Heart of the Moose Mountains
Honouring a link to Carlyle’s war history
By Doug Waldner
As you drive around Carlyle, you may have noticed that there seems to be a lot of memorial banners this year.
The Carlyle branch of the Royal Canadian Legion is pleased that members of the Carlyle community have taken this project to heart and that, as of this year, we have 77 memorial banners to display in our community. Many thanks to the member of Carlyle’s maintenance crew who worked so diligently to hang all these banners.
One very interesting banner is hung in front of the Royal Bank and is for someone who many in Carlyle may remember, Eliza Beatty. In 1979 Mrs Beatty was honoured in her 88th year as Canada’s Silver
Cross Mother. The Memorial Cross (referred to as the Silver Cross) is awarded to mothers and widows of Canadian soldiers who died on active duty or whose death was attributed to that duty.
In Beatty’s case, of her seven children – four boys and three girls –three of the boys fought
in the Second World War.
We have to remember that the world in 1939-1945 was very unlike the one in which we live today. There was no instant communication, texting or email, such as we have now. During the Second World War, any communication received
A garden of generosity at Moose Mountain Lodge
At 61 years old, Herman Arndt saw an opportunity to make a meaningful contribution to the Moose Mountain Lodge care facility, and he didn’t hesitate to act.
from loved ones was a letter, handwritten, and if it was not censored or confiscated for security reasons, it was delivered by the post office.
From the time her three sons left home until they returned, or more horribly, a letter or a telegram arrived reporting on their being
wounded or worse, every letter would have been opened with trepidation.
Unfortunately, the letter that was feared did come to Walter and Eliza Beatty following the failure of the Dieppe Raid which occurred Aug. 19, 1942.
In that failed invasion, in excess of 900 Canadian ground forces died, including Walter and Eliza’s sons Melville and Earl Beatty, 22 and 21 years old respectively. They also received a letter of the wounding of their third son Reginald.
The fear and dread that Eliza Beatty underwent throughout those years must have been horrendous, knowing that her children were at risk, and the finality of their loss must have been overwhelming.
Beatty was honoured, for her sacrifice in 1979 by being appointed as
the Silver Cross Mother for that year, and both the sons who died in the Second World War, Walter and Melville, were honoured posthumously by having geological features in northern Saskatchewan named for them. These honours are significant, but the sacrifices of all the Beattys, Earl, Melville and Reginald, and at home, Walter and Eliza, must be remembered and appreciated.
The Carlyle legion, and Nedra Clark, would like to thank Judy McArthur of Brandon for bringing her grandmother Eliza Beatty’s documentation to our attention and allowing us to review it. Prairie Trails to Blacktop, Carlyle and District, 1882 to 1982 also has an interesting article from Beatty discussing her life as well.
This past spring, Arndt constructed five raised garden beds on the lodge’s grounds, with four beds measuring 18 by 48 inches, and one larger bed at 18 by 96 inches. His goal was simple: to provide the residents of the care facility with fresh, homegrown vegetables.
brightened the grounds of Moose Mountain Lodge but also brought fresh produce straight to the residents’ tables.
Arndt began planting in May, and by summer’s end, the garden was bursting with life. The beds overflowed with 900 tomatoes as well as pumpkins, squash, green peppers and cucumbers. His efforts not only
The local residents and community of Moose Mountain Lodge are grateful. By growing fresh vegetables on-site, Arndt helped ensure that the residents have access to nutritious, locally-grown food.
Donuts •Coffee •Pizza•Soups •Sandwich’s &more! MondaystoSaturdays:6am -5pm
Thurs, Oct 24 - Community Night - Carlyle Library
Sat, Oct 26 - Redvers & District supper, auctions, duelling pianos & DJ
Sun, Oct 27 - Manor Community Fall Supper
Sun, Oct 27 - Mary eld St Andrew’s Unity Church Fowl Supper
By Stephanie Zoer
Earl Kickley and his wife Eleanor moved to Lampman in 1962 when he was successful with his bid to be the district operator for SaskPower.
Kickley joined the Lampman Lions Club in 1963 as a charter member. At one of the meetings, the group decided they needed a project to work on, and this is when Kickley spoke up and said, “We need a skating rink in our community.”
He became the chairman of the project to get a rink built in the small community. It was a huge undertaking, but with a great deal of community support and volunteers, the rink was built in the following years.
For 25 years, Kickley was on the town council, and he was the mayor of Lampman for 20 of those years. While he was mayor, he was the vicepresident for towns with the Saskatchewan Urban Municipalities Associa-
The RuralMunicipality of MooseMountainNo. 63 MunicipalElections 2024.
PUBLIC NOTICE is hereby given that:
(1) Avote will be held for the election of aCouncillor for Division No. 5(Five)
The vote will take place on Wednesday, the 13th day of November 2024, from: 9:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m.
Iwill declare the result of the voting at theRuralMunicipal OfficeonThursday,the 14th day of November,2024,atthe hourof9:00 a.m.
Dated at Carlyle, this 10th day of October,2024.
ChristieHislop Returning Officer
tion for two years.
During these years he became a father to four children, Shanon, Craig, Dawn and Pamela, and he continued to live in Lampman.
Kickley’s commitment did not end with being mayor; he was a volunteer on the Lampman Fire Department and served as chairman of the Lampman Union Hospital Board and board member of the Saskatchewan Association of Health. He went
Carlyle Bakery canalsobefound at these Retailers
Estevan -Little J's Food Town -938 EvaStreet
Estevan -Pharmasave -1239 5thStreet
Weyburn -Pharmasave -30-3rdStreet
Oxbow -SouthernPlains Co-op -405 Prospect Ave
Your rst stop to nd events happening in our community!
Tues, Oct 30 - Galactic with Envision - Carlyle Library
Thurs, Nov 7 - Winter Wonderland Opening - Carlyle Home Hardware
Sat, Nov 9 - Storthoaks FireBall - Supper & Auction and live band
Lampman street named in honour of longtime volunteer
on to serve as chairman of the Southeast Health District Board and chairman of the Sun Country Health Region Board. It was due to Kickley that an ambulance service was establish in the town and he drove for them for years. He also joined the Lampman branch of the Royal Canadian Legion for many years.
