about Carlow’s core learning goals and outcomes

more aggressive goals this year for the annual

at a General Education Workshop held October

fund and the launch of the Carlow University

18, 2013. An agreed upon a set of core curriculum

1929 Society.

goals and institutional learning outcomes that support these goals were established. With the

8. D evelop

taking place.


accountability and ensuring regular evaluation

the University. The Institutional Effectiveness

3. B uild and implement a strategic enrollment


identify clear goals and expectations of

model in support of the strategic plan.

1. S trategic Planning process already detailed.

office of the president

• Melanie Byrom

5. D evelop a plan for an integrated financial

the Institutional Goals:

in working with the Board of Trustees.

for performance evaluation and assisting





exception of technology literacy and further

marketing and communications plan for the

discussion of women-centered, the University

University across all constituent groups.

Faculty Assembly formally approved the goals

Plans are being developed with the launch of

and outcomes on November 7, 2013. The

a new website and a transitional branding

next step is to assess the core curriculum to

effort during this time before our strategic

determine whether or not students are achieving

plan is completed.

the expected learning outcomes. This information will then be used to bolster and improve Carlow’s core learning experiences.

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carlow university

• president’s quarterly update • november 2013

Campus School: On November 16, 2013, the

Student Engagement: Department of Psychology

• Critical Thinking

Campus School Forensics team competed against

Associate Professor Mary Burke, PhD, is

• Liberal Arts Integration

13 other schools at St. Sebastian’s Tournament.

designing a trauma/attachment study with

• Creative Thinking

Congratulations to the Forensics Team for their

first year doctoral student Katie McIntyre and

excellent 3rd place finish.


•G oal 1: Liberal Arts Inquiry

•G oal 2: Carlow Education • Service Learning


• Catholic Intellectual Tradition

Nursing faculty Deborah Mitchum, MSN, RN and

• Ethical Reasoning

Sue Rumbaugh, MFA, MPM recently beat out


• Oral Communication • Quantitative Reasoning • Scientific Reasoning • Technological Literacy • Written Communication faculty

submitted proposals for faculty development awards to support their participation in their academic meetings. Two-thirds of the faculty are presenting their scholarly work with the remainder attending as participants at a wide

Writing in Nursing Education for the Development

million mark. Volunteer leadership of Campaign

of a Holistic Caring Approach.” The criteria for

Divisions is actively working to secure additional

judging the poster presentations: 1) Best Clinical

gifts, particularly the Alumni Division.

Participant’s Favorite: color scheme, pictures, clear to read, creative. Amy Lukanski won the first Doctoral Research Scholarship. The purpose is to support a doctorate level nursing student who has a focus in Evidence-Based Practice or Nursing Research.

Professor Cynthia Busin Nicola, EdD, presented

its own chapter of Psi Chi, the international honor society in psychology. The installation this



Bold Vision campaign has passed the $21

Psychology Honors Society: Carlow now has


Russell, Nicole Currivan and Katie McIntyre.

proposed research project: “Use of Narrative

Conference Participation: Business Management



Comprehensive Campaign: The Brave Legacy

range of conferences.



taking first place in the poster contest for their

Change: design, implementation, results; and 2)



25th Annual Nursing Research Conference,

• Information Literacy



regional competition at The Greater Pittsburgh

• Goal 3: Integrated Professional Skills




projects with first year doctoral students Leah



Faculty Sponsor Clara Cheng’s efforts. Carlow’s Psi Chi members now include undergraduate students, graduate students and faculty.

two papers at the Academy of Business Research conference in September 2013: “Fraud in the Funeral Industry: What You’re Dying to Know”, which won the Best Paper Award and “Two Classroom Tools Used to Expand Students’ Global Perspectives”. Biology faculty members Janine Bartholomew, PhD and Matthew Fagerburg,

Scholarships: Since July 2013, five endowed scholarship





with an endowment supporting the Center for Mercy Service. Legacy Dinner: Held on November 7, 2013, the annual dinner attracted the highest number of attendees in recent memory. More than 120 Callaghan Society (bequest donors) members, endowment





gathered to celebrate the meaningful outcomes of their generosity. Donors met students beneficiaries and vice versa. Alumni Relations Office: Several events, including a September 2013 tour of Pennsylvania’s wine country and Chautauqua, and a November 2013

New Programs: Psychology and Social Work

PhD attended the Project Kaleidoscope (PKAL)

are offering a new concentration, Crisis and

and the Association of American Colleges and

Trauma, for their majors. Due to student interest

Universities (AAC&U) sponsored conference on

outside of these majors, these departments

Transforming STEM Education. They joined STEM

are collaborating on an interdisciplinary Crisis

faculty and administrators from all sectors of

The Carlow University 1929 Society: This new

and Trauma minor that will soon be available to

higher education to share innovations, evidence,

giving program was launched to encourage

all majors. The undergraduate Psychology

and practical strategies for succeeding in the

unrestricted giving. Donors contributing $1,929

program and the Masters in Professional

dual STEM challenges of this era.

or more annually will be recognized as members.

