2014 03 quarterly update

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presi dent ’ s quarterly u pdate carlow university

• office of the president • march 2014

new vision for the university

Wednesday, April 2

inauguration week

Carlow University will be renowned as a preeminent Catholic university in the region and beyond for its exceptional learning experiences, innovation, partnerships, and commitment to social justice. A Carlow University education is a transformational experience, in which students realize their


10 a.m.–3 p.m.

he numerous events and activities during

Undergraduate Scholarship Day

the week leading up to my installation

A.J. Palumbo Hall of Science and Technology






University’s commitment to excellence–in the classroom and in the community. I want to offer my sincere thanks to Laurie Petty for chairing

3:30 p.m.–5 p.m. Honors Convocation Rosemary Heyl Theatre, Antonian Hall

the Inauguration Committee, and to the faculty,

5:30 p.m.–8:30 p.m.

leaders committed to a just and merciful world.

staff, and students who are working so very hard

Graduate Colloquium

to make this historic celebration one that truly

The Carlow Commitment: Transforming lives.

A.J. Palumbo Hall of Science and Technology

highlights all that is exceptional about Carlow.

Transforming our world.

I look forward to joining you in honoring the

Thursday, April 3

University’s rich history of excellence.

11 a.m.–2 p.m.

full potential and become career-ready ethical

presidential task force for revision of the mission statement

Monday, March 31–Saturday, April 5

Helping Hands—In the Spirit of Catholic Social Justice

As mentioned at the State of the University,

Student and Alumni Art Show

All campus service project

with our vision for the future, it is timely to

Displayed in the Art Gallery on the ground floor

St. Joseph Hall, Registration required.

review our mission statement and its alignment

of Frances Warde Hall,

with who we are now. The alignment is also

Kresge Theatre Lobby, and Hospitality Suite

important from an accreditation perspective, as noted by the Middle States consultant who was recently on campus. A Presidential Task Force for Updating and Revision of the Mission Statement has been charged this week to begin this work.

Monday, March 31

1 p.m.–2 p.m.

Friday, April 4

1:30 p.m. Inaugural Mass St. Paul Cathedral

Study Abroad and International Student Art Show and Presentation

3 p.m.–5 p.m.

Aquinas Hall, 2nd floor

Inaugural Reception A.J. Palumbo Hall of Science and Technology

Sister Sheila Carney, RSM, will chair this group. Since the Board of Trustees will need to approve any updates or changes to the mission, Sister Patricia Mary Hespelein, RSM, a member of the Board, will also serve on the task force. Other members of the group include: professors Mary Burke, Chrystel Gabrich, Jessica Friedrichs, and William Kowalis; and staff members Laura Rihn and Kate McConnell. As the task force completes its charge, there will be an opportunity to

12:30 p.m.–2 p.m. “High Performance Learning in Action”

Saturday, April 5

The School of Education and The Campus School

10:45 a.m.

Student Demonstrations

Inaugural Procession

Tiernan Hall Library

Grace Library

3:30 p.m.–4:30 p.m.

11 a.m.

“Carlow in the Community”

Installation Ceremony

Grace Ann Geibel Institute for Justice and Social

Rosemary Heyl Theatre, Antonian Hall


Reception following, St. Agnes Center

A.J. Palumbo Hall of Science and Technology

7:30 p.m.

provide input into the process from the

Tuesday, April 1

Master of Fine Arts 10th Anniversary

University community.

12:30 p.m.–2 p.m.

Reading by acclaimed Irish writer Edna O’Brien

“Advances in Healthcare Practices”

Rosemary Heyl Theatre, Antonian Hall

School of Nursing Presentations

Tickets Required



addressing or












Kresge Theatre

University that will underpin and accompany

3:30 p.m.–4:30 p.m.

the mission statement.

Carlow Cabaret—A musical event

Please visit www.carlow.edu/inauguration for more information.

