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Permit #9502
Volume 1 - Issue 7
June 19th, 2015
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Long time event evolves through the years
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by Judy Wells Adaptability is the key to allowing small town fairs to continue. The Deloraine Agricultural Society has hosted a fair for over 125 years and has seen many changes in that time. “The Deloraine Agricultural Society was organized in 1889. The purpose
of this society was to bring to the farming public, by featuring annual competitions and events, a knowledge of quality in farm products and livestock, as well as new methods of production. The first official fair was held on the Agricultural Society’s grounds in 1889.� (from
Deloraine Scans A Century, 2880-1980). Some of the highlights from the 1907 fair included a bagpipe band, baseball tournament, a farmers’’ trot race, pony race and Indian pony race; livestock and poultry shows. The fair was greatly anticipated by farmers as
it was an opportunity to show their good livestock and poultry. Seed shows were held in the winter, and sometimes there were Seed and Poultry shows in December as well. For 20 years, from 19101930, the Ag. Society sponsored Boys and Girls School Fairs in the fall.
As well they sponsored a Junior Seed Club and a Junior Hog Club for several years. A standard half mile race track was laid out on the Ag. grounds by the Deloraine Turf Club in 1892 and the first races were held in 1893 with $1,000 in purses. see Deloraine Fair on page 2
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Friday, June 19, 2015
Deloraine Fair continued from page 1
in purses. Thus began a long and rich history of horse racing at the Deloraine Fair. The track has been the subject of praise by many horse race drivers throughout the years. In 1911, there was an attendance of 3000 at the Deloraine Races. Some of the famous horses that raced in Deloraine include: “Battle Axe,� “Kenny Direct,� and “The Coronet.� The existing grandstand was built in 1928 and can hold approximately 800 people. Through the years it has been full to capacity many times for the annual fair and races. The Deloraine Fair & Races was a major attraction, complete with livestock shows, an excellent midway and plenty of horse racing. One by one, events ended, either due to volunteer burnout or lack of entries. And once the enthusiasm for horse racing lessened, attendance was smaller and smaller at the fair. Faced with these challenges, the Ag. Society were forced to try new types of entertainment. Some of the new ideas that have been tried include horse pulls, kiddie tractor pulls, lawn mower races, fire/
magic show, light horse show, team roping, paint gun maze, rodeo, mud bog and demo derby. This year there will be more new events including bull riding, a burnout and street hockey. Like many organizations in small towns, the Ag. Society has fewer and fewer members every year and so look to other non-profit groups to fill in the gaps. The beer garden is operated by the Deloraine Chamber of Commerce and it is that group’s major fundraiser. Chamber also heads up the parade. The canteen was once operated by the Deloraine Elks Club which is now defunct. Since then, various groups have taken the opportunity to run the food booth as a great fundraising project. Deloraine Fair & Races was on the The Manitoba Great Western Horse Racing Circuit for many years. The past two years it was decided to try Chariots and Chuckwagons. While these races are a great crowd pleaser, it was difficult to obtain enough teams to make a good show. The Ag Society Committee, though few in numbers, is strong in their desire to host a fair and use its grounds to the best possibility. To that end, they meet year round and
brainstorm about what to offer at its next event. The following is what they have to offer for the 2015 Deloraine Fair: Friday, July 17: Bull Riding; Display Buildings, Food Booth, Beer Garden, Steak Fry, live music in beer garden following bull riding. Saturday, July 18: Display Buildings, Beer Garden, Food Booth, Parade, 4 on 4 Road Hockey Tournament, Team Roping and Junior Horse Show, Children’s Inflatables, Fashion Shows, Texas Hold ‘Em Tournament, Demo Derby, Burnout Competition, additional entertainment and contests on racetrack before Demo Derby, Live music in beer garden. It’s amazing how a small group of people can provide an annual summer weekend of fun. Many small communities have been forced to let their fairs go the way of the typewriter. Deloraine has managed to hang on to a long established tradition. The fair has changed in nature and evolved like all events of its kind. Note: Check out the Deloraine Agricultural Fair ad in this issue of Border Connection.
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The Observer P.O. Box 160, Carlyle, SK S0C 0R0 Ph. 306-453-2525 • Fax 306-453-2938 email: observer@sasktel.net
The Corner Pocket Group P.O. Box 820, Melita, MB R0M 1L0 Ph. 204-522-3491 • Fax 204-522-3648 email: cpocket@mts.net
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Advertising ......................................Alison Dunning, Regional Sales Manager - 306-575-8883 .................................. Cheryl Rushing, General Manager (Corner Pocket Group) 204-522-3491 ................................................................................................... Marlene Tilbury - 204-522-3491 Reporters/Photographers........................... Judy Wells, Dolores Caldwell, Darci Semeschuk, .................................................................................... Francis Parker, Debbie Butler, Glen Kirby .............................................................................................................Kelly Running, Lynne Bell Production ................................................Cindy Moffatt, Ainsley Wright, Karen Mitchell-Steele ..........................Cindy Wilkinson, Renee Dell, Brittany Walker, Leila Skidmore, Karen Branston
Friday, June 19, 2015
Concert will be a defining moment for Souris
by Darci Semeschuk Fresh off an award at the recent 2014 Tribute to Tourism Manitoba, Souris is at it again. The concert partnership group, less the private citizens that was honoured with the “Partnership” award is planning another outstanding event for July. This year the collaboration includes the Souris Glenwood Chamber of Commerce, the Souris Glenwood Agricultural Society, the Souris Glenwood Memorial Complex and the Souris Glenwood Volunteer Fire Department. Banking on the success of last year’s Doc Walker concert, then economic development officer, Vern May, sought out another strong country performer and recruited the four organizations to back the event. Since May’s departure to further his career, the four organizations stepped up and took over the planning portion of the event. They bring you Canadian recording artist Beverley MahoodÊand her band. Mahood will be performing in Souris on Friday, July 10.The show will be opened by “The Ryan Keown Band” of Roblin, MB, which is of interest as Ryan has a family connection to the Keown family who lived in the Carroll/Souris area for many years. Mahood has blazed a path as a multi dimensional talent - singer, songwriter, actress, model and as a TV Personality. Beverley formed the Female Vocal Group, “Lace” with renowned Canadian Producer, David Foster debuting with the #1 song/video, “I Want a Man”. She received international song-writing recognition with “Come to Me,” recorded by superstar recording-artist, Celine Dion. Add this to starring roles in the Vagina Monologues; two years as a celebrity image for Bootlegger Jeans; her recent starring role in the 2013 film, “Changing Seasons” and the depth of Beverley’s artistic offering is emphasized. Currently Beverley is the host of CMT/YTV’s, “Pick a Puppy” an international hit TV show. “These four dedicated community groups are working hard to bring this event to Souris,” stated Mayor Darryl Jackson. “People loved the Doc Walker concert and it was amazing so we believe this one will be, too. Get out and get your tickets and enjoy a great night in Souris.” This show will be the kick-off to the Souris-Glenwood Rodeo Weekend, July 11 and 12. The Souris Fair also promises a fun-filled weekend of activity. In keeping with the “country” theme started on Friday with Mahood and Keown, the Fair will feature a rodeo, horse show, and beef show. The complete list of events for July 11 and 12 are as follows: Saturday, 9:00 a.m. Horse Show. At 10:00 a.m. is the reinvented Souris Fair Parade. This year local Chamber member Darren Janz is determined to make it an amazing event. For the kids there will be prizes in the Bike Decorating event. Janz hopes to see many floats, horses, cowboys and kids taking part. The parade will assembles in the bowl and ends up at the Fair Grounds.
By Darci Semeschuk
Souris Fair is sure to please because who doesn’t love a little girl on a pony? The day continues with a Slow Pitch tournament, Classic Car Show, 4-H Beef Show and Sale, Roast Beef Supper, Heartland Rodeo Beer Gardens, all day, music by Morgan beginning at 8:30 p.m. The Heartleand Rodeo continues into Sunday but your day won’t be complete if you don’t head out to the Souris Airport for the best breakfast in southwestern Manitoba at their annual Fly-in Breakfast. In addition to a terrific breakfast you can tour the planes and even have a ride in one for a nominal fee. Other Sunday events include a sand pile with hidden treasures for the kids. If you would like more information please contact the coordinator for the events: Horse Show: Kristen Kolynchuk at 204-761-6756 or Jacquie Doyle at 204-483-0015; Slow Pitch: Mark Ryckman at 204-483-0416; Parade and Classic Car Show: Darren Janz at 204-483-0109; 4-H Beef Show and Sale: Tanya Perkin at 204-741-1106; Roast Beef Supper, Heartland Rodeo Beer Gardens and Children’s Entertainment: Donna McKay at 204-7617452 Please support these groups and the great community of Souris by buying your concert tickets atÊPlaza Petals, Robbins Fine Foods, Pembina Co-op, Souris Timeless Treasures and they are also available online at www.ticketweb.ca and put ‘Souris’ in the search bar. You will be directed to the event page. For those looking to camp in the best campground in southwestern Manitoba and swim in the best pool with an awesome spray park and waterslide, call 204-483-5212. Enjoy the concert and stay for the Fair and Rodeo. We’ll guarantee you’ll be back for more!
Ryan Keown who has connections to family in the Souris area will be opening for sensation Beverly Mahood, July 10th in Souris
Souris Fair Rodeo Country Sensation and host of CMT’s Pick a Puppy Beverly Mahood, will headline in Souris July 10th as a kick off to the Souris Fair & Rodeo
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Friday, June 19, 2015
Clubs swinging on comeback season
by Vern May It was a water hazard alright but not the sort that experienced golfers were accustomed to navigating. Unfavourable weather conditions wreaked havoc on many Manitoba courses in 2014, shortening the season and compromising play for many on the links. This year holds the promise of a much stronger season. “We unfortunately didn’t have all 18 holes in full play until the end of May,” says Landon Cameron, golf pro at the Neepawa Golf Club. “When you shorten an already short golf season in Manitoba it does hurt the bottom line. We took a big financial hit!” Heavy rains and flooding impacted many clubs last year, diminishing the impact of expansion plans on some courses, including Boissevain which had just finished seeding the fairways on their modified course, growing from a par 33 to 36, before torrential rains hit. Even after significant work by volunteers, some of this new terrain may not be ready for play until later this summer or possibly 2016. In Deloraine, the increased rainfall flooded their fairways on holes 1 and 7 and caused damage to two fairways, a green and a bridge. Though the water stood
for only two weeks before receding, it left behind a season of repairs, diversion and clean up. Following a season when so many sites were impacted by the declaration of local states of emergency, 2015 has seen a very promising start for many courses. A mild winter with favourable snow conditions has allowed most courses to open their full 18 holes earlier in the season and morale is high among club members. The strong start is welcome news for courses like Belmont’s Pleasant Valley Golf Course. The family owned and operated course is celebrating its 50th year in business. Celebrations scheduled for June 27 and 28 include a pork on a bun event Saturday and a pancake breakfast on Sunday with proceeds going to the local fire department. But even with favourable conditions and confidence restored among their membership, many courses are recognizing the need to step up their marketing strategy to attract future business. “We are participating in the ‘Tee Off for $10’ promotion this season,” says Deb Pritchard, golf pro at the Minnedosa Golf & Country Club. “Every Monday,
except holiday Mondays, from mid-June through to September, you can play 18 holes for$10 plus mandatory cart rental. Players receive a punch card and if they play at any four of the seven participating courses, they can enter to win a membership at the participating club of their choice.” Efforts to cultivate interest in the sport with youth are also being pursued at various sites. Boissevain is offering free play for Grade 6 students from town and neighbouring Minto. Golfers 12 and under play for free when accompanied by a paying adult. Minnedosa is offering a similar enticement for junior golfers aged 10 and under. A number of tournaments highlight the schedule this summer which promises to bring new players to westman courses. Neepawa hosts the Golf Manitoba Rural Manitoba Championships, August 8 & 9, Boissevain presents the Tommy Turtle Bash Tournament on July 18 (with an added surprise in store on No. 6), Minnedosa is home to a series of open tournaments during the month of July, among other great events across the region. It looks like a great year to check out any of western Manitoba’s 40 golf courses this summer.
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Friday, June 19, 2015
Take the scenic setting at Golf Kenosee
By Kelly Running “It’s an extremely picturesque course,” head golf pro and general manager at Golf Kenosee, Brad Wlasiuk, states. “There are views on this course that are breath taking. It’s challenging, but a very fun layout. It’s perfectly manicured. Wlasiuk graduated in 2001 from Professional Golf Course Management from MacEwan University. He immediately found work back home in Manitoba and was with Bridges Golf Course in Starbuck, MB. While here he became the head professional in 2006 and remained here until 2010. At this time he moved with his wife to Parksville and Qualicum Beach where he was the head professional as well as the food and beverage manager at Eagle Crest Golf Club. Wanting to start a family they decided to move back to Manitoba and currently resides in Brandon. From 2012 until this year he worked as an assistant general manager at the Blue Kitchen and Bar. “I missed golf and this industry,” Wlasiuk explained. “This is my passion, so when the position here became available I thought it was a great opportunity.” Wlasiuk has been enjoying his time at Golf Kenosee and is thankful for the senior staff in helping him gain his footing. “It’s going really good; I’ve been lucky with everybody here,” Wlasiuk stated. “Cheryl has been a total rock in running the place as I get my feet wet. Amanda runs a solid operation in the restaurant. It’s been nice that they can run the show as I get used to everything and mold it to my management style.” “Everyone has been really nice, friendly, and accommodating. The members are very nice
Golf Kenosee is open for the season and Brad Wlasiuk, head golf pro and general manger, is looking forward to a fantastic year. (Archive) and everyone seems just so happy to be here. It’s a great atmosphere to come into.” Plans for this year according to Wlasiuk are to promote the course through promotions, but by also providing an unparalleled customer experience which will speak for itself. The course itself Wlasiuk calls a hidden gem and is already pleased with what the course looks like at this stage in the season. “We were lucky to get an early start this season,” he explained. “The course is in phenomenal shape, Calvin does a great job with it, and I plan to showcase the golf course and how good the facility is. It really is a hidden gem that more people should know about.” Men’s Nights are hosted on Tuesdays and La-
dies’ Nights on Thursdays. A fun, casual event there are numerous prizes each week to be won that are supported by various sponsors. Both evenings have on-hole contests, team games, and a meal afterwards with prizes, while the Men’s Nights also have a skins game that can be bought into. The Pro Shop also has its new inventory arriving for the year and it is fully stocked with clubs, shoes, clothing, and more. Wlasiuk is also looking forward to the events being hosted this year at the course including the annual Moose Mountain Classic (Aug. 15/16), which he has been told is quite a production and is very excited for. Wlasiuk will be available for golf les-
sons throughout the year for both individuals and groups. For more information contact the Pro Shop at (306)577-4422. There is a driving range and a putting green available for use at Golf Kenosee as well. Stay and Play packages are also available
through Golf Kenosee and the Kenosee Inn for anyone looking for a golfing getaway. For more information regarding the packages contact Kenosee Inn Resort Hotel at (306)5772099. “I’m looking forward to an exciting and
busy year,” Wlasiuk said. “Hopefully we’ll have good weather and it will be nice out all summer with perfect golf conditions.” “It’s the first week of May and it’s already in mid-season conditions, so the course is going to be immaculate this year.”
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“We have all new inventory arriving for the year and are fully stocked with clubs, shoes, clothing, and more,” Wlasiuk said.
Friday, June 19, 2015
Meet some of the new crop pest threats to Manitoba Complete Design Solutions Civil - Municipal - Structural - Agricultural - Industrial
1331 Princess Avenue, Brandon, MB 204-728-7364 www.bmce.ca info@bmce.ca
As if the list of pests affecting our crops is not long enough, there are more that have recently moved into Manitoba or are very close. Here are
For more information and to apply please visit: www.deloraine.org/deloraine-winchester-farmers-market/ or contact Liza Park at 204-747-3668 or liza@delowin.ca
We are also looking for any non-profit groups interested in doing any fundraisers/lunches/entertainment etc during our Farmer’s Market throughout the summer. Please contact Liza for more details. Be sure to “like” Deloraine Wichester Tourism & Recreation on Facebook to keep up on any Farmer’s Market News
three important ones. Cereal Leaf Beetle Cereal leaf beetle was first observed in Alberta in 2005, Saskatchewan in 2008 and in the northwest region of Manitoba in 2009. Since 2009, this pest has expanded its territory across Manitoba. It was found in the Killarney, Pilot Mound and Holland areas in 2013. As the name suggests, the cereal leaf beetle is primarily a cereal plant feeder that consumes a wide range of cereals and grasses. It prefers oat, barley, wheat, rye, timothy, fescue, grain sorghum and corn. Crop yield and quality are reduced due to lost photosynthetic activity resulting from the feeding damage. The cereal leaf beetle has a single generation per year. The adult and larvae feed on the plant leaves and chew long strips of tissue between the leaf veins. Adults can eat through the leaf completely while the larvae eat the upper leaf surface and leave a thin membrane of tissue. Severe feeding damage can look like frost damage because leaves look whitish. Feeding at the flag leaf stage is most damaging to crop yield. Producers should monitor cereal crops in the spring by looking for adult cereal leaf beetle feeding injury. This scouting will provide an early indication of infestations. Continue
crop scouting throughout the spring and summer, before and during the boot stage, to assess for cereal leaf beetle abundance. Action or economic threshold levels have not been determined for Alberta, but are established in Montana and North Dakota. In Alberta, cereal leaf beetle has not reached economic thresholds. Growers are cautioned to avoid unnecessary insecticide application as long as the parasitic wasp, Tetrastichus julis, continues to keep the beetle’s population low, thus highlighting the importance of only spraying at economic threshold levels. In Montana and North Dakota, economic thresholds are an average combined total of three eggs and larvae per tiller before the boot stage. At the flag leaf stage, the economic threshold is an average of one larva per flag leaf. Larvae are the target for insecticide treatment. Clubroot in canola Clubroot, caused by Plamodiophora brassicae, is a serious disease of cruciferous crops including canola, mustard, cabbage, cauliflower, broccoli and rutabaga (all part of the mustard family). In 2013, two fields in Manitoba were identified and confirmed as showing clubroot symptoms in crops. In addition, the presence of clubroot DNA has been detected in multiple fields. Currently, there is a province wide survey of clubroot that started in fall 2014 as an initiative of the Manitoba Canola Growers and the Mani-
toba government. The goal of the survey is to have one sample from a field in every township where agriculture is practiced in Manitoba. Survey sites are volunteered by growers or secured by contacting growers in specific areas that lack sampling sites. A map of the results from the survey should be available on the http://www.mbpestlab.ca . The map will be updated regularly as more survey results become available. Clubroot resting spores can survive in the soil for as long as twenty years. These spores are released from the galls that form on the roots of susceptible hosts after infection. The spores germinate to produce zoospores which infect the root hairs of the next susceptible plants grown in the soil. Disease development is favoured by high soil moisture and soil temperatures between 18 C and 25 C. As with many root diseases, the aboveground symptoms include wilting, stunting, chlorosis of leaf tissue and premature ripening. The symptoms indicate that the plant is undergoing water and nutrient stress due to a problem with the root system. The belowground symptoms differentiate clubroot from other root diseases. Roots of clubroot-infected plants will form galls and swellings, giving them a club-shaped appearance. Initially, the galls will be firm and white on the inside but as they mature they turn peat brown and
see Crop pests on page 7
PBR ACTION 6:30 PM New HD Video Replay Screen Clown - Austin Stewart Ladies Barrel Racing
Legion Hall - Pancake Breakfast - 8am -10am Parade at Noon Beer Gardens - 2 pm Beef & Pork Supper - 4pm Live Band Cabaret - 9pm
Private sale • 1-204-838-2401 High and dry • Low taxes • 2 miles to highway 6 acres & solid bungalow. Double and single garages. Finished basement with certified wood burning stove. 4 bedrooms (2 up & 2 down) and 1 & 1/2 bathrooms. Park like sunny property with lots of trees. 20 minutes north of Virden, MB.