Counseling program have created an Early Entry to the Masters in Professional Counseling program (MPC) in which Carlow undergraduates can apply to the MPC program and begin taking masters courses simultaneously with their undergraduate courses.

Outreach: Chair of Special Education Programs Susan O’Rourke, EdD, is using magic as a starting point for teaching special education students. Susan has done research into how to excite and

trip to New York City for Broadway shows, dining and shopping, brought alumni together to foster closer relations to their alma mater.

The first alumna to become a member at the $1,929 level is a member of the Class of 1973, while the first person to agree to become a member is male.

motivate at-risk students by using magic as both an incentive and an instrument to develop

Cameos of Caring: Mary Lou Bost, MPH, DrPH,

problem-solving skills. To that end, she has two

School of Nursing, was a Nurse Educator

projects being implemented at the Propel School

Honoree at the 15th Annual Cameos of Caring

in Braddock Hills.

Awards ceremony held in November 2013.

office of the president

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carlow university

• president’s quarterly update • november 2013

enrollment management

finance and facilities

2013 Student Profile: 2,294 students

First Quarter Operating Summary: Based on

in Oakland and Greensburg received new high-

the final enrollment census for Fall 2013, the

definition projectors and interactive whiteboards

forecast for net Tuition and Fee Revenue for FY14

(smartboards) were installed across campus.

• Traditional: 850 (816 full-time, 34 part-time)

is $861,000 greater than budget. This takes into

Over Christmas break, more classrooms will

• Adult: 561 (262 full-time, 299 part-time)

account prior historic trends going from Fall

receive new high-definition projectors and

• Gender: women: 91%; men: 9%

term to Spring term as well as expectations

the Curran 6th floor conference room/learning

• Ethnicity: white: 57%; African American:

for the Summer 2014 term. Residence Hall

space will receive presentation technology.

21%; all others: 6%; unreported: 16%

revenue is forecasted to be $230,000 higher than

Through recently installed video-conferencing

budget and overall operating expense rates are


running on budget.

connect via an easy-to-use interface with

(with an additional 733 outreach/collaborative students)

Undergraduate students: 1411

• Location: Allegheny County: 63.5%; other PA: 32.5 %; other states: 4%; other countries: <1% • Undergraduates who live on campus: 27%

Endowment: For the third quarter of 2013, the






the Greensburg Center.

endowment grew 5.52% through earnings from

Graduate students: 883

$18.3 million to $19.3 million. The one year

institutional effectiveness

• Gender: women: 86%; men: 14%

return of the endowment was 11.16% compared

• Ethnicity: white: 70%; African American: 9%;

to the benchmark of 10.49%.

Learning Outcomes: By the end of this academic

Director of Facilities: Tim Carney, who started

study will have been assessed at least once,

November 4, 2013, comes to Carlow with

and many programs will have completed two

26 years of facilities experience at Slippery Rock

years’ worth of assessments. A similar process


for assessing undergraduate core learning

all others: 5%; unreported: 16%

Enrollment Goals for 2014 (+12%) • Increase enrollment of FTE students in all majors to 900 (+73/+9%) • Increase in male FTE demographic to 11% • Increase enrollment in all Master’s/Doctoral

University Commons: The vision of this project,

year, learning outcomes for every program of

outcomes began last year.

formerly known as the University Learning

Institutional Effectiveness Committee: Formed

Commons, is to create a student centered

in September 2013, this committee oversees all

to 300 (+20/+5%); increase enrollment of PT

environment on two floors of the University

assessment processes at Carlow. The committee


Commons and consolidate current Library

consists of three working groups: TESLA (Team

Students to 325 (+20/+5%)

operations into two floors. The top floor of Grace

Empowering Student Learning Assessment),

Library may also be repurposed to allow for

Program Reviews, and Institutional Assessment.

flexible meeting space.

