Summer Reading Adventure 2024
Read, Renew, Repeat Leer, Renovar, Repetir
June 10 – Aug. 10 sra.carlsbadca.gov
What is the Summer Reading Adventure?
Join us for another exciting, fun-filled summer at the Carlsbad City Library! This summer, for every 20 minutes read, readers will be entered into a weekly drawing for fantastic rewards. The more you read, the more entries you earn. In addition, all locations will host special events throughout the summer, as well as regular weekly programming. It’s going to be a great summer for everyone at the Carlsbad City Library!
How do I participate?
Register – Visit carlsbadlibrary.beanstack.org or use the Beanstack Tracker app for Android or iOS. Log in to your account or create one if you are a new reader. Sign up for the Summer Reading Adventure challenge that matches your grade or age.
Record – Log your reading and be entered into a weekly drawing for every 20 minutes read.
Rewards – Readers of all ages can record their reading and be entered into a weekly raffle. The more minutes read, the more chances readers have.
How do I pick up my raffle rewards if selected?
Children (age 0 to grade five)
Teens (grades six to 12)
Adults (ages 18+)
Children’s Desk at Cole and Dove
Information Desk at Library Learning Center
Information Desk at Cole, Dove or Library Learning Center
Information Desk at Cole, Dove or Library Learning Center
All library locations are open during the following hours: Mon – Thurs: 9 a.m. to 7 p.m., Fri – Sat: 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.
Dove Library
1775 Dove Lane
Carlsbad, CA 92011
Children’s Services: 442-339-2047
Adult & Teen Services: 442-339-2038
or librarian@carlsbadca.gov
Georgina Cole Library
1250 Carlsbad Village Drive
Carlsbad, CA 92008
Children’s Services: 442-339-2872
Adult & Teen Services: 442-339-2871
or librarian@carlsbadca.gov

Library Learning Center
3368 Eureka Place
Carlsbad, CA 92008
General Info: 442-339-5500
Bilingual Services/ Servicios Bilingües: 442-339-5500, Bilingual@carlsbadca.gov
Literacy Services: 442-339-2878
Can’t make it to the library? Text us at 760-354-9423 or chat us https://carlsbadca.libanswers.com/
For additional events for adults, teens and children (including our weekly storytimes), please visit the online events calendar at library.carlsbadca.gov.
All events are free and open to the public.
Color Key: Dove Library, Library Learning Center, Cole Library, All Locations
Flamenco Dancing with Susana Elena
Monday, June 10, 5:30 p.m.
Cole Library
Be wowed and learn the cultural significance of the art of Flamenco during this hour-long performance that will feature a dancer and solo classical Spanish guitarist.
Noteworthy Puppets
Thursday, June 13, 1 p.m.
Library Learning Center
Thursday, June 13, 4:30 p.m.
Dove Library
Join us for a puppet show of “Jack and the Beanstalk: The Puppet Musical.” This classic tale of friendship, forgiveness and following your dreams comes to life with original songs and beautiful handmade puppets.
DigDug Puppet Show
Tuesday, June 25, 3:30 p.m.
Cole Library
Enjoy a lively puppet show with a visit from some very colorful—and funny—prehistoric creatures.
Author Event with Richard Woloski, author of “A History of Star Wars”
Tuesday, June 25, 6 p.m.
Cole Library
Join podcasters Sarah and Richard Woloski, hosts of the “Skywalking through Neverland” podcast and author of “A History of Star Wars” for a discussion about Richard’s book and the Star Wars fandom. For families of all ages.
Author visit with Kate Quinn
Tuesday, July 9, 1 p.m.
Dove Library
Come hear Kate Quinn discuss her new book, “The Briar Club”.

Wild Wonders
Thursday, July 11, 3 p.m.
Library Learning Center
Wednesday, July 24, 3:30 p.m.
Dove Library
Saturday, Aug. 3, 1 p.m.
Cole Library
Wild Wonders has your passport to adventure with animals from all over the world.
Author visit with Luis Alberto Urrea
Saturday, July 13, 2 p.m.
Cole Library
Author Luis Alberto Urrea is returning to Carlsbad. Come hear this acclaimed author discuss his new book, “Good Night, Irene”. Books will be available to purchase the day of the event. A book signing will follow.
Arty Loon
Thursday, Aug. 1, 1 p.m.
Library Learning Center
Thursday, Aug. 1, 3:30 p.m.
Cole Library
Friday, Aug. 2, 11 a.m.
Dove Library
Join us for a magical variety show with Arty Loon. Featuring laugh-out-loud comedy magic, amazing illusions, spectacular juggling and more.
Grow Your Garden Events
Monarch Pit Stops
Saturday, July 13, 10 a.m.
Dove Library
Hands-on Seed Saving
Saturday, Aug. 10, 10 a.m.
Cole Library
Carlsbad City Library’s Grow your Garden program is an opportunity to swap succulents, seeds, fruit and vegetables from your garden with your neighbors and to learn new gardening techniques.

Stories step off the page at this year’s StoryWalks, where you can enjoy reading and the outdoors at the same time. Come on an adventure and enjoy the following stories:
Pine Avenue Community Park
Starts June 10 – “Lola Plants a Garden” by Anna McQuinn and Rosalind Beardshaw
“Lola planta un jardin” by Anna McQuinn and Rosalind Beardshaw
Stagecoach Community Park
Starts June 10 – “Lola Loves Stories” by Anna McQuinn and Rosalind Beardshaw
“A Lola le encantan los cuentos” by Anna McQuinn and Rosalind Beardshaw

Alga Norte Community Park
Starts July 1 – “Here We Are: Notes for Living on Planet Earth” by Oliver Jeffers
“Aquí estamos. Notas para vivir en el planeta tierra” by Oliver Jeffers

Hidden Canyon Park
Starts July 22 – “Hello Ocean Hola Mar” by Pam Munoz Ryan and Mark Astrella

Adults and Teens (ages 13+)
Dove Library 2nd Floor
Exploration HUB: 442-339-2039 explorationhub@carlsbadca.gov
Visit the Exploration HUB, Carlsbad City Library’s makerspace and memory lab. The following activities will be held throughout the Summer Reading Adventure.
For dates and times: www.carlsbadca.gov/HUB
Save the Sea Turtles
Let’s problem solve together. Newly hatched sea turtles use moonlight to find their way to the sea, but tall, bright lights confuse them. Using code and LED lights, you will build a prototype of a beach pathway. This system will ensure safe navigation for people without disrupting the natural behavior of sea turtles.
Help the Bees
Bees are critical to maintaining our food supply, and scientists have created 3D-printed honeycomb and flowers to assist bees with pollination. Learn about 3D design and how this technology is being used to assist bee populations. You will get a chance to create a simple 3D honeycomb design that will be printed for free.
Patch Your Clothes
Don’t throw away your torn clothes! Reduce landfill waste by repairing your damaged clothing, tote bags or furniture cushions with the Silhouette Cameo, an electronic cutting tool. Learn to cut iron-on patches in a variety of shapes and sizes, empowering you to extend the life of your belongings rather than discarding them.
For movie events at Carlsbad City Library, scan here: