Vail Symposium // Winter 2014-2015

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VA I L winter 2014-2015


When people ask me why I love living in Vail, my immediate response is “the community.” Sure, the landscape is stunning and the access to world-class adventures doesn’t hurt, and those are definitely some of the things that brought me here almost ten years ago. But when asked why I stayed, and why I continue to do so, there’s one undeniable reason that outweighs all the others. The friends I have here are like family, and the community we all live, work, and play in is so, so special. It’s a delight and a privilege to be a part of it. When a recent end-of-season survey asked program attendees to describe their favorite part of a particular series, one respondent answered by saying she was surprised to see so many people attending the same programs she attended, and, even more so, to see so many people she didn’t know had an interest in the same topics. She reported feeling a greater sense of support and belonging in the community as a result. That comment gave me goosebumps the first time I read it and has stuck with me since. Because isn’t that what this is all about? Sure, the Symposium’s all about education, about thinking and learning, and expanded world-views. But it’s not about learning and thinking alone, in front of a book, TV or computer screen in one’s home. It’s about convening together as a community to do so. It’s about live presentations and discussions with experts. It’s about discussing the things you learn, and the thoughts those presentations provoke, with your friends and neighbors before and after the program. And, yes, it’s about finding your place amongst likeminded individuals in your community. This season of programming is full of opportunities to do just that, with topics covering everything from fracking to deep sea diving to body image to coping with loss; there’s something for everyone in this lineup. Thanks for your support of the Vail Symposium; I look forward to seeing you at a program soon. With best regards,

Tracey Flower executive director


THE ENERGIZER BUNNY COMES TO MIND. A F T E R 4 3 Y E A R S , T H E VA I L S Y M P O S I U M J U S T KEEPS GOING AND GOING. AND GIVING. The Vail Symposium is a grassroots, non-profit organization that has been part of the vital life, blood, and history of Vail almost since the first piste was put up on the hill. Our mission is to provide educational programs that are thought-provoking, diverse and affordable. Yes, this is a community of doers and movers, but is also a community of thinkers. Despite what might otherwise be the creakiness of age, the Vail Symposium keeps rising, Phoenix-like, constantly reinventing itself, growing and renewing. As we enter our 44th year and our winter season, we are fresh, invigorated and bursting with creative ideas and energy. This winter season, we will again indulge your taste for timely geo-political themes and presentations. We will sprinkle in our popular Unlimited Adventure programming, and whet your intellectual appetite with our Speaking Financially series, Hot Topics, and our expanding exploration of “consciousness”. The controversy over fracking, the brave frontiers of regenerative medicine, the marijuana controversy, open-ocean free diving, body image, sleeping on volcanoes, and even a “map of heaven” are all on our plate this winter season. And yes, there’s even more. Join us. Dig in with us. Enjoy this feast for the mind. We are excited to take you on this journey of intellectual adventure. The Vail Symposium is growing. We hope you will grow with us. As always, we are looking forward to taking the journey with you hand-in-hand. And mind to mind. With all best wishes,

Rohn K. Robbins chairman, board of directors


BOARD & STAFF MEMBERS executive director

advisory council

Tracey Flower

Michael Balk Pam Bard Doris Dewton Kat Haber Elaine Kelton Michael Losier Jamie Metzl Liana C. Moore Brian Nolan JK Perry Kathi Renman Pamela Smith

program & development manager Kristen Van Norman

marketing manager Jonny Stevens

board of directors chairman Rohn K. Robbins

honorary board

treasurer Rob LeVine Pam Brandmeyer Nancy Burton Gary Gilman Jay Huffard Laurie Kleisinger Andy Kaufman Julia Littman Maricela Luevanos Dale & Jeanne Mosier Don Rogers James C. Ruh Eric Wiseman

Chair Emeritus Karen Morter Terry Minger Priscilla O’Neil Ebby Pinson

MISSION The Vail Symposium is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization dedicated to year-round lifelong learning for the Vail Valley community through educational programs that are thought-provoking, diverse and affordable.



2014 year in review

07 08 16

ways to give

winter programs

consciousness series workshops

17 w i n t e r f u n d r a i s e r 18 c a l e n d a r o f e v e n t s 20 t i c k e t 21 t i c k e t & 23

& general program info package pre-order form board member spotlight


volunteer spotlight

26 33

get involved

34 35



venue directions


2014 YEAR IN REVIEW PROGRAM HIGLIGHTS • Celebrating 50 years of the Wilderness Act, John Fielder addressed the importance of wilderness and the beauty out our backdoor through his stunning photography. • John White, the electric and ambitious Louisiana State Superintendent, discussed his stance on Common Core standards and shared how his experiences working in the nation’s most difficult school districts in New York and New Orleans have made him one of the foremost renowned names in education reform in the United States. • Barney Frank discussed the Dodd-Frank Act with Richard Bard in front of an enthusiastic crowd. The discussion included an honest outpouring of information regarding Mr. Frank’s iconic legislation and domestic economic policy. • Dr. Eben Alexander (who returns this winter), Dr. Raymond Moody, Rosemary Guiley, Kenneth Cohen and other consciousness experts discussed the importance of different facets of consciousness and how awareness of near-death experiences, dreams or ancient healing practices can lead to a healthier life.


INCOME* Individual Donors



Ticket Sales



Special Events



Corporate Giving






In Kind



Other Income






Program Services









In Kind








8% 12% • • • •

Individual Donors Ticket Sales Special Events Corporate Giving

8% 5% • Grants • In Kind • Other Income



11% • Program Services • Mgmt/Admin

*Actual financials through October 2014 and projections for November and December 2014.



• Fundraising • In Kind



of our income comes from ticket sales. The rest comes from you.

join, save & support

Become a Member of the Vail Symposium for $1,000/year and receive two complimentary tickets to all of our regular programs for the entire year. A great opportunity to save on door ticket costs and support the future of the Symposium!


All donors receive tickets based on level,

Individual program and series sponsorships allow you to demonstrate your commitment to the community.

advance notification



and registration for events, direct mailing of program brochure, weekly e-Newsletter, and acknowledgement in the bi-annual program brochure and on our website.

Speakers choose Vail for its destination. Help us sweeten the deal with frequent flyer miles and other financial means.

