2022 Carmel Catholic High School Graduation and Baccalaureate Mass Program

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Class of 2022 Commencement Ceremony

Class of 2022 Baccalaureate Mass Commencement Ceremony May 2022

School Leadership Board of Members Rev. Carl Markelz, O.Carm., Co-Chair Rev. Robert Colaresi, O.Carm. Br. Daryl Moresco, O.Carm.

Sr. Teri Hadro, BVM, Co-Chair Sr. Karen Conover, BVM Sr. Kate Hendel, BVM

Board of Directors Mr. Charles Bartels Mr. Richard Caffarelli, Vice Chair Mr. Ric Elert, Chair Sr. Margaret Geraghty, BVM Ms. Julie Goodman ‘85 Mr. Robert Hickey Rev. Gregory Houck, O.Carm. Mr. Kenya Jackson

Ms. Amy (Johnson ’87) Junge Mrs. Marisue Lacher, Secretary Br. Thomas Murphy, O.Carm. Hon. Michael Nerheim Mr. Christopher Salvi ‘08 Rev. Jeffery Smialek, O.Carm. Sr. Carol Spiegel, BVM Dr. Lori (Van Erden ’88) Ventura


Dr. Bradley Bonham Principal Mr. Jason Huther

Centered in Jesus Christ, Carmel Catholic is a college preparatory high school, empowering students to be servant leaders filled with zeal for faith and scholarship. Rooted in the charisms of the Order of Carmelites and the Sisters of Charity of the Blessed Virgin Mary, our Catholic community embraces a tradition of dignity, diversity, and justice.

Faculty and Staff Mrs. Haley Adams Mrs. Jennifer Arvidson Mr. Chris Avgerin Mr. Steve Ballerine Mr. Tim Barclay Mr. Nate Bargar Mrs. Kirsten Bartlett Ms. Kathryn Battista Mrs. Mary Anne Benas Mr. Benjamin Berg Mr. Brian Bernhardt Mrs. Michele Bertaud Mrs. Kathleen Bidstrup Mrs. Lori Bishop Mr. Brian Blaszczyk Mrs. Kirsten Bobber Dr. Bradley Bonham Ms. Kristin Borrino Mr. Nate Brill Ms. Laura Budris Mr. Mike Burback Mrs. Jennifer Burkhalter Mr. Jack Cannuli Mrs. Gina Carmody Ms. Angelina Castillo Ms. Courtney Ciampi Ms. Gina Clarizio Mrs. Elizabeth Coppins Mr. Robert Covek Ms. Molly Daluga Mrs. Julie Donner Mr. Phil Donner Ms. Theresa Donohoo Mrs. Sarah Doyle Mrs. Jessica Eccles Mrs. Debbie Eppel Mrs. Amelia Faulstick Mrs. Andrea Fitzpatrick Mr. Eric Franklin Mrs. Kambra French Mrs. Roberta Froemke Mr. Brad Geary Mrs. Susan Gille Ms. Tara Gille Mr. J. Ron Gillespie Ms. Theresa Goh Ms. Shannon Gomez Mrs. Kathleen Griffin

Mrs. Ana Gutierrez Mr. Jose Gutierrez Mr. Jim Halford Mr. John Halloran Dr. Peggy Halloran Mr. Carl Hansel Mrs. Joyce Haqq Mrs. Christine Hartnett Mr. Dan Henrichs Mr. Ryan Hornung Ms. Suzanne Huntemann Mr. Jason Huther Ms. Erin Kerger Mrs. Grace Kim Ms. Krista Koellner Mr. Ken Kordick Mr. Raymond Krawzak Mr. Joe Kreppein Ms. Alanna Kurek Mr. Robert Kuykendall Mrs. Marisue Lacher Mrs. Shannon Lanphier Ms. Debra Laskonis Mrs. Caitlin Lees Mr. Brendan Leetch Ms. Marcella Linahan Mrs. Shelley Lindgren Mr. Mike Looby Mrs. Erin Major Mr. Manuel Marinez Garcia Mr. Alejandro Mateo Mr. Timothy McKeown Mr. Jason McKie Mr. Tim Meister Mrs. Susan Meyle Mr. Billy Moore Ms. Esmeralda Mora Mr. Cesar Morales Mr. Ariel Mozes Ms. Maria Murczek Ms. Billie Nickerson Ms. Anne Nieminski Mrs. Rebecca Norton Mr. Kevin Nylen Ms. Sarah O’Donnell Mrs. Kacey O’Keeffe Sr. Blessing Okere Ms. Molly O’Malley

