2020-2021 Annual Report

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Annual Report 2020-2021

Mission Centered in Jesus Christ, Carmel Catholic is a college preparatory high school, empowering students to be servant leaders filled with zeal for faith and scholarship. Rooted in the charisms of the Order of Carmelites and the Sisters of Charity of the Blessed Virgin Mary, our Catholic community embraces a tradition of dignity, diversity, and justice.

History Founded in 1962, Carmel Catholic is jointly sponsored by the Order of Carmelites (O.Carm.) and the Sisters of Charity of the Blessed Virgin Mary (BVM). In 1960, the Archdiocese of Chicago invited these two religious communities to build a co-institutional Catholic high school in Lake County. In September 1962, Carmel High School for Boys opened its doors to a freshmen class of 175 students. In September 1963, Carmel High School for Girls admitted students. In August 1988, the two schools merged and a separate corporation was established for the new co-educational school. For more than 50 years Carmel Catholic High School has been committed to providing a quality Catholic education and forming young men and women to make a positive impact in society.

Carmel Catholic Leadership 2020-2021 Board of Members

2020-2021 Board of Directors

Sr. Teri Hadro, BVM, Co-Chair Rev. Carl Markelz, O.Carm., Co-Chair

Mr. Rich Caffarelli, Chair Mr. Ric Elert, Vice Chair Mrs. Marisue Lacher, Secretary Dr. Brad Bonham (ex-officio)

Rev. Robert Colaresi, O.Carm. Sr. Karen Conover, BVM Sr. Kate Hendel, BVM Br. Daryl Moresco, O.Carm.

2020-2021 Administration Dr. Brad Bonham, Ph.D., President Mr. Jason Huther, Principal Mr. Brian Blaszczyk, Chief Technology Officer Mrs. Kambra French, Director of Mission Effectiveness Mr. John Sheehy, Chief Financial Officer Mr. Brian Stith ‘01, Chief Enrollment and Advancement Officer


Mr. Charles Bartels Mr. Jerrold Fox Sr. Margaret Geraghty, BVM Ms. Julie Goodman ‘85 Rev. Gregory Houck, O.Carm. Mr. Kenya Jackson Mrs. Donna Lobaito, ‘81 Mrs. Roberta McQuade Br. Thomas Murphy, O.Carm Ms. Hillary O’Toole ‘11 Mr. Michael Poulos ‘80 Mr. Chris Salvi ‘08 Hon. Mary Schostok Rev. Jeffery Smialek, O.Carm. Sr. Carol Spiegel, BVM

Letter from Brad Bonham, President

You will never do anything in this world without courage. It is the greatest quality of the mind next to honor. - Aristotle Much of what I have read and seen related to courage often applies to facing adversity despite challenges, nay-sayers, and those who criticize and critique. At Carmel Catholic, we communicate the importance of courage to our student body. Courage was shown by our BVM and Carmelite founders, who chose to move forward to do God’s work despite the many dangers and challenges ahead. Our current student body faces many obstacles, as well. Some struggle with poverty, others battle depression and anxiety, while others face challenges in their own unique way. Yet, they still persevere and move forward. Throughout this publication, you will find that many of the people listed have courage and honor. Often, we think of our donors with the single virtue of generosity. This is true, but there is much more! The courage to give so generously for a cause or a mission such as Carmel Catholic is admirable. Every donor has their story, and all have sacrificed in their own way for the betterment of others. The courage to give and contribute so that others have a better life with the Lord is fundamentally our true purpose in this earthly life. If not, then what other great purpose is there? As you read this annual report, I ask that you pray for every courageous person in this publication. Each gave and sacrificed in their own way to glorify God and to make the world a better place. Know that you have our prayers and that we will always be indebted to you for your support. In Christ’s peace, Brad Bonham, Ph.D. President


2020/2021 Financial Highlights Revenues Tuition and fees Advancement and fundraising Bookstore, food service, bus and parking Student activities Auxiliary revenue Total Revenue

$14,134,985 $1,835,495 $3,509 $236,057 $2,188,159

76.83% 9.98% 0.02% 1.28% 11.89%



Advancement, Gifts, and Fundraising - Net Tuition


Tuition and fees



Advancement and fundraising Bookstore, food service, bus and parking

Annual Fund AuxRestricted Gifts Street Scenes Walkathon Government Grant Total Advancement, Gifts and Fundraising - Net

Student activities Auxiliary revenue

$338,691 $1,149,184 $247,298 $86,849 $13,473

1.84% 6.25% 1.35% 0.47% 0.07%



$2,374,661 $7,529,835 $1,088,554 $2,035,913 $150,823 $1,409,155 $2,421,200 $1,342,409 $533,905 -$488,250

12.91% 40.93% 5.92% 11.06% 0.82% 7.66% 13.16% 7.29% 2.90% -2.65%



Expenditures Administrative Instructional Plant operation Benefits Bookstore, food service, bus and parking Student activities Scholarship/Financial aid Depreciation Interest Transfer from Endowments Total Expenditures

Student activities

Administrative Administrative Student activ

Instructional Instructional scholarship

Plant operation

Plant Op


Benefits Bookstore, food service, bus and parking


Scholarship/financial Benefits Bookstore aid Interest

Depreciation Interest



Donor Spotlights Through the generosity, commitment and vision of our donors Carmel Catholic continues to grow, thrive and be one of the best Catholic high schools in all of Illinois. Throughout the pages of this publication, learn more about these parents, alumni, staff and friends who support Carmel. We could not do it without the amazing support and commitment of these leaders in philanthropy.

Overseeing a company with almost 9,000 employees yet operating it as if it were a startup and wanting all your workers to have a sense of belonging speaks volumes to the way Carmel Catholic’s Chairman of the Board of Directors, Ric Elert, rolls. A Milwaukee area native and University of Wisconsin-Madison graduate, given all the time he donates to helping Carmel, you may be surprised that Ric himself was not a Corsair. His history with our school started later in life, when he was dating Carmel alumna Lisa Tagli ’88, one of three Tagli sisters who graduated from Carmel. The two have been married for 25 years and have four children, three of whom have already completed their Carmel Catholic education and Molly, who is a senior. “Lisa is the reason I got introduced to Carmel,” recalls Ric, who laughs: “I went with her and six of her Carmel friends to Street Scenes. It was the greatest high school event I had ever attended and left an impression on me that things are really different here at Carmel.” As the Chairman of Carmel Catholic’s Board of Directors, and father of what will soon be four Carmel graduates, Ric recognizes the value of a Carmel Catholic education. “A factor in why I spend the time I do with Carmel is because I see graduates years later and notice how they have built on their Carmel foundation to become confident, compassionate and successful,” he says. “Every year our school is putting 300 kids who are just quality people on their way to the next step in their education. You feel a sense of confidence knowing that you’re putting them out in the world and that they are going to be successful, respectful, and going to do great things in the world. I just feel so strongly about the caliber of young adults that graduate from Carmel. Serving in a volunteer capacity just makes me feel like I’m doing the world a better service just by continuing that legacy and continuing to help it grow.”

Ric Elert Among the reasons Ric continues his ongoing support of Carmel is a strong belief in working with organizations that help give kids a chance to be great. In terms of investment of time, money and resources, he says he can’t think of anything better than making sure young people have all the opportunities in the world. As for the future, Ric would like to see our tight knit community grow even stronger in the coming years, never losing that sense of community that has made Carmel the world class school that it is. “I don’t know where else I would want to spend my time. It is kind of infectious when you start getting involved and interact with the faculty, staff, and the kids and hear their stories. Being able to see the impact of our work as a board has just been so incredible.”

“I just feel so strongly about the caliber of young adults that graduate from Carmel.” 5

Carmel Catholic High School 2020-2021 Fundraising Highlights

Walkathon Each spring for the past 42 years, Carmel Catholic students have walked as a community for our annual Walkathon in an effort to raise funds for projects and programs that directly impact the lives of our students. For the first time, the Walkathon was combined with Wellness Day and held on April 28, 2021, at the University of St. Mary of the Lake/Mundelein Seminary. The rain didn’t stop the fun that was had the day of the event with students raising over $93,000 towards The Mary Frances Clarke Spiritual Center and The Outdoor Gathering Space. Students can enjoy these spaces for reflective thought, classroom discussions, meetings, and prayer. The next Walkathon/ Wellness Day will be on May 13, 2022.

Carmel Catholic Golf Classic The 2021 Carmel Catholic Golf Classic was a great success! We were excited to return the outing to the top-rated Glen Flora Country Club. Golfers were treated to lunch, a round of golf, engaging games, pig roast with an open bar, and highly sought-after raffle prizes. With the help of many sponsors and the support of over 100 golfers and dinner guests, the Carmel Golf Classic was able to support families that have experienced financial hardship, assist students who have lost a parent during their time at Carmel Catholic, and helped bridge the tuition gap of $1,205 per student. All had a good time! Please save the date for our next golf outing, to be held on June 6, 2022, at Glen Flora Country Club.

Queen of Hearts

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Carmel Catholic High School

2021 Queen of Hearts Raffle

Carmel’s first-ever Queen of Hearts 50/50 Raffle was wildly successful, with the jackpot reaching $61,690 as of June 30, 2021, with more than $10,000 paid out to lucky winners! Ticket sales kicked off on February 11, 2021, to benefit tuition assistance and student programming. To find out when the Queen decided to reveal herself and how much the winner took home, visit carmelhs.org/ queenofhearts/. The Queen of Hearts is part of Street Scenes and will again make an appearance in 2022. Thank you to all that played this popular game of chance!

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Street Scenes Street Scenes 2021 was one for the record book; in the 47 years of the event, never has it been virtual! With our great group of volunteers, we were able to not only pull off a successful event but an engaging experience to include people from all over the world. We were able to feature many of the bands who have supported us throughout the years of Street Scenes. We connected with previous volunteers to hear stories of the past, and we featured some of our student groups, including our traditional Student Show. Street Scenes “Home Sweet Home” raised over $260,000 between donations, the silent auction, swag sales, restaurant kickbacks, and our ad book. Due to the pandemic, this year, we are moving our main Street Scenes event outdoors to July 16 & 17, 2022, to align with our 60th anniversary and the Feast of Our Lady of Mt. Carmel. Our beloved student show will continue to be showcased on our traditional dates of February 10-12, 2022. Don’t hesitate to get in touch with Michelle Ptasienski with any Street Scenes questions at mptasienski@carmelhs.org.

Brunch at the Brandsma On a beautiful sunny April day, guests enjoyed a delicious brunch, followed by Director of Mission Effectiveness and Campus Ministry, Kambra French, speaking on the history of the Blessed Titus Brandsma Chapel and how Carmel Catholic plans to preserve and transform this sacred place into a timeless aesthetic worthy of the celebration of the Eucharist.

Celebrates Carmel’s


A Waukegan native, she has five brothers, two of whom attended Waukegan High School. Her parents would offer the other four children the option of attending Carmel, which resulted in 1981, 1982, 1985, and 1986 graduates.

Julie Goodman ’85 Julie ’85 fondly recalls her time at Carmel among the best years of her life. A donor at first, Julie began her volunteering by helping during Street Scenes. Today, she is on three separate committees and continues to donate her time volunteering at several events every year. “Being at school as often as I am and feeling that sense of excitement and pride from the students, that is by far what has spurred me to continue to give back,” says Julie. As senior vice president and loan administration and closing manager at Associated Bank, Carmel Catholic has been blessed to have Julie provide assistance and oversight to its investment, advancement and finance committees.

“One of the best things I’ve ever experienced is the Big Sister/ Little Sister program. I had a big sister who had a real sister that was also a freshman my first year here,” Julie recalls. “It helped us get to know other kids who were attending Carmel and was the start of a wonderful and lifelong friend group. As a result of this program, there is a group of ‘85 graduates from the girls’ school who have been getting together for brunch on the Saturday after Thanksgiving for 30+ years.” “For me, that was one of the best things that ever happened in high school and the first time I felt the sense of community that everyone raves about here.” “I also volunteer for Street Scenes and on the Open House days because I love to see new students. I’m proud to say I went here and that the school continues to do great work. Whenever there is a need for something I usually get a call and if I can afford the time, I will volunteer my services.” Julie understands that being a student at Carmel is not just necessarily about reading, writing, and arithmetic. She says the

experience goes far beyond just education and that the young men and women learn how to survive and thrive in a community. “They experience a community supporting them and in turn they learn to support others. They then provide that experience every where they go - to college, to their careers, and back to their families.” Motivating Julie even further is the excitement that is created from the students, the faculty and administration, and how everyone has such a positive attitude and a willingness to respond to do whatever is needed to make Carmel a world-class high school. “Anytime I’m at school, whether it’s a Mass or even just walking in the halls, the kids’ reaction to you shows that they are excited to be there and are excited that you are there. There’s simply a vitality that radiates from the school and it energizes me every time I’m at a meeting or attending an event.” As an integral member of the Carmel Catholic Board of Directors, Julie is on a mission to ensure every student is afforded the opportunity to go to Carmel. “What is provided for the kids who attend Carmel is so much more than they get anywhere else,” she says. “The feeling of community; the sense that every student is special not only here at Carmel but also in the world. That is what continues to motivate me to action.”

“There’s simply a vitality that radiates from the school and it energizes me every time I’m at a meeting or attending an event.” 8

Lifetime Giving The four Lifetime Giving Societies take their names from the Carmel Catholic High School crest of 2007. Introduced in 2007-08, the same school year the Lifetime Giving Society was founded, the names reflect the essence of a Carmel Catholic education – knowledge, community, faith and tradition.

Founders’ Society $1,000,000+ The Estate of Arthur M. Baker, Jr. Joseph ‘73 and Katherine Reinke Nemmers

Heart and Crown Society $600,000 – $999,999 Sisters of Charity of the Blessed Virgin Mary

Ivy Society $300,000 – $599,999 Anonymous Abbott Laboratories Peter A. Baker † Cuneo Foundation Janet Hesse † Scott and Nora Murray Order of Carmelites Rondout Improvement Co. Patrick ’71 and Lindy Salvi ViBern Foundation

Lamp Society $100,000 – $299,999 Anonymous (4) Arthur Baker Estate Charles and Teresa Bartels Bertaud Family Foundation Douglas Brown ’68 Richard J. † and Rita Brown † The Bruning Foundation Richard and Jill Caffarelli Louis ’76 and Gloria Cairo Fr. Robert Carroll, O.Carm. Jerrold and Caryn Fox Adolph and Eleanor Glabowicz Foundation Julie Goodman ’85 Robert and Gina Hickey James and Diane Hohmann Paul and Michele Kelly/The Kelly Foundation Margaret May † Sr. Mary Frances McLaughlin, BVM Scott and Sharon Ozmun/Selway Foundation Robert ’76 and Amy Perille James M. Ragen Memorial Fund W.W.Grainger


Donors to Carmel Catholic High School Carmel Catholic High School relies on the generosity of our donors—alumni, parents, grandparents and friends of Carmel—to sustain Catholic secondary education rooted in the traditions of the Carmelites and the Sisters of Charity of the Blessed Virgin Mary. We gratefully acknowledge each of these contributors who have given their gifts in support of Carmel’s mission to empower our students to be servant leaders filled with zeal for faith and scholarship. This lists reflects all contributions made to Carmel Catholic High School between July 1, 2020 and June 30, 2021. We also remember those donors who gave generously to Carmel during their lifetime and have passed away by designating them with a †. We regret any errors or omissions that may remain following our careful review, and ask that you kindly let us know so that we may correct them in future publications.

