Fashion Portfolio

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C arly H amer

Thi scollecti on wasi nspi red bythethri lliget from flyi ng. Steppi ng onto an ai rplaneand knowi ng therei sa desti nati on ahead,i sli keno other feeli ng. Itook i nspi rati on from ai rport structureswhi ch exudepower and arefortressesto thesky. No other form oftransportati on compareswi th thespeed,scaleand clamour ofcontemporaryai r travel. Ii ncorporated theli near structuresofavi ati on by usi ng boni ng and pi pi ng to create3-D elements. horsehai r canvasi sthepri maryfabri ci n thi s collecti on thatiuti li zed on theoutsi deofmy garmentsfor an unconventi onalapproach i nstead ofon thei nsi dewherei ti stradi ti onally used. Aerodynami chasan old-world vi ntage feelwi th a futuri sti cstyle.

Aerodynami c

Ear hartJac ket :Bei geWoolwi t h hor es hai rpi pi ng& or anges i l k c harmeus el i ni ng.Feat ur est wo f r ontr emoveabl epanel s . Hangarpant :Ol i vewoolwi t hs i de s eam zi pper .Wel tpoc ket si nf r ont ands eami ngdet ai latankl e. Wi ngt op:t urt l enec kt aupes i l k j er s eywi t hhor i zont als eams t hr oughout& 3/ 4s l eeves .

Aerodynami c

Wr i ghtDr es s :Char coalwoolwi t h cent erf r ontandbac kpanel si n hor s ehai rcanvas .3Ds woopson t hes i desar emadef r om boni ng andhor s ehai r .Topwoolbodi ce f eat ur est ops t i t c hdet ai l .

Aerodynami c

Maver i c kcape:Bei gewoolwi t h hor s ehai rcanvaspi pi ng.Li nedi n or anges i l kc harmeus e. Fl i ghts ki rt :Cr eam hor s ehai r& bei gewool3Dpanel smadewi t h boni ng.Awel tpoc keti sf eat ur ed i nf r ont . Acet op:Longs l eeves i l vers i l k j er s eywi t hhor i zont als eams t hr oughout .

Aerodynami c

Amel i adr es s :Or angewool gaber di neandhor s ehai r canvas .Ful l yl i nedwi t h Dol mens l eevesandawi de boatnec k.

C arly H amer

Dress: Silk crepe flows from this gown which features two cowls on either side. The sweetheart neck line is surrounded by lace on the top part of the bodice.

C arly H amer

Dress: Tribal patterned cotton dress with center back separating zipper. Boning shoulder feature is encased with same fabric.

This collection from my concepts class was inspired by the feeling of masculinity. I took inspiration from newsboys, 1920’s gangsters and real macho men. I gave the models a wide stance and male-like silhouette. The materials used were wool suiting, denim and cotton shirting in bluish-grey colors with some yellow and coral as accents.

Forever Tomboy

Forever Tomboy

Forever Tomboy

Forever Tomboy

C arly H amer

Top: double breasted REd & white striped cotton blouse with a sailor collar. Skirt: navy blue cotton skirt with removable zipper panels.

C arly H amer

Fasci natorhatfeaturi ng an arti stspai ntpallet. Pai ntblobsaremadefrom embroi deri ng stri ng.The Palleti sconstructed out ofbuckram & covered i n horsehai rcanvas.

Pi llboxhati smadeofbuckram and covered i n acharcoalwoolwi th ahorsehai rri bbon and bow

C arly H amer

www. carlyhamer. com carly. r. hamer@gmai l. com 309. 945. 7253

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