Another passion he had was flying and he loved the Lampman Airport and Pilot’s Club. He spent countless hours
The Rural Municipality of Moose Mountain No. 63 Municipal Elections 2024
Wher ea s:
K ELLYB RIMNER, nomina ted for the office of Reev e, is the only candida te, And Where as :
DONALD BOUTIN, nomina ted for the office of Councillor –Division No. 1(One), isthe onlycandidate, And Where as :
BR YTON CA NN, nom in at ed for the o ffic eo f Councillor –Division No. 3(Three), is theonly candidate,
Ih ereby give no ti ce tha tn ov oting for these of fic es w il lt ak ep la ce on Nov em be r1 3 th ,2 024.
Da ted th is 10 th day of Oc tobe r2 024.
Christie Hislo p Returnin gO ffi cer
maintaining and making improvements on the strip, which seemed to be an endless job, yet he loved it.
During these years, he was a dedicated husband and father who felt strongly about a caring and vibrant community.
In 2018, Kickley passed away at the age of 81, but he is remembered in the Lampman community as always being busy and striving to make Lampman a better place to live and raise a family.
The Kickley family was very honoured when the town decided to name the airport road after him; it is now called the Kickley Road.
They said he would be proud to have the Kickley name on this road as he always stood up for the town that he called home for most of his life.
The naming of the road was done on Sept. 28 during the Music in the Park festivities held at the Shirley Carson Therapeutic Park.
zzle & G ames Sale!
Barbara Helfrick believes the Saskatchewan United Party (SUP) can provide the change that she and others want to see in Saskatchewan.
Helfrick was nominated as the party’s candidate for the Cannington constituency on Oct. 11. She has had an extensive career in the health-care sector, having worked in the profession for 36 years, most of
it as a registered nurse. She also spent time as a mental health counsellor for the Southeast College, where she said she created policies and guidelines for mental health services, but has resumed her nursing duties and works in psychiatric care at Tatagwa View in Weyburn.
She said she is running for the SUP because she is a firm believer
in leader Jon Hromek. She was with him on the campaign trail in Lumsden-Morse during a byelection in 2023.
“I’m a … very firm believer in the Saskatchewan United Party platform, and it’s time for change. You deserve better and we can do better, and I believe that for the people of Saskatchewan, whole-heartedly.”
She lives in Weyburn,
but there was already a “very strong” candidate for Weyburn-Bengough in Rose McInnis for the election.
“The opportunity came up for me to do something for the people, so I decided to run for Cannington,” said Helfrick.
Despite the late start, she expects to get a lot of work done on the campaign, knocking on doors and meeting with people
Provincial election eld nalized
The fields have been set in Cannington and other ridings throughout the province for the Oct. 28 provincial election. There will be five candidates in Cannington.
Incumbent Daryl Harrison of the Saskatchewan Party is seeking his second term in office. He is being challenged by Barbara Helfrick of the SUP, Michelle Krieger of the Buffalo Party, Natalie Lund-Clysdale of the Green Party and Dianne Twietmeyer of the NDP.
Helfrick became the SUP candidate shortly
before the deadline to submit a nomination paper.
The Progressive Conservative Party of Saskatchewan and the Saskatchewan Progress Party (formerly the provincial Liberal Party) do not have a candidate in
Cannington in the election.
The deadline for nominations was 2 p.m. on Oct. 12.
When the election was called, the Sask. Party held 42 of 61 seats in the legislature. The NDP had 14, the SUP had one
and there were three independents. One seat was vacant.
The Sask. Party is seeking its fifth straight majority government.
For regular updates on the election, be sure to visit our provincial news hub at
Sask United Party has its Cannington candidate
in the constituency. She doesn’t expect the late start will hurt, because she believes people in Cannington want change.
Helfrick said health care has “flatlined” in Saskatchewan, so it will be one of her top priorities in the campaign.
She also voiced opposition to Enbridge’s proposed Seven Stars Energy wind project in the RMs of Weyburn and Griffin.
Enbridge announced in the summer it was pausing the project amid public backlash. The RM of Griffin falls within Cannington’s territory. Helfrick said she is passionate about repairing what she views as the disconnect between the provincial ministries and providing a more fluid service system, especially in health care.
Your vote can make a di erence
Regardless of who you voted for in the 2020 provincial and civic elections, and no matter where you stand on the political spectrum, you shouldn’t have been happy with the voter turnout for those two elections.
The provincial election voter turnout came in at roughly 52.86 per cent, down about five per cent from the 2016 edition. Meanwhile, civic elections are often well under 50 per cent for voter turnout.
Granted, the provincial and civic elections took place amid the COVID-19 pandemic, at a time in which numbers were spiking in many parts of the province (although not so much in the southeast). And while there were options such as drive-thru polls and mail-in ballots to encourage people to vote, there were still some who essentially shut themselves off from the world during the pandemic.
There also wasn’t a lot of suspense for the provincial election. We all knew the Saskatchewan Party was going to win its fourth consecutive majority government, and it was going to do so decisively. The only question was the margin of victory. We also knew a lot of their victories in rural ridings would be in landslide fashion.
If people think the result is a foregone conclusion, it might discourage them from voting. After all, why take the time to cast your ballot if you think it won’t make a difference? If you’re supporting the favourite, it’s just one more vote in the landslide. If you’re backing another candidate, it wouldn’t change the end result, which is a drubbing.
Expect it to be much closer this year, although it would still be a big upset if the Saskatchewan New Democratic Party knocks off the Saskatchewan Party, and it would be an even bigger shocker if the Saskatchewan Party were to be dethroned in its rural stronghold seats (unless there were to be a large wave of support for another right-of-centre party).
Our constituency of Cannington is one in particular where it is easy to take victory for granted. This riding has long been a conservative stronghold, whether it be the Saskatchewan Party or the Progressive Conservatives. The victor in Cannington often has one of the largest shares of the popular vote in the province.
As for the civic election, it might be surprising to some that a second call for nominations will be needed in Carlyle. If there is a runoff vote needed to determine the sixth member of town council, then don’t expect much of a turnout.
Voting isn’t limited to election day. You can vote at an advanced poll for both the provincial and civic elections. Both levels of government are continuing with mail-in ballots, which should prove to be a popular option for snowbirds and seniors.
Both provincial and municipal levels of government are looking for ways to get as many people as possible to vote.
We’d definitely like to see a surge in the number of people voting in civic election among communities where an election is happening, which tends to have lower turnout. You have a level of connection with your mayor and councillors that you don’t have with your MLA or MP. In rural settings, the MLA for Cannington has a large area to cover; your local mayor and councillors do not.