DONOR LEVELS patron member lantern candle spark

$2,500+ $1,000 – $2,499 $500 – $999 $250-$499 $50 – $249

v i s i t o u r w e b s i t e t o m a k e a g i f t t o d ay ! w w w . va i l s y m p o s i u m . o r g / d o n at e For additional information about how to support the Vail Symposium and associated benefits, please call Tracey Flower at (970)476-0954. The Vail Symposium is a tax-exempt 501(c)(3) organization in accordance with Federal Tax Law and is eligible to receive tax-deductible contributions.

ADDITIONAL BENEFITS General lecture ticket






4 per program

2 per program




Invite to donor appreciation event Invite to one private speaker dinner/year




THE TRUTH ABOUT FRACKING w it h j im m a rt in , jo n at h a n m oy e r , a n d da n gro s s m a n | ho t t o p i c s pa n e l s e r i e s time: 5:30 p.m. reception and 6 p.m. presentation tickets: $25 in advance i $35 at the door $10 students, teachers, vvypa members venue: the donovan pavilion

Cars in Western Colorado are as littered with fracking or anti-fracking stickers as the headlines seem to be nationwide. The issue has hit Western Colorado on the home front with areas in Garfield County already undergoing fracking practices and more locations proposed. A panel of pro-fracking and anti-fracking members - and a neutral data projectionist - will set out to educate and answer questions about this muddled topic. Jim Martin, representing those in favor of fracking, served as the regional administrator for the EPA’s Region VIII where he oversaw all federal environmental laws in six western states as well as on 26 Native American reservations. Jonathan Moyer from The University of Denver’s (DU) Pardee Center for International Futures will be the neutral panelist/moderator. He is the Associate Director of the Pardee Center and a Research Fellow at the Josef Korbel School of International Studies at DU. His research analyzes trends and pressures driving international conflict (global power transition, climate change, demographic shifts, state failure, and peak oil) using the International Futures model. Dan Grossman is the Regional Director for the Environmental Defense Fund and has served in the position since 2006. Grossman leads the organization’s efforts to protect land, water, and wildlife in the interior west Presented in partnership with the Josef Korbel School of International Studies at the University of Denver.

SPEAKING F I N A N C I A L LY PA R T 1 w it h p hil t o w n | ho t t o p i c s f i n a n c i a l s e r i e s tuesday

time: 5:30 p.m. reception and 6 p.m. presentation tickets: $25 in advance i $35 at the door $10 students, teachers, vvypa members venue: tbd

Phil Town is the author of Rule #1, The Simple Strategy for Successful Investing in Only 15 Minutes a Week which rose to the top spot on the New York Times best seller list and has since been published in 14 languages. He followed the release of his first financial book with the bestseller Playback Time, Making Big Money Is the Best Revenge! Town is a regular speaker on the Get Motivated stage sharing his story from turning a borrowed $1,000 into $1 million. Over time, Town has shared the stage with Rudy Giuliani, Jimmy Carter and Colin Powell. In a Q&A style presentation moderated by Richard Bard, Town will discuss his financial strategies at the Vail Symposium. He will share his journey and strategy that took him from a young river guide in Flagstaff, Arizona - subsisting on minimum wage - to a successful investor consistently improving his fortunes rapidly and radically. Sponsored in part by Manor Vail Lodge. 8

THE PATIENT CONSUMER: NAVIGATING THE WATERS OF REGENERATIVE MEDICINE wi th dr . david k a rli, dr. chris t o pher c e n t e n o a n d d r . m ay n a r d ho we | hot topic s pa n el s eries | m o d e r at e d b y r o h n r o b b i n s thursday

time: 5:30 p.m. reception and 6 p.m. presentation tickets: $25 in advance i $35 at the door $10 students, teachers, vvypa members venue: vail mountain school

The demand for regenerative medicine options (including stem cells) has exceeded the pace of scientific validation through research. This talk will review currently available regenerative therapies, what to expect in the future and how to maintain your safety, if considering such cutting edge treatment options. Dr. Maynard Howe is the CEO and Vice Chairman of Stemedica Cell Technologies, the world’s leading developer, manufacturer and distributor of allogeneic stem cell technology that recently received an IND approval from the FDA to initiate stem cell clinical research in the United States. Dr. David Karli of the Steadman Clinic is among the first to launch a new bone marrow derived stem cell injection program for patients with arthritic conditions and chronic soft tissue disorder of muscle, tendon and ligament. Dr. Christopher Centeno has extensive experience in the culture expansion of and clinical use of adult stem cells to treat orthopedic injuries. He is CEO of Regenerative Sciences and his medical group operates the world’s largest and oldest stem cell treatment registry focused on orthopedic and musculoskeletal injuries.

SOURCE TO SEA: DOWN THE COLORADO RIVER wi th zak podmore | un lim it ed a dv en t u r e thursday

time: thursday, january 15, 2015 i 5:30 p.m. reception and 6 p.m. presentation tickets: free i $10 suggested donation venue: donovan pavilion

The mighty Colorado River stretches nearly 1,500 miles, draining the expansive arid watershed that encompasses seven U.S. and two Mexican states. It begins at La Poudre Pass Lake, just south of the continental divide at 10,184 feet and flows to the Gulf of California. By kayak, foot, and raft, river explorer Zak Podmore set off to follow the Colorado River from the source of one of its largest tributaries to the sea. From the rolling rapids near the river’s beginning to the trickle of water returning to the watershed after numerous cross-mountain and irrigation diversions, Podmore navigated wilderness canyons, massive reservoirs and irrigation canals. Through a series of videos and explanations, Podmore will share his experience and tell tales of his 113-day journey. Originally from Glenwood Springs, Podmore claims his expedition helped him gain a deeper understanding of the Colorado River basin, both from researching the water issues currently facing Southwestern communities and exploring the rivers that fuel them. Presented in partnership with the Town of Vail Public Library and the Eagle River Watershed Council.

photo by scott pasfield




HINDSIGHT OF MARIJUANA LEGALIZATION w it h gin a ca rbo n e, b e n c o r t , s a n h o t r e e , a n d bria n v icen t e | hot t o p i c s pa n e l s e r i e s m o der at e d b y r o h n r o b b i n s time: 5:30 p.m. reception and 6 p.m. presentation tickets: $25 in advance i $35 at the door $10 students, teachers, vvypa members venue: the antlers at vail In January of 2014 the first retail marijuana stores opened for business in Colorado following the passage of Amendment 64 – a landmark ruling legalizing recreational marijuana usage and a measure that was called “an electoral first not only for America, but for the world.” Now, with a year’s worth of hindsight, the impact of marijuana on the state of Colorado and on the legislative measures now being pushed in several other states have come up for discussion. Sanho Tree is a Fellow at the Institute for Policy Studies and director of its Drug Policy Project, which works to end the domestic and international “War on Drugs” and replace it with policies that promote public health and safety. Brian Vicente served as the co-director of the Amendment 64 campaign and was one of the primary authors of the measure. Ben Cort is the development manager for the Center for Addiction, Recovery and Rehabilitation. He is a junior fellow at the University of Florida’s Drug Policy Institute and serves on Project SAM (Smart Approaches to Marijuana). Gina Carbone was selected to serve on the working group for Governor Hickenlooper’s Amendment 64 Task Force as an advocate for youth, and public health and safety. Sponsored in part by The Antlers at Vail.