President’s Circle President’s Circle members are notable philanthropic leaders of our community.


Anonymous Richard and Jill Caffarelli Cuneo Foundation Illinois Bone & Joint, LLC Kenya and Kelly Jackson James ’73 and Mary Miller Scott and Nora Murray Frank Naeymi-Rad and Theresa Kepic ’68

Joseph ‘73 and Katherine Reinke Nemmers Patrick ’71 and Lindy Salvi Ronald and Linda † Schmits Sisters of Charity of the Blessed Virgin Mary The Kelly Foundation / Paul and Michele Kelly The Van Erden Family Fund of the Ayco Charitable Fund Lawrence † and Diane Whittier

Blessed Titus Brandsma Circle These members reflect the unwavering Carmelite commitment as was evident in the life of the Blessed Titus Brandsma, Carmelite martyr.

$15,000 – $19,999

James ’75 and Nancy (Miller ’75) Daluga Massarelli Charitable Foundation/Joseph and Margaret Massarelli

Order of Carmelites

A Look Back at 2020-2021 July 2020 Carmel Catholic hosts six in-person Class of 2020 graduations outside at Baker Stadium.


August 2020 Committed to in-person learning, Carmel Catholic began the school year in hybrid fashion with three different learning cohorts.

Donors to Carmel Catholic High School Mary Frances Clarke Circle Mary Frances Clarke Circle members share BVM Sisters’ foundress, Mary Frances Clarke’s vision and belief in the value of Catholic education.

$10,000 – $14,999 Anonymous (1) Abbott Laboratories Roger ’82 and Kaaryn Cagann Phillip and Treacy Cutting Gregory and Nancy Ann Fehn

Grand Foundation Julie Goodman ’85 Joseph and Marisue Lacher Donald † and Paulette Van Erden W.W.Grainger

Scholar’s Circle Scholar’s Circle members’ support enables the administration to provide the best possible academic experience and environment for all students.

In November 2020, Carmel entered a strategic partnership with Health Performance Institute (HPI), the personal training and strength and conditioning branch of Illinois Bone and Joint Institute (IBJI). HPI has full-time, boots-onthe-ground fitness training professionals leading various Carmel health, fitness and strength programs.

$5,000 – $9,999

Anonymous (1) AbbVie, Inc. Berger Excavating Contractors, Inc. Bertaud Family Foundation/Francois and Jeanne Bertaud Blu Petroleum, Inc. Steve Kemmet and Lisa Carnes Corinne L. Dodero Foundaton for the Arts & Science Edward and Maria † Filippini John and Monica Frels Google Michael and Patricia Graft Irish Fellowship Foundation Iskalis American Floor Show, Inc. Lake Forest Bank & Trust Company Law Offices of Thaddeus M Bond, Jr. & Associates Matthew Zell Family Foundation/ Matthew Zell

Daniel and Charlotte (Szostak ’77) McLaughlin Caralyn Migely Gary ’74 and Nicole Nemmers John and Annette Nikolich Matthew and Ginny Noble Anthony and Maureen Orsini Julie (Farrell ’89) Osborne/ The Farrel Family Fund Todd and Katherine Roesler Samuel J. & Connie M. Frankino Charitable Foundation Bert and Joan Schommer Hon. Mary Schostok Veronica Swanson ’82 The Bruning Foundation The Tracy Family Foundation The William R. Johnson Family Foundation

September 2020 Kathy A. Nemmers Welcome Center opens to the Carmel Catholic community.

Fun Fact

October 2020 Carmel Catholic partners with Youth & Family Counseling of Libertyville to provide affordable professional counseling services to students.


Donors to Carmel Catholic High School Benefactor’s Circle Benefactor’s circle members make a growing commitment to partner in the advancement of Carmel’s mission to provide the best possible educational experience.

$2,500 – $4,999

Carmel is blessed to be among a handful of high schools nationally to have a head football coach with NFL experience. Jason McKie has taken the reigns of the Corsair football program for his first full season as head coach and has made an immediate impact on our young men both on and off of the field.

Arthur ’70 and JoAnne Baker Harry and Maureen Balzer Mary Ellen Biell Thaddeus ’84 and Julia Bond Brad and Margaret Bonham Charles and Elizabeth Brock Burris Equipment Company Deniz and Christina Caglar Declan Drumm Sullivan Memorial Fund Michael and Joanne Dulen Forte Analytics Fortune Restoration William and Michele Giambrone Milo and Mary Beth Harrison Illinois Glassworks LLC S. Todd and Anne Jensen Liam White Insurance Inc.

Erwin ’98 and Frances Mangubat Kenneth and Roberta McQuade James Pye and Carrie Mouritsen Pye Mark and Victoria Mullally Francis and Nancy Ogrinc O’Reilly’s Furniture, Inc. Michael ’80 and Lois Poulos Christian and Janet Silge Patrick ’76 and Cynthia Smith John and Jill (McEwen ’75) Spude Scott and Joanne Steiner The Queenan Foundation Joseph and Allison Villinski Vitalant Edward and Alice Walinski Randy ’91 and Amy Zitella Paul ’83 and Jackie Zudyk

Fun Fact

A Look Back at 2020-2021

November 2020 Blessing and ribbon cutting ceremony of new Fitness Center.


December 2020 More than 300 8th grade students take the Entrance Exam for admission to Carmel Catholic – a 10% increase from previous years!

Donors to Carmel Catholic High School Stewardship Circle Stewardship Circle members are the foundation of Carmel Catholic’s supporters and are deeply committed to partnership in the school’s mission of Catholic education.

$1,000 – $2,499

Anonymous (1) Chris and Kathryn (Steffenhagen ’06) Aspegren Assurance Julian and Colleen Bailes Charles and Teresa Bartels Becker Family Dental Hans Michael ’89 and Mary Emily Bjorkman Christopher and Stephanie Boll Thaddeus and Joyce Bond Kelly Brennan ’83 Mary Burke-Farrell ’70 Timothy and Jennifer (Slater ’90) Burkhalter Mark and Shannon Buschman Cafe Pomigliano Cain-Forlaw Company, Inc. Caitlin Duffy Memorial Foundation Richard and Arlene Camasosa Steven ’87 and Jana Carani Catholic Holy Family Society CDW Computer Centers, Inc. Cherry Creek Mortgage Paul and Carole Coleman CR Search Inc Louis and Debra Day Michael ’82 and Jeanne DeLacluyse Daniel and Deborah Devitt Jeff and Karen Dickmann Mark and Denise Etienne Anthony and Karen (Cecconi ’69) Farina Ronald and Roseann (Sirotek ’69) Feldmann Floods Royal Flush Matthew ’85 and Molly Galo Abril Gant John ’86 and Kelly Graham

Grand Appliance Co. Richard and Judith Hegerle John Hennessey Byron Holden HydraForce, Inc. Inspirion Wealth Advisors, LLC Richard and Janet † Jacob Amy (Johnson ’87) Junge James and Joellen (Zannini ’72) Kaster James and Sandra Kelley Kloss Distributing Company Richard ’84 and Kathy Kolaczewski Michael and Jennifer LaMora Liberty Auto City Rob and Amy Lindemann Lindemann Chimney & Fireplace John and Donna (Howland ’81) Lobaito John ’69 and Janice Looby Connor Lynde ’13 Rudolph Magna ’94 Colleen Maguire ’75 Michael † and Catherine McCabe Joseph McCormick ’67 Meaghan’s Heart, N.P. Brian and Nancy Meinken William and Judith Micheli Ronald and Trish Miiller Melissa Miller Allen Mons Glenn ’66 and Donna Mordini John and Mary Morrow Charles Newling ’67 Kevin and Cynthia Noonan Joelle Novak John ’98 and Katherine O’Malley

January 2021 Spring semester saw more than 19 transfers to Carmel due to Carmel’s successful hybrid learning model during the coronavirus pandemic.

OMI Industries Steven and Virginia Packer Perfection Plating Inc Thomas ’72 and Ann Perille Robert ’76 and Amy Perille Peter Baker and Son Co. Poul’s Landscaping & Nursery Inc Andrew ’92 and Michelle (Karrigan ’92) Ptasienski Jerry and Connie Pulido Raymond Chevrolet and Kia Rudolph CPA Serena Sturm Architects, Ltd. Serra Laser Precision, LLC Matthew Setnicar ’76 Fr. Christian Shiu Stephen ’75 and Valerie Stanczak Michael and Evelyn Starzec State Graphics/EAS Group, Inc. Fred Strobl Sean and Barb Sullivan Wesley and Erin Swearingin The Federal Savings Bank Thelen Sand & Gravel Walter Toro and Sabrina Delgado Uline Craig and Rebecca Vallorano Lawrence Watson William Wayman David and Joanne Weick Robert and Janell Winters Sean and Charmaine (Smith ’95) Wright Warren and Mary Young

February 2021 Carmel holds its first-ever Queen of Hearts Raffle, with the jackpot starting at just $4,000.


Donors to Carmel Catholic High School Corsair Club $500 – $999

The hallways of Carmel Catholic have four different galleries that include images of apparitions and artists’ creative depictions of Mary throughout the centuries. This project was developed to give honor to our patroness Mary and to also highlight the fact that she is truly the mother to all.

Fun Fact

Anonymous (1) Advanced Air Services Inc Aleckson Insurance Agency Zos and Nichole Alivia Thomas and Catherine (Kasting ’76) Almanzo AmazonSmile Foundation Anonymous Family Antioch Pizza Shop APEX Performance Excellence Group, LLC Timothy ’00 and Jennifer (Hanna ’00) Arvidson Karen Baker Bartels Landscape Service, Inc. Baxter International Healthcare, Inc. Belmont Family Giving Fund Frank and Christina Belmonte Best Courier and Delivery Biagi Plumbing Corporation Thomas and Virginia Biegel Thomas and Beth (Clemens ’84) Boggs Miguel Angel and Carmen Bostho Kevin and Melinda (Urban ’00) Braun Roy Brown and Valerie Campbell Sam and Karen Brunk Sebastian and Anne Bufalino Matthew ’96 and Lisa Burke Patrick and Tamara Burns Buschman Homes, LLC Carmel Catholic-Class of 1992 Clean Cut Tree Service, Inc. Gerald and Shannon Coghlan Thomas † and Rosemary Collard Committee to Elect Judge Joseph V Salvi

Edmund ’85 and Colleen Conarchy Elizabeth Coppins Country Financial-Joe Weiler Christopher and Ellen Coury Dan and Christine Crow Rick and Bennette Cunningham Michael and Dorothy Cusack Ryan ’95 and Meaghen (O’Connell ’94) Dahm Dauntless Delivery Matthew DeFiore ’09 Douglas and Monica DeKeyser Jeff and Brigid Del Carmen Demar Direct Inc. Diageo Kevin ’98 and Anna Dix Michael and Megan (Smith ’98) Donnelly Dudley & Lake, LLC Steven ’93 and Michelle (Dekoj ’93) Dufault Tim and Julia Ellwanger Emil’s Tavern on Center Matthew and Christine Everett James and Therese (King ’77) Fauerbach Jeffrey ’89 and Cindy Feinendegen Lari and Jogerlyn Figueroa John and RoseAnn Filar Thomas Filar and Christine Coulombe John ’80 and Maren Finnegan John and Donna Fischer James and Kristine † Fitzsimmons ’70 David and Eileen (O’Connor ’77) Fleming Michael Folta Bill Fusz ’98 Thomas and Juliana Gracia

A Look Back at 2020-2021 March 2021 Construction on the brand-new Multicultural Center is completed, with Andrea Fitzpatrick serving as Director of the center.


April 2021 In its 47th year, Street Scenes Goes Virtual, “Home Sweet Home.” The virtual event was well attended and for the first time ever, we can say we reached people from around the world.

Donors to Carmel Catholic High School Corsair Club $500 – $999

William and Lois Graham Robert ’87 and Carrie Graham Robert and Sheila Grasso GSF USA Daniel and Pamela Hannon Daniel Hartman Hendricksen Tree Care Heritage Dental, Inc. Timothy and Margaret Herron Michael and Diane Hettinger Homes with Team Family Donald and Lori Hubbartt Monte Huber ’90 William ’87 and Angela Huffman David and Sandra Ingram Todd and Bessie Ippen J. Scott Salon Gary and Jennifer Jenkins Chris and Donna Jones JP Morgan Chase Bank, N.A. Ted and Judith (DeWitt ’76) Kasperczyk Keller North America, Inc. Jason and Miki-Kay Kern Maura King Kevin ’88 and Susan Konen James and Claudia (Hallett ’69) Koslosky James ’96 and Katherine Kwiatt Lakeside Dental Larsen Marine Services, Inc. Libertyville Podiatry/DRs Kwiecinski & Surowiec Jon and Ann Listek LP Professional Services Sean and Valerie Lynch M. W. Home Improvement Carl Markelz John and Margaret Massarelli Pedro Mata

Gregory and Wendi Matz Charles ’87 and Ellen May Martin ’67 and Barbara Mazurek Fr. Peter McGarry, O.Carm. Ed and Jennifer McKenna Jason and Stacey McKie A. William ’79 and Twila Meo Merit Trade Consulting Services LLC Steven and Mary Meves Jerome and Judith Mikrut Modern Home Products Stephen and Sharon Munro John Murray and Margaret Rowser Richard † and Mary Jean Niemi Thomas and Jeanne Onan Oral Facial & Implant Specialists Our Lord’s Little Ones, Inc. Russell and Barbara Pagano Pasquesi Home & Gardens Don and Deborah Wilmers Pelfresne Michael and Julie Perry Kenneth † and Mary Perry Bates John and Jennifer Powers Primrose School of Long Grove John ’84 and Kathleen Quinn Robert and Teresa Rao Anthony Recchia Matthew and Elizabeth Reidel Jerry ’74 and Cheryl Rejc Reynolds American Inc. rhelge Glass Art Michele Rivelli-Bucci Ricardo † and Kathryn Rivera Juan and Shannon (Ames ’87) Rosales Ruprecht Company Gregory ’80 and Heather Rusk Michael and Mary Jo Rutz Sanofi-Genzyme

May 2021 Lauren Kelley ‘21 and Will DeKeyser ‘21 are named National Merit Finalists and are among only 7,500 Finalists in the National Merit Scholarship Program.

