2017-18 Annual Report

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Centered in Jesus Christ, Carmel Catholic is a college preparatory high school, empowering students to be servant leaders filled with zeal for faith and scholarship. Rooted in the charisms of the Order of Carmelites and the Sisters of Charity of the Blessed Virgin Mary, our Catholic community embraces a tradition of dignity, diversity, and justice.


Founded in 1962, Carmel Catholic is jointly sponsored by the Order of Carmelites (O.Carm.) and the Sisters of Charity of the Blessed Virgin Mary (BVM). In 1960, the Archdiocese of Chicago invited these two religious communities to build a co-institutional Catholic high school in Lake County. In September 1962, Carmel High School for Boys opened its doors to a freshmen class of 175 students. In September 1963, Carmel High School for Girls admitted students. In August 1988, the two schools merged and a separate corporation was established for the new co-educational school. For more than 50 years Carmel Catholic High School has been committed to providing a quality Catholic education and forming young men and women to make a positive impact in society


CORPORATE MEMBERS 2017-2018 Rev. Carl Markelz, O.Carm., Co-Chair


Sr. Teri Hadro, BVM, Co-Chair

Mr. Joseph Nemmers ‘73, Chair

Rev. Robert Colaresi, O.Carm.

Mr. John Holaday, Vice Chair

Sr. Kate Hendel, BVM

Dr. Brad Bonham (ex-officio)

Br. Daryl Moresco, O.Carm.

Mr. Rich Caffarelli

Sr. Shelia O’Brien, BVM

Mr. Ric Elert Mr. Jerrold Fox Sr. Margaret Geraghty, BVM

ADMINISTRATION 2018-2019 Brad Bonham, Ph.D., President Jason Huther, Principal

Ms. Julie Goodman ‘85 Mr. Robert Hoffman ‘85 Mr. Richard Kolb, Jr. Mrs. Marisue Lacher

John Sheehy, Chief Financial Officer

Mrs. Donna Lobaito ’81, Secretary

Alana Flatley, Chief Advancement Officer

Rev. Peter McGarry, O.Carm.

Brian Stith ’01, Executive Director of Marketing and Admissions

Mrs. Lois Poulos Hon. Mary Schostok Rev. Jeffery Smialek, O.Carm. Sr. Virginia Stone, BVM


Letter from Brad Bonham, President

Dear Parents, Alumni and Friends of Carmel Catholic, Because of the generosity of your time, talent and treasure, Carmel Catholic High School is pleased to share a few of the following improvements to our campus, accomplishments of our student body and enhancements to our curriculum and programming. Over the past 12 months: •

Brad Bonham, Ph.D. President

On behalf of Carmel Catholic High School, Happy New Year! May each day of the new year bring you luck, joy, happiness and prosperity.

We expanded our three-year Engineering program to include two additional faculty members, increased lab space and expanded curriculum. Students have access to multiple 3-D printers and a designated space with new equipment for hands-on lab work. Enrollment in the program tripled. This year, we also developed a course dedicated to our female students interested in the Engineering fields. This past year, NYAN (CCHS robotics team) placed first in the state of Illinois and 9th in the world in the Robotics competition. $42 million was awarded in college scholarships to the Class of 2018. Over 150 colleges and universities visited our students throughout the year. Many were selected to the most prestigious universities in the nation. We championed a 99% college acceptance and matriculation rate with our students who benefitted from a College and Career Resource Center dedicated to maximizing college scholarships and acceptance rates. Carmel Catholic continues to emphasize our Catholic identity while welcoming students of all faiths. Ways which we have demonstrated our commitment include increasing in our Mass schedule, developing a four-year student retreat program, incorporating Eucharistic adoration and holding rosary group once per week. Also, scripture quotes and other statements of faith decorate our hallways. We incorporated a Mary Garden on our campus grounds for quiet prayer and ref lection. In addition, we have a prominent statue of Jesus which is visible from our Route 176 entrance. Coupled with these initiatives, our students volunteer over 30,000 hours of Christian service each year.

We increased our financial assistance over $300,000 this year for all students who are in need of financial support at Carmel Catholic.

