Hello, I am Leonardo da Vinci, painter, engineer and Italian scientist. Son of the notary Ser Piero and a peasant girl, was born on April 15, 1452 in Vinci, a small rural village.
Since childhood, wandering the countryside around Vinci, I began to be fascinated by nature, following the flight of birds and the operation of the mills. Disciple of Verrocchio in painting, I was self-taught in every other field. Writing was my passion. I wrote, in fact, continuously from left to right. Forced by my family to move to Florence I was twelve years in this city, where I met Lorenzo de 'Medici, a great political but also man cultural, which was for me a great teacher. In Florence, I have dedicated myself to drawing, painting and studying and interesting me to all fields of human knowledge. In 1482 I was hired at the court of Ludovico il Moro, where I presented projects of hydraulic engineering, military equipment and finally painting and sculpture. In Milan remained until 1499, the year of the fall of the Sforza.
Virgin of the Rocks
The Last Supper
In recent years I have made some of my masterpieces such as the "Virgin of the Rocks" and '"Last Supper." I have also
dealt with the decorations of the Castello Sforzesco performed at the wedding of Gian Galeazzo Sforza, even inventing a fantastic theatrical machine representing Heaven and the sky with the stars in motion. Leaving Milan I undertaken a series of journeys that led me to visit many Italian courts up to the king of France, Louis XII.
Between 1503 and 1505 I went back to Florence, where I began my most famous work: the Mona Lisa.
As a scientist I designed flying machines, war machines and tools to navigate. For my inventions and my works I'm considered one of the greatest genius of mankind. Now, I'm happy to meet you and visit your school and your country. I am sure you will offer me the best hospitality that show me the most beautiful places in your country and you will confer taste the best dishes of your food. I warmly greet you waiting to be the first in Spain, with you. Leonardo da Vinci
Wrote by pupils of class III C-D-E Primary School of Rionero in Vulture