Summer 2014 COMPASS

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C MPASS Summer 2014

Inside This Issue:

CCHS Teacher Participates in NASA Program March for Life Alumni Reunion - September 26 Dr. Sam Attar ‘94 Volunteers in Syria


President Sr. Mary Frances McLaughlin, B.V.M. OFFICE OF INSTITUTIONAL ADVANCEMENT STAFF Director of Institutional Advancement Sr. Kathleen Sinclair, B.V.M. Director of Marketing and Alumni Development Amy Egan Advancement Officers Noelle Moore Dianna Burke Special Events Director Laurie Wienke Data Services Coordinator Janet Paddock Publications Coordinator Sarah O’Donnell Marketing Coordinator Caitlin Monaghan Administrative Assistant Jane Maciolek COMPASS Editor Patty Van Spankeren ‘95, English Faculty Please send name or address changes to: Carmel Catholic High School One Carmel Parkway Mundelein, IL 60060 847.388.3362 • For verification purposes, please reference the 9-digit ID number found in the magazine address area. On the Cover: CCHS students participate in March for Life in Washington, D.C. on January 22.

Summer 2014, Volume 2, Issue 1

C MPASS The Community Magazine of Carmel Catholic High School

Table of Contents Features Carmel Teacher Flies High........................................................4 Carmel Catholic Seniors March for Life..................................6 Corsairs Lend a Helping Hand..................................................7 We Salute a Carmel Alumnus..................................................21 Saving Lives in Syria................................................................23

In Every Issue Campus Life..............................................................................4 Around School...............................................................8 Athletics.......................................................................11 Fine Arts......................................................................12 Advancing Carmel..................................................................14 Annual Fund................................................................14 Capital Campaign........................................................16 Alumni..................................................................................19 Alumni Reunion - September 26...................................20 Where in the World is the Corsair...................................22 Class Notes..................................................................24 Milestones....................................................................26 In Memoriam...............................................................27 Calendar of Events....................................................Back Cover

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Céad míle fáilte! This Irish expression, meaning “A hundred thousand welcomes,” fittingly describes the warm welcome I have received since returning to Carmel Catholic on Jan. 15, 2014, as interim president. Thank you! It is a delight to be back among you!


Dear Families, Friends, Alumni and Donors of Carmel Catholic,

So many changes have taken place at Carmel Catholic since I was president from 1996-2006! The Rev. Timothy P. Andres, O.Carm. Information Commons replaces our library and a beautiful and much-needed Fine and Performing Arts Center graces the space that housed our Carmelites for almost 50 years. In addition, rotation scheduling allows students to take more electives, and every faculty member and student has a Lenovo ThinkPad, which enhances instruction and learning in all subject areas. Thank you, Dr. Mucheck, for your years of leadership at Carmel Catholic. Returning also brings a new awareness of the deep values and solid foundation upon which Carmel Catholic stands. Our mission is to provide the best education possible for our students in order to empower them to be “reflective thinkers, grateful stewards, and responsible leaders as an expression of faith.” This faith, rooted in the Roman Catholic tradition, is articulated and lived daily in our classes and prayer and in the celebration of liturgy, retreats and Christian service. This has been at the heart of the Carmel Catholic experience from our early days and continues today. As the leadership of our school transitions from religious women and men to Catholic lay leaders, our Catholic identity will remain strong and intact.

This issue of COMPASS highlights one of our stellar faculty members, Marcella Linahan, who will participate in NASA’s SOFIA program this summer; a piece on our students’ trip to Washington, D.C. in January for the March for Life; and an interesting article about alumnus Dr. Sam Attar ’94, who recently volunteered in the Middle East. Enjoy! May the Spirit of God bless you and your family during the season of Pentecost! Gratefully, Sr. Mary Frances McLaughlin, B.V.M. President

COMPASS | Summer 2014

In February, Street Scenes celebrated 40 years and “saluted the troops.” As usual our hallways were filled with thousands of guests who enjoyed shows, food and libations over Valentine’s Day weekend. We are very grateful to Mr. Dan Kerkman and our directors and volunteers who orchestrated every act of our grand production, from the ad book to the post-Street Scenes “tear down” and school restoration. Our new General Chair-Couple, Bob and Briar Knudson, current Carmel parents, have stepped up to lead in 2015 when “Street Scenes Celebrates Superheroes.” You will hear more from them as they seek to add new faces to volunteer!


Carmel Teacher Flies High

Amused and somewhat bewildered at the recognition, Science Teacher Marcella Linahan reports her recent encounter at an area grocery store: “Are you the teacher from Carmel who’s going to fly in space?” asked the stranger. Linahan couldn’t be happier to report that, yes, she will in fact be flying with NASA in May, at heights 45,000 feet above the water vapor in the Earth’s atmosphere. Linahan, who has been teaching at Carmel for eight years, is not only busy planning lessons and grading papers, but also preparing for her flight on NASA’s Stratospheric Observatory for Infrared Astronomy, a converted Boeing 747 housing a special telescope. She, along with other selected educators, is engaged in a graduate-level astronomy course designed to prepare her to aid a scientist conducting research on SOFIA. SOFIA, the world’s largest airborne astronomical observatory, was built with such partnerships in mind. “They designed the aircraft so that teachers could fly on it,” said Linahan. “They really wanted…for us to experience the authentic research and then bring that experience back to our students and to our communities.” The program seems a perfect fit for Linahan, who advocates project-based learning and has created Carmel’s Astronomy Research Class in which students use archival astronomical data to conduct authentic science research. NASA, unable to process all the data it collects, has invited the public to help them. Linahan’s students have discovered previously unknown stars and in past years have traveled to astronomy events in California and Texas to present their research in poster sessions. While volunteering at Yerkes Observatory in Williams Bay, Wis., Linahan learned about SOFIA from a teacher who had been through the program. She then partnered with retired Glenbrook North High School teacher Lynne Zielinski to apply. 4

Teaching was not part of her initial plan, though she always planned to go into a sciencerelated field. She originally planned on veterinary science, became fascinated with genetics, a new field of study at the time, and after her undergraduate graduation ended up finding what was meant to be a shortterm science writing job. But, she says, “I just loved it so much I never went back to school.” Eventually becoming a stay-athome mom, Linahan discovered a calling in education while volunteering in her kids’ schools. “The science teacher [at my son’s school] was phenomenal, and I basically just started living there,” she says, getting involved in the school’s Lego Robotics team and eventually competing with success at the state level. She applied to Northwestern University and earned her Master’s degree

through their education program. After filling in for a maternity leave at Carmel, Linahan started hunting for full-time positions in the area. “I had loved Carmel so much,” she says, “but there were no jobs here.” Having been offered a position elsewhere, she was stalling accepting it when she was contacted with the news that Carmel would be needing a new science teacher to meet next year’s enrollment demands. “This is the place I want to be,” she recalls thinking. Since becoming part of Carmel’s teaching staff, Linahan has taught physics, biology, geo science, and environmental science, and has revamped the astronomy program to feature two semesterlong classes. Knowing how exciting authentic research can be, Linahan has worked hard to establish the additional astronomy research class, which students must apply to. Though teaching such a class is a lot of extra work and involves meetings before school and sometimes on weekends, “The students make it worth it,” she says. “When we go out to present at the American Astronomical Society, and you see your students standing there, talking about

Linahan’s son Ryan ‘10 started at Carmel the same year she did, and will be graduating from West Point this year. Her daughter Megan ‘14 is currently enrolled in her environmental science class, and though she was initially nervous about her mother flying with NASA, she has grown more excited as she has learned more about the program. Ryan’s opinion of his mother was conveyed to Megan by text: “She’s legit.” After completing her SOFIA experience, Linahan looks forward to working with local middle school teachers to help them build astronomy and research programs for younger students. But for now, she can’t wait for the trip to California— to meet her fellow teachers and scientists, to go onboard SOFIA and to get her authentic NASA flight jacket, complete with mission patches. “I’m going to wear it every day,” she says with satisfaction.