Institutional Assessment is the yearly assessment

programs to 966 (+75/+8%) • Increase enrollment of FTE Adult Students

• Increase enrollment of Transfer Students to 80 (+22/+38%) Strategies for Fall 2014: We have increased

Refresh of the Master Facilities Plan: The

Carlow’s geographic recruitment reach via

objective of the Plan is to address long range

“search” (name buying) to 10 contiguous states,

facility needs and includes in-depth looks at

with a focus on select cities within each state.

housing, parking, athletic facilities and the

A Recruitment Communications Plan has been

Campus School. Once completed, the Plan will

developed, and continues to be modified, to

be filed with the City of Pittsburgh.

best reach these students with messages that will resonate with them based on their selfidentified program of study. A complete review of all articulation/partnership agreements is underway in order to maximize transfer and dual-enrollment opportunities. This semester, the traditional counselors (undergraduate and transfer) have participated in 135 college fairs and 125 high school visits. Adult and Graduate

of the University’s strategic goals and outcomes as well of administrative and service functions’ goals and outcomes. These assessments will formally begin during this fiscal year. Program reviews are periodic reviews of both academic departments and administrative functions that focus on a holistic evaluation of whether they are meeting their goals, are using best practices, etc.

information technology

More information about institutional assessment and program processes will be shared with the

Computer Replacement: During the Summer

community as the processes are finalized.

and Fall of 2013, 165 computers and 22 tablets were replaced as the first phase of a computer replacement cycle. The plan is to replace every computer on campus on a four-year cycle.

middle states re-accreditation process

Working Groups: In Spring 2013, each of the

counselors have participated in 50 college visits,

Classroom Technology Improvements: An on-

Middle States Commission on Higher Education

events and fairs, including Continuing Education

campus phone extension, for immediate help

(MSCHE) Working Groups identified data that

of Pennsylvania (CEPA) events and the Trauma

while in classrooms, was activated as of the fall

would help them assess Carlow’s compliance

Nursing conference.

semester. Old-style equipment is being phased

with MSCHE’s Standards of Excellence. This

out for standard button-style controls with

fall, the Working Groups contacted almost every

new projectors and computers. Many classrooms

office on campus with requests for information,

office of the president

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carlow university

• president’s quarterly update • november 2013

statistics, assessments, marketing materials,

• Frank Dreslinski, Facilities

Benevolent Living Upon Earth (BLUE): Every

handbooks, and every other piece of data we

• Amy Neil, University Communications and

building on campus now has a hydration station

collectively create. Although this is only an initial pass, and more data requests will come as needed over the next two years, the MSCHE

External Relations

• Liz Smith, Student

• Aimee Zellars, Ethics

• Student Experience: Standards 8

Steering Committee was able to gather and

(Admissions and Retention) and 9 (Student

catalog a remarkable amount of information

where reusable water bottles can be filled. The station in Frances Warde Hall, now a year old, has saved nearly 20,000 plastic bottles from ending up in a landfill.

Support Services)

that will be crucial to demonstrating Carlow’s

• Nancy Jacqmin, Mathematics, Co-Chair

• Chris Meaner, Student Life, Co-Chair

Priorities: There are two main priorities for the

• Amanda Knispel, Student

Athletics: There are 93 student-athletes this year

Steering Committee this spring: Identify an

• Mary Onufer, Management

• Anne Rashid, English

competing on seven teams. This year, Volleyball

• Terri Ranft, Human Resources

• Jim Shankel, Admissions

compliance with MSCHE’s standards.

overall design and supporting research questions for the Self Study and assess our current state of compliance with each Standard and identify

• Faculty: Standard 10 (Faculty)

areas in which we need to make improvements.

student life

made the USCAA Nationals and placed 5th out of 10 teams. Soccer made it to the league semi-finals and ended their season with a nail-biting double overtime shoot-out at their new

• Deanne D’Emilio, Management, Co-Chair

MSCHE Working Group Rosters: The membership

• Clare Hopkins, Nursing, Co-Chair

of each Working Group was determined to best

• Anita Dacal, Advancement

• Heather Jellison, Student

• Judith Toure, Education

in six events this fall, and three runners were

• Natalie Wilson, Financial Aid

named Scholar-Athletes. Tennis, Basketball,

reflect the diversity of Carlow University as well as insure a necessary skill-set to accomplish the task of evaluation, not description. The

