2014 12 quarterly update

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presi dent ’ s quarterly u pdate carlow university

• office of the president • december 2014

MILITARY FRIENDLY STATUS ACHIEVED Carlow University has been named a Military Friendly® school by Victory Media, a veteranowned business and the publisher of

G.I. Jobs and the Guide to Military Friendly Schools, and—additionally—has signed a memorandum of understanding with the United States Department of Defense to be a preferred provider for education, which will allow military students to have full reimbursement of their Carlow tuition. The Military Friendly® Schools designation, a program in its sixth year, is awarded to the top 15 percent of colleges, universities, and trade schools in the country that are doing the most to embrace military students, and to dedicate resources to ensure their success in the classroom and after graduation.

STRATEGIC PLAN UPDATE In September 2014, I charged the Strategic Effectiveness Team with providing highlevel oversight for the implementation of our Strategic Plan. The members are: Erin Bridgen (Career Development), Anne Candreva, Chair (Institutional Research, Effectiveness, and Planning), Deanne D’Emilio (Academic Affairs), Carol Descak (Enrollment Management), David Gallaher (Chemistry), Carey Libertini (Finance and Administrative Services), Allyson Lowe (College of Leadership and Social Change), Emily Martin (University Communications and External Relations), Diane Matthews (Fraud and Forensics), Amy Schnarrenberger (Advancement), and Carla Tomas (Nursing). The Team meets during the first 10 days of each month to review the current status of the plan, problem solve, and alert me and the Cabinet to any aspect of the plan that may need prompt attention. This team will be sending out a monthly newsletter to keep you all informed. Click here for the inaugural issue. This year, nine of the twenty objectives in the

The methodology used for making the

strategic plan have been identified as priority

Military Friendly® Schools list has changed


the student-veteran landscape to one that is much more transparent, providing service

• Plan Enrollment

members with clear, date-driven ratings

• Diversify Programs and Formats

about post-military education and career

• Enhance Brand

opportunities. The survey captures more

• Expand Enrollment

than 50 leading practices in supporting

• Increase Fundraising

military students, and is provided free of

• Foster Distinctive Learning

charge to the more than 8,000 schools

• Elevate Experiential Learning

approved for Post-9/11 G.I. Bill funding.

• Grow Partnerships

Carlow is also a participant in the Yellow Ribbon G.I. Education Enhancement Program, which provides matching funds from the Department of Veterans Affairs to supplement the Post-9/11 G.I. Bill.

• Realign Master Plan Each of these objectives has multiple measures and initiatives in place to move Carlow University forward. Some examples of what has been accomplished so far in these initiatives include: creation of a business plan model for new

program development, a reorganization of the Enrollment Management function, development of tactical recruitment plans for new students, partnerships explored and developed with local community colleges, Carlow became a Military Friendly® school, several new programs are under development for Fall 2015 matriculation, an integrated marketing plan to increase regional brand awareness and perception has been finalized, a social media marketing plan has been finalized, a targeted marketing campaign for selected programs is under way, and the University Commons is 18% complete. Our new emphasis on enrollment is already bearing fruit: we have admitted 65% more traditional first-year students for Fall 2015 than we had last year at this time! Congratulations to the Enrollment Management team for that success. That news is tempered a bit by the fact that we are behind on our targets for traditional transfer students and adult students. It is earlier in the recruitment cycle for those students than it is for first-year students, so we have time to adjust our strategies and refocus our energies for those populations, and I will be commissioning a task force to focus on Adult students in January. More information to follow.

SEARCH UPDATE As mentioned in an email to the campus community, the search committees for the deans for the College for Health and Wellness, College of Leadership and Social Change, and College of Learning and Innovation have been formed and the national search has commenced. Following the initial review of candidates, it is anticipated that semi-finalists will be evaluated in February, with finalists coming to campus in March. The Vice President for Advancement search is ongoing, with new candidates coming to campus in early spring.

