2018-2019 Annual Report

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Carmel Catholic High School Annual Report 2018-2019

Mission Centered in Jesus Christ, Carmel Catholic is a college preparatory high school, empowering students to be servant leaders filled with zeal for faith and scholarship. Rooted in the charisms of the Order of Carmelites and the Sisters of Charity of the Blessed Virgin Mary, our Catholic community embraces a tradition of dignity, diversity, and justice.

History Founded in 1962, Carmel Catholic is jointly sponsored by the Order of Carmelites (O.Carm.) and the Sisters of Charity of the Blessed Virgin Mary (BVM). In 1960, the Archdiocese of Chicago invited these two religious communities to build a co-institutional Catholic high school in Lake County. In September 1962, Carmel High School for Boys opened its doors to a freshmen class of 175 students. In September 1963, Carmel High School for Girls admitted students. In August 1988, the two schools merged and a separate corporation was established for the new co-educational school. For more than 50 years Carmel Catholic High School has been committed to providing a quality Catholic education and forming young men and women to make a positive impact in society.

Carmel Catholic Leadership 2018-2019 Corporate Board

2018-2019 Board of Directors

Sr. Teri Hadro, BVM, Co-Chair Rev. Carl Markelz, O.Carm., Co-Chair Rev. Robert Colaresi, O.Carm. Sr. Karen Conover, BVM Sr. Kate Hendel, BVM Br. Daryl Moresco, O.Carm.

Mr. Joseph Nemmers ’73, Chair Mr. John Holaday, Vice Chair Mrs. Donna Lobaito ’81, Secretary Dr. Brad Bonham (ex-officio) Mr. Rich Caffarelli Mr. Ric Elert Mr. Jerrold Fox Sr. Margaret Geraghty, BVM Ms. Julie Goodman ’85 Mrs. Marisue Lacher Rev. Peter McGarry, O.Carm. Mrs. Roberta McQuade Ms. Hillary O’Toole ’11 Mr. Michael Poulos ’80 Hon. Mary Schostok Rev. Jeffery Smialek, O.Carm. Sr. Virginia Stone, BVM

2018-2019 Administration Dr. Brad Bonham, President Mr. Jason Huther, Principal Ms. Angelina Castillo, Director of Human Resources Mr. John Sheehy, Chief Financial Officer Mr. Brian Stith ’01, Executive Director of Marketing and Admissions Mrs. Alana Wett, Chief Advancement Officer

Cover photo credit: Steve Lundy, Daily Herald Staff Photographer



Everyone has a place at Carmel Catholic. Everyone. In this place, Carmel Catholic, we are family – including our Corsairs from more than 100 area grade schools, our international students from multiple continents, our diverse faculty and staff, and our dedicated parents and alumni. We treat each other with respect. We embrace our differences. And we discover lifelong friendships…all while providing a first-class, global education. Here, we take care of one another. We value each other’s interests and passions. At Carmel Catholic, the welcome is real and robust. Because of it, students find a true fit that paves the way for success. Belonging means being in the right place. And in this place you’ll find our Carmel Catholic students and loving community.


At Carmel Catholic, questions are not just encouraged. They shape the fabric of the community. How do I become who I was created to be? Where is Christ in my life? Do I understand my faith? The journey of growing, of exploring, of discovering oneself as a child of God happens naturally here. It’s an environment where students, faculty and staff are valued, seen as significant, and taken care of. Where the whole person is educated. Where there’s an inclusive tone set - a universality. An unwavering belief in each other, visible in extensive academic and counseling support programs, faith in action initiatives, and teacher development, produces conviction and confidence. In this authentically Catholic setting, students form positive relationships and learn values they can carry through to all aspects of their life. Over four years, students learn to believe.


An ongoing conversation unfolds each day at Carmel Catholic. Administrators, teachers, and peers all want to know what’s next in the life of a Corsair. What’s the next step? Is the preparation in place to take that step? Whether it’s shifting to an honors class, joining a new team, narrowing college selections, or leading a Kairos retreat, Carmel ensures our students become more. More engaged. More interested in tomorrow and how they can have an impact. More interested in finding the best version of themselves and all that God intends for them to be. The higher standards here, coupled with first-class resources, elevate student achievement. Invitations arrive – daily – to excel. Maybe try a dual credit course. Consider the engineering track. Take a school-sponsored college visit. Whatever the pursuit, transformative opportunities abound. Carmel Catholic’s mission has been, and will continue to be, about helping students succeed.


Letter from Brad Bonham, President Dear Members of our Carmel Catholic High School Community, I look back upon the last academic year with sincere gratitude and blessings. Our students, faculty, staff and greater community took part in so many aspects of service to others, academic success and religious formation, truly experiencing the faith-filled community of Carmel. I am so honored to be part of such a vibrant Catholic environment. Let me share with you information about our graduating class of 2019. Made up of 291 graduates, our class was awarded close to $45 million in college scholarships and awards. They boast a 100% college attendance or military enrollment joining more than 107 post-secondary academic institutions. As a Carmel Community, we are so very proud of all their achievements and ask for your continued prayers for success in their personal and career goals. Ninety percent of our students are involved in extracurricular activities complementing their academic experience. There are so many success stories, but I want to share one in particular with you. Our NYAN (Not Your Average Nerds) Robotics Team competed and won the World Championship in Detroit in May. Up against 7,000 teams with an audience of over 30,000 at Ford Stadium, our young leaders displayed excellence in knowledge and innovation. We are so proud of our students in NYAN, who won the state championship for the last two years and placed 12th in the World Championship the previous year. With a commitment to inclusion and equality for all members of our community, a Diversity Committee was formed to develop strategic goals to realize and live our mission to embrace a tradition of dignity, diversity, and justice rooted in the charisms of the Order of Carmelites and the Sisters of Charity of the Blessed Virgin Mary. In the spring of 2019, the Board of Directors approved an aggressive plan designed to fund and initiate a studentfocused educational initiative in an unprecedented manner. The goal is to offer Carmel Catholic students an educational experience that is accelerated and driven beyond what is available anywhere else in our region. The plan, termed Advantage: Carmel, includes a substantial upgrade in resources, facilities, and academic programming. The following are but a few details of this robust plan:


Carmel Catholic students will have an opportunity to take advantage of our expanded Dual Credit program, where

they may earn up to a year of college credit before graduation. The dual credit offerings will enhance academic quality and college preparation, and assist in reducing college expenses. This year, we welcomed 25 students from around the globe into our new International Student Program. As our students continue to enroll in some of the most selective higher education institutions, they immerse themselves in a highly diverse and international student body. This program allows students to interact and collaborate with students from different cultures and countries to give them an exceptional transition into a global higher education market. Strong ACT and SAT scores continue to be used in higher education as a tool in admissions and scholarship selections. Carmel Catholic provides a proven semester-long preparatory course to improve student performance on the ACT test. Typically, many of these preparatory courses offered are after school and collide with after-school activities. As part of the academic course options, students who partake in this option will find themselves prepared for the ACT exam. I am pleased to announce that we have launched an aggressive campaign to increase financial aid by $500,000 and include a merit-based scholarship program. The program will be based on performance on the entrance exam and will offer four-year renewable scholarships. We know that the lack of financial assistance is the number one reported reason why families choose not to send their son or daughter to Carmel Catholic. It is our goal that families who want a Carmel Catholic education will not be turned away because of financial hardships. Carmel Catholic has always had strong academic rigor, which will now be complemented with a comprehensive college-style support program. A Comprehensive Academic Learning Resource Center (CALRC) will be available for all students to utilize a variety of services and materials to facilitate academic learning and growth. The services offered in the CALRC will include peer tutoring, peer mentoring, adult tutoring, supported study, academic coaching, freshmanonly class Γ’€œHigh School Studies 101,Γ’€? mini-workshops on

academic success, coordinated note-takers, student-lead review sessions, and student-lead refresher courses. This past summer, we began renovations on our beautiful Auditorium. More than $300,000 was donated to restore this center of our performing arts programs. The first phase of the restoration included new seats, flooring, finishes in the promethium, and a brand new stage floor. Our performing arts students do a phenomenal job and we want to provide them the best space to perform. I encourage you to please take advantage of our β€œTake A Seat” program to be an advocate for the arts and show your support of this transformation by purchasing a seat in honor or memorial of yourself or someone special. These funds will assist in upgrading our sound and light systems, along with other critical needs. Please visit carmelhs.org/ seats/ or contact our Office of Institutional Advancement for details. We will be taking our classrooms and converting them into state-of-the-art learning centers. Facilities will be renovated according to each academic department’s needs, creating a learning environment that will better engage students and promote student interaction. The center of our spiritual worship is in the Brandsma Chapel, where we have renovation plans underway. The beautiful stained-glass window of our Lady of Mt. Carmel will be featured and we plan to upgrade the finishing with a prominent area for students to pray before the Eucharist. Plans also include a space to honor Blessed Titus Brandsma, Carmelite martyr. Our Chapel has always been a beautiful place for quiet prayer or celebration of Mass. These upgrades will foster an expression of our devotion to our Lord.

Carmel Catholic Engineering has put its name on the map! Our three-year engineering program offers a wide variety of courses for college credit. This program provides instruction in problem-solving, brain-storming, sketching, CAD, robotics, coding, and industry-specific experiences for many types of engineering. Students learn the material while working under timed deadlines in a collaborative environment. Athletics plays such a vital role in student development. Any student, regardless of athletic ability, can be part of a Carmel Catholic athletic team. This year, we are expanding athletic options to include swimming, bowling, and crew teams. College visitations and support services are vital in maximizing opportunities for our students. College counseling services are expanding to add a college tour program. Students will be given a large variety of colleges and universities to visit and workshops will be available for added support for scholarship and essay review. Our goal is to provide the most comprehensive and best college counseling support program for our families. As you may have seen, the construction in our main entrance, the Kathy A. Nemmers Welcome Center will be available for students, parents and visitors this spring. We are so thankful to Joe Nemmers ’76, past board president, who provided this beautiful gift of $1 million in honor of his late wife, Kathy. I know that our entire school community will enjoy this multi-purpose center for classes, departmental meetings, lectures, guest speakers, information sessions, and student activities. Lastly, we have eliminated many of the barriers regarding transportation. A new carpooling app, auxiliary parking with shuttle service, and expanded bus routes with more pickups and drop-offs are currently being utilized.

All of this could not be possible without the trust and ongoing generosity we have been given by our loyal Carmel Catholic community. It is our community of benefactors, students, parents, teachers and friends that make Carmel such a special place. Please take some time to review this Annual Report, which details our year in more specifics. I thank and celebrate each of you for your commitment. With gratitude, Brad Bonham, Ph.D. President


2018/2019 Financials Revenues Tuition and fees Advancement and fundraising Bookstore, food service, bus and parking Student activities Auxiliary revenue Investment Income Total Revenue

$14,346,859 $2,051,167 $399,185 $372,937 $14,193 $1,550,594

76.58% 10.95% 2.13% 1.99% 0.08% 8.28%



Advancement, Gifts, and Fundraising - Net Tuition and fees Advancement and fundraising Bookstore, food service, bus and parking Student activities Auxiliary revenue Investment income

Annual Fund Restricted Gifts Event Income Street Scenes Walkathon Boosters Club Governemnt Grant Donated materials Total Advancement, Gifts, and Fundraising Γ’€“ Net

$281,036 $1,171,572 $141,379 $305,728 $90,561 -$4,150 $13,321 $51,720

1.50% 6.25% 0.75% 1.63% 0.48% -0.02% 0.07% 0.28%



$2,124,253 $7,532,558 $956,145 $2,032,185 $224,567 $1,484,690 $1,441,253 $1,205,570 $543,088 $1,190,626

11.34% 40.21% 5.10% 10.85% 1.20% 7.92% 7.69% 6.43% 2.90% 6.36%




Administrative Instructional Building operations


Student activities Depreciation

Administrative Instructional Plant operation Benefits Bookstore, food service, bus and parking Student activities Scholarship/ financial aid Depreciation Interest Transfer to Endowments Total Expenditures


Scholarship/financial aid

Bookstore, food service, bus and parking

Interest Transfer to endowments

Alumni Spotlights Carmel Catholic’s alumni continue to shine and make their mark on the world around us. Carmel Catholic High School values are the foundation that allow our students to become servant leaders enriching the lives of individuals, building better organizations and ultimately creating a more just and caring world. Here are a few of our alumni sharing how Carmel shaped them and their post-high school experiences (more on pages 36, 37 and 44).

Jennifer (Slater ’90) Burkhalter Long time Carmel administrator Jennifer (Slater ’90) Burkhalter is on a quest for learningβ€”learning for students, faculty and herself. β€œWe are constantly learning,” Burkhalter said of the faculty at Carmel. β€œOur teachers are thirsty for learning. They are studying best practices, reading research and understanding better how to reach out and inspire students’ desires to learn and live in today’s world.” Burkhalter has filled many roles at Carmel as an alumna, faculty member, administrator and parent. Her involvement with Carmel began as a freshman in fall of 1986. In her current position as assistant principal for teaching and learning, Burkhalter is utilizing her experience and training to facilitate Carmel’s commitment to assist faculty to improve their teaching skills and techniques for the benefit of the student body. β€œThere is an abundance of research and resources to help teachers instruct their students effectively,” Burkhalter said. Gone are the days of β€˜drill and kill’ homework assignments. β€œWhen I was a teacher, students were frequently assigned too much homework that really did not help them or their faculty identify the students’ progress in their classes. Homework assignments are now more purposeful in advancing the students’ skills, or as formative assessments used to measure the student’s understanding of the material.” Carmel Catholic encourages faculty to attend seminars, conferences, and join professional organizations to enhance and improve their skills. Each year, Carmel allows each faculty member a $450 stipend for continuing education. Carmel also pays for a teacher’s first Master’s Degree to encourage ongoing education.

In addition, faculty travel abroad to better relate places and events to their course content. For example, Jim Schuster, a Carmel social studies teacher, visited Rwanda, Africa last summer to study the genocide and the after-effects that took place there. He is reporting his experience to students and faculty and β€œputting faces on the event.” Burkhalter sees Carmel as a great place to teach and work. The faculty are professional and they enjoy what they doβ€”teaching and interacting with their students. β€œThey see their work as a vocation,” she said. β€œThey choose to be here.” There is a mutual respect developed between faculty and students which makes for a satisfying experience for everyone. Burkhalter returned to Carmel to teach English immediately after graduating from Bradley University. She taught English for 13 years and was the English Department Chair for three years before becoming an assistant principal. Her inspiration to become a teacher developed because of two of her Carmel teachers, Maria Betlinski and former Carmel Principal Lynne Strutzel. Burkhalter remembers with great respect these two mentors that shared their love of learning with her. Burkhalter and her husband, Tim, are also the proud parents of two Carmel alumni, Ben ’17 and Anna ’19. Their youngest, Luke, will attend Carmel next fall.


Carmel Catholic High School 2019-2020 Fundraising Highlights

Street Scenes 2020 FEBRUARY 7 & 8, 2020

Carmel Catholic Fund BELONG. BELIEVE. BECOME. The Carmel Catholic Fund is the foundation of our school, supporting the students, programs and facilities of Carmel Catholic High School, and continuing the traditions of our Catholic faith, founding orders and school community. All alumni, families, faculty and friends of Carmel Catholic are invited to contribute to the success of our school by making an annual gift to the Carmel Catholic Fund. Your gift makes a difference in the lives of today’s Corsairs by supporting our Catholic education, ongoing technology upgrades and 1:1 computer program, classroom and curriculum enhancements, and continuing education for Carmel’s faculty and staff. The Carmel community’s legacy of dedication to diversity and social justice in education continues through gifts to the Carmel Catholic Fund that also support the school’s tuition assistance program, making a Carmel Catholic education attainable for families at all income levels.


Join us for Carmel Catholic’s largest annual fundraiser, featuring more than 50 bands, a casino, improv, theater, food and drinks. This year’s theme is Street Scenes Goes Undercover. Through the generous efforts of our students, their parents, Carmel alumni, and friends, Street Scenes contributes more than $300,000 each year to support the academic programs at Carmel Catholic. For more information, visit carmelstreetscenes.com.

Celebrate Carmel MARCH 14, 2020 This spring, Carmel Catholic will host its premier event, Celebrate Carmel, with 300 attendees enjoying an unforgettable evening of food, drinks, music, and auctions benefitting tuition assistance. Please contact us if you would like to join the volunteer committee for this event.

Walkathon MAY 1, 2020 Every May, Carmel Catholic students participate in a mandatory walk to raise funds in support of special projects at the school. Students’ efforts have contributed more than $100,000 per year to campus improvement projects for several years, including these recent projects: β€’ β€’ β€’ β€’ β€’ β€’

2019: Auditorium Renovation 2018: Design features throughout the school to ensure student safety 2017: Two new school minibuses, a Mac lab in the Information Commons, support of the Business INCubator curriculum 2016: Mary of Mount Carmel Prayer Garden 2015: Athletic Field Improvements Fund (turf, track, and tennis courts refurbishment) 2012-2014: Carmel at the Threshold Campaign (Fine and Performing Arts Center and Information Commons construction)

Carmel Catholic Golf Classic JUNE 2020 The Carmel Catholic Golf Classic is truly a community-wide event that draws over 100 alumni, current parents, past parents and friends of Carmel Catholic. The Golf Classic directly supports students through tuition assistance programs. In 2018-19, Carmel Catholic High School awarded over $1.5 million in tuition assistance funds. Our school community is strengthened because these students continue to share their gifts with all of us while experiencing the Carmel community’s generosity and growing in our values. Not interested in golfing? Come for dinner and the auctions!