“There was never a time that I was not interested in science,” muses Linahan. She credits her father’s fascination with science fiction for some of that inspiration, and recalls being dragged along to see “Star Wars” on its opening day. “It sounded awful to me,” she laughs, but remembers leaving the theater asking, “Can we go again?”

Katie Donahoe ‘15, who has worked with Linahan on some of the research, says, “Other scientists are building off of our data, which is a very thrilling thing for all of us. Without this project, I don’t know whether some of us (myself included) would have realized the importance of scientific research, or have had the chance to discover a love of astronomy.”

COMPASS | Summer 2014

[the project], and the audience is amazed to find out they’re only in high school…. It’s super exciting to see it happen, to know you’re responsible for getting them there.”


Carmel Catholic Seniors March for Life

Students and faculty make pro-life pilgrimage to nation’s capital

Not even frigid temperatures and snow could stop a group of 25 Carmel Catholic seniors from coming together to take a stand against abortion. Bundled up and carrying signs that read “Life Counts,” the seniors, as well as faculty and parent volunteers, joined hundreds of thousands in Washington, D.C., on Jan. 22, 2014, for the March for Life, the world’s largest pro-life event. For the past 41 years, March for Life has been held on the anniversary of the controversial 1973 Supreme Court decision of Roe v. Wade, which overturned pro-life laws and legalized abortions. Students from Catholic schools around the nation, along with pro-life supporters of all kinds, gathered as one to walk down Constitution Avenue from the 6

National Mall to the steps of the Supreme Court building. Carmel Catholic religion education teacher Mrs. Paulette Stith has led the trip for 10 years straight. “March for Life is an opportunity for our students to take a public stand, be a part of American history and show their faith through what they do,” said Stith. “For me, the highlight of the trip was knowing that this experience has such a profound effect on the students who participate in it and that they enthusiastically bring the message back to Carmel.”

calling me to do.” The group’s five-day journey consisted of nearly three days of enriching prayer experiences, all coordinated by the Archdiocese of Chicago. Their final and most memorable day in the nation’s capital began with the Youth Rally and Mass for Life, with the march following in the afternoon.

Upon returning from their trip, the group couldn’t wait to share their experience with fellow classmates. Brittany Rygiel ‘14 hopes that students participating in March for Life in the future will gain a greater understanding of the For several students, March for importance of the Right to Life Life was their first experience movement. “I hope they take being involved in an event of this their experiences back home with kind. “This was the first time that them and share them with their I truly put my faith into action for friends and family,” she said. “You the world to see,” explained Thea never know whose mind you Patterson ’14. “I did what God was might change.”

At 5:00 a.m. on Friday, Dec. 27, 50 students and seven teachers and coaches departed from Carmel en route to Washington. The Carmel team included 32 members of the school’s football team and 18 members of the social justice club. “As usual with experiences like this, we went there to help, serve and donate our time and talents, but we came away with much more than we could have ever given,” said Campus Minister Michael Fitzgibbons who coordinated the trip. “I am humbled by the spirit and courage of the folks in Washington. And also, of course, by the willingness of our young people to jump in on their own time and help.” While the weather conditions

prevented the students from doing outdoor work while in Washington, they were busy from 9-5 p.m. that day working indoors. Once arriving in Washington, they celebrated Mass at St. Patrick Church. Following Mass, the group received a tour of the devastation from a church staff member before heading to the Sunnyside Distribution Center. The students were kept busy throughout the day, working to unload, organize and distribute items ranging from food and toiletries to toys and household needs in a free grocery store that was established for residents impacted by the disaster. Natalie Santoro ‘14, co-president

of Carmel’s social justice club, was among the students who traveled to Washington. She explained that students were surprised with the conditions in Washington when they arrived. “It was shocking,” said Santoro. “After touring the town, the whole bus went silent. It was so hard to look at.” The idea for the trip came from a member of the school’s football team, which partnered with the social justice club for the trip. Santoro noted that the Carmel team helped on a day when the distribution center received its largest delivery of donations to date. “It was great that so many students were able to go and wanted to give up a day of break to help,” said Santoro. “The strength and fortitude of the folks in Washington is inspiring, to say the least,” said Fitzgibbons. “As often happens in times like this, we went there to provide energy, work hours and support, and came away with so much more. It truly was a blessing for all concerned.”


At Carmel Catholic, ministry is a way of life. While many high school students enjoyed the opportunity to relax and sleep in during Christmas break, dozens of Corsairs gave up a day of break to travel to downstate Washington, Ill., to assist those impacted by November’s destructive tornadoes.


Students aid residents devastated by November tornadoes

COMPASS | Summer 2014

Corsairs Lend a Helping Hand


Spring Charity Drive Our annual spring charity drive, organized by Student Council, offered many opportunities for students to live out Carmel Catholic’s mission to be “reflective thinkers, grateful stewards, and responsible leaders.” • The March 13 Blood Drive collected a record 219 units, positively impacting the lives of 657 people. • The non-profit organization Kitz4Kids, founded by Annie Brinkman ‘15 and Emily Scott ‘15, collected 932 items for care packages that will go to cancer patients at Lurie Children’s Hospital. • Thirty-five formal dresses were collected for the Glass Slipper Project, which provides free prom dresses to students in the Chicago area. • The Social Justice Club sponsored a volunteer night at Feed My Starving Children in Libertyville that brought in 75 volunteers. • Operation Rice Bowl donations were collected in homerooms throughout Lent; nearly $2,000 was collected. • The Social Justice and Diversity clubs joined the Student Council in selling braided fabric bracelets which benefitted Syrian refugees through the Karam Foundation, cofounded by Lina Sergie Attar, wife of Dr. Ala Attar ‘89. $3,400 was donated to the Karam foundation. 8

Around School

Find out the latest happenings at Carmel Catholic • Natalie Santoro ‘14 and Ammar Ujjainwala ‘14 received honorable mentions to the 2013-14 Daily Herald Leadership Team for their outstanding community service. • Carmel JV cheerleaders paired up with Gurnee’s A Big Blast special needs cheerleading squad to cheer on the boys’ JV basketball game on Jan. 7. • Twenty-four students traveled to Springfield, Ill., in March to represent Carmel Catholic at a mock legislative session at the 65th IL Youth & Government Assembly. • In March, Carrie and Robert ‘87 Graham hosted a St. Patrick’s Day benefit raising almost $3,000 for Kitz4Kids, a non-profit organization founded by Carmel students Annie Brinkman ‘15 and Emily Scott ‘15. • Sophie Lombardo ‘14 earned second place for her essay “The Aftermath” in the 2014 Leo & Antonia Gershanov Memorial Student Essay Contest, sponsored by the Illinois Holocaust Museum and Education Center. The contest, open to Illinois high school students, asks students to respond to a theme that links historical events to current events and their own experiences. Lombardo and teacher James Schuster were invited to a ceremony at the museum in April. • In May, Carmel students teamed up with University of Illinois premed student William Fernandez ‘09 to collect pens and pencils Fernandez will bring with him to his six-week mission in Kenya. • Kelly Vogel ‘15 qualified for the WYSE State competition in chemistry. • Andrew Kuderna ‘16 traveled to Belize City in March with St. Mary of the Annunciation where they worked with Hand in Hand Ministries to build a two-room house for a local family.