JOIN THE CARLOW COMMUNITY ONLINE! office of the president

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carlow university

• president’s quarterly update • december 2014

SAVE THE DATE The State of the University Address will be held Tuesday, January 27 from 12:30 p.m.-2 p.m. in the Rosemary Heyl Theatre, Antonian Hall.


meeting of the academic year centered around

• Report from the campus community focus

prioritizing our current values. This work

groups (inclusive of faculty, staff, students,

formed the basis for conversation groups during

external community members)

November, which were invited to further reflect on and refine the ways in which we name our

The task force is co-chaired by Patrick

values. Providing definitions for the values is

Cunningham, Vice President of Finance and

also part of this work. The Philosophy, Mission,

Administrative Services, and Jennifer Carlo,

and Values will be presented to the campus

PhD, Vice President of Student Engagement

community for one last opportunity to comment.

and Dean of Students, and consists of faculty representatives from each of the three Colleges,

The Core working group has been very busy

The final step in this process will be acceptance

enrollment management, the Campus School

coordinating the process of creating a new

by the Board of Trustees at their January

Executive Director, the Director of Facilities,

Core Curriculum. The process began this


and the student body. A final report and

fall with more than 60 faculty, staff, and students working in groups to research and develop proposals for a new Core Curriculum. On October 24, all groups and the campus community came together for a workshop to review the proposals and work toward a consensus on the direction and concept for the new Core. After the workshop, a new model— which incorporated elements from all of the proposals—was developed and presented to the University Faculty Assembly for endorsement. Since then, the Core working group has been refining the concept and developing implementation plans. Additional information sessions will be scheduled for those who still have questions or are interested in hearing about the new Core. Dates and times will be posted on myPortal. After the Carlow community reviews the final concept, a vote will be taken by the UFA toward the end of January. The concept will be presented to the Board of Trustees for approval at their January meeting.

VALUES, MISSION AND PHILOSOPHY STATEMENTS The groups charged with revising the University’s Mission and Values and with articulating the University’s Philosophy have completed their work. In September, members of the campus community were invited to view and comment on the draft Philosophy and Mission statements. Following the response sessions, these documents underwent further revision. Meanwhile, the Mission Task Force continued the work of re-examining the University’s

recommendations will be provided by May 1,




The Presidential Task Force on Update of the Carlow University Campus Master Plan has been charged with providing recommendations to the President and the Board on creating a roadmap for the future construction, renewal, and maintenance of Carlow’s campus, following the University’s strategic plan. The task force will ensure alignment with our vision for the future and plans for strategic growth in the University’s student populations and academic programs. Building on the submitted Campus Master Plan

The University Commons project is on budget

and with the soon-to-be-completed University

and on schedule for an August 15, 2015

Commons, the task force will provide updated

opening. Reconstruction work has started

recommendations regarding:

on four of the five floors of the building and detailing/bidding for the technology and

• Phases of development of facilities and the campus as a whole as a roadmap to identify

audio visual plan, furniture, and the public art project are in process.

short-term (5-7 years) and long-term opportunities • Infrastructure/facilities replacement, future

The Jack Buncher Foundation has provided a grant of $300,000 for construction and three years of programming for the Art Gallery

buildings to support first-rate academic

in the University Commons. Additionally,

programs, student housing, athletic facilities,

two corporate gifts have been received

parking, and “front door” presence in Oakland

from Carlow vendors to provide funding for

and the community

various areas and services in the University Commons: ComDoc has committed to a

• Suggestions to maximize campus resources and the physical plan while remaining flexible to adapt to changing needs

$50,000 contribution to name the printing stations and Scott Electric has provided $35,000 for the University Commons and facilities maintenance.