Friday, June 19, 2015
Crop pests continued from page 6 begin to decompose. Clubroot is spread through movement of infested soil. Therefore, reducing soil movement through proper sanitation is crucial in limiting or preventing the spread of clubroot on and between farms. Most soil is transferred on farm equipment such as tractors and cultivators, but vehicles, boots, tools and storage containers can also carry enough soil to spread the clubroot pathogen. Along with reducing soil movement, crop rotations of at least three years between canola crops and good weed management of alternate hosts, such as stinkweed, shepherd’s purse and wild mustard, will decrease the likelihood
of clubroot establishing in a field. In addition, these techniques will prevent heavier infestations from developing where clubroot is already present at low or undetected levels. The use of clubroot resistant varieties is an important part of an integrated pest management plan when clubroot has been confirmed in your area. With all disease issues, scouting is one of the most important management tools a grower can use. Symptoms of clubroot are often initially observed at the entrance to a field, so basic scouting should be done at these locations. Growers should consider situations where transfer of soil may have occurred such as the purchase of
used field equipment, the use of custom operators or traffic from recreational vehicles. If suspicious symptoms are observed, plant samples can be sent to the Manitoba Agriculture Food and Rural Development (MAFRD) Crop Diagnostic Centre. Your local MAFRD office can assist with sending samples to the lab. Soybean Cyst Nematode According to the North Dakota State University, the soybean cyst nematode (SCN), Heterodera glycines is the most important soybean pathogen in the United States. It was first reported in Minnesota in 1978 and in South Dakota in 1995. It now occurs in western
Minnesota counties and in the northern counties of South Dakota bordering North Dakota. More recently SCN was found in North Dakota and keeps progressing northward and closer to Manitoba. It has not yet been found in Manitoba, but it is being watched closely in the Red River Valley. Although above-ground symptoms of SCN damage are common, especially at high populations of nematodes in the soil, they are highly varied and can be confused with other causes such as iron deficiency, high pH, soil compaction, nutrient deficiency, chemical injury or root rots. Yellowing of the foliage (chlorosis) in July or August, stunting of plants,
thin stands and slow closing of rows are observed. Symptoms may first occur near field entrances, vehicle and storage areas in the field, compacted headlands, along fence rows where windblown soil accumulates, on the tops of knolls or in low or flooded areas. The most definitive characteristic of SCN is the presence of the swollen female nematode on the roots. If the plant is dug from the soil (not pulled up) and the soil carefully removed from the roots, the whitish, cream colored to yellowish, lemonshaped nematodes (about one millimetre in diameter) on the root surface are visible. The nematode feeding
in the roots disrupts the normal physiology of the soybean plant and results in disease. SCN is easily spread from infested to non-infested fields through contaminated field equipment, in wind-blown or water-carried soil, by animals or by small clumps of soil in seed harvested from infested fields. Preventing the infestation of fields should be the first step in managing this pathogen. Stopping or slowing the spread of SCN can prevent losses in future years. For further information please contact Rejean Picard, Farm Production Advisor Ph: (204) 8258054 or email rejean. picard@gov.mb.ca
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By Kelly Running The White Bear Lake Golf Course opened on Friday, May 1st for the season and Director of Golf Operations, Gordon Petker, encourages people to come challenge the bear. Nestled in the Moose Mountains, Petker describes the beautiful course: “ It’s an 18-hole golf course, with three sets of tees to reach all playing levels. There are gently rolling fairways and contoured greens outlined by silica sand bunkers.” “The course wintered well,” Petker stated. “The greens and fairways are in great shape, and we’re looking forward to a nice, warm, long summer.” “We opened on May 1st and the Saturday that weekend was really busy. It was nice to see familiar faces back after winter. Many of them head south or into winter hibernation, so it’s always good to see people out again each year.” The clubhouse hosts both a Pro Shop and a restaurant. The Pro Shop has everything you need from clothing, to balls, to accessories, while the restaurant opened May long weekend and is fully licenced. Men’s Nights and Ladies’ Nights are both offered at the White Bear Lake Golf Course. Both are sponsored by the Bear Claw Casino and Hotel with $500 in prizes given away each week for Men’s Night and $250 in prizes for Ladies’ Night. Men’s Night is hosted on Wednesdays at 5:30 p.m. and Ladies’ Night is held on Mondays at 5:30 p.m. Both nights the participants have the choice to include dinner as well. Currently Petker is taking bookings for tournaments and already has a few lined up this year including the annual White Bear Ladies’ Tournament being held Friday, July 17. Being associated with the Bear Claw Casino and Hotel, Petker says a popular draw to the area comes with the Stay and Play Package available through the Casino or on-
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Friday, June 19, 2015
Photo by Kelly Running
Gord Petker, Director of Golf Operations, stands on at the tee box on the first hole. Excited about the season he is happy with how the course wintered and encourages golfers to come out and challenge the bear. line at whitebeargolf.com. Not only can you book the Stay and Play on their website, but you can also book tee times through this as well or by calling them at (306)577-4902. Petker says that the course is ready to go and that the driving range is also open if anyone is interested in shaking off the winter rust from their swing. Available memberships include a single for $1,200, family for $2,200, and a junior or student for $250. If it’s a first time membership then a substantial discount is given with a single dropping to $900 and a family membership to $1,700. Also available this year are golf clinics and lessons being put on by Petker. Five weeks of Ladies Clinics are being put on starting Thursday, June 4, and running for five consecutive weeks. Cost of the clinics is $120 and it will consist of the five, one-hour sessions focused on putting, chipping, set up, and the full swing as well as rules and etiquette. There’s a maximum of eight ladies per group. Private lessons are also available from Petker. Each lesson is a half an hour and addresses different aspects of the game. One lesson for adults is $40, or a series of three is $100. Junior lessons are $25 for a single or for a series of three it is $60. Contact Petker at the Pro Shop for more information about these or to inquire about semi-private lessons. Petker is looking forward to another great sea-
Photo by Kelly Running
The White Bear Lake Golf Course’s driving range is ready to help shake off the winter rust.
Photo by Kelly Running
An 18-hole course nestled in the Moose Mountains, the White Bear Lake Golf Course is open for the season. son and encourages people to keep up with them on
Facebook: White Lake Golf Course.
Friday, June 19, 2015
July 17 & 18
Admission per day: $10/ages 13 & up
12 & Under FREE
FRIDAY Deloraine Royals Ball Team Steak Fry in the Beer Gardens from 5:00 - 8:00 p.m. “Double Nickel” (featuring Linda and Merina Morrison) in the Beer Gardens from 9:00 p.m. - 1:00 a.m.
BULL RIDING Friday 7:00 p.m.
DISPLAY BUILDINGS Friday and Saturday Senior entries to Elaine Morrison 204-747-2735 Junior entries to Michelle Edwards 204-747-3395 Doors open Friday 4:30 - 8:00 p.m. and Saturday 2:30 - 8:00 p.m.
CHAMBER OF COMMERCE BEER GARDEN Friday open from 4:00 p.m. to 1:00 a.m. Saturday open from 1:00 p.m. to 1:00 a.m.
“Sentinal” (Al Manshreck, Clark Combs, Ron Murias, Don Calverley, Guy Grierson & Kelsey Schoonbaert) in the Beer Gardens from 9:00 p.m. - 1:00 a.m.
TEAM ROPING AND JUNIOR HORSE SHOW - TBA For more info Contact Dallas or Sonja 204-747-3177
CHILDREN’S INFLATABLES, WATERSLIDE AND ACTIVITIES Ages 3-10 from 2:00 - 6:00 p.m. FREE admission
Saturday at noon Marshalling at the fairgrounds, south ball diamond at 11:00 a.m. For more information contact Shirley at 204-534-8499
Saturday in the Beer Gardens 2:00 p.m. 60 players -- $50 buy-in -- No re-buy 85% payout to top 5 MGCC License #569
4 ON 4 ROAD HOCKEY TOURNAMENT Saturday 2:00 to 6:00 p.m. Max 6 people per team (min. age to play is 13) $25/team 100% payout for winner and best dressed team Register by July 15 to Sam 204-747-3668 or email delowinsummerrec@hotmail.com ** 4-team minimum needed to run **
DEMOLITION DERBY Pit in front of the grandstand • 7:00 p.m. Entry fee TBA • Cash Prizes! Sponsored by the Deloraine Fire Department For more information call Kent 204-747-4016
BURNOUT COMPETITION Pit in front of the grandstand • 4:30 p.m. Entry fee TBA • Cash Prizes! For more information call Kevin 204-522-5199
Food Booth is available during the entire weekend. All proceeds going to Deloraine-Winchester Tourism. Come out and support your community!
Additional entertainment and contests will be held on the race track before Demolition Derby on Saturday. Times & details will be announced throughout the day.