ON A SINGLE BREATH: FREEDIVING wi th james nesto r | un lim it ed a dv en tu r e thursday

time: 5:30 p.m. reception and 6 p.m. presentation tickets: free i $10 suggested donation venue: the donavon pavilion

Freediving, also known as “Apnea” – the Greek Word a-pnoia literally meaning “without breath” – is the sport of diving without assistance. The amphibious abilities of freedivers are nearly incomprehensible – how a human can hold his breath upwards of four minutes and dive to depths of more than 300 feet while dealing with water pressures and oxygen deprivation is astounding. While on assignment in Greece, journalist James Nestor witnessed freediving and its awe-inspiring feats and went on to write Deep: Freediving, Renegade Science and What the Ocean Tells Us About Ourselves. In Vail, Nestor will give a multimedia presentation that follows freedivers below the surface, and the remarkable and hidden potential of our own species. He will detail the grave dangers faced by freedivers and match that against the tranquility of experiencing the ocean in a simple state of human being. Presented in partnership with the Town of Vail Public Library. 10

THE SPIRIT OF DEEP WILDERNESS w it h j o n t urk | un l i m i t e d a d ve n t u r e thursday

time: 5:30 p.m. reception and 6 p.m. presentation tickets: free i $10 suggested donation venue: the town of vail public library

Over the decades, Jon Turk has kayaked across the North Pacific and around Cape Horn, mountain biked through the Gobi desert, made first climbing ascents on Baffin Island, and first ski descents in the Tien Shan Mountains in Kyrgyzia. Citing 40 years of expeditionary and educational experience, Turk shares his stories of interacting with wilderness to raise awareness of cultural and environmental tipping points. Turk will discuss his journey of wandering through real landscapes full of joy and wonder, his tales of physical hardship, and his spiritual journey from losing a loved one to an avalanche, the chemistry laboratory and career as a textbook writer, to the present where he explores the beauty and functional utility of alternative ways of perceiving the world. Turk is the author of novels The Raven’s Gift, In the Wake of Jomon and Cold Oceans. In 1971, in honor of Earth Day 1, he co-authored the first environmental science textbook in the United States that sold over 100,000 copies and spearheaded the development of environmental science curricula in North America. Presented in partnership with the Town of Vail Public Library.

T H E H I G H L I F E : D AY S A N D N I G H T S O N THE TALLEST PEAKS IN THE WORLD wi th dr . jon k ed ro w s k i | un lim it ed a d ve n t u r e thursday

time: 5:30 p.m. reception and 6 p.m. presentation tickets: free i $10 suggested donation venue: the donovan pavilion

Continuing the success of Sleeping on Summits, local mountaineer Dr. Jon Kedrowski set off on a renewed mission to experience American high-alpine beauty. Leading him away from the famed 14ers of Colorado, Kedrowski instead landed on the various Volcanoes dotting the American West Coast. In this talk, Dr. Jon will share elements, stories and snapshots from climbing and ski-mountaineering Mount Everest, Pakistan, sleeping on the Colorado 14er summits, and most recently climbing and skiing the Cascade Volcanoes in 2014. Dr. Jon has found himself in very precarious situations while on expedition. Some are downright funny. Others are terrifying – such as an expedition up Everest in May of 2012 when he witnessed and survived the worst tragedy on the mountain since 1996. He has also enjoyed the pure beauty of the mountains, watching the sun set from the top of each of Colorado’s famed 14ers. His recent adventures and fame as a leading American mountaineer spawn from a passion for exploring high alpine areas. He relates his expeditions to setting goals in life and achieving them through teamwork and work/life balance. The program will include intimate stories from the mountain tops, mountain sides, and even the basecamp of home. Presented in partnership with the Town of Vail Public Library.



HOT SPOTS WITH CHRISTOPHER HILL hot t o pics sign at ure s p e a ke r s e r i e s


time: 5:30 p.m. reception and 6 p.m. presentation tickets: $10 in advance | $15 at the door $5 students, teachers, and vvypa members venue: the donovan pavilion

Christopher Hill is the Dean of the Josef Korbel School of International Studies at the University of Denver. He served as the United States Ambassador to Iraq, 25th Assistant Secretary of State for East Asian and Pacific Affairs, United States Ambassador to Korea, United States Ambassador to Poland and the United States Ambassador to Macedonia. His knowledge of international affairs is unprecedented. Leading up to his speaking date on March 2, Christopher Hill will select an area of the world,or an international issue which he will discuss in detail. There will be opportunity for the audience to ask Hill questions about volatile areas in the world. Stay tuned to to find out what Hot Spot he chooses and what message he will deliver to the audience. Sponsored by Alpine Bank and Presented in Partnership with the Josef Korbel School of International Studies at the University of Denver.

Y O U R B O D Y, Y O U R I M A G E seher ali, dr. caroline heldman, danica lo, and dr. jill squyres h ot topics pa n el s eries | m o d e r at e d b y j i l l l a m m e r s thursday

time: 5:30 p.m. reception and 6 p.m. presentation tickets: $10 in advance | $15 at the door free for students and teachers venue: vail christian high school

Why is it a bad thing to run or throw like a girl? Why do women feel compelled to spend countless hours and dollars on their looks over the course of their lives? What the heck is a thigh gap and why are women supposed to want one? Why do the media insist on fueling the idea that being sexy is empowering? What drives these thoughts and actions and how damaging are they to young boys and girls, women and men, and society as a whole? And, what is being done, and what more can we do, to repair the damage? This panel presentation features Caroline Heldman, Ph.D., a politics professor at Occidental College in Los Angeles and contributor to popular documentary film projects “The Mask You Live In” and “Missrepresentation”. Her TedTalk “The Sexy Lie” has garnered over 1 million views. Danica Lo is the Executive Editor at “Epicurious” and authored the book How Not To Look Fat. She has worked for more than a decade in the fashion industry as the Senior Online Fashion and Beauty Editor at “Glamour”, columnist at the “New York Post” and Contributing Style Editor at “VMan.” Seher Ali works with the SPARK Movement, a girl-fueled activist movement to demand an end to the sexualization of women and girls in media. Locally, Dr. Jill Squyres is a psychologist and one of the few health professionals specializing in body image issues in children, young adults and adults in the Vail Valley. Presented in partnership with The Women’s Foundation of Colorado. 12