If you don’t vote, then you shouldn’t complain. Yes, there will be a small fraction of people who are unable to vote in this election for a variety of reasons, but most of us don’t have an excuse other than apathy.
And if you don’t vote, and you don’t get the desired result, then often you have nobody to blame but yourself.
poverty persists, there is no true freedom.”
Take some time to be a bit “philoslothical”
We followed a pathway down to the area that was the dedicated home of the summer exhibit at the Indianapolis Zoo.
Along the way were information signs to help us learn more about the creatures in the exhibit before we saw them up close. Amongst the signs were several ones asking visitors to please try and stay quiet because the animals we were about to see were sloths and they would most likely be asleep.
Sure enough, the sloths were hanging upside-down in the trees trying to sleep. Other guests that afternoon apparently didn’t read the signs and started making noises to try to wake them up. An animal keeper gently reminded them to observe quietly, which prompted a rather loud response by a man commenting about how lazy the sloths were. He seemed utterly disap-
pointed, dare I suggest disgusted, by the walk he took down the pathway and the scene that awaited him.
At the gift shop there were T-shirts celebrating the special exhibit that summer. Normally I would pass something like that by, but the colour and the saying on the front captured my attention. The cranberry shirt had a picture of the animal hanging from a tree with the saying “Feelin’ Philoslothical”.
Partially made from recycled plastic bottles, I can’t remember purchasing a piece of clothing that was quite this soft. I loved it. So I wore it. A lot. It was my go-to even after it started sporting tears and little holes. But I continued to wear it because no other T-shirt was quite like this one. I don’t believe it is an overstatement to say I actually wore it out.
Despite a closet full of clothes, I kept reaching for that shirt. It didn’t make sense, but that is how it’s been for five years since the summer of 2019. So I made the declaration that as soon as summer 2024 was done, the shirt would be gone.
Well, summer has ended. Care to hazard a guess about the status of the T-shirt? Yes, I still have it. But there’s a reason. I found out Octo-
ber 20 was International Day of the Sloth. Surely throwing it away had to wait until after that date, right?
Throughout the month of October, or “Sloth Tober” as advocates like to call it, efforts are launched to raise awareness about the problems being faced by sloths in the wild. The challenges are similar to other animals, but because the sloth simply isn’t as active and entertaining as some other animals, they’re not quite as captivating and some feel this is hampering fundraising efforts a bit.
Sloths have historically struggled with a negative reputation. Sometimes thought of as dangerous, disease-ridden, lazy and unintelligent, this perception, though radically untrue, might be hurting conservation efforts. People are less inclined to support efforts to protect animals they associate with being dirty or lazy.
But it seems attitudes are changing a bit and this is good because sloths play an important role in the ecosystem. Further, they have lessons to teach.
Sloths sleep a lot.
More than other animals that live in similar habitats because very little disrupts their schedule. We could take a page from their book in this
sleep-deprived culture. If we stuck to a schedule, like the sloths, we could reap big results.
Then there’s how slowly a sloth moves. Yet despite what we might label slow motion, they get done what they need to do. Oh the lesson we could learn here. Slowing down actually enables us to do more. By taking things a bit more slowly it gives us time to think through things and that results in greater productivity and less error.
I haven’t hung upside down since childhood days on the monkey bars, but some adults find tremendous benefit to their health continuing the practice. I’ll take their word for it. But even if hanging upside down is not our thing, hanging out can be. Spending time relaxing, unwinding and resting is a very good thing. There is absolutely nothing lazy about that.
We would all be better off if we went at our own speed and not try to keep the pace of others. So take a walk on a pretty pathway and see what’s there. You just might discover you have time to be a bit philoslothical and that’s a good thing. I’m going to take a walk myself. Right after I toss out a cranberry T-shirt that kept me warm and taught me a lot. That’s my outlook.
Football is an inclusive sport for all genders
By Stephanie Zoer
Dexter Mondor, head coach of the Moosomin Generals, is passionate about making football an inclusive sport for everyone, with a firm belief that football is not just for boys but also for girls.
Mondor is dedicated to ensuring that all players, regardless of gender, have the opportunity to participate and excel. He emphasizes the importance of teamwork, discipline and confidence,
values that he believes transcend gender.
Mondor began his coaching career at the age of 19, driven by a love for the game and a desire to mentor others. Over the years, he has built a reputation as a coach who fosters both skill development and personal growth in his players.
In 2012, the Moosomin Generals program began and Mondor became the head coach. They are part of the 11-team Rural Manitoba Football League.
At the time, Mondor said others felt a football program would not make it in the area, but they made the program work and it has been phenomenally successful since then.
Over the years, many kids from the southeast have joined the team and this year Tyson Brownridge from Kenosee Lake, and Hayden Miller and Liam Thompson from Carlyle have joined the ranks.
There are 84 kids on the teams, ranging from U12-U18, and includes an all-girls team that started in 2018 and is also coached by Mondor.
Mondor spends most of his time coaching, only having Wednesday nights off, but he does not mind as his kids also play the sport.
The facilities they have in Moosomin has a field with lights, change rooms for all and an excellent club program.
“It is sometimes a juggling act to get all the games in,” said Mondor.
It requires a great deal of driving as a lot of the games are four to five hours away. For the past six years, the club has held a hat auction with all the proceeds going to the club. All the hats are sponsored, and a meal is donated. This year they raised over $17,000. It is the club’s hope that more youths will be encouraged to try football and contribute to the growth of the sport. The teams are doing very well this year with Mondor as the coach, and they hope to finish on top.
COUNCILLORS: Blair Hanna Robert Chuba
Immunotherapy has helped a cancer patient shrink tumors
By Stephanie Zoer
Caroline Saxon is a 70-year-old woman who has been married for over 50 years to Robert Saxon, and together they have four children and nine grandchildren. They have lived on a farm in the RM of Benson since 1979.
Saxon was always in good health and did not have to take medication for anything. In 2004, she began to run marathons.
“I was not a runner, only in my mind,” said Saxon. She wanted to run one marathon by the time she was 50 years old.
Suddenly she realized she was 49 years old, and if she wanted to fulfil this desire to do a marathon, Saxon needed to get on it. She had a year to put
a program together, and even though she knew she could not run a kilometre, she wanted to keep her promise to start training.
