Hello I’m Maria Pia
I’m nine years old. I’ve brown eyes and brown hair too.
The name of my school is: Scuola Primaria Statale “ Michele Preziuso� Rionero in Vulture. I attend the class IV E
My Pet
I am v er y f o nd of anima l s. My fa vorite an im a cats. l s a re dogs a My do nd g's na m e is and is Tyson a dach shund .
d n e t I at the d n a t balle y l l a I re like . g n i danc
My hobby
My favourite food is pasta
What I do when I grow up? I'd lik e becau to becom ead s ance I wo u e teach ld lik er with e eve ryone onese lf a n and d was d a w ith ot in harm us fe nce, in fa ony hers. el be ct, it' T t t h world s er an e d to helpful t music expre o ss ou make r inn er
How I want the world become better when I’ll grow ?up
I would like the world in the future was based on friendship and love between men, that no one suffered hunger or illiteracy, and all lived in harmony with the environment.
What can I do now why this happen? In Inoorrddeerrtthheewwoorrld ld bbeeccoom mee bbeettte terrin infu futtuurree,,IIth thin inkkth thaatt eevveerryyoonneeccaannpla playyititssppaarrtt.. AAssaacchhililddIIccan aneennggaaggeein in m myysstu tuddie iess aanndd m make ggooooddccuultltuurree;;I m akeaa I muussttlo lovvee aannddrreessppeeccttth thoosseewwhhooaarree cclo losseeto tom mee,,IIccaannfo follllooww ssoom meebbaassicicrruule less tthhaatthheelp lp kkeeeeppccle leaannth theeeennvviriroonnm meennt,t, ssuucchhaass rreeccyyclin clinggwwaasste teaanndd uussin inggeennvviriroonnm meennttaallllyy frfrie iennddly lypprroodduuccttss,,IIccaan n ssppeennddle lessssnnaatu turraalleenneerrggie iess ssuucchhaasswwaate terr..