NONVIOLENT CONFLICT RESOLUTION wi th er ica chen o w et h ho t topics sig nat ure spea k er series


time: 5:30 p.m. reception and 6 p.m. presentation tickets: $10 in advance i $15 at the door $5 students, teachers, vvypa members venue: the grand view i lionshead parking structure

“An eye for an eye only ends up making the whole world blind.” – Mahatma Gandhi The absence of conflict does not define peace; rather, a definition of peace is resolving conflicts without the means of violence and physical force. American history is dotted by individuals who reached for the greater good without lifting a finger in violence toward the opposition. Recent and continuous disputes in the United States and abroad have brought violent disagreement back to the headlines. Racial disputes, power struggles and protests have been met with violence on both sides. American political scientist and University of Denver professor Erica Chenoweth has researched civil resistance and outlines why nonviolent conflict resolution has been historically successful and will continue to be a successful means of resolving domestic and international disputes. Chenoweth will look at recent disputes and the violence that interrupts an outcome, as well as instances in history where the greater good has been achieved through peace. Presented in partnership with the Josef Korbel School of International Studies at the University of Denver.

MAP OF HEAVEN w it h dr. eb e n a l e xa n d e r liv in g at y o u r p e a k co n s cio us n e s s s e r i e s


time: 5:30 p.m. reception and 6 p.m. presentation tickets: $25 in advance i $35 at the door $10 students, teachers, vvypa members venue: tbd

The New York Times best-selling author of Proof of Heaven returns to Vail to illustrate his recent year of further exploration of near-death experiences. With exciting new work being unveiled in a to-be released book, Dr. Alexander will look at how science, religion and ordinary people are proving the afterlife. Since Proof of Heaven, Dr. Alexander has come to realize that sharing his story has allowed people to believe what so many others, dating from ancient times, have reported: there is more to life, and to the universe, than a single earthly existence. In recent research, Dr. Alexander has met and heard from many individuals, studied many of the world’s religious traditions, met with philosophers and openly heard what various parties have had to say about the soul’s survival of death. Dr. Alexander will share how these stories resonated with his personal experience and other reports of a life after death, and how this metaphysical journey can explain who we really are and what our true destiny really is. *Workshop also available (see page 16 for more information). 13


SPEAKING F I N A N C I A L LY PA R T 2 spe a k er t o be a n n o un ced h ot t o p ics f in a n cia l s eri e s


time: 5:30 p.m. reception and 6 p.m. presentation tickets: $25 in advance i $35 at the door $10 students, teachers, vvypa members venue: tbd

Topics in the Financial Series cover of-the-moment trends and practices in the financial industry, and discuss economic issues of all kinds. Previous speakers include David Rubenstein, Barney Frank and David Walker. Stay tuned to and the Vail Symposium’s social media accounts for a special announcement regarding the name of the second speaker in this popular series.

DOES CONSCIOUSNESS SURVIVE DEATH? EVIDENCE FROM THE LABORATORY wi th dr . julie beischel li v i ng at your p ea k co n s cio us n ess se r i e s monday

time: 5:30 p.m. reception and 6 p.m. presentation tickets: $25 in advance i $35 at the door $10 students, teachers, vvypa members venue: tbd

Although mediums – individuals who experience regular communication with the deceased – are often stereotyped as charlatans based on the historical prevalence of such characters, modern mediumship research includes studies of the accuracy of mediums’ statements under controlled conditions as well as examinations of their psychology, physiology, neurobiology, and experiences. Dr. Beischel will discuss her work with a team of 18 laboratory-tested mediums. Her research findings provide empirical evidence for the non-locality of consciousness as well as the ability of people (mediums and non-mediums alike) to connect with minds no longer bound by the physicality of the brain. Julie Beischel, PhD, received her doctorate in Pharmacology and Toxicology and is the co-founder and director of research at the Windbridge Institute. Following the suicide of her mother and an evidential mediumship reading, Dr. Beischel forfeited a potentially lucrative career in the pharmaceutical industry to pursue rigorous scientific research with mediums full-time. She is the author of numerous peer-reviewed journal articles, academic anthology chapters, and the books Among Mediums: A Scientist’s Quest for Answers and Meaningful Messages: Making the Most of Your Mediumship Reading and is the editor of the series From the Mouths of Mediums. *Workshop also available (see page 16 for more information). 14

CHOOSING JOY AFTER TRAGIC LOSS w it h j ef f o lsen | l i vi n g at y o u r p e a k co n s cio us n ess s e r i e s


time: 5:30 p.m. reception and 6 p.m. presentation tickets: $25 in advance i $35 at the door $10 students, teachers, vvypa members venue: tbd

In 1997, Jeff Olsen experienced a horrific automobile accident which inflicted multiple life threatening injuries, including crushing both his legs. He had 18 surgeries and spent six months in the hospital. His left leg was amputated above the knee. The most devastating outcome of the accident was the loss of his wife and youngest son, both killed instantly. Overwhelmed by his own life-threatening injuries, Jeff had a profound near-death experience in which he met his wife on the other side, who told him he couldn’t stay and had to return. That glimpse into heaven gave him the courage he needed to carry on and care for his living son. The experience allowed him to rebuild a deep and meaningful life. Olsen will share tools and insights for life transformation. He shares what he has learned from not only leaving his body at the time of the accident, but also in continued dreams and communications with angels and deceased loved ones. Learn how to embrace perfection and find wholeness trough tragedy. Discover tools that will assist anyone to choose joy in life and transform faith and hope into absolute trust.