Saxon signed up for the Fire and Ice Marathon in Reykjavik, Iceland, and the rest is history. She went to the Running Room in Regina to get some training shoes and equipment, and a book on how to complete a full marathon. She was on her way.
The following year, she ran in Rome and in 2006 completed a full marathon of 42.2 kilometres in Dublin. The whole time she felt great and carried on with life.
Suddenly, one evening while at home, Saxon had excruciating pain in her abdomen and was taken to emergency.
Rural Municipality of Tecumseh No.65
Municipal Elections 2024
PUBLIC NOTICE is hereby given that:
(1) A vote will be held for the election of REEVE: RURAL MUN IC IPALITY OF TECUMSEH NO.65
Christy Goudy
Jerry Wilkes
Zandra Slater
Councillor, Division No. 1: Rural Municipality of Tecumseh No.65
Guy Russell
Mike Picard
Council lor, Div is io n No. 5: Rur al Municipality of Tecumseh No.65
Tanya Dubois
Richard Bowes
(2) The vote will take place on: Wednesday th e 13th day of November, 2024 fr om 9:00 a.m to 8:00 p.m. at the R.M. Office at 111 Gover nment Road N. in Stoughton, Saskatchewan.
(3) I will declare the result of the voting at the R.M. Office at 111 Gover nment Road N in Stoughton, Saskatchewan on Thursday the 14th day of November, 2024 at the hour of 9:00 a.m.
Dated at Stoughton this 11 day of October, 2024.
Kellee Slimmon
Retur ning Officer
The following morning her doctor said everything was fine and her vitals were perfectly normal.
“I told him, something was not perfectly okay,” she said. The doctor prescribed Saxon some medication, which her inner self said not to take.
Saxon went home, and the following night at 2 a.m., she woke up to even worse pain. Her husband took her to Regina, where a CT scan found lesions in her colon.
Now that she thinks about it, the signs were there. When the couple went to Mexico for a vacation, she was tired and did not have the get up and go to walk the beach. Saxon tried to read in bed but fell asleep. The heat bothered her and she hardly did any walking.
In April she was diagnosed with colon cancer and underwent surgery. Another CT scan was performed, and three tumors that showed up on her liver were inoperable.
Six days after her first surgery to remove the cancerous lesions and polyps, her incision burst open and her bodily fluids from her colon spewed out. Within one hour she was in emergency surgery to repair the damage.
She became extremely ill, was hooked up to six machines and spent two months in the hospital. Yet another CT scan was done, and they found a large abscess on her right side that was making her extremely sick, so they
inserted a tube to drain it.
“I was so nauseous from anti-nausea drugs I was receiving,” said Saxon. “I could not eat so unfortunately, I lost 40 pounds, and another 10 pounds at home.”
In the hospital she received nourishment through a peripherally inserted central catheter (PICC) line in her upper arm.
Her ordeal seemed to be ongoing.
“If it was not for my husband, children, my sister and friends, I am sure I never would have survived,” she said.
While she was in the hospital, her husband Robert and oldest daugh-
ter Melissa stayed with her. Her other daughter Robin and daughter-inlaw Vivi flew to Mexico to pick up herbs and vitamins to sustain her. Robin also read and deciphered all her scans and weekly blood reports so they could stay on top of everything.
The incision needed to be dry packed, with the wound dressing changed every day until the incision closed up, which took four months.
Devin, their oldest son, was unable to come home as he was working at a uranium mine 640 metres underground at McArthur Lake in northern Saskatchewan.
connections to the New York Cancer Hospital and they were so supportive.
She had some decisions to make. If she had chemotherapy and the tumours shrunk, a liver surgeon in Saskatoon could remove them if there was one or become a recipient for a liver transplant.
Saxon chose neither; instead she opted for immunotherapy, diet, exercise and meditation therapies.
Today, Saxon is feeling much better and receiving immunotherapy treatments regularly and she feels that it is due to these treatments that the tumors are shrinking. Her last bloodwork showed that the tumor is half the size, and she has no side effects from the treatments.
Although she feels tired, she is feeling rather good and is off to Vancouver shortly. She is a dedicated Saskatchewan Roughriders fan and always goes to the Grey Cup.
On Oct. 10, Saxon went for another immunotherapy treatment and the nurse could not believe her bloodwork results.
“My liver panel is nearing normal, and I am so happy all my hard work and determination is paying off,” said Saxon.
Another son Ryan had a friend in New York with
“I always thought I would stay private about my cancer, but after reading up about other people’s experiences, I now realize how important it is to help each other, only if they want to be helped,” Saxon said.
By Stephanie Zoer
Connie Young and Dianne Wilson share a common challenge that affects their daily lives: lipedema, a chronic medical condition that causes a painful buildup of fat tissue, primarily in the legs and arms.
Despite being a largely misunderstood and underdiagnosed condition, these two women have learned to manage and confront their struggles head on.
For Young, it began when her mother and aunt went to see a cardiologist in Mesa, Ariz., in 2015. When the women walked into the doctor’s office, he made an offhand comment about something genetic going on with their legs.
When Young heard about the comment the doctor made, she began to do research on the Internet, using keywords such as big legs and genetic, and finally found answers as to why she was unable to reduce the size of her legs. It was then that she discovered that she had a genetic condition called lipedema.
Young watched all the videos of the Fat Disorder Research Society Conference and learned a great deal about lipedema.
Doctors had been incorrectly diagnosing her with obesity or lymphedema when she actually had lipedema. This was in 2011 when they recommended she have bariatric surgery, but she was not interested in going that route and she is happy she did not.
She learned of three doctors in the U.S. who specialize in treating lipedema. Dr. Louise Herbst in Tucson, Ariz., is the main research, diagnostic doctor but the wait time was nearly a year. Young called Dr. David Amron from Beverly Hills, Calif., and she had an appointment within a month. By the end of March 2015, she was scheduled for surgery. She had two surgeries a week apart that removed much of the abnormal fat cells between the skin and muscle. The first surgery was on both legs and thighs, and the second was the flanks, butt and under the arms.
After returning to Canada, Young required therapy three times a week in Weyburn, which consisted of wrapping her legs with foam and bandages for three months, and she wore
compression garments 24 hours a day for a few months.