Andrew Kuderna ’16, Fr. Ron Lewinski and other gracious volunteers in Belize City

“They did all the work,” said Math Teacher Emily Tourdot ‘09. The Carmel students led all the sessions, working closely with the younger students to guide them through the activities. “I think [the St. Mary students] enjoyed seeing students not much older than they get excited about math,” Tourdot said. “The level of enthusiasm [went] from almost none to not wanting to leave the room.”

Math Day 2014

Scholastic Writing Winner

Ed Zapanta ‘14 earned the title of Mr. CCHS at an evening competition in February. The event, an opportunity for senior men to show their school spirit, is sponsored by students in Carmel’s International Thespian Society troupe, who emcee and run light, sound and backstage crews. A faculty panel judged the gentlemen in contests of dance, talent and personality. Others earning titles were Keenan Walsh ‘14, named Mr. Congeniality, and Peter Rattin ‘14, named Mr. Talent. The event raised almost $600 for the Northern Illinois Food Pantry, which helps feed Lake County families.

COMPASS | Summer 2014

Congratulations to Brooke White ‘14 who won several awards in the Regional Scholastic Art and Writing Show. White won the highest honor, the Gold Key Award, for her flash fiction piece “Orange Versus Apple,” which she submitted as her college admittance essay to the University of Chicago. The Scholastic Writing Award has an impressive collection of past winners including Joyce Carol Oates, Stephen King and Sylvia Plath. While in Carmel Catholic’s creative writing class, White wrote several other pieces that were recognized in the competition. “Bruises,” another flash fiction piece, received a Silver Key Award. She received honorable mentions for five additional submissions: poems “Songbird,” “Temptation,” “The Face of a Woman” and “Willow,” and the flash fiction piece “Home.” White’s compositions were published in this year’s edition of Carmel’s literary magazine Harbinger.


Seven juniors and seniors helped Buffalo Grove’s St. Mary School celebrate Math Day last November. The students, all members of the national math honor society Mu Alpha Theta, led students in fourth through eighth grade through a series of math challenges.


St. Mary Math Day Mr. CCHS

Mr. CCHS, Ed Zapanta ‘14 9

Campus Minister Honored Campus Minister Kambra French was awarded the Distinguished Service Award by the Archdiocese of Chicago Office of Catholic Schools in February. This award, honoring educators who have served in Catholic schools for 10 or more years, recognizes dedicated leaders for their service to Catholic education. “Her work with our students, faculty and broader community is truly inspiring,” said Principal Mark Ostap. “She serves as an excellent example of Catholic life for our students.” For the past 13 years, French has taught Carmel Catholic students in the religious studies program. In 2011, she also took on the role of campus minister, leading the Christian service program and coordinating liturgies. French moderated the Student Council for nine years and volunteers as an adult mentor for the Kairos retreat program. This spring French completed her Master of Arts in Liturgy at the University of Saint Mary of the Lake in Mundelein. 10

Mayor’s Math Cup Challenge Carmel Catholic students recently competed in the first Mundelein Mayor’s Cup Math Challenge on March 9 at Mundelein High School. More than 90 6th-12th grade students from schools throughout Mundelein entered the competition with hopes of winning a portion of the $4,000 available in scholarships. Carmel Catholic’s participants included 11 members of the freshman/sophomore math team and eight members of Mu Alpha Theta, the math honor society. Zach Gleason ‘14 took the top prize, winning the varsity division. Carmel Catholic’s winners included: • Varsity Individual: First Place – Zach Gleason ‘14 ($1000 from McDonald’s of Mundelein) and Third Place – Laura Matthews ‘15 ($250 from Northside Bank) • JV Individual: Second Place – Tom Trzupek ‘16 ($500 from Fifth Third Bank) • JV Team: First Place – John Caffarelli ‘16, Lauren Caffarelli ‘17, Sammy Dickmann ‘17, Jason Hajduk ‘17, and Tom Trzupek ‘16 Other Carmel Catholic participants included Jill Adam ‘15, Nissiya Adjei ‘15, Birkan Cetinkaya ‘16, Samantha Cook ‘15, Ethan DeKeyser ‘16, Sai Amulya Kandikonda ‘15, Jack McKernan ‘17, Grace Morabito ‘17, Kally Morozin ‘15, Shannon Morozin ‘17, Ricky Rivera ‘17 and Alexa Svoboda ‘14. Carmel Catholic math teachers Charlotte Pavelka and Erin Major ‘00, moderators for the math team and Mu Alpha Theta, worked hard to get their teams ready for this competition.

Mundelein Mayor Steve Lentz with Zach Gleason ‘14

Mundelein Mayor Steve Lentz with JV team



Jack George ‘14 The varsity team won the IHSA 3A regional championship. The team advanced to the IHSA sectional championship, ending the season with a school record of 25-9. Jack George ‘14 and Michael Barr ‘14 were selected All-ESCC and Daily Herald All-Area.

The team won the regional championship for the 12th consecutive year. Anna Osowski ‘17 was regional champion on Beam, Floor, Bars and All Around. At sectionals, Osowski placed second on Floor and fourth on Bars, and then advanced to state and placed 15th on Floor, 32nd on Bars and 30th in the All Around. Antonia Durnil ‘16 was regional champion on Vault; she advanced to state on Floor and placed 22nd. Sarah Mikrut-Doyle ‘93, Carmel Catholic’s Gymnastics coach, was inducted into the Illinois High School Girls Gymnastics Coaches Hall of Fame Feb. 22 at Palatine High School.

Girls’ Basketball


The varsity team ended the season with a 24-10 record, making it to the “Elite 8” super-sectional and winning the IHSA 3A regional and sectional championships. Kathleen Felicelli ‘14 was selected All-ESCC for the second year.

Hockey The team finished their season with a record of 10-21-7.

Kenny Barber ‘16

Anthony Swindell ‘15

Joe Salvi ‘14

Kenny Barber ‘16 (126 lbs.), Anthony Swindell ‘15 (138 lbs.) and Joe Salvi ‘14 (160 lbs.) were all regional champions and state qualifiers. Swindell finished eighth in state.

IHSA All-State Academic Team Kathleen Felicelli ‘14 was one of 50 out of 490 nominations to receive an Honorable Mention for the IHSA All-State Academic Team. Kathleen, a three-sport athlete, plays tennis, basketball and Kathleen Felicelli ‘14 softball.

