Learning to learn together

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Ewa Hajda

Maria Teresa Carrieri Elisabeth Gustovic

Maria Dragos AnjaUe ber端ckDufke

Safta Alina Irina Ivanova

eTwinning project to: guide the students to acquire a positive attitude towards the study and culture teaching children a way of learning based on need of knowing to train and realized themselves. It aims to promote the love of culture as an essential tool for developing a more sustainable society in the future. Through international cooperation and interactive use of ICT students acquire knowledge, skills, values, preparing to become aware and active citizens, able to interact with other peoples and countries, sensitive to domestic issues and those that belong to all humanity, able to deal critically and creatively to the future challenges.

• * Encourage students to become active participants and responsible for their own learning as well as their lives. * Acquire the ability to persevere in learning with a view to achieving a goal, seeking advice, information and support when necessary. * Being able to independently organize their own learning, through effective management of time and risers available. * Learning to reflect critically on their learning strategies, identifying strengths and weaknesses. . . * Gain the ability to work collaboratively respecting rules and commitments. * Promoting cooperative learning experiences. * Promote a culture of cooperation and solidarity through joint working. * Gain the ability to understand, express, interpret concepts, thoughts, feelings, facts and opinions both orally and in writing using the English language. * Use the English language as a communication tool with peoples and cultures. * Gain the ability to search, collect, process information using technology tools. * Learning to communicate, share and create using new technologies. * Gain the ability to relate and communicate in a constructive manner, in different contexts, expressing their opinions and accept those of others. * Consider diversity as a resource. * Learning to interact positively with people and the environment on a scale of values universally recognized. Promote in students an attitude of respect toward other nations and other countries. * Expanding the cultural knowledge of pupils and teachers. * Promote multicultural and multilingual dialogue.

Heinrich-Zille-Grundschule, Berlin (Germany)

école primaire Tordo, Tourrette-levens (France)

Szkoła Podstawowa Nr 38 im. Jana III Sobieskiego "George Coşbuc" Middle School Baia Mare (Romania)

DUCOR "Partenija Zografski", Skopje, Macedonia

Primary School of Rionero in Vulture, Italy


Skopie Bytom


Baia Mare


Rionero in Vulture Tagorviste

Behind the project "Learning to learn together" is the idea that culture is sustainable, ie the awareness that only knowledge can transform the individual in a free citizen, capable and responsible. In this sense culture, understood at the broadest sense of the term, as unitary synthesis of scientific knowledge, humanities and technology, becomes the key tool for the creation of a knowledge-based society, that can enhance talent and skills and, as such, greater equality, social and civil rights and, therefore, a future development in sustainable ways, in which they can find a new and more virtuous balance economy, society and environment. Thus understood, the culture is the primary means to combat racism and xenophobia, promoting pathways to integration and at the same time, enhance the different identities according the concept of capability proposed by Amartya Sen. In this respect our project intends to become active moment of meeting, discussion, sharing, implementation of activities that ,in the perspective of sustainability and capability, are designed to arouse interest and motivation in students to learn and form their own culture as a means of promoting social and civic life.

Projection into the future

Development of creativity Shared and partecipate decisions

Acquisition of value

Interdisci plinarity

is based on the following criteria Variety of teaching methods

Development of critical thinking and problemsolving research

Learning to learn together is organized into four areas: the first as introduction, I person focused on the motivation to learn; I and others and I and the environment that surrounds me guide students, in view of sustainability and capability, to acquire some important tools for learning to learn.

So that the student learns to learn is essential that he is motivated to learn, that he felt the need to know seeing these a fundamental tool to achieve and improve himself. Beyond the dynamics of affective - relationships ,that are important, schools should motivate students to learn by helping them define and achieve their goals for the future. Whatever their dream, it is essential that every individual is acting as manager of their lives.To this end, in this step, students were guided through some stimulus questions, to describe themselves, their experience, skills, talents, their plans for the future and identify how it was possible to implement them. The students discussed in class, made presentations, drawings and finally coming face through videoconferencing to recognize learning to learn, that is in 'skills, knowledge, behavior the fundamental tools to achieve what is planned for themselves and relative to creating a more sustainable world.






Acquire knowing, skills, value, behaviours, culture

To be creative

To work well together

To be resilient and persistent

Learning to relate and communicate in a constructive manner To love learning

To solve problems together

Learn to use the knowledge gained to guide decisions and behaviors in a sustainable manner.

