Welcome to 3rd Grade!
Ms. Corsini, Ms. George, Ms. Melendez, Mr. Tilly and Ms. Worrell
3rd Grade Teacher Assistants Ruby Cadillo
Liese Brown
Responsive Classroom
Growth Mindset Fixed Mindset You believe things like: intelligence, abilities, and talent are fixed traits that cannot be developed over time.
Growth Mindset You believe things like: intelligence, abilities, and talent can be developed with effort, learning, and dedication.
3rd Grade Expectations ● Assignments Neatness Organization Effort Complete Sentences Spelling (take risks) Turn in on time
● Grades Letter Grades Performance Indicators (Current Events, Handwriting, Code of Conduct)
● Planner
Reading Curriculum Unit 1: Building a Reading Life Unit 2: Reading to Learn Unit 3: Character Studies Unit 4: Reading and Research
www.booksource.com www.scholastic.com/bookwizard/
Writer’s Workshop
Writing Curriculum
Unit 1: Crafting True Stories Unit 2: Information Writing Unit 3: Persuasive Writing Unit 4: Adapting and Writing Fairy Tales
Math Curriculum 4 Math Domains: Number and Operations Algebra and Algebraic Thinking Measurement and Data Geometry
Welcome rd to 3 GradeÂ
Communication ● Students ○ Zoom chat or email ○ Scheduling an office hours appointment ● Parents ○ Email ○ Responding within 24 hours ● Weekly Newsletter on the Parent Portal ● Whole School Email on Fridays
Current Events
● Regular opportunities for students to build connections with each other across grade levels ● Groups will be comprised of: Faculty/staff advisor(s) and one child per grade ● Meetings: Last Friday of each month via Zoom for 20 minutes from 8:30-8:50 a.m. ● Groups and meeting links can be found on the Parent Portal
CS Family Groups
Google Classroom Walkthrough