We are grateful to the Carmel Catholic student body who continue this tradition of giving to the school for improvement of the campus for current and future Corsairs, and their family and friends who support their fundraising efforts.


Lifetime Giving The Lifetime Giving Recognition Program pays tribute to donors who have made a significant, life-long commitment to Carmel Catholic High School. The four Lifetime Giving Societies take their names from the Carmel Catholic High School crest. Introduced in 200708, the same school year the Lifetime Giving Society was founded, the names reflect the essence of a Carmel Catholic education – knowledge, community, faith and tradition.

Founders’ Society $1,000,000+ The Estate of Arthur M. Baker, Jr.

Heart and Crown Society $600,000 – $999,999 Joseph ’73 and Katherine Reinke Nemmers

Ivy Society $300,000 – $599,999 Anonymous Abbott Laboratories Peter A. Baker † Cuneo Foundation Janet Hesse † Order of Carmelites Rondout Improvement Co. Patrick ’71 and Lindy Salvi Sisters of Charity of the Blessed Virgin Mary ViBern Foundation

Lamp Society $100,000 – $299,999

10 10

Anonymous (3) Arthur Baker Estate Charles and Teresa Bartels Bertaud Family Foundation Douglas Brown ’68 Richard J. † and Rita † Brown The Bruning Foundation Louis ’76 and Gloria Cairo Fr. Robert Carroll, O.Carm. Jerrold and Caryn Fox Adolph and Eleanor Glabowicz Foundation Julie Goodman ’85 Robert and Gina Hickey James and Diane Hohmann Margaret May † Sr. Mary Frances McLaughlin, BVM Scott and Nora Murray Scott and Sharon Ozmun/Selway Foundation Robert ’76 and Amy Perille James M. Ragen Memorial Fund W.W. Grainger, Inc.

Donors to Carmel Catholic High School Carmel Catholic High School relies on the generosity of our donorsΒ­β€”alumni, parents, grandparents, faculty, staff and friends of Carmel Catholicβ€”to sustain Catholic secondary education rooted in the traditions of the Carmelites and the Sisters of Charity of the Blessed Virgin Mary. We gratefully acknowledge each of these contributors who have given their gifts in support of Carmel’s mission to empower students to be servant leaders. These lists reflect contributions made to Carmel Catholic High School between July 1, 2018 and June 30, 2019. We also remember with a † those donors who gave generously to Carmel Catholic during their lifetime and have passed away. We regret any errors or omissions that may remain following our careful review, and ask that you kindly let us know so that we may correct them in future publications.

President’s Circle $20,000+

President’s Circle members are the philanthropic leaders of our community who make an investment in today’s Carmel Catholic students, leaders of tomorrow’s families and communities. The generosity of these members supports the mission and president’s vision of the Carmel Community. Cuneo Foundation

Scott and Sharon Ozmun

Jerrold and Caryn Fox

Selway Foundation

Joseph ’73 and Katherine Reinke Nemmers

Blessed Titus Brandsma Circle $15,000 – $19,999

These members reflect the unwavering Carmelite commitment to Catholic education and the positive effect values-based education has in the lives of today’s students, families and communities, as was evident in the life of the Blessed Titus Brandsma, Carmelite martyr. Anonymous Family (2)

The Kelly Foundation

Michael ’77 and Karen Belmont

The Van Erden Family Fund of the Ayco Charitable Fund

Paul and Michele Kelly

A Look Back at 2018-2019 August 2018 Mr. Jason Huther appointed as Principal of Carmel Catholic High School

August 2018 Carmel student wins National Rocketry Award at NARAM event


Donors to Carmel Catholic High School Mary Frances Clarke Circle $10,000 – $14,999

Mary Frances Clarke Circle members are invested in the daily lessons of Catholic education and how they improve the quality of students’ lives. These members share BVM Sisters’ foundress, Mary Frances Clarke’s vision and belief in the value of Catholic education. Julie Goodman ’85 Thomas and Pamela Goris Goris Financial Group Inc Joseph and Margaret Massarelli

Massarelli Charitable Foundation Julie (Farrell ’89) Osborne Sisters of Charity of the Blessed Virgin Mary

Scholar’s Circle $5,000 – $9,999

Scholar’s Circle members are committed to the annual improvement of faculty, curriculum and facilities that allow our students to excel year after year. The generosity of these members enables the administration to provide the best possible academic experience and environment for all students. Anonymous (2) AbbVie, Inc. Charles and Teresa Bartels Bertaud Family Foundation/Francois and Jeanne Bertaud Boar’s Head Meats, Windy City Deli Provisions/Robert and Adriene Bates Berger Excavating Contractors, Inc. Mark Chamberlin and Julie (Berger ’93) Chamberlin Thaddeus and Joyce Bond, Sr. Thaddeus ’84 and Julia Mallegg Bond Law Offices of Thaddeus M Bond, Jr. & Associates Roger ’82 and Kaaryn Cagann Faircourt Partners, LLC Edward and Maria † Filippini

Kevin and Jennifer (Spaulding ’88) Harris Peter and Susan (Cairns ’69) Holm Illinois Bone & Joint Institute, Ltd. Irish Fellowship Foundation Johnson Controls Joseph and Marisue Lacher Lake Forest Bank & Trust Company Edward and Lisa Lees Liberty Auto City John and Margaret Massarelli/Liberty Auto Plaza Francis and Nancy Ogrinc Thomas and Doreen Potter Gregory ’80 and Heather Rusk Lambert and Joan Schommer Paul ’83 and Jackie Zudyk

A Look Back at 2018-2019 September 2018 New Christ statue unveiled


September 2018 Inaugural Freshman retreat

Donors to Carmel Catholic High School Benefactor’s Circle $2,500 – $4,999

Benefactor Circle members make a growing commitment to partner in the advancement of Carmel’s mission to provide the best possible educational experience. Their desire for our students’ success and well-being prompts the Benefactor’s Circle members to generously support ongoing improvement of programs and facilities for our students. Abbott Laboratories Arthur ’70 and JoAnne Baker Harry and Maureen Balzer Blood Systems, Inc. Brad and Margaret Bonham Michael ’81 and Beth Brennan Charles and Elizabeth Brock Roy Brown and Valerie Campbell Timothy and Jennifer (Slater ’90) Burkhalter Kristina Burkwald Richard and Jill Caffarelli Chicago Film Studios CR Search Inc. Declan Drumm Sullivan Memorial Fund Follett Virtual Bookstore, Inc. Michael and Patricia Graft Robert ’87 and Carrie Graham Milo and Mary Beth Harrison Barry ’72 and Deborah Heinrichs

S. Todd and Anne Jensen James and Joellen (Zannini ’72) Kaster Kenneth and Roberta McQuade James ’73 and Mary Miller Stephen ’80 and Kerry Miller Allen Mons Kent and Kathryn Moon Karen Young Poole and Steve Poole James Pye and Carrie Mouritsen Pye O’Reilly’s Furniture Packaging Corporation of America Peter Baker & Son Co. John and Jennifer Powers Powers & Moon LLC Michael ’98 and Bridget Rapplean Graham and Ashley Ray Ricardo † and Kathryn Rivera Hon. Mary Schostok The Vance Family Foundation Vicariate I Youth Ministry

November 2018 Fall play β€œUp the Down Staircase”

September 2018 Over 400 grandparents attend our annual Grandparents’ Day Celebration


Donors to Carmel Catholic High School Stewardship Circle $1,000 – $2,499

Stewardship Circle members are the foundation of Carmel Catholic’s supporters and are deeply committed to partnership in the school’s mission of Catholic education. These members seek to significantly impact campus programs and activities by providing the resources for quicker implementation and greater numbers of initiatives. Anonymous Family Advanced Network Devices APEX Performance Excellence Group, LLC Arcadia Village Development Assurance Agency, Ltd. Anthony and Kathleen Barrett Patrick Bast ’72 Michael and Tammy Bertucci Mary Ellen Biell Hans Michael ’89 and Mary Emily Bjorkman Blu Petroleum, Inc. Michael ’88 and Caron Bowes Stephen Braat Patrick ’79 and Beverly Brennan Douglas Brown ’68 Jeffrey and Kathleen Burandt Gregory and Kathleen (Genell ’81) Burns Burris Equipment Company Mark and Shannon Buschman Caitlin Duffy Memorial Foundation Richard and Arlene Camasosa Canon Solutions America CDW Computer Centers, Inc. Charity Golf International Cherry Creek Mortgage J. Robert and Sylvia † Coates Timothy Colter and Debra Fluno Comcast Business Services John † and Jane Conarchy Christopher and Ellen Coury

Dan and Christine Crow James ’75 and Nancy (Miller ’75) Daluga Thomas and Patricia (Gaida ’69) Danaher Michael ’82 and Jeanne DeLacluyse Demar Direct Inc. Daniel and Deborah Devitt Jeff and Karen Dickmann Bradley Percy and Carmella (D’Incognito ’96) Percy Richard and Susan Duffy Tim and Julia Ellwanger Robert ’69 and Diana Feid Ronald and Roseann (Sirotek ’69) Feldmann Thomas Filar and Christine Coulombe John and Monica Frels Todd and Jennifer Gedville Michael ’67 and Katherine Geraldi William and Michelle Giambrone Goldman, Sachs & Co. Matching Gifts Google Michael and Kathleen Graham William and Lois Graham John ’86 and Kelly Graham Paul and Rita Grawe Hallbart Consulting, LLC Joe and Donna Harbeck High Note Productions John and Valerie Holaday Drs. Kevin and Heidi Horcher Roger and Carolyn Huner

HydraForce, Inc. Illinois Glassworks John and Dana Iskalis Iskalis Interiors, Inc. Kenya and Kelly Jackson Carl Johnson and Jacalyn Ramdin-Johnson Bruce † and Marcia Johnson Ted and Judith (DeWitt ’76) Kasperczyk Kenneth and Jennifer (Jicha ’83) Katz Lawrence † and Regina Keller Richard ’94 and Elizabeth Kennedy Philip and Gaye Kenny Kiefer USA-Specialty Flooring Kloss Distributing Company Knauz Auto Group Richard ’84 and Kathy Kolaczewski James ’96 and Katherine Kwiatt Lake County Lightning Kevin and Jennifer Larsen David and Ann (Bast ’69) Laudick Sean Lennon and Sarah Stevick-Lennon Rev. Leroy J Bast Trust Linn, Campe & Rizzo, Ltd. John and Donna (Howland ’81) Lobaito Paul MacDonald Erwin ’98 and Frances Mangubat Charles ’87 and Ellen May Mayo Steel Erectors, Inc. Martin ’67 and Barbara Mazurek Michael † and Catherine McCabe Dennis and Charlotte McCaffery

A Look Back at 2018-2019 November 2018 Celebrate Carmel raises over $80,000 in support of the school’s mission


November 2018 Carmel student competes in Jeopardy! Teen Tournament

Donors to Carmel Catholic High School Stewardship Circle $1,000 – $2,499

Joseph McCormick ’67 Stephen and Cynthia McGowan Robert and Mary McKay David and Tammy McKeehan Daniel and Kara Mehigan Metro Self Storage MH Bertucci, Inc. Thomas and Cynthia (Monge ’67) Eaton Motor Werks of Barrington Mark and Victoria Mullally John Murray and Margaret Rowser Scott and Nora Murray Kevin and Cynthia Noonan Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of Lake County Oral Facial & Implant Specialists Order of Carmelites Steven and Virginia Packer Perfection Plating Inc Robert ’76 and Amy Perille Richard ’87 and Erin Pietranek Michael ’80 and Lois Poulos Pro/Data Payroll Services Michael and Madelon Queenan Harry and Amy Raemont Risk Placement Services, Inc. John and Maureen Rizzo Todd and Katherine Roesler Raymond and Diane Roman Saint Gilbert Catholic School Saint Paul the Apostle Catholic Parish Patrick ’71 and Lindy Salvi Ronald and Linda Schmits

Robert and Noreen (Krewer ’69) Scott Thomas and Denise Sebastiano Christian and Janet Silge Ross and Jill Sorrentino John and Jill (McEwen ’75) Spude Stephen and Rebecca Stahr Stephen ’75 and Valerie Stanczak State Senator Terry Link-District Office The Bruning Foundation The Queenan Foundation Thelen Sand & Gravel Larry and Janene Thompson UL LLC Uline Craig and Rebecca Vallorano Lawrence Watson Mark ’68 and Gail (Hoffmann ’71) Wegener David and Joanne Weick Michael and Michelle Whelan Robert and Janell Winters Winters LLC Certified Public Accountants John and Diane Wolf David and Soledad Zitzewitz

February 2019 Street Scenes Lost Around the World raises more than $300,000 for the academic programs at Carmel Catholic

February 2019 Girls’ Gymnastics team places fifth in State, three place in individual competitions


Donors to Carmel Catholic High School Corsair Club $500 – $999

Anonymous Family Rita Aaron Advanced Air Services Inc Polly Andrews Blake and Kathleen Annen Antioch Heating & Cooling Arpino Orthodontics, P.C. ATI Physical Therapy Bank of America Jeff and Connie Barhorst Jack Baucus ’09 Baxter International Healthcare, Inc. Brian and Beth (Castricone ’97) Bell Frank † and Rebecca Belmont David ’89 and Michele Bertaud Beyond Rehab LLC Bish Creative Display Blufish Vernon Hills, LLC Carl Eric ’89 and Michelle (Nutschnig ’89) Bodo Bond Title Services, Inc. Leslie Braat Brenda Sells Realty, Inc. John and Catherine Brennan Sam and Karen Brunk Patrick and Tamara Burns Buschman Homes, LLC Cafe Pomigliano Campanella & Sons Carl E. Mellen & Co. Insurance Channer Corporation Cherokee Printing & Services,Inc. Andrew ’82 and Kathleen Chiero

Clean Cut Tree Care, Inc. Gerald and Shannon Coghlan Daniel Colbert Paul and Carole Coleman Thomas † and Rosemary Collard Colletti SportsMed Physical Therapy Community Sailing School @Pistakee Kevin Conarchy ’93 Consolidated Pathology Consultants John and Diane Csiha Rick and Bennette Cunningham Ryan ’95 and Meaghen (O’Connell ’94) Dahm Dam, Snell & Taveirne Ltd Richard and Janice Davis Louis and Debra Day Delta Demolition, Inc Michael and Megan Donnelly Michael and Mary Ellen Donnelly Craig and Nanette Donton DRM Properties, LLC Steven ’93 and Michelle (Dekoj ’93) Dufault Daniel and Erlene Dungan Lawrence ’83 and Sharon Dunn Timothy ’69 and Christine (Platt ’69) Dunn John and Cheryl (Cavener ’77) Durbin EFT Sports Performance Electronic Design & Mfg. Exchange National Bank Raymond and Tammy Feeney FieldTurf, The Leader in Synthetic Turf J. Thomas ’80 and Maren Finnegan Fireplaces Plus, Inc. James ’70 and Kristine † Fitzsimmons

Alana Wett Jere and Anne Fluno Austin and Lora Fox Michael and Fatima Fusz Gentle Dental Care Jean-Marie and Teresa Geoffroy Jason and Kelly Goodman James Griffin ’69 Hamman Dentistry Kevin † and Patricia (Bockwinkel ’74) Happ Joseph and Nicole Harvey George and Denise Hefner Richard and Judith Hegerle Dr. Robert and Rev. Amy Heinrich Heritage Dental, Inc. Mary Ann and Paul Hettich Hollister Incorporated Homes with Team Family Donald and Lori Hubbartt Monte Huber ’90 Huber Financial Group Gregory ’96 and Sarah Huster Charles and Patricia Hutchins Illinois Bone and Joint Institute Infinity Transportation International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers Lo Richard and Janet † Jacob Jacobson & Tsou Orthodontics Jandee Salons Doug and Rubecca Johnson Nick and Amy (Johnson ’87) Junge Kelleher & Buckley LLC

A Look Back at 2018-2019 March 2019 Four students participate in Congressional Art Competition February 2019 Carmel student wins back-to-back State Wrestling Championship