With contributions from previous Walkathons and with safety in mind, we are replacing all classroom doors with new interior doors and several of the windows with new egress windows. In addition, we also purchased a new minibus with new safety features to aid in student transportation.

As we look to the future, our attention will be focused on building a comprehensive international program including exchange programs with other Carmelite high schools, launching a Financial

All of these accomplishments are thanks to the generous support of you, our community. Aid Center, and expanding our academic support services and dual credit options. We will also be growing our student life and athletic programs. The opportunities to expand our reach as a preeminent Catholic institution could not occur without the careful stewardship of our resources. We remain rooted in the confidence we have in our financial standing, thanks to a conservative fiscal approach that has allowed us to continue to grow in significant, yet prudent, ways. The details of the School’s financial state are contained in this report. Ever watchful in the face of challenging economic times and the evolving landscape of secondary education, we are filled with hope and enthusiasm about what lies ahead. Thank you for your support and participation in the present and future of Carmel Catholic High School. Yours in Christ,

Brad Bonham, Ph.D. President


ALUMNI SPOTLIGHTS Carmel Catholic’s alumni continue to shine and make their mark on the world around us. Carmel Catholic High School values are the foundation that allow our students to become servant leaders enriching the lives of individuals, building better organizations and ultimately creating a more just and caring world. Here are a few of our alumni sharing how Carmel shaped them and their post high school experiences. (More on pages 30-31)

Fr. Timothy Anastos ’07 Fr. Timothy Anastos ’07 was ordained in May 2017 and is now associate pastor at Mary, Seat of Wisdom Parish, in Park Ridge, IL. After Carmel, he attended University of Illinois studying linguistics, then to Mundelein Seminary studying philosophy, and then went to Rome for four years before being ordained. Fr. Tim has tremendous enthusiasm for Carmel and has returned to officiate many Masses. “Carmel Catholic High School is an extremely vibrant community of students who are striving for something greater, with their faith, with the love that they show each other... it’s an incredible place… and I got to go to school there!” “I’m now a priest, and a lot of that had to do with the faith that was founded when I went to Carmel…with the Kairos retreats, with prayer at the beginning and the end of the day, it enkindled in my heart something greater, that maybe I’m called to do something greater,” said Anastos. “My hope (for future generations of Carmel students) is that they find in this incredible place the confidence and the fortitude to know that they are beloved sons and daughters of God and they can do anything they set their minds and hearts to.”


Katie Donahoe ’15 Katie Donahoe ’15 recently completed an internship with NASA. She had the opportunity to work at Jet Propulsion Lab (JPL) in Pasadena, CA on the Mars Curiosity Rover’s image processing team. This is the most recent rover on Mars and its primary objective is to study the climate and geology of Mars and identify potential signs of past or present life. “Overall, it was an amazing and life-changing experience. I’ve always wanted to work for NASA since I was a kid, so it was a dream come true. I feel very lucky to have had this experience while also being able to grow my skills as an engineer and meet and work with some of the most brilliant and talented people I’ve ever met,” said Donahoe. “The best thing that I got out of Carmel was Ms. Linahan’s astronomy research program and mentorship. The program taught me how to conduct research, think analytically, collaborate with peers and scientists, and in general made me excited about science and the universe. Carmel nurtures its students into hard workers and critical thinkers, ready for the academic world. The greatest thing about Carmel is the amazing community of teachers who push their students to be their best, just like they pushed me while I was there.” Katie is currently attending Milwaukee School of Engineering (Class of 2019) as an Electrical Engineering major.

John Collin ’16 When John Collin ’16 was told by a mentor at Carmel that he had a good broadcasting voice, he couldn’t have imagined that his continued interest in the field would lead him to the PyeongChang 2018 Winter Olympics. “I was working with people doing my dream job. It was one of the best experiences of my life,” said Collin. John, currently a junior at Bradley University, was one of five Bradley students to travel to Korea for six weeks as an intern for NBC, as an operations runner within the International Broadcast Center. He says that his start in broadcasting was at Carmel, and that has helped him to grow into a leadership role as part of the hockey broadcasting team at Bradley. “I learned a firm base about broadcasting at Carmel and this gave me the edge.” John says that much of his foundation was built and nurtured at Carmel Catholic. “It was Kairos that helped me figure out my own purpose, goals and dreams.” John is now a leader at the Newman Center on the campus of Bradley. “I am who I am today because of the opportunities given to me through family, faith and Carmel.” His advice to Carmel Catholic students, “Develop your work ethic NOW, develop your faith, NOW.”