Young started a ketogenic diet. This way of eating does not get rid of the lipedema, but it does reduce the inflammation significantly. Since September 2016 and more so in the last two years, she has been eating a carnivore diet which consists of only animal products, and this has also helped her lose weight and keep it off and reduce her legs by nine inches. Wilson also has lipedema, but also has lymphedema. She was diagnosed by her family doctor, Dr. Geldenhuys, who was from South Africa, and he had seen this in his country.
She was in her 30s and was told the disease was inherited from her grandmother who was also a patient of Geldenhuys. He had no idea what kind of treatment was available in Canada or what he could do to help Wilson. They tried many different kinds of medication to take the swelling down in her legs but none of it was successful.
In 2005, she was sent to a vascular surgeon and after many tests was told there was a problem. They did not know where they could send her for treatment.
In 2010, a therapist who was trained in lymphatic disorders came to Weyburn and
HEALTH & Seniors
Two women talk about their battle with lipedema
her family doctor sent her there. Three times a week she drove to Weyburn to have her legs wrapped after a massage, and soon they trained her husband how to wrap. The trip to Weyburn went on for two years and she was trying compression garments, but it was difficult to find the ones that worked the best. After two years, the therapist could no longer help Wilson.
At a workshop, she met a therapist named Tracy Gardikiotis and learned about water exercise for lymphatic disorders, and she began to make trips to Regina. Since 2018 ,Wilson has been making trips to Regina for therapy to help
with relief from the discomfort of the disease.
Wilson continues to wear compression garments every day; without them she does not know where she would be. Her husband and family have given her so much support and she is so grateful for this.
Another treatment was a pneumatic pump, which is an intermittent machine that has an inflatable garment attached to it, with multiple chambers, like balloons that inflate one after the other to stimulate the flow of lymph in the right direction. She started using the pump in Regina and drove in for the treatments.
Wilson was able to
obtain a pump for her home through help from the Kinsmen Telemiracle Foundation and the provincial government, as all the traveling was putting a strain on her health.
There is limited knowledge in Saskatchewan about this disease and Wilson and Young want to get the word out that these fat cells are not just related to weight, it is a disease that is difficult to live with.
Both women have felt fat shaming over the years.
A group of women formed the Saskatchewan Lipedema Association and on Sept. 20 attended the 70th annual Family Medicine Conference at the University of Saskatchewan as exhibitors.
They provided information on the disease and pamphlets on what occurs to the body with the sickness.
Lipedema is characterized by an abnormal accumulation of fat, primarily in the lower body, leading to disproportionate body shape and various physical symptoms such as pain, tenderness and bruising. Often the disease is misdiagnosed, resulting in incorrect treatment and worsening symptoms.
It is their goal to raise awareness about the disease and that it is not just a fact of people getting fat.
Through a donation from the Bear Claw Casino, they are able to print pamphlets to place in White Bear First Nations and Carlyle, but other expenses come out of their pockets.
It has been a long road for these two women, but it is one they want to share with others, so they do not have to go through the struggles they have had in the last years.
It is their goal to advocate for women with lipedema and increase awareness in the public and health-care sector.
Rural Municipality of Storthoaks No. 31
Municipal Elections 2024
PUBLIC NOTICE is hereby given that:
1. A poll has been granted for the election of:
COUNCILLOR FOR DIVISION 5: Rura l M unici pa li ty of Storthoaks No 31
2 The Advance Po ll will take place on Tu es da y, th e 5 th da y of November, 2024, 2:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. at the Rural Municipality of Storthoaks No. 31 Office loca ted at 204 Rail way Avenue, Storthoaks, Saskatchewan.
3. The Poll on Election Day will take place on Wednesday, the 13th day of November, 2024, 9:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m at the Rural Municipality of Storthoaks No. 31 Office located at 204 Railway Avenue, Storthoaks, Saskatchewan.
4. I will declare the results of the election at the R.M. of Storthoaks No. 31 Office, 204 Railway Avenue, Storthoaks, Saskatchewan, on the 14th day of November, 2024, at the hour of 9:00 a.m. Dated at Storthoaks, SK, this 11th day of October, 2024. Elissa Henrion Returning Officer
Town of Lampman
PUBLIC NOTICE is hereby given that for the election of:
Mayor of the Town of Lampman (1) Councillor of the Town of Lampman (6)
1. Notice of Advanced Poll for the Town of Lampman will take place on the 6th day of November 2024, fr om 4:00pm to 8: 00 pm at th e La mpman To wn Office, 303 Main Street, Lampman SK.
2. Notice of Poll for the Town of Lampman will take place on the 13 th Day of N ov ember 2024, fr om 9:0 0am to 8:00pm at the Lampma n To wn Offic e, 303 Main Steet, Lampman, SK
Nominated for Mayor: Scott Greening, Jay (John) Jones
Nominated for Council: Jadon Carnduff, Randy Fleck, Tanner Fr ycz, Steven Massel, Ma rk Mo rrisse tte Tw yl a Quantrill, R.J. (Roy) Raynard, Da ry l Runge, Ry an Saxon , Dena Scott, Ian Stewart, Kelly Storlie, Garrett Woodley
Dated at Lampman, SK this 11th day of October, 2024. Teresa Dyck/ Returning Officer
Appendix C FORM L [Section 78 of the Act]
Notice of CallFor FurtherNominations (Municipal DivisionElections)
Councillor: _Rural Municipality_ of _Brock No. 64 (Municipality) Division No. 3
Thereturning officer or nomination officerwill receive nominationsofcandidatesfor the above office(s):
(a) during normal office hours from FRIDAY, OCTOBER 11, 2024, untilTUESDAY, OCTOBER 22, 2024 at Rural Mu nicipality of Brock No. 64, 760 Railway Avenue, Kisbey,Sk. SOC 1L0 (Place) A ND on the 23 rd day of O CTOBER, 20 24, from 8:30AM until 4:00PM at Rural Municipality of BrockNo. 64, 760 Railway Avenue, Kisbey,Sk., (Place)
Nomina tio nf orms may be ob tain ed at the follo wing lo ca tion(s):
Rural Municipality of Brock No. 64 Municipal Office, 760 Railway Avenue, Kisbey,Sk. SOC 1L0
Dated at Kisbey,Sk., this _11th_day of_October2024_.
Shawna-Lee Bertram, Returning Officer
The Carlyle Observer is always looking for local stories and events to publish.