S P E A K I N G F I N A N C I A L LY PA R T 3 with es t her geo rge | ho t t o p i c s f i n a n c i a l s e r i e s thursday

time: 5:30 p.m. reception and 6 p.m. presentation tickets: $25 in advance i $35 at the door $10 students, teachers, vvypa members venue: tbd

Esther George is the president and chief executive officer of the Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City and a member of the Federal Open Market Committee (FOMC), which has authority over U.S. monetary policy. George joined the Fed in 1983 and served much of her career in the Division of Supervision and Risk Management. She is the former chair of the Federal Reserve System’s Community Banking Organizations Management Group and has also served as the acting director of the Federal Reserve’s Division of Banking Supervision and Regulation at the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System in Washington, D.C. In a Q&A style presentation moderated by Richard Bard, former Chairman of the Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City, George will discuss the role of the Federal Reserve and the state of the U.S. economy, as well as her experience with overseeing the Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City, which covers the 10th District of the Federal Reserve – Colorado, Kansas, Nebraska, Oklahoma, Wyoming and portions of Missouri and New Mexico. The Fed in Kansas City is second only to the Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco in size of geographic area served.


CONSCIOUSNESS SERIES WORKSHOPS CONSCIOUSNESS WORKSHOP WITH DR. EBEN ALEXANDER e t e rn ity of sou ls : ex plo rin g co n sciou s n e s s w i t h s o u n d tuesday

time: 4-7 p.m. tickets: $35 in advance | $45 at the door (space is limited, pre-registration is encouraged) venue: the antlers at vail presented by eternea and sacred acoustics

Join New York Times bestselling author Eben Alexander, M.D. and founder of Sacred Acoustics, Karen Newell, in a workshop exploring consciousness through unique sound meditation. During the workshop, Eben will draw on experiences from his near-death experience and journey in the afterlife, highlight findings from current research on science and spirituality, and discuss the lessons and enigma of consciousness. Karen will briefly explain what brain entrainment is and then will lead a group experiential that utilizes sounds as tools to bring us quickly into a deep meditative state of oneness – without having to go through a near-death experience. Q&A follows with a discussion on how to bring the insights from meditation into everyday living.

CONSCIOUSNESS WORKSHOP WITH DR. JULIE BEISCHEL a ft e r -death com m un icat io n : in st ruct i o n s , d i sc ussions, and dem o n s t rat io n s


time: 3-7 p.m. tickets: $50 (space is limited, pre-registration encouraged) venue: the town of vail public library presented by the windbridge institute, llc

During this unique workshop, you will hear about spontaneous, induced, and assisted after-death communications (ADCs) and learn specific techniques that you can use to hear directly from your loved one. In addition, two laboratory-tested mediums will discuss their experiences, respond to questions, and provide messages from those who have passed to attendees during gallery-style readings*. *”Gallery-style” readings means that readings will be random and not everyone will receive a message. Also, the messages that are given are a representation of the work and should not be considered the same as what one would receive in a full, private session. 16

WINTER FUNDRAISER PERFECT PAIRINGS 2.0 wi th live ar t de m o n s t rat io n by heather hansen saturday

time: 6-10 p.m. tickets: $200 individual | $350 couples $1,400 table sponsorship (10 tickets) venue: larkspur

Cheese, wine, chocolate, art and expertise across these indulgences have revamped this popular Valentine’s Day event, which doubles as the Symposium’s winter fundraiser. Representing Perfect Pairings, bring your date and sample Hors d’oeuvres, fine cheeses and chocolates while sipping wine and learning about the pairings from certified sommeliers. The event will be highlighted by a live-art demonstration by New Orleans and Paris-based exhibitionist and artist Heather Hansen. Heather’s most recent series “Emptied Gestures” has brought her viral attention – more than 6 million views of her online posts – and critical acceptance as a unique performer, designer and fine artist. Combining the indulgences of romance and inspiration of art, the event promises an incredible Valentine’s Day treat. Discounted tickets available for couples and groups, individuals also welcome. Perfect Pairings 2.0 is the Vail Symposium’s primary fundraiser for the Winter 2015 season of programs. Sponsored in part by Larkspur


CALENDAR OF EVENTS FRACKING t h u r s d ay, d e c e m b er 18 The Donovan Pavilion

S P E A K I N G F I N A N C I A L LY P A R T I t u e s d ay, d e c e m b e r 30 TBD

SOLD ON STEM CELLS: BREAKTHROUGHS AND APPLICATION t h u r s d ay, ja nu ary 8 The Vail Mountain School

SOURCE TO SEA: DOWN THE COLORADO RIVER t h u r s d ay, ja nu a r y 15 The Donovan Pavilion

HINDSIGHT OF MARIJUANA LEGALIZATION t h u r s d ay, ja nu a r y 22 The Antlers at Vail

ON A SINGLE BREATH: FREEDIVING t h u r s d ay, ja nu a r y 29 The Donovan Pavilion

THE SPIRIT OF DEEP WILDERNESS t h u r s d ay, f e b r u ary 5 Town of Vail Public Library

PERFECT PAIRINGS 2.0 s at u r d ay, fe b r u a ry 21 Larkspur

THE HIGH LIFE: DAYS AND NIGHTS ON THE TALLEST PEAKS OF THE WORLD t h u r s d ay, f e b r u ary 26 The Donovan Pavilion 18

HOT SPOTS WITH CHRISTOPHER HILL m o nd ay, m a r c h 2 The Donovan Pavilion

Y O U R B O D Y, Y O U R I M A G E t h u r s d ay, m a r c h 5 Vail Christian School


MAP OF HEAVEN m o nd ay, m a r c h 16 TBD

DR. EBEN ALEXANDER WORKSHOP t u e s d ay, m a r c h 17 The Antlers at Vail



t h u r s d ay, m a r c h 19 TBD


DR. JULIE BEISCHEL WORKSHOP t u e s d ay, m a r c h 24 Town of Vail Public Library

CHOOSING JOY AFTER TRAGIC LOSS m o nd ay, m a r c h 30 TBD

S P E A K I N G F I N A N C I A L LY P A R T I I I t h u r s d ay, a p r il 9 TBD 19

TICKET & GENERAL PROGRAM INFO r e s e r v e i n a d va n c e & s av e Did you know you can receive $10 off the ticket price of most programs just by purchasing your tickets in advance? Just go to or give us a call at 970-476-0954 before 2 p.m. on the day of a program to receive $10 off the door price. Tickets must be paid for at the time of purchase to receive the discount. Students, teachers and members of the Vail Valley Young Professionals Association (VVYPA) may be eligible for an additional discount.

ticket sales Please note all ticket and/or pass sales are final and non-refundable. Tickets and passes must be paid for at the time of purchase and are transferable. Complimentary tickets offered to donors per the benefits are transferable.

ticket donations If you are unable to attend a program, please call our office at 970-476-0954 to donate your tickets to area students. You will receive a tax acknowledgement for each ticket you return and the sincere gratitude of the Vail Symposium.

program offerings We are not a political organization. We strive to present speakers who can address thoughts and ideas from all viewpoints. Our speakers’ views do not necessarily represent the views of the Board and the Vail Symposium.

t h i r d pa r t y m at e r i a l s No third party materials will be distributed or handed out at Vail Symposium programs, events or meetings without the prior consent of the Executive Director, Board Chair or Program Committee Chair. All materials must be submitted at least 48 hours in advance of a program, event or meeting for consideration. No exceptions. No guarantees.