Mrs. Ida Pavlos Mr. David Pazely Mrs. Rina Pietrantonio Mr. Mark Plaiss Mr. Mark Pos Mrs. Lois Poulos Mr. Michael Poulos Mr. Jeffrey Ptacek Mrs. Michelle Ptasienski Mrs. Wanda Pucci Mr. Alex Rafferty Mr. Sean Rank Mr. Roy Rash Ms. Tylee Resetich Mr. Zack Ryan Ms. Carli Sacramento Mr. Mark Schnoor Mr. Joe Schultz Mr. Gregory Schwab Ms. Melissa Schwartz Mr. John Sheehy Fr. Christian Shiu Mr. Brian Smithe Mrs. Emily Solarz Mr. Jacob Solarz Mrs. Elizabeth Spagna Mrs. Denise Spokas Mr. Colin Spude Mrs. Milena Stanimirova Mr. Brian Stith Mrs. Monica Stolte Mrs. Lynne Strutzel Ms. Sonja Thrush Mr. John Titterton Mrs. Michelle Titterton Mrs. Karen Umlauf Ms. Patricia Van Spankeren Mr. Ricardo Villalobos Mr. Jack Waddle Mrs. Paula Watson Mrs. Gail Wegener Ms. Carla Wehrheim Mrs. Jaime White Mrs. Adriana Young Mr. Ivan Zelic Mr. Matthew Zell

Procession of the Graduates “Pomp and Circumstance” Edward Elgar, Composer

Baccalaureate Mass Introductory Rites Liturgical Procession

Now Is(Kendzia) the Time Entrance Hymn Now Is The Time

# Refrain 4 & 4 œ œ œ œ œ œ œ Come to us, you

# & œ œ œ & &

# œ

who say,





1. Spir - it of hope, 2. Spir - it of life, 3. Spir - it of truth,

# Allœ œ œ

œ œ

Take hold of us,

œ œ œ œ ˙

ing. Make us your own,

œ œ œ œ

1. Spir - it 2. Spir - it 3. Spir - it

œ œ œ œ œ



# Cantor & œ œ œ œ ˙ &


“Do not be a - fraid.”


of love, of peace, of faith, All

œ œ œ œ

“I will not for - get you.” Be with us, you

œ œ œ œ ˙

minds, our whole be Verses

œ œ œ œ œ œ

who say,

œ œ œ

Tom Kendzia

œ œ





our hearts, our

œ œ œ œ ˙

now is the time.









œ œ œ œ ˙

stand be - fore our eyes. Spir - it of light, break the chains of death. Spir - it of joy, save us from our lies. Spir - it of God,


œ œ œ

œ ˙

œ œ œ œ œ Œ

to Refrain

now is the time. now is the time. now is the time.

© 1998, Tom Kendzia. Published by OCP. All rights reserved.



crush the pain of ha - tred. si - lence tongues of an - ger. rise a - bove our doubt- ing.

1. dance with - in our dark- ness. Make us your own, 2. o - ver-come our sad - ness. Make us your own, 3. walk a - mong your peo - ple. Make us your own,



Liturgy of the Word


Responsorial The Psalm The Lord is My Light, Psalm 27 (Bolduc) Lord Is My Light/Psalm 27 REFRAIN

4 &b 4 Œ ‰ j œ œ œ œ œ

The Lord is my light

œ œ œ ˙

&b œ

Whom should I fear?

j & b œ œ. -




œ œ J


j j œ œ œ my

j j œ œ œ.

sal - va

Œ ‰ j œ œ œ œ œ



œ Œ

j j j œ œ œ œ

œ œ J

The Lord is my strong - hold and my ref -

œ œ œ œ œ

How can I


œ œ


a - fraid?

1. There is one thing I ask: to live with you, Lord, all of my days and all of my life. 2. And he keeps me secure in times of great fear. He shelters my soul, and lifts me high. 3. I believe that I shall see the goodness of my God in the land of the living, in the land of the living. Ed Bolduc Text and music © 2003, WLP


Gospel Acclamation Alle, Alle (Angotti) Gospel Acclamation—Alle, Alle

# j & 44 œ œ œ œ œ ‰ œ œ œ œ œ


Al - le, al - le,

al - le - lu - ia!