Donors to Carmel Catholic High School Corsair Club $500 – $999

Keller Williams North Pointe-Lisa Wolf Letitia (Todd ’87) Kim Michael ’85 and Dorie Kloss John and Beth Krautsack Robert and Tammie Kuykendall Lake Forest Pediatric Associates, Ltd Lake Forest Pediatric Dentistry/ Dr. Joe Gordon LandAirSeaSystems, Inc. Fabian and Jenny LaTocha Lester’s Material Service Inc. Libertyville Bank & Trust Company Libertyville Lincoln-Mercury Sales, Inc. Libertyville Oral Surgery Lillie Lillie Jay Pluimer and Kathleen (Shellenberger ’88) Longo M. W. Home Improvement Magical Vacation Planner Marco Supply Company Inc. Mark A. Wojciechowski DDS PC Mary Ann Koval, State Farm Insurance Agent Michael ’78 and Sarah McMahon Mesirow Financial Brian ’83 and Gerry Micheli Kenneth ’73 and Theresa Mihalka James and Leslie Modelski Modern Home Products Glenn ’66 and Donna Mordini Morton Grove Dental Associates Mundelein Tire & Service Murphy Ambulance Co Richard † and Mary Jean Niemi

John and Annette Nikolich Matthew and Ginny Noble North Shore Trust and Savings Northwestern Mutual OB-GYNE Associates of Libertyville O’Donnell Law Firm O’Hare-Midway Limousine Service Inc Our Lord’s Little Ones, Inc. Pasquesi Home & Garden Thomas ’72 and Ann Perille Joseph ’67 and Marianne Polito John and Gerilyn Posner Power of the Golf Ball - Northfield Principle Management & Consulting LLC Joseph and Joyce Ptasienski Pursant LLC Quest Food Management Service, Inc. Anthony Recchia Regeneron Reynolds American Inc. Michele Rivelli-Bucci Kevin and Karen Sahr Saint Mary Parish Joseph ’84 and Bridget (Gordon ’86) Salvi John Santucci John and Mary Scully James † and Alice Seitz Jason and Janette Sfire Connie Shanahan Andrey Shinkarev and Yelena Utkina David † and Lori (Esser ’78) Short Terrence ’91 and Jacqueline Sio Skopek Orthodontics

March 2019 March to May Madness Campaign begins – 43 out of 54 graduating classes compete, raising over $28,000

Walter and Anne Smith Patrick ’76 and Cynthia Smith Richard and Toni Smith SMW Autoblok Corporation Specialized Accounting Services Inc St. Patrick Catholic Church Paul and Cheri Stockhausen Sr. Virginia Stone, BVM Symonds Lakes Funeral Home J.J. and Rita (Simon ’84) Tarpey Janet (Underwood ’83) Taylor John and Carmen Terselic The Kirk Players John and Jennifer Thompson Tighthead Brewery Company TJ Properties, Inc. Mark and Margaret Tritschler Uncle D’s Bar & Grille University of St Mary of the Lake Vision Care Grayslake Waldron Construction Paul ’87 and Rita Washburn Wells Fargo Foundation Eileen Welsh ’67 Jim and Michele Whitehead Elijah Wise ’02 Hugh and Diane Zentmyer Jeff and Diane Zimmer Mario and Veronica Zitella Randy ’91 and Amy Zitella Dennis and Lorraine Zonsius

April 2019 Harbinger Magazine named finalist by the National Scholastic Press Association


Donors to Carmel Catholic High School The Brown and Gold Club $250 – $499

Anonymous Family Actual Technologies Alan and Michelle (Maginot ’85) Adamski Aetna Foundation Albert L. Wysocki Attorney At Law Allstate Insurance AmazonSmile Foundation American Outfitters Animal House Shelter Art Matrix Inc. Artist Studio/Rebecca Stahr Doug and Cheryl Ashley Associated Bank Ala Dean ’89 and Lina Attar Averus James and Hope Babowice James ’68 and Joanne Bader Kenneth and Laura (Walker ’89) Bair Baird & Warner - Valerie Campbell Peter ’06 and Laura (Valkman ’06) Baker Renato and Theresa Baladad Timothy ’67 and Mary Barnett Barron Jewelers, Inc Keith ’82 and Jean Bartz BDS Design Build Remodel Beelow’s Steakhouse Bella’s Bouncies Party Rentals Thomas and Virginia Biegel Stephen and Marcia Blaszinski Robert and Kirsten Bobber BO-BO’s Thomas and Beth (Clemens ’84) Boggs Jason and Heather Bonds Mark and Julie Bostrack Robert and MaryJane Boyer Kevin and Melinda (Urban ’00) Braun

Breed’s Hill Capital John and Dorothy † Brennan George and Sharanne Bridges Denise (Kvaas ’91) Brookins Craig and Ann Bryson Martin † and Kristine Buckley Jim and Ekaterina Bukowski Joseph and Anne Busky Calo Ristorante Daniel ’00 and Cory (Bocik ’00) Cameron Cardinal Health Foundation Inc Carolyn Carr Brian Caslavka’83 CASTEN Body Shop Central Rug & Carpet CENTURY 21 Affiliated-Karen Nalewajk Patrick and Rebecca Cepon Chamberlin Plumbing, Inc Chicago Tag and Label Terry ’66 and Ruth Church Steve and Susan Cianci Classic Toyota & Kia Gary and Patricia (Coates ’69) Colabuono Colbert Packaging College of Lake County James and Lisa Collin Edmund ’85 and Colleen Conarchy Conlon & Thompson Orthodontics, Ltd Lori (Ames ’82) Corcoran Chad and Virginia (Pearsall ’89) Coulthard Country Financial George and Jenny Couvall Create It Packaging Dam, Snell & Taveirne, Ltd Davenport Family Funeral Home Sean and Anne Daw

Steven and Eileen De Spain DeLauter Inc Daniel and Kimberley Dellert DexaFit Thomas Digani ’67 DiMeo Schneider & Associates DJB Media & Events, Inc. Patrick ’82 and Marilyn Drennan Robert ’88 and Sharon Dufault James and Sindy Duncan Failure To Communicate Records Family Dentistry Sean and Julia (Edmunds ’90) Farnan Jeffrey ’89 and Cindy Feinendegen Joseph and Debra Ferrari Jeffrey and Patricia Finucane John and Donna Fischer Fnc Restaurant Group LLC Victor and Luisa Foyain Franks for the Memories, Inc. Kambra French David and Terri Furrer Nicholas ’99 and Cara (Putignano ’99) Garzonetti David and Corrine Gasner GE Foundation Christopher and Carol George Robert Glazik ’94 Steven ’79 and Alina Globis Golden Essence Performing Art Studio Roberto and Robin Gonzalez Douglas and Marjorie Goodloe Daniel Goodman ’81 Goodman Electric Supply Graves Design Group Michael and Jennifer Greeby

A Look Back at 2018-2019 April 2019 Spring play β€œFiddler on the Roof”


April 2019 Spring signing day

Donors to Carmel Catholic High School The Brown and Gold Club $250 – $499

Rudolph Grom ’71 Gurnee Masonry Inc Paul and Karen Halaburt Robert and Christine (Schmidt ’87) Handel Douglas and Susan Hanna Hansa Coffee Roasters Gerard ’69 and Caroline Happ Happy Tails Ranch Scot and Jennifer Hensel Herchenbach Mechanical Hernandez Lawn Service Paul and Yvonne Herring Timothy and Margaret Herron Michael and Diane Hettinger Brian and Sheri Higgins Hinsdale Sport and Spine Therapy, Ltd Ralph and Sheryl Hoffman Heraclio and Karen Holguin Matthew Howeth ’06 Michael and Anne Huiras HUNERealty, LLC Suzanne Huntemann Kevin and Kathryn Hunter Kevin and Jennifer Hurley Daniel and Darcy Hutten ID Label Inc. Ingleside Auto & Tire Center Iskalis American Floor Show Charles and Valerie (Ford ’71) Jacob John M. Quinn & Associates Ltd. John’s Complete Auto Service Mattison and Christine Jolly James and Kimberly Jones Marc and Jazmin Jones Robert and Mary Jozwiak JPV Financial

Gerald and Dorinda Kalk Michael † and Kathryn Karrigan Thomas and Susan Kegel James and Sandra Kelley Jason and Miki-Kay Kern Richard and JoAnn Kimbel Kirk Eye Center Kmiec & Noonan, LLC - Attorneys at Law Knights of Columbus Council 13267 Knights of Columbus, Assembly 0202 Chalice/Benefit Knights of Columbus, Cardinal Stritch Council #367 Peter and Deanna Kratochvil Kunes Country Auto Group Lake County Medical Group, SC Lakeland Auto Body, Inc. Lakeshore Lacrosse

May 2019 NYAN Robotics wins World Championship

Lavin & Waldon Law Office of Brian M. Laughlin Law Offices of Yolanda M. Torrez Ramon and Mae Ledesma Fred and Myrna Linares Lindemann Chimney Co. Daniel and Shelley Lindgren Jon and Ann Listek John ’69 and Janice Looby Lukes of Mundelein Madigan Insurance Group Richard and Shayna Magnone Susan (Hoselton ’88) Manshum Christian and Jacqueline (Krase ’86) Marcheschi Rev. Carl Markelz, O.Carm. Martin & Mennecke Leo and Joan Marubio

May 2019 Four students achieve perfect ACT scores


Donors to Carmel Catholic High School The Brown and Gold Club $250 – $499

Terry and Judy Marusich Ronald and Marjorie (Foley ’67) Matthews Jeffrey and Jane May Sandra Fukumoto James and Shirley McGrain Peter and Amy (Stanczak ’85) McKernan McMahon & Associates A. William ’79 and Twila Meo Merit Trade Consulting Services LLC Steven and Mary Meves MGN Lock & Key William and Judith Micheli Midland Glass Midwest Print Solutions Caralyn Migely Kathleen Militmore Melissa Miller Michael and Anne-Marie (Schommer ’89) Miller Miracle Green Lawn Care, Inc. Nicholas and Mary Molsen Texas and Catherine Monroe Christopher ’87 and Maria (Zupec ’86) Monroe Jonathan and Christine Monroe Alexander and Lisa Moreno Arthur Morgan Nelson Insulation Company Charles Newling ’67 Leisa Niemotka Northside Community Bank Nothing Bundt Cakes - Vernon Hills Brett and Kelly Novak O Salon Spa

David and Zdenka O’Connell William ’81 and Jody Oechsle John and Annette O’Malley Rene Ortiz and Brenda Gonzales David and Karen Otto Our Lady of the Rosary #8214 John and Amy Pagano Pankau Law Harvey and Salwa Parhad Pasquale Recchia with @properties Nelson and Debra Patterson Paylocity Corporation Penn Station East Coast Subs Jose Pereira and Fabiola Tomassini-Pereira Rocco ’77 and Gayle Pesola Petco Michael Peterman ’69 Pett Paving Pfizer Foundation Matching Gifts Program Martin Phelps Roman and Anne Phoenix Keith and Patricia Pierson John and Jane Pilotte Thomas Pinkowski ’69 Craig and Maureen (Keane ’83) Polte Thaddeus ’82 and Sharon (Spicuzza ’83) Popielewski Poul’s Landscaping & Nursery Inc Prince of Peace Catholic Church Jerry and Connie Pulido Ronald and Christine Puszynski Quicksilver Floor Inc William and Mary (Quinlan ’69) McGrath John ’84 and Kathleen Quinn

RD Jewelry Studio, Dufault Fine Custom Jewelry and Matthew and Elizabeth Reidel Jerome ’74 and Cheryl Rejc Rentals And More, Inc. Ridgeview Electric Ringa Funeral Home Leonard and Constance Rybak Saint Patrick School Salata-Gurnee Funeral Home Jay Schedler and Sherry Schedler-Kim Joseph and Peggy Schott Scott Family Chiropractic Clinic PC Scotty’s On 21/LeapFirstLookLast William Seitz ’79 Mark and Jacqueline (Bond ’88) Senger Serena Sturm Architects, Ltd. Louis and Patricia Sharp Dr. Jay, V ’91 and Anna Sharp Irving and Karen Shenderovsky Edward ’66 and Susan † Skuse Slammers Baseball & Softball Training Academy Charles and Michele Smith Jeffrey ’83 and Christine Smith Christopher and Natalie Smola Edna Smyth Wesley Sneed and Rita Mayfield Steven and Joan (Arfsten ’69) Soerens Soledad Zitzewitz Interiors Thomas and Traci Spalding Mark and Teri Spanswick St. Joseph Catholic School State Farm - Sean Dunnigan

A Look Back at 2018-2019 June 2019 Welcome our Class of 2023 for Freshman Experience May 2019 291 students graduate; 46 alumni parents from the Class of 2019


Donors to Carmel Catholic High School The Brown and Gold Club $250 – $499

State Street Products LLC Alan and Sandra Stensrud Steve Roth, State Farm Agency Stevens Bryan and Ellen Stirrat Stolarick & Company, Inc William and Angelica Sturm Jean (Seibert ’69) Sullivan Walter and Kelly (Rafferty ’78) Swietlik Lisa Szatkiewicz ’83 The Family Fishery The Tracy Family Foundation Judy (Kindy ’69) Tice Titan Machinery Sales TMS Tax Service

Toptec Heating Cooling, Plumbing & Electrical, Inc Larry Trzupek and Karin Kallwitz Sheri Turkula Upside Innovations Luis and Becky Valadez Vedder Price P.C. Veracross, LLC Mario Villanueva Vision Quest Coaching Michael ’82 and Anne (Leslie ’83) Vonesh W. Brothers Roofing Thomas ’70 and Pamela Warren Steve and Paula Watson Weichert Realtors, McKee

William Weidner Wells Fargo Wheel-Inn Body & Motor Works Jaime White David ’78 and Jill Willems Steve and Danielle Winandy Wodaj Construction, Inc Saad and Ayser Yacu David and Adriana Young William Zadell and Kelly Niesen-Zadell Zengeler Cleaners William and Rosalinda Zrinsky Dustin ’93 and Trisha Zubert


Donors to Carmel Catholic High School The Spirit Club $100 – $249

Anonymous (2) @Properties - Tricia Glover A Absolute Appliance Repair C. Mark and Karen Abernathy Accounting Freedom, Ltd Ace Hardware Homecenter of Round Lake Donald and Michelle Adams Brian and Kathleen (DeCaire ’83) Aden Vincent and Nancy Adinolfi Agony of De-Feet Kurt and Carol Albright Christopher Aldinger All Temp Heating & Air Conditioning, Inc Allan-Odis, Inc. Allstate Insurance Company Anatoliy Olexyn Construction Anthony and Daisy Andaleon David ’79 and Peggy (Kloss ’79) Anderson Donny ’90 and Sheryl (Jachowski ’90) Anderson Timothy Andres ’76 Adolfo and Adora Ansay-Serrano Apex Energy Services LLC Michael and Kathleen Arata Timothy ’00 and Jennifer (Hanna ’00) Arvidson Daniel Arvidson ’97 Brian and Alison Attar Robert and Joan Auclair Julian and Colleen Bailes Charles and Susan Banker Joseph ’70 and Suzanne (Dunn ’71) Baranowski Barbara Pintz, DDS David and Gina Barker Walter and Marianne Barker Peter and Nancy Barnes Barr Mechanical Sales, Inc. John and Karen (Wolff ’69) Barry David and Karen Barry Eric and Renee Baude Marc and Shawn Belanski Belden Interiors Kent Belgray Ben & Jerry’s Lee and Barbara Benjamin Ben and Jennifer (Strutzel ’89 †) Berg Thomas and Linda Berk Bernardi Securities Byron and Beth Best Kevin ’72 and Marion Beykirch Amy Bieri Richard and Lori Bishop


Rick and Diane Blaha James † and Marlene Blake Anne Blaz ’69 Bleck Engineering Co., Inc. Carl and Maura Bodo Larry ’68 and Judy Boller Anthony and Gina Borkowski Marcie Bosnak Daniel and Cesarina Bounadere Scott Brenner Norbert and Patricia Bries Lyman and Janice Brodie Dennis Bruns Michael and Christine (Henderson ’81) Burke Mary Burke-Farrell ’70 Burkey Orthodontics Sheila Burns Michael and Barbara Bush Jeffrey and Cindy Buzzelli Gregory and Kathleen Byrd Leonard and Kelly Byrne Richard and Patricia Caffarelli CAPA Coach LLC Carl and Nancy (Vanni ’69) Carani Richard ’84 and Carol Carani Steven ’87 and Jana Carani Eugene Carr Patrick and Vicky Carroll Matthew ’92 and Susan Carroll Juana Mencia Brian and Sheryl Carvill Gerald and Lois Caslavka Hazel Castillo Angelina Castillo Catholic Financial Life Dolores Cavenaugh Center for Wellness Inc Jorge Cervantes Warren and Tamara Chapman Courtney Ciampi Charles ’69 and Terry Ciecko Citizens to Elect Mike Nerheim Citywide Smiles, P.C. CK Estate Vintage Bert and Kelly Clark Anthony ’93 and Jaime (Wegener ’93) Clesceri Coffee Unlimited Joseph Colangelo ’74 Colette & Ano Plumbing, Inc. Thomas and Jeanette Collette Randy and Anamaria Colon