Friday, June 19, 2015
15E140 Ensign #645.......................................Enerplus Freda Lake Hz .....................................8B13-19-1B4-31-4-18
Two new licenses issued to Friday, June 12, 2015
15F051 Mosaic K2 Esterhazy 9 WSW ..........................................................................................................4-26-19-32 % &3(& 9LHZÀHOG +] .............................................................................................................4A3-29-2D1-29-8-9 15F050 Mosaic K2 Esterhazy 10 WSW ........................................................................................................4-26-19-32 15B007 CPEC Oungre Hz..............................................................................................................2A1-26-3A1-14-2-13 15B116 Steel Reef Pinto .....................................................................................................................................1-9-1-4 . &3(& 9LHZÀHOG +] .............................................................................................................2C4-29-1D1-29-7-7 15E106 Alliance #7 ..............................................CPEC Torquay Hz ...........................................3C15-8-2D15-17-1-12 % &3(& 9LHZÀHOG +] .........................................................................................................5D13-13-2C14-24-8-8 15C088 Alliance #3 ..............................................CPEC Torquay Hz ............................................. 2B2-9-2B12-28-2-12 $ &3(& 9LHZÀHOG +] ...........................................................................................................3B12-20-4A9-20-7-7 14J524 Stampede #2 ........................................... Legacy Pinto Hz.................................................3D1-18-3A1-17-1-5 14L147 Steppe Tableland ..................................................................................................................3D4-9-4B4-4-2-10 15D161 Stampede #2 ........................................... Legacy Pinto Hz.................................................7D1-18-3D1-17-1-5 11K043 PBEN Pangman DD......................................................................................................4B16-15-2D15-15-7-20 15E051 Crusader #2 ...........................................&3(& 9LHZÀHOG +] ............................................1A3-30-1D14-30-8-5 12K341 CPEC Moosomin............................................................................................................................13-31-13-31 15D175 Canelson #25 ........................................&3(& 9LHZÀHOG +] ................................................ 2B1-6-3B1-31-8-7 12J237 Phase et al Manor ..............................................................................................................................10-11-8-1 15E166 Betts #1 .....................................Canada Golden Fortune Glenavon ............................................... 16-29-15-7 11J193 Triwest Alameda East SWD.................................................................................................................16-9-4-2 15B131 Canelson #21 ........................................&3(& 9LHZÀHOG +] .......................................... 3B13-11-4B13-10-8-8 12J173 CVE Weyburn ..................................................................................................................................15-26-6-12 15E007 Precision #380 .......................................&3(& 9LHZÀHOG +] ............................................ 10B3-28-3B3-21-8-8 12i200 Sundance Ochapowace ...................................................................................................................16-32-17-3 14K354 Red Dog #4 ...........................................&3(& 9LHZÀHOG +] .................................................. 4A8-7-4B5-7-9-8 12J008 CVE Weyburn ................................................................................................................................12-30T-6-13 15C006 Vortex #1 ...............................................&3(& 9LHZÀHOG +] .............................................. 3B12-8-4B10-7-9-8 14K388 Enerplus Oungre ................................................................................................................................4-29-2-14 15E006 Canelson #26 ........................................&3(& 9LHZÀHOG +] .................................................. 1A8-9-1B5-9-8-9 13E165 Gibson Oungre SWD Re..................................................................................................................10-16-2-14 14L262 Ensign #625...........................................&3(& 9LHZÀHOG +] ........................................ 1A16-24-2A16-19-7-10 12A364 Rio Tinto Sedley...............................................................................................................................4-20-14-16 15A042 Alliance #5 .............................................&3(& 9LHZÀHOG +] .......................................... 2B12-12-2A9-12-8-10 12B199 Ceylon 101250512 ...........................................................................................................................16-29-6-18 15E117 Canelson #27 .........................................CPEC Torquay Hz .............................................3C14-6-1C14-7-1-12 13C033 101250512 Ceylon Hz.................................................................................................... 4C6-31-1C14-36-6-19 15E111 Canelson #23 .........................................CPEC Torquay Hz .........................................4D13-23-2C14-26-1-13 / /76 9LHZÀHOG +]............................................................................................................ 3C15-7-1C15-18-9-10
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Friday, June 19, 2015
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2015 LAREDO 335TG
4 slides plus a 60 sq. ft. party deck!! Sit up bar, outside patio ent. center, pull-out fridge, el. awning, el. rear jacks, washer/ dryer prepped, 6 point el. leveling system, and much, much more!
3 slides, central vac, 15k air, 40LCD tv, and plenty more!! You save $11,620.00!!
Unique, great looking 3 slide unit with 3 pages of options. Convenience group, Aztec Edition Luxury Pckg., Premium Enhancement Pckg., Camping With Comfort Pckg. Lists at $64,562.00. With factory rebate we have knocked off over $13,000.00!
2014 BULLET 287QBS
2 slides, 2 entry doors (one going directly to the bathroom), only 7,400 lbs. Pwr. front & rear jacks, pwr. tongue jack, el. Awning, rear hitch receiver.
Easy to tow, top of the line Bullet with a huge living and visiting area. Theater seating, center island kitchen, power tongue jack, el. awning, thermal package, heated and enclosed underbelly, 42LED tv plus a 32LED tv, Perfect gift for Grandpa or Daddy!!
Rear bunk room, champagne ext., tri-fold sleeper sofa, thermal package, heated and enclosed underbelly, el. awning, and much more!! This unit only weighs 5,380 lbs with a hitch weight of only 685 lbs. Sleeps up to 9.
2015 ZINGER 31SB
A great present for Dad or Grandpa!! Easy to tow, with the Premier package includes vaulted ceiling system, frameless tinted windows, power tongue jack, maximum depth slides, and more. El. awning with LED lights, thermal package, heated/enclosed underbelly, 8cf fridge, RVQ grille, and 32LED tv.
A great floorplan for plenty of family fun!! Enclosed/heated underbelly, el. awning. Sleeps up to 9. Loaded unit and we have a great cash price on it with over an $11,500.00 discount.
New floorplan from Keystone R.V. features Luxury pkg. power awning, Cold Mountain pkg, .heated/enclosed underbelly, central vac., tri-fold sleeper sofa.
SOLD $21,900.00 $18,900.00 No Gst $16,900.00 $12,500.00 $12,500.00 $10,900.00
Large Slide, Rear Quad Bunks fiberglass, large slide, v.good cond. large slide, bunkbeds, very clean 2 slides, fiberglass, everything works, As-is. Dinette Slide, Fibreglass Fibreglass, dinette Slide, Only 5100lbs Fibreglass, Jack & Jill Bunks, Large Slide
FIFTH WHEELS 2014 XLR THUNDERBOLT 395 TOYHAULER 3 Slides, 14’Garage, gen. Set 2014 LARADO 293SBH 3 Slides, Bunks 2013 CANYON TRAIL 33SBI 3 Slides, Fireplace, very nice 2013 REDWOOD 38BR 3 large sides, bonus room, SxS fridge, vac, 2 p.awn, f.place 2012 BROOKSTONE 367RL 3 slides, 2 air cond, loaded, used very little, nice cond. 2011 COUGAR 318SAB 3 slides, fiberglass, loaded 2008 JAYCO 341RLQS 4 slides, ladder, spare, rear living room 2007 CHALLENGER 29TRL 3 slides, sat. dish, rec,hitch, new tires, well kept 2004 TITANIUM 26E31DS fiberglass, 2 slides, good cond. 2003 PROWLER 27-5A sofa slide, bunks, ducted air, good cond. 2001 SPRINTER 30’ 2 slides, fiberglass, new tub, new floor 2000 DUTCHMEN 26RK (SOLD) large slide, air cond., ……selling AS IS.
$78,900.00 No Gst SOLD $38,900.00 $57,900.00 $52,900.00 No Gst $24,900.00 $22,900.00 $20,900.00 No Gst $18,900.00 $9,995.00 No Gst $9,900.00 $6,900.00
1999 WANDERER 24RLSS fifth wheel 1999 PROWLER 27RKS 1996 BEACHCOMBER 27’
fiberglass, sofa slide large slide, rear kitchen, fairly new tin, very clean air, new tires, pwr. jacks, waxed, very nice cond.
$8,995.00 $10,900.00 $8,900.00
MOTORHOMES 2001 DAYMAN INTRUDER 34.5 ft. Ford V10 2 slides, new paint, new p. awning, onan 4k gen., 43,000 mi.
$34,500.00 No Gst
1/2 Windshield, rear wind screen, winch, only 83 miles on it! Blade, h/t Warmers, Skid Plates, SS Wheels/Tires Low Miles 5 speed, Winch, only 1425kms
$12, 900 $13,750.00 No Gst $4,995.00 $3,995.00
BIKES 2012 HONDA CRF250R EFI (SOLD) 2009 SUZUKI S83 1400 2008 SUZUKI M109RT 1800cc 2004 SUZUKI KATANA GSF600 2002 YAMAHA ROAD WARRIOR 1700 1998 SUZUKI GSX-R750
4 stroke, Always stored inside, v. good cond., exhaust scratched 10,396 kms. 15,000 kms. added grips, pegs, w/shield, tank bag, mint cond. yellow, 10,413 kms, good cond. pipes, windshield 23,600 kms. black/red, 22,000 km, Vance & Hines exh. good cond.
$4,100.00 $5,500.00 $7,900.00 $2,950.00 $6,895.00 $3,495.00
MISC. 2013 AIR LITE 5 x 8
black, good condition
“HAIL OF A SALE” COMING SOON Check out Carlyle RV for HUGE DISCOUNTS! CARLYLE R.V. V & LEISURE • (306) 453-6773
Friday, June 19, 2015
Promoting family fun at Carlyle Golf Club
By Kelly Running The Carlyle Golf Club, located in Carlyle north of Hwy 13 next to the Curling Club, opened this year on Saturday, April 11, and
they already have big plans for the year. Terry Wonnick, the new manager, is excited for the upcoming season: “We got an early start this
year and it’s been going really well. The course is in pretty good shape after the winter, it’s been a bit dry, but everything is growing again and the damage from
the winter is beginning to repair itself.� Wonnick grew up golfing and is thoroughly enjoying his new job, a change from working in the oil field: “I was a golfer since 13-years-old and so this is an easy fit for me. I’m used to being around golfers, they’re nice dealing with because they’re a happy group of people. If they’re unhappy it’s usually after they go out for a round and even then they usually laugh about what happened.� The Carlyle Golf Club
hosts a weekly Men’s Night on Mondays beginning at 5:30 p.m. Martin Tourand, the Golf Club’s board president, heads up the organizing of Men’s Night which includes prizes for closest to the pin and longest putt. A skins game is also held during the evening and Wonnick says a good meal always follows. “Men’s Night is sponsor driven and without that it would be impossible to host it,� Wonnick stated. Though there is no Ladies’ Night organized each week, Wonnick is looking
for someone to plan the evening as there is interest in it, so if interested contact him at the golf course. Many women do get together on Thursday afternoons to golf together, but it isn’t an organized Ladies’ Night. Something that Wonnick loves seeing on the course is the variety of people: “We have kids out here from five or six right up to seniors in their 80s or 90s; so, there’s a whole range of people. We have
see Carlyle golf on page 14
Photo by Kelly Running
Having opened on Saturday, April 11, Carlyle Golf Club is in full swing and has been happy to offer Menâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Night on Mondays.