If you have a story idea or an event that you think will interest our readers, feel free to contact Dolores at The Carlyle Observer
Rural Municipality of Tecumseh No.65
Municipal Elections 2024
Wher eas the follow ing ha ve bee n nominated for the office(s) of
Division 3 - Councilor George Ingram as the only candidate(s), I hereby declare George Ingram duly elected by acclamation and that no voting for the office(s) will take place on November 13, 2024.
Dated this 11th day of October, 2024.
Kellee Slimmon Retur ning Officer
Rural Municipality of Tecumseh NO. 65
Municipal Elections 2024
Public Notice is hereby given that advance voting for the benefit of qualified voters for the following position(s): Reeve
Division 1
Division 5
Advanced voting will take place on Wednesday the 30th day of October, 2024 between the hours of 3:00 p.m. and 7:00 p.m. at the Rural Municipality of Tecumseh Office located at 111 Gover nment Road N, Stoughton, Saskatchewan.
Dated this 11th day of October, 2024
Kellee Slimmon, Retur ning Officer
Municipal Elections 2024 Notice of Advanced Poll Notice of Poll
PUBLIC NOTICE is hereby given that: A poll has been granted for the election of:
Mayor: Village of Kisbey
Notice of Advanced Poll-October 30, 2024
4:00 7:00 P.M.
Notice of Poll- November 13, 2024 9:00 A.M. to 8:00 P.M
Voting will take place Wednesday October 30, 2024 and Wednesday November 13, 2024 At the Kisbey Rec Center 295 Morley Street, Kisbey SK.
I will declare the results of the election at the Village Office, 295 Morley Street on the 14 day of November, 2024 at the hour of 9:00 A.M. Dated at Kisbey, SK. this 11th day of October, 2024
FORM L [Section 78 of the Act]
An insufficient number of nominations having been received to fill the office(s) of: (complete as applicable)
Councillor: Division No 3 of Rural Municipality of Browning No 34 (Rural Municipality)
The returning officer or nomination officer will receive nominations of candidates for the above office(s):
(a) during normal office hours from Thursday, October 10, 2024 (Close of withdrawal period) until 4:00 p.m Wednesday, October 23, 2024 (second Wednesday following the close of the withdrawal period)
(b) on the 23rd day of October, 2024, from 9:00 a.m. until 4:00 p.m at 102 Minard Road, Lampman, Saskatchewan
Nomination forms may be obtained at the following location(s):
102 Minard Road, Lampman, Saskatchewan
Dated at Lampman this 10th day of October, 2024. Greg Wallin (Returning Officer or Nomination Officer)
Whereas a poll is required pursuant to The Local Government Election Act, 2015, for the office of COUNCILLOR, DIVISION 5: RURAL MUNICIPALITY OF BROCK NO.64
I HEREBY GIVE PUBLIC NOTICE that voting will take place on WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 13, 2024, between the hours of 8:30am and 8:00pm, at the Rural Municipality of Brock No. 64 Municipal Office located at 760 Railway Avenue, Kisbey, Sk., S0C 1L0.
RESULTS of the Election will be declared THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 14, 2024, 8:30am, at the Rural Municipality of Brock No. 64 Municipal Office located at 760 Railway Avenue, Kisbey, Sk., S0C 1L0.
*Only qualified voters for Division 5 are permitted to vote. Please contact the Rural Municipality of Brock No. 64 Municipal office at 306-462-2010 if you are unsure if you qualify
Enrolments down slightly in Cornerstone
The South East Cornerstone Public School Division is reporting a decrease in the number of students for this year, but some of its schools, including a couple in Estevan, have seen an increase.
According to the Sept. 30 enrolment numbers, the school division had 8,224 students, which is down 71 from the previous year, but director of education Keith Keating said the number of students for 2023-24 was up 150 from the previous year.
“Last year we saw a
fairly large increase in some of our numbers across the division, just with people moving in,”
Keating said in an interview with the Mercury and SaskToday. “This year there seems to be less kindergarten students coming in than Grade 12s we have going out.”
Carlyle Elementary School, which is a kindergarten to Grade 6 school, dropped from 249 to 233 students, while Gordon F. Kells High School (Grades 7-12) slid from 215 to 201.
As for the other
Gordon F. Kells High School’s enrolments are down for the 2024-25 school year. File photo
schools in the Observer’s distribution area, Alameda School, which
is K-9, went from 83 to 81 students, Arcola School (K-12) jumped from 235 to 242; Carievale School (K-8) went from 86 to 88; the Carnduff Education Complex went from 316 to 313; Manor
School (K-12) dropped from 54 to 49; Lampman School (K-12) slid from 157 to 149; Oxbow Prairie Horizons School (K12) dropped from 368 to 364; Redvers School (K12) declined from 266
to 260; and Stoughton Central School (K-12) saw an increase of nearly 10 per cent from 159 to 174.
“Our projections were fairly close in a lot of places. It seems like Estevan is relatively stable,” said Keating. “We’ve seen an increase over the past number of years in Weyburn, but this year the kindergarten numbers coming into Weyburn were well less than what we’ve seen in previous years.”
Keating said the division has had a great start to the school year. It’s been wonderful to see the students and teachers in the classroom, and he’s happy with what’s happening in the division.
WHEREAS a Poll is not required pursuant to The Local Government Election Act for the office of:
I hereby give public notice that no voting for the said office will take place and that the following person has been elected by acclamation: TIM COWAN MAYOR
DATED at Alida, Saskatchewan, this 10th day of October, 2024.
Kathy Anthony Returning Officer
Notice is hereby given under The Tax Enforcement Act that unless the arrears and costs appearing opposite the land and title number described in the following list are fully paid before the 31st day of December, 2024,
be registered against the land.
An election has been called for the positions on Council as listed below:
Stefan Clark Tyson Slater
The advance poll will be open Thursday,November 7th from 4pm to 8pm at the Town Office in Council Chambers 232 Main Street.
Election Day is WEDNESDAY NOVEMBER 13TH and voting will be open from 9am to 8pm at the Town Office in Council Chambers.
Identification is required to vote.
The Rural Municipality of Enniskillen No 3 Municipal Election 2024
Whereas the following have been nominated for the office(s) of Reeve Trevor Walls
Division 3 Richard Ryan Nielsen
Division 5 Rae Wright
As the only candidate(s), I hereby give notice that no voting for the office(s) will take place on November 13, 2024. Dated this 10th day of October 2024.