Frances Warde Hall Lobby

office of the president

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carlow university

• president’s quarterly update • march 2014

strategic planning process

7. Thriving private institutions adopt short

Upgrades will include efficient heating and

and long-term goals related to the physical

cooling systems, flooring, windows, and will

ork continues on crafting a new

environment that reinforce engagement,

incorporate other best practices in energy

Strategic Plan for Carlow University.

mission, and vision.

conservation. Renovation over new construction


From the beginning, this has been

a campus-wide endeavor with more than 400 faculty, staff, students, alumni, trustees, and Sisters of Mercy participating in focus groups

8. Thriving private institutions habitually ask themselves if what they are doing is working and change if it is not. 9. Thriving private institutions plan boldly for the

The Steering Committee formed five Theme

future and financial resources are allocated to

Teams and added more community members

enable the plans to be executed.

developing the themes. There are 47 Theme

Once the plan is complete, we will regularly

Team members with broad representation

monitor our progress with a Thriving Scorecard. We thank you for your participation in the

With the help of CREDO, an external strategic

focus groups, theme teams, and for attending

planning consulting firm, the Theme Teams

the community wide meeting. To provide you

have been writing and refining the theme

with a closer look at the Strategic Plan, we invite

statements along with objectives, measures,

you to a Community Wide Forum on Friday,

and initiatives which are linked to and driven by

April 11, from 3 p.m.–4:30 p.m. in AJP 107.

the Vision to position Carlow as a preeminent

Members of the Steering Committee will

Catholic university in the region and beyond that

present the current Strategy Map and there will

is known for its commitment to social justice

be an opportunity for you to offer feedback as

and distinctive focus on preparing career-

well. A reception in the atrium will follow

ready ethical leaders. In addition, the Steering

the meeting. Please plan to continue your

Committee will continually assess the alignment

participation in this important process.

nine characteristics of a thriving institution as outlined by CREDO, and shared at campus-wide open forum on February 25: 1. Thriving private institutions have a clearly defined vision.

work they do. 3. Thriving private institutions know their unique story and are able to tell it well both internally


foot University Commons will be the center of campus life and learning at

Carlow University. Amenities will include three

and externally.

for the Center for Digital Learning and Innovation, study spaces, and informal, shared workspaces for students. It will play a vital role in educating students, combining elements of teaching, health





completed in August 2015. This is an aggressive but realistic timeline that will necessitate several temporary inconveniences as all of the services currently housed in the building will need to be relocated—temporarily for some services, and permanently for others. In addition, several services not currently housed in the building also will be relocated to allow several of the departments currently housed in Grace Library to remain centrally located. Because present space is at a premium on campus, we will make use of one section of the Motherhouse—commonly called the West Wing— to house the President’s Office (temporarily),

Dean of Academic Affairs and Administration.

hen completed, the 82,500-square-



and temporarily house the Provost and the

university commons update


Timeline and Relocations

Finance and Human Resources, Advancement,

computer labs, a café, a state-of-the-art home 2. Thriving private institutions are proud of the

being a good steward of existing resources for


to each team to assist in the process of

between Carlow’s strategic priorities and the

and at a lower cost. In the end, the University is emerging and future needs.

which led to the creation of five strategic themes.

from across the campus.

can help achieve University goals more rapidly



Additionally, the University Archives, the ethics chair’s office, and conference and meeting room space will be in the Motherhouse. The Board of Trustees will meet in the Arcade Room, located in the basement. Plans are being finalized for the temporary relocation of the library. The Bookstore will be relocated to a storefront next to Sciulli’s Pizza on Fifth Avenue.

collaboration, and technological support. It

Printing Services and the Facilities Office will

will integrate an array of faculty and student

join the Fitness Center in the basement of the

leadership to fuel the vision; this is the energy

services that support student and faculty learning

St. Agnes Center. Additional storage space

behind the momentum on campus.

and collaboration.

for facilities will be in St. Agnes School. The

4. Thriving private institutions rely on bold

5. Thriving private institutions ensure their students stay in school, have high graduation rates, find fulfilling employment, and give back to their communities and beyond. 6. Thriving private institutions recognize

Why Renovate Instead of Building New? The University has decided to renovate and repurpose the Grace Library space because it is an effective and cost-efficient way to meet the need for a changing learning environment.

Mailroom will be relocated to the second floor of Dougherty Hall, with student mailboxes being located in the back of Franny’s. Information regarding relocations and project developments will be regularly communicated to the campus community as details are confirmed.

the execution of their mission and vision

By transforming an older space to suit modern

is dependent on the financial health of

needs, the University is also being mindful

When completed, University Commons will

the institution.

of issues of sustainability and conservation.

include space for:

office of the president

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carlow university

• president’s quarterly update • march 2014

Student Affairs:

frequently asked questions, and more. There

The theme of Carlow’s Self-Study, in keeping

• Student Government and Campus Activities

is also a forum where you can post questions.

with the emerging Strategic Plan and new Vision


for the University, will be Transformation in three


categories, each with outcomes attached:

Board • Student clubs

IT-Division.aspx. In addition, please refer to the calendar on MyPortal and announcements