COMPASS | Summer 2014

Boys’ Basketball


Winter Athletics


Fine Arts

Street Scenes Student Show

In February, Carmel Catholic students performed their show “The Spirit of Hope” as part of Street Scenes 2014. The show, in keeping with Street Scenes’ theme to “Salute the Troops,” included numbers honoring those who have served in the military. More than 70 students participated as cast, crew or pit orchestra members in 12 shows over the course of the weekend. Director Denise Sebastiano reports that many called it “one of the best they have seen at Street Scenes.”

Marching Band Performs at Outback Bowl

Carmel Catholic’s Marching Band, under the direction of David Wiebers, joined schools from across the nation to perform in the 2014 New Year’s Day Outback Bowl halftime show in Tampa, Fla. Additionally, some students earned honors in music competitions: the Percussion Ensemble took first place, the Jazz Ensemble second. Scott Kehres ‘14 received the Outstanding Soloist award. The students’ eight-day trip included visits to the Straz Center for the Performing Arts, Busch Gardens and Disney World. 12

Best of Day and Division I Superior awards went to Jessica McGowan ‘15 for Female Vocal Solo and Sam Dawes ‘14 for Piano Solo. Dawes also earned a perfect score.

Visual Arts Illinois Poster Contest

As first prize winner, Poplawski has won a trip for herself, her mother and Carmel Catholic art teacher Sheela Gladwell to visit New York City art museums at the expense of Sargent Art Supplies. The three students’ designs, along with those of the 11 other kindergarten through 12th grade winners, will be featured on a poster that will be distributed to all Illinois member schools.

Abby Poplawski ‘14 with her award winning photo Abby Poplawski ‘14, Kyle Gorzowski ‘14 and Leah Mowery ‘14 all won first and second place prizes in the Illinois Art Education Association’s 2014 Youth Art Month Poster Design contest on the theme “Illinois Illusions: Past, Present and Future.”

Six additional students earned Division II and III ratings.


On March 8, Fine Arts students participated in the IHSA Solo & Ensemble Competition at Harvard High School. Many students earned top honors.

Also receiving Division I Superior ratings were Isabelle Reyes ‘15 and Nicole Hefner ‘15, who earned perfect scores for their piano solos, and the following: Zach Belyaev ‘17, Sam Bishop ‘14, Allison Cuba ‘16, Julia Dodich ‘16, Kaitlyn Edicola ‘15, Jason Hajduk ‘17, Rose Poplawski ‘17, Yu Jin Shin ‘14, Kelly Zeller ‘14 and Alycia Zimmerman ‘16.


Over spring break Carmel Cadence show choir traveled to Disney World. During the five-day trip, the group performed at the Downtown Disney Marketplace on the Waterside Stage.

Vocalists and Instrumentalists Earn Top Honors

Night.” Brooke Kamins ‘14 received a Silver Key for her digital color photograph entry “Dreaming.” Kamins ‘14 also received five honorable mentions for painting and drawing entries. Elizabeth Erickson ‘15 received honorable mentions for two paintings. The following students each earned an honorable mention for drawings: Kyle Gorzowski ‘14, Scott Kehres ‘14 and Leah Mowery ‘14.

Scholastic Art Show Six Carmel students were recognized at the Regional Scholastic Art Show. Tina Reynolds ‘15 won the top Gold Key Award for her digital color photograph “Split Reflection.” Kyle Gorzowski ‘14 won two Silver Key Awards: one for his drawing “Meltdown” and one for his painting “Undead

Scholastic Art Show winners

COMPASS | Summer 2014

Show Choir Visits Disney


Thank You A GIFT GIVEN NOW MAKES A DIFFERENCE NOW Please help us reach our Annual Fund goal. Please consider making a gift to Carmel Catholic that reflects your dedication and faith in the future of this school. All gifts to the Annual Fund, regardless of their size, make a difference in the lives of our students, faculty, and staff.

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Mark and Shawn Majewski Joseph ‘78 and Diane May Michael and Catherine McCabe Robert and Mary McKay Kenneth Michaels, Jr. Kent and Kathryn Moon Noelle and Daniel Moore Matthew and Jyoti Mottier Judith Mucheck, Ph.D. Mary Caren (Craine ‘76) and Gregory Murawski Jack and Janet Murphy Scott and Nora Murray Dr. Nicholas and Maria Nikitas The Nikolich Family Francis and Nancy Ogrinc Mark and Molly Ostap Dr. Bennett and Maureen Pastika Janis and Ronald Paulson Michael and Jan Pauly Robert ‘76 and Amy Perille Harry and Dolores Pettengill Robert and Teresa Rao Christopher Raspante ‘80 Ricardo and Kathryn Rivera Pat ‘71 and Lindy Salvi Lambert and Joan Schommer Hon. Mary Schostok Sr. Kathleen Sinclair, B.V.M. Cmdr. Mark Wegge ‘78 and Victoria Smock ‘79 Jill (McEwen ‘75) and John Spude Brian and Angela Truesdale Craig and Rebecca Vallorano Steven and Joanne Verney Andrew and Margaret Warzecha Capt. Mark Wegge ‘78 and Victoria Smock ‘79 David and Joanne Weick Robert and Regina Wright William and Kelly Zadell Paul ‘83 and Jackie Zudyk

Erratum: The following donors should have been mentioned in the Annual Fund Consecutive Giving List in the 2013 Annual Report that was included in the winter 2014 edition of COMPASS. 5+ Years - Evelyn Kurfess, 10+ Years - Charles and Teresa Bartels


Anonymous (2) Anthony and Araceli Armada Harry and Maureen Balzer Charles and Teresa Bartels Jeffrey and Barb Belting Michael and Nancy Berg Julie (Berger ‘93) and Mark Chamberlin Francois and Jeanne Bertaud Thaddeus, Jr. ‘84 and Julia Bond Thaddeus, Sr. and Joyce Bond Jennifer (Slater ‘90) and Timothy Burkhalter Roger ‘82 and Kaaryn Cagann J. Robert Coates, Jr. Timothy Colter and Dr. Debra Fluno David ‘75 and Deborah Dato Michael ‘82 and Jeanne Delacluyse Carmella (D’Incognito ‘96) Percy Loranne and John Ehlenbach Kenneth and Lori Engel Robert and Eileen Felicelli Edward and Maria Filippini Patrick ‘84 and Marcella Graham William, Sr. and Lois Graham John and Kathleen Gray Christine (Schmidt ‘87) and Robert Handel Richard and Judith Hegerle Robert and Michelle Helle Robert and Gina Hickey Robert ‘85 and Tamara Hoffman Drs. Kevin and Heidi Horcher Nathan and Sandra Hyde John Jenks ‘77 Marcia Johnson William and Linda Johnson Joseph and Susan Karich Judith (DeWitt ‘76) and Ted Kasperczyk Rich and Marsha Kolb Vincent and Lori Laughlin Enzo Magrin ‘68


A complete listing of all Annual Fund donors will appear in the 2014 Annual Report.

COMPASS | Summer 2014

On behalf of the faculty, staff and students of Carmel Catholic High School, we would like to recognize our Carmel Society donors who contributed $1,000 or more to the Annual Fund from July 1, 2013 to March 14, 2014.