Norbert and Nicole Schmelz Gregory and Elizabeth Schuda John and Mary Scully James † and Alice Seitz Connie Shanahan Louis and Patricia Sharp Andrey Shinkarev and Yelena Utkina David ’88 and Sheila (Conarchy ’88) Shrofe Side Lot Brewery Brian and Denise Smith Jeffrey ’83 and Christine Smith Society of Mount Carmel Peter and Christine Speranza Mark and Cherie Stanford Tim and Anna Mae Stegemann Kevin and Alisa Stevens Walter and Kelly (Rafferty ’78) Swietlik Janet (Underwood ‘83) Taylor The Law Offices of David R. Del Re, P.C. Thomas ’89 and Christine (Velican ’90) Thomas Larry and Janene Thompson Mark and Margaret Tritschler University of Saint Mary of the Lake John and Teri Valentine Thomas ’79 and Marisa Varney Robbie and Lori (Van Erden ’88) Ventura Richard and Jan Wagner Waukegan Tire Mark ’68 and Gail (Hoffmann ’71) Wegener Steven and Danielle Winandy Terry and Suzanne (Parr ’67) Wodek Rick and Diane Yatteau David and Adriana Young Hugh and Diane Zentmyer David and Soledad Zitzewitz

June 2021 Work begins on the Blessed Titus Brandsma Chapel to enhance its natural beauty while preserving the tradition of the space and reflecting the legacy of our founders.


Chapel Renovation

Often referred to as the “Heart of Carmel Catholic High School”, the Blessed Titus Brandsma Chapel is sacred to the Carmel Community. Christ is the center of our Mission, our school, and our community, and what better way to give glory to God than enhance the beauty of this special place? Beginning with large foundational donations, we were able to invite members of our community to join us in funding this renovation project. Our capital campaign was launched in late April and is still in an active state, with gifts continuing to be received. The generosity of our donors has been overwhelming and demonstrates the integral role that the Brandsma Chapel has in our community. Director of Mission Effectiveness, Kambra French who has spearheaded the project, shares,“the chapel transformation is truly a spiritual gift to our community. Renovations for the Brandsma


Chapel began in June and the majority of the work is anticipated to be completed late this Fall with the Mary Frances Clarke Spiritual Center and outdoor gathering space completed next Spring.” In September, on Homecoming night, the Chapel’s iconic stained glass window of Mary, our Mother and Lady of Mount Carmel was backlit with new spotlights. She now casts her luminous gaze outward providing a spectacular vision each night for all who pass by. This is just one of the many enhancements included in this project that are designed to beautifully underscore the things that Carmel Catholic holds dear. We look forward to celebrating the Eucharist in the Blessed Titus Brandsma Chapel as a community very soon. We are sincerely grateful for the generosity, love, and support of our Carmel community in helping us realize this transformation.

Blessed Titus Brandsma Chapel Renovation Donors Anonymous Abbott Laboratories AbbVie, Inc. Judy Andro Timothy ’00 and Jennifer (Hanna ’00) Arvidson Abraham and Claudia Asllani Chris and Kathryn (Steffenhagen ’06) Aspegren Badgley Family Peter ’06 and Laura (Valkman ’06) Baker Chris and Carrie (Olson ’93) Bala Charles and Teresa Bartels Francois and Jeanne Bertaud Thomas and Virginia Biegel Mary Ellen Biell Matthew ’99 and Christen (Porter ’99) Bing Richard and Lori Bishop Thaddeus and Joyce Bond Liam and Kathleen (Tschanz ’94) Booher Michael ’81 and Beth Brennan Mary Brinkman ’13 James and Marisela Brum David and Christine Bugaj Mary Burke-Farrell ’70 Mary Byrne ’72 Richard and Jill Caffarelli Deniz and Christina Caglar Calhoun Family Steven ’87 and Jana Carani Matthew ’92 and Susan Carroll James and Lisa Collin Edmund ’85 and Colleen Conarchy Rick and Bennette Cunningham Andres Currea and Yolanda Escalante-Currea Ryan ’95 and Meaghen (O’Connell ’94) Dahm James ’75 and Nancy (Miller ’75) Daluga Louis and Debra Day Lee and Mary Delahanty Demar Direct Jeff and Karen Dickmann Kevin and Sarah (Mikrut ’93) Doyle John and Kathryn Dunk Anthony and Christina Durnil William Egan ’75 Jeffrey ’89 and Cindy Feinendegen Lari and Jogerlyn Figueroa Michael and Nancy (Pattarozzi ’73) Fiore Deacon Brian Fisher Fitzgerald Family Matthew ’85 and Molly Galo Rocco and Angela Gargiulo Thomas and Juliana Gracia John and Kim Graff Robert ’87 and Carrie Graham Patrick and (Colleen Scully ’92) Green Rudolph Grom ’71 Margaret Halloran Carl and Kristen Hansel David and Joyce (Thompson ’89) Haqq Kevin and Jennifer (Spaulding ’88) Harris Richard and Judith Hegerle Hironimus Family Robert and Kathleen (Amato ’73) Hubbard Denise Johansen Joan Jones John Jonker ’66 Amy (Johnson ‘87) Junge Benjamin Kloss ’15 David and Catherine (Arvidson ’94) Kralik Kevin and Irene (Raupp ’80) Krempely Walter and Barbara Kuczak

Karen Kvaas ’93 Joseph and Marisue Lacher John and Mary Lahr Michael and Jennifer LaMora Mike and Julie Lichtenauer Daniel and Shelley Lindgren Ernest and Jamie (Crotteau ’67) Lisson Joshua Holmes and Maria Cecilia Lontok-Holmes Bill and Corrine LoPresto Dean and Tracey Lucchesi David ’94 and Martha (Hilliard ’94) Maloney James and Shirley McGrain Timothy McGrain ’85 Daniel and Charlotte (Szostak ’77) McLaughlin Kenneth and Roberta McQuade Joan Miller Glenn ’66 and Donna Mordini John and Mary Morrow Tom and Clare Mottola Wally Mulvaney ’72 Stephen and Sharon Munro John and Janet Murphy Scott and Nora Murray Joseph ‘73 and Katherine Reinke Nemmers Thomas Nemmers ’10 Charles Newling ’67 John and Annette Nikolich Christopher and Rebecca (Monterastelli ’02) Norton Mike O’Callahan ’91 Francis and Nancy Ogrinc Order of Carmelites Thomas ’72 and Ann Perille Ian Poulos ’06 Michael ’80 and Lois Poulos Ryan ’09 and Madelyn Poulos Shannon Poulos ’13 Jerry ’67 and Sally Powell John and Jennifer Powers Andrew ’92 and Michelle (Karrigan ’92) Ptasienski David and Wanda Pucci James Pye and Carrie Mouritsen Pye Seamus Quilty ’12 John and Maureen Reim Jerry ’74 and Cheryl Rejc Joseph and Melissa (Romans ’88) Rizzo Maria (Skorcz ‘10) Roehmholdt Todd and Katherine Roesler Juan and Shannon (Ames ’87) Rosales Kevin and Karen Sahr Karl ’94 and Jessica (Gundrum ’94) Schachelmayer Michael ’66 and Charlotte Schiller Tim and Dierdre Schneider Douglas and Deanna Schulz Thomas ’70 and Janet Seputis Christian and Janet Silge Sisters of Charity of the Blessed Virgin Mary Richard and Toni Smith Jacob and Emily (Tourdot ’09) Solarz Paul and Angela Somodi John and Jill (McEwen ’75) Spude Michael and Evelyn Starzec Izabela Stepien Donald Thul ’68 Walter Toro and Sabrina Delgado Mark and Kathryn Unze Donald † and Paulette Van Erden Joseph and Allison Villinski White-Chajet Family Rick and Diane Yatteau Matthew Zell


Donors to Carmel Catholic High School The Brown and Gold Club $250 – $499


Anonymous (1) AC Analytical Solutions, LLC Actual Technologies, LLC Vincent and Nancy Adinolfi Allstate Insurance Agency - Paul Dasso Maria Avila AMMCo Electric Polly Andrews Doug and Cheryl Ashley Associated Bank Robert and Joan Auclair Averus, Inc. James ’68 and Joanne † Bader Peter ’06 and Laura (Valkman ’06) Baker Renato and Theresa Baladad Kevin and Tory Balinovic Ernie and Ana Malene Banlasan Peter and Nancy Barnes Lamont and Julie Barrientos Eric and Renee Baude Brandon and Deb Beck Bee Sure Home Inspection Svcs. Beermann LLP Marc and Shawn Belanski Better Homes and Gardens Real Estate Star Homes Beyond Rehab LLC Tanner Blain Jason ’89 and Sharon Blake Robert and Kirsten Bobber Body Fixx LLC Michael ’81 and Beth Brennan John and Dorothy † Brennan Nathaniel Brill Thomas and Maria Buckley Martin † and Kristine Buckley Jim and Ekaterina Bukowski Derek Bundy ’07 Jason and Kelly Burke Burkett & Beattie, Inc. Burkey Orthodontics Leonard and Kelly Byrne Carin Cadek ’97 Daniel ’00 and Cory (Bocik ’00) Cameron Alejandro and Sanjuana Cardona Matt and Catherine Carlen Matthew ’92 and Susan Carroll Gerald and Lois Caslavka Casten Body Shop Ken and Helen Cawley Patrick and Rebecca Cepon

Chicago Title Company Donnabelle Christenson Christopher Glass & Aluminum, Inc. Terry ’66 and Ruth Church William Cobe Don and Maria Colbert John and Diane Csiha Mark and Irene Curran Joe Curry and Pattasaree Krabkraikaew Curry Christopher and Ann Czyzewski D. Wells Automotive Service, Inc. Dam, Snell & Taveirne, Ltd Dancenter North Del Danguilan and Agata Oczko-Danguilan Joseph and Therese (Denecke ’70) Dattalo Richard and Janice (Zabukovec ’77) Davis Rashied Davis Dell Inc. John DeWees Joseph and Kristine DiBartolo Bruce and Beverly Dille Drake Painting & Wallpapering Company Brian and Jennifer Drumm Daniel and Erlene Dungan Timothy ’69 and Christine (Platt ’69) Dunn John and Cheryl (Cavener ’77) Durbin Anthony and Christina Durnil Edgewater Home Team @properties Pat and Krista Emmons Ken and Fran Engstrom Thomas Enright Brenda Espiritusanto Ann Fallon O’Neill Joseph and Debra Ferrari Fireplaces Plus, Inc. Patricia Fix Jere and Anne Fluno Form 5500 Connect, Inc. Robert and Cynthia † Forman Austin and Lora Fox Franks for the Memories, Inc. Marty and Ann Gallagher Velma Garcia Rocco and Angela Gargiulo Nicholas ’99 and Cara (Putignano ’99) Garzonetti GE Foundation George Behr Insurance Agency, Inc Glenn Jackson Country Financial Steven ’79 and Alina Globis

Donors to Carmel Catholic High School The Brown and Gold Club $250 – $499

Daniel Goodman ’81 Jason and Kelly Goodman Michael ’87 and Vikki Graham Patrick ’84 and Marcella Graham Peter ’92 and Marget Graham Joseph Green ’68 Rudolph Grom ’71 David and Shannon Grzesiak Joseph Guin Gurnee Salata Funeral Home Paul and Karen Halaburt Ryan and Jennifer (Depperschmidt ’95) Haley Timothy and Elizabeth Harvey George and Denise Hefner Bradley and Ann Heinz Paul and Yvonne Herring Kurt ’88 and Lisa Hironimus John and Valerie Holaday Joshua Holmes and Maria Cecilia Lontok-Holmes HUNERealty, LLC Mark and Rebecca Ikusz Integral Medical and Rehab Charles and Valerie (Ford ’71) Jacob Howard ’79 and Lisa Jacob Jandee Salons Robert and Elizabeth Jiang John’s Complete Auto Service James and Kimberly Jones Andrew and Lisa Judd Michael † and Kathryn Karrigan Kathryn Theodore Travel Michael ’86 and Kristina Keane Mike and Kelly Kelly Chris Kempa

Tony and Jennifer Kempa Kevin J. Quinn, DDS Christine Kirby Kirk Eye Center KMK Residential Restorations, Inc. Knights of Columbus Council 13267 Knights of Columbus -Queen of Peace Council #3954 Knights of Columbus, Cardinal Stritch Council #367 Mark † and Catherine (Welling ‘86) Knuth Christopher and Pamela Kompare Francis and Elizabeth Kowalik Jennifer Kramer ’88 George ’66 and Carol Krempley Matthew and Warlita Laing Lake Heart Specialists Lakeland Auto Body, Inc. Last Cast Charters Tyler Lees ’12 Bertram and Victoria Leng Craig and Sharon Lennon Daniel and Rebecca (Ledezma ’89) Leskovec Libertyville Kar Care Mike and Julie Lichtenauer Daniel and Shelley Lindgren Lino’s Ristorante & Pizzeria Ernest and Jamie (Crotteau ’67) Lisson Lopez Landscaping Inc. Patrick and Juliann Lucansky Nicholas and Sandi Lutz Macairesmuse LLC David ’94 and Martha (Hilliard ’94) Maloney Maloney Law, LLC David and Jenny Massoni Mathnasium of Wauconda

Among the highlights of the Blessed Titus Brandsma Chapel renovation, our chapel’s stained glass window will remain the focal point while being enhanced with molding and lighting. In addition, two strips of carrara marble will be inlaid on both sides of the window. The marble will be from the altar that was originally in the BVM chapel that had existed in the other end of the building. Additionally, the ceiling above the altar will show the night sky as it appeared on the Feast of Our Lady of Mount Carmel, July 16, 1962.