“I was working with people doing my dream job. It was one of the best experiences of my life.” – John Collin ’16


Class of 2018 COLLEGE MATRICULATION Arizona State University Auburn University Belmont University Boston College Bowling Green State University Bradley University Butler University California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo Carnegie Mellon University Carroll University (Wisconsin) Carthage College Case Western Reserve University Cedarville University Clemson University College of Charleston College of Lake County College of William and Mary Colorado State University Colorado State University Pueblo Columbia College Chicago Concordia University Wisconsin Cornell University Creighton University DePaul University Dominican University of California Drake University Elon University Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University Daytona Beach Florida State University Fort Lewis College Franciscan University of Steubenville Furman University Grand Canyon University Grand View University Holy Cross College Illinois State University

Indiana State University Indiana University at Bloomington Iowa State University Jacksonville University John Carroll University Lewis University Loyola University Chicago Marquette University McHenry County College Miami University, Oxford Michigan State University Michigan Technological University Milwaukee School of Engineering National University of Health Sciences New York University Northern Arizona University Northern Illinois University Northwestern University Oklahoma State University Princeton University Purdue University Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute Roosevelt University Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology Saint John’s University (MN) Saint Louis University Santa Clara University Southern Illinois University, Edwardsville Southern Methodist University St. Ambrose University St. Cloud State University St. Francis Xavier University St. Norbert College St. Olaf College Syracuse University Texas A&M University Texas Christian University The George Washington University

The Ohio State University The University of Alabama The University of Iowa United States Air Force Academy University of Central Florida University of Colorado at Boulder University of Dayton University of Detroit Mercy University of Florida University of Illinois at Chicago University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign University of Kansas University of Kentucky University of Michigan University of Minnesota, Twin Cities University of Mississippi University of Missouri Columbia University of Nebraska at Lincoln University of North Dakota University of Notre Dame University of San Diego University of South Carolina University of South Carolina Upstate University of Southern California University of Tennessee, Knoxville University of Wisconsin, Eau Claire University of Wisconsin, Madison University of Wisconsin, Milwaukee University of Wisconsin, Stout University of Wisconsin, Whitewater Valparaiso University Washington University in St. Louis Waukesha County Technical College Webster University Western Michigan University Winona State University Xavier University

COLLEGE MATRICULATION By the Numbers 313 TOTAL STUDENTS • 100% graduation rate • 99% college bound; heading off to more than 110 colleges and universities nationwide • Nearly $43 million in college scholarships awarded In-State College Choices: 66 • 100% performed community service work – over 54,000 4 Yr. Public University: 27IN-STATE hours of service was performed by the class over four years4 Yr. PrivateCOLLEGE 66 University:CHOICES: 22 • Average ACT score: 26 4 Yr. Public University: 27 2 Yr. College: 17 • National Merit Scholar: 1 4 Yr. Private University: 22 • National Merit Finalists: 3 2 Yr. College: 17 • National Merit Commended Scholars: 8 Out-of-State College Choices: 244 • National Advanced Placement Scholars: 4 OUT-OF-STATE 4 Yr. Public University: 138 • Illinois State Scholars: 99 COLLEGE CHOICES: 244 • Advanced Placement Scholars with Distinction: 3 4 Yr. Private4University: 105 Yr. Public University: 138 • Advanced Placement Scholars with Honors: 12 2 Yr. College: 1 Private University: 105 • Advanced Placement Scholars: 10 4 Yr. • IHSA Academic Achievement Athletes: 87 2 Yr. College: 1 • East Suburban Catholic Conference Other: 3 (ESCC) Scholar Athletes: 20 OTHER: 3 Active Duty Military: • National Honor Society Members: 136 Active1Duty Military: 1 • Legacy Graduates — children of Carmel Catholic alumni: 41Colleges Colleges OutsideOutside of the U.S.: of the1U.S.: 1 • Four years perfect attendance: 6 Unknown College1Choice: 1 Unknown College Choice:




Tuition and fees: Advancement and fund-raising: Bookstore, food service, bus & parking: Student activities: Auxiliary revenue: Investment income:

$14,520,960 $1,189,539 $420,384 $428,824 $84,844 $2,250,412

76.85% 6.30% 2.22% 2.27% 0.45% 11.91%

TOTAL REVENUE: $18,894,963 100%

see fig. 2

fig. 1

ADVANCEMENT, GIFTS AND FUND-RAISING Annual Fund: Restricted gifts: Event income: Street Scenes: Walkathon: Boosters club: Government grant: TOTAL:

$281,808 $332,270 $125,871 $313,824 $89,635 $24,796 $21,335

23.96% 27.93% 10.58% 26.38% 7.54% 2.08% 1.79%

$1,189,539 100%

fig. 2

EXPENDITURES Administrative: Instructional: Plant operation: Benefits: Bookstore, food service, bus & parking: Student activities: Scholarship/financial aid: Depreciation: Interest: Transfer to Endowments:

$2,206,931 $7,260,017 $949,654 $2,052,612 $142,317 $1,592,455 $1,472,124 $1,360,478 $21,827 $1,836,548

11.68% 38.42% 5.03% 10.86% 0.75% 8.43% 7.79% 7.20% 0.12% 9.72%

TOTAL EXPENDITURES: $18,894,963 100%

fig. 3


Carmel Catholic High School 2017-2018 Fundraising Highlights Carmel Catholic Fund


Contributions to the Carmel Catholic Fund for the 2017-2018 year totaled $278,353. Your generosity attests to your belief in our school’s mission and your commitment to supporting Carmel Catholic’s academic excellence and faith-filled education. We commend and thank you, our wonderful donors, because your loyal support benefits our students and programs at Carmel Catholic High School, our general operating needs and continues the traditions of our Catholic faith, founding orders and school community. The Carmel community’s legacy of dedication to diversity and social justice in education continues through gifts to the Carmel Catholic Fund that also support the school’s Tuition Assistance Program, making a Carmel Catholic education attainable for families at all income levels.

Celebrate Carmel

October 21, 2017

Last fall, Carmel Catholic hosted its premier event, Celebrate Carmel, with 300 attendees enjoying an unforgettable evening benefitting school programming and scholarships. Thanks to Co-Chairs, Dawn Abernathy and John Rizzo, Celebrate Carmel raised over $68,000 in its inaugural year. Attendees enjoyed performances by Parkway Singers, Carmel Cadence and Orchesis. In addition, they also saw presentations by our Incubator business program and NYAN Robotics team, which placed 9th in the World Championship last year.

Street Scenes

February 9 and 10, 2018

Street Scenes, Carmel Catholic’s largest annual fundraiser, featured more than 50 bands, a casino, improv, theater, food and drinks. Thanks to hundreds of Carmel Catholic volunteers and our Chair Couple, Chris and Mark Perrelle, Street Scenes Goes Tropical raised more than $300,000 to support the academic programs at Carmel Catholic. The school was transformed into a spectacular fun-filled venue and through the generous efforts of our students, their parents, Carmel alumni and friends, Street Scenes was once again a huge success.



May 4, 2018

Last May, Carmel Catholic students participated in the annual Walkathon to raise funds in support of a special project. Last year’s fundraiser enabled Carmel to purchase a new school minibus. We are grateful not only to the Carmel Catholic student body who continue this tradition in order to make improvements of the campus for current and future Corsairs, but also to their families and friends who supported their fundraising efforts. The 2019 Walkathon will take place on Friday, May 3, 2019.