Thank You On behalf of the faculty, staff and students of Carmel Catholic High School, we would like to recognize those donors who contributed to the capital campaign, Carmel at the Threshold, from July 1, 2013 to March 14, 2014. Anonymous (2) Kurt and Carol Albright Catherine (Kasting ‘76) and Thomas Almanzo Donny ‘90 and Sherri (Jachowski ‘90) Anderson James ‘91 and Christy Arrajj Jennifer and Timothy Arvidson Robert and Susan Arvidson Andrea Baczek Harry and Maureen Balzer Jeff and Connie Barhorst Walter and Marianne Barker Jill (Gaffney ‘93) and Jeffrey Barnum David, Jr. and Karen Barry Keith ‘82 and Jean Bartz Ronald and DiAnn Behrens Jeffrey and Barb Belting Michael and Nancy Berg Max and Heidi Berktold Barry Biagini ‘68 The Bilton Family John and Linda Blaida Thomas Boehm Larry ‘68 and Judy Boller Thaddeus, Jr. ‘84 and Julia Bond Thaddeus, Sr. and Joyce Bond Ralph, Jr. and Mary Brooks Betty Brose John, III ‘84 and Mary Beth Brunner David and Tiffany Bruskin Walter, Jr. and Gwen Brysiewicz Jeffery and Lynn Buck Daniel and Dianna Burke Mark and Shannon Buschman Geoffrey Butler and Dr. Jody Ricketts Lawrence and Mary Jo Butz Roger ‘82 and Kaaryn Cagann Daniel ‘00 and Cory (Bocik ‘00) Cameron


Louis and Deborah Capparelli Catherine (Willems ‘84) and Patrick Caracciolo The Bill and Lisa Carlson Family James and Julie Casey Catherine A. Chicoine Patricia (Berktold ‘81) and Gary Chiselko Suzanne and Daniel Christensen Kenneth and Kathleen Civik Charlene Clements Jeff Coda Joseph (‘74) and Merry Colangelo Thomas and Jeanette Collette James and Lisa Collin Tina Crichton Thomas and Michelle Crowley John and Diane Csiha Nancy (Miller ‘75) and James Daluga ‘75 Christopher Damien, Ph.D. ‘81 David ‘86 and Genice Daniels David ‘75 and Deborah Dato Stephen ‘78 and Julie Deasey Dr. Bruce and Beverly Dille Cheryl and Ronald DiNella Dino and Donna DiVenere Jill (Johnson ‘71) and Eric Dotson Margaret and Daniel Drew Steven ‘93 and Michelle (Dekoj ‘93) Dufault R. Michael and Susan Duffy Lawrence and Sharon Dunn Rebecca Eccles Todd and Cheryl Edwards Lisa (Tagli ‘88) and Eric Elert Kathleen (Farrell ‘88) and Louis Esposito Mark and Denise Etienne Jennifer Evans

James and Rosemarie Fagan Ann Fallon O’Neill Mark Fijalkiewicz ‘99 Edward and Maria Filippini Drs. Rita and Patrick Foley John and Monica Gabler Christopher and Carol George Patrick ‘84 and Marcella Graham Janet and John Grala Grisel and German Granados John and Kathleen Gray Joseph Green ‘68 Ellen (Spicuzza ‘86) Gull and Family Elona Hamilton Patricia (Bockwinkel ‘74) Happ Daniel and Renae Harma John and Barbara Hartnett Patrick Healy Dr. Robert and Rev. Amy Heinrich Lynnea Heinrichs David Henninger Thomas J. Higgins Family Gregory and Jennifer Hirsch Paul ‘78 and Geneen Hoetzer Robert ‘85 and Tamara Hoffman James and Diane Hohmann Ryan Hopkins Drs. Kevin and Heidi Horcher Suzanne Huntemann Gregory and Rosann Huster Richard and Janet Jacob Dennis and Mai Jenke John Jenks ‘77 Neil and Peggy Johnston Joan P. Jones Yvonne Jones Richard and Susan Kadowaki Michael and Mary Kamins Christopher and Paula Kappes Joseph and Susan Karich


Jody and Craig Schumacher Patricia and Kevin Seabright Denise and Thomas Sebastiano James A. and Alice L. Seitz Jacqueline (Bond ‘88) and Mark Senger Lori and David Short Sr. Kathleen Sinclair, B.V.M. Terrence Sio ‘91 and Jacqueline May Dixon and Terry Slater Charles and Michele Smith Stella and David Smith Richard and Patricia Spicuzza Benedict and Susan Sponseller, Sr. Drs. Craig ‘86 and Kimberly Staehle William and Donna Stark William and Angelica Sturm Rep. Edwin, Jr. ‘87 and Patricia Sullivan Timothy and Diane Swiat Rita (Simon ‘84) and J.J. Tarpey Erik and Michelle Thomas Scott and Margie Timmins Bradley and Monique Trychta Dave and Lisa Vanco Thomas ‘79 and Marisa Varney Cathy Waldhauser John ‘83 and Donna Walker Janine (McGrath ‘75) and Kevin Walsh Maria and Michael Warden Thomas ‘70 and Pamela Warren Andrew and Margaret Warzecha Gail (Hoffmann ‘71) and Mark Wegener ‘68 Maryann Weir Catherine (Salvi ‘74) and Peter Wifler Shane and Jennifer Williams Thomas and Madeleine Wilson George Wong and Grace Fong Romano and Carmella Zapanta Colleen (Flanigan ‘81) and Michael Zawaski William and Renee Zorc


Anthony and Kelly Mueller Christopher and Catherine Murphy Dr. Kevin and Loretta Murphy Scott and Nora Murray David and Jill Natzke Carl and Laura Nerup Kevin and Cynthia Noonan Brett and Kelly Novak Nancy and Nick Nustra Robert ‘72 and Mary Beth O’Donnell Francis and Nancy Ogrinc Edwin and Cynthia Osowski Mark and Molly Ostap Linda Panszczyk ‘78 Ronald and Janis Paulson Thomas and Susan Paulson Charles and Kathleen Payette Judy Peplow Kotsiopoulos Dr. Thomas ‘72 and Ann Perille Robert ‘76 and Amy Perille Cynthia and Phillip Petraitis John and Jane Pilotte Jerry, Jr. and Leigh Pitts Andrew Plonsky ‘89 Lorraine Pohlman Thaddeus ‘82 and Sharon (Spicuzza ‘83) Popielewski Michael ‘80 and Lois Poulos Jerry and Sally Powell John ‘84 and Kathleen Quinn Kevin Rafferty ‘84 Robert and Teresa Rao Christopher Raspante ‘80 Stuart C. Reed Dean and Lori Reily Jerome ‘74 and Cheryl Rejc Sandra Rhine Richard Roman, Jr. ‘75 Jean Runnfeldt Nicholas and Patricia Saladino Jon Salett Pat ‘71 and Lindy Salvi Therese (Donnellan ‘83) and Michael Sarallo William and Mary Sauerland Daniel and Concetta Savovich Richard and Barbara Schaar William and Dr. Jennifer Schaefer Michael and Sheila (Graft ‘82) Scheer Daniel and Kimberly Schlicksup Peter ‘87 and Lori Schommer Hon. Mary Schostok