Kevin Corrado ’68 Jennie Cosentino Crawford & Wright Orthodontics Creekside Farm CrossFit Freedom, LLC Holly (Rieger ’76) Curley Daniel and Betty Curley Mark and Irene Curran Christopher and Ann Czyzewski Mary Daluga ’06 William and Debra Dam Robert ’88 and Christa Dam Joseph and Therese (Denecke ’70) Dattalo Dave & Jim’s Auto Body, Inc Brad and Kim Davis Douglas and Monica DeKeyser Mark and Lisa DeLaMar Dell Inc. Dental Associates of South Ridge Karl and Laura Eichler DeSanto Morgan & Taylor Joseph and Kristine DiBartolo Bruce and Beverly Dille Bernard ’72 and Sandy DiMuro Ronald and Cheryl (Globis ’78) DiNella Direct Fitness Solutions Discover Financial Services William and Mary Kay DiVenere Maggie Dolan ’02 Edward and Shirley † Donahoe Daniel ’70 and Kaye Donahoe Donati’s Pizza Thomas ’78 and Cindy Donnelly Daniel ’78 and Diane Donnelly Don’s Barber Shop Christopher and Julie (Fritz ’83) Doyle Drake Painting & Wallpapering Company Michael and Vicki (Ori ’95) Drew DS Belmont Travel Consultants Kurt Duncan Delores Dunphy R. Tracy Durrett Henry Dziechciarz and Carla Gamez-Dziechciarz Edwin and Angela Edejer Patricia Egel Eggshells Restaurant Elite Appraisal Center LLC Emily’s Pancake House Martin and Deborah Eppel Seth and Susan Erickson Rhonda Eubanks Jennifer Evans

Donors to Carmel Catholic High School The Spirit Club $100 – $249

William and Adria Fairfield Ann Fallon O’Neill Family Chiropractic & Sports Rehab Shane and Jill Farrell James and Karen (Gibbs ’80) Fayen Fred † and Margaret Feinendegen Eric ’91 and Maggie Feinendegen Thomas and Christina Ferguson Paul and Kathy Fiascone Fidelity Investments Karen Fier ’77 John and RoseAnn Filar Joseph and Susan Finn Robert and Cyrilla Finnegan Charles ’73 and Marilena (Bernardi ’76) Fiore Fire Control, Inc. Donn and Teri Firnbach Tom and Eileen Flahive David and Eileen (O’Connor ’77) Fleming Todd and Judith Flessner Riklef and Kristen Flor Eugene and Katherine † Flynn Greg and Annette Foltz Forest Bootery Robert and Cynthia † Forman Kenneth and Judith (Bowes ’69) Foy

Thomas ’95 and Lynette Franklin Meghan (Conarchy ’91) Frazier Fresh Cafe Fun Times DJ G. A. Management Co. Gages Lake Auto & Light Truck Repair Timothy Gaida ’75 David and Mary Gaines David and Melissa Galla Ann Galuska Gary and Joanne Garzonetti Dianne Gavin GB Medical Inc Geary Electric, Inc Robert and Christine George Nino and Jackie Gewargis Sharon Giannetto Mike and Kim Gibbons Gibbons Financial Group Ellen (Cannon ’69) Gillespie Derrick Gingery ’94 Jeffrey Goldstein ’02 Edwin ’83 and Susan Gomez Alvin and Barbara Goodman Steve and Kelly Goudreau Thomas and Juliana Gracia

Daniel ’91 and Lori Gramm David and Kathryn † Grampovnik Peter and April Graves Barbara Gray Great Lakes Dental P.C. Thomas † and Catherine Green Joseph Green ’68 Scott and Melissa Greenenwald James and Marilee Grenning Mark and Deborah Griffin Walter Grom ’69 Edward and Patricia Gromala Marcia Grzesiak Michael and Ann Gumkowski Gustafson Eyecare Patrick and Tabitha Haggie Thomas Hahn ’67 Gregory and Marilyn Halper Glen and Kathleen Halverson Steve and Michele Hanam Darlene Hanna Hannigan & Botha, Ltd. Patricia Hanscom David and Joyce (Thompson ’89) Haqq James ’68 and Carole Harrington Mark and Anne Harrison


Donors to Carmel Catholic High School The Spirit Club $100 – $249

Milo and Karen Harrison Steve and Amy Hartnig Timothy and Elizabeth Harvey Heinen’s Grocery Store Ramon and Guadalupe Hernandez Paul and Therese Hernandez Regina Herron Robert and Laura Hetman Judith (Hevrdejs ’69) King John Hickey ’69 Robert Higgason Jerome and Ann Marie Higgins Donald † and Helen Hintz Fred Hlousek ’66 Michael and Becky Hoffman Jamie and Janet Hogan Byron and Deb Holden Matt and Jodi Holtz Honey Orthodontics, PC Ryan Hrabak ’09 Huntington Learning Center David and Sandra Ingram Inspirion Wealth Advisors, LLC Timothy ’87 and Meg Ives Jacksoneye James LaDuke and Associates, Inc. Joseph and Carolyn JanΓ© John ’66 and Margaret (Steffenhagen ’67) Janiszewski Joseph and Monica Jansen Dennis and Mai Jenke Gary and Jennifer Jenkins Jenny Kiddle - Academy Travel Jesters / Double β€œD” Pizza Robert and Elizabeth Jiang David and Linda Johnson John and Diane (Klimek ’76) Jones James ’67 and Helen Jonker Joyce Campbel State Farm Casandra Juarez and Eduardo Avila Judith’s Hair Studio Catherine Kaczala Karma Salon Spa Alan and Karen Karr Ira Kaufman Kaz and Terese Kazlauskas Michael ’86 and Kristina Keane Mitch Ketchum and Renee Ketchun Kitz4Kidz Victor Kleinheinz ’68 Thomas ’76 and Katherine Kloss Jon and Anne-Judine (Suter ’74) Knudsen Mark † and Catherine (Welling ’86) Knuth


Domenica Koch Richard and Geraldine Kolaczewski John Kolar Christopher and Pamela Kompare Ziggy and Sonja Kosobucki Donald and Maureen Kotek Paul Kovach ’83 and Elizabeth Papacek-Kovach Robert and Maureen Kowalski Scott Krase ’89 George ’66 and Carol Krempley Ronald Villejo and Karen Landrum Krevchuck Mark and Filomena (Bellini ’94) Kropiwiec Roland † and Evelyn Kurfess Wayne Kurt Bruce ’67 and Susan (Sesterhenn ’67) Labno Stephen and Virginia Lacke Nancy Laesch Lake County Movers, Inc Michael and Jennifer LaMora David Landsberger ’02 Kenneth ’83 and Michelle Lanuza Larsen Florists & Greenhouses Brian Laughlin and Julie Mauer Law Offices of Scott W. Spaulding, P.C. Le Blowout Bar John and Kimberly Leahy Steven and Felisa (Salata ’69) Lee Richard and Susan Leigh Kathleen Lenzen for Frederick † Lenzen ’67 Jean and Camilla LeRoy Daniel and Rebecca (Ledezma ’89) Leskovec Charles and Aileen Leva Michael ’01 and Nicole (Boniquit ’01) Levy Timothy Lezon ’93 Libertyville Podiatry/DRs Kwiecinski & Surowiec Jason and Jay-Jay Lindas Little Lake Learning Station Andrew and Michelle (Boyce ’93) Lobo Eric and Christine Long Jane (Conarchy ’79) Longo Ramiro and Katherine Lopez Horacio ’73 and Maria Lopez Lovin’ Oven Cakery Bryan ’03 and Monika Luczkiw Rudy and Lisa Luedecke William Lutes Sean and Valerie Lynch James and Jennifer Machala Judith Macrowski ’67

Donors to Carmel Catholic High School The Spirit Club $100 – $249

Gene and Kathleen (Costello ’83) Madigan Randy and Michelle Madrigal Matthew ’87 and Rachel Maher Keith and Stacia Mainzer John and Renee Malandrino Robert and Linda Malloy William and Patricia Maloney Mambo Italiano Ristorante Chai and Suzy Maneeniyom Rick and Toni Manfredonia David and Vinette Marotta Marszalek & Marszalek Martin Enterprises Melissa Mas ’13 Kenneth ’79 and Lori Massaroni Curtis and Elizabeth Matlin Gregory and Wendi Matz Michael and Heather (Huster ’05) May Stephen and Debbie (Duprey ’68) May Jim and Christine May Dan and Magdalena (Carrizales ’70) McElroy Charles and Lauren McEwen Fr. Peter McGarry, O.Carm. Luke and Stacey McGinn Timothy McGrain ’85 Chris and Pam McHugh Carli (Gregorin ’98) McKenney Jason Mckie Sr. Mary Frances McLaughlin, BVM Daniel and Charlotte (Szostak ’77) McLaughlin Robert and Kristina McLoud Jesse and Nissa Mechling Nicanor ’94 and Carrie (Berk ’94) Medina Eric and Abi Mehrholz Benedictus and Deniece Mensah Keith and Anne (Schneider ’86) Meny William Miller Leo and Marie Miller Elizabeth (Bollinger ’83) Ramos David and Patricia Mitten Dennis and Marilynn Moisio Steven ’86 and Ann (Kulis ’88) Monte Jeffrey and Theresa Moore Nina Moore Moore Orthodontics Dennis and Mary Beth (Donnellan ’68) Morelli Michele Mueller Wally Mulvaney ’72 Heather Munoz Dan Baechle and Kathryn Murphy ’69 Terri (Guido ’68) Murphy

Michael and Jeanine Murray Noelia Murua Thomas and Christine Nagode Zbigniew and Karen Nalewajk Michael Nash ’95 Gerald and Karen Nash Kim Needham Thomas ’68 and Mary Nenoff Robert and Michele Nettesheim Brenda Newman-Lawler Nite ’N Gale, Inc. Christopher and Irene Nowak Charles and Nancy Nozicka Kevin ’98 and Kelli (Farina ’97) Nylen Matthew Borman and Laurie Oberembt ’81 Randall Oberembt ’72 Eugene and Norene O’Brien Remi and Nike Oduba Oelerich HVAC Anatoliy and Vitaliya Oleksyn Tucker Olson Harold and Catherine Olson Joseph ’92 and Kelly O’Malley John ’98 and Katherine O’Malley Thomas and Jeanne Onan Patrick ’76 and Marya O’Neill Marc ’88 and Christina Ori Anthony and Maureen Orsini Hillary O’Toole ’11 Vernon Paddock ’69 Rudolph ’70 and Susan Palenik Mark and Cathy Parrish Kenneth and Eileen Parrish William and Joan Passolt Donald Patacca Rajesh and Claudia Patel Patriot Towing & Recovery, LLC Brian Payant ’99 James and Cynthia (Raupp ’67) Peebles David and Jennifer (Dille ’00) Penney Tracee Perkowski Mark and Christine Perrelle Michael and Julie Perry Brian and Rachel Perry Kenneth Bates and Mary Perry Bates Donna Peterman ’68 Thomas and Kimberly Phelps David and Nancy Pierce Edward and Heather Pietschmann Spiros and Olympia Pissios Andrew Plonsky ’89 Poko Loko Early Learning Center Polson’s Natural Foods

Michele Popielewski ’83 James † and Mary Ann Porten Charles and Melinda Principe Andrew ’92 and Michelle (Karrigan ’92) Ptasienski Charles ’67 and Wenjun Quinlan Kevin ’79 and Beverly (Underberg ’80) Quinn Agustin and Pravda Quinones Pamela Rapplean ’68 Luciano † and Rita Rattin RE/MAX Plaza Edward and Nancy Reidy Irene Reininger Renguso Counseling Corey and Rebecca (Gundrum ’97) Rentz Paul ’68 and Brenda Rettman RGN, Inc. Karol Rini Dinora Rivera Joseph and Melissa (Romans ’88) Rizzo Robb Orthodontics William ’70 and Patricia Roberts Stanley and Edith (Gomez ’86) Robinson Laura (Hand ’68) Rockwell Daniel and Sandy Rodriguez Scott Roe and Antoinette Eber-Roe Rogers Benefit Group Mark ’75 and Patricia Rohling Ron’s Hobbies Gina Rossi ’89 William and Pandora (Fillipp ’90) Rouleau Rudolph CPA Kevin and Cecelia Rupprecht Erin Ruskin Vincent and Sharon Ryan Dennis Sahr Saint Bede School Mary Beth (Frainey ’75) Santi Susan (Feinendegen ’91) Santner Catherine Carlen Michael and Therese (Donnellan ’83) Sarallo Schaid Appraisals Inc. Robert and Susan Schoen Randy and Rosemary Scholl Sara Schroeder Curt and Carole Schumacher Mark and Mary Schwartz Schweitzer Engineering Laboratories, Inc. Christopher and Sandra Seidl Joseph and Amy Serrano Mary Setnicar ’72


Donors to Carmel Catholic High School The Spirit Club $100 – $249

Stephen and Catherine Settle Shear Fashion Beauty Salon Shear Paradise Pet Salon Katherine Shenderovsky ’19 SHI Kevin and Deborah (Cevallos ’85) Shields David ’88 and Sheila (Conarchy ’88) Shrofe Sideouts Eatery Jessica (Philpott ’96) Simmons Edward Slack and Valerie Vidoni-Slack Anthony and Gail Sliwa Dan and Tina Marie Smigielski Theodore † and Mary Smolka James and Lynn Snyder Albert and Linda (Webber ’79) Solis Sonoma Farm James and Amy Spera Richard † and Patricia Spicuzza Christopher ’90 and Becky Splitt St. Anastasia Catholic School St. Gilbert Catholic Church Steve Stahmer Richard and Kitty Stailey Martin and Dianne Stansbury Timothy Stasiek ’96 William and Ann Steffenhagen Gregory and Charlotte Steinbach STEPS Performing Arts Center Steps to Success, LLC Edward and Paulette Stith Jim and Kristi Streit David and Linda (Harding ’67) Stroz Fredric and Lynne Strutzel Thomas and Elizabeth (Lucas ’72) Sublewski Edwin ’87 and Patricia Sullivan Superior Paving Inc Veronica Swanson ’82 Dennis ’76 and Sandy Sweeney


John ’78 and Beverly Sweeney Marla (Peterman ’74) Swiatko Sean and Jodi Swiatkowski Matthew and Kathy Szamocki T5 Hair Design Taste of Paris Tax Associates, Inc Jeffrey ’74 and Kelly Taylor The Dolins Group LLC The Olive Tap The Reid Group at Keller Williams The Therapy Tree Donald Thielsen ’78 Erik and Michelle Thomas Gerald and Cynthia Thompson Jon ’77 and Laura Thorsen Donald Thul ’68 Margaret Tierney ’69 Thomas Tierney ’67 Tiger Academy Barrington Tom Ruhl Plumbing Peter and Susan Tomko Topgun Associates, Inc. John ’76 and Melissa Torres Christopher Toth ’07 Gregory and Mary Alice (Pavin ’78) Tourdot Gerald and Michaelinda Trahan Robert ’69 and Susan Trefilek John and Jill Kuhfahl Joann Trotti ’73 Renee Umansky Underground Enterprises Inc. Mark and Kathryn Unze Sarah Utley ’89 Thomas ’79 and Marisa Varney Robbie and Lori (Van Erden ’88) Ventura W.M. Roche & Associates, Inc. W.W. Grainger, Inc. Joseph and Melissa Wach

Michael Wagner ’67 Cynthia Wait ’73 and Anil Khurana Randall and Diane (Bartholomae ’84) Walkowiak Michael and Jane Waller Kevin and Janine (McGrath ’75) Walsh Michael and Mary Walsh Waukegan Bally Muck, Inc. Waukegan Police Association Unit 42 Jason ’95 and Danielle (Saladino ’97) Wegener Steve and Kim Welborn Kent and Carlota Welch William and Regina (Lauten ’81) Wendes Wenzel’s Automotive Service & Tire Center Jeff and Margaret Wheeler Whisk Bakery & Coffee Shop Ken and Katie White Lawrence † and Diane Whittier Robert and Mary (Suter ’83) Wiacek Shane and Francesca Wickremesekera Andrew and Rebecca Wiegman Tom Wilkinson ’76 Richard ’82 and Beth Wilson Robert and Carolynn (Newling ’69) Wilson Bob Winters - Winters & Company, LLC Jozef and Danuta Wojcik Thomas and Christine Wolf David Wurzbach Maureen Yelich Robert ’68 and Nancy Zamor Michael and Bernardine Zdon Matthew Zell Thomas and Susan Zimmer Joan Zupec Chris Zupec ’78 Ed and Joann Zych

Donors to Carmel Catholic High School The Patron’s Club $10 – $99

Elaine Abernathy Γ‡lvaro Abonce Bill and Barbara (Steele ’79) Abromitis ’79 Mary Lou Accordino John and Dennika Acker Perry Aden ’10 Allan Agbay Melanie Agbay Siony Agbay Jose and Cristina Aguilera Antonio and Graciela Alba Zosimo and Francisca Alivia Zos and Nichole Alivia Thomas and Catherine (Kasting ’76) Almanzo Arthur ’78 and Jackie Amidei Joseph and Pamela Anderson Suzanne Anderson Brett Anderson ’94 Chris and Tania Apostal Apple, Inc. Jeanette Arana Jason and Catherine Arends Joseph and Dana Armagno Jason and Maria Armstrong Beth Arnold Fortino and Acenet Astudillo Adnan and Sana Attar Allen Attar ’19 Keith and Sandy Attar Arnold and Gina Augusto Jose and Roxanne Avalos Avenue Solutions Group Gerson Avila and Christine Grafft Renzo and Judith Azzano Frances Bacci ’78 Bagels By the Book Fernando Bahena and Maria Hernandez Leroy and Eva Bair Christopher Balzer ’02 Ernie and Ana Malene Banlasan Jimmy and Nicole Barbour Martin and Molly Barr Kathleen (Williams ’97) Barry Frank and Christine Bart Dennis and Paula Basara Daine Baseley Edward Bauer Ted and Maureen Baun Timothy Baynes ’05 Timothy and Mary Baynes Jean and Anne Beaudoin Carl and Kathleen Beckman