Brian and Clare (Manning ‘94) McConville Bill and Shay McCorkle James and Shirley McGrain Timothy McGrain ’85 Kevin ’79 and Ana Maria McGuan Brian and Jean (Sands ’95) McKiernan Michael ’78 and Sarah McMahon McMahon Services and Construction Jesse and Nissa Mechling Carole Medal Christopher and Leticia Medina Daniel and Kara Mehigan Eric and Abi Mehrholz MGN Lock-Key & Safes, Inc. Matthew Michel ’09 Brian ’83 and Gerry Micheli Midwest Print Solutions LLC Kathleen Militmore Meghan Miskanin Steven ’86 and Ann (Kulis ’88) Monte Brian Moore ’96 Morton Grove Dental Associates Moulton Consulting Group (MCG) Wally Mulvaney ’72 Heather Munoz Thomas and Christine Nagode National Association of Anorexia and Associated Di Lawrence ’72 and Dawn Neal Vincent Nededog Thomas Nemmers ’10 Gerard and Colleen Nichol Steve and Roseanne Niese North Shore Trust and Savings OB-GYNE Associates of Libertyville O’Donnell Callaghan LLC

Fun Fact


Donors to Carmel Catholic High School The Brown and Gold Club $250 – $499

This fall, we continue to beautify our outdoor campus with a newly created Rosary Walk around the perimeter, a Garden of the Holy Spirit which will serve as a student center, classroom space, and community gathering space, and a Path to Peace tree lined entrance that leads to our Welcome Jesus statue.

Fun Fact


John and Annette O’Malley Otis Elevator John and Amy Pagano Rajesh and Claudia Patel Paula Armstrong, Independent Consultant for Rodan+Fields David and Jennifer (Dille ’00) Penney Jose Pereira and Fabiola Tomassini-Pereira Brian and Desiré Peters Martin Phelps Keith and Patricia Pierson Edward and Cynthia Pincombe Powers & Moon, LLC Prince of Peace Catholic Church Bernardo Callejas Principle Management & Consulting LLC Joey and Margarita Rajcevich Mark and Margaret Rastovac Edward and Nancy Reidy P. Kevin Reidy Ring’s Radiator Service Risk Placement Services, Inc. RJR Insulation & Closets, Inc. William and Lori Roberts Scott Roe and Antoinette Eber-Roe Gina Rossi ’89 Anthony and Debbie Ruscitti Kevin and Ellen Ryan Susan (Feinendegen ‘91) Santner Karl ’94 and Jessica (Gundrum ’94) Schachelmayer William and Jennifer Schaefer Michael ’66 and Charlotte Schiller Andrew and Stacy Schlabowske Mark and Jacqueline (Bond ’88) Senger Dr. Jay, V ‘91 and Anna Sharp Edward and Susan † Skuse ’66 Dixon and Terry Slater Steve and Julie Smith Paul and Angela Somodi Gaylord and LuRae Spaulding Sports Flags and Pennants Company St. Joseph Catholic School, Libertyville

St. Patrick Catholic Church, Wadsworth St. Raphael the Archangel Catholic Church StartnCo State Bank of the Lakes William Steele ’77 Jennifer Steffen Kevin and Colleen Steward James and Kathleen Straka Fred † and Lynne Strutzel William and Angelica Sturm Steven and Sara Sulfridge Timothy Paul Swiat ’95 Brian ’85 and Kimberly Szymanski T5 Hair Design Donald Thul ’68 Tighthead Brewery Company Joseph Toms and Dinnah Delgado-Toms Christopher Toth ’07 Robert ’69 and Susan Trefilek Trobe, Babowice & Associates, LLC Benjamin Turner ’14 Upside Innovations Gustavo and Maria Valdivia Vision Care Grayslake Michael ’82 and Anne (Leslie ’83) Vonesh Dawnell Wachta Wadsworth Excavating, Inc. Waukegan Yacht Club Youth Foundation James ’85 and Cathy Weber Jason ’95 and Danielle (Saladino ’97) Wegener Steve and Kim Welborn Thomas and Madeleine Wilson John and Lise Wiseman Robert and Catherine Wittmann Randy and Page Wolf Workday Dana and Kathi (Kovacic ’80) Yearian Thomas and Susan † Zimmer Zion Conservatory of Music Hiram and Lisa Zunzunegui Joan Zupec

Donors to Carmel Catholic High School The Spirit Club $100 – $249

Anonymous (1) 3D Upholstery C. Mark and Karen Abernathy Mary Lou Accordino Tim and Cathy Ackerman Addictions Associates Therapy Affiliated Dental Specialists Kurt and Carol Albright Alchemi Labs Alight Solutions Alignment Wealth Management Ameriprise Financial Services Amy Lachowin Photography George ’66 and Linda Anastos David ’79 and Peggy (Kloss ’79) Anderson Donny ’90 and Sheryl (Jachowski ’90) Anderson Andrea Celeste Tresors Rev. Timothy P. Andres, O.Carm ‘76 Judy Andro Anne Huiras Baird & Warner Apex Energy Services LLC Marlon Aragon Kirk and Paula Armstrong Assisted Living Locators Chicagoland North Associates for Family Dentistry AT&T Samer Attar ’94 Auto Remote Direct Jose and Roxanne Avalos Awaken the Core Pilates/Awaken the Soul Travel Daniel and Adriana Axente Back in the Loop Resale & Consignment Kelly Badgley Emilia Bahena Kenneth and Laura (Walker ’89) Bair Baird & Warner - Connie Barhorst Chris and Carrie (Olson ’93) Bala Samuel and Michelle Ballano Charles and Susan Banker Joseph ’70 and Suzanne (Dunn ’71) Baranowski Jeff and Connie Barhorst David and Gina Barker Barron Jewelers, Inc David and Karen Barry Dennis and Paula Basara Bauer’s Catering, Inc. Timothy and Mary Baynes

Ronald and DiAnn Behrens Oleg and Oksana Beker Brian and Beth (Castricone ’97) Bell Philip and Kimberly Belyaev Rafael Benavides Greg ’83 and Amy (Claffey ’84) Benjamin Marlene Berg Gregory and Traci Billings Rick and Diane Blaha Body Craft Inc. Liam and Kathleen (Tschanz ’94) Booher Anthony and Gina Borkowski Matthew Borman and Laurie Oberembt ’81 Michael ’88 and Caron Bowes Pat and Mary (Sandberg ’94) Boyle Robert Brandt ’79 Breed’s Hill Capital Brenda Bersani Baird & Warner Real Estate Norbert and Patricia Bries Mark and Susanne (Skuse ’72) Briskovich Edward and LaVergne Brodsky Denise (Kvaas ‘91) Brookins Matthew Brooks and Nakisha Usher-Brooks Marilyn Brown Thomas ’93 and Joanna Brown Dennis Bruns John and Linda Buckman Christopher ’86 and Jan (Fredricksen ’86) Budris David and Christine Bugaj Bunny’s In-Home Childcare Michael and Christine (Henderson ’81) Burke Gregory and Kathleen (Genell ’81) Burns Roger and Catherine Byrne Cafe Lucci Kyrin Caggiano Neil Calanca Leon † and Rosalie Campeau Tony Cannoli CAPA Coach LLC Arc and Heather Capulong Jorge Cardenas and Judith Rosales Cardinal Health Foundation Inc Thomas and Kristine Carroll Jason and Patricia Cartwright Brian and Sheryl Carvill Vanessa Casillas Jose Castro and Karla Rosas ’97 Mark ’90 and Erin (Griffin ’92) Catherall


Donors to Carmel Catholic High School The Spirit Club $100 – $249

Last semester, 744 students were named to the spring semester Honor Roll for their excellent academic achievement.

Fun Fact

22 22

Dolores Cavenaugh Karl Cazzini and Clíona McAlister Patricia Chavarria ’97 Chiropractic Associates Lucas ’96 and Rebecca (Straka ’95) Chorazy Classic Toyota & Kia Joseph Colangelo ’74 Coldwell Banker Coldwell Banker Realty Maria Colecio Thomas and Jet Collette James and Lisa Collin Randy and Anamaria Colon Colony House Restaurant Howard † Corcoran and Sara Guerrero De Corcoran Richard and Jennifer Cordova Patricia Cordova Core Martial Arts and Fitness Inc Patricia Corman George and Jenny Couvall Crawford & Wright Orthodontics Benjamin and Lidia Crismariu Brian and Ana Crow Jennifer Cummings Thomas and Cecile Curley Holly (Rieger ‘76) Curley Michael and Amy Cusack John and Lisa (Simon ’80) Dallas Robert ’88 and Christa Dam Christopher Damien ’81 Andrew and Carrie D’Amore Preston Dane David ’86 and Genice (Reed ‘86) Daniels Michael Davy Sean and Anne Daw Dawson Charitable Fund Reinaldo and Barbara De La Torre Sean and Sara Deck Thomas and Maria Deflorio Kenneth and Tricia Deja Gerrit and Ghislaine (Weiler ’75) Dekoning David and Jordan Del Re Dewey’s BBQ Market John and Ruth Di Legge Concezio and Assunta Di Legge Donald and Mary Dietz Dr. Linda DiFranco Patrick ’82 and Marilyn Drennan

Bernard † and Lauren Drew Christine Drew ’97 Dennis and Patricia Drexler DriveTime Golf DTB Woodworks Richard and Susan Duffy Daniel and Vickie Dugo Patrick and Francine Dunham Sean Dunnigan Elizabeth Durdan David Durdan and Carla Moradi Duro-Chrome Industries Jaime and Ingrid Duron Anne Durot Paul and Amy Eberhardt Michele Ecklund William ‘ 75 and Cynthia † Egan Patricia Egel Kenneth and Marguerite Eigner Euromita Tile & Stone Inc James and Karen (Gibbs ’80) Fayen Felix’s Famous Cookies Helmuth and Amber Fendel Thomas and Christina Ferguson Ferguson Corporate Law LTD Finit Solutions Chris and Kim ’80 Finkel Kathleen Finnegan Michael and Nancy (Pattarozzi ’73) Fiore Charles ’73 and Marilena (Bernardi ’76) Fiore First Eagle Investment Management Foundation Robert and Andrea Fitzpatrick Todd and Judith Flessner Carlos Flores Leslie Flores Greg and Annette Foltz Heidi Fornarotto Robert and Elizabeth Fortune Ronald ’89 and Lisa (Rohleder ’89) Freeman Edward and Mary Friese Scott and Tricia Fullerton David and Mary Gaines Rebecca Galuska ’14 Teresa Galvan Frederick and Marguerite Galvez Angela Garcia

Donors to Carmel Catholic High School The Spirit Club $100 – $249

Frederick and Norma Gau Anish and Meagan Gauri Robert and Christine George Edilberto and Grace Geslani Ryan ’95 and Regina Gibbons Gibbons Financial Group Rob and Kim Gillespie William and Karen (Johnson ’89) Gillespie Derrick Gingery ’94 Gus and Elizabeth Giunta Anne Godziszewski Roman Golash James ’88 and Erin Gondeck Victor Gonzalez and Laura Cantu-Gonzalez Alvin and Barbara Goodman Goodman Electric Supply Tina Gornick Steve and Kelly Goudreau Maria Gounaris John and Kim Graff Daniel ’91 and Lori Gramm Graves Design Group Patrick and Colleen (Scully ’92) Green Greenbarry Marketing James and Marilee Grenning Edward and Patricia Gromala Suzanne (Bercier ‘95) Grossman Marcia Grzesiak Michael and Ann Gumkowski Anthony and Jeanne Gundrum Jeanne (Mathis ‘71) Gustavson Jose and Ana Gutierrez Scott and Charla Hagel Glen and Kathleen Halverson Marcia Hammond Michele Hanam

Robert and Christine (Schmidt ’87) Handel Chad and Jolanda Hannah Hannigan & Botha, Ltd. Elizabeth Happ ’12 Kevin † and Patricia (Bockwinkel ‘74) Happ Elizabeth Harmon Kevin and Jennifer (Spaulding ’88) Harris Milo and Karen Harrison Peter and Cynthia Haslam Steve and Shannon Hellen Paul and Therese Hernandez Regina Herron Laura Hetman Robert and Andrea Hetzel Clifton and Amy Hieronymus Juanita Higaredo Jerome and Ann Marie Higgins Nicki Hironimus Ralph and Sheryl Hoffman Jamie and Janet Hogan Diane Hoselton ’80 Gregory Houck, O.Carm. Thomas and Rhonda Hoy Robert and Kathleen (Amato ’73) Hubbard Elizabeth (Tambourine ‘97) Huckins Roger and Carolyn Huner Ron Ippen John Ivan and Lynn Draeger-Ivan Timothy ’87 and Meg Ives Jandali Surgical Associates, S. C. Joseph and Carolyn Jané John and Maribeth (Donovan ’81) Janke Barbara Jansen Adam and Morgan Jansen Joseph and Monica Jansen Joseph and Gloria Jansen

Regina Jarvis Ross and Dina Jaske JC Upholstery and Refinishing Denise Johansen John B. Sanfilippo & Son, Inc. David and Linda Johnson Johnson Control Foundation Mattison ’90 and Christine Jolly Fred † and Joan Jones Louis and Nancy Jones John and Diane (Klimek ’76) Jones Bhaven and Pooja Joshi Sandra Juarez-Aragon Gerald and Dorinda Kalk Michael and Mary Kamins Stan † and Mary Kantor Steven and Dawn Kaplan KAS Electric Corporation Kenneth and Jennifer (Jicha ’83) Katz Jason and Anne Marie Kaull Elizabeth Kazik Thomas and Susan Kegel Paul and Helena Keller Paul and Toni Kemp Tina Khoury Kims Salon &Spa John and Kimberly Kipp Jeffrey and Georgina Kissinger Donald and Brandi Kmiec Kmiec & Noonan LLC Rachel Knight Vernon and Laura Knight Richard and Geraldine Kolaczewski Steven Kolber Peter and Rosemary Konen Tim and Christine Kordt


“We landed at Carmel because the sense of community was just so apparent.” Moving to Chicago from Minneapolis, where he worked for more than a decade as a vice president for Target Corporation, the challenge was to find a high school that welcomed his entire family while providing an education that would properly prepare Asher and Kaleb for the next step in their education.

Kenya Jackson Kenya Jackson and his family have been blessed to travel the globe, often for business but other times on a volunteer basis. He and his wife of 21 years, Kelly, along with sons Asher ‘22 and Kaleb ‘24 have participated on mission trips throughout the world, experiencing a wide range of countries and socio-economic cultures. A senior executive with extensive general management leadership abilities in developing strategies, Kenya has led business development functions in concept and development stages, with a proven track record of top to bottom line financial performance for companies including Target, Walgreens, and UnitedHealth Group, where he currently serves as Chief of Operations. The combination of business acumen and experiencing diverse cultures has made Kenya an important member of the Carmel Catholic Board of Directors. “Living outside of the U.S. forced my children to learn how to be resilient, and how to read and adapt to different situations, different cultures as well as different socio-economic conditions,” Kenya says. “We landed at Carmel because the sense of community was just so apparent. Traveling internationally has taught my boys not only various aspects of education, but also empathy and inclusiveness. There are a myriad of cultures and circumstances in the world, but when it comes down to it you are forced to look within oneself and ask ‘how can I make the world a better place? How can I use my life experiences to better myself as a human being?’”