# j & œ œ œ œ œ ‰ œ œ œ œ œ Al - le, al - le,

j œ œœ œœ‰œ œ œ œ œ

Al - le, al - le,

al - le - lu - ia!

œ œ œ œj œ œj ˙ .

al - le - lu - ia!

Al - le - lu




1. Speak, O Lord, your servant is listening; you have the words of everlasting life.


2. Come, Holy Spirit, fill the hearts of the faithful and kindle in them the fire of your love.

Prayers of the Faithful

3. I am the living bread that came down from heaven;

whoever eatsour this prayer bread will live forever. All: Lord, hear

b & b œ œ œ œ œ ‰ œJ œ œ œ œ


Al - le, al - le,

al - le - lu - ia!

b & b œ œ œ œ œ ‰ Jœ œ œ œ œ

œ œœ œœ‰œ œ œ œ œ J

Al - le, al - le,

al - le - lu - ia!

œ œ œ œ œ œ ˙. J J


Liturgy of the Eucharist Offertory Hymn Virgin Mary of Mount Carmel (Bird, Powers) Virgin Mary of Mount Carmel, Whom in ancient prophecy God revealed to Saint Elias By a far off distant Sea. Rise again on God’s creation, Bring to bloom this arid place With the white cloud of thy beauty and the rainfall of thy grace. Prayer over the Gifts Eucharistic Prayer Holy, Holy, Holy Mass of St. Ann (Ed Bolduc)

6 &b 8 œ œ ‰ œ œ ‰ œ œ œ œ Ho-ly,

&b œ



full of your glo - ry.

&b œ œ œ

name of the

high- est.

Text © 2010, ICEL


high - est.

j &b œ œ

Ho - ly Lord God of

j j 98 œ œ œ œ œ œ


j &b œ œ




œ œ œ.



j œ œ œ J

Ho - san-na,

œ œ œ

Heav-en and

j œ

Ho - san - na in



Ho - san-na,


r ‰ ‰ . œ 68 œ œ œ œ

r j œ ‰ . œ œJ œ Bless - ed






j œ



who comes in

j œ œ œ œ œ

ho - san - na in

j œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ.

ho - san - na in





j œ


the high - est. Ed Bolduc Music © 2011, WLP

Memorial Acclamation Mass of St. Ann (Ed Bolduc)

4 &b 4 œ


When we

& b œ. we

j œ œ



this Bread

j œ œ


pro-claim your

j œ ˙.

& b œ.


a - gain,










‰ œj œ œ


j œ œ



this Cup,

‰ œj œ œ


un - til you

j œ w


un - til you come

a - gain.

Text © 2010, ICEL

Ed Bolduc Music © 2011, WLP

Great Amen Mass of St. Ann (Ed Bolduc)

& b 68 œ



œ œ. J


& b œ Jœ œ .

A - men,

œ œ œ œ. a



œ œ œ œ. a



œ. œ œ œ œ œ a

œ œ œ œj œ a






œ ˙.


Ed Bolduc Music © 2011, WLP

The Lord’s Prayer Sign of Peace Lamb of God Mass of St. Ann (Ed Bolduc)

4 & b 4 œ.


j œ œ


of God, you

&b ˙

Œ œ œ œ ˙

& b œ.

j œ œ œœ ˙



have mer - cy

a-way the


j œ œ





a - way



œ . œj ˙ .


the world,

œ œ



Œ .. œ .



œœ˙ grant

j œ




j œ œ



of God, you



us peace. Ed Bolduc Music © 2011, WLP

Communion Rite

Communion Hymns Draw Me Close (Kelly Carpenter, arr. by Ed Bolduc) Do Not Fear To Hope (Rory Cooney) Oceans. (Matt Crocker, Joel Houston, and Salomon Ligtheim, arr. by Dan Galbraith) Prayer after Communion Concluding Rites Final Blessing


OutYou Out (Angotti) RecessionalI Send HymnYou I Send 1. I baptize you in the name of the Father. I baptize you in the name of the Son. I baptize you with the Holy Spirit. Go out and spread Good News!

#4 r & 4 ‰. œ œ

r œ œ œ Œ Œ œ. œ œ œ œ œ ‰. œ œ


I send you out

on a mis-sion of love.