Ginny (Gillotti ’94) Beers George ’76 and Karen (Gleeson ’77) Behr Daniel and Jill Belmont Patrick Bender ’07 Marlene Berg Marc ’85 and Louise Bertaud Todd and Janette Bever James ’68 and Kaye Beyer Joe and Naomi Bieda Lisa Bilotti Virginia Biondi Scott † and Carla (Paddock ’81) Birk Don and Jean (Miholic ’77) Bishop Laura (Renaud ’88) Blazek Ashley (Goudreau ’03) Blessing Joel and Sharon Blumer William Bolger ’91 Christopher and Stephanie Boll Jason and Heidi (Haegerich ’98) Boring Robert and Catherine Bosshart Michael and Kathleen Boyce Sarah Brady ’98 Curtis and Melissa Brame Christopher Brandmeier ’10 Robert Brandt ’79 Sheryl Bransky Gail Kasting Brant ’78 Kelly Brennan ’83 Mark and Kathleen Brinkman Mark and Susanne (Skuse ’72) Briskovich Larry and Patrica Britten Dante and Tiffany Brooks James ’69 and Frances Brown David Brunke ’79 Michael Brya ’96 Chip and Melinda Bryant John and Linda Buckman Don and Lorrie Buechele Marietta Bufalino-Devitt David and Christine Bugaj Erin Burke ’10 Jason and Kelly Burke Rebecca Burright Kevin Burris ’96 Orrin Burton ’88 Mary Butler Roger and Catherine Byrne Mary Byrne ’72 Tony Cannoli Arc and Heather Capulong Amy Capulong Angel Capuong Megan (Boyce ’90) Carlson


Donors to Carmel Catholic High School The Patron’s Club $10 – $99

Anthony and Ingrid Casale Brian and Colleen Case Patricia Case Leslie Castrejon Jose Castro and Karla Rosas ’97 Mark ’90 and Erin (Griffin ’92) Catherall Karl Cazzini and ClΓ­ona McAlister Joseph ’77 and Mary (Keefe ’78) Cermak Tom Chang Suzanne Chapman Philip Chasin and Rosanne Plescia ’66 Miguel and Jennifer Cheng Thomas and Linda Chernesky Michael ’82 and Caroline Chicoine Gordon † and Catherine Chicoine Carl and Karen (Naureckas ’77) Christiansen Nicholas and Jennifer (Lee ’08) Chuh Mike and Virginia (Cicone ’77) Nolan Jose Cienfuegos and Lorena Oliva Matthew and Margaret Clatch Mike Clements Cloe & Kennedy P.C Charles and Laura Coe Anthony ’87 and Andrea Collins Rocco and Charlene Colucci Committee to Elect Judge Joseph V Salvi Richard and Patricia Conklin


Robert Connolly ’67 Esmeraldo and Felice Cordero Joseph and Kimberly Coyne Steven and Ann (Renner ’08) Creaney Meredith Cumesty Arthur Curran Andres Currea and Yolanda Escalante-Currea Christopher and Barbara Cutro Heather Czarnetzki John and Lisa (Simon ’80) Dallas Pamela D’Alton ’70 James ’03 and Dana Daluga Chuck and Therese Davies Darryl and Flor Davis Ronald ’71 and Cynthia Davis Regina Davison Michael and Beth Dean Anita Delaney John and Lori (Klimaitis ’85) DeLascio Joseph and Catalina DiCara Jennifer Dicks ’19 Donald and Mary Dietz Bruce and Molly Dir William Divane † and Suzanne Scheller Kevin ’98 and Anna Dix Timothy ’83 and Susan Dockery Jo Ann (Glaser ’77) Donaldson

Phil and Julie (Stith ’99) Donner John and Renee Dorn Judy (Werba ’77) Dost Robert and Carolyn Douglas Michael and Erin Downey Kevin and Sarah (Mikrut ’93) Doyle Christine Drew ’97 Kristine and Daniel Duffy Art and Nancy Dunham Jose and Margaret (Rohr ’67) Duran William Durkin ’79 Barbara Durkin Anthony and Christina Durnil Jaime and Ingrid Duron William and Kimberly Dwyer E2 Manufacturing Group LLC James and Eileen Edwards Todd and Amy Egan Elizabeth Egel ’94 Debbie (Phelps ’85) Einhorn Walter Eisenberg Roger ’79 and Mary Ellicson George and Rosanne Ellis Geraldine Ellwanger Brian and Kathleen (Tatina ’66) Erickson Peter and Karen Erken Claudia Esqueda

Donors to Carmel Catholic High School The Patron’s Club $10 – $99

Edwardo and Lilia Esteban Edward and Corinne Esteban Teresa Etchegoyhen FACTS Grant & Aid Mark and Dawn Faerber Karl and Christine Falkstrom Anthony and Karen (Cecconi ’69) Farina Grant Fasse ’88 Gillian (Hessing ’08) Fecht Michael and Cheryl (Weidner ’83) Feightner James and Mary Ferguson Yesid Ferro ’95 Arlene Fields Lari and Jogerlyn Figueroa Anthony ’97 and Josette (Green ’97) Fillipp George † and Eleanor Fillipp Chris and Kimberly Finkel Maryann Finley Robert and Angela (Sturgeon ’84) Fiore Michele Fiore Timothy and Melinda Fitch Paul and Mary (Leslie ’80) Fitzgerald Michael Flood ’84 Frederick Flude and Mary Ann Koval David and Susan Foecking Kevin and Katie Ford William † and Judy Frainey Eric and Rebecca Franklin Jim Pilling and Margaret Freeman ’80 Ronald ’89 and Lisa (Rohleder ’89) Freeman Freeman Tutaj LLC Thomas and M. Cecile Friedman John and Cathy Fruscione Scott and Tricia Fullerton Bill Fusz ’98 Michael ’95 and Christine (Bertaud ’92) Gaiden Vicky Galati Marty and Ann Gallagher Matt and Elizabeth (Sullivan ’85) Gallimore David and Dorothy Galuska Brian ’76 and Kerry Gapinski Noe and Martha Garcia Erick and Lourdes Garcia Felipe Garcia-Ramirez and Guadalupe Contreras de Garcia Michelle Wheeler ’97 Humberto and Jennifer Gauna Michael ’67 and Kimberly Gavigan John and Shona Ann Geier Sean and Lindsay (Pepping ’98) Geraghty

Sr. Margaret Geraghty, BVM Ryan ’95 and Regina Gibbons Chris and Sarah Gigot Lee and Carina (Petrucci ’08) Gilbert Donald Glassel Valery Goldring Jose and Micaela Gonzalez Richard and Coleen Goodson Thomas and Cookie Goris Jason and Rachel Gorman James Graham ’87 Daniel ’95 and Melinda Graham Peter ’92 and Marget Graham Kristin (Bakota ’97) Graham Guillermina Grandt Robert and Sheila Grasso Patrick and Colleen (Scully ’92) Green Timothy ’85 and Angela Green Matt Greenenwald Craig and Nicole Greenlee Paul ’83 and Tamara Grgas Karen Griff MaryAnn Griffin Zachary Griffin ’16 Suzanne (Bercier ’95) Grossman David and Shannon Grzesiak Amalia Guerrero Amy Guin Diana Guthman Monica and Alex Gutierrez Eddie Guzman Gabriel Guzman Juan and Leonila Habacon Scott Hagel John and Eileen Hagopian Philip and Kathy Hajduk Ryan and Jennifer (Depperschmidt ’95) Haley Patrick ’88 and Jennifer Halverson Marilyn Halvorsen Chad and Jolanda Hannah Monica Hannan Daniel and Pamela Hannon Victoria Loffredo Carl and Kristen Hansel Paulette Harar Nancy (Mueller ’74) Hardy Robert and Collette Harlan Elizabeth Harmon Tom and Gayle Harrop Jeff and Lynne Hartzer Jason and Tanya Harvey Ken Harvey

William ’74 and Michele Hauser Frank and Julie Hayes John ’67 and Mary Jo (Lucas ’70) Healy Joseph Heilgeist ’73 Richard † and Lynnea Heinrichs Bradley and Ann Heinz Steve and Shannon Hellen Randolph and Nancy Helms David ’85 and Joelle (Dote ’85) Henry Mark and Marlo Herbick Tom and Eve Herbick Mauricio Hernandez Wesley and Virgina Herring Joseph and Bella Herubin Robert and Susan Hilger Paul and Sharon Hitselberger John and Sunmi Ho Garry and Mylette Hodges Patrick and Catherine (Siblik ’85) Hodgson Amy (Meyer ’89) Hodman Mary Hoffman Guy Goodwin and Eileen (Stumpp ’76) Hoffman-Goodwin Julie (Heiler ’95) Holbrook Dennis and Edena Holley Christopher and Jillian (Holm ’97) Denoma Joshua Holmes and Maria Cecilia Lontok-Holmes Ryan Hornung Steve ’82 and Susan (Avery ’83) Hoselton Roger and Mary Hoselton Diane Hoselton ’80 Stephen and Katherine (Abernathy ’76) Huber Jordan Hughes Alex Hughes Alvaro and Antonia Huizar IAMHIP1 LLC IBM Corporation iGive IL Nail Spa Loretta Inamoto Indian Creek Veterinary Clinic Terry and Peggi (Walden ’80) Ingram Dennis Ingram Pat Ischinger Thomas Iskalis ’16 Charles and Mesha Jackson David and Tina Jakubek Rodney Wilson Joseph and Gloria Jansen John and Kathleen (Mertes ’67) Jansen Erik ’94 and Erin Janssens


Donors to Carmel Catholic High School The Patron’s Club $10 – $99

Regina Jarvis Ross and Dina Jaske Jerome ’81 and Catherine Jaskowiak Edgar Jasso Mateo and Yaneth Jasso John and Mary (Dost ’69) Jedele Bryan and Beth Jewell JJG Gas Corp. Michael ’68 and Annette (Stiegler ’69) Johnson Elaine Johnson Maximillian Johnson ’13 Larry and Elizabeth Johnson Glenda Johnson Judi Johnson Johnson & Johnson Consumer Companies, Inc. Jerry Johnston ’69 Michael and Jollene Jones Chris Jones and Donna Berg Ascencion and Suzanne (Mack ’67) Juarez Rosa Juarez Sandra Juarez-Aragon Viky Jurado Richard and Susan Kadowaki Joseph and Mary Kalista Kristin Kalitowski ’98 Michael and Mary Kamins Toni (Deasey ’72) Kappel Corrine Kasper Paul ’87 and Lisa Kasting Peter Kasting ’85 Paul Kattner Bruce and Susan Katz Jayson and Wendy (Slater ’88) Kaus Peter and Mary Joan Keffer Daniel and Mary Kehoe Nora Kelly ’83 Larry and Mary (Campanella ’86) Kenar Barry and Margaret Kerber Allen and Camm Kiel Sherry Kim Robert Klein Andrew Klein ’97 Todd and Stephanie Klemp Vernon and Laura Knight Kenneth Knox Peter Koburov ’82 Arlene Kocen Erin (Egan ’08) Koenigsfeld Nicholas and Ann (Wilde ’66) Kohler Michael Kolar Kevin Kolar ’89


Peter and Rosemary Konen Ken Kordick Tim and Christine Kordt Jack and Sharon Kordt Thomas ’73 and Victoria Koziol Darek Kozuch and Margaretta Dziedzic-Kozuch Ray and Sandy Kramer Wayne and Nancy Krase Russell ’69 and Cynthia (Foxx ’71) Krause Kevin and Irene (Raupp ’80) Krempely William and Joanne Kron Paul and Beth Kruse Robert and Lynn Krysa Edward and Laura Kuderna John and Jill Kuhfahl Richard ’69 and Kathleen Kuhn Allison (Lawton ’97) Kulla Miroslaw and Maria Kurowski Lisa Kuznacki Donald and Lili-Ann Kvaas Thomas and Katherine Kwasiborski Mark ’78 and Camie Kwasigroch Paul ’72 and Debora Kwiecinski Albert and Kelly (Ryan ’86) Lagore Barry and Christine Lamb George † and Dorinda (Guzzo ’68) Lambert Erica Landree Stuart ’83 and Julie Landsverk Michael and Joneen Lannon Laura Larsen Smith Michael and Emerson Larson Michael and Emerson Larson Jim and Dawn Lasky William and Rebecca Laverdure Terry and Patricia Leaderbrand James and Kristen (Kwasiborski ’91) Leaf Peter and Jennifer (White ’77) Lee Kyle ’09 and Caitlin Lees Ronald and Bernadette Legarreta Patrick and Cynthia (Kipp ’88) Lenihan Craig and Sharon Lennon Noel and Patricia (Ratican ’75) Levasseur Matthew and Joy Levering Virginia Ley ’09 Daniel and Denise Liesen Kate Ligman David Lin Ernest and Jamie (Crotteau ’67) Lisson Frank ’00 and MaryRay Lombardo Richard and Judi (Kelroy ’69) Long Brian and Eileen (Looby ’99) Weber Fidel and Guadalupe Lopez

Lori Friend Hair Studio Jack Losch ’68 Nicole Lucas Rudi Luedecke Raul and Maria Luna Eric and Mary † Lynch Eric ’98 and Kristina (Werenski ’98) Lyons John Maas ’66 Daniel ’80 and Patricia Machamer Heather Mackey Barbara Madison James Mangan Michael and Mary Catherine Manning Catherine Manning ’89 Albert Manshum Daniel ’07 and Catherine (Lantvit ’08) Marazan Siiri Marquardt ’02 Jeff Marsh ’83 Joseph and Brigid (Conarchy ’97) Martin Alejandro Mateo Raymond and Catherine Mathez Katlyn Mathy ’08 Tai and Kathy Matlin Nsesi Matundu and Luzolo Vumi John and Jan May Michael ’83 and Lisa Kajfez May Patricia May Patrick ’69 and Chimai Tran-Luu Mayworm Janice McBride Edward McCauley ’85 James and Sandra McClain Monica McClure ’11 Mary Lou McConville Brian and Clare (Manning ’94) McConville Joseph and Michelle McConville Bill and Shay McCorkle Joseph and Karen McDermott Sean ’85 and Melissa McDermott Patrick and Ruth Ann (Moroney ’67) McDermott Philip and Andrea McGargill Michael ’82 and Christine (Jacobsen ’83) McGinty Thomas and Mary Ann McGuire John ’91 and Kelly McHugh Ken McKay and Tina Ellis Ed and Jennifer McKenna Tienne (Spiteri ’94) McKenzie Joseph and Lisa McKernan Matthew Mclaughlin Gary and Carol † Mede Christopher and Leticia Medina

Donors to Carmel Catholic High School The Patron’s Club $10 – $99

Loretta Megwa ’74 Tulio Mejia and Mauren Esqueda Joseph and Chris Melillo Alan and Dale Mennenoh Joseph and Ruth Meny Luis and Monica Mercado Joe and Gail Meriel James and Maureen Merkel Kelly Paulsen Thomas ’81 and Kelly Mihelic Ron and Trish Miiller Jerome and Judith Mikrut Elmer and Maria Carla Milan Kelly Miller ’10 Colleen Minarik Maria Miranda Alison Crawford Witold and Patricia Mital Patty Mitchell Ronald and Marilyn Mitten Kathleen (Carroll ’94) Mlada Greg Moisio and Gina Marocco-Moisio Chris and Leslie Molnar Christopher ’87 and Courtney Molsen Jack Monroe Gerald Monterastelli ’67 Michael and Angela Mooney Jermaine and Mashanna Moore Rick and Mary Rose Morabito Margarita Morales Gregorio Morales and Paulina Pineda Antonio Morales Julie Moran and Mark Gaunky Thomas and Dona (Renaud ’85) Morrill Thomas Morrill Stephen and Jennifer Moseley Dale and Kathleen Multerer Brandon ’01 and Pamela Mumm Joyce Muni Stephen and Sharon Munro Kevin ’72 and Susan Murray Michael and Susan (Marxer ’67) Murray Theresa Myint Maia Nam Patrick and Christina Naumann Vincent Nededog Heather Nelson ’86 James ’83 and Marlene Neuroth Gerard and Colleen Nichol Janice Nichol Margaret (Dolan ’69) Nichols Jeff and Colleen (Halverson ’94) Nickles