• Office of Student Affairs Learning Commons: • Library, individual and group study

for upcoming CIO open forums, where Jeffrey

(MSCHE Standards 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, and 13)

Devlin will be available to address any questions

o Carlow will have a well-designed and

regarding the transition.

areas, classrooms

One of the keys to success in this transition,

• Mercy Center (Campus Ministry, Mercy

as well as the future of effective and useful

Center for Service)

technology on campus, is in effective and open

• Experiential Learning (Global Learning,

governance. Building on recommendations from

Career Development)

an IT Assessment performed in January, Carlow

• Rita M. McGinley Center for Student

is designing a Technology Advisory Council to

Success (tutoring and academic support)

be comprised of cross-campus representation

• Center for Digital Learning and Innovation

in support of prioritization, project coordination, and policy development along with other tactical

(digital teaching support for faculty)

and strategic initiatives.

• Hopkins Communications Lab (digital learning support for students)

middle states re-accreditation process

Social Life and Public Access:


• Café • Art gallery

meet Carlow learning outcomes. o Carlow will provide learning opportunities in and out of the classroom that will promote the development of career-ready ethical leaders. • Transforming Our Environment (MSCHE Standards 3, 4, 5, and 6) o Carlow will strengthen its services and programming for online students and those at our other two locations. well-documented system of governance for

the six working groups have studied all 14

all areas and levels of the University.

with each fundamental aspect of the Standards,

Leadership Offices:

attain general education competencies and

accomplished its first major milestone:

have documented the state of our compliance

• Post Office

readily assessed and enables students to

o Carlow will have a clear, readily accessible,

of Carlow documents and files. The groups

• Bookstore

integrated core curriculum that can be

he Middle States Self-Study process has

Standards and have combed through hundreds


• Transforming Learning

and a first draft of the proposed outcomes

• Transforming Ourselves (MSCHE Standards 1, 2, 7, and 14) o Carlow will complete and begin to implement a new strategic plan.

• President

for the Self-Study has been compiled. This was

o Carlow will demonstrate a comprehensive

• Provost

a huge amount of work and our colleagues

system of institutional assessment for all

on the Self-Study Steering Committee as well

areas of the University.

it–transition to hybrid model

as the members of the working groups deserve

o Carlow will clearly tie its budgeting process


our thanks.

This hybrid model will include the hiring of on-

with several groups of faculty and staff to discuss

Self-Study co-chairs welcome any and all input

site Carlow employees, use of collaborations

various aspects of the state of our compliance

on these themes and outcomes. They will spend

and consortial arrangements, and background

and to provide us with advice on our next steps.

much of this month drafting research questions

outsourcing where appropriate. For example, the

She then provided a final report to the cabinet.

for the MSCHE Steering Committee’s review

Help Desk will continue to be located on campus

Ms. Suskie, a former Middle States vice president,

and creating our Self-Study Design Document

during normal business hours and we will be

reported that we are well ahead of where most

before our MSCHE Liaison, Dr. Andrea Lex, visits

using a collaborative/consortial service for

schools are at this stage of the Self-Study, and

campus in May.

night and weekend support. We will be making

she praised the commitment of the members of

announcements in early April regarding the first

the Self-Study Steering Committee she met. She

wave of new IT team members.

also told us that our draft outcomes were quite

s I announced in January, we are

and financial decisions to its strategic plan, informed by annual assessment data.

transitioning the Information Technology

On February 28, our accreditation consultant,

Department to a hybrid model of support.

Linda Suskie, spent the day at Carlow meeting

Anne Candreva, Jen Carlo, and Bob Reed, the

good and strongly suggested that we choose a A site on MyPortal has been created to

comprehensive model for our study in which we


organize the MSCHE Standards around a theme





transition in service model means to the campus community, as well as transition timelines,

office of the president

of resonance to the University.

academic affairs

Code of Ethical Conduct Training An online training module will roll out to all faculty and staff on April 10, 2014. All employees should review the Code of Ethical Conduct and

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• president’s quarterly update • march 2014

complete the online training between April 10 –

to chart their technology future and, most

Congratulations to both the Carlow Like-A-Bots

April 25, 2014. More information will be sent via

important of all, their community’s prospects for

and Carlow Sharknadoes for a fantastic showing

e-mail the week of April 7, 2014.


at the First Lego League Robotics Championship.