TICKET & PACKAGE PRE-ORDER FORM guarantee your spot and save on door prices by pre-ordering your tickets now. PRE-ORDER TICKET PRICE



12.18.2014 12.30.2014 01.08.2015 01.15.2015 01.22.2015 01.29.2015 02.05.2015 02.21.2015 02.26.2015 03.02.2015 03.05.2015 03.12.2015 03.16.2015 03.17.2015 03.19.2015 03.23.2015 03.24.2015 03.30.2014 04.09.2015

Fracking I Panel $25 Speaking Financially Part I I Phil Town $25 Stem Cells I Panel $25 Source to Sea on the Colorado River I Zak Podmore Free A Look Back at Marijuana I Panel $25 Freediving I James Nestor Free The Spirit of Wilderness I Jon Turk Free Perfect Pairings 2.0 I Winter Fundraiser $200 | $350 | $1,400 The High Life: Days and Nights on the Tallest Peaks of the World I With Dr. Jon Kedrowski Free Global Hot Spots I Christopher Hill $10 Body Image I Panel $10 Nonviolent Conflict Resolution I Erica Chenoweth $10 Map of Heaven I Dr. Eben Alexander $25 Dr. Eben Alexander Workshop $35 Speaking Financially Part II I Chip Kaye $25 Surviving Consciousness I Julie Beischel $25 Julie Beischel Mediums Workshop $50 Choosing Joy I Jeff Olsen $25 Speaking Financially Part III I Esther George $25

TICKET PACKAGES*: Hot Topics Financial Series (Parts I, II, III) Living At Your Peak Consciousness Series (3 programs)** Hot Topics Panel Series (4 programs) *Must order by December 15, 2014

**Excludes workshops




$60 $60 $80



ordering tickets is easy! Complete and return this form to P.O. Box 3038, Vail, CO 81658 or fax it to us at 970-476-0710. You may also make ticket purchases online at or over the phone at 970-476-0954. Name(s): Mailing Address: City, State Zip: Phone: Check enclosed (please make checks out to Vail Symposium) Credit Card:




Become a Vail Symposium Member for $1,000/year and get two transferable tickets to all of our programs for one year for free. Contact Tracey Flower at 970-476-0954 for more information. 21

Stevens, Littman, Biddison, Tharp & Weinberg, LLC A full service law firm serving the Vail Valley since 1984

Family Law/Divorce Sophisticated Estate Planning Real Estate Construction Contracts & Litigation Business Formation/Litigation Criminal Defense Andrew Littman Rohn Robbins Chris Tomchuck 1448B Vail Valley Drive Vail, CO 81657 970-479-9989 800-273-1802

Vail at Beaver Creek






‘naturally’ is the theme for our annual conference. Our program unites some of the world’s most fascinating leaders in conservation, art, photography, digital media, kayaking and health. Their TEDx Talks unmask passions and demonstrate their mastery of natural progression to reveal . . . ‘ideas worth spreading.’ | This is an Actively Green Event. Please Recycle.




his first Vail job at the Gondola Ski Shop – a popular memory for many long-time Vail locals – before he founded SteamMaster Restoration and Cleaning in 1978. Before coming to Vail, Gary attended the University of Colorado, where he studied business. He first became involved with the Vail Symposium after providing feedback to a fellow board member regarding the first Living At Your Peak events. He suggested programs that detail consciousness and offered his help bringing in speakers on the subject. Gary was instrumental in the creation of the Consciousness series, one of the Symposium’s most recent and popular series with speakers such as Dr. Eben Alexander and Dr. Larry Dossey. Gary’s interest in consciousness came from his favorite course at CU, “Altered States of Consciousness,” where the class learned and practiced meditating twice a week while reading books such as “Be Here Now” by Ram Dass. In the 1980s, Gary had a near-death experience while kayaking the Arkansas River. He didn’t talk about the experience for over 20 years and didn’t possess a vocabulary that could describe what he directly experienced. As more reports of near-death experiences came available, he was compelled to research the topic, and many of the consciousness speakers now visiting Vail are a product of his ongoing effort to learn more about the subject. To date, his favorite lecturers have been Raymond Moody and Stephen A. Schwartz. Outside of the Vail Symposium, Gary’s passions are in skiing, ski biking and kite boarding. In his younger years, he spent his time snowboarding, kayaking, rafting and playing soccer. He is an active advocate for GMO Labeling and Right To Know Colorado. Gary’s hope for the Vail Symposium is to attract a steady funding source with large donors that are passionate about programs that allow for continued improvement. 23

970.827.5555 24



but after a business opportunity took her and her husband to Maryland, the couple vowed that one day they would find their way back to Colorado. In 2004, the two bought their retirement home in Edwards and gradually increased their time in the Valley until they were able to call themselves full-time residents. As a non-skier or cyclist, Nancy began looking for volunteer opportunities in the valley to supplement winter snowshoeing and hiking activities. She blames fellow Vail hiker Jeanne Mosier for introducing her to the Vail Symposium. She also volunteers at the Vail Valley Medical Center and is a regular at the Town of Vail Public Library. One of the first Symposium events she attended was at Betteridge Jewelers where she had the opportunity to see the “Heart of the Ocean” necklace from the movie “Titanic”. She was convinced the Symposium had a good heart when champagne was passed around to everyone, volunteers included. To date, her favorite event has been “Leading Ladies: The Making of Dance of Screen” featuring Erika and Daniel Beahm – the choreographing and movieproducing power couple who created their feature film “Leading Ladies” with no previous experience in cinematic production. Nancy recalls their passion for the arts to be inspiring. Nancy feels grateful to live in an area where a non-skier or cyclist can enjoy a variety of enriching music, art and educational programs. She says that the Symposium encompasses more than one of these areas and always provides diverse programs and an interesting expansion of knowledge. Nancy’s hope is that the Vail Symposium continues their great programming so that their support base and attendance grows even more. 25


The Patrons’ Circle recognizes distinct community members who continue to make a multi-year commitment to the Vail Symposium. We thank these donors for supporting our future by providing the foundation for our organization.

