Welcome to 2A! We’re so glad to have you! đ&#x;˜€
Our Second Grade Team! 2A Teachers:
2B Teachers:
Kate Cushman Kristen Gregory
Leslie Keper Jess Garrabrant
Introductions: Classroom Teachers: Kate Cushman & Kristen Gregory Room Parents: Courtney Harrow & Jennifer Lamping Lewis! Thank you!!!
2nd Grade Goals Social Goals: ● ●
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Being responsible and independent Cooperating/working in groups or pairs, including being flexible Making good choices Being a problem solver (Take 5 Method) Connecting with peers despite out being virtual
Academic Goals: ● ● ● ● ● ● ●
Reading Workshop & Guided Reading Writing Workshop Math/CGI Grammar Handwriting Spelling/Word Study Social Studies
Growth Mindset We are going to discuss growth mindset with our class every week! We want to get our students in the habit of practicing a growth mindset!
Reading Workshop & Guided Reading Reading Workshop: ● ● ●
Lessons begin by using familiar texts to directly Guided Reading: teach and model the tactics of great readers ● An instructional approach that involves us Students read their “just right” books and apply working with a small group of students who the strategies they learned to their book We conference in small groups (breakout rooms) to monitor skill development and comprehension as a way to increase individual reading growth
Each lesson ends with students discussing their books with small groups and as a whole class to think critically about the texts and share in the joy of reading.
demonstrate similar reading behaviors and who are reading on similar instructional levels.
Writing Workshop ●
Begins with a focus mini-lesson that targets one specific teaching point
Teacher models the targeted strategy and students have a chance to apply these strategies to their independent writing
Students learn to brainstorm, draft, revise, edit, and publish a well-crafted narrative and expository texts on topics of their choice
We will use Seesaw to edit drafts and revise with students!
Prompts in four genres: Narrative, Expository, Descriptive, Opinion
Math Diagnostic gives a prerequisite report and tells us how they will do in each domain. Groups are fluid: Observation through exit ticket and participation as well as data from quizzes and diagnostic assessment will be used to determine grouping throughout the year) Structure of a Unit 1. Understand Lessons (direct instruction of skills): Each unit will have an understand lesson where explicit instruction of material will be taught and students will have an opportunity to practice the skills. This type of lesson is done in small groups. Typically the first week of each unit are Understand lessons. 2. Application lessons: We understand and then we apply those skills Explore (CGI lesson) Develop Refine- always small group (tailor to kids) 3. Check for Understanding: weekly quizzes and unit test
Example of What You Will Receive:
CGI Cognitively Guided Instruction ●
An approach to teaching mathematics that builds on children’s natural problem-solving strategies
We use our knowledge of problem types and solution strategies to help determine what each child understands and then decide how to help that child extend his/her understandings.
CGI fosters flexibility in mathematical thinking and allows students to actively learn from their classmates during the daily share where multiple students are selected to discuss the different strategies they used to solve the word problem for that day.
Students practice presenting and speaking in front of their peers.
Other Curriculum Components ★
Spelling/Word Study
Social Studies ○
Heritage Night
Speciality Classes SPANISH (Tuesdays & Thursdays ) ART (Fridays) MUSIC (Mondays) PE (Wednesdays & Thursdays) SCIENCE (Tuesdays)
CS Family Groups K-6 ●
Regular opportunities for students to build connections with each other across grade levels
Groups will be comprised of: Faculty/staff advisor(s) and one child per grade
Meetings: Last Friday of each month via Zoom for 20 minutes from 8:30-8:50 a.m.
Groups and meeting links can be found on the Parent Portal
Homework ●
Students should read for at least 20 minutes a night
Sign-ups will be on Blackbaud, let us know if you need a different time to meet!
Home Enrichment
IXL Math (www.ixl.com)
Username-first initial, last name ex: ladams Password -honey Raz-Kids (www.raz-kids.com) Member ID- 2abooks password : reading Username: Child’s First name Last Initial (BrooksS) Password: child’s first name (Brooks) ●
We’ll make the best of this year together!
Thank You!
Add a message to our Padlet for your kids! :)