COMPASS | Summer 2014

Kathryn Karrigan Judith (DeWitt ‘76) and Ted Kasperczyk Daniel and Mary Kerkman Robert and Helene Killackey Declan and Josephine Killarney Leatrice and Patrick Kimener Vernon and Laura Knight Rich and Marsha Kolb Joyce and Ken Kosinski Deborah and Gregory Kot Kimberly and Serge Kotlar Gregory and Michelle Kozak Dr. Kathleen Kuhr Mark ‘78 and Camie Kwasigroch Joseph and Marisue Lacher Felisa (Salata ‘69) and Steven Lee Henry and Aileen Leidecker Henry, Jr. and Mary Lou Leidecker James and Sharon Lentino Jack and Joan Lococo Judi (Kelroy ‘69) and Richard Long John ‘69 and Janice Looby III Michael Looby ‘75 Kevin and Patricia Lowe Robert Lueders Kelvin and Ava Luo Robert, Jr. and Jill Lyman Lara and Mike Lynch Dennis and Beverly Lynde Susan (Hoselton ‘88) and Albert Manshum Kenneth Martin Edward and Nancy Mas Dr. Phillip and Marjorie Mattingly Robert and Mary McKay Charlotte (Szostak ‘77) and Daniel McLaughlin Peter and Mary Meehan A. William ‘79 and Twila Meo Deborah (Laskowski ‘81) and John Meyer Kenneth Michaels, Jr. Judith and Jerome Mikrut Scott and Julie Miller Maria (Zupec ‘86) and Christopher ‘87 Monroe Rebecca Monterastelli ‘02 Kent and Kathryn Moon Noelle and Daniel Moore Jeff and Teri Moran Dr. Judith Mucheck


It’s all


the kids! 2014

Support Carmel Catholic

Monday, June 9, 2014 Registration/Golden Ticket Sales: Sold out in 2013! Register early!






Tasting at CCHS Saturday, October 19, 7-11 p.m. Parents and friends of CCHS: Join us Saturday, October 19, at 7 p.m., in the CCHS lounge and courtyard to sample wines, champagne, beers and food! Wine vendors will have over 60 wines to sample, along with crafted beers from local breweries. We will again have the Connoisseur Room, with wines valued over $60/bottle, and for a slight upcharge you can sample as many as you would like! Food demonstrations will be taking place and a buffet of appetizers and desserts completes The Tasting. Don’t miss this fun, fall social event! 18


Alumni Association The Carmel Catholic High School Alumni Association calendar is in full swing for 2014. After organizing and running the Street Scenes Alumni Booth in February where we recognized active and veteran military members in the Carmel community, we turned our attention to our next three events. In April we had a group of approximately 25 alumni, parents and other members of our community come together at our second annual service event at Feed My Starving Children in Libertyville. It was another great opportunity for the members of our community to give back by hand-packaging meals specifically for malnourished children across the world. Next on the schedule was our first annual tailgating event in May. The main purpose of this event was for the CCHS Alumni Association to support the current Carmel Catholic community. We met lots of wonderful students and parents that day! It was enjoyable being able to support three of our CCHS spring sports teams. Our efforts are also concentrated on the 2014 Alumni Reunion, which is planned for Sept. 26. This event will provide an opportunity to recognize not only our entire alumni community, but also specifically the classes ending in four and nine celebrating their reunions. We decided to take the opportunity to partner with our friends in the Athletic Boosters Club to hold the reunion during homecoming weekend. Similar to past years, we will be hosting an end zone tent party, which will be open to all alumni and their families and friends to socialize, grab a bite to eat and watch the football game from the end zone. There will also be fun giveaways! We are currently working with representatives from the reunion classes to make the after-parties a success and geared toward what each class would like. If you are celebrating a reunion this year and would like to get involved, we are always looking for helping hands. Feel free to contact us at

Christine Drew ’97, Alumni Association president

COMPASS | Summer 2014

We are looking forward to another successful year with the CCHSAA. If you would like to get involved, we are always looking for fresh voices and volunteers. Hope to see everyone at the 2014 Alumni Reunion. Go CORSAIRS!

CCHS staff, students, alumni and family 19

2 0 14






Watch for more information at CORSAIRALUMNI.ORG!

• END ZONE TENT PARTY during Friday night’s Homecoming football game. Singles, couples, families – all are welcome! This event is for all CCHS alumni.

• mixers

for each reunion class to be held after Friday night’s football game at local establishments.

Interested in helping us plan your reunion mixer and/or future alumni events? We are looking for class reps from the Class of 1969, 1974, 1979, 1984, 1989, 1994, 1999, 2004 and 2009. Contact us at 20

Sean Killeen ‘83 has served his country well

Killeen’s first fleet duty station was in Hawaii. Being stationed in Hawaii provided the opportunity to travel throughout the Far East to perform Humanitarian Assistance/Disaster Relief missions in Indonesia, the Philippines, Korea, Japan and the Island of Kauai. Rescuing people after typhoons, volcanic eruptions, mud slides and earthquakes was incredibly rewarding for Killeen. The Marine Corps afforded Killeen some amazing opportunities. Among the most memorable were serving as a presidential helicopter pilot flying Marine One for President Bill Clinton and visiting over 35 countries as a White House liaison officer. Killeen will always remember his first landing on the White House lawn; landing in downtown Chicago to bring President Clinton to the Democratic National Convention in 1996; waking up at sunrise on the open savannah in Botswana to the roar of a nearby lion, and later escaping from a charging

rhino who came within a few feet of ramming his jeep. After departing the presidential detail, Killeen was selected to serve as a liaison officer to the Brazilian Marine Corps. He graduated from the Defense Language Institute where he mastered Portuguese before attending the Brazilian Naval War College. Based in Rio de Janeiro, Killeen’s service with the Brazilian Marine Corps provided him opportunities to visit exotic locales from the Amazon jungle to the Pantanal wetlands as well as neighboring Argentina, Paraguay and Uruguay. Serving two combat tours in Iraq as a casualty evacuation pilot and as the commanding officer of a helicopter squadron were the high points of Killeen’s career. While serving in Iraq, Killeen had the opportunity to meet Chuck Norris; they shared a bunker during a mortar attack. Although Killeen’s Marines were supposed to protect Norris, he surrendered his seat in the middle of the bunker and moved to the opening to shield some of Killeen’s Marines from potential shrapnel. After returning from Iraq, Killeen was selected to attend the InterAmerican Defense College and the Defense Language Institute to study Spanish. After graduation, he was assigned to the U.S. Southern Command as a liaison officer to the Secretary of Defense, the Joint Chiefs of Staff and the

Sean Killeen ’83 with former President Bill Clinton State Department, specializing in Citizen Security in South and Central America. Watching the sunrise over Machu Picchu and visiting the floating villages on Lake Titicaca are forever etched in Killeen’s memory. The highlight of this assignment was meeting his fiancée, Elizabeth Gonzalez, a graduate of Harvard who works for the White House on the National Security Council, specializing in South and Central America. Killeen is currently assigned to the Naval Air Warfare Directorate in the Pentagon as the chief of expeditionary aviation. His primary responsibility is the procurement of aircraft and weapons for Marine Aviation, overseeing a $27 billion account. Having served 31 years in the Marine Corps, Killeen is looking forward to beginning his next assignment this September in Hawaii, back where his first fleet tour began.