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Friday, June 19, 2015
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Friday, June 19, 2015
Carlyle golf continued from page 12 lots of families who come out and have family memberships, which is great to see them all out golfing together.” Tournaments have already been planned for the year with the Lions and Legion Tournament in June, Canada Post Tournament in July, the annual Junior Tournament and Senior Tournament are both planned for August, and are possibly hosting the Junior SHSAA Championships in September. An etiquette program has also been developed at the Carlyle Golf Club for youth getting into golf or wanting to learn proper etiquette when playing.
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$230 $225 $265 $275
204.857.8711 WINNIPEG, MB
From left to right: Martin Tourand (President of Carlyle Golf Club Board), Danielle Barrie (Staff), Terry Wonnick (Manager), and Myrla Holland (Staff) stop for a photo at the clubhouse.
July 12
10:00 a.m. • Parade (prizes for a bike decorating contest for the parade for kids)
1:00 p.m. •
The Parade will assemble in The Bowl and ends up at the Fair Grounds
11:30 a.m. • Slow Pitch
To enter a team call Mark: 204-483-0416
12:30 p.m. - 2:30 p.m. • Classic Car Show
3:00 p.m. • 4H Beef Show & Sale 5:30 p.m. • Roast Beef Supper
6:00 p.m. • Heartland
Beer Gardens ALL DAY Music by Morgan 8:30 p.m.
ing nets near the first tee box, so golfers can warm up while waiting to tee off. Another project is the establishment of a fence along the 603. The Carlyle Golf Club has Family passes for $950, Single Adult pass for $550, a Student pass for $250, as well as the very popular Seven-for-Six punch card at $138. “It’s been a really good start to the season,” Wonnick said. “We’re going to make the course as great as possible, Mother Nature allowing, and hopefully it will be a nice summer and we can get away from the wet that’s been with us the last couple of years.”
July 11
9:00 a.m. • Horse Show/MGRA
“We started an etiquette program for our juniors,” Wonnick said. “We’re teaching them about more than just hitting the ball. We’re teaching them the gentlemanly aspect of the game, the rules, and how to conduct themselves.” “We had a group last Wednesday come and it’s amazing how much they already know. It’s really nice to see. The juniors we have here are all good kids. We do have a Junior Program here, but one of our senior employees who handles schedules is working on it.” Projects for this year include putting up driv-
MBRA Sanctioned Barrel Racing
Heartland Rodeo Beer Gardens Sand pile with hidden treasures for kids
Pascar Racing at Souris Airport • 1:00 p.m.
Volunteer Sponsor:
Souris, MB Presents.... with special guest RYAN KEOWN BAND
Available at: Robbins Fine Foods • Plaza Petals Pembina Co-op Souris Timeless Treasures or online at www.ticketweb.ca or call Jackie Kirkup 204-720-4562
ALL AGES EVENT DOORS OPEN 6:30 p.m. Sponsored by Souris Firefighters, Souris & Glenwood Chamer, Souris & Glenwood Ag Society and the Souris Complex
Friday, June 19, 2015
MERIDIAN STEEL BINS 7260, 8473 AND 9670 BUSHEL Includes Bin Hopper, Skid Rocket and labour. Built on site.
Call for winter booking prices. Other aeration options available. Leasing options are available.
Valleyview Co-op Can Now Build
Spectacular savings on large diameter bins up to 48’
NOW TAKING EARLY BOOKINGS On farm set-up • Many options available as well as well as sizes to choose from • Bins will hold up to 11,990 bushels depending on model.
Valleyview Consumers Co-op Ltd.
Call Derek or Lane for more information 204-748-2843
Agro Centre You’re at home here.
Highway #1, Virden, MB 5:1c
Friday, June 19, 2015
Make a splash this summer at Souris pool
Photo by Glen Kirby
People come from miles around to take a dip in the lovely Souris Pool. In addition, this wonderful asset is located at the Victoria park campground, a favourite with area campers all season. With the pool and campground, Souris is a busy place in summer. The pool is now open and school lessons have begun. Pictured above: Sydney Murphy tries out a swim tether under the watchful eye of instructor Alexis Jameson and classmates during a morning swim lesson on June 9.
ADVERTISE YOUR BUSINESS IN A BROADER AREA For more information on the new Border Connection or advertising rates and bookings contact: Saskatchewan: Manitoba: Alison Dunning Cheryl Rushing 306-453-2525 204-522-3491 alison@prairieng.com cpocket@mts.net
Balers, Haybines, Discbines
10% OFF all installed parts
FREE Pickup/Delivery within or FREE onsite inspection within 50 km
Use your CNH Capital Productivity Plus Account on work orders over $750 and get No Interest No Payments for 90 days!
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Book by June 30th Limited time offer!
Friday, June 19, 2015
Canada Day celebrations inspire participation By Vern May Under a brilliant array of colours dancing across the night sky, is how we are accustomed to spending the grand finale of a celebration that unites us as proud Canadians. But aside from this one common element, the celebrations planned for this year are as unique as the host communities themselves. Boissevain will host two days of celebration on June 30 and July 1. Undeterred by the midweek scheduling of our national birthday, day one will showcase a celebration of the community’s history with all four local museums getting involved. In addition to a fur exhibition, activities include sash weaving as well as bannock making and tasting. Canada Day features a slate of activities sure to appeal to the young as well as the young at heart. A classic car show, a rib cook off, a parade and children’s carnival lead into live entertainment before the evening’s fireworks close the evening. Minnedosa, which attracts growing num-
bers to the beaches of Minnedosa Lake each year to witness its spectacular fireworks display over the water has also planned an active day, geared to get the whole family involved in the action. An inflatable obstacle course, human hungry hippos, bumper ball soccer, a caricature artist, as well as music and food throughout the day at the Beach Pavilion. Rapid City is boasting the “best fireworks show by a dam site” to cap off a full day which includes active participation from a number of community organizations. Starting off with a pancake breakfast at the Valley View Golf Club, the day opens with a morning golf tournament. A grand opening celebration and lunch time activities are slated for the Rapid City Museum. Beach Volleyball and other games for all activity levels will be held at the beach pavilion, followed by a beef pit barbecue supper. Live entertainment will be provided by Misty Street in the evening leading to the night’s
ADVERTISE YOUR BUSINESS IN A BROADER AREA For more information on the new Border Connection or advertising rates and bookings contact: Saskatchewan: Manitoba: Alison Dunning Cheryl Rushing 306-453-2525 204-522-3491 alison@prairieng.com cpocket@mts.net
2004 JX75 CASE IH cab/air 3 point hitch, 2WD 75 HP......................$27,000
New 2012 30B Case IH tractor MFD with loader, 30hsp ............... $23,000
2011 180 Magnum Case IH tractor 180 HP 700 hrs ................. $132,000 2010 7330 John Deere MFD, power quad plus transmission w/741 loader & grapple, 3300 hrs ....................................................... ...........$110,000 2006 MXU 130 CASE IH, MFD Loader & Grapple........................$63, 000
2010 9770 STS John Deere w/ 615 PU Header, 20.8x42 duals 29L x 26 rear tires with extra options............................................................... $265,000 2009 7088 Case IH with 3016 header .....................................$200, 000 2007 2588 Case IH 2015 Header ............................................. $155,000 2006 2388 Case IH w/pu .......................................................... $135,000 2003 2388 Case IH................................................................... $120,000 1998 2388 CASE IH with p/u ...................................................... $75,000 1992 TX36 New Holland with melrow p/u ................................... $27,000 1991 1680 Case IH 1015 header ............................................... $30,000
2012 36 ft D50 MacDon draper header .......................................... $65,000 2010 36 ft Case IH draper header .................................................. $60,000 2002 30 ft 1042 Case IH draper header, transport case adapter ... $35,000 2002 36’ 962 MacDon Header, pick up reel and transport, 88 case adaptor ........................................................................................................ $28,500 1999 36’ 960 MacDon Case adapter, pick up reel, transport ...................... $26,000 1997 25’ 1010 Case IH Auger header, pick up reel ...................... $8,500
2010 65 ft. 3310 Bourgault paralink 12” spacing, midrow shank banding, double shoot, rear hitch, tandem axles.............................................$148,000 2008 50ft 10” spacing Seed Hawk Tool Bar with a on board 400 plus Seed Hawk grain cart and auger............................................................$165,000
2014 1082 Brent grain cart, hydraulic drive and extra PTO Shaft, tarp, scale...................................................................................................$55,000
A.E. CHICOINE Farm Equipment Ltd. Storthoaks, SK. 306-449-2255 3 1995 Case Corporation Case IH is a registered trademark of Case Corporation.
finale. For some communities, last year’s Canada Day festivities were hampered or cancelled due to torrential rains which resulted in several declarations of state of local emergency throughout the region. Brandon feared that it may have to shuffle their plans such as they had in 2011, moving their entire schedule indoors to the Keystone Centre. Last year, the Riverbank Discovery Centre was fortunate to have access to a paved event site a lot of help from local volunteers and businesses, to be able to go proceed. This year, they are excited to build on last year’s event. The highlight of the schedule for Canada Day will include the second annual assembly to create a living Canada Flag. Attendees are encouraged to wear red or white and stand shoulder to shoulder to form our national symbol. More than 1,000 people are expected to take part in this activity which kicks off the festivities for Brandon. Live music and cultural performances will be featured on the main stage from 1:00 pm until dusk. The ever popular Riverbank Duck Race will be held at 4:00 pm, with the winning lucky duck taking home a $5,000 prize. Barring hostile weather like we saw last year, it looks like any opportunity to get out into your community and celebrate
our nation’s birthday is a surefire guarantee for a great time for the whole family. Don’t miss out on the celebration wherever your travels take you for Canada Day anywhere in the region this year.
Ed Jiggens Very Large Auction Sale of Smaller Farm & Hay Equipment, Shop Equipment & Tools, Boats, Cars, Camper, Generators, Lawn & Garden, Household, Collectibles & Misc.