“We’d been blessed with being able to put our kids in private school. When we first moved here (from Minneapolis), we visited Carmel Catholic and another very well-known private Catholic school located along the North Shore,” he says. “I empowered my sons with the decision, and they just felt the inclusiveness of Carmel. After visiting both schools, my oldest son commented that he could really feel the culture, the vibe of inclusiveness, and the warm welcome that Carmel students and faculty offered.” Recently, when Asher and Kaleb had the chance to tell their dad about Carmel’s brand new Multicultural Center, it brought a smile to Kenya’s face. “I compliment President Brad Bonham and the board for making diversity, equity and inclusion three of the most important traits in our mission here at Carmel. If we want Carmel Catholic students to be productive citizens, then we have to equip them with experiences that help open their cultural palate and their lens with how they see the world.” Kenya firmly believes in the mission of Carmel, the value proposition the school has to offer, and in the leadership that has been put in place. To be a world class high school, he knows that we must continually expand the cultural palate of every student here at Carmel and he is excited to be a part of that challenge. “What I hope for the future of Carmel Catholic High School is to have a diverse, world class, self-sufficient faculty and leadership team to evolve to where our vision is one that is nurturing and best-equipping our students. Sometimes, what I want for Carmel seems more like what you would find at a university but that’s exactly the point. Our goal should be for Carmel to produce students who feel ready and prepared to make a difference in the world.”

Donors to Carmel Catholic High School The Spirit Club $100 – $249

Robert and Maureen Kowalski David and Catherine (Arvidson ’94) Kralik Ronald Villejo and Karen Landrum Krevchuck Yevgeniy Kruglov and Olga Kruglova John and Jill Kuhfahl Kuk Sool Won Roland † and Evelyn Kurfess Stephen and Virginia Lacke Albert and Kelly (Ryan ’86) Lagore Philip and Davine Lagori Karen LaManna Steve and Amy Langer Michael and Joneen Lannon Jose and Carmen Lanza Kevin and Jennifer Larsen Law Office of Melissa Wach Law Offices of Scott W. Spaulding, P.C. Philip and Natalia Lawitz John and Kimberly Leahy Stefanie Leaser Orlando and Lucy Ledezma Peter and Jennifer (White ’77) Lee Aurelio and Blanca Lee Michael ’01 and Nicole (Boniquit ’01) Levy Timothy Lezon ’93 Lincolnshire Academy of Dance Kenneth Lindberg and Kimberly Davis Christopher and Laura Ling Frank ’83 and Theresa Lipo Little Lake Learning Station David and Tracy Lombardo Tom and Suzanne Luby Dean and Tracey Lucchesi Bryan ’03 and Monika Luczkiw John † and Patricia Maas James and Jennifer Machala James Macrowski ’70 Stephen Macrowski ’03 Matthew ’87 and Rachel Maher Robert and Linda Malloy Christian and Jacqueline (Krase ’86) Marcheschi Marszalek & Marszalek Joseph and Brigid (Conarchy ’97) Martin Rafael and Marisa Martinez Terry † and Judy Marusich Kenneth ’79 and Lori Massaroni Ken and Audrey (Ames ’84) Mathis Dan and Aimee (Ostrander ’93) Matthews James and Pat Mayberry Brian McCabe ’97 James and Sandra McClain

James McClinton and Kiana Harris Charles and Lauren McEwen Philip and Andrea McGargill Thaddeus † and Kathleen † McGuire Sr. Mary Frances McLaughlin, BVM Katrin McVean Kathleen Mears Loretta Megwa ’74 Mary Louise Mele Witold and Patricia Mital Kathleen (Carroll ‘94) Mlada James and Leslie Modelski Margaret Moe Dennis and Marilynn Moisio Jonathan and Christine Monroe Texas and Catherine Monroe Alejandro Lopez and Sandra Montoya ’95 Consuelo Mora Manuel Morales-Ortiz and Xochitl Ortiz-Castrejon Patrick and Cori Moriarty Neil and Patricia Morris Debora Morrissey ’78 Stephen and Jennifer Moseley Mothers Trust Foundation MOVE Productions Melpomeni Murdakes Thomas Murphy, O.Carm. Theresa Myint Zbigniew and Karen Nalewajk Gerald and Karen Nash Robert and Michele Nettesheim New York Life David and Stephanie Newton Mona Nicholas Leisa Niemotka Thomas and Kathleen Nikolai James and Vee Nolan Nathaniel and Louela Nunez Norene Obrien Mike O’Callahan ’91 Deborah O’Connor Mark and Kelli O’Hara Harold and Catherine Olson Joseph ’92 and Kelly O’Malley Michael and Kara O’Malley Patrick ’76 and Marya O’Neill Daniel Orozco Maureen O’Sullivan Our Lady of Humility Catholic School Frank and Judy Pagano Pampered Chef William and Joan Passolt


Donors to Carmel Catholic High School The Spirit Club $100 – $249

Carmel students and staff planted an Archdiocese of Chicago Laudato Si’ Garden this past spring using native plants, many of which were grown from seed. The aim of the garden is to teach students about organic gardening, while appreciating the love for all of God’s creation.

Fun Fact


Naveen Mishra James † and Suzanne Pavlus Brian Payant ’99 Ira and Mary Pearsall Dean and Linda Pedersen Pepsico Foundation Edwin and Marsha Perez Mark and Christine Perrelle Rocco ’77 and Gayle Pesola PETCO, Inc Pete’s Diary LLC Anthony and Gail Petkus Monika Pfluegl Thomas and Kimberly Phelps Myron Phelps Roman and Anne Phoenix David and Nancy Pierce Richard ’87 and Erin Pietranek John and Jane Pilotte Savio and Freda Pinto Mike and Laurie Pohlen Poko Loko Early Learning Center Joseph ’67 and Marianne Polito Matt and Mary Beth (Jacob ’82) Porter Ian Poulos ’06 Ryan ’09 and Madelyn Poulos Shannon Poulos ’13 Jerry ’67 and Sally Powell Gregg and Katherine Powell Power of the Golf Ball - Northfield Matthew and Carole Preda Thomas and Laura Preston Charles and Melinda Principe Print 911 Mark Ptasienski ’85 Matthew Ptasienski ’83 David and Wanda Pucci Bill Puchlevic John and Susan Pucin Timothy and Kathryn Puszynski Seamus Quilty ’12 Jenny Quinto Sam and Roxanne Rabinovich Mary O’Kate Rafferty ’79 Darian and Monica Rafie Christopher Ramos and Terre Ezyk † Mark ’87 and Marguerite (Keller ’87) Rapplean Michael ’98 and Bridget Rapplean RE/MAX Plaza Realtor Berkshire Hathaway HomeServices Chicago Reda, Ciprian, Magnone, LLC

John and Maureen Reim Yuri and Aimee (Owczarski ’89) Reissenweber Remax Showcase/Brenda Lawler Renguso Counseling Andrew and Amber Renn Norberto and Edilia Reyna RGN, Inc. Handyman Service Brian and Amy Ribordy Jason and Christin Riley Ringa Funeral Home Lori Ritz Joseph and Melissa (Romans ’88) Rizzo John and Roberta Robbins Robert H. Ogilvie Certifield Public Accountant William ’70 and Patricia Roberts James and Maria Robles Maria (Skorcz ‘10) Roehmholdt Mark ’75 and Patricia Rohling Lanndon ’94 and Trisha (Glazik ’97) Rose Dorie (Hertel ‘89) Roth William and Pandora (Fillipp ’90) Rouleau Daniel and Kelly Ruby Kevin and Cecelia Rupprecht Kevin and Karen Sahr Jason and Mary Saikin Saint Mary Parish Isidro and Dolores Salandanan Christopher Salvi ’08 William and Henny Sands Phillip and Dina Santoro Michael and Therese (Donnellan ’83) Sarallo John and Robin Sasman Schaid Appraisals Inc. Jay Schedler and Sherry Schedler-Kim Tim and Dierdre Schneider John Schoen ’12 Jamie Schueneman Schweitzer Engineering Laboratories, Inc. Robert and Arin Scott John ’98 and Nicole (Young ’98) Scully Lauren Sczygielski-Anders ’94 Second City Real EstateMartin Vehlow, Broker Ken and Nancy † Sedin Christopher and Sandra Seidl Thomas ’70 and Janet Seputis David and Barbara (Buschmann ’91) Serven Mary Setnicar ’72 Sheila Burns @properties Dave Silbar Terrence ’91 and Jacqueline Sio

Donors to Carmel Catholic High School The Spirit Club $100 – $249

Mark and Shari Skorcz Anthony and Gail Sliwa Ronald and Patricia Smith Richard and Toni Smith Theodore † and Mary Smolka Eric and Rose Smyth James and Lynn Snyder Jacob and Emily (Tourdot ’09) Solarz Jeffrey and Karen Soprani Kyle and Jennifer (Kenny ’81) Soudan Rocco and Elizabeth Spagna Mark and Teri Spanswick Specialized Accounting Services Inc James and Amy Spera Denise Spokas St. Anastasia Catholic School, Waukegan St. Bede Catholic School St. Gilbert Catholic Church St. Patrick Catholic School, Wadsworth Stephen and Rebecca Stahr Richard and Kitty Stailey Edwin and Pat Stephan Steve Roth - State Farm Agent Bryan and Ellen Stirrat Edward and Paulette Stith Brian ’01 and Annah Stith Virginia Stone Stoneleigh Foundation Harold † and Susan Stronach David and Linda (Harding ’67) Stroz Ian and Michelle Stuart Allen and Linda Stubitsch Thomas and Elizabeth (Lucas ’72) Sublewski George and Diane Sullivan John ’78 and Beverly Sweeney Matthew and Kathy Szamocki Vivienne Tarquinio John and Heather Taylor Brian ’95 and Susan Tekampe John and Carmen Terselic The Shipping Point Andrew and Susan Thiel John and Jennifer Thompson Jon ’77 and Laura Thorsen Teodora Tisch John and Michelle Titterton TMS Tax Service Marc and Beth Tobin Tom Ruhl Plumbing Toptec Heating Cooling, Plumbing & Electrical, Inc John ’76 and Melissa Torres Romeo and Carol (Bacci ’80) Tosi

Gerald and Michaelinda Trahan Ronald and Judith Trahan Trend Event Rentals Joann Trotti ’73 Larry Trzupek and Karin Kallwitz TUFCAD Consulting, Inc. Rick and Sheila Ulbrich Mark and Kathryn Unze Patricia Usdrowski Luis and Becky Valadez Value Innovation Partners, Ltd VanDerGinst Law, P.C. Rosa Vara Andrew and Anne Vauk Alycia Verdeyen Vickie’s Personal Touch Alejos and Crystal Villalobos Frank and Ann Wach Robert ’71 and Rose Marie Wagenaar Cynthia Wait ’73 and Anil Khurana David ’88 and Marge Waldschmidt Thomas and Amy Walker Randall and Diane (Bartholomae ’84) Walkowiak Michael and Jane Waller Walt Disney Company Joseph and Heather (Moss ’87) Weier Wells Fargo Home Mortage William and Regina (Lauten ’81) Wendes Michael and Kimberly Wesclitz Frederick and Mary Wheeler Michael and Michelle Whelan Whelan Law LLC Whisk Bakery & Coffee Shop Michael and Kathy White Robert and Mary (Suter ’83) Wiacek William G. Weidner Enterprises Kirsten Willis Rodney Wilson and Tamara James David and Kimberly Winkin John and Wendy Wiseman Thomas and Christine Wolf Tereca Wood Christine Young Edward and Claudia Yousif Dawn Zavalishin Frank † and Clara Zenzola Quanhua Zhou and Yang Xiang John and Ludmila Zielonko Paul and Lauren Ziemba Gregory ’97 and Elizabeth (Downes ’97) Zomchek John Zuraitis


Donors to Carmel Catholic High School The Patron’s Club $10 – $99

Anonymous (1) Kevin and Myrna Adams Ken and Chris Adkins Mark Albright Joseph and Pamela Anderson Antioch Liquor Mart, Inc. Antioch Pizza Shop Alejandro and Adriana Aparicio John and Valerie Applebey Julio Argueta Johnson and Donna Armstrong Joseph ’80 and Nancy Asma Adnan and Sana Attar Brian and Alison Attar Rogelio Bahena and Maria Torres Edwin and Ireen Grace Baldovino Angela Baran Ashley Barcum ’94 Christopher ’89 and Robin Bartels Emily Basara Bernhard Bauerle George ’76 and Karen (Gleeson ’77) Behr Timothy ’83 and Rachel Bernero Byron and Beth Best Matthew ’99 and Christen (Porter ’99) Bing Virginia Biondi Amy Birk Richard and Lori Bishop Stephen and Marcia Blaszinski Michael Blue Joel and Sharon Blumer Carl Eric ’89 and Michelle (Nutschnig ’89) Bodo Robert and Catherine Bosshart Yvonne Boyer-Eccles ’75 William and Katherine Braden George and Sharanne Bridges Mary Brinkman ’13 James ’69 and Frances Brown James and Marisela Brum Tim and Judy Budge Marietta Bufalino-Devitt Robert Burchard Hallie Burhoe Mary Byrne ’72 Kerry Calhoun Martha Campbell Linda Campen Diana Candelaria Megan (Boyce ‘90)Carlson Frank and Barbara Carpenter


Carolyn Carr Anthony and Ingrid Casale Angelina Castillo Leslie Castrejon Mary Kay Catanzaro Jackie Catrette Emily Caulfield Maria Loida Cava Louis and Linda Cepon Robert ‘72 and Janet † Cesar Pamela White-Chajet Philip Chasin and Rosanne Plescia ’66 Andrew ’82 and Kathleen Chiero Courtney Ciampi Bert and Kelly Clark Lynn (Nixon ‘72) Cobourn Joseph † and Geraldine Coco John † and Jane Conarchy Tina Cosentino Jennie Cosentino Rita Coulombe Charisse Coulombe Colette Coulombe Chad and Virginia (Pearsall ’89) Coulthard Brian and Kathryn Cowart David Curley ’81 Andres Currea and Yolanda Escalante-Currea Mark and Anissa Cyhaniuk Ronald and Marina Czaplicki Anthony † and Constance Dahm Darin and Dede Dankelson Paul and Elizabeth Dasso Robert and Emily (Rowe ’93) Davis Jessica De La Paz Thomas Dekoj ’97 Lee and Mary Delahanty Mark and Lisa DeLaMar John and Lori (Klimaitis ’85) DeLascio Kevin Devitt ’05 Maggie Dolan Edward and Shirley † Donahoe Kevin and Sarah (Mikrut ’93) Doyle Lauren (Grosskopf ‘02) Dudek Robert ’88 and Sharon Dufault James and Adriane Dulen John and Kathryn Dunk Karl and Laura Eichler Desiree Elliott Kenneth and Jami Eng Maria Esparza William and Elizabeth Falco