COMPASS | Summer 2014

Colonel Sean Killeen ‘83 enlisted in the Marine Corps in 1983 as an infantryman. While serving in the enlisted ranks, he was selected to become an officer and received a scholarship to Marquette University, graduating with the class of 1987. After completing initial officer training, Killeen attended flight school in Pensacola, Fla., where he earned his Wings of Gold as a helicopter pilot in 1989.


We Salute a Carmel Alumnus



WORLD is the Corsair?

Cut out the Corsair and submit your photo today!

Ushuaia, Argentina

Petermann Island, Antarctica Ron Smith ‘97 visited Buenos Aires and Ushuaia, Argentina; Colonia, Uruguay; the South Shetland Islands; and the Antarctic Peninsula. Reaching a lifetime goal, Ron has now visited all seven continents!

Twelve girls from the Class of 1984 head to Naples, Fla., each year. Left to right: Brooke (Jansen) Dillane, Catherine (Willems) Caracciolo, Debbie Franch, Gail (Glatz) Corgiat, Tracy Faloon, Angela (Gregory) Lynn, Peggy (Bowes) Quinn, Lisa (Hofeller) Torres, Mary Kay Bartelt, Shawna (Ryan) Kolb, Kathleen Wallish, and Margaret (King) Schumacher. 22

Take the Corsair with you on your travels to parties and sporting events, or bring him to weddings and special occasions. CCHS parents and students, e-mail your Corsair photos to Alumni, please post your Corsair photos on as a general class note or e-mail photos to All photos should include a caption with the location and the names of the people photographed.

Dr. Samer Attar ’94 takes medical skills to the center of Syrian violence Growing up, Dr. Samer Attar ‘94, traveled to his parents’ birthplace of Syria countless times. Years later, he never would have imagined returning for a very different reason—to aid the millions of innocent civilians affected by years of civil war. As an orthopaedic surgeon, Dr. Attar knew his skills were needed in Syria. For more than three years, the Syrian government and rebels have been fighting for control; during this time, more than 100,000 people have lost their lives to the violence, and even more have been wounded. Anyone, even kids playing outside, could be shot by snipers or hit by shrapnel from a bomb, Dr. Attar explained to Carmel Catholic students during a visit to the school in January.


Saving Lives in Syria

Despite the danger, Dr. Attar spent two weeks in Aleppo, a trip made possible by the Syrian American Medical Society. Aleppo is the largest city in Syria, where the violence is most severe and the constant sound of gunfire and explosions is routine. During his trip, Dr. Attar lived and worked in an unmarked hospital that was converted from an apartment building. He was unable to disclose the exact location of the hospital to students because doctors and medical facilities are frequently targeted and used as weapons of war, he explained. With makeshift operating rooms and limited resources, doctors worked tirelessly to save lives. Due to the violence, many Syrian doctors and nurses fled the country, leaving behind a small number of trained medical professionals. As a result, Dr. Attar conducted numerous trauma surgeries each day, many of which were on children facing sniper or bomb injuries. During the two weeks, Dr. Attar left the hospital once—to explore a safer area of the city and take pictures. While it was a heartbreaking and eye-opening trip for Dr. Attar, he hopes to return to Syria in the future.

Apartment building in the city of Aleppo that was heavily damaged by an airstrike

Rubble from a mosque that was destroyed during an airstrike

COMPASS | Summer 2014

Dr. Attar attended the University of Chicago Pritzker School of Medicine and currently works at Northwestern Memorial Hospital in Chicago. He has been on several humanitarian trips in the past to countries such as Burma, Nepal, Bhutan, Cuba, Turkey and more.


Class Notes 1971

higher education and municipal government administrative realms. Currently he is a consultant in South Carolina where he lives with his wife, Jennifer.

1997 Illinois Super Lawyers named Patrick A. Salvi one of the Top 10 Illinois Super Lawyers for 2014, out of more than 90,000 lawyers in the state. Mr. Salvi is the managing partner at Salvi, Schostok & Pritchard P.C. and concentrates his practice on personal injury, medical malpractice and wrongful death. Super Lawyers is a rating service of outstanding lawyers that uses a patented multiphase selection process in which each candidate is evaluated on 12 indications of peer recognitions and professional achievement.


Anthony “Tony” Franklin graduated Dec. 19, 2013, with his Ph.D. in Educational Leadership – Higher Education Administration at Clemson University, having completed his Master of Science in Athletic Administration at Illinois State University and his Bachelor of Science in Recreation Administration at Southern Illinois University (SIU). A student-athlete at Carmel Catholic, Dr. Franklin earned a four year football scholarship to SIU. He has over 18 years of experience working in the 24

Erin (Byrne) McElroy was recognized by Shaw Media and the Northwest Herald as One of the Best Under 40 in McHenry County for her work and community service as the Advancement Coordinator at Lakeside Legacy Foundation, Leadership Greater McHenry County and the Crystal Lake Young Professionals. Also an adjunct professor at McHenry County College, Erin has taught the Freshman Seminar and Introduction to Hospitality and co-advises the BIG Impact club for Big Brothers and Big Sisters of McHenry County.


Illinois Super Lawyers named Patrick A. Salvi II to its Illinois Super Lawyers list for 2014.

Patrick Salvi II is a partner at Salvi, Schostok & Pritchard P.C. in Chicago and concentrates his practice on personal injury, medical malpractice and wrongful

death. Prior to being named a Super Lawyer, Patrick Salvi II has been named in the publication’s Rising Stars list for the past two years. Super Lawyers is a rating service of outstanding lawyers that uses a patented multiphase selection process in which each candidate is evaluated on 12 indications of peer recognitions and professional achievement.


In January, Cheryl Bernard and Brittany Carlander participated in the 17th Annual Aon Step

Up for Kids challenge. The two climbed 80 floors (1,643 steps) to the top of the Aon Center, one of Chicago’s tallest buildings, while raising money to help the children and families at Ann & Robert H. Lurie Children’s Hospital of Chicago. In February, Soprano Amanda Majeski previewed her solo recital at her alma mater Northwestern University before performing at New York’s Carnegie Hall. This March, Majeski starred in the role of Vitellia at the Lyric Opera of Chicago’s performance of Mozart’s “La Clemenza di Tito.” “It’s the best feeling in the world to come home and sing,” Majeski said


William Fernandez is in his first year of medical school at the University of Illinois College of Medicine and is the president of his class. This summer William will be spending six weeks in Kenya volunteering at a hospital and teaching at a community school whose students are primarily underprivileged and orphaned.

We Want to Hear From You COMPASS welcomes news of accomplishments or changes in your professional and personal life for inclusion in Class Notes. Please include your graduate name, class year, present name, and daytime phone number. If available, include a photo and caption listing the names of the people and where it was taken. Submissions to Class Notes are edited for space and clarity to adhere to the style and tone of the magazine.


of her experience at the Lyric (Chicago Tribune). Her 2013-14 season includes performances at Oper Frankfurt and Opernhaus Zurich.

SUBMIT NEWS AND PHOTOS TO: Alumni Development • Carmel Catholic High School One Carmel Parkway • Mundelein, IL 60060 E-mail: Online: OBITUARIES: Carmel Catholic High School relies on family members to inform us of the deaths of alumni and friends. If a newspaper obituary is available, we would appreciate a copy.