Saturday, June 27 • 10:00 a.m. • At his farm From Oak Lake, road 139 W, 18.1 kms south; From west of Deleau junction #2 & 254 go 3.5 kms north, turn west 2 kms, on a winding dirt rod to sale site. 1984 Versatile 276 tractor, 100 hp, 3 pt , 540 PTO, 6304 hrs, 3 remote hyd., engine end hitch, 16.9-28 rubber; 1985 Versatile 256 tractorw/ Versatile 2360 loader w/ 8’ bucket 3PT, 3 remote hyd, 540 PTO, engine end hitch; MF 3 pt & pto tractor; 1973 & 1988 Vermeer 605 round balers; Rakes; Mowers; Univision 28’x10’tilting trailer, w/ cable push off, & other smaller machinery; 1980 Chev C/R 20/2500 4 +cab, crew cab truck w/ 11’Fleetwing slide in camper; 1976 Chrysler Newport, 1972 Chev Impala, & other older cars; Model T for parts; 1990 Honda TRX350 Four Trax 4x4 quad, vin – JH3TE0723LK303534, no hr meter, front & rear racks; 1986 Honda Four Trax 4x4 quad, vin- JH3TE0709GM008625; 1979 Argo 8 wheel amphibious vehicle, w/ poly track over 6 wheels, s/n TD2795, Tecumseh eng., w/ variable drive; 1981 Honda PA 50 moped,vin Y, 130 kms; C1AB090988502230 E-Z-GO 4 wheel powered golf cart; s/n 526593; Lund model S-16 16’ fishing boat, w/ Traveller trailer; & other boats; Winpower model 50/30 PTO generator, 50KVA 5 minintmt rating, 30 KVA continuous rating, 1 20/240V, 1ph, 540 pto, used only once; Honda ES 6500 generator; Honda E2500 generator; John Deere EZ Trak zero turn mower, model Z445, 54” mower deck, JD 27hp ES engine; JD 318 lawn tractor, w/ 44” deck;s, gas eng.& other mowers; 295A Century welderAC, w/ cables, stand, & rods; Homelite chain saw; 16 gal. wet dry shop vac; Jobmate 1600 power washer; 8 gal shop vac, new in box; John Wood Co air compressor; 220 shop heater; 6’x4’ S/A wagon, & a host of very good power & hand tools; Large lift new 2X12 rough treated lumber; Variety plywood , many new sheets; Variety red barn tin; A WHOLE LOT MORE ITEMS THAN LISTED. Larger equipment to sell about 2:00 p.m. Household, & Collectors; A appliances & household. Antiques & collectors include Roll top desk, triple curved china cabinet, 2 door wardrobe, Large collection plates, & other small pieces. Huge collection cookbooks; & more. One of the largest & most interesting & unusual sales we have ever had to sell. DON”T MISS THIS ONE! We will be selling in 2 rings. Everything is in very good condition. Terms cash cheque or Visa, (if applicable). Check our website for details & pictures.
WRIGHT’S AUCTION SERVICE LTD Boissevain MB For info 1 204-534-7997, or email w.wright@mymts.net or www.wrightauction.ca
Friday, June 19, 2015
Boogie Fest is back It’s that time of year again, so bring out your Harley’s and get ready to ride with the 14th Annual Carlyle Boogie Fest being held on Friday, June 19, and Saturday, June 20. The event begins on Friday, June 19, with a free lunch and ticket blitz for a 2004 Harley Davidson Heritage Softail. The lunch will be held in front of Home Hardware and is sponsored by Canadian Energy Services. At 4:30 p.m. the games begin under the pavilion in
Carlyle Lions Park with Cornerstone Family and Youth hosting kids games, face painting, bouncers, and a concession. Between 9 a.m. and 11 a.m. on Saturday, June 20, a free pancake preakfast will be held by Crescent Point Energy at Lions Park, which will be followed by the Poker Derby that takes riders on a cruise across southeast Saskatchewan. Supper will be on and served at 6 p.m. by the Knights of Columbus for a reasonable cost. Following
dinner Product of Canada will begin performing at 8 p.m. with fireworks to be let off at dark. After dancing and moving at the cabaret there will be a midnight snack available courtesy of the local fire department. At midnight the big draw will be done for the Harley. Throughout the day on Saturday there is also a slo-pitch tournament being run, so take in the action of the day. Observer archive photo
Observer archive photo
Trevor Dalziel stands beside Boogie Fest’s raffle bike currently displayed in A&W. “It’s a 2004 Heritage Soft Tail with only 287 km on it; it’s like brand new!” Dalziel exclaimed while speaking with The Observer in the fall.
ADVERTISE YOUR BUSINESS IN A BROADER AREA For more information on the new Border Connection or advertising rates and bookings contact: Saskatchewan: Manitoba: Alison Dunning Cheryl Rushing 306-453-2525 204-522-3491 alison@prairieng.com cpocket@mts.net
Craig Erick and his wife, Marcie, enjoyed Boogie Fest with two of their kids Kirby and Titus last year.
2nd Annual
The RCMP Musical Ride is coming to Wawota
Tuesday, July 28
Join us for a full day of events and entertainment followed by the spectacular Musical Ride in the evening • • • •
Doors open at 4 p.m. Entertainment: 4 p.m. - 7 p.m. Musical Ride: 7 p.m. Meet and Greet and get pictures with the Horses and Riders at the end of the show • Barbecue and music after the show
OTHER EVENTS: • • • • •
Saturday, July 11th
Food Court Music Entertainment Bounce Tents Beer Gardens and more!
at the beach parking lot Kenosee Lake, SK 11:00 am to 5:00 pm
$10 Entry for Participants
Book your tickets early or buy them at the door:
Open to all Classics, Muscle, Custom Cars, Trucks and Bikes Prizes Presented to…
Participants Choice - Truck, Car, Bike People's Choice - Truck, Car, Bike Youngest Participant • Oldest Participant Longest Distance • Kid's Choice
Call 306-739-2898, 9 a.m. - 5 p.m. any day of the week or purchase advance tickets at: Kenosee Inn, Kenosee Mini-Mart, King’s Department Store - Carlyle, Wawota Town Office, Wawota Co-op C-Store, The World-Spectator in Moosomin
Family pass: $40
Adults: $15 Ages 6-17: $10 5 and under: Free
(includes 2 adults and 2 children ages 17 and under)
Adults: $12 Ages 6-17: $8 5 and under: Free
Call 306.739.2898 for Advance Tickets!
• • • • •
Free entry to the park for participants. Music from the 50's & 60's Door prizes & draws hourly Concession all day Spectators free of charge
Special thanks to all of our sponsors!
GM H ngine E e t a r C d by
Donate sport in) in Tran a Rib lk endance to w
e in (Must b
For information call Kevin: 306-577-7399 Rick: 306-577-8623
Friday, June 19, 2015
Locomotive simulator now in operation at Souris Railway Museum By Darci Semeschuk If you’ve ever wondered what it feels like to barrel down the railway tracks with 20,000 tons of iron and coal rumbling along behind you then you’re in luck. At the Souris Railway Museum you can now get an “engineer’s eye” view of the tracks ahead while pulling the load behind you. A recently acquired railway simulator is up and running in the Souris facility. The simulator was donated to the Souris railway Museum by the New York Air Brake Co. of Fort Worth, Texas. Local native, Tim Janz, who, according to museum creator Ferg Devins is mainly responsible for obtaining this equipment, was on hand at the Museum opening June 2. Visitors can take the throttle on a simulated run, complete with signals, grade crossings, and radio transmissions. The cab simulator is as close as most individuals will ever come to being an engineer, and will be an experience remembered for a lifetime. Other new exhibits will open for the coming season, wrote Devins in a release inviting people to view the new simulator. “We have not fully completed them but you are welcome to view what we already have in place.” The museum will open for July and August and by appointment at other times. Caption - If you’ve ever wondered what it feels like to be at the controls of 20,000 tons of iron and coal, here’s your chance. The newly installed locomotive simulator is operational at the Souris Railway Museum. Tim Janz (L) is seen here explaining exactly how the simulator works to local railway historian Keith Davison.
ADVERTISE YOUR BUSINESS IN A BROADER AREA For more information on the new Border Connection or advertising rates and bookings contact: Saskatchewan: Manitoba: Alison Dunning Cheryl Rushing 306-453-2525 204-522-3491 alison@prairieng.com cpocket@mts.net
Photo by Debbie Butler
Unreserved Public Farm Auction
Unreserved Public Farm Auction
Todd & Christine Renwick
W&S and K Allan Ag Farm Ltd.
Balcarres, SK | June 26, 2015 · 10 am
1998 John Deere 9300
2001 John Deere 9650STS
1990 John Deere 8560 & Unverferth 6225
Willmar 765 90 Ft
Creelman, SK | June 29, 2015 · 10 am
2011 John Deere 9870STS
2009 Premier M150 35 Ft
2004 Peterbilt 379
1999 Freightliner & 1997 CIM 20 Ft
2004 Seedmaster 48 Ft w/ Ezee-On 3000
2005 Rogator 874 100 Ft
Large Quantity of Antiques
2001 MacDon 2940 30 Ft
1992 International 9400
2010 John Deere 5101
AUCTION LOCATION: From BALCARRES, SK, go 12.9 km (8 miles) North on Hwy 310, then 3.2 km (2 miles) West OR From ITUNA, SK go 26 km (16 miles) South on Hwy 310, then 3.2 km (2 miles) West. Yard on North side. GPS: 50.9235, -103.5981 A PARTIAL EQUIPMENT LIST INCLUDES: 1998 John Deere 9300 4WD Tractor · 1990 John Deere 8560 4WD Tractor · 2010 John Deere 5101 MFWD Tractor · 1983 John Deere 4450 2WD Tractor · 2001 John Deere 9650STS Combine · 2000 Honey Bee SP30 30 Ft Draper · 2001 MacDon 2940 30 Ft Swather · 1992 International 9400 T/A Grain Truck · 1996 GMC 3500HD 4x4 Dually Pickup Truck · John Deere 787 230±
2001 John Deere 9200
Bushel Tow Behind Air Tank · White 30 Ft Cultivator · White 14 Ft Offset Disc · Flexi-Coil 60 Ft Harrows · Degelman Rock Picker · Willmar 765 90 Ft High Clearance Sprayer · Qty of Bins · 2011 John Deere EZ-Trak Z465 62 In. Zero Turn Lawn Mower · John Deere iTC Receiver · John Deere GS2 2600 Display · Balcarres Welding 9 Ft Blade · (2) John Deere ATU200 Steering Kit · Large Qty of Shop Supplies & Tools ...AND MUCH MORE!