Carlow Junior Makes History

A $150,000 grant from The Pittsburgh Foundation

For the first time in the institution’s 85-year history, a Carlow University student has been selected to the Committee on Institutional

to the School of Education will support the High Performance Learning program in the development of curricula for two master’s degree

Both teams had the best robot performance ever in the past 13 years that the Campus School has been competing, placing eighth and 20th respectively out of over 200 teams.

programs. The first is a leadership program for


multiple stakeholders in education and the

be delivering presentations at the National

second is a certification program for teachers.

Catholic Education Association Convention in

The programs will address the critical need for

Pittsburgh in April: “The Roots of STEM” by

transformation at all levels of current educational

Suzanne Ament and Carole Wojciechowski and

systems in order to promote meaningful teaching

“Montessori 101” by Stephanie Conrad, Laurie

and learning at all grade levels.

Laird, and Laura Kelley.

research as part of their undergraduate education.

Highmark awarded the School of Nursing


Jalina will be working in a Psycholingusitics

$250,000 for expanding Carlow’s simulation

Lab at the University of Wisconsin-Madison this

capacity in both clinical and basic science skills,

summer. SROP prides itself on being a gateway

with a particular emphasis on supporting the

to graduate education at CIC universities. The

Family Nurse Practitioner program.

The University Commons is beneficiary of a

Faculty Scholarship

and a $20,000 bequest from the Estate of





Opportunities Program (SROP). Junior Jalina McClarin, a psychology major, has been accepted into this highly prestigious and competitive program where undergraduates are matched with researchers at Big Ten schools and are given a unique opportunity to conduct graduate-level

goal of the program is to increase the number of underrepresented students who pursue graduate study and research careers. SROP helps prepare undergraduates for graduate study through intensive research experiences with faculty mentors and enrichment activities. Carlow faculty Sylvia Rhor, PhD; Stephanie Wilsey, PhD; and Clara Cheng, PhD, were instrumental throughout the application process and in helping Jalina make history, as was Carlow Laureate Mary Ann Sestili, PhD ’61.

Sixteen faculty received faculty development travel awards for spring 2014. Twelve out of the 16 faculty are presenting at academic conferences. During this year alone, more than 50 percent of Carlow faculty have attended academic meetings regionally, nationally, and internationally, presenting their scholarship in a variety of forums.


Three major grants have been received in Academic Affairs in the past three months. Carlow University has received a $205,000 grant from The Benedum Foundation to establish a





Estate Gifts

$770,000 gift from the Estate of Jack Laubach Mary Anne Gearing ’42. Both gifts will be recognized with a named area in the transformed facility. Mr. Laubach was an international business executive who believed in Catholic education, and was a long-time friend of Carlow University. Ms. Gearing was a 1942 graduate with a degree in chemistry. In addition, The Rita M. Fritz Endowment for the

Lou Boyle, PhD; August Delbert; Monique






McLaughlin, PhD; and Aimee Zellers have been accepted to participate in the Association of American Colleges and Universities 2014 Institute on General Education and Assessment

Mercy Center for Service has been established with a gift from her estate. The fund will provide ongoing support for the Mercy Center for Service. Grants In addition, the following grants have been

CREATE Lab satellite at The Campus School

in Burlington, Vermont this summer.


of Carlow University that will focus on the

Campus School

• The Francis Edward McGillick Foundation

integration of STEAM (Science, Technology,

contributed $107,000 for scholarships.

Engineering, Arts, and Mathematics) Education

The Campus School developed a new strategic

practices and high performance learning. As

plan and was highly recommended for Middle

a CREATE (Community Robotics, Education,

States Reaccreditation.

and Technology Empowerment) Lab satellite university,






Education practices that unite principles of high performance learning through the lens of a scholar-practitioner model for PK-20+. The CREATE Lab is both the technology breeding ground and a community partner focused on a new form of local change: one that empowers the citizens (from early childhood onward)

office of the president

The Campus School forensics team ended their regular season with another terrific success at the Butler Catholic Finals Tournament. For the second year in a row, the team won the league trophy for coming in first place in total points, competing against 28 other schools during the 2013-2014 season.

• $50,000 from The Heinz Endowments for the Youth Media Advocacy Program. • The Bethany Foundation approved a $50,000 grant for scholarships. Annual Alumni Scholarship Benefit Luncheon The annual Alumni Scholarship Benefit Luncheon benefitting the Sister Rose Marie Hauber, RSM, Endowed Scholarship Fund and the new Alumni Scholarship Fund is scheduled for Saturday, March 29, from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. at the Pittsburgh

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carlow university

• president’s quarterly update • march 2014

Athletic Association. Currently, two upperclass

assessment plans and only four percent of them

students are selected to receive the Sister Rose

were entered into TracDat. The next steps are for

Marie Hauber, RSM, Endowed Scholarship. To

all of the programs of study to collect assessment

register, visit www.carlow.edu/alumni and click

results in the coming months, evaluate those

on Alumni News and Events.

results, and devise action plans for improving the

For the fourth consecutive year, a Carlow group

curriculum, improving their assessment plans

participated in a Habitat for Humanity build in

(or both), based on that analysis.