# œ. œ œ œ œ œ ‰. r & œ Œ Œ œ œ on a mis-sion of love.

# & œ œ œ œ œ mis-sion of

# & œJ œ



j j œ œ œ.

j œ

and know



œ I

j œ œ


‰ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ J

al - ways

I send you out

œ œ œ Œ Œ œ. œ

I send you out


œ œ

on a

œ J



un - til the end of the world.

2. Well, it’s time for us to become people with spirit. It’s time for us to become people of love. It’s time for us to know that Jesus Christ is risen, forgives our sins, and brings new life! John Angotti Text and music © 2000, WLP



“Yes,” Lord/Digo “Sí,” Señor InstrumentalI Say Music performed by members of the Jazz Band, directed by Mr. Tim Barclay VERSES Cantor All

b & b b 44 Œ







œ Choir, œ For Good (Schwartz) - sung by the Carmel Catholic œ œ directed Invocation I say “Yes,” my Lord. I say by Mrs. Joyce Haqq Di - go “Sí,” Cantor

Se - ñor.

Di - go All

Commencement Program Principal Address Mr. Jason Huther, Principal Commencement Address Mr. Phil Donner, Faculty Presentation of the Graduates Mrs. Jennifer Burkhalter, Assistant Principal for Teaching and Learning Mr. Phil Donner, Senior Division Moderator Mrs. Shannon Lanphier, Senior Division Moderator Mrs. Jaime White, Assistant Principal for Student Services Conferring of Diplomas Dr. Bradley Bonham, President Mr. Jason Huther, Principal Valedictorian Address Isabella Pagano Recognition of Alumni Mr. Ken Kordick, Director of Alumni Relations Blessing of the Graduates Faculty and Staff Closing Remarks Mr. Jason Huther, Principal

Class of 2022 Vania Abonce-Díaz Joseph Rocco Accordino Ajayi Sayed Ajaga Princess Ayosunkanmi Zeennah Ajoke Akorede Marcus Omar Aragon Lisete Astudillo Lee Attar Alexandra D. Augusto Brady Philip Banker Gianna Ann Marie Barbour Daniel Thomas Barker Zkylah A. Barnes Charlotte S. Baude Megan Michaela Bauer Emma Rose Baynes Julia Lauren Beck Chloe Mae Belanski Harrison Gregory Benjamin Brianna Nicole Benson Abigail Bernatchez Tara Morgan Bertucci Charles Richard Daniel Bien Jeremy Michael Bobber Sarah Mae Bonham Nina Angeline Borkowski Margaret Bowes Brooke E. Braden Jonathan P. Buckley Ryan Francis Buckley Jennifer Marie Bukowski Joseph James Burke Benjamin J. Cacioppo Savannah Elizabeth Campos Eleanor Maria Cappelle Juan Carlos Carillo Owen Matthew Carroll Kenya Guadalupe Cendejas Faith R. Chapman Kejia Cheng Linsey Cheng Krista N. Cienfuegos John William Clarizio Nathaniel Cordova George Dimitri Couvall Allyson Crow

Lauren Elisabeth Crow Peter Edward Curran Teresa Christine Czyzewski Celestine Michele Dam David Luke Daniels Jake A. Dasso Amber Reyland Davis Roan Jeffrey Del Carmen Mia Grace DeLaMar Thomas M. Diesen Sophie Michelle Dir Xuan Loc Doan Keelen Riley Douglas Mario Michael Durnil Kerry Edward Eberhardt Molly F. Elert Matthew Dallas Ellwanger Carter Matthew Esteban Maximilian Joseph Feinendegen Mia Luz Figueroa Theresa Christine Flor Kaitlyn N Fremgen Madeline Mary Fullerton Theresa Carolyn Galuska Cynthia Marie Garcia Caroline Shields Gatchell Melissa Grace George Amanda C Gewargis Marie Michele Giambrone Mitchell Aaron Goodman Darren L Gorman Preston Theodore Graff Erin Ann Graham Nolan Edwin Graham Ava Grace Grasso Gianni E Greco Jessica Lauren Greeby Hateya Clarice Greenenwald Gil Daniel Guerrero Alyssa Faith Guin Molly Kathleen Halaburt Aidan Ryan Haley Dorian Halimi Jessica Olga Harbeck Mason Hardin Cole Emmett Harrison