Todger and Shannon Anderson Alpine Bank Antlers at Vail* Aspen at Streamside* Big Delicious Catering* Clair Global* The Club at Cordillera* Colorado Mountain Express* Cordillera Metro District* Cordillera Property Owner’s Association* Donovan Pavillion* East West Resorts* Gary Gilman and Julie Stoxen The Grand View* Jay and Kirk Huffard Slifer, Smith, and Frampton/ VARE Andrew and Lynn Kaufman George and Lizette Lamb


Pete and Pat Frechette Richard Gretz and Doris Dewton David and Barbara LeVine Charles and Sandy Lloyd

Rob LeVine and Evelyn Pinney The Lodge and Spa at Cordillera* Steven and Susan Marton Dale and Jeanne Mosier Mountain Living* Priscilla O’Neill Paul and Wendy Raether Don and Mary Rogers Bobbie and Jim Ruh* Alby Segall ThriveMD* Town of Vail Town of Vail Public Library Vail Daily* Vail Resorts Echo* Kyle Webb and Allison Krausen West Vail Liquor Mart* The Westin Riverfront Resort and Spa* Zulu Nyala*

Lynn Anderson Ronnie and Dierdre Baker Richard and Pamela Bard Gary and Carolyn Cage Buck & Holly Elliott Cindy Engles Fairfield County Community Foundation Kraig and Jill Forbes Harry and Susan Frampton Ben and Holly Gill Pepi and Sheika Gramshammer Joan Harned Kenton Hopkins Al and Kathy Hubbard Artie and Jodi Israel Reese and Alberta Johnson Diane Pitt and Mitch Karlin Art and Elaine Kelton Neal and Kathy Kimmel Joel and Gloria Koenig Tony and Barbie Mayer Joe and Brenda McHugh Bill and Kay Morton Jim Picard and Kathi Renman Rohn and Deb Robbins David Schoonmaker The Short Course at Cordillera* Rod and Beth Slifer Richard and Pam Smith Marjorie Vickers George and Betsy Wiegers

*Denotes gift made wholly or partially in-kind



Larry and Sandi Agneberg Apex Dental* Pam Brandmeyer Jim and Connie Cameron Jeff and Susan Campbell Carol Cockrum Stan and Mary Ellen Cope Steve and Amy Coyer Andrea Eddy John and Pam Horan-Kates John and Kerma Karoly Maricela Luevanos Dan and Deb Luginbuhl


Doug and Anne McNeill Walter and Leila Mischer Frank and Allison Navarro Bill and Jacque Oakes Jay and Amy Regan Ride the Rockies* David Sanchez* Shaw Electric Ti Amo Ristorante* Laura Tumperi Bob and June Vanourek Eric and Patty Wiseman

Judd and Gretchen Babcock Bang’lz Salon* Penny Bank Big O Tires* Bonnie Blecha Bol* Joerg and Rita Braun Phil and Sunny Brodsky Jeff and Diane Brundage LeRoy and Lavelle Carlson Alan and Silvia Danson Fred Distlehorst Charles Dolan and Susan Mackin-Dolan Crosby and Sally Foster Edward’s Station* Golden Bear* Steve and Lee Gulotta Martha Head and John Feagin Patti Johnson Laurie and Terry Kleisinger Kroenke Charities* Land Title Guarantee Company

*Denotes gift made wholly or partially in-kind

Michael and Andrea Leeds Jim Palenchar and Liz Lynner Peter MacDonald Fletcher MacNeill Hank Mader J.P and Heather McInerny Nina McLemore* Ebby and Lex Pinson Kenneth and Connie Scutari Philip Smith and Jean Graham -Smith Stand Up Paddle Colorado* Howard and Cathy Stone John Taylor Vivian Teets Vail Zip Adventures* Venture Sports* Walkin’ the Dog Education Foundation of Eagle County* Bill Wilto Alyn Park and Jay Wissot



Alpenrose* Bill and Lorie Amass David Auchterlonie and Barbara Keller Tom and Tess Backhus Jack and Shirley Beal Roger and Margo Behler Betteridge Vail Village Jewellers* Bob’s Place* Boettcher Foundation Alice Boone Gus and Eleanore Bramante Bennett and Arlene Brummer Don and Joan Chambers Alexandra Christy Dick Cleveland and Kathy Langenwalter TJ Conners Bill and Mary Cotton Peter Dann Tom and Wendy Divinere Abby Dixon Sharron Dorward Anne Esson Sandor Falk Linda Hryckowian and Raymond Finn, Jr. Kathy and Dick Fishburn Jim and Cookie Flaum Maureen and Gerry Flynn Georgia Fox Frinje Fashion Boutique* Ann Fusco Morris and Mikki Futernick Bob and Susan Gadomski


Nancy Gladstone Glenwood Caverns Adventure Park* Charles Goodin Sue Goodin Marshall Gordon Bobbi and Gene Hagerman Dan and Chris Havekost Dwight Henninger George Henry and Kathy Chandler- Henry Anne Hintz Barbara Hogoboom Louise H. Ingalls Patti Johnson Bob and Karen Kern Collier and Ann Kirkham Sydney and Ken Lawder Leadfoot Lindas* Alice Leeds Kathleen Ligare Bob and Linda Llewellyn William and Ann Loper Bob and Ann Louthan Mary Lamb Lucas Ward Mahanke Jack and Leslie Manes Melanna Marcellot Rosette Mare Butch Mazzuca Tom and Marcia McCalden Sharon McKay-Jewett Donald McMahan Luc and Liz Meyer Marie Millman Gail Molloy Marka Moser Suzette Newman Chris Offutt Dick and Sally O’Loughlin Dorthy Parsons