COMPASS | Summer 2014

After graduating from Saint Mary’s University of Minnesota in 2013, Kyle Garesche is serving as a Lasallian Volunteer. On the group’s volunteer blog, Garesche said his experience working with students at De La Salle Blackfeet School in Browning, Mont., has made him more aware of the “need for people who care, the need for safe learning environments and the need for disciplined learners.” Of his experience Garesche said, “Through all of the challenges… there is nowhere else I want to be this year.”

SUBMISSION DEADLINES: Submit for the fall edition by July 15, 2014; the winter edition by November 1, 2014; the summer edition by March 15, 2014. Class notes will be printed as space allows and when possible, in the order they are received. If you submitted an item for the summer issue and it did not appear, it most likely will be in the following issue. Alumni are encouraged to submit class notes online, where they are always available for alumni to view.


Milestones Engagements Cathleen Mullen ‘97 engaged to Andrew Scott


Arsine Aghaian ‘05 married Christopher Herdmann ‘02

Frank Huschitt ‘08 married Medbh Fox ‘08.

Carly Harrison ‘07 married Dan O’Toole

Samantha Kalinoski ‘97 married Michael Nestroy

Sarah “Sally” Oplawski ‘00 engaged to Ryan Boldt

Faye Marie born to Don and Kenna (Trahan ‘99) Arganbright

Jared Scott born to Jennifer (Hanna ‘00) and Timothy Arvidson ‘00

Allison Karis born to Brandon ‘01 and Pamela Mumm

Teegan Lynn born to Travis ‘03 and Katie (Donovan ‘03) Mumm

Remy Margaret born to Mark and Liza (Vowels ‘01) Spinazze

Whitney Rose born to Dan and Caroline (Vowels ‘98) Shepherd

Ireland Rylie born to Jennifer Randle ‘90 and Jack Welsh

Mike Bracher ‘78, brother of Jeffrey ‘75 and Kirk ‘77 Bracher Craig Johnson ‘69 John LeJeune ‘70, brother of Edward LeJeune ‘71; uncle of Jennifer LeJeune ‘06 Thomas Urbanik ‘67


Marcella Halverson, grandmother of Daniel ‘87 and Patrick ‘88 Halverson, Katie (Halverson ‘92) McEwen and Colleen (Halverson ‘94) Nickles; great-grandmother of Catherine ‘16 Mary Hunter, mother-in-law of Kathy Hunter, CCHS nurse; grandmother of Haley ‘12 and Samuel ‘14 Hunter Florian Kaminski, father of Marilyn Kaminski ‘75

Claude Moye, Jr., grandfather of Cierra Moye ‘14 Patricia Nebgen, mother of Greg ‘71 and Mark ‘76 Nebgen and Cressly (Nebgen ‘72) Anderson; grandmother of Theresa Kruse ‘04 and Ashleigh ‘04 and Emily ‘13 Anderson John Nierhoff, grandfather of Jackie ‘13 and Antonia ‘16 Durnil

Joann Nozicka, grandmother of Nicole ‘02, Peter ‘05, Laura ‘08 Francis and Barbara King, parents and Michael ‘09 Nozicka of Michael ‘68, Stephen ‘70 and Dr. Mario Oriatti, grandfather of Martin Barrett, uncle of Terrence Jeffrey ‘71 King; grandparents of Lindsay (King ‘99) Blackburn and Danielle Oriatti ‘16 ‘86, Tristia ‘93 and Erin ‘96 Barrett, Robin (Barrett ‘95) Byrne Tyler King ‘02 Bernadine Pasenelli, mother of and Holly (Barrett ‘98) Boyle; William Kochalka, father of George, Jr. ‘71, Steven ‘75 Pasenelli great-uncle of Shannon Barrett ‘17 Frank ‘79 and Jeff ‘86 Huschitt and Mary Catherine (Pasenelli ‘79) and Annette (Huschitt ‘83) Schneider Mary Ann Cavener, mother of Purcell; grandfather of Kristen ‘05, Cheryl (Cavener ‘77) Durbin, Bill Mary ‘06 and Frank ‘08 Huschitt Larry Petrich, father of Amy ‘79, Diana (Cavener ‘81) Allen; (Petrich ’90) Ruder and father-inEdith Kooyumjian, grandmother law of Ian Johnson ‘92 grandmother of Allison (Durbin of Bryanna ‘08, Andrew ‘13 and ‘97) Zabrowski and Lauren Robert Pohl, brother of Jane Pohl, Krista ‘13 Gauger Durbin ‘01; mother-in-law of CCHS faculty Butch Allen ‘75 Joseph Kraft, father of Joe ‘90 and Jerome Quilty, grandfather of Patrick ‘95 Kraft Steve Dennison, father of Sara Seamus ‘12 and Ryan ‘14 Quilty Dennison ‘05 Robert Leetch, father of Brendan Frank Vidoni, grandfather of Robert Depenbrock, grandfather Leetch, CCHS faculty; fatherClayton Slack ‘15 in-law of Shannon (Doyle ‘98) of Michael ‘91, Kimberly ‘94, Leetch, CCHS cheerleading coach Annette ‘01 and Robert Sutfin E. Lanier Walker, father of Joseph Lokay, father of Joseph ‘76 Denise Sebastiano, CCHS faculty; Shirley Geinko, mother of Patricia and Mary ‘76 Lokay and Michelle grandfather of Brandan Strickland (Geinko ‘75) Buckert (Lokay ‘79) Phillips; son-in-law ‘01 Constance Gerardi, mother of of James Bader ‘68; grandfather Addie Zuidema, mother of Josephine Gerardi, former CCHS of Patrick ‘99, Eileen ‘03 and Suzanne Adamson, CCHS faculty faculty Anthony ‘10 Bader CORRECTION: Brian Archer Helen Halford, mother of Cathy Albert Marulli, father of Janet (Halford ‘70) Clair, Gina (Halford (Marulli ‘72) Schultz and Michael ‘92, brother of Laura (Archer ‘80) Lindberg, Therese (Archer ‘70) Merrit and Jim Halford, Schultz ‘81 ‘81) Herchenbach and James CCHS faculty; grandmother of Lorraine Miller, mother of Archer ‘84; brother-in-law of Norman ‘05, Joseph ‘07, James ‘08 Michael Miller, CCHS baseball Thomas Herchenbach ‘80; uncle and Hilary ‘10 Halford and Mary coach; grandmother of Megan ‘08, of Laura ‘11 and Matthew ‘16 ‘10 and Max ‘09 O’Connell Erin ‘13 and Ryan ‘15 Miller Herchenbach Ellis Amburgey, father of Earl and Billie (Amburgey) Nickerson, CCHS staff members



COMPASS | Summer 2014

In Memoriam


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PARENTS: If your son or daughter has established a separate permanent address that Carmel Catholic is likely not aware of, please notify us of the address at 847.388.3362 or


August 1 18

June 2 9 9

Athletic Summer Camps begin CCHS Annual Golf Classic Summer School begins

July 4 25

Athletic Summer Camps end First Day of School

September 1 22-26 26

Labor Day – No School/Offices Closed Homecoming Week Carmel Alumni Reunion 2014

Carmel Catholic

Independence Day – Offices Closed Summer School ends


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