Donors to Carmel Catholic High School The Patron’s Club $10 – $99

Mike Fallos Ronald and Sandra Faloon Shane and Jill Farrell Grant Fasse ’88 Gillian (Hessing ‘08) Fecht Karen Fier ’77 Gerald Filar Joseph and Susan Finn Robert and Angela (Sturgeon ’84) Fiore Michele Fiore Deacon Brian Fisher Timothy and Melinda Fitch Jim Fitzgerald Betty Fitzgerald Patricia Flood John Flood Gaspar Flores Gary and Jenise (Lockbaum ’80) Floyd Gary and Donna Fonner Steven Fouts and Patricia (Ryan ‘72) Fouts Thomas ’95 and Lynette Franklin Patricia Fuentes Vicky Galati Ann Galuska Carl Galvan Mario Garcia Juan Garcia and Arminda Bahena Victoria Garcia Margarito and Isabel Garcia Paula Gaughran Phillip Gaughran Jennifer Gaughran-Luna Dianne Gavin Jean-Marie and Teresa Geoffroy Sr. Margaret Geraghty, BVM Thomas and Ellen (Cannon ‘69) Gillespie Leah Gladkowski Robert Glazik ’94 Ernesto and Heysser Gonzalez Joan Gorman Thomas and Denise Gornick Pauline Gowitzka Tara Gray John and Kathleen Gray Paul and Patricia Guerrero Scott and Karen Guziec Juan and Leonila Habacon John and Eileen Hagopian Jami Haines Margaret Halloran Donald ’66 and Jane Hanratty

Carl and Kristen Hansel Christopher Happ ’14 Jonathan Happ ’05 David and Joyce (Thompson ’89) Haqq Dennis and Kermuth Haraszko Lilian Harrington Dan Harriss and Sandra Harris Jason and Tanya Harvey Joseph Harvey and Nicole Stewart-Harvey Thomas and Beverly Hauff HCA Healthcare Marian Heacock Joe Heilig Rosevelt and Frances Henderson Jack † and Marion Henderson Thomas and Eve Herbick Mark ’84 and Marlo Herbick Mauricio Hernandez Joseph and Karen Herubin Jason and Kristine (Konen ’93) Higgins Donald † and Helen Hintz Amy (Meyer ‘89) Hodman Michael and Becky Hoffman Julie (Heiler ‘95) Holbrook Dennis and Edena Holley Jeff and Angela Hriljac Suzanne Huntemann John and Dana Iskalis John Ivers ’77 Erik ’94 and Erin Janssens Larry and Elizabeth Johnson Maximillian Johnson ’13 Philip and Sandy Johnson Glenda Johnson Ruth Johnson Ascencion and Suzanne (Mack ’67) Juarez Kim Judge Betty Kabance Georgina Kalantzis Melody Kalantzis James and Jennifer Kamins Marilyn Kaminski ’75 Vidas ’76 and Ramute Kazlauskas Joseph † and Genevieve Kelly Myles and Josephine Kelly Richard ’94 and Elizabeth Kennedy Richard and Karin Kepski Allen and Camm Kiel Lucille Kightlinger Benjamin Kloss ’15 Jodie Kmiec


Donors to Carmel Catholic High School The Patron’s Club $10 – $99

Jonathan and Karen Kness Jon and Anne-Judine (Suter ’74) Knudsen Peter Koburov ’82 Natalie Koenig ’18 Kenneth ’91 and Danielle (Eigner ’93) Konen Kenneth Kordick John and Christine (Dam ’87) Kornak Kevin and Irene (Raupp ’80) Krempely Richard and Bernadette Kroetz Nate and Mary Krogman Walter and Barbara Kuczak Miroslaw and Maria Kurowski C Kurrie Karen Kvaas ’93 Thomas and Katherine Kwasiborski Paul ’72 and Debora Kwiecinski Ryan Guerzon Jim and Dawn Lasky Laura Leal ’02 Kyle ’09 and Caitlin Lees Patrick and Cynthia (Kipp ’88) Lenihan Charles and Aileen Leva Philip and Barbara Lindgren Debra Lindgren Judith Locher Carla Lochner Eric and Christine Long Brian and Eileen (Looby ‘99) Weber Bill and Corrine LoPresto Jack Losch ’68 Jeffrey and Rachel Lotze Marlene Lotze Luke’s Of Mundelein Dianna Lynch Barbara Madison

Chai and Suzy Maneeniyom Theresa March Chris Marth Erica Martinez Lisa Marubio ’84 Edward and Nancy Mas Julia Matthews Ronald and Marjorie (Foley ’67) Matthews Nsesi Matundu and Luzolo Vumi Joseph and Suzanne Matusiewicz John and Jan May Thomas and Diana (Abouchar ’76) McCluskey Joseph and Michelle McConville James † and Catherine McGillivray Michael ’82 and Christine (Jacobsen ’83) McGinty Tim and Venessa (Gerstenbrand ’97) Medved Peter and Josephine Meehan Dana Messina Ron Mielzynski John Mierzwa Elmer and Maria Carla Milan Mikel Milks Leo and Marie Miller Michael and Anne-Marie (Schommer ’89) Miller Ruth Minarcik Lisa Minogue Ronald and Marilyn Mitten Gerald Monterastelli ’67 Esmeralda Mora Margarita Morales Thomas and Dona (Renaud ’85) Morrill Tom and Clare Mottola

Marcus and Tina Moulton Kevin ’72 and Susan Murray David and Julie Myers John and Christina Nelson Mike and Andraea (Garcia ’91) Nerheim Robert and Nasreen Neumeyer James ’83 and Marlene Neuroth Kurt and Kimberly Newman Janice Nichol Michael Niemotka Derrick and Danelle Noble Yuna Nordeen Christopher Norton Charles and Nancy Nozicka NVIDIA David ’77 and Janine Nyre Lane ’78 and Frances Oberembt Sarah O’Donnell Gary and Marilyn Ogurek Edgar and Aurora Orozco Kristen and Greg Osgood Jeffrey ’66 and Shelle Owen Rigoberto and Araceli Panchi Mery Papp Maureen Parrish Frank and Sheila Patton Pfizer Foundation Matching Gifts Program Mary Phelps Thomas and Kristen Pieters Melissa Potenzo Peter and Anne Powers Thomas and Linda Pryde Jeffrey and Sarah Ptacek Hector and Adriana Quiñones Melissa Quirke ’84

Fun Fact We currently have 27 faculty and staff members who are Carmel Catholic alumni. 30 30

Donors to Carmel Catholic High School The Patron’s Club $10 – $99

Juan and Melissa Rangel Eugene and Maxine Rapplean Rena Ratican Stephen ’77 and Amy Ratican Theodore ’83 and Julie Raupp Ruby Reed Barton and Michelle Reimer Joseph and Joanna Renguso Corey and Rebecca (Gundrum ’97) Rentz Marva Rice Francis and Elizabeth Romanes David Rosas Thomas and Christine Rowe Gregory † and Barbara Rudolph Judy Ruschli Peggy Rygiel ’70 Richard Schaar ’66 Frank and Sandra Schachelmayer Robert and Adrian Schaid Leonard and Dorothy Schiller Jerry Schneider and Kathy Janessa Thomas and Michelle Schofield Edward † and Kathleen Schrank Deanna Schultz Douglas and Deanna Schulz Martin Schwartz ’13 Ed † and Joan (Stanley 83) Shanahan Melody Shearron ’12 Emily Silge ’18 Robert † and Rosemarie Simon Joseph † and Patricia (Leidecker ‘71) Simons Glynnis Sio Stephen Sliwa ’12 Jeffery Smialek, O.Carm. Warren Smith and Rosemary Trotta Mark and Joanne Smith Joshua ’99 and Jamie Smith Ken and Anna Smoczynski George and Lorraine Sochacki Brian and Joanne Soder Carmen Spetco Christopher ’90 and Becky Splitt Steven and Veronica (Ames ’80) Spradlin State Farm-Mike Hansen Insurance Agcy Inc Kirk and Belinda Steckenrider Ollen and Michelle Stephens Izabela Stepien Michael and Elizabeth Stretti Brian and Christina Stropich Jennifer (Kocen ‘88) Sullivan Katherine Swopes

Rodger and Erin Sykes Kathy Szotek Sandra Szubielski Takeda Pharmaceuticals North America, Inc. Jerry Tarpey Megan Tegelman Melinda Thompson ’77 Chris and Rebecca Thompson Timothy Thomson ’67 TIUSS, LLC Dan Tombasco ’07 Timothy Trelka ’76 James and Theresa (Freeman ’82) Tutaj Stephen † and Phyllis Twadell Alexandra Borrero Jenny Utinans Jules Van Rengen Christopher and Jennifer (Stickler ’94) Van Skyock Alejandro and Deici Vargas Kevin and Janine (McGrath ’75) Walsh Thomas ’70 and Pamela Warren Jonathan and Ana-Maria Wattelet Thomas and Joan Weber Michael Weeks Amy (Renaud ‘94) Werner John ’82 and Vicky Werner Richard and Jenny Wierzchon Wines for Humanity Wix Pizza, Inc. Lawrence Wynjemko Julie Wysocki Veronica Ybarra ’81 Paul Yonover Jeff and Erika Young Gregory ’81 and Deborah Zack Taylor Zelich ’19 Scott Zimay Tamra Zimay John and Suzanne Zomchek Robert and Kimberly Zurek Carmel Catholic deeply appreciates the support we receive from donors at every level and thanks these people for their contributions in support of our mission. We regret any errors or omissions that may remain following our careful review, and ask that you kindly let us know so that we may correct them in future publications.


Carmel Society Carmel Society members are alumni, parents and friends of Carmel Catholic who are deeply committed to our mission, purpose and goals. The Carmel Society provides funds to meet the school’s needs that tuition does not fully cover. The cost to educate a Carmel Catholic student is $1,205 higher than actual tuition. We are dedicated to continuing to keep the tuition as low as possible. This is only possible with your support.


Anonymous (3) Suzanne Adamson Timothy ’00 and Jennifer (Hanna ’00) Arvidson Abraham and Claudia Asllani Chris and Kathryn (Steffenhagen ’06) Aspegren Julian and Colleen Bailes Arthur ’70 and JoAnne Baker Harry and Maureen Balzer Walter and Marianne Barker Anthony and Kathleen Barrett Charles and Teresa Bartels Christopher ’89 and Robin Bartels Robert and Adriene Bates Brian and Beth (Castricone ’97) Bell Daniel and Jill Belmont Frank and Christina Belmonte Francois and Jeanne Bertaud Mary Ellen Biell Hans Michael ’89 and Mary Emily Bjorkman Christopher and Stephanie Boll Thaddeus and Joyce Bond Thaddeus ’84 and Julia Bond Brad and Margaret Bonham Kelly Brennan ’83 Charles and Elizabeth Brock Roy Brown and Valerie Campbell Jeffrey and Kathleen Burandt Mary Burke-Farrell ’70 Timothy and Jennifer (Slater ’90) Burkhalter Mark and Shannon Buschman Richard and Jill Caffarelli Roger ’82 and Kaaryn Cagann Deniz and Christina Caglar Richard and Arlene Camasosa Steven ’87 and Jana Carani Matt and Catherine Carlen Steve Kemmet and Lisa Carnes Andre Chalonec Mark Chamberlin and Julie Berger-Chamberlin ’93 Philip and Lori Coffey Paul and Carole Coleman Edmund ’85 and Colleen Osmond Conarchy Christopher and Ellen Coury Rick and Bennette Cunningham Holly (Rieger ‘76) Curley Phillip and Treacy Cutting James ’75 and Nancy (Miller ’75) Daluga

Louis and Debra Day Thomas and Maria Deflorio Michael ’82 and Jeanne DeLacluyse Daniel and Deborah Devitt Jeff and Karen Dickmann Craig and Nanette (Tako ’89) Donton Richard and Susan Duffy Michael and Joanne Dulen Daniel and Erlene Dungan Ric and Lisa (Tagli ‘88) Elert Mark and Denise Etienne Anthony and Karen (Cecconi ’69) Farina Gregory and Nancy Ann Fehn Ronald and Roseann (Sirotek ’69) Feldmann Thomas Filar and Christine Coulombe Edward and Maria † Filippini James and Kristine † Fitzsimmons ’70 Jeffery and Susan Forsell Robert and Elizabeth Fortune Jerrold and Caryn Fox John and Monica Frels Matthew ’85 and Molly Galo Abril Gant Meagan Gauri Michael ’67 and Kimberly Gavigan Coleen Geary Richard ’67 and Carol Gedman Sr. Margaret Geraghty, BVM William and Michele Giambrone Julie Goodman ’85 Thomas and Pamela Goris Michael and Patricia Graft William and Lois Graham John ’86 and Kelly Graham Robert ’87 and Carrie Graham Keith and Anne (DePrima ’93) Haan Daniel and Pamela Hannon Milo and Mary Beth Harrison Richard and Judith Hegerle Barry ’72 and Deborah Heinrichs John Hennessey Timothy and Margaret Herron Michael and Diane Hettinger Robert ’85 and Tamara Hoffman John and Valerie Holaday Byron and Deb Holden Heraclio and Karen Holguin Peter and Susan (Cairns ’69) Holm John and Dana Iskalis Kenya and Kelly Jackson Richard Jacob Gary and Jennifer Jenkins

S. Todd and Anne Jensen Amy Johnson Junge ’87 Ted and Judith DeWitt ’76 Kasperczyk James and Joellen (Zannini ’72) Kaster Regina Keller James and Sandra Kelley Paul and Michele Kelly Jason and Miki-Kay Kern Maura King Frederic Klein Thomas ’76 and Katherine Kloss Richard ’84 and Kathy Kolaczewski Richard and Marsha Kolb Bill and Penny (Pasquesi ’66) Kuhnmuench Joseph and Marisue Lacher Stephen and Virginia Lacke Michael and Jennifer LaMora Rob and Amy Lindemann John and Donna (Howland ’81) Lobaito John ’69 and Janice Looby Sean and Valerie Lynch Connor Lynde ’13 Rudolph Magna ’94 Colleen Maguire ’75 Erwin ’98 and Frances Anne Mangubat John and Margaret Massarelli Joseph and Margaret Massarelli Catherine McCabe Edward McCauley Joseph McCormick ’67 Kevin ’79 and Ana Maria McGuan Daniel and Charlotte (Szostak ’77) McLaughlin John McMahon ’92 Kenneth and Roberta McQuade Brian and Nancy Meinken A. William ’79 and Twila Meo William and Judith Micheli Caralyn Migely Ronald and Trish Miiller James ’73 and Mary Miller Stephen ’80 and Kerry Miller Melissa Miller Thomas Eaton and Cynthia Monge-Eaton ’67 Allen Mons Glenn ’66 and Donna Mordini