Patricia Penwill Lisa Ponder William Powell Revolution Power Yoga* Pearl Rieger Ron and Ann Riley Lee Rimel and Gracie Campbell Byron and Sally Rose Patricia Rowe Ruggs Benedict* Judith Whetstine and Bob Rush Richard and Aline Sandomire Carole Schragen Bill and Dorsey Seed Les and Maureen Shapiro Jim and Daphne Slevin Sarah and Norman Smith, Jr. Stephen Snyder Brian and Paige Sodergren Lois and Bert Solomon Robyn Specthrie Les and Madeline Stern Mimi and Woody Stockwell Barry and Evelyn Strauch Kathie Talbot Jennifer and Jake Van Beelen Norm Vogel Walls + Floors: The Paint Bucket Robert and Jill Warner Deborah Webster Fraidy Aber and Tani Weiner Tom White Donna Whittington Christina and Jen Wright Hap and Nancy Young Emily Zeigler Zino Ristorante II*

*Denotes gift made wholly or partially in-kind

Avon Bakery and Deli* Doris Baily Peggy Buchannan Martha Cole Randi David Cherry and Dan Gallagher Montgomery Mathias Thomas Moorhead Lisa Siegert-Free Sarah and Norm Smith, Jr. Vilar Performing Arts Center*


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heating & cooling








Spread the word Friend us on Facebook & Follow us on Twitter Be an intern Assist speakers during their visit Submit a program idea Donate tickets Attend an event

THANK YOU TO OUR 2014 VOLUNTEERS! Everything we do would not be possible without your help and support and we deeply appreciate all that you do!

2014 volunteers Lanell Avery Melissa Bard Nancy Berg Paul Chapman Ethan Cotton Abby Dixon Natalie Evans Micki Fletcher Anne Hatch

Sydney Somers Idzikowski Patie Jansen Susan Kaemmerlen Tommy King Debbie King Laurie Kleisinger Mary Lamb Lucas Maricela Luevanos

Jeanne Mosier Andie Ohde Deb Robbins Cherie Rollins Sarah Smith Leila White Kris Woodruff Greg Ziccardi

i n t e r e s t e d i n b e c o m i n g a va i l s y m p o s i u m v o l u n t e e r ? Contact Kristen Van Norman at for more information on how to get involved! 33

THANK YOU TO OUR SPONSORS Saying thank you doesn’t always feel like enough to express our gratitude to the individuals, organizations and businesses who support the Vail Symposium, especially when what we do wouldn’t be possible without that support. That’s why we ask you to please support these valuable Vail Symposium sponsors; they are incredible assets not only to our organization but also to our community as a whole.





104.7 THE MILE

VENUE DIRECTIONS Addresses for and directions to all Vail Symposium venues are available at Please call our office at 970-476-0954 for specific parking information.

t h e a n t l e r s at va i l 680 w. lionshead place | vail | 970.476.2471 From I-70, take exit 176 and proceed west on South Frontage Road toward Lionshead. Take a left on West Lionshead Circle from the Frontage Road. (It is immediately following the Pedestrian Bridge.) Follow the road as it curves to the left, the Antlers is at the bottom of the hill.

d o n o va n pav i l i o n 1600 s. frontage rd. | vail | 970.477.3699 From I-70, take exit 173 (West Vail) and proceed south and continue east on S. Frontage Rd. parallel to I-70. The Pavilion will be 0.7 mile on the right. Look for the large stone sign and a playground.

larkspur 458 vail valley dr. | vail From I-70, take exit 176 (Main Vail/ Vail Village) and proceed onto the South Frontage road heading east. Turn right onto East Meadow Drive. Turn left onto Vail Valley Dr. Larkspur is on your right at the base of Golden Peak across from Manor Vail.

the grand view


l i o n s h e a d pa r k i n g s t r u c t u r e

395 e. lionshead circle | vail Vail’s newest community space on the third floor of the Lionshead Welcome Center. From I-70, take exit 176 (Vail) and proceed west on S. Frontage Road towards Lionshead. Turn left into Lionshead Parking Structure. Free summer parking.

t o w n o f va i l p u b l i c l i b r a r y 292 w. meadow drive | vail From I-70, take exit 176 (Main Vail) and merge onto South Frontage Road towards Lionshead. Take your 2nd left into the Lionshead Parking Structure. Park here. When exiting the parking garage, take a left onto W. Meadow Drive. The Library will be on your right next to Gore Creek across from Dobson Ice Arena.

va i l c h r i s t i a n s c h o o l 31621 hwy 6 | edwards From I-70, take exit 163 (Edwards), go straight south through all roundabouts. At stoplight, turn right onto US-6/Hwy 6. Proceed for 2.4 miles and turn right at 2nd stoplight into the Vail Christian High School Campus. Presentation will be in the east building.

va i l m o u n ta i n s c h o o l 3000 booth falls rd. | vail From I-70, take exit 176 (Main Vail/Vail Village). Proceed onto the South Frontage Road heading east. After passing the Vail Golf Course and going under 1-70, turn left onto Booth Falls Rd. Take your first right into the VMS parking. 35







12 . 3 0 . 2014

Global Hot Spots chris hill

Speaking Financially Part I ph il t own

03 . 0 5 . 2 0 1 5

01 . 0 8 . 2015

Nonviolent Conflict Resolution e ric a che now e th

Stem Cells pa n e l

01 . 1 5 . 2015 Source to Sea on the Colorado River z a k po d m ore

01 . 2 2 . 2015 A Look Back at Marijuana Legislation pa n e l

01 . 2 9 . 2015

Freediving j a m e s n es t or

02 . 0 5 . 2015 The Spirit of Wilderness j o n t urk

02 . 2 1 . 2015 Perfect Pairings 2.0 win ter fu nd r a is er

02 . 2 6 . 2015

The High Life: Days and Nights on the Tallest Peaks of the World d r . jon k e d r o ws k i

Body Image pa ne l

03 . 1 2 . 2 0 1 5

03 . 1 6 . 2 0 1 5

VAIL, CO 81658 970.476.0954

Fracking pa n e l

03 . 0 2 . 2 0 1 5


12 . 1 8 . 2014

Map of Heaven d r. e be n ale xa nd e r

03 . 1 7 . 2 0 1 5 Dr. Eben Alexander Workshop

03 . 1 9 . 2 0 1 5 Speaking Financially Part II

03 . 2 3 . 2 0 1 5

Surviving Consciousness d r. ju lie be isc he l

03 . 2 4 . 2 0 1 5 Dr. Julie Beischel Workshop

03 . 3 0 . 2 0 1 5

Choosing Joy over Loss je ff o lse n

04 . 0 9 . 2 0 1 5

Speaking Financially Part III es t he r ge orge

VAIL SYMPOSIUM P.O. Box 3038 | Vail, CO 81658 P: 970-476-0954 | F: 970-476-0710 Facebook & Twitter | Vail Symposium

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