For up-to-date equipment listings, please check our website: rbauction.com
AUCTION LOCATION: From CREELMAN, SK, go 2.4 km (1.5 miles) North on Grid 701, then 5.6 km (3.5 miles) East. Yard on North side. GPS: 49.844460, -103.2155306 A PARTIAL EQUIPMENT LIST INCLUDES: 2001 John Deere 9200 4WD Tractor · 1982 John Deere 4440 2WD Tractor · John Deere 1830 2WD Tractor · 2011 John Deere 9870STS Combine · 2010 John Deere 635D Hydrafloat 35 Ft Draper · 2009 Premier M150 35 Ft Swather · 1954 John Deere 70 Antique Tractor · 1954 John Deere 60 Antique Tractor · John Deere 830 Antique Tractor · 1941 John Deere D Antique Tractor · Case C Antique Tractor · Case Steam Tractor Antique Steam Tractor · 1960 John Deere 730 Antique Tractor · John Deere R Antique Tractor · 1952 GMC 9430 Antique Grain Truck · Antique Horse Drawn Water Wagon · McCormick-Deering
D178406 Threshing Machine · McCormick 7 Ft Binder · 2004 Peterbilt 379 Sleeper T/A Truck · 1999 Freightliner T/A Grain Truck · 1997 CIM 20 Ft Tri/A Grain Trailer · Ashland 80D 8 Cy Pull Scraper · 2004 Seedmaster 4811 SXX300 48 Ft Air Drill · Dutch Eagle TB-58-92SG 150± Bushel Tow-Behind Air Tank · 2010 John Deere 2410 52 Ft Cultivator · 2005 John Deere 610 41 Ft Cultivator · Ezee-On 5300 37 Ft Cultivator · 2005 Rogator 874 100 Ft High Clearance Sprayer · New Holland 273 Square Baler · Qty of Grain Bins & Augers · GPS Equipment · Shop & Warehouse Equipment ...AND MUCH MORE!
For up-to-date equipment listings, please check our website: rbauction.com
Todd Renwick: 306.331.7277, tandc.renwick@sasktel.net
Warren Allan: 306.433.2046, wsallan@hotmail.com
Ritchie Bros. Territory Manager – Kevin Ortt: 306.451.7388 800.491.4494
Ritchie Bros. Territory Manager – Kevin Ortt: 306.451.7388 800.491.4494
by Terri Eger Melita Early Learning Centre is working on a number of ways to improve things for the children attending. Changes to both the physical space and the programming offered are sure to enhance the environment. Blue prints for physical changes to the space have been drawn up and are currently awaiting pricing estimates according to Board chair Tara Cameron-Tilokani. “We are working on a new exterior entrance, a fenced outdoor play area, a fun storage shed, and more preschool appropriate play structures,” she said. The improvements will mean a more accessible, user-friendly space for the children who are cared for at the Centre. “It’s not going to be cheap,” said Cameron-Tilokani. “We are hoping for some donated labour for the project.” The Centre is located in the elementary end of the local school and acts as a great transition as the children grow. Use of the school gym and library are also available, adding to the resources. The location makes for a convenient op-
Changes for the better
tion for parents with children in the before and after school program. “We are very excited about the changes and are working to provide an age appropriate, safe environment for the children,” said Cameron-Tilokani. The Centre is licenced to care for four infants and up to 16 preschoolers. In September the infant spots will be full and the remaining spots will be at 80 per cent capacity. “They are all at different ages and stages and it’s a great place for the children to go,” she said. “They are always rushing in to find their best friend at the Daycare.” While changes to the physical space are underway, the board is also making changes to the programming offered. Volunteers from the community are being asked to help out in a number of different areas. “We are always looking for people who want to come and play with the kids,” said Cameron-Tilokani. “Anyone who wants to come in and read to the children, do an activity with them, or assist on a field trip is welcome.” No education or training
Photo by Brittany Walker
The Melita Early Learning Centre, located in Melita School, is looking to make a few new improvements in the near future. These improvements will include new exterior doors, a fenced outdoor play area, a storage shed, and preschool appropriate play structures. Pictured above: Hayden Clark, Lily Bernard, and Spencer Anderson enjoying snack time. is necessary and the Centre will assist with the required criminal record check and child abuse registry clearance. Anyone who loves to spend time with children, including grandparents, or anyone with a little extra time is asked to contact the centre staff to make arrangements for volunteer activities. In addition to time spent with the children, volun-
Unreserved Public Farm Auction
Blair & Yvette Stewart Fillmore, SK | June 30, 2015 · 10 am
2009 John Deere 9770STS
2011 Case IH 500HD
2011 John Deere D450 35 Ft
1999 Kawasaki 60X IV
2005 John Deere 1820 52 Ft w/1910
1979 Versatile 835
1988 Kenworth T600
2006 Vermeer Flextrak 75
AUCTION LOCATION: From FILLMORE, SK, go 10.5 km (6.5 miles) North, then 2.4 km (1.5 miles) North around curve, then 6.4 km (4 miles) East around curve, 1.6 km (1 mile) North. Yard on West side. GPS:49.918, -103.34947 A PARTIAL EQUIPMENT LIST INCLUDES: 2011 Case IH 500HD 4WD · 1979 Versatile 835 4WD · 2006 Kubota 00147 Track · 1978 Case 1175 2WD · 2009 John Deere 9770STS Combine · 2011 John Deere D450 35 Ft Swather · 2004 Kenworth T800 T/A Truck · 1993 Kenworth W900L T/A Grain Truck · 1988 Kenworth
T600 T/A Grain · 2007 Neville 38 Ft T/A Grain Truck · 1999 Kawasaki 60Z IV Wheel Loader · 1996 Dresser 518 Wheel Loader · 2006 Vermeer Flextrak 75 Trencher · Kubota L-35 Loader · Genie Z-451255 Boom Lift · 2005 John Deere 1820 52 Ft Air Drill ...AND MUCH MORE!
For up-to-date equipment listings, please check our website: rbauction.com Blair Stewart: 306.722.3641 (h), 306.722.7712 (c) blair@ssrailway.com Carter Stewart: 306.722.7557 Ritchie Bros. Territory Manager – Kevin Ortt: 306.451.7388 800.491.4494
Friday, June 19, 2015
teers are also needed on the Board of Directors for the Centre. “We are hoping to create a multi-generational Board,” said Cameron-Tilokani. “People of all ages and those who don’t have children in the Centre have a lot to offer and we’d love to have their input.” For those who would like to support the Centre in other ways, there are a number of fundraisers that require assistance. The Centre will be providing lunch at the local Show and Shine this summer and the Ladies Night each
fall is the major fundraiser for the organization. The community has shown a great deal of support for the Centre in the past and Cameron-Tilokani said they are very appreciative of the items which have been donated. Learning and fun for those being cared for at the Centre is not limited to the grounds. A number of field trips are being looked into for the summer months. Cameron-Tilokani explained that the group headed out into the community each Wednesday last summer and organiz-
ers hope to do the same this year. If you have a business or organization that would be of interest to the young children at the Centre, please contact the staff to make arrangements for a visit. “We want to get the kids out in the community. They are part of the community and we want them to be involved,” she said. If you are interested in more information on the Early Learning Centre for your child or as a volunteer, please contact Tara Cameron-Tilokani at 204576-3400.
Friday, June 19, 2015
Submitted The Committee for the North End Skatepark is very proud of the fact that we have raised enough funds to complete the construction of the Skatepark in Souris. The jumps are already all in place at the site and, if the weather cooperates, the concrete pad should be poured next week. The support for this community has been overwhelming and we are now going to be able to provide another outdoor recreation location for the youth of Souris and area. At this time we are no longer accepting donations towards the construction of the North End Skatepark. If you are still interested in donating in some way towards the Skatepark, please contact Kris Doull at 204-483-0692 or Linda Ryckman at 204483-0134 The grand opening will be held Thursday, July 30, at 3:00 p.m. at the North End Skatepark.
North End Skatepark fundraising complete
August 13-16 Photo by Debbie Butler
Youth from the Souris area were watching and anticipating the fun they are going to have when the long-awaited Souris Skatepark opens. Crews are working in earnest to get the park completed by the end of June, when school lets out for summer. Four youths are watching workers place the heavy concrete jumps on June 9. A grand opening celebration announcement is expected in the near future.