The values are the connective tissue of our society and have a fundamental importance in the formation of the individual. They represent the basic condition for living in harmony with oneself and with others. According Brezinka is essential to understand that knowledge and knowhow are not enough to live their lives in harmony, independently and responsibly. Skills of life, belong, in fact, good attitudes to the values and principles, namely the formation of the heart, this term the spiritual power that allows men to bond with the goods, that is, objects, people, ideas or activities experienced as valid. The bonds require choice, evaluations, distinctions and decisions. Therefore, students must not only recognize but also learn to navigate on them.To mature responsible attitudes and cooperative behavior, children should have to live with the meaning the dimension of values of justice, legality, of active citizenship. Based on these assumptions, students were guided to acquire and recognize the core values that underlie our life together, as solidarity, friendship, respect, etc.. based on an shared analysis of a instrument at their well-known : the cartoons of Disney. After watching the Disney cartoon "Beauty and the Beast", the pupils discussed the meaning of history, and reproduced by drawing most memorable scenes. Using Wordle, word cloud generator, wrote in their mother tongue and English values identified. At the end was created a multilingual glossary of human values .They also examined the significance of certain celebrations, as soon as these values have officially received their highest recognition.

I and the others

I and the others











Kommunik ation

Komunikac Порака ja




COMMUNIC Comunicazi Communica Comunicar e one tion ATION EDUCATION Educazione Education

Macedonia n

Образован ие


Uguaglianz Equality a


Gleichstellu Równość ng






Freundsch aft


Пријателст во





Gerechtigk eit

Sprawiedli wość

Спроведув ање на правдата









Rispetto per gli altri

Respect pour les autres

Respect pentru alţii

Respekt für Szacunek andere dla innych

Респект за другите







Macedonia n

Rispetto per la vita

Respect de la vie

Respect pentru viaţă

Achtung vor dem Leben

Szacunek dla życia

Почит за живот

Schutz healt

Ochrony Healt

Чување healt

SAFEGUAR Salvaguardi Sauvegarde Protejarea healt a della healt DING salute HEALTH Risparmio


Economisir e

SOLIDARIT Solidarietà Y


Solidaritate Solidarität

Solidarnoś ć

Солидарно ст








Einsparung Oszczędno ść


Заштеда на

I and the others

First day of school

The collapse of the Berlin Wall

Children Day

Christmas Shoa

Woman’s Day

I and the environment that surround me

We are both inside and outside nature. .…all truly human development means joint development ,,,,Each part of the world is more a part of the world and the world as a whole is more present in each of its parts… We have to learn to place our “being there” on the planet. ( Edgard Morin)

Everyone enters into a relationship with the environment according to the satisfaction of own existential needs. Is created in this way a relationship of interdependence between man and environment that come into play a number of factors that are closely related and interdependent. The need to relate to the external environment through a comprehensive approach where the disciplinary powers were used together, as a means of interaction and problem-solving is basic to our activity. This step intended to activate a holistic approach that would allow the student to correlate with the external environment, in the general framework of the different qualities of the cognitive person ,with fostering attitudes of respect, protection, responsibility towards nature but also for development and projection towards the future. Were organized activities aimed to use the environment as a laboratory in which to find incentives for research, reflection, experimentation, to guide students to appropriate of the environment in a responsible manner.

Learning is a matter of belonging to a community as much as an intellectual process, involving both the heart as the head ( Etienne Wenger )

The fundamental aim of Learning to learn together has been to create a learning community characterized by a high horizontal flow of knowledge, where teachers and students from various schools had been able to learn together. A learning community is a special cooperative research environment, formed by people who share a concern or a passion for something and learn how to improve as they interact regularly. In pursuing their interests relate to the members in activities and discussions, help and produce information, develop a repertoire of common resources to learn each other. In this context, is given great responsibility of the person who is constantly oriented towards autonomy To this end, in addition to the virtual classroom given us by eTwinning, we created a social netwok on Ning where schoolchildren partners, together with their teachers, informed, shared, created using the typical methods of "digital natives": messages, photos, videos, blogs, music and so on. In this process was the conscious use of the tools of Web 2.0. In this context, the teacher's role was mainly that of mediator of learning processes.

Follow progress activities. Report problems and solve them. Calibrate activities to pupils' learning ability

Whether the disciplinary knowledge planned were turned into skills. Level of participation and collaboration Observation of cognitive and social behavior; Conversations and discussions; Final product.

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