• Campus School growth needs and location

values. This work began in August with lunchtime conversation at the opening

office of the president

• Use of the St. Agnes Center property

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carlow university

• president’s quarterly update • december 2014 SCHOLARSHIP

Judith Touré, Education, co-authored “Shifting

The Nursing Department received the full 10-

Janine Bartholomew, Biology: Volonte D, Zou

and Culturally Relevant Pedagogy” with T.

year re-accreditation for all programs (BSN,

H, Bartholomew J, Liu Z, Morel P, and Galbiati

RN-BSN, MSN, and DNP) from Commission on

F. 2014 “Oxidative stress-induced inhibition of

Collegiate Nursing Education (CCNE). Carlow is

Sirt1 by caveolin-1 promotes p53-dependent

now accredited until Dec 31, 2024.

premature senescence and stimulates the


secretion of IL-6” is in review at the Journal of

Evaluation Policies, School Leadership, Wright and presented the paper at the Annual Conference of the Pennsylvania Association of Colleges and Teacher Educators in Harrisburg, PA. Judith Touré, Education, and Barbara Johnson,

The NCLEX-RN first-time BSN pass rate for

Biological Chemistry. This research was done

the class of May 2014 was 95%. Because the

in collaboration with University of Pittsburgh

PA State Board counts the year differently than

Medical School.

presented “Social Identity and student voice:

Lou Boyle, English, presented “Malory’s

Together they participated in a panel of faculty,

an academic year, Carlow’s first-time pass rate through Sept 30, 2014, was 92%.

Gawain: Justice, Counsel, and Mirrors for


Princes” at the 24th Triennial Congress of the International Arthurian Society in Bucharest,

Center for Mercy Heritage and Service, Intergroup Dialogue at Carlow University.” staff, and students at the Pennsylvania Black Conference on Higher Education in Pittsburgh. Csaba Toth, Humanities, presented “Paul

The three Middle States Self Study working

Romania, a world gathering of top Arthurian

groups (Transforming Learning, Transforming


Lafargue and the Utopics of Idleness” at the

have each completed extensive first drafts

Kathleen Hopkins, Nursing - Doctorate, has

Montreal, Canada. The essay will be published in

of their respective sections of the Self Study

been named an ad-hoc reviewer for 21 poster

document. The Self Study co-chairs (Jen Carlo,

abstracts for the Oncology Nursing Society

Bob Reed, and Anne Candreva) are reviewing and


Our Environment, and Transforming Ourselves)

Society for Utopian Studies (October 23-26) in

Utopian Studies.


compiling these drafts into one document. When Dale Huffman, Art, designed a new soda kiln for

With a gift of $30,000 Carlow alumna and former

community will be asked for their comments on

the Smedjebacken Art Center, Smedjebacken,

Campus School teacher Janice Cygnarowicz

the document.

Sweden, in July and conducted the workshop

Lisiak ’71 and her husband, Dr. Kenneth Lisiak,

to construct it. That same month, he conducted

generously established the Miss Janice and

a workshop covering his wheel-throwing and

Dr. Kenneth Lisiak Carlow Campus School

hand-building techniques in Gendo Keramik,

University Research Initiative to support and

Tolne, Denmark. In November, Huffman had a

encourage collaboration between The Campus

Juried Exhibition, Illusions, at Pittsburgh Center

School and Carlow University. This very special

for the Arts.

fund will provide students with the unique

that work is completed, members of the Carlow

CARLOW FAST FACTS •9 4% of students who graduated with a bachelor’s degree in December 2012 and May 2013 are employed. •8 0% of all Carlow graduates in December 2012 and May 2013 (undergraduate and graduate) completed at least one internship.

opportunity to engage in meaningful research Enrique Mu’s and Howard A Stern’s paper,

with faculty and The Campus School staff, which

“The City of Pittsburgh goes to the cloud: a case

will enrich their learning experience at Carlow,

study of cloud solution strategic selection and

as well as enhance the curriculum at The

deployment” was published in the Journal of

Campus School.