• Learning: Standards 11 (Educational

composition of each Working Group reflects the

Offerings), 12 (General Education) and 13

breadth of disciplines and tasks reflective of our

(Related Educational Activities)

institution and our mission as well as length of

home field, Highmark Stadium. Eleven soccer players were named Scholar-Athletes this fall. Men’s and Women’s Cross-Country competed

and Softball all started fall practice and competition as well. “New” Chief of Police: Sean Johnson was named

time at the University and range of demographic

• Susan O’Rourke, Education, Co-Chair

Chief of Police effective October 31, 2013. Sean


• Bridget Ponte, CAA, Co-Chair

• Jason Krall, Registrar

became the Acting Chief on April 1, 2013. The

• Dave Gallaher, Chemistry

Goals), 7 (Institutional Assessment) and 14

• Julie Gaul, Wellness and Fitness

closely with him to make great improvements in

(Assessment of Student Learning)

• Alex Mykita, Student

our police services, and when we did our police

• Drew Wilson, University Communications

and safety needs assessment earlier in the fall,

• Effectiveness: Standards 1 (Mission and

• Dottie Antonucci, Controller, Co-Chair

• Joe Roberts, Psychology, Co-Chair

• Janine Bartholomew, Biology

• Meg Bernard, Advancement

• Tamare Piersaint, Student

• Kristin Raup, University Communications

and External Relations

• Beth Zamboni, Mathematics

• Linda Root, Student Accounts

• Administration: Standards 2 (Planning), 3 (Institutional Resources) and 5 (Administration)

feedback was overwhelmingly positive. Men’s Basketball: Men’s Basketball started as a club sport this fall with an eye toward building

mercy heritage

into an intercollegiate team. As of January, they will be working with a new coach, Tim Keefer,

and External Relations

Police Officers and Dispatchers have worked

Outreach: On the days leading up to Thanksgiving,

who previously started the Men’s Basketball

the Office of Mercy Heritage along with Campus

team at Penn State McKeesport and is a retired

Ministry, Diversity Initiatives and the Mercy

teacher in the Pittsburgh Public School system.

Center for Service is focused on the generosity of the Carlow community. Good Cup of Tea Day

Center for Academic Achievement: Tutoring

raised $508 to rebuild the devastated ministries

and learning support services continue to grow

• Sue Winstel, Admissions

of the Sisters of Mercy in the Philippines. In

through the Center for Academic Achievement.

• George Sliman, Athletics

addition, 21 Thanksgiving baskets were collected

As of November 8, 2013, 323 unique students,

• Peggy Slota, Nursing

for the families served by Heritage Initiatives

approximately 14% percent of the student

• Nick Verona, Student

in Braddock. On November 23, 2013, 15 Carlow

population, had sought tutoring services. That

Mercy Leaders and McDarby Institute members

represents a 22% increase over the same point

came together for a day of service at Heritage,

last year and an 11% over the numbers for the

helping to pack additional baskets for families to

entire Fall 2012 semester. All segments of

pick up in time for their holiday dinner.

our student population use the Center for

• Pat Cunningham, Finance, Co-Chair

• Sue Rubisch-Gisler, Management, Co-Chair

• Leadership: Standards 4 (Leadership) and 6 (Integrity)

• Sister Sheila Carney, Mercy Heritage, CoChair

• Renee Ingel, Nursing, Co-Chair

office of the president

Academic Achievement’s services: traditional

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carlow university

• president’s quarterly update • november 2013

students comprise 66% of this Fall’s tutoring

following a rebranding effort this summer. A

numbers, with adult students at 26% and

“Welcome Packet” for admitted students will be

graduate students at 8%.

unveiled in January.

Career Management and Networking (CARMEN):

Hilltop Happenings: A weekly email, highlighting

This online database allows students and alumni

campus activities and events, was established

to search for open jobs and internships, create

and is sent to members of the campus community

custom data searches, post resumes and

every Monday.

other materials for our network of employers to view, locate employer contacts through various electronic and social media networks, and schedule appointments online. Employers can also access the system directly to post positions for our students and alumni. This is a great step forward in supporting our students’ career development.




In the planning stages are materials and communications plans for both donors and alumni, which will coincide with the public launch of the Comprehensive Campaign in April. Rebranding:



Integrated plan





a brand analysis and rebranding of the institution communications and external relations

beginning this spring and over the next year. A rebranding effort cannot occur until a

Carlow.edu: The new website maximizes our

new strategic plan is in place as the plan

opportunity to share Carlow’s stories through

will provide significant direction to Carlow’s

photos, videos, feature stories and spotlights.

revitalized identity.