Kenneth and Nicole Nickles Robert Nickola Anne Nieminski Michael Niemotka Thomas and Kathleen Nikolai Larry and Donna Nilles Thomas † and Ryan Nitch James and Vee Nolan Wilfred † and Rita Nonnenmacher North Shore Results, LLC Northfield Dental Office-David Titus, DDS Christopher Norton Steve and Karen Novack Joelle Novak Peter Nowak ’71 Michael and Louela Nunez James † and Judy Nutschnig Sandra Nygren Lane ’78 and Frances Oberembt Deb O’Connor Ray † and Judy O’Dell Melissa Odle Margaret Offner ’83 Mathilde Ohl Jorge Ojeda Carol Olichwier Jack Olichwier Andrew and Kristina Olson Michael and Kara O’Malley Martin and Maryanne Ornelas Mary Kate (Behr ’98) Orozco Edward Osada ’66 Timothy † and JoAnne Osmond Bunny Otrembiak ’84 Sherwin Packer and Marilyn Lipton Ryan Packer Kevin and Janet Paddock Victoria (Deasey ’69) Paddock Nicasio and Fe Pagaduan Russell and Barbara Pagano Frank and Judy Pagano Robert Palm and Farra Scharf-Palm Pancci Trucking Inc Edsel and April Panlaqui Nicholas and Angela Pann Linda Panszczyk ’78 Lou Pantoja ’94 Mery Papp Sara Park Netty Park Edgar and Melissa Parker Andy and Julianna (Rysz ’98) Parker


Donors to Carmel Catholic High School The Patron’s Club $10 – $99

James and Eugenie (Godula ’84) Parrack Willis Parsons Patcharee Thai Corp Hamish and Dipika Patel Payal Patel John and Cherie Patterson Dan Paulsen Frank and Megan (Kerrigan ’83) Pavelske Adam and Sarah (Pavlus ’97) Abrams Daniel and April Pearson Michael and Susanne Pelfresne Brett and Crystal (Cunnie ’98) Perellis Richard and Jane Petrus Pett Distributors, Inc Dan Pfeiffer Laura (Dietz ’92) Pfister Donovan and Catherine Phillips Patricia Pineda Stacey Pitzaferro John Plescia ’00 Raul and Gladys Poma Bianca Porras Tristan and DeAnne Porras Gregg and Katherine Powell Jerry ’67 and Sally Powell Dorothy Price ’67 Jason and Rachel Priebe Tracy Prieto Michael and Kathleen Pritchett Thomas and Linda Pryde Scott and Dina Pryhocki Jeffrey and Sarah Ptacek Joseph and Theresa Pudlo


Charles Pullin Timothy and Kathryn Puszynski Emmett and Elizabeth Quilty Sean and Deborah (Wallish ’78) Quirk Oscar Quiroz Glenn and Francesca Racette Mary O’Kate Rafferty ’79 Darian and Monica Rafie Christopher Ramos and Terre Ezyk † Randy Nebel - State Farm Insurance Agent Mark ’87 and Marguerite (Keller ’87) Rapplean Stephen ’77 and Amy Ratican Rena Ratican George and Suzanne Rattin Brian and Michele (Robillard ’83) Raupp Theodore ’83 and Julie Raupp Jenilynn Redila ’00 Vitorria (Vetere ’00) Regiani Alexis Reidel ’16 Roy and Barbara Reidel Hope Reidel Adam Reidel Barton and Michelle Reimer Yuri and Aimee (Owczarski ’89) Reissenweber Joseph and Joanna Renguso Resource Reality Corporation Rose (Henriquez-Chavez ’98) Richards Susan Richy Jason and Christin Riley Mary Ann (Dittmer ’83) Rinkleff Brion and Cynthia Rittenberry

Mark and Kristine (Westney ’85) Ritter Ernest Rivera ’98 Gianna Rizzo ’15 John and Roberta Robbins Steve and Karyn (Ryg ’98) Robles Rochester Institute of Technology Andrea Rogel Rocho and Sherri Rogondino Francis and Elizabeth Romanes Joseph ’98 and Mary (Tourdot ’06) Romano Stacey and Lisa Roos Robert and Dale (Ciesla ’69) Rosenberg Dalal Rosenzweig Pete and Karen Rosquete Steve and Dorie (Hertel ’89) Roth Royal Cantonese Olivia Rubio Marion and Ana Rudman Gregory † and Barbara Rudolph Keith and Maria Ruehl Jesus Ruiz John and Patti Ruskin Emily Ruskin Jeanne Rutledge Michael and Mary Jo Rutz John Ryan Courtney Ryan ’08 Steven and Patricia (Ryan ’72) Fouts Roland and Mary (Laidley ’90) Sachs Anthony Sacramento ’08 Brooke Sahr ’18 Trevor Sahr ’16

Donors to Carmel Catholic High School The Patron’s Club $10 – $99

Scott and Maureen (Curley ’83) Sahs Isidro and Dolores Salandanan Eloy Salazar ’94 Kirk and Elizabeth (Musser ’69) Samelson Richard and Deborah Sandberg Yvette Santana Michael Sapoznik Robert and Frances Sarkis John and Robin Sasman Karl ’94 and Jessica (Gundrum ’94) Schachelmayer Dale and Teresa Schahczinski Georg and Andreia Scharf Ryan Schaul ’95 James and Mary Schiller Leonard and Dorothy Schiller Michael ’66 and Charlotte Schiller Daniel and Kimberly Schlicksup David and Meghan (Quinn ’98) Schludecker Norbert and Nicole Schmelz Tim and Dierdre Schneider George and Angela Schneider Robert and Mary (Pasenelli ’79) Schneider Robert and Maria (Corrado ’84) Schneider Robert Schneider ’70 and Julie Henthorn George ’94 and Chelsea Schopper Edward † and Kathleen Schrank Gregory and Elizabeth Schuda Gregory ’05 and Laura (Sprow ’05) Schuda James and Carol Schuster Martin Schwartz ’13 Lauren Sczygielski-Anders ’94 George and Joann Seal

Ken and Nancy † Sedin Mary (Koziol ’77) Sedlack Noah and Kathy Seidenberg James Shalek Ed and Joan (Stanley ’83) Shanahan Cindee Sharma Stephen Shebenik ’71 Robert Sheridan Ron and Lisa Shibovich Barbara Shoemaker Mark and Dawn Sicco Emily Silge ’18 Joseph and Barbara Simeo Brent and Sandra (Piekarski ’77) Simpson Maria Skorcz ’10 Jennifer Skyock Dixon and Terry Slater Stefan and Magdalena Slowinski Rev. Jeffery Smialek, O.Carm. Steve and Julie Smith Elsie Smith Michael and Kristine Smith Ksenia Smith ’08 Joshua Smith ’99 Brian and Denise Smith Dwayne Smith Tomm and Lori (Schulte ’97) Smithe Ken and Anna Smoczynski Sean and Jeanne Sneed Fr. Glenn Snow, O.Carm. Wayne and Laurel Sokes Jacob and Emily (Tourdot ’09) Solarz Angela Somodi

Frank and Carol Somodi Rocco and Elizabeth Spagna Philipp and Christina Speer Bryan and Angela Spegel Peter and Christine Speranza Marian Spetco James and Charlene Sronkoski Jill Stack ’85 Mitch and Dawn Stafiej James ’97 and Beth Stamatakos Milena Stanimirova Theresa (Lauten ’78) Stanke Andrew and Jennifer Stavros William Steele ’77 Bradley and Jennifer Steffen James and Lucia Stefo Ollen and Michelle Stephens James and Christine Stickler John and Anjanae Stieber Michael and Elizabeth Stretti Harold and Susan Stronach Jerry and Kathryn (Berg ’69) Sullivan Chris Sullivan Wally Suman and Janet Horton ’67 Timothy Paul ’95 and Diane Swiat Robert and Kathleen Swieton Yi Swift Franklin ’81 and Cynthia (Amato ’82) Swindell Kathy Szotek Peter Tarcha and Elizabeth Cozzi Kevin and Katie Teehan Dawnelle Tellado


Donors to Carmel Catholic High School The Patron’s Club $10 – $99

Alex and Valerie (Schulien ’98) Terray Brian Terry and Mindy Dietz David Hoetzer ’80 Kathy Thake The Community Foundation of Middle Tennessee Andrew and Susan Thiel Scott and Mary (VonBruenchenhein ’77) Thomas Thomas ’89 and Christine (Velican ’90) Thomas Melinda Thompson ’77 Timothy Thomson ’67 Sonja Thrush Teodora Tisch Phil Toal Marc and Beth Tobin Daniel and Kathy Tourville Vladimir Trankolov Timothy Trelka Michael and Diane Trickey Dawn Trotta Brian and Angela Truesdale Venkata Ramana and Pratibha Ramana Tumuluri Mike Turner Alexandra Borrero Jacob Unze ’18 Pat Usdrowski Chris Vailvil Patricia Van Spankeren ’95 Cindy Van Wiltenburg Mike and Laura Van Wiltenburg Rakesh and Sunita Varma William and Catherine (Tortorice ’73) Venturini Kevin and Teresa (Ogrinc ’05) Veselik Joel Villanueva Lilia Villanueva Steve and Sherri Vinci Kirk ’68 and Lucinda (Shears ’69) Vistain Matthew and Cheryl Vogt Scott and Julie Vowinkel Beth Vrioni Pamela (Rescek ’97) Vukovics Frank and Ann Wach Dawnell Wachta Dirk Wagner ’10 Brian Wagner ’68


John Wagner and Maureen Brennan ’85 Sam Wahlers and Lisa Orta-Wahlers David ’88 and Marge Waldschmidt Edward and Alice Walinski T.M. and Terri (Wintering ’69) Walters Rollo and Jacqueline (Branum ’70) Watkins Jonathan and Ana-Maria Wattelet Laura Drummond and William Wayman Thomas and Joan Weber Carla Wehrheim Sue Weiland Brian and Allison (Balzer ’95) Weissler Marie Weitzel Antoine Welch ’19 Amy (Renaud ’94) Werner Frederick and Mary Wheeler Denise Wheeler Daniel ’89 and Amy Whelan Jeff and Michele White Wifler Law Group PC Jeffrey Wilks ’90 James and Deanna Willemsen Patricia Williams Uniquee Williams Dale and Sandra (Jesenovec ’88) Williams George and Connie Wipperfurth John and Lise Wiseman Terry and Suzanne (Parr ’67) Wodek Lidia Wojcik Andrew and Tracy (Belter ’94) Wood Josh Yates Rick and Diane Yatteau Veronica Ybarra ’81 Jeff and Erika Young Edward and Claudia Yousif Paul and Beverly Zack William and Abigail (Olson ’98) Zaleski Manley † and Margaret Zanco Romano and Carmella Zapanta Marco Zavala and Marisol Vega Michael and Colleen (Flanigan ’81) Zawaski Frank † and Clara Zenzola Charles Zern ’08 Tamra Zimay Scott and Brenda Zingsheim Kevin ’76 and Suzanne (Campanella ’83) Zupec Robert and Kimberly Zurek

Carmel Catholic deeply appreciates the support we receive from donors at every level and thanks these people for their contributions in support of our mission.

Mass and Blessing for the Kathy A. Nemmers Welcome Center On Friday, August 16, friends and family gathered together for the Mass and Blessing for the Kathy A. Nemmers Welcome Center. Father Robert Carroll, O.Carm., Ph.D. was the principal celebrant and Father John Hennessey, Father Anthony Tinker FHS, and Father Michael Cronin were the concelebrants. β€œKathy was a dreamer, and growing up as one of 10 kids on a small Iowa farm, sometimes dreams were all she had. But hers were not illusory dreams, rather, she wanted to achieve big things and spent her whole life fulfilling those dreams. And, having invested so much of her time and energy at Carmel, she also dreamed big for the school. Which brings us to the reason for the Welcome Center,” said Joe Nemmers ’73. The Welcome Center will enhance Carmel Catholic by making a positive and welcoming first impression on prospective parents and students, as well as for all who enter the school in the future. It will also provide a dedicated meeting and conference center space, to fulfill the school’s overdue need for such a facility. β€œWe are joined this morning by a number of Carmel classmates, past and current parents, faculty and staff, and religious. This Welcome Center, the blessing ceremony, and your presence, are all reminders of the greatest gift the school has given each of us, which is the lifetime blessing of membership in the Carmel community,” said Joe. Kathy served on the Board of Directors at Carmel Catholic High School and she and Joe have four sons, Sam ’01, Mike ’03, Max ’06 and Tom ’10 Nemmers. Kathy was a member of the Carmel community for a long time, and this Welcome Center will ensure that her presence will remain vibrant.

35 35

Bryan Smith ’01

Kaye Foley ’07

Bryan A. Smith, MD joined the University of Chicago faculty as an Assistant Professor of Medicine in Advanced Heart Failure and Transplantation Cardiology in 2017. Dr. Smith attended Harvard College and graduated in 2005 with a BA in biology, and completed his MD at the Pritzker School of Medicine in 2010. As a medical student, he was president of the Pritzker chapter of the Student National Medical Association (SNMA) and he received an Alpha Omega Alpha (AOA) grant to develop educational programming for black men in a community based clinic. In addition, he was a tutor and a mentor for pipeline programs and science outreach on Chicago’s South Side. He continued at the University of Chicago for his internal medicine residency where he chaired the Minority Housestaff Committee. He completed his general cardiology fellowship at the University of Chicago in 2016 and his advanced heart failure and transplantation fellowship in 2017 at Northwestern Memorial Hospital during which he continued his work on investigating heart failure outcomes in an urban population. From a clinical standpoint, Dr. Smith manages patients with chronic and advanced heart failure. This includes patients in the outpatient setting, intensive care unit, those who have undergone heart transplantation and those who are supported with left ventricular assist devices. Dr. Smith recently participated in the first ever back to back triple organ (heart, kidney, liver) transplant marathon in two patients over the span of 48 hours which highlighted the University of Chicago as a world renowned expert in multi-organ transplantation. Dr. Smith is also very involved with medical education and promoting diversity among medical trainees. He is the faculty co-mentor for SNMA and an active member of the University of Chicago Diversity Committee. In 2016, he gave the Bowman Society Junior Faculty Research Lecture and he was also a Pritzker Poetry Contest Winner. He is a dedicated interviewer for the Pritzker School of Medicine and is also a member of the Pritzker admissions committee and the AOA Task Force. He was the 2019 recipient of the Department of Medicine’s Overall Excellence in Clinical Service Award for New Faculty. His research focuses on racial differences in heart failure and heart transplantation, and community interventions to improve heart failure outcomes. He has been the co-author of numerous book chapters and articles, and he continues to work on researching ways to identify and reduce health care disparities in heart failure. β€œCarmel Catholic gave me the best jumpstart I could have asked for in my life and my career. What I remember and value most about my experience is that I was given a supportive, structured, faith-based environment to help me grow and mature.”


Kaye Foley ’07 left her strong Carmel family roots soon after graduating from the University of Illinois to pursue her dreams in New York Cityβ€”television production. Since then, she has had experience working for ABC on This Week, Katie Couric’s daytime talk show and later was a rising star at Yahoo News. She is now a segment producer for HBO’s Emmy winning show, Last Week Tonight with John Oliver. She describes her current position as sort of a satirical β€œdeep dive” into the news of today. β€œI wanted to make a difference in the world. I’m at my dream job!” β€œCarmel taught me to think critically... I still go back and look at some of my folders from classes at Carmel.” She referenced her AP History and AP English classes and says that Mr. Schuster and Mrs. Mueller were key and the combination of those two classes were wonderful. Kaye says Carmel, and specifically the Kairos experience, helped her to learn to put herself in other’s shoes. β€œWe all have a responsibility to be engaged in the world and look beyond ourselves… to know what’s going on in the world. Read a source of news every day. See how the world around you impacts everyone. Be a global citizen. Be engaged. Vote.”

Brian Donahoe ’83 While looking back on his high school days, Brian Donahoe ’83 considered himself an average Carmel student. He was involved with some sports and school activities and discovered he was good at math. His love of math and science led him to computer and engineering degrees from the Milwaukee School of Engineering and ITT culminating in a Masters in Electrical Engineering. His career evolved from a job at Motorola where he was instrumental in the design and development of high tech chips for numerous products; to starting his own business, Digital Design Corporation, an engineering firm specializing in the design of sophisticated echips, circuit boards, and systems used in advanced image processing electronics needed by medical, military, automotive and industrial companies. Brian’s company generously supplied Carmel with new clocks/speakers/PA units now being installed in all of the classrooms. He is also putting these technical and managerial skills to use for Carmel Catholic students as a coach for the internationally successful robotics team, NYAN Robotics. Brian said his oldest son, Daniel ’17, and his friend Kevin Coda ’17 started the Carmel robotics club. β€œThey met in my basement. My son loved to do geeky projects with his friends,” Brian said. As the club started creating more prolific and sophisticated projects with Brian’s mentoring, they decided they wanted to β€œgo pro” and compete against other high school teams. Under Brian’s guidance but with the team doing all the work, the team in its first year went on past state to compete at national

Brian Donahoe ’83 (back row, second from left) and NYAN Robotics team. level competitions against many advanced teams. β€œWe made a lot of mistakes. We all learned together. Creating, building and learning as a group was fun for the team,” he explained. β€œWatching the kids go from having ideas and dreams to having something of value and highly competitive created at the end is exciting. I get to watch them grow regardless of outcome.” In the spring of 2019, the team achieved international recognition for its efforts, winning the finals and championship bout at Ford Field in Detroit for the World Championship, where 160 of the qualifying teams from across the world competed (7,000 teams began the season). This year, the team has left Brian’s basement lab and found a new home in Carmel’s newly redesigned classroom for robotics and the program has expanded to a second team. Along with the expanded commitment to the robotics program, Carmel extended its STEM focused course offerings for college level engineering courses and other science and math programs.