John Thomas Harrop Elise Hartnig Grace Marie Harvey Gabriel Thomas Herbick David A. Hernandez Matthew William Herron Nolan Richard Herubin Emily Marie Hetman Ryan Joseph Hogan Kaeli Holley Brianna Mae Huner Katie Olivia Ingram Carolina Iriarte Martinez Sydney Danielle Iskalis Madeline Elizabeth Ives Asher David Jackson Lauren Elizabeth Jenkins Evyn Avery Jensen Patrick L Jewell Taaliah Abigail Johnson Katherine Sydney Jones Nora Grace Junge Hannah Huan Kaplan Peter M. Kaull Clare Patricia Keane Anna Elizabeth Kegel Lauren Catherine Keith Abigail Seraphina Keller Nicholas J. Kempa Joseph E. Kern Rebecca Lynn Kimbel Wrigley C. Kordt Andrew Connolly Kowalski Colleen Ann Connolly Kowalski Nina Marie Kropiwiec Alex Paul Kurowski Alexandria Maria LaCount Benjamin Christian LaMora Jordan Lee Landry Drew Steven Langer McKenna Larsen Bridget Elizabeth Leahy Madison Rae Guiritan Ledesma Claire Olivia Leng Charleen Antoinette B. Leva John Neumann Levering Dylan James Lloyd Andrew Michael Lobo

Isabel Lopez Natalia Lopez Gabriel Antonio Lynch Dominick Francis Magnone Lance Dylan Mahinay Quinn Kluding Geralyn Mainzer Connor Thomas Manning Zachary Olinto Marcheschi Aleksandria Martinez Scarlett Martinez Kyle Louis Marusich John Matthew Massarelli Michael LeRoy Matz Payton Josephine McConville Lucas Glen McEwen William John McGargill Fiona Elizabeth McHugh Riley Matthew McHugh Katana Barbara Meade Jesse M. Mechling Clare Vanessa Medina Ryan Ayvers Medina Alexa Lynn Mehrholz Jasmin Mejia Bethel Sitou Mensah Erik Michael Miller Kathryn Minard Meredith Cristine Modelski Milana Jo Moisio James Franklin Molnar Matthew E Molsen Alexandra Toledo Monroe Famon Bryce Moore Milan M. Moore-Jones Michael Patrick Moriarty Mia Frances Morrill Alyssa Marie Mullally Andrew Stephen Munro James J Murphy Peter A Murphy Julia Murray Anna Maria Nagode Victoria Rose Nagode Luke Nalewajk Benjamin Vincent Nededog Benjamin Lawrence Nelson Megan Elizabeth Newman Isabella Niemotka

Christian Julian Hilary Antoine Noble Nygia Amor Noble Lilly M. Ogurek Paula A. Oluwande Grace Catherine O’Malley Ethan James Onan Matthew McCarthy Ortega Isabella Marie Pagano Alexander William Pelfresne Evan Matthew Perkovich Aidan Michael Perry Madeline Mary Pfister Margaret Mary Phelps Preston Davis Pierce Rachel Pinto Spiros Alexander Pissios Shane Earl Porten Mary Geraldine Powers Gabriella Shamie Pryde Angelica Puga Kyle James Pulido Sophie Mae Puszynski Erin Madison Pye Lillian Y. Quinonez Lillian Patricia Randolph Marle Caroline Rapplean Nathan James Rastovac Joseph Kevin Reidy Lelya Marika Reininger Lukas Konrad Reissenweber Victoria Ann Renguso Andrew Michael Ridosh Gabrielle Elisabeth Rini Matthew Rivera Sophia K. Rizzo Emma Marie Roberts Regina Patricia Robles Siena Ixta Rodriguez Jaxsen Juan Rosales Jacob D. Roth Samuel Connor Rouleau Jennifer Carmella Ruscitti Colleen Molly Ryan Daniel Jordan Ryazanov Hunter Patricia Saikin Christine Anne Acebedo Salandanan Maya Francesca Sarkis