Carmel Catholic Golf Classic

June 4, 2018

Thanks to Committee Chairs, Brian Jensen, John Sheehy and Ken Misher, the 2018 Carmel Catholic Golf Classic raised $60,000. This annual golf classic is truly a community-wide event. In 2018 we welcomed over 125 alumni, current parents, past parents and friends to the Golf Classic on Monday, June 4 at the private course of Hawthorn Woods Country Club. The Golf Classic directly supports students through tuition assistance programs. In 2017-18, Carmel Catholic High School awarded over $1.5 million in tuition assistance funds. Our school community is strengthened because these students continue to share their gifts with all of us while experiencing the Carmel community’s generosity and growing in our values. Please join us this summer when we will host our 2019 Carmel Catholic Golf Classic at Glen Flora Country Club on Monday, June 17, 2019.

Volunteers Volunteering is a way of life at Carmel Catholic! In FY18, Carmel Catholic High School hosted over 1,000 volunteers working over 5,000 hours on numerous projects and events. We could not do it without you! We always welcome and invite alumni, parents and friends of Carmel to share their gifts with the Carmel community. The Parents’ Association, the Alumni Association, Celebrate Carmel and Street Scenes are just a few of the ways that you can volunteer at Carmel. Please contact Michelle Ptasienski, Carmel Catholic Parent Network President, at rio1eli2@aol.com or Cathy Brennan, Carmel Catholic Special Events and Volunteer Coordinator, at cbrennan@carmelhs.org for more information.


Lifetime Giving The Lifetime Giving Recognition Program pays tribute to donors who have made a significant, lifelong commitment to Carmel Catholic High School. Introduced in 2007-08, the same school year the Lifetime Giving Society was founded, the names reflect the essence of a Carmel Catholic education – knowledge, community, faith and tradition FOUNDERS’ SOCIETY $1,000,000.00+ The Estate of Arthur M. Baker, Jr.

IVY SOCIETY $300,000.00+

Anonymous Abbott Laboratories Peter A. Baker † Cuneo Foundation Janet Hesse † Joseph ’73 and Katherine Reinke Nemmers Order of Carmelites Rondout Improvement Co. Patrick ’71 and Lindy Salvi Sisters of Charity of the Blessed Virgin Mary ViBern Foundation

LAMP SOCIETY $100,000.00+ Anonymous (2)

James and Diane Hohmann

Arthur Baker Estate

Margaret May†

Charles and Teresa Bartels Sr. Mary Frances McLaughlin, BVM Bertaud Family Foundation John and Janet Murphy Douglas Brown ’68 Scott and Nora Murray Richard J.† and Rita† Brown Robert ’76 and Amy Perille The Bruning Foundation James M. Ragen Louis ’76 and Gloria Cairo Memorial Fund Fr. Robert Carroll, O.Carm. W.W. Grainger, Inc. Jerrold and Caryn Fox Adolph and Eleanor Glabowicz Foundation Julie Goodman ’85

10 10

Robert and Gina Hickey

Donors to Carmel Catholic High School


Anonymous (2)

Robert and Gina Hickey

William and Mary Sauerland

Carmel Catholic High School relies on the generosity of our donors—alumni, parents, grandparents and friends of Carmel—to sustain Catholic secondary education rooted in the traditions of the Carmelites and the Sisters of Charity of the Blessed Virgin Mary. We gratefully acknowledge each of these contributors who have given their gifts in support of Carmel’s mission to empower our students to be servant leaders filled with zeal for faith and scholarship. This lists reflects all contributions made to Carmel Catholic High School between July 1, 2017 and June 30, 2018.

Richard and Jill Caffarelli

Irish Fellowship Foundation

Christian and Janet Silge

Cuneo Foundation

Brian and Shawn Jensen

Elert Family Charitable Fund/Eric and Lisa (Tagli ‘88) Elert

John and Janet Murphy

Sisters of Charity of the Blessed Virgin Mary

We also remember those donors who generously gave to Carmel during their lifetime and have passed away by designating them with a †. We regret any errors or omissions that may remain following our careful review, and ask that you kindly let us know so that we may correct them in future publications.

A Look Back at

President’s Circle members are the philanthropic cornerstone for our community who make an investment in today’s Carmel Catholic student, the leaders of tomorrow’s families and communities. The generosity of these members supports the mission and President’s vision for the school.