Faculty, staff and students can submit their story ideas via the portal at https://carlow.wufoo.com/ forms/tell-us-your-story/ Transitional Brand: University Communications and External Relation’s focus over the past 10 months has been to create a “transition brand” for Carlow University. The University seal, which was being used as a logo, was removed from advertising as was the tagline “Values. Vision. Scholarship.” The emphasis has moved to highlighting key messages and showcasing photos (website, print materials and advertising) that resonate with parents and prospective students from all demographics (age, gender and race), with an emphasis on programmatic marketing via the new Recruitment Communications Plan. During this transition period, branding guidelines (for print and web) are being updated and guidelines for campus signage and photography are being finalized to create a culture of “one brand-one voice”. Recruitment Communications Plan: This Plan is designed to maximize outreach to prospective students,






communications. The plan also involves the creation of several new admissions pieces in lieu of a new viewbook, which will be produced

office of the president

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carlow university

• president’s quarterly update • november 2013 university committee membership

Inauguration Committee

President’s Task Force for Refreshing

University Budget Committee

The Inauguration Committee is charged with

the Facilities Master Plan

The University Budget Advisory Committee

working with the campus community to plan

The purpose of the President’s Task Force

(UBAC) will serve as an advisory body to the

and execute events and programs during the

for Refreshing the Facilities Master Plan is

President and the President’s Cabinet. The

week leading up to the April 5 celebration that

to update the current facilities master plan,

UBAC is charged with the review of all budget

highlight Carlow University’s excellence - its

specifically with attention to the University

assumptions and plans at all stages of the

history, faculty, staff, students, alumni and the



budget process. The UBAC also recommends

new president.

programmatic plans for the building, and

to the President changes in the process and

address facility needs in response to overall

strategy in the budgeting process. President

University needs and institutional goals.

will make appointments to the UBAC based



Deanne D’Emilio

Elizabeth Birdsell

Steve Fatla

Jennifer Carlo

Clare M. Hopkins

Sister Sheila Carney

Dale Huffman Nancy Jacqmin Marilyn Llewellyn

Barbara Gilles

Allyson Lowe

Laurie Petty



on expertise and recommendations. UBAC



will report to the President based on an

Sylvia Rhor

Jennifer Carlo

established budget schedule and in a format

Siobhan DeWitt

Wivina Chmura

agreed to with the President.

Karen Galentine

Pat Cunningham




Students Elena Onofreiciuc Elizabeth Smith

Amy Neil (Co-Chair)



Dan Hall

Sandi DiMola

Erica Armbruster

Andrew Wilson

Susan Rubisch-

August Delbert


Bridget Ponte


Christopher Meaner

Laura Rihn

Peg Slota

Linda Root

Strategic Planning Steering Committee



The Strategic Planning Steering Committee

Allison Cox

Andrew Wilson

Student Liz Smith

is working with the President on developing a Institutional Effectiveness Committee The




Committee is responsible for ensuring that the assessment initiatives undertaken in all areas of the University conform to best practices in assessing student learning, in meeting accreditation standards, and in measuring overall institutional effectiveness. The committee will ensure that assessment initiatives are not duplicative, are used to facilitate and inform university-wide planning,

Pat Cunningham

new University Strategic Plan that will guide

Carey Libertini

Carlow as we move into the future.



Jason Bartollaci

Dottie Antonucci

Maureen Crossen

Anne Candreva

Deanne D’Emilio

Sr. Sheila Carney


Barbara Johnson

David Gallaher

Beth Koenig

Harriet Schwartz

Garrett Margliatti

Carla Tomas

Amy Neil Michele Peduto

are systematic and sustained, and that they contribute to the University’s efforts to fulfill


its mission and achieve its vision.

Linzie Farmerie Vanessa Whiteman

George Sliman


University Retention Committee The University Retention Committee has been charged by the President to monitor and assess retention, persistence, and graduation rates and establish targets for all student categories and subgroups, and to create, assess, and oversee retention and persistence methods of support, tracking, and intervention across the University.



Jessica Friedrichs

Anne Candreva

Nancy Jacqmin

Jen Carlo (Chair)



Diane Matthews

Erin Bridgen

Jason Krall

Anne Rashid

Anne Candreva

Liz McClintock


Chris Meaner

Bob Reed Laura Schatzkamer

Augie Delbert

Bridget Ponte

Jeffrey Devlin

Jim Shankel

Carrie Libertini

Natalie Wilson

Jim Shankel Rose Wooley

office of the president

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