Anastasia Marie Schlicksup Samuel V. Schneider General Jeremiah Anthony Schofield Kendall Avery Scott Lily Elizabeth Shenderovsky Julia Elizabeth Shrofe Madelline Anne Simak Allyson Smoczynski Kyle V. Snyder Juliana Soto Ella Spera Alexander James Stahr Bryce Alan Stensrud Griffin Douglas Stropich Kathleen Anne Suing Thomas William Sulfridge Grace Marie Sullivan Ethan G. Sykes Robert Matthew Szamocki Nathan William Terselic Lucas Thomas Joanna J Tisch Leah D. Ulbrich Christian M. Unverzagt Emmanuel Valdivia Angela M. Van Wiltenburg Robert Vincenzo Ventura Michael Anthony Villanueva Elsie Cecelia Wach Allison Raigh Walker Deontra L. Washington Vincent Joseph Wegener Colin Robert Finnegan Katherine Cameron Wesolowicz Madeline Clare Whelan Miles Carl Whelan Frances Marie Wiacek Nathan R. Winandy Sarah Anne Wiseman Kayla Michelle Wright Giselle Marie Young Sabrina M Yousif Lexi Mia Zaychik Lucy M. Zhou Luke Jeffrey Zimmer Madeline Joyce Zitella Haley Anne Zuraitis

Honor Regalia Valedictorians and Salutatorians Golden medallions Members of Carmel Catholic Honor Societies are adorned with Honor Cords for our Graduation Ceremonies. International Thespian Society A royal blue strand and tassel with a gold strand and tassel Mu Alpha Theta A light blue strand and tassel with a gold strand and tassel National Business Honor Society Intertwined hunter green and silver cord and tassel National Chinese Honor Society A deep purple and metallic gold cord and tassel with a light purple and metallic gold cord and tassel - royalty, prosperity, power A Twin Coin Knot - wealth and peace Two Lucky Clover Knots - good luck and a bright future National Honor Society Two Year Members - a royal blue strand and tassel with a gold strand and tassel One Year Members - gold cord and tassel National Latin Honor Society Purple cord and tassel Science National Honor Society Intertwined gold, green, and purple cord with a gold tassel Sociedad Honoraria Hispánica Intertwined red and gold cord and tassel Société Honoraire de Français Intertwined red, white, and blue cord and tassel St. Damien of Molokai Honor Society Intertwined royal blue and white cord and tassel St. Thérèse of Lisieux Honor Society Intertwined brown and gold cord and tassel

Alumni Parents and Alumni Grandparents of the Class of 2022 Amy (Claffey ‘84) Benjamin