Raymond and Tammy Feeney Julie Goodman ’85 Helen Brach Foundation

Scott and Sharon Ozmun Selway Foundation Platinum Home Mortgage Corporation Patrick ’71 and Lindy Anderson Salvi

The Bruning Foundation The Van Erden Family Fund of the Ayco Charitable Fund Wintrust Financial Corp/ Lake Forest Bank and Trust Company

David Herro

BLESSED TITUS BRANDSMA CIRCLE $5,000-$9,999 Blessed Titus Brandsma Circle members reflect the unwavering Carmelite commitment to Catholic education and the positive effect that values-based education has in the lives of today’s student families and communities, as was evident in the life of Blessed Titus Brandsma, Carmelite martyr.

Michael and Patricia Graft

Joseph ’78 and Diane Johnson May/ The Joseph May and Diane Johnson May Charitable Fund

Big Shoulders Fund

Illinois Bone & Joint Institute, Ltd.

Stephen ’80 and Kerry Higgins Miller

Thaddeus and Joyce Bond

Johnson Controls

Thaddeus ’84 and Julia Mallegg Bond

Alexander and Coleen Kaliakmanis

Joseph ’73 and Katherine Reinke Nemmers

Stephen Braat

Paul and Michele Kelly

Robert and Teresa Rao

CAFG Wealth Management, Inc.

The Kelly Foundation

Lambert and Joan Schommer

Anonymous AbbVie, Inc. Boar’s Head Meats, Windy City Deli Provisions/ Robert and Adriene Bates

Roger ’82 and Kaaryn Cagann Timothy Colter and Debra Fluno Edward and Maria Filippini

Follett Virtual Bookstore, Inc. Thomas and Pamela Goris

Richard and Marsha Kolb

Julie (Farrell ‘89) Osborne

Hon. Mary Schostok

Massarelli Charitable Foundation

St. Charles Chrysler-Dodge-Jeep

Joseph and Margaret Massarelli

Randy ’91 and Amy Zitella

AUGUST 2017 Mary Garden dedication and blessing with Cardinal Cupich


Donors to Carmel Catholic High School MARY FRANCES CLARKE CIRCLE $3,000-4,999


Mary Frances Clarke Circle members are invested in the daily lessons of Catholic education and how it improves the quality of students’ lives. The members share BVM Sisters’ foundress Mary Frances Clarke’s vision and belief in the value of Catholic education for all.

Sustaining members are the foundation of Carmel Catholic High School’s supporters and are deeply committed to partnership in the school’s mission of Catholic education. These members seek to significantly impact campus programs and activities by providing the resources for quicker implementation and a greater number of initiatives. Anonymous

Jeffrey and Cindy Buzzelli

Abbott Laboratories

James Byrnes

Anonymous Family

Advocate Condell Medical Center

Richard and Susan Duffy

Antioch Womens Club

APEX Performance Excellence Group, LLC

Caitlin Duffy Memorial Foundation

Harry and Maureen Balzer Michael and Nancy Berg

Arcadia Village Development

Bertaud Family Foundation/ Francois and Jeanne Bertaud

Assurance Agency, Ltd.

Gerald and Shannon Coghlan

Peter ’06 and Laura (Valkman ‘06) Baker

Jeffrey ’89 and Cindy Feinendegen

Charles and Teresa Bartels

Tom and JoAnn Flanagan

Christopher ’89 and Robin Bartels

Goris Financial Group Inc

Keith ’82 and Jean Bartz

Robert and Christine (Schmidt ‘87) Handel

Baxter International Healthcare, Inc.

LifeSource-Chicagoland’s Blood Center

BCS ProsSoft

Allen Mons

Becker Family Dental

Northwestern Mutual Foundation

Royce and Kathryn Bedward

Francis and Nancy Ogrinc

Frank ‘71 † and Rebecca Belmont

Raymond and Diane Roman

Marlene Benjamin

John Santucci

Berger Excavating Contractors, Inc.