Information Technology Teaching Cases (2014). Marianne Felice, MD, ’66 endowed the Marianne Susan O’Rourke, Education, served as Program

E. Felice, MD Women’s Empowerment Fund

Chair at BRAGA 2014: Embracing Inclusive

with a generous $25,000 gift. The fund will

Approaches, in Braga, Portugal (July 11-14).

provide the opportunity for female Carlow

She also co-presented “Not an illusion: The

students to participate in a Public Leadership

magical benefits of a technology-mediated arts

Education Network (PLEN) program or

curriculum” at the international conference for

internship in Washington, D.C.

more than 500 special education professionals from 40 countries.

Alumna Barbara Capozzi Kirr ’60 and her husband David Kirr have agreed to renew

office of the president

Ann Rashid, English, was a finalist in the Fourth

the Capozzi-Kirr Challenge with a generous

Annual Pat Schneider Poetry Contest sponsored

gift of $25,000. Since the first Capozzi Kirr

by Amherst Writers and Artists.

Challenge gift of $50,000 in December 2005 and

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carlow university

• president’s quarterly update • december 2014

subsequent gifts, 37 new endowed funds have been established and Carlow’s endowment


increased by more than $1.2M, resulting in permanent programmatic support and

Elisco Advertising has been selected to advise and assist the institution in developing and

scholarships for generations of students to

launching a three-year, comprehensive branding and advertising campaign to strengthen


the University’s position in the higher education marketplace. This will be the first major advertising campaign for Carlow in the recent past, and it will be critical in helping Carlow

On November 20, alumna Barbara Kraft ’83

achieve its strategic goals as they relate to enrollment and enhancing the brand. In early

presented Carlow with a check in the amount

January, the campus community will be invited to a series of open forums to discuss how to

of $56,000 for the Barbara E. Kraft ’83

best differentiate Carlow in this competitive environment.

Endowment for Theology, which she established


in 2007. The fund supports programming for the theology program in the form of lecture series, conferences, education resources, the development of theology coursework, as well as student assistance. Dollar Bank has pledged $30,000 over two years for adult undergraduate scholarships.

TECHNOLOGY UPDATES The Technology Advisory Council is reviewing assessment results from an external review

OLD SCHOOL JUST GOT SCHOOLED. Don’t just study progressive learning, learn progressively. Earn your M.S. or M.Ed. online.

Performance Learning MEd and MS programs is underway. View a video of education faculty

At Carlow University, we’ve always been known for preparing great teachers and educational leaders. Now we’re transforming education through two new online Master’s programs:

conducted earlier in 2014. The Council has

• Master of Science in Leadership for High Performance Learning, with optional PA Principal Certification

defined two primary objectives for 2015: creation

• Master of Education in Teaching for High Performance Learning, with optional PA Secondary or Middle Level Certification

of a Technology Strategic Plan and also the need for solid business continuity preparations.

Marketing for the High

Patricia McMahon, PhD, and Ann Bisignani, MPM, discussing the new programs at carlow.edu/HPL.

To enroll today or learn more, visit Carlow.edu/HPL

During the fall term, a new internet service on campus was activated. Through a consortial arrangement with seven other regional colleges

High Performance Learning/Teaching Carlow.edu/HPL

and universities, Carlow is now able to leverage membership in the Pittsburgh Super Computer


Center. The Center’s internet service, called 3Rox, is now delivering your favorite websites, videos, music and more through an increased bandwidth than under the former Comcast service.

VISION STATEMENT Carlow University will be a preeminent, innovative, Catholic university, renowned for providing transformational learning experiences in which students realize their full potential and become career-ready ethical leaders committed to a just and merciful world.

An integrated marketing campaign has been launched to highlight Carlow’s recent national rankings by Washington Monthly and Educate to Career. Marketing tactics include digital

The Carlow Commitment: Transforming

advertising, bus signs on 11 routes in Allegheny County, and billboards in close proximity to

lives. Transforming our world.

key high schools, including Baldwin, Norwin, and Shaler.

office of the president

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