Mother of Harrison Benjamin

Greg Benjamin ‘83

Father of Harrison Benjamin

Carrie (Trocano ‘91) Bernatchez

Mother of Abigail Bernatchez

Michael Bowes ‘88

Father of Margaret Bowes

Martin Cappelle ‘95

Father of Eleanor Cappelle

Matthew Carroll ‘92

Father of Owen Carroll

Genice Reed-Daniels ‘86

Mother of David Daniels

David Daniels ‘86

Father of David Daniels

Emily (Rowe ‘93) Davis

Mother of Amber Davis

Lisa (Tagli ‘88) Elert

Mother of Molly Elert

Joseph Heilgeist ‘73

Grandfather of Carter Esteban

Jeffrey Feinendegen ‘89

Father of Maximilian Feinendegen

Robert Graham ‘87

Father of Erin Graham

Patrick Graham ‘84

Father of Nolan Graham

Jennifer (Depperschmidt ‘95) Haley

Mother of Aidan Haley

Mark Herbick ‘84

Father of Gabriel Herbick

Timothy Ives ‘87

Father of Madeline Ives

Amy (Johnson ‘87) Junge

Mother of Nora Junge

Michael Keane ‘86

Father of Clare Keane

Filomena (Bellini ‘94) Kropiwiec

Mother of Nina Kropiwiec

Mariann (Edlmann ‘72) Bellini

Grandmother of Nina Kropiwiec

Michelle Boyce-Lobo ‘93

Mother of Andrew Lobo

Horacio Lopez ‘73

Father of Natalia Lopez

Clare Manning-McConville ‘94

Mother of Connor Manning

Jacqueline (Krase ‘86) Marcheschi

Mother of Zachary Marcheschi

Dawn (Hagopian ‘95) Trotta

Mother of Aleksandria Martinez

Carrie (Cohen ‘96) Marusich

Mother of Kyle Marusich

Katie (Halverson ‘92) Baugher

Mother of Lucas McEwen

John McHugh ‘91

Father of Riley McHugh

Christopher Molsen ‘87

Father of Matthew Molsen

Dona (Renaud ‘85) Morrill

Mother of Mia Morrill

Caroline (Casten ‘98) Ogurek

Mother of Lilly Ogurek

Daniel Ogurek ‘97

Father of Lilly Ogurek

Ralph Casten ‘66

Grandfather of Lilly Ogurek

Laura (Dietz ‘92) Pfister James J. Porten ‘85

Mother of Madeline Pfister

Father of Shane Porten

Marguerite (Keller ‘87) Rapplean

Mother of Marle Rapplean

Mark Rapplean ‘87

Father of Marle Rapplean

Aimee (Owczarski ‘89) Reissenweber

Mother of Lukas Reissenweber

Shannon (Ames ‘87) Rosales

Mother of Jaxsen Rosales

Dorie (Hertel ‘89) Roth

Mother of Jacob Roth

Pandora (Fillipp ‘90) Rouleau

Mother of Samuel Rouleau

Maria (Corrado ‘84) Schneider

Mother of Samuel Schneider

Sheila (Conarchy ‘88) Shrofe

Mother of Julia Shrofe

David Shrofe ‘88

Father of Julia Shrofe

Julie (Farrell ‘89) Osborne

Mother of Madelline Simak

Jennifer (Kocen ‘88) Sullivan

Mother of Grace Sullivan

Lori (Van Erden ‘88) Ventura

Mother of Robert Ventura

Danielle (Saladino ‘97) Wegener

Mother of Vincent Wegener

Jason Wegener ‘95

Father of Vincent Wegener

Gail (Hoffmann ‘71) Wegener

Grandmother of Vincent Wegener

Mark Wegener ‘68

Grandfather of Vincent Wegener

Rebecca (Cameron ‘84) Wesolowicz

Mother of Katherine Wesolowicz

Daniel Whelan ‘89

Father of Maddie Whelan

Mary (Suter ‘83) Wiacek

Mother of Frances Wiacek

Randy Zitella ‘91

Father of Madeline Zitella †


Board of Directors Family of the Graduates Mr. Ric Elert, Father of Molly Elert Mr. Kenya Jackson, Father of Asher Jackson Mrs. Amy Junge, Mother of Nora Junge Dr. Lori Ventura, Mother of Robert Ventura

Faculty and Staff Parents of the Graduates Mrs. Kirsten Bobber, Mother of Jeremy Bobber Dr. Bradley Bonham, Father of Sarah Bonham Mrs. Kambra French, Mother of Eleanor Cappelle Mrs. Lori Young, Mother of Giselle Young

Faculty and Staff Blessing of the Graduates Grateful for the blessing of our years together, and with great hope in the future open before you, we ask God our Father to bless you. Together we have shared life and lived life; we have grown and loved. Together we have learned that sharing is the greatest form of learning. And love of others is wisdom itself. You always have our support and encouragement. Take with you your great gifts – your youth and vitality, your kindness and decency, your humor and great zest for life. Give them to all you meet. Color your life with – A zest for Christian living. A commitment to goals that are noble and true. A fortitude to accept the challenge of life. A humility that says, “God, I need you.” A love expressed wholesomely in deed and truth. We pray that you always walk in the friendship of Christ, guided by the Holy Spirit, today and all days until eternity. Amen.

Acknowledgements Carmel Catholic High School Faculty and Staff Carmel Catholic High School Maintenance Personnel Mrs. Lori Bishop, Administrative Assistant to the President Ms. Laura Budris, Director of Student Activities Mr. Phil Donner, Senior Class Co-Moderator Mr. Eric Franklin, Broadcast Mrs. Kambra French, Director of Mission Effectiveness Mr. Brad Geary, Technical Support Specialist Mrs. Joyce Haqq, Director of Choral and Liturgical Music Ms. Erin Kerger, Campus Minister Mr. Ken Kordick, Director of Alumni Relations Mr. Joe Kreppein, Security Mrs. Shannon Lanphier, Senior Class Co-Moderator Mr. Tim McKeown, Sound Specialist Mr. Tim Meister, Chief Building Engineer Ms. Sarah O’Donnell, Publications Coordinator Mrs. Rina Pietrantonio, Office Manager, Principal’s Office Mr. Mark Plaiss, Deacon and Faculty Member Fr. Christian Shiu, Chaplain

Congratulations As a gift, electronic access to the graduate photographs taken upon stage departure will be emailed directly from VIP to parents of the graduates. Carmel Catholic High School Faculty and Staff send congratulations to the graduates and their families. Best wishes for a bright future!






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