Anthony ’72 and Andrea (Smith ’72) Moree John and Mary Morrow James Pye and Carrie Mouritsen Pye Mark and Victoria Mullally Peter Mundy ‘66 John and Janet Murphy Scott and Nora Murray John Murray and Margaret Rowser Frank Naeymi-Rad and Theresa Kepic ’68 Lawrence ’72 and Dawn Neal Joseph ’73 and Katherine Reinke Nemmers Gary ’74 and Nicole Nemmers Charles Newling ’67 Steve and Roseanne Niese John and Annette Nikolich Matthew and Ginny Noble Kevin and Cynthia Noonan Joelle Novak Francis and Nancy Ogrinc B. Tucker and Cheryle Olson John ’98 and Katherine O’Malley Order of Carmelites Anthony and Maureen Orsini John and Julie (Farrell ’89) Osborne Scott and Sharon Ozmun Steven and Virginia Packer Thomas ’72 and Ann Perille Robert ’76 and Amy Perille Alexander and Patricia Pissios Steve Poole and Karen Young John and Gerilyn Posner Michael ’80 and Lois Poulos John and Jennifer Powers Andrew ’92 and Michelle (Karrigan ’92) Ptasienski Jerry and Connie Pulido Michael and Madelon Queenan Christopher Ramos and Terre Ezyk † Christopher Raspante ’80 Todd and Katherine Roesler Christopher Salvi ’08 Patrick ’71 and Lindy Salvi Mark and Julie Scarpelli Ronald Schmits Bert and Joan Schommer Hon. Mary Schostok Robert Schroeder ’88 Noah and Kathy Seidenberg

Mark and Jacqueline (Bond ’88) Senger Matthew Setnicar ’76 Jason and Janette Sfire Andrey Shinkarev and Yelena Utkina Fr. Christian Shiu David † and Lori (Esser ‘78) Short Christian and Janet Silge Sisters of Charity of the Blessed Virgin Mary Richard and Toni Smith Patrick ’76 and Cynthia Merris Smith John and Jill (McEwen ’75) Spude Stephen ’75 and Valerie Stanczak Mark and Cherie Stanford Michael and Evelyn Starzec Scott and Joanne Steiner Sr. Virginia Stone, BVM Fred Strobl Sean and Barb Sullivan Barry Sullivan and Alison Drumm Veronica Swanson ’82 Wesley and Erin Swearingin Walter Toro and Sabrina Delgado Caitlin Trevillyan ’07 Don Tyer Craig and Rebecca Vallorano Donald † and Paulette Van Erden Robert and Mary Beth (Thelen ’69) Varak Joseph and Allison Villinski Edward and Alice Walinski Michael and Mary Walsh Lawrence Watson William Wayman David and Joanne Weick Liam White Lawrence † and Diane Whittier Richard and Jenny Wierzchon Robert and Janell Winters Sean and Charmaine (Smith ’95) Wright Gary Wygant Warren and Mary Young James and Judy Young Matthew Zell Mario and Veronica Zitella Randy ’91 and Amy Zitella David and Soledad Zitzewitz Paul ’83 and Jackie Zudyk


Chet Delaney The August 1962 opening day for Carmel students was understated but memorable nonetheless. In the morning after a night of rain, 200 freshman boys walked on wood planks covering a muddy path and through a door on the west side of the school. The front entrance had yet to be completed! When the students entered, they were greeted by five priests in their Carmelite habits, ready to start their first day teaching Carmel students. “We wanted to impress them; show them we were prepared to teach them,” said Chester (Chet) Delaney, one of the five original Carmelite priests to staff Carmel for Boys in 1962. Chet is the last living of the original five priests. He fondly remembers his other four companions – Fr. David Murphy, Principal and Latin teacher; Fr. Elliot Eagan, Athletic Director and Religion teacher; Fr. Fintan Russel, Dean of Discipline and Italian teacher; and Brian McClough, first prior of the monastery and English teacher. To round out the faculty, Carmel’s first lay teacher, Jim Bosen, taught physical education and coached the three sports offered at the time: football, basketball, and baseball. “When I came to Carmel in June, I saw a huge hole in the ground,” said Chet Delaney. That summer, he was in Mundelein only briefly. When he returned in August, the boys’ side was ready for classes having the classrooms, cafeteria and gymnasium completed. The monastery, library, south side classrooms, auditorium, and convent had yet to be built, and would be ready for the fall of 1963.

Carmel was Chet’s first assignment after becoming a Carmelite Priest. Chet taught German and Algebra. He found teaching math ironic because his least favorite subject was math. In addition, he found himself as the treasurer of the school and the monastery. Chet also had charge of scheduling the school buses to pick up and drop off the boys each day. All of the first faculty willingly followed the famous “additional duties as assigned” phrase to serve their students. The students were eager to come to Carmel. “They were a part of something big and new, something not done before,” said Chet. Along with their formal education and faith development, the Carmelites strove to guide the boys’ personal growth as they transformed from young teenagers to young men who would soon be fathers, employees, and leaders of their communities. Chet said that the priests were teachers and mentors who emphasized compassion, courtesy, respect for others, integrity, truthfulness, and willingness to question the status quo as essential traits of being a man. Chet taught at Carmel for its first four years, but this brief section during his life still lasts in his memories and heart. He still stays in touch with a few of his students. Chet expressed pride in being a part of the original group that guided and set Carmel’s tone and traditions to become an influential institution in Lake County today.

“They were a part of something big and new, something not done before.” 34

Murphy Society Named for Fr. David Murphy, O.Carm., the founding principal of Carmel High School for Boys, the Murphy Society recognizes donors who serve as models of support through their regular, yearly contributions to the Carmel Catholic Fund. Murphy Society members are alumni, parents and friends of Carmel Catholic High School who have contributed to the Carmel Catholic Fund for five or more years consecutively. We are extremely grateful to these donors for their steadfast support that reflects Fr. David’s commitment to Catholic education and Carmel values.

20+ Years

Anonymous (1) Thomas and Catherine (Kasting ’76) Almanzo James ’68 and Joanne † Lokay Bader Harry and Maureen Balzer Charles and Teresa Bartels Brian and Beth (Castricone ’97) Bell Francois and Jeanne Bertaud Thaddeus ’84 and Julia Bond Thaddeus and Joyce Bond Gerald and Lois Caslavka Philip Chasin and Rosanne Plescia ’66 Gary and Patricia (Coates ’69) Colabuono James ’75 and Nancy (Miller ’75) Daluga Daniel and Deborah Devitt Patricia Egel Joseph and Debra Ferrari Todd and Judith Flessner Robert ’87 and Carrie Graham Richard and Judith Hegerle Barry ’72 and Deborah Heinrichs Monte Huber ’90 Richard and Janet † Jacob Ascencion and Suzanne (Mack ’67) Juarez Gerald and Dorinda Kalk Ted and Judith (DeWitt ’76) Kasperczyk Peter Koburov ’82 Richard and Geraldine Kolaczewski Roland † and Evelyn Kurfess Robert and Linda Malloy James and Shirley McGrain Loretta Megwa ’74 A. William ’79 and Twila Meo Scott and Nora Murray Richard † and Mary Jean Niemi John and Annette O’Malley Patrick ’76 and Marya O’Neill Robert ’76 and Amy Perille Thomas ’72 and Ann Perille Stephen ’77 and Amy Ratican Jerry ’74 and Cheryl Rejc Patrick ’71 and Lindy Salvi Mark and Jacqueline (Bond ’88) Senger Edward ‘66 and Susan † Skuse Fred † and Lynne Strutzel

Gerald and Michaelinda Trahan Robert ’69 and Susan Trefilek Timothy Trelka ’76 Michael and Jane Waller Thomas ’70 and Pamela Warren Joan Zupec

15+ Years

Anonymous (1) David ’79 and Peggy (Kloss ’79) Anderson Mary Byrne ’72 Holly (Rieger ‘76) Curley Michael ’82 and Jeanne DeLacluyse William and Lois Graham Vernon and Laura Knight Mark † and Catherine (Welling ‘86) Knuth Joseph and Margaret Massarelli Francis and Nancy Ogrinc Michael ’80 and Lois Poulos Paul ‘68 and Brenda Rettman Bert and Joan Schommer John and Jill (McEwen ’75) Spude John ‘78 and Beverly Sweeney Mark ’68 and Gail (Hoffmann ’71) Wegener David and Joanne Weick Hugh and Diane Zentmyer Frank † and Clara Zenzola

10+ Years

Anonymous (2) Donny ’90 and Sheryl (Jachowski ’90) Anderson David ’89 and Michele Bertaud Kevin and Melinda (Urban ’00) Braun Timothy and Jennifer (Slater ’90) Burkhalter Mark and Shannon Buschman Mark and Julie (Berger ‘93) Chamberlin John † and Jane Conarchy John and Diane Csiha Edward and Shirley † Donahoe Richard and Susan Duffy Robert and Angela (Sturgeon ’84) Fiore Ronald ’89 and Lisa (Rohleder ’89) Freeman David and Mary Gaines Michael ’67 and Kimberly Gavigan Derrick Gingery ’94 Julie Goodman ’85


Murphy Society 10+ Years (continued)

Joseph Green ’68 Kevin † and Patricia (Bockwinkel ‘74) Happ Jerome and Ann Marie Higgins Suzanne Huntemann George ’66 and Carol Krempley Joseph and Marisue Lacher Matthew ’87 and Rachel Maher Timothy McGrain ’85 James ’73 and Mary Miller Harold and Catherine Olson William and Joan Passolt David and Jennifer (Dille ’00) Penney Mark and Christine Perrelle Charles ’67 and Wenjun Quinlan Anthony Recchia William ’70 and Patricia Roberts Mark ’75 and Patricia Rohling William and Pandora (Fillipp ’90) Rouleau Gregory ’80 and Heather Rusk Ronald and Linda † Schmits Hon. Mary Schostok James † and Alice Seitz Louis and Patricia Sharp Dr. Jay, V ‘91 and Anna Sharp Dixon and Terry Slater Sr. Virginia Stone, BVM William and Angelica Sturm Jon ’77 and Laura Thorsen Thomas ’79 and Marisa Varney Kevin and Janine (McGrath ’75) Walsh Lawrence Watson

5+ Years

Anonymous (2)

Kurt and Carol Albright Zos and Nichole Alivia Joseph and Pamela Anderson Polly Andrews Timothy ’00 and Jennifer (Hanna ’00) Arvidson Brian and Alison Attar Adnan and Sana Attar James and Hope Babowice Kenneth and Laura (Walker ’89) Bair Arthur ’70 and JoAnne Baker Renato and Theresa Baladad Charles and Susan Banker Jeff and Connie Barhorst David and Gina Barker Peter and Nancy Barnes David and Karen Barry Dennis and Paula Basara Eric and Renee Baude Marc and Shawn Belanski Thomas and Virginia Biegel Richard and Lori Bishop Rick and Diane Blaha Stephen and Marcia Blaszinski Robert and Kirsten Bobber Carl Eric ’89 and Michelle (Nutschnig ’89) Bodo Christopher and Stephanie Boll Brad and Margaret Bonham Anthony and Gina Borkowski Michael ’81 and Beth Brennan Charles and Elizabeth Brock Denise (Kvaas ‘91) Brookins Roy Brown and Valerie Campbell Dominick † and Marietta Bufalino-Devitt

David and Christine Bugaj Richard and Jill Caffarelli Roger ’82 and Kaaryn Cagann Richard and Arlene Camasosa Matt and Catherine Carlen Dolores Cavenaugh Patrick and Rebecca Cepon Terry ’66 and Ruth Church Courtney Ciampi Gerald and Shannon Coghlan Joseph Colangelo ’74 Paul and Carole Coleman Thomas † and Rosemary Collard Thomas and Jet Collette Rick and Bennette Cunningham Christopher and Ann Czyzewski Joseph and Therese (Denecke ’70) Dattalo Louis and Debra Day Douglas and Monica DeKeyser Mark and Lisa DeLaMar Joseph and Kristine DiBartolo Jeff and Karen Dickmann Bruce and Beverly Dille Michael and Megan (Smith ’98) Donnelly Craig and Nanette (Tako ’89) Donton Christine Drew ’97 Steven ’93 and Michelle (Dekoj ’93) Dufault Robert ’88 and Sharon Dufault Daniel and Erlene Dungan Karl and Laura Eichler Shane and Jill Farrell Gillian (Hessing ‘08) Fecht Jeffrey ’89 and Cindy Feinendegen Thomas and Christina Ferguson Thomas Filar and Christine Coulombe

Fun Fact

The new Kathy A. Nemmers Welcome Center is a multi-purpose area that provides a welcoming space for all our students and visitors. It is named in memory of Kathy A. Nemmers, Carmel parent, volunteer and Board member. 36

Murphy Society 5+ Years (continued)

Edward and Maria Filippini John ’80 and Maren Finnegan Charles ’73 and Marilena (Bernardi ’76) Fiore John and Donna Fischer Timothy and Melinda Fitch Jere and Anne Fluno John and Monica Frels Marty and Ann Gallagher Ann Galuska Jean-Marie and Teresa Geoffroy William and Michele Giambrone Ryan ’95 and Regina Gibbons Jason and Kelly Goodman Alvin and Barbara Goodman Thomas and Juliana Gracia Michael and Patricia Graft Peter and April Graves Rudolph Grom ’71 Edward and Patricia Gromala David and Shannon Grzesiak Marcia Grzesiak Paul and Karen Halaburt Daniel and Pamela Hannon Carl and Kristen Hansel Kevin and Jennifer (Spaulding ’88) Harris Milo and Mary Beth Harrison Milo and Karen Harrison Timothy and Elizabeth Harvey George and Denise Hefner Paul and Therese Hernandez Paul and Yvonne Herring Timothy and Margaret Herron Michael and Diane Hettinger Donald † and Helen Hintz Ralph and Sheryl Hoffman Michael and Becky Hoffman Jamie and Janet Hogan John and Valerie Holaday John and Dana Iskalis Charles and Valerie (Ford ’71) Jacob Joseph and Carolyn Jané John ’66 and Margaret (Steffenhagen ’67) Janiszewski Joseph and Gloria Jansen S. Todd and Anne Jensen Chris and Donna Jones Sandra Juarez-Aragon Michael † and Kathryn Karrigan James and Joellen (Zannini ’72) Kaster Kenneth and Jennifer (Jicha ’83) Katz Thomas and Susan Kegel James and Sandra Kelley Paul and Michele Kelly Kenneth Kordick Thomas and Katherine Kwasiborski †