Pamela Bartlett Returning Officer
The Rural Municipality of Enniskillen No.3 Municipal Elections 2024
PUBLIC NOTICE is hereby given that:
(1) An Advanced Poll will be held for the election of Councillor for Division 1
(2) The vote will take place on Tuesday, the 5th day of November 2024, from 4:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m at the R.M. of Enniskillen Office at 307 Main Street, Oxbow, Saskatchewan Dated at Oxbow, this 11th day of October 2024.
Pamela Bartlett Returning Officer
The Rural Municipality of Enniskillen No.3 Municipal Elections 2024
PUBLIC NOTICE is hereby given that:
(1) A vote will be held for the election of Councillor for Division 1.
(2) The vote will take place on Wednesday, the 13th day of November 2024, from 9:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m at the R.M. of Enniskillen Office at 307 Main Street, Oxbow, Saskatchewan
(3) I will declare the voting result at the R.M. of Enniskillen Office on Thursday, the 14th day of November 2024, at 9:00 a.m. Dated at Oxbow, this 11th day of October 2024.
Pamela Bartlett Returning Officer
(Section 81 of the Local Government Election Act)
PUBLIC NOTICE is hereby given that:
1. A poll has been granted for the election of:
2. Voting will take plan on Wednesday, the 13th day of November 2024 from 9:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. at the polling place listed below.
3. I will declare the result of the election at the Oxbow Town Office, 319 Main St, Oxbow, S.K. on the 14th day of November 2024 at the hour of 9:00 a.m.
Polling Place – Oxbow Friendship Center 513 Peters Ave, Oxbow, S.K.
PUBLIC NOTICE is hereby given that provision has been made for an ADVANCE POLL for the election of:
4. Voting will take plan on Saturday, the 2nd day of November 2024 from 10:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. at the polling place listed below.
5. I will declare the result of the election at the Oxbow Town Office, 319 Main St, Oxbow, S.K. on the 14th day of November 2024 at the hour of 9:00 a.m.
Polling Place – Oxbow Friendship Center, 513 Peters Ave, Oxbow, S.K.
Dated at Oxbow, Saskatchewan, this 10th day of October 2024
Brandi Morissette, Returning Officer
Always Remember To Recycle Your Old Newspapers
Notice of Call for Further Nominations
PUBLIC NOTICE is hereby given tha t nomina tio ns of a ca ndi da t e for th e of fi ce of :
will be received by the un der signed Monday to Fr iday, 9: 00 am to 1 2:00 pm and 12:30 pm to 4:00 pm from Oct ob er 11, 2024 unt il Octobe r 23, 202 4 at the To wn of Alameda To wn O ff ic e No mi na ti on fo rm s ma y be ob ta in ed at the fo ll ow in g lo ca ti on s:
The To wn of Alameda Municip al Office, 115-5 th Street, Alameda, SK and the website for t he To wn of A la me da at wnofal
Da ted this 10 th day of October, 2024
Sheri Carr itt Returning Offi cer
Appendix C FORM L [Section 78 of the Act]
Notice of Call ForFurther Nominations (Municipal or School DivisionElections)
Councillor: VillageofForget (Municipality)
The retur ning officer or nomination officerwill receive nominations of candidates for the aboveoffice(s):
(a) during normaloffice hours from October 11, 2024
Village of Storthoaks Municipal Elections 2024
Sydney Chicoine Mayor
Richard Chicoine Councillor
Dylan Blerot Councillor
Melissa Cosgrove Councillor
Carson Longphee Councillor – Newly Elected
I hereby declare the candid at es sh ow n ab ove elected by acclamation for Mayor and Councillors I further declare that NO voting will take place on Wednesday, November 13th, 2024 Dated this 11th day of October, 2024.
Gisele Bouchard Returning Officer
The Rural Municipality of Mount Pleasant No. 2
Municipal Elections 2024 ADVANCED POLL
PUBLIC NOTICE is hereby given that:
(1) An Advanced Poll will be held for the election of Councillor for Division 3.
The Rural Municipality of Mount Pleasant No. 2 Municipal Elections 2024
CLINTON TAYLOR, nominated for the office of Councillor for Division 1 of the Rural Municipality of Mount Pleasant No. 2, is the only candidate, C LI NT PATON, no mina ted fo r the of fi ce of Councillor for Division 5 of the Rural Municipality of Mount Pleasant No. 2, is the only candidate, and CHAD BAGLOLE, nominated for the office of Reeve for the Rural Municipality of Mount Pleasant No 2, is the only candidate
I hereby give notice that NO voting for the said offices will take place on November 13th, 2024. Dated this 11th day of October, 2024.
Lydia M. Hammell Returning Officer
Until October 23, 2024 at R.M. of Te cumseh No. 65 111 Gover nment Ro ad N. Stoughton
Nomination forms may be obta ine da tt he f ollowing location(s):
R.M. of Tecumseh No.65111 GovernmentN.Stoughton
Dated at Stoughton, this 11th dayofOctober, 2024. (Close of withdrawal period) (Place)
(Returning Officer of NominationOfficer)
P.O. Box 247 Kisbey,SKSOC 1L0 1306-462-2010
Rural Municipalityof Brock No. 64 Municipal Elections 2024
PUBLIC NOTICE is her eby give n t hat an ad va nce dp ol lw il lb eh el df or q ualified vo ters:
For the Elec tion of aC ou nc il lor fo r Division 5( Fiv e)
Advance voting will take place Wednesday,N ovem ber 6 th ,2 024, 8:30am to 12: 00 noo n, an d1 :0 0p m t o4 :00pm, at the Rural Municipali ty of Br ock No. 64 Mu ni ci pa lO ff ic e loc ated at 760 Railw ay Av enu e, Kisbey,S k.
Dated at Kisbey,t hi s1 5 th Da yo f October,2 024.
Shaw na- Lee Ber tr am Retur ning Office r
(2) The vote will take place on Wednesday, the 30th day of October 2024, from 2:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m at the R.M. of Mount Pleasant No. 2 Office at 1312 Railway Avenue, Carnduff, Saskatchewan
Dated at Carnduff, SK., this 11th day of October 2024.
Lydia Hammell Returning Officer
PUBLIC NOTICE is hereby given that:
(1) A vote will be held for the election of Councillor for Division 3.
(2) The vote will take place on Wednesday, the 13th day of November 2024, from 9:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. at the R.M. of Mount Pleasant No. 2 Office at 1312 Railway Avenue, Carnduff, Saskatchewan
(3) I will declare the voting result at the R.M. of Mount Pleasant No. 2 Office on Thursday, the 14th day of November 2024, at 9:00 a.m.