Laredo, Texas. Twenty students travelled to Texas

information technology

student life

Alternative Spring Break

with Chris Meaner and Carrie Benson. PC Replacement

Since October, assessment processes have

Once again Carlow will be upgrading many PCs on campus. This is year two of a replacement plan which will take a few years to stabilize. In early April, IT will be contacting those who are “on the list” for this year. Later this summer IT will be providing everyone on campus with an update to the intended replacement schedule.

been charted for eight of the 12 outcomes, and

Grant for “College to Career Transition”

groups are diligently working on coming up


with assessment processes for the other four. Comprehensive sets of student work will be collected this semester for as many of these learning outcomes as possible, and a Summer Assessment Team is being formed that will apply rubrics to these artifacts and analyze the results in order to determine action steps for

Classroom Upgrades

improvement to implement next academic year.

Last summer, classrooms in every building in Oakland and Greensburg received some form of technology upgrade. The Academic Computing Committee and Academic Lead Team will be reviewing this summer’s list of planned upgrades with the intent to have the rooms upgraded over the summer and ready for the fall. Also, AJP 107 will receive some attention in






monitoring assessment processes across the University. A comprehensive list of potential criteria for inclusion in the proposed academic program review process was compiled and is being reviewed by Academic Affairs. Plans are being made for transparently measuring and assessing our progress on the next strategic plan, and for using of those measurements and assessments as input into future planning and budgeting cycles.

college to career transition conference into a

Agnes Center on February 17.

much-anticipated annual signature event. The

New Jersey in Hurricane Sandy restoration.

competitive grant process. Sleep Research Partnership Health Services is partnering with the University of Pittsburgh Departments of Sleep Medicine and

Relay for Life, Washington Area Humane Society,

Adolescent and Young Adult Medicine in a pilot


research dissemination study on sleep health. The





Carlow’s Early Learning Center.

Spring 2013 American College Health Association National College Health Assessment identified

Art Exhibit A contemporary version of the Way of the Cross has been created by Janet McKenzie, whose art exhibit “Holiness and the Feminine Spirit” was displayed on campus last year. Reproductions of

outcomes. Ninety-one percent of our programs

Wednesday and will be the inspiration for prayer

of study have developed assessment plans and

services throughout the season of Lent.

office of the president

initial funding for the project through a

at Girls on the Run at McGee Hospital, Oakmont

Frances Warde Chapel. They were hung for Ash

19 percent of programs of study had developed

of Independent Colleges (CIC), provided the

activities without leaving the city by volunteering

on assessment plans for student learning

wonderful achievement: one year ago today only

National Venture Fund, through the Council

In addition, 10 students engaged in service

her paintings have been purchased for use in the

assessment tracking software system. This is a

conference is to better prepare students for their

Office of Career Development hopes to grow the

All programs of study at Carlow are now working

81 percent have entered them into TracDat, our

undergraduate college students. The goal of the

the Carlow community at a ceremony in The St.

break to work with the United Way of Northern


to career transition” conference targeted to

7, 2014, will serve as a pilot for this model. The

Monmouth County, New Jersey, during spring


Vincent College), will host a one-day “college

Spring break volunteers were commissioned by

McKinley and Barbara Johnson, traveled to


Indiana University of Pennsylvania, and St.

The inaugural event, scheduled for November

functional and operable.


(Duquesne, California University of Pennsylvania,

workplace transition, and career management. Alternative Spring Break

Ten students, under the leadership of Jermaine


with the career centers of four area institutions

job or internship search, successful college to

mercy heritage

late March or early April to make the space more

institutional effectiveness

The Office of Career Development, in partnership

sleep as the second most impactful factor (after stress) affecting academic performance. Student participants will be asked to complete an initial survey and questionnaire, complete a sleep diary for one week, attend a research information presentation on campus, and complete a post intervention sleep diary for another week. The Carlow Student Advocates for Student Health (SASH) will assist in the recruitment and research information presentations. Health Services will receive a $1,200 stipend for our participation and support in the study, which will be used for further health education on campus.

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