Stephen and Virginia Lacke Kevin and Jennifer Larsen Patrick and Cynthia (Kipp ’88) Lenihan Craig and Sharon Lennon Daniel and Rebecca (Ledezma ’89) Leskovec Ernest and Jamie (Crotteau ’67) Lisson John and Donna (Howland ’81) Lobaito Sean and Valerie Lynch James and Jennifer Machala Judith Macrowski ‘67 John and Margaret Massarelli Kenneth ’79 and Lori Massaroni Gregory and Wendi Matz Charles ’87 and Ellen May John and Jan May Michael † and Catherine McCabe Joseph McCormick ’67 Fr. Peter McGarry, O.Carm. Sr. Mary Frances McLaughlin, BVM Michael ’78 and Sarah McMahon Kenneth and Roberta McQuade Christopher and Leticia Medina Daniel and Kara Mehigan Steven and Mary Meves Brian ’83 and Gerry Micheli Ronald and Trish Miiller Jerome and Judith Mikrut Kathleen Militmore Michael and Anne-Marie (Schommer ’89) Miller Melissa Miller James and Leslie Modelski Texas and Catherine Monroe Allen Mons Steven ’86 and Ann (Kulis ’88) Monte Margarita Morales Stephen and Jennifer Moseley Stephen and Sharon Munro Zbigniew and Karen Nalewajk Joseph ‘73 and Katherine Reinke Nemmers Robert and Michele Nettesheim James ’83 and Marlene Neuroth Charles Newling ’67 Gerard and Colleen Nichol Thomas and Kathleen Nikolai Christopher Norton Joelle Novak Charles and Nancy Nozicka Nathaniel and Louela Nunez Julie (Farrell ’89) Osborne/ The Farrel Family Fund Steven and Virginia Packer Brian Payant ’99 Jose Pereira and Fabiola Tomassini-Pereira Rocco ’77 and Gayle Pesola David and Nancy Pierce Keith and Patricia Pierson


Murphy Society 5+ Years (continued)

John and Jane Pilotte Steve Poole and Karen Young Gregg and Katherine Powell John and Jennifer Powers Michael and Madelon Queenan John ’84 and Kathleen Quinn Christopher Ramos and Terre Ezyk † Mark ’87 and Marguerite (Keller ’87) Rapplean Matthew and Elizabeth Reidel Edward and Nancy Reidy Michele Rivelli-Bucci Ricardo † and Kathryn Rivera Scott Roe and Antoinette Eber-Roe Maria (Skorcz ‘10) Roehmholdt Todd and Katherine Roesler Francis and Elizabeth Romanes Kevin and Cecelia Rupprecht Michael and Mary Jo Rutz Kevin and Karen Sahr Susan (Feinendegen ‘91) Santner Michael and Therese (Donnellan ’83) Sarallo John and Robin Sasman Jay Schedler and Sherry Schedler-Kim Edward † and Kathleen Schrank John and Mary Scully Connie Shanahan Andrey Shinkarev and Yelena Utkina Christian and Janet Silge Terrence ’91 and Jacqueline Sio Anthony and Gail Sliwa Richard and Toni Smith Jeffrey ’83 and Christine Smith Steve and Julie Smith James and Lynn Snyder

Jacob and Emily (Tourdot ’09) Solarz Paul and Angela Somodi James and Amy Spera Peter and Christine Speranza Christopher ’90 and Becky Splitt Richard and Kitty Stailey Stephen ’75 and Valerie Stanczak Bryan and Ellen Stirrat Edward and Paulette Stith Harold † and Susan Stronach Thomas and Elizabeth (Lucas ’72) Sublewski Matthew and Kathy Szamocki Andrew and Susan Thiel Larry and Janene Thompson John ’76 and Melissa Torres Mark and Kathryn Unze Luis and Becky Valadez Donald † and Paulette Van Erden Anil Khurana and Cynthia Wait ’73 David ’88 and Marge Waldschmidt Jonathan and Ana-Maria Wattelet Thomas and Joan Weber William and Regina (Lauten ’81) Wendes Michael and Michelle Whelan Robert and Mary (Suter ’83) Wiacek Robert and Janell Winters Elijah Wise ’02 David and Adriana Young Randy ’91 and Amy Zitella David and Soledad Zitzewitz

Fun Fact

The new Carmel Catholic Fitness Center includes a strength and conditioning area, cardio room, and indoor track. The fitness center was created, designed, and equipped by Carmel alumni. 38

Kelly Circle Donors who have made Carmel Catholic High School a beneficiary in their estate plans become members of the Kelly Circle in recognition of their commitment to the continuation of Carmel Catholic’s mission. Sr. Mary Cecil Kelly, BVM was the first principal of Carmel High School for Girls. Her gifts of deep Christian faith, academic innovation and community spirit helped shape the traditions of Carmel Catholic High School. Kelly Circle donors sustain Sr. Kelly’s legacy of commitment and leadership by providing financial support for generations of students. Anonymous Walter and Marianne Barker Charles and Teresa Bartels Brian and Beth (Castricone ’97) Bell Marlene Benjamin † Thaddeus ’84 and Julia Bond Thaddeus and Joyce Bond Holly (Rieger ‘76) Curley Daniel and Deborah Devitt James and Kristine † Fitzsimmons ’70 Richard ’67 and Carol Gedman Robert ’85 and Tamara Hoffman Bill and Penny (Pasquesi ’66) Kuhnmuench Kevin ’79 and Ana Maria McGuan A. William ’79 and Twila Meo

Joseph † and Dorine † Miller Anthony ’72 and Andrea (Smith ’72) Moree Peter Mundy ‘66 Lawrence ’72 and Dawn Neal Joseph ‘73 and Katherine Reinke Nemmers Charles Newling ’67 B. Tucker and Cheryle Olson Christopher Ramos and Terre Ezyk † Christopher Raspante ’80 Jerald † and Carol † Schmitt Mark and Jacqueline (Bond ’88) Senger David † and Lori (Esser ‘78) Short Lawrence Watson Paul ’83 and Jackie Zudyk

Empower Illinois Empower Illinois is part of the Invest in Kids act legislation providing tuition assistance to low-income students who attend private education. These donors designated their donations to Carmel families. Richard and Jill Caffarelli Daniel Colbert Louis and Debra Day Jeff and Karen Dickmann John and Kathleen Gray Dennis and Mai Jenke William and Linda Johnson

Joseph and Marisue Lacher James and Sharon Lentino Kenneth and Roberta McQuade James ’73 and Mary Miller David Durdan and Carla Moradi Patrick and Marya O’Neill David and Adriana Young

Gifts In Kind Amazing Cosmetics Bartels Landscape Service, Inc. Bill’s Pizza and Pub Blufish Sushi Vernon Hills, LLC Gregory and Kathleen Byrd Gary and Patricia (Coates ’69) Colabuono Edmund ’85 and Colleen Conarchy Conlon & Thompson Orthodontics, Ltd Copper Fiddle Distillery Culver’s Demar Direct Inc. Domino’s Pizza Eddie B’s Supper Club Egg Harbor Cafe Nora Fleming Robert and Elizabeth Fortune

Marty and Ann Gallagher Harbor Shores on Lake Geneva Honey Acres Inc Lake Geneva Cruise Line Lou Malnati’s Pizzeria Mission BBQ Mulberry Lane Farm Nothing Bundt Cakes - Vernon Hills O&H Danish Bakery Richardson Adventure Farm Safari Lake Geneva Schaumburg Boomers Philip Seitz The Tempel Lipizzans Wines for Humanity X Golf Libertyville





“The Choice Driven Life” with Dr. Linda Couri

JANUARY 20, 2022 Dr. Samer Attar ‘94

FEBRUARY, 2022 MONDAY, DECEMBER 6 St. Nicholas Family Rosary and Fellowship FRIDAY, MAY 13, 2022 Rosary Walk SATURDAY, JULY 16, 2022 Feast of Our Lady of Mount Carmel Mass

www.carmelhs.org/spiritus/ Carmel Catholic High School One Carmel Parkway | Mundelein, IL 60060 | 847.566.3000


Class of 2021 College Acceptances Albion College Allegheny College American University Appalachian State University Arizona State University-Tempe Ashland University Auburn University Augustana College Austin College Ball State University Baylor University Belmont University Beloit College Benedictine College Benedictine University Binghamton University Bismarck State College Boston College Boston University Bowling Green State UniversityMain Campus Bradley University Bucknell University Butler University Calvin University Carnegie Mellon University Carroll University Carthage College Case Western Reserve University Catholic University of America Central College Citadel Military College of South Carolina Clemson University Coastal Carolina University College of Charleston College of Lake County College of Saint Benedict Colorado School of Mines Colorado State University-Fort Collins Columbia College Chicago Concordia University-Chicago Concordia University-Saint Paul Concordia University-Wisconsin Converse College Cornell University Creighton University Denison University DePaul University DePauw University Dominican University Drake University Duquesne University East Carolina University Eastern Illinois University Eastern Kentucky University Edgewood College Elmhurst University Elon University Embry-Riddle Aeronautical UniversityDaytona Beach Fairfield University Ferris State University Florida Gulf Coast University

Florida Institute of Technology Florida State University Fordham University Franciscan University of Steubenville Furman University George Washington University Georgia Institute of TechnologyMain Campus Gonzaga University Grand Valley State University Gustavus Adolphus College High Point University Hillsdale College Holy Cross College Hope College Illinois Institute of Technology Illinois State University Indiana University-Bloomington Iowa State University Ithaca College James Madison University Jefferson (Philadelphia University + Thomas Jefferson University) John Carroll University Kalamazoo College Kansas City Art Institute Kansas State University Knox College Kutztown University of Pennsylvania Lake Forest College Lawrence University Lehigh University Lewis University Liberty University Loras College Louisiana State University and Agricultural & Mechanical College Loyola Marymount University Loyola University Chicago Loyola University Maryland Luther College Marian University - Indianapolis Marquette University Massachusetts College of Art and Design Massachusetts Institute of Technology McHenry County College Miami University, Oxford Michigan State University Michigan Technological University Millikin University Milwaukee School of Engineering Minneapolis College of Art and Design Missouri University of Science and Technology Monmouth College Montana State University Mount Mary University North Central College Northern Arizona University Northern Illinois University Northern Michigan University Northwestern University Nova Southeastern University Oberlin College

Ohio Northern University Ohio State University-Main Campus Oklahoma State University-Main Campus Oregon State University Otis College of Art and Design Pace University, New York City Campus Pennsylvania State University-Main Campus Pepperdine University Providence College Purdue University-Main Campus Ringling College of Art and Design Rockford University Rollins College Roosevelt University Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology Sacred Heart University Saint Ambrose University Saint Johns University Saint Louis University Saint Mary’s College Saint Mary’s University of Minnesota Saint Norbert College Saint Xavier University Savannah College of Art & Design SCAD Seton Hall University Southeastern University Southern Illinois University-Carbondale Southern Methodist University St Olaf College Stetson University SUNY Buffalo State SUNY College of Environmental Science and Forestry SUNY Cortland Texas A & M University-College Station Texas Christian University The College of Wooster The University of Alabama The University of Arizona The University of Findlay The University of Tampa The University of Tennessee-Knoxville The University of Texas at Arlington The University of Texas at Dallas Trinity College United States Military Academy University of Alabama at Birmingham University of Arkansas University of Bridgeport University of California-San Diego University of California-Santa Barbara University of Cincinnati-Main Campus University of Colorado Boulder University of Colorado Denver University of Dayton University of Delaware University of Denver University of East London University of Florida University of Georgia University of Hawaii at Manoa

University of Illinois at Chicago University of Illinois at Springfield University of Illinois at UrbanaChampaign University of Indianapolis University of Iowa University of Kansas University of Kentucky University of Louisville University of Mary University of Maryland-College Park University of Michigan-Ann Arbor University of Minnesota-Twin Cities University of Mississippi University of Missouri-Columbia University of Nebraska-Lincoln University of Nevada-Las Vegas University of New Haven University of New Mexico-Main Campus University of North Florida University of Notre Dame University of Oklahoma-Norman Campus University of Oregon University of Pittsburgh-Pittsburgh Campus University of San Diego University of San Francisco University of Scranton University of South Alabama University of South Carolina-Columbia University of South Florida-Main Campus University of Southern California University of Southern Maine University of St. Thomas (MN) University of Utah University of Vermont University of Virginia-Main Campus University of Washington-Seattle Campus University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire University of Wisconsin-La Crosse University of Wisconsin-Madison University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee University of Wisconsin-Parkside University of Wisconsin-Platteville University of Wisconsin-River Falls University of Wisconsin-Stout University of Wisconsin-Whitewater Valparaiso University Villanova University Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University Wabash College Washington University in St Louis Webster University West Virginia University Western Kentucky University Western Michigan University Wheaton College Xavier University


Philanthropy is often defined as a love for humankind. At Carmel Catholic High School,

philanthropy provides opportunities–opportunities to make our school the best we can be and provide access to all that seek the Carmel Catholic experience. We honor all of our philanthropic supporters. Whether it is the gift of treasure, talent, or time, every contribution has an impact. For that, we are continually grateful.


Thank you to all of our many volunteers, donors, parents, sponsors, students, faculty, staff,

and community friends. We hope you will continue to help provide opportunities and love to Carmel Catholic.


Interviews, Writing, Editing and Data Compilations by:

Courtney Ciampi, Director of Donor Relations Ken Kordick, Director of Alumni Relations Caitlin Lees, Director of Marketing and Communications Mike Looby ‘75, Director of Philanthropy Sarah O’Donnell, Publications Coordinator Lois Poulos, Director of Advancement Michelle (Karrigan ’92) Ptasienski, Director of Volunteer Engagement Dave Silbar, Writer Denise Spokas, Director of Community Engagement Milena Stanimirova, Director of Advancement Data Services Brian Stith ’01, Chief Enrollment and Advancement Officer Please contact Courtney Ciampi, Director of Donor Relations at (847)388-3372 or cciampi@carmelhs.org with any questions about this Annual Report or giving to Carmel Catholic High School.


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