Robert and Janell Winters

Mark and Julie (Berger ‘93) Chamberlin Mary Ellen Biell Andrew ’81 and Katherine Bitto Hans Michael ’89 and Mary Emily Bellew Bjorkman Blu Petroleum, Inc. William and Stephanie Brennan Brightstar Corporation Charles and Elizabeth Brock Timothy and Jennifer (Slater ‘90) Burkhalter Mark and Shannon Buschman

Richard and Arlene Camasosa John Cannuli Cardinal Health Foundation Inc Steven and Margaret Carlson CDW Computer Centers, Inc. Cherry Creek Mortgage Andrew Chiero ’82 Chili U Comcast Business Services Nancy Conway Crescent Cardboard LLC. Susan Crook Phillip and Treacy Cutting James ’75 and Nancy (Miller ‘75) Daluga Michael ’82 and Jeanne DeLacluyse Daniel and Deborah Devitt Christopher and Patricia DeWald Craig and Nanette (Tako ‘89) Donton Michael and Alexia (Smith ‘92) Dubick EFT Sports Performance John and Loranne Ehlenbach Faircourt Partners, LLC Robert Felicelli Ferguson Corporate Law LTD Jeffrey and Patricia Finucane Jerrold and Caryn Fox

A Look Back at SEPTEMBER 2017 New academic resource center opens


SEPTEMBER 2017 Inaugural Freshman retreat


Grandparents Day Celebration

Donors to Carmel Catholic High School SUSTAINING MEMBER $1,000-$2,999 Raymond and Jean Frainey †

Joseph and Marisue Lacher

Jay ’90 and Nina Nudo Roman

John and Monica Frels

Lakeview Construction

Gregory ’80 and Heather Rusk

Fresh Wave IAQ

Sean Lennon and Sarah Stevick-Lennon

Salvi, Schostok & Pritchard P.C.

Marty and Ann Gallagher

Liberty Auto City

Ronald and Linda Schmits

William and Michelle Giambrone

Horacio ’73 and Maria Lopez

School of Rock Libertyville

Gold Pyramid Water

Robert and Jill Lyman

Gregory ’05 and Laura (Sprow ‘05) Schuda

Douglas Goodloe and Marjorie McCullough Goodloe

Sean and Valerie Lynch

James† and Alice Seitz

Jennifer and James Machala

Semersky Enterprises Inc

Erwin ’98 and Frances Anne Mangubat

Mark and Jacqueline (Bond ‘88) Senger

Marsh & McLennan Companies, Inc.

Shakou Restaurants-Corporate Offices

Charles ’87 and Ellen Graham May

David† and Lori (Esser ‘78) Short

Michael and Catherine McCabe†

SilverEdge Systems Software, Inc.

James ’78 and Martha McGillivray

William and Anjanette Sims

Robert and Mary McKay

Terrence ’91 and Jacqueline Sio

Kenneth and Roberta McQuade

SMW Autoblok Corporation

William and Melissa Miller

Edna Smyth

James ’73 and Mary Miller

John and Jill (McEwen ‘75) Spude

Lawrence Molloy

St. Mary School

James Pye and Carrie Mouritsen Pye

Stephen ’75 and Valerie Stanczak

Peter Mundy ’66

Takeda Pharmaceuticals North America, Inc.

William and Lois Graham Robert ’87 and Carrie Graham Patrick ’84 and Marcella Graham Graham Enterprise, Inc. John and Kathleen Gray Joseph Green ’68 Milo and Mary Beth Harrison Hawthorn Woods Country Club Richard and Judith Hegerle Dr. Robert and Rev. Amy Heinrich Barry ’72 and Deborah Zenner Heinrichs Paul and Mary Ann Hettich Paul and Teresita Hogan John and Valerie Holaday

Scott and Nora Murray

The Federal Savings Bank

Hollister Incorporated

Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of Lake County, P.

Peter and Susan (Cairns ‘69) Holm

Oral Facial & Implant Specialists

Michael and Madelon Queenan

Drs. Kevin and Heidi Horcher

O’Reilly’s Furniture

Larry and Janene Thompson

HT Strenger Inc

Steven and Virginia Packer

Tighthead Brewery Company

HydraForce, Inc.