Published monthly by Glacier Media
The Observer P.O. Box 160, Carlyle, SK S0C 0R0 Ph. 306-453-2525 • Fax 306-453-2938 email: observer@sasktel.net
The Corner Pocket Group P.O. Box 820, Melita, MB R0M 1L0 Ph. 204-522-3491 • Fax 204-522-3648 email: cpocket@mts.net
Friday & Saturday Performances plus shoot-out Champion Sunday Draft Horse Futurity • 3D Barrels • High School Rodeo Downtown Events • Parade • Dance • Demolition Derby
Winner off the Wi th 2014 Tourism T Westman Event of the Year and numerous MRCA Rodeo of the Year Awards www.virdenindoorrodeo.ca
Friday, June 19, 2015
Seven great summer health and safety tips
Along with summer fun comes sunburns and bug bites. Hereâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s how you can handle seven minor summer health emergencies. Summer is in full swing, which means itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s time for camping trips, backyard barbecues and more family fun. But a painful sunburn, scraped knee or other small health crisis can bring a good time to a screeching halt. Hereâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s how to get back to enjoying summer. 1. Your backyard lounger time is rudely interrupted by a hovering insect treating you like a snack. Your arm is now itching like crazy. What to do Apply an ice cube or a cool compress. Then slather on a soothing remedy such as calamine lotion, vinegar or a paste of baking soda and water. Peppermint oil (or, in a pinch, peppermint toothpaste) also works well. How this helps Reducing inflammation reduces itching. Antihistamines stop your body from producing histamine â&#x20AC;&#x201C; the compound that fights off foreign
substances in your body. Though histamine is usually a good thing, in the case of a bug bite, the blood it sends to the affected area makes the bite itchier. Seek medical attention if... You feel dizzy or nauseated; that could indicate a severe allergic reaction. 2. Your husband isnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t the only one enjoying his book. When he tries to shoo the unwanted wasp away, he is promptly stung. What to do A wasp injects venom into the body. Wasp stings benefit from a cold compress or ice pack, but your husband should also lie down and lower the part of his body that was stung. Antihistamines can be helpful if the sting continues to hurt. How this helps Cooling the site of the bite helps stop the poison from spreading, as does lying down and keeping the stung area lower than the rest of the body. Simple gravity makes it harder for the poison to move into other parts of the body. Seek medical attention if... Heâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s been stung in
THE HEALING PATH MASSAGE THERAPY April Fearnley, RMT Orthopedic Massage Therapist
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Golf Kenosee
the mouth or nose and he thinks the swelling may be blocking his airways. Take him to the emergency room immediately if he canâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t breathe properly, has a tightness in his throat or chest, is dizzy, breaks out in hives, faints, or is nauseous or vomiting. These symptoms could indicate an allergic reaction. 3. A day spent sunbathing has left your teenage daughter in pain and looking bright red. What to do Apply cool cloths or have your daughter take frequent cool (not cold) showers or baths. Dr. Rae Lake, a Toronto-based physician, says alcoholfree moisturizing lotions are also helpful. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Theyâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;re all pretty much the same, so go for the cheapest. If you can get something with aloe, thatâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s even better.â&#x20AC;? If your daughter is in pain, you can give her acetaminophen or ibuprofen. And remember that sunburns can cause dehydration, so she should drink lots of water. How this helps Lowering the bodyâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s temperature eases the heat of a sunburn. Peeling skin is inevitable, but lotions
help relieve the itching and speed up the recovery. Seek medical attention if... Sheâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s covered in blisters, she has a high fever or severe pain, or her burn hasnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t calmed down after a few days. 4. A swimming pool has left your body feeling energized â&#x20AC;&#x201C; and your ears full of water. What to do Tip your head or use the corner of a towel or facecloth to wick out the water lodged in your ears. Donâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t use cotton swabs: Theyâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;ll only force the water deeper into your ears and irritate the canal. You can also try quickly poking a finger in and out of your ear or tilting your head while putting your palm over the affected ear and pushing in and out. If your ear is still waterlogged, a few drops of a solution made with one part five per cent white vinegar and one part 95 per cent isopropyl alcohol could do the trick. How this helps Simple gravity encourages the water to drain. Putting a finger in your ear or using your palm creates a temporary vacuum that,
Dr. David Cochrane Optometrist Eye Examinations, Contact Lenses Fashionable Eyewear 170 Nelson Street West, Virden, MB Ph: (204)748-1094 for appointment Hours: 9 a.m. - 5 p.m. Weekdays
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when broken, allows the water to drain. The acid in the vinegar breaks down ear wax that may be trapping water in the ear canal, while the alcohol dries quickly, taking the water with it. Seek medical attention if... The water sits in your ear for more than three days. The skin in your ear will eventually break down because of the moisture, and that can lead to infection (called swimmerâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s ear). 5. While staking out your real estate at the beach, the wind picks up and sweeps sand into your eye. What to do Keep blinking to produce tears that naturally clean your eye. If you think something is still lurking, it might be under your upper eyelid, wash you hands, then lift the lid flush gently with cool water from a bottle, a water fountain or, if youâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;re at home, a sink. How this helps Rubbing your eye is an automatic reaction, but you could be pushing a microscopic rock over your eyeâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s tender tissues. Your eyes produce tears when theyâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;re irritated by foreign objects, and these tears act as a natural flusher. Seek medical attention if... Youâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;re unable to flush out your eye with water or the sand wonâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t go away. 6. Your son insisted on wearing his new, supercool sneakers â&#x20AC;&#x201C; sans socks â&#x20AC;&#x201C; on the family hike. He and his blisters had to limp home.
What to do Clean the blisters with soap and water, and expose them to air. Donâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t pop them and donâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t pull off the top layer of dead skin, because that could open the door to infection. If a blister does pop or your son has to wear shoes, apply an antibacterial ointment and cover the blister with an adhesive bandage. How this helps Air helps blisters dry out. The deflated top skin protects the blister as it heals and acts as a cellular bridge that allows new cells to heal the site. Seek medical attention if... The blister refuses to heal within 10 days, is painful or is accompanied by redness, red streaks or pus. 7. An afternoon doing tricks at the skateboard park left your daughter the envy of the neighborhood kids. It also left a lovely scrape on her elbow. What to do Gently clean the scrape with warm water to remove any debris, and apply a topical antibiotic. If possible, donâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t cover the wound. How this helps Scrapes need to be kept clean to avoid infection, but covering them increases unwanted moisture when they need to dry out. Seek medical attention if... The scrape becomes more painful, swells, turns red or has a nasty discharge. Also see a doctor if your daughter is running a fever.
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FARM EQUIPMENT AUCTION for Perreault Farm & Guests, St. Lazare, MB Wednesday, June 24 â&#x20AC;˘ 10:00 a.m. DST Directions: 5 miles north on Hwy 41 from St. Lazare turnoff, then 3 miles west on gravel road to the farm.
Sale includes: tractors, tillage, haying, harvest, etc. Six tractors - I.H.C. 624, JD 2130, 4010, 4020, two 4440s; MacDon 5020 hydro swing mower conditioner; JD 535 round baler; Jiffy bale shredder; augers; Leon dozer blade; 25â&#x20AC;&#x2122; Morris deep tiller; Morris 66â&#x20AC;&#x2122; tine harrows; IHC914 combine red top; JD 7701 combine low acres; bale feeders; post pounder; oat roller; etc. Large sale, lots more than listed, subject to additions and deletions.
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Friday, June 19, 2015
Golf Canada welcomes Graham Delaet as Ambassador for Golf in Schools
Golf Canada is pleased to announce that Canadian PGA TOUR star Graham DeLaet has been named as an ambassador for the Golf in Schools program. DeLaet, currently the top-ranked Canadian on the Official World Golf Ranking (#86), will appear in Golf in Schools promotional materialsâ&#x20AC;&#x201D;including learning resources and videos in addition to hosting a Golf in Schools junior clinic during the fall to raise excitement in the sport as students head back to school. As part of his relationship with Golf in Schools, DeLaet will also raise money through his Foundation, the Graham and Ruby DeLaet Foundation, to adopt schools into the program in communities across Canada. When Ruby and I started our Foundation, we wanted to ensure that it supported golf at the grassroots level â&#x20AC;&#x201C; and the Golf in Schools
program is making a big contribution in bridging the gap. We believe that it is important to introduce golf to schools so that kids can start learning the sport early, seeing more kids with clubs in their hands, and ultimately growing the game of golf,â&#x20AC;? said DeLaet, a graduate of Golf Canadaâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s National Team program. Currently offered in more than 2,400 elementary and close to 300 high schools across Canada, Golf in Schools provides children with a basic introduction to golf through the Canadian school physical education curriculum. The program features three curriculum levels â&#x20AC;&#x201C; Grades 2â&#x20AC;&#x201C; 5 and high school level along with the newly launched intermediate level for students in Grade 6â&#x20AC;&#x201C;8. Launched in 2009, the Golf in Schools programâ&#x20AC;&#x201D; which is endorsed by Phys-
Canada in partnership with the PGA of Canada and the provincial golf associations. The Golf in Schools program consists of safety-approved golf equipment, along with a relevant teaching resource for teachers to deliver lesson plans to students.
New in 2015, Golf Canada partnered with the University of Ottawa to include a Life Skills component throughout all three levels of the program. The Life Skills element incorporates fundamental skills and values such as respect, perseverance, and honestyâ&#x20AC;&#x201D;all of which are fully integrated into the teacherfriendly learning resources. â&#x20AC;&#x153;We are extremely proud to welcome Graham DeLaet as our Golf in Schools Ambassador,â&#x20AC;? said Jeff Thompson, Golf Canadaâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Chief Sport Officer. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Having Canadaâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s No. 1 ranked professional golfer extend his support and generosity to junior golf through his Foundation is outstanding. Graham is an incredibly talented golfer with a passion to give back to a game
thatâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s given him so much.â&#x20AC;? DeLaetâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s support of the Golf in Schools program dates to back to September 2014, when along with his wife Ruby, donated $1 per twitter follower (@Fore_ Kids) to Golf in Schools upon launching the Graham and Ruby DeLaet Foundation. The Graham and Ruby DeLaet Foundation is focused on improving the health and wellness of children and supporting the development of junior golfers at all stages. More information on Graham and the Graham and Ruby DeLaet Foundation is available at www.grahamdelaet.com Golf in Schools â&#x20AC;&#x201C; by the numbers: With 10,000 elementary and 4,500 high schools across the country, the Canadian school physical education curriculum represents the single most
concentrated opportunity to get students of all ages and demographic introduced to the game. To date more than 2,700 schools are participating in Golf in Schools (includes more than 306,000 students) 45% of all Golf in Schools participating schools are the result of a â&#x20AC;&#x153;School Adoptionâ&#x20AC;? whereby an individual or corporation donates to bring the program to the school 299 schools were adopted in 2014 into the Golf in Schools program An average of 120 students per participating school are exposed to golf through the program More information about the Golf in Schools program including the school adoption program is available at www.golfinschools. ca pgaofcanada.com
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Friday, June 19, 2015
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