As Brian has grown older he has come to understand how his Carmel experience has had a positive influence on his family and business development and practices. β€œCarmel centered me with values, respect, and ethics when I was a student,” Brian said. He currently works diligently to deal with his employees and customers honestly and openly. These practices even translate into the products his company designs and manufactures. β€œWe really work to create high quality, dependable designs and products for our customers.” Developing a strong sense of ethics is important to Brian which is why he sent his children and nephew to Carmel. Brian explained that he liked the culture present at Carmel when he was a student. β€œThe teachers were good people, and they cared.” He still finds the same mindful and respectful culture for others at Carmel today. He is proud that the robotics team itself is ethically centered. The team strives to work out its own challenges and when they see something wrong, they call it out. Brian loves sharing his skills and passion with the team members. β€œGeeks hanging with geeksβ€”kind of fun,” he said with a smile.


Restricted and Scholarship Gifts, and Memorial Awards Athletic Field Refurbishment Johnson Controls Anthony and Maureen Orsini Boys Basketball Rebecca Belmont Baseball Michael ’78 and Sarah McMahon Slammers Baseball & Softball Training Academy Lake County Lightning Carmel/Threshold Capital Campaign Gregory and Kathleen (Genell ’81) Burns Mark and Shannon Buschman Susan (Hoselton ’88) Manshum Robert and Mary McKay Kevin and Janine (McGrath ’75) Walsh Cheerleading/Poms Uniform Tops Jason and Heather Bonds Joseph and Anne Busky Carolyn Carr Eugene Carr Steve and Susan Cianci Thomas and Patricia (Gaida ’69) Danaher Daniel and Kimberley Dellert Fabian and Jenny LaTocha


Randy and Michelle Madrigal Sandra Fukumoto Daniel and Kara Mehigan Leisa Niemotka Jason and Janette Sfire Jeffrey ’83 and Christine Smith Mark and Teri Spanswick

Fine Arts John and Annette Nikolich

Christopher Norton Kevin ’98 and Kelli (Farina ’97) Nylen James and Carol Schuster Walter and Anne Smith Jacob and Emily (Tourdot ’09) Solarz Milena Stanimirova Sonja Thrush Patricia Van Spankeren ’95 Steve and Paula Watson Carla Wehrheim Alana Wett Jaime White Matthew Zell

Girls Lacrosse Program Selway Foundation

Gymnastics Michael ’98 and Bridget Rapplean

Good Samaritan Fund Harry and Maureen Balzer Richard and Lori Bishop Angelina Castillo Steven and Eileen De Spain Phil and Julie (Stith ’99) Donner Martin and Deborah Eppel Kambra French Carl and Kristen Hansel David and Joyce (Thompson ’89) Haqq Suzanne Huntemann Kyle ’09 and Caitlin Lees

Hockey Liberty Auto City Liberty Auto Plaza

Dance Karen Young

Holy Water Fonts Anonymous Family Richard and Jill Caffarelli Library Knights of Columbus, Assembly 0202 Chalice/Benefit Fund

March for Life Chicago Mary Burke-Farrell ’70 Marching Band Robert ’69 and Susan Trefilek Kathy A. Nemmers Welcome Center Kristina Burkwald Daniel and Pamela Hannon Joseph ’73 and Katherine Reinke Nemmers NYAN Robotics Google Reunion Scholarship Fund 1967 Timothy ’67 and Mary Barnett Robert Connolly ’67 Thomas Digani ’67 Jose and Margaret (Rohr ’67) Duran Michael ’67 and Katherine Geraldi Thomas Hahn ’67 John ’67 and Mary Jo (Lucas ’70) Healy John ’66 and Margaret (Steffenhagen ’67) Janiszewski John and Kathleen (Mertes ’67) Jansen James ’67 and Helen Jonker Ascencion and Suzanne (Mack ’67) Juarez Bruce ’67 and Susan (Sesterhenn ’67) Labno Kathleen Lenzen for Frederick Lenzen ’67 Ernest and Jamie (Crotteau ’67) Lisson Judith Macrowski ’67 Ronald and Marjorie (Foley ’67) Matthews Martin ’67 and Barbara Mazurek Joseph McCormick ’67 Patrick and Ruth Ann (Moroney ’67) McDermott Thomas and Cynthia (Monge ’67) Eaton Gerald Monterastelli ’67 Michael and Susan (Marxer ’67) Murray Charles Newling ’67 Bank of America IBM Corporation Joseph ’67 and Marianne Polito Jerry ’67 and Sally Powell Dorothy Price ’67 Charles ’67 and Wenjun Quinlan David and Linda (Harding ’67) Stroz Wally Suman and Janet Horton ’67 Timothy Thomson ’67 Thomas Tierney ’67 Michael Wagner ’67 Eileen Welsh ’67 Terry and Suzanne (Parr ’67) Wodek Reunion Fund of 1968 James ’68 and Joanne Bader James ’68 and Kaye Beyer Larry ’68 and Judy Boller Douglas Brown ’68 Kevin Corrado ’68

James ’68 and Carole Harrington Victor Kleinheinz ’68 Dorinda (Guzzo ’68) Lambert Stephen and Debbie (Duprey ’68) May Dennis and Mary Beth (Donnellan ’68) Morelli Terri (Guido ’68) Murphy Thomas ’68 and Mary Nenoff Pamela Rapplean ’68 Paul ’68 and Brenda Rettman Laura (Hand ’68) Rockwell Donald Thul ’68 Robert ’68 and Nancy Zamor

Reunion Fund of 1969 Dan Baechle and Kathryn Murphy ’69 John and Karen (Wolff ’69) Barry Anne Blaz ’69 James ’69 and Frances Brown Carl and Nancy (Vanni ’69) Carani Charles ’69 and Terry Ciecko Gary and Patricia (Coates ’69) Colabuono Thomas and Patricia (Gaida ’69) Danaher Timothy ’69 and Christine (Platt ’69) Dunn Robert ’69 and Diana Feid Ronald and Roseann (Sirotek ’69) Feldmann Kenneth and Judith (Bowes ’69) Foy Ellen (Cannon ’69) Gillespie James Griffin ’69 Walter Grom ’69 Gerard ’69 and Caroline Happ Judith (Hevrdejs ’69) King Peter and Susan (Cairns ’69) Holm John and Mary (Dost ’69) Jedele Michael ’68 and Annette (Stiegler ’69) Johnson Jerry Johnston ’69 Richard ’69 and Kathleen Kuhn Steven and Felisa (Salata ’69) Lee Patrick ’69 and Chimai Tran-Luu Mayworm Margaret (Dolan ’69) Nichols Vernon Paddock ’69 Victoria (Deasey ’69) Paddock Thomas Pinkowski ’69 William and Mary (Quinlan ’69) McGrath Robert and Dale (Ciesla ’69) Rosenberg Kirk and Elizabeth (Musser ’69) Samelson Robert and Noreen (Krewer ’69) Scott Steven and Joan (Arfsten ’69) Soerens Jean (Seibert ’69) Sullivan Jerry and Kathryn (Berg ’69) Sullivan Judy (Kindy ’69) Tice Margaret Tierney ’69 Kirk ’68 and Lucinda (Shears ’69) Vistain T.M. and Terri (Wintering ’69) Walters Robert and Carolynn (Newling ’69) Wilson Poms Uniforms Robert and Mary McKay

Liberty Auto Plaza Sara Schroeder Scholarship Fund Jeffrey and Kathleen Burandt Michael and Patricia Graft Michael and Kathleen Graham Cuneo Foundation Vicariate I Youth Ministry Scoreboard Boar’s Head Meats, Windy City Deli Provisions/Robert and Adriene Bates Joseph ’73 and Katherine Reinke Nemmers Illinois Bone & Joint Institute, Ltd. Lake Forest Bank & Trust Company Carlos J. Serna Resource Center Ronald and Cheryl (Globis ’78) DiNella James Pye and Carrie Mouritsen Pye STEM Program Mark and Victoria Mullally AbbVie, Inc. Actual Technologies Rochester Institute of Technology Tennis Paul MacDonald Theater/Drama/Choral Department Suzanne Anderson Jerrold and Caryn Fox Richard Jacob Nick and Amy (Johnson ’87) Junge The Kirk Players Matthew and Elizabeth Reidel Tuba Thaddeus and Joyce Bond Thaddeus ’84 and Julia Mallegg Bond Robert ’88 and Christa Dam CR Search Inc Mark and Jacqueline (Bond ’88) Senger Tuition Assistance Irish Fellowship Foundation Don Van Erden Scholarship in Math and Science The Van Erden Family Fund of the Ayco Charitable Foundation Doc Watson Scholarship Lawrence Watson Wrestling Anonymous Family Patrick ’82 and Marilyn Drennan


Restricted and Scholarship Gifts, and Memorial Awards David and Terri Furrer Kevin and Jennifer (Spaulding ’88) Harris Melissa Miller Mesirow Financial Superior Paving Inc Tracee Perkowski Joseph ’84 and Bridget (Gordon ’86) Salvi Mark and Mary Schwartz Martin Schwartz ’13 Memorial Scholarships Lawrence ’83 and Sharon Dunn In Memory of Fr. Leon Battle Michael ’78 and Mary Ellen Donnelly In Memory of Frank A. Belmont, Jr. Michael ’77 and Karen Belmont Patrick Bender ’07 Patrick ’79 and Beverly Brennan Daniel ’78 and Diane Donnelly Jeffrey Goldstein ’02 Wally Mulvaney ’72 Randall Oberembt ’72 Jeffrey ’83 and Christine Smith Eric P. Bertaud ’88 Scholarship Bertaud Family Foundation BVM Principal’s Scholarship Cardinal Health Foundation Inc Larry and Janene Thompson In Honor of Dr and Mrs John J Donnelly Thomas ’78 and Cindy Donnelly Caitlin M. Duffy Memorial Scholarship Caitlin Duffy Memorial Foundation


Ezyk-Ramos Scholarhship Christopher Ramos Daniel J. Frainey Memorial Scholarship Kevin ’79 and Beverly (Underberg ’80) Quinn Fox Family Freshman Scholarship Jerrold and Caryn Fox In Memory of Barbara J Franklin Thomas ’95 and Lynette Franklin In memory of Gregory Alan Huster Anonymous Rebecca Burright Kurt Duncan Karen Griff Robert and Susan Hilger Jeffrey May and Maia Nam Jim and Christine May Patricia May James Shalek Jessica (Philpott ’96) Simmons Timothy Stasiek ’96 Scott and Julie Vowinkel Lillian E. Kenny Memorial Scholarship Philip and Gaye Kenny In Memory of Randy Kolaczewski Richard and Geraldine Kolaczewski Richard ’84 and Kathy Kolaczewski In Memory of Patrick J. Kurpiewski Kevin and Jennifer Hurley

In Memory of Donald E. Nowak Randolph and Nancy Helms Peter Nowak ’71 In Memory of Jan Herbert β€œBrad” Poling Patricia Spicuzza In memory of JoAnn and Tom Rieger Holly Rieger Curley ’76 In Memory of Robert C. Simon Anonymous Family Polly Andrews Daine Baseley Robert and Catherine Bosshart Richard and Patricia Conklin Google Apps Family-Crystal Rose, Marcus Manfred and Justin Lord Google Match Barry and Margaret Kerber Nancy Laesch Richard and Susan Leigh Noel and Patricia (Ratican ’75) Levasseur Michele Mueller/behalf of my siblings, Lynn and John Simon, and our families James and Vee Nolan George and Joann Seal John and Jennifer Thompson Richard ’82 and Beth Wilson Student Council Scholarships Blood Systems, Inc. In Memory of Leona Toth Donald Patacca In memory of Bud Vance The Vance Family Foundation

Empower Illinois Anonymous Richard and Jill Caffarelli Daniel Colbert Liam and Jane Feely Dennis and Mai Jenke

Joseph and Marisue Lacher Kenneth and Roberta McQuade James ’73 and Mary Miller Fredric and Lynne Strutzel

Gifts In Kind Anonymous Family Jeff and Connie Barhorst Boar’s Head Meats, Windy City Deli Provisions/Robert and Adriene Bates Robert Campbell Fine Portraiture Cappi Quality Painting & Decorating The Cheesecake Factory Chicago Bears Chicago White Sox The Chicago Wolves Chipotle James and Lisa Collin Copper Fiddle Distillery Dick’s Sporting Goods Steve DiNino Golf Egg Harbor Cafe Five Guys Operations, LLC Fresh Green Light Driving School Jeffrey and Susan Gille Glen Flora Tap and Grill Douglas and Susan Hanna Gregory Howland ’84 Jason and Katie Huther Illinois Beach Resort Illinois Holocaust Museum and Education Center Inside Chicago Walking Tours John Ivan and Lynn Draeger-Ivan

John Deere Classic Kemper Lakes Golf Club Kloss Distributing Company Lou Malnati’s Pizzeria Lukes of Mundelein Magical Vacation Planner Marriott Lincolnshire Resort James Martin Associates Modern Home Products Peggy Notebaert Nature Museum Cafe Pomigliano Royal Melbourne Country Club Schaumburg Boomers Shakou RestaurantsCorporate Offices Skeeter Beater Mosquito Control Services Walter and Anne Smith Snap-On Tools Stretched, Inc Tina G’s Top Driver Mark ’68 and Gail (Hoffmann ’71) Wegener Steve and Kim Welborn Wines For Humanity Lidia Wojcik John and Diane Wolf

Wish List This is just a sample of items on Carmel Catholic’s Wish List. For more information, please contact Chief Advancement Officer Alana Wett at awett@carmelhs.org or 847-388-3338. $50 will pay for multiple white board tablets $100 will be used to increase teacher supplies $500 will provide students use of a new chromebook tablet in the classroom $1,000 will pay for painting an entire learning center classroom $5,000 will pay for carpeting in an entire learning center classroom


Murphy Society Named for Fr. David Murphy, O.Carm., the founding principal of Carmel High School for Boys, the Murphy Society recognizes donors who serve as models of support through their regular, yearly contributions to the Carmel Catholic Fund. Murphy Society members are alumni, parents and friends of Carmel Catholic High School who have contributed to the Carmel Catholic Fund for five or more years consecutively. We are extremely grateful to these donors for their steadfast support that reflects Fr. David’s commitment to Catholic education and Carmel values.

