Welcome to 5th Grade In the year that Brad Pitt was named People Magazine’s “Sexiest Man Alive”
We were once in 5th grade too!
In the year that Aladdin, Sister-Act and Home Alone 2 are all released.
Jasmine Grajeda
In the year that Google was founded...and subsequently changed all of our lives
In the year the iPhone debuted
In the year that Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire was published.
Goals we have for our students: ★
Feel confident
Take academic risks and be open to feedback
Be responsible ○ ○ ○
Complete assignments on time and with attention to detail Study for quizzes/tests Stay focused in class
Work toward independence ○ ○ ○
Reach out to us with questions Manage the schedule Keep track of classwork and homework
Connect with classmates...even over Zoom
Enjoy school!
Things you can expect over Zoom: ❏
Students are in class with us from 8 - 11:50.
Students can meet with us 1 :1 or in small groups from 12:30 - 1:30.
There will be homework. ●
Grammar 1-2x a week with a test at the end of each unit
Vocabulary “Word Trek” with a quiz at the end of each week
Math nightly
Reading nightly
Let’s Kahoot-it
Math Just a few of the many skills we will be covering: ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ●
Multiplication & Division of larger numbers Data, Graphs and Probability Geometry Fraction Concepts and Operations Measurement Ratio, Proportion, Percent Measuring Solids Integers, Equations and Graphing And so much more!
Language Arts Reading Genres Realistic Fiction Non-Fiction (Civil Rights Movement) Historical Fiction Dystopian Literature Fantasy
Vocabulary 10 words (based in Greek/Latin Roots) Assigned on Mondays Homework due Thursday Quiz Fridays
Language Arts Writing Genres Personal Narrative Journalism Research-Based Argument Essay Research Report Fantasy (or Graphic Novel)
Grammar Lessons twice a week - Parts of Speech - Usage and Mechanics - Application
Social Studies History Goal: To teach American History through multiple perspectives.
Geography Goal: To understand the land forms, bodies of water and culture of the different regions of the United States.
Civics Goal: To learn about the duties of citizenship and the voting process.
CS Family Groups K-6 ●
Regular opportunities for students to build connections with each other across grade levels
Groups will be comprised of: Faculty/staff advisor(s) and one child per grade
Meetings: Last Friday of each month via Zoom for 20 minutes from 8:30-8:50 a.m.
Groups and meeting links can be found on the Parent Portal