Dated at Carnduff, SK., this 11th day of October 2024.
Lydia Hammell Returning Officer
P.O. Box247 Kisbey,SKSOC 1L0 1306-462-2010
Whereas apoll is not required pursuant to TheLocal Government Election Act,2015, forthe officesof:
Reeve: RuralMunicipalit yofBrock No.64
Councillor,Division1:Rural Municipalit yofBrock No.64
Iherebygivepublicnotice that no voting forthe said office(s) will take place andthe followingpersons are electedbyAcclamation:
Municipal Elections 2024 Notice of Advanced Poll Notice of Poll
PUBLIC NOTICE is hereby given that: A poll has been granted for the election of: Councillor: Village of Kisbey
Notice of Advanced Poll-October 30, 2024 4:00 7:00 P.M. Notice of Poll- November 13, 2024 9:00 A.M. to 8:00 P.M
Voting will take place Wednesday October 30, 2024 and Wednesday November 13, 2024 At the Kisbey Rec Center 295 Morley Street, Kisbey SK.
I will declare the results of the election at the Village Office, 295 Morley Street on the 14 day of November, 2024 at the hour of 9:00 A.M. Dated at Kisbey, SK. this 11th day of October, 2024
Neal Retur ning Officer
The Rural Municipality of Reciprocity No. 32 Municipal Elections 2024
Whereas the follo wing ha ve been nomina ted for the office(s) of:
Reeve Steven Bendtsen
Councillor for Division One Roy Annetts
Councillor for Division Three Cher yl Harrison
Councillor for Division Five Louis Ger vais
DatedatKisbey, Sk., this 11th dayofOctober,2024
S R hawna-Lee Ber tram Retur ning Officer
as the only cand ida te(s), I hereb y gi ve noti ce tha t no voting for the office(s) will take place on November 13th, 2024.
Da ted this 10th day of October, 2024.
M.J. Larsen Returning Officer
Recreation & Pasture Hay la nd espec ia lly along the Saskatc hewa n river. Looking for recreation & pasture hay land in Saskatchewan
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Buying/Selling FEED GRAINS heated / damaged CANOLA/FLAX Top price paid FOB FARM Wester n Commodities 877-695-6461 Visit our website @ www.wester
The Rural Municipality of Storthoaks No. 31 Municipal Elections 2024
BRIAN CHICOINE, nomina ted for th e o ffi ce of Reeve of the Rural Municipality of Storthoaks No. 31, is the only candidate, and
VALBERT REKKEN, nominated for the office of Councillor for Division 1 of the Rural Municipality of Storthoaks No. 31, is the only candidate, and DELL REAL, nominated for the office of Councillor for Division 3 of the Rural Municipality of Storthoaks No. 31, is the only candidate,
I hereby give notice that NO voting for those offices will take place on November 13th, 2024
Dated this 11th day of October, 2024.
Elissa Henrion Returning Officer
[Section 82 of the Local Government Election Act, 2015]
The Rural Municipality of Browning No. 34 Municipal Elections 2024
Whereas the follo wing we re nom ina ted fo r th e of fices as sta ted be lo w and th ese ar e th e on ly candida tes for these offices, I hereby give notice that no voting will take place on November 13, 2024 as the follo wing are duly elected:
Reeve - Pius Loustel
Councillor Division No. 1 - Richard Brokop
Councillor Division No. 5 - Brian Fornwald
Da ted this 10th day of October, 2024.
Greg Wallin, Returning Officer
candidate, Ihereby give notice that NO voting for those offices will take place on November 13th,2024.
Dated this 10th day of October,2024.
1. Be bold enough
5. Remove water
9. Bear’s extremity
12. Client
13. Make goo-goo eyes at
14. “____ on a Grecian Urn”
15. Forest dweller
16. Actress’s part
17. See (become angry)
18. Africantour
20. Seance response
22. Cruel
25. Particle
28. Cloudy
31. Sleepier
33. ____-and-hers
34. Being obligated to
36. Occupied a chair
37. “____ and Old Lace”
39. Imitators
41. Brunch or lunch
42. Aladdin’shelper
44. Elf
46. Like some streets: hyph.
50. “____ by Myself ”
52. Oh, woe!
55. Body of knowledge
56. Spottedplaying cube
57. Piece of linoleum
58. “____ Under the Sun”
61. Pass outcards DOWN 1. Nonexploding fireworks 2.Onacruise
3. Coral ridge 4. Chore trip
5. Mr. Karloff 6. “Long, Long ____”
7. Underthe weather
Rude stare
Dolphin’s kin
Silky fabric
Fill in the grid so thateveryrow every column and every 3x3 box contains the numbers 1through 9only once.
Each 3x3 boxisoutlined with a darker line. Youalreadyhavea few numbers to getyou started Remember: you must not repeat the numbers 1through9inthe same line, columnor3x3 box.
Operatic highlight
Jar top
Bubbly beverage
After an intense period at work,take awell-deserved rest. Goingonagetaway alone, with friendsorasacouple,will rejuvenate your energyand bringback your smile and vitality.
LEO You’llexperienceasuddensurge in popularity.Follow your intuition, and your creativity will shine through. You may even find success with creating a work of art. Your community could use your help.
Although you manage your time well, you may face delays in certainsituations .Y ou mu st fi ne- tune yo ur patience,assome people will test you this week.
As the weather gets cooler, the idea of awarm holidaymay come to mind. If you work hard, you can make this dream come trueand explore some temptingtravel offers.
As an artist, you may soon be ableto earn alivingfrom your art. Significant changes will steer you toward new opportunities. Aproject will strengthen your romantic relationship.
Youmust maintain an active social life to maintain good relationshipswith your friends. Moving to anew house may cross your mind, offering abreath of fresh airand amore welcoming space for you and your family
Although you may spend more time than expected on aspecific project, your perseverancewill pay off. You’ll feel the satisfaction of ajob well done when yo uf inish so me thi ng yo u’ ve been puttingoff.
Buying new clothesand accessories could boostyour self-esteem and help you match your image to your new professional duties. Per so na lc on fidenceisthe key to success.
Youmay feel like doing amajor cleanup.You can purify your environment and clear your mind by eliminating unnecessarythings.This deep cleaningcould also brightenupyour life.