20+ Years

Thomas and Catherine (Kasting ’76) Almanzo James ’68 and Joanne Lokay Bader Charles and Teresa Bartels Thaddeus ’84 and Julia Bond Thaddeus and Joyce Bond Gerald and Lois Caslavka Philip Chasin and Rosanne Plescia ’66 J. Robert and Sylvia † Coates Gary and Patricia (Coates ’69) Colabuono James ’75 and Nancy (Miller ’75) Daluga Thomas Digani ’67 Patricia Egel Robert ’87 and Carrie Graham Richard and Judith Hegerle Barry ’72 and Deborah Heinrichs Monte Huber ’90 Richard and Janet † Jacob Ascencion and Suzanne (Mack ’67) Juarez Gerald and Dorinda Kalk Ted and Judith (DeWitt ’76) Kasperczyk Peter Koburov ’82 Roland † and Evelyn Kurfess Kathleen (Shellenberger ’88) Longo and Jay Pluimer Robert and Linda Malloy James and Shirley McGrain Loretta Megwa ’74 Kenneth ’73 and Theresa Mihalka Scott and Nora Murray Richard † and Mary Jean Niemi John and Annette O’Malley Robert ’76 and Amy Perille Thomas ’72 and Ann Perille Stephen ’77 and Amy Ratican Jerome ’74 and Cheryl Rejc Patrick ’71 and Lindy Salvi Mark and Jacqueline (Bond ’88) Senger Edward ’66 and Susan † Skuse Gerald and Michaelinda Trahan Robert ’69 and Susan Trefilek Timothy Trelka ’76 Michael and Jane Waller Thomas ’70 and Pamela Warren

15+ Years

Anonymous Family David ’79 and Peggy (Kloss ’79) Anderson


Harry and Maureen Balzer Brian and Beth (Castricone ’97) Bell Francois and Jeanne Bertaud Holly (Rieger ’76) Curley Michael ’82 and Jeanne DeLacluyse Daniel and Deborah Devitt Joseph and Debra Ferrari Todd and Judith Flessner William and Lois Graham David and Kathryn † Grampovnik Thomas † and Catherine Green Michael and Ann Gumkowski Philip and Gaye Kenny Vernon and Laura Knight Mark † and Catherine (Welling ’86) Knuth Richard and Geraldine Kolaczewski Mark ’78 and Camie Kwasigroch Albert Manshum Susan (Hoselton ’88) Manshum A. William ’79 and Twila Meo Francis and Nancy Ogrinc Patrick ’76 and Marya O’Neill Linda Panszczyk ’78 Thaddeus ’82 and Sharon (Spicuzza ’83) Popielewski Michael ’80 and Lois Scott Poulos Paul ’68 and Brenda Rettman Jeanne Rutledge Mary Beth (Frainey ’75) Santi Lambert and Joan Schommer John and Jill (McEwen ’75) Spude Fredric and Lynne Strutzel John ’78 and Beverly Sweeney Paul ’87 and Rita Washburn Mark ’68 and Gail (Hoffmann ’71) Wegener David and Joanne Weick Paul and Beverly Zack Frank † and Clara Zenzola Joan Zupec

10+ Years

Anonymous David ’89 and Michele Bertaud Kevin and Melinda (Urban ’00) Braun Michael and Christine (Henderson ’81) Burke Timothy and Jennifer (Slater ’90) Burkhalter Mary Byrne ’72 Timothy Colter and Debra Fluno

Bradley Percy and Carmella (D’Incognito ’96) Percy Robert and Angela (Sturgeon ’84) Fiore Jerrold and Caryn Fox Ronald ’89 and Lisa (Rohleder ’89) Freeman Julie Goodman ’85 Robert and Christine (Schmidt ’87) Handel Kevin † and Patricia (Bockwinkel ’74) Happ Dr. Robert and Rev. Amy Heinrich Suzanne Huntemann Matthew ’87 and Rachel Maher Joseph and Margaret Massarelli William and Joan Passolt David and Jennifer (Dille ’00) Penney Ronald and Linda Schmits Hon. Mary Schostok (Mary Seminara) Dr. Jay, V ’91 and Anna Sharp Andrew ’97 and Ann Stith Thomas ’79 and Marisa Varney Andrew and Margaret Warzecha Lawrence Watson Hugh and Diane Zentmyer Dennis and Lorraine Zonsius

5+ Years

Anonymous (3) Donny ’90 and Sheryl (Jachowski ’90) Anderson Rev. Timothy P. Andres, O.Carm ’76 Daniel Arvidson ’97 Kenneth and Laura (Walker ’89) Bair Arthur ’70 and JoAnne Baker Jeff and Connie Barhorst Keith ’82 and Jean Bartz Daniel and Jill Belmont Mark Chamberlin and Julie (Berger ’93) Chamberlin Richard and Lori Bishop Hans Michael ’89 and Mary Emily Bjorkman Carl Eric ’89 and Michelle (Nutschnig ’89) Bodo Bradley and Margaret Bonham Stephen Braat Norbert and Patricia Bries James ’69 and Frances Brown Marietta Bufalino-Devitt Mark and Shannon Buschman Richard and Jill Caffarelli

Murphy Society Richard and Patricia Caffarelli Daniel ’00 and Cory (Bocik ’00) Cameron Richard ’84 and Carol Carani Dolores Cavenaugh Patrick and Rebecca Cepon Andrew ’82 and Kathleen Chiero Terry ’66 and Ruth Church Anthony ’93 and Jaime (Wegener ’93) Clesceri Daniel Colbert Paul and Carole Coleman Thomas † and Rosemary Collard John † and Jane Conarchy John and Diane Csiha Louis and Debra Day Steven and Eileen De Spain Bruce and Beverly Dille Bruce and Molly Dir Edward and Shirley † Donahoe Michael and Megan (Smith ’98) Donnelly Craig and Nanette (Tako ’89) Donton Patrick ’82 and Marilyn Drennan Michael and Vicki (Ori ’95) Drew Richard and Susan Duffy James and Karen (Gibbs ’80) Fayen Raymond and Tammy Feeney Jeffrey ’89 and Cindy Feinendegen Edward and Maria † Filippini J. Thomas ’80 and Maren Finnegan Charles ’73 and Marilena (Bernardi ’76) Fiore David and Mary Gaines Michael ’67 and Kimberly Gavigan Michael ’67 and Katherine Geraldi William and Michelle Giambrone Ryan ’95 and Regina Gibbons Derrick Gingery ’94 Alvin and Barbara Goodman Michael and Jennifer Greeby Joseph Green ’68 Rudolph Grom ’71 Edward and Patricia Gromala Marcia Grzesiak Gregory and Marilyn Halper Patrick ’88 and Jennifer Halverson Gerard ’69 and Caroline Happ George and Denise Hefner Paul and Therese Hernandez Wesley and Virgina Herring Paul and Yvonne Herring Timothy and Margaret Herron Jerome and Ann Marie Higgins Donald † and Helen Hintz Ralph and Sheryl Hoffman Guy and Eileen (Hoffman ’76) Goodwin John and Valerie Holaday

Heraclio and Karen Holguin Peter and Susan (Cairns ’69) Holm Roger and Mary Hoselton Kevin and Jennifer Hurley John Ivan and Lynn Draeger-Ivan Charles and Valerie (Ford ’71) Jacob Richard and Susan Kadowaki Michael † and Kathryn Karrigan James and Joellen (Zannini ’72) Kaster Kenneth and Jennifer (Jicha ’83) Katz Thomas and Susan Kegel Richard and JoAnn Kimbel Christopher and Pamela Kompare Ken Kordick Kevin and Irene (Raupp ’80) Krempely George ’66 and Carol Krempley Joseph and Marisue Lacher Fabian and Jenny LaTocha Daniel and Rebecca (Ledezma ’89) Leskovec Noel and Patricia (Ratican ’75) Levasseur John and Donna (Howland ’81) Lobaito Sean and Valerie Lynch James and Jennifer Machala Judith Macrowski ’67 John and Margaret Massarelli Kenneth ’79 and Lori Massaroni Charles ’87 and Ellen May Jeffrey and Jane May Martin ’67 and Barbara Mazurek Dan and Magdalena (Carrizales ’70) McElroy Fr. Peter McGarry, O.Carm. Timothy McGrain ’85 Robert and Mary McKay Kenneth and Roberta McQuade Daniel and Kara Mehigan James ’73 and Mary Miller Melissa Miller Glenn ’66 and Donna Mordini James ’83 and Marlene Neuroth Charles Newling ’67 Janice Nichol Anatoliy and Vitaliya Oleksyn Harold and Catherine Olson Julie (Farrell ’89) Osborne Scott and Sharon Ozmun Mark and Cathy Parrish Mark and Christine Perrelle David and Nancy Pierce Edward and Heather Pietschmann Thomas and Doreen Potter Joseph and Joyce Ptasienski Michael and Madelon Queenan Charles ’67 and Wenjun Quinlan Christopher Ramos and Terre Ezyk †

Mark ’87 and Marguerite (Keller ’87) Rapplean Luciano † and Rita Rattin Anthony Recchia Matthew and Elizabeth Reidel Edward and Nancy Reidy Ricardo † and Kathryn Rivera John and Maureen Rizzo William ’70 and Patricia Roberts Mark ’75 and Patricia Rohling William and Pandora (Fillipp ’90) Rouleau Gregory ’80 and Heather Rusk Vincent and Sharon Ryan Jay Schedler and Sherry Schedler-Kim Thomas and Denise Sebastiano James † and Alice Seitz Louis and Patricia Sharp Andrey Shinkarev and Yelena Utkina Christian and Janet Silge Dixon and Terry Slater Stefan and Magdalena Slowinski Charles and Michele Smith Walter and Anne Smith Edna Smyth Jacob and Emily (Tourdot ’09) Solarz Angela Somodi Virginia Stone William and Angelica Sturm Peter Tarcha and Elizabeth Cozzi J.J. and Rita (Simon ’84) Tarpey Jon ’77 and Laura Thorsen Peter and Susan Tomko John ’76 and Melissa Torres Cynthia Wait ’73 and Anil Khurana Randall and Diane (Bartholomae ’84) Walkowiak Kevin and Janine (McGrath ’75) Walsh Thomas and Joan Weber Frederick and Mary Wheeler Robert and Janell Winters William Zadell and Kelly Niesen-Zadell Manley † and Margaret Zanco Thomas and Susan Zimmer David and Soledad Zitzewitz Ed and Joann Zych


A Carmel Catholic Legacy: The Swindell Family

Frank Swindell Jr. ’81, Cindy (Amato) Swindell ’82, Jacqueline ’08, Frankie ’10, Megan ’11, Rachel ’13, Anthony ’15, Kelly ’18, Vincent ’20 We were raised Catholic and are alums of Carmel Catholic. We believe in Catholic education and feel that it is important to provide an opportunity for our children to learn and grow in a Christ-centered environment. All seven of our children have attended Carmel Catholic and this upcoming school year our youngest will graduate with the class of 2020. We are grateful for the experiences that we have had and know that our children value the education they received at Carmel Catholic. They know that their teachers believed in them and cared about them as individuals. They grew to be part of a community that fosters life-long friendships and life-long learning. A Carmel Catholic education helps students grow in their faith. Our children experienced daily prayer, monthly mass, yearly retreats, and a variety of religion classes that provided dialogue to help them better understand their faith. They were instructed in the Catechism and the Bible as well. This knowledge has helped them throughout their college years and beyond, to face challenges with a sense of confidence and to make good decisions rooted in truth along the way. All of these experiences have allowed them to apply what they learned in the classroom to their everyday life as Christians. The Carmel Catholic community fosters individual growth by encouraging students to join the many


sports, clubs, and extracurricular activities that are available to meet the needs of everyone. For example, our children participated in varsity sports, intramural sports, clubs, Street Scenes, service projects, and a variety of leadership groups. It was the goal of all the three Swindell boys to follow in their father’s footsteps and become state qualifiers in wrestling at Carmel. This year that goal was realized for them. Over many years of hard work and dedication to the sport, Carmel provided the positive environment to help each of them reach their potential and make that dream come true. They were also challenged academically due to the leveled classes and were able to tailor their course load to meet their specific needs. They knew their teachers and counselors cared about them and wanted them to succeed. Their successes and failures at Carmel have strengthened them as young men and women, who are now able to pass on the individual gifts they have been given along the way. We trust and believe in the teachers and people at Carmel Catholic who influence our children daily. We know that they believe in our children and continually inspire them to be their best and encourage them to love and serve others, and most importantly, God!

Kelly Circle Donors who have made Carmel Catholic High School a beneficiary in their estate plans become members of the Kelly Circle in recognition of their commitment to the continuation of Carmel Catholic’s mission. Sr. Mary Cecil Kelly, BVM was the first principal of Carmel High School for Girls. Her gifts of deep Christian faith, academic innovation and community spirit helped shape the traditions of Carmel Catholic High School. Kelly Circle donors sustain Sr. Kelly’s legacy of commitment and leadership by providing financial support for generations of students. Anonymous (2) Walter and Marianne Barker Charles and Teresa Bartels Brian and Beth (Castricone ’97) Bell Marlene Benjamin Thaddeus, Jr. ’84 and Julia Bond Thaddeus, Sr. and Joyce Bond Holly (Rieger ’76) Curley Daniel and Deborah Devitt

James and Kristine † Fitzsimmons ’70 Richard ’67 and Carol Gedman Robert ’85 and Tamara Hoffman Bill and Penny (Pasquesi ’66) Kuhnmuench Kevin ’79 and Ana Maria McGuan Anthony ’72 and Andrea (Smith ’72) Moree Lawrence ’72 and Dawn Neal Joseph ’73 and Katherine Reinke Nemmers Charles Newling ’67

B. Tucker and Cheryle Olson Christopher Ramos and Terre Ezyk† Christopher Raspante ’80 Jerald † and Carol † Schmitt Mark and Jacqueline (Bond ’88) Senger David † and Lori (Esser ’78) Short Lawrence Watson Paul ’83 and Jackie Zudyk


Celebrat e CARMEL our community β€’ our values β€’ our fut ure

SATURDAY, MARCH 14, 2020 More information will be available at

CARMELHS.ORG/CELEBRATECARMEL/ Guests will enjoy an unforgettable evening of food, drinks, music, and auctions to benefit school programs and scholarships.


Round 2 2 ofofthethe Class Competition? ReadyReady for for Round Class Competition? Coming soon...

THE ALUMNI DERBY A giving challenge for class bragging rights

Spring 2020 46

Which class has the fastest horse? Which class has the fastest horse?

Class of 2019 College Acceptances Albion College American University Arizona State University Auburn University Augustana College Ball State University Baylor University Belmont University Beloit College Berklee College of Music Boston College Boston University Bowling Green State University Bradley University Butler University California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo California State University, Long Beach Carroll University (Wisconsin) Carthage College Case Western Reserve University Centre College Clarke University Clemson University Coastal Carolina University College of Charleston College of Lake County Colorado School of Mines Colorado State University Columbia College Chicago Creighton University Denison University DePaul University Drake University Drexel University Duke University Earlham College Eastern Illinois University Elmhurst College Florida Gulf Coast University Florida State University Fordham University

Georgia Institute of Technology Grambling State University High Point University Hofstra University Illinois Institute of Technology Illinois State University Indiana University Iowa State University Jacksonville University John Carroll University Kansas State University Kent State University Knox College Lake Forest College Lawrence University Lewis University Loras College Loyola Marymount University Loyola University Chicago Macalester College Marist College Marquette University Miami University, Oxford Michigan State University Michigan Technological University Milwaukee School of Engineering Minot State University Missouri State University New York University North Carolina State University Northeastern University Northern Illinois University Northern Michigan University Northwestern University Oberlin Conservatory of Music Oklahoma State University Olivet Nazarene University Pennsylvania State University Pepperdine University Providence College Purdue University Robert Morris University Illinois

Rockhurst University Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology Saint Louis University Saint Mary’s College Santa Clara University Savannah College of Art and Design Seattle University Seton Hall University Sewanee: The University of the South Southeast Missouri State University Southern Illinois University Edwardsville Southern Illinois University, Carbondale Southern Methodist University St. Ambrose University St. John’s University St. Norbert College St. Olaf College Stetson University Syracuse University Temple University Texas A&M University Texas Christian University Texas Tech University The Catholic University of America The George Washington University The Ohio State University The University of Alabama The University of Arizona The University of Iowa The University of Oklahoma Tulane University University at Buffalo The State University of New York University College Dublin University of California, Berkeley University of California, Santa Barbara University of Central Florida University of Colorado at Boulder University of Connecticut University of Dallas University of Dayton University of Delaware

University of Denver University of Florida University of Georgia University of Illinois at Chicago University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign University of Indianapolis University of Kansas University of Kentucky University of Louisville University of Massachusetts, Amherst University of Michigan University of Minnesota, Duluth University of Minnesota, Twin Cities University of Mississippi University of Missouri University of Nebraska at Lincoln University of Nevada, Las Vegas University of New Hampshire at Durham University of Notre Dame University of Oregon University of Pennsylvania University of Portland University of San Francisco University of South Carolina - Columbia University of South Florida University of St. Thomas University of St. Thomas - St. Paul University of Tennessee, Knoxville University of Vermont University of Washington University of Wisconsin, La Crosse University of Wisconsin, Madison University of Wisconsin, Milwaukee University of Wisconsin, Whitewater University of Wyoming Villanova University Virginia Tech Washington and Lee University Western Michigan University Willamette University Xavier University York College

Class of 2019 By The Numbers 291 TOTAL STUDENTS In-State College Choices: 62 4 Yr. Public University: 26 4 Yr. Private University: 25 2 Yr. College: 11 Out-of-State College Choices: 226 4 Yr. Public University: 130 4 Yr. Private University: 89 2 Yr. College: 7 Other: 3 Active Duty Military: 1 Unknown College Choice: 2

β€’ 100% graduation rate β€’ 99% college bound; heading off to nearly 110 colleges and universities nationwide β€’ Nearly $44.5 million in college scholarships awarded β€’ 100% performed community service work – nearly 41,000 hours of service were performed by the school last year β€’ Average ACT score: 25.7 β€’ National Merit Finalists: 2 β€’ National Merit Commended Scholars: 4 β€’ National Advanced Placement Scholars: 5

β€’ Illinois State Scholars: 84 β€’ Advanced Placement Scholars with Distinction: 17 β€’ Advanced Placement Scholars with Honors: 13 β€’ Advanced Placement Scholars: 29 β€’ IHSA Academic Achievement Athletes: 75 β€’ East Suburban Catholic Conference (ESCC) Scholar Athletes: 20 β€’ National Honor Society Members: 95 β€’ Legacy Graduates β€” children of Carmel Catholic alumni: 46 β€’ Four years perfect attendance: 2


Interviews, Writing, Design, Editing and Data Compilations by: Courtney Ciampi, Director of Donor Relations Ken Kordick, Director of Alumni Relations Caitlin Lees, Associate Director of Communications Mike Looby, Major Gifts Officer Sarah OΓ’€™Donnell, Publications Coordinator Milena Stanimirova, Data Services Coordinator Alana Wett, Chief Advancement Officer Please contact Alana Wett, Chief Advancement Officer, at (847)388-3338 or awett@carmelhs.org with any questions about this Annual Report or giving to Carmel Catholic High School.

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