Palermo Villa, Inc


Illinois Glassworks

Robert ’76 and Amy Perille


Impact Networking LLC

Peter Baker & Son Co.

John and Claudia Venegoni

S. Todd and Anne Jensen

Harry and Dolores Pettengill

Lawrence Watson

K. Hovnanian Homes

John and Gerilyn Posner

David and Joanne Weick

Ted and Judith (DeWitt ‘76) Kasperczyk

Kevin Rafferty ’84

Thomas and Mary Anne (Nichols ‘68) Wells

James and Joellen (Zannini ‘72) Kaster

Mark ’87 and Marguerite (Keller ‘87) Rapplean

Winters & Company, Ltd.

Kenneth and Jennifer (Jicha ‘83) Katz Philip and Gaye Kenny Kloss Distributing Company Richard ’84 and Kathy Kolaczewski

OCTOBER 2017 Celebrate Carmel raises $68,000 for school programming and scholarships

Raymond Chevrolet and Kia Victor and Paula Rivera Ricardo and Kathryn Rivera

The Queenan Foundation

Warren and Mary Young William Zadell and Kelly Niesen-Zadell David and Soledad Zitzewitz Paul ’83 and Jackie Zudyk

John and Maureen Rizzo

NOVEMBER 2017 Fall play “Haphazardly Ever After”


Donors to Carmel Catholic High School THE CORSAIR CLUB $500-$999 Anonymous

DRM Properties, LLC

Craig and Sharon Lennon

Rita Aaron

Steven ’93 and Michelle (Dekoj ‘93) Dufault

Libertyville Chevrolet

Ace Hardware Homecenter of Round Lake

Robert ’88 and Sharon Potsic Dufault

Linn, Campe & Rizzo, Ltd.

Advanced Air Services Inc

Christopher and Diane (Boston ‘80) Elfering

John and Donna (Howland ‘81) Lobaito

Advanced Network Devices

Emil’s Tavern on Center

Apex Landscaping Inc

Thomas Filar and Christine Coulombe

Kathleen (Shellenberger ‘88) Longo and Jay Pluimer

Apple, Inc.

J. Thomas ‘80 and Maren Finnegan

Doug and Cheryl Ashley

John and Donna Fischer

Julian and Colleen Bailes

Mr. Frederick Flude and Mrs. Mary Ann Koval

Arthur ’70 and JoAnne Baker

Jere and Anne Fluno

Ben & Jerry’s

Margaret Freeman ’80 and Jim Pilling

David Bernier

David and Terri Furrer

Thomas and Beth (Clemens ‘84) Boggs

Michael ’67 and Kimberly Gavigan

Bond Title Services, Inc.

Steven ’79 and Alina Globis

Bradley and Margaret Bonham

Thomas and Juliana Gracia

Mark and Julie Bostrack

Peter and April Graves

Leslie Braat

Timothy ’85 and Angela Green

Brenda Sells Realty, Inc.

John† and Pam Harchut

Patrick ’79 and Beverly Brennan

Evelyn Heinrich

Patrick and Tamara Burns

Christopher ’84 and Janette Unger Hogstrom

Ann Byrd

Byron and Deb Holden

Carl E. Mellen & Co. Insurance

Huber Financial Group

John and Lori Cerwin

Keith and Laura Hunt

Anthony ’93 and Jaime (Wegener ‘93) Clesceri

Charles and Patricia Hutchins

Paul and Carole Coleman

I.B.E.W. Local 150

Anthony ’87 and Andrea Collins

Illinois Bone and Joint Institute

Committee to Elect Chuck Smith Judge

Illinois Tool Works Foundation

Coral Chemical Co

J. Guzman Landscape Concrete & Brick

Costa’s Coins & Currency

Yanez Jamnik ’67

Create It Packaging

Jandee Salons

John and Diane Csiha

Richard Just

Thomas ’66 and Karen (Schlagheck ‘67) Davis

Lawrence† and Regina Keller

Louis and Debra Day

Katherine Kerkman ’94

Ritch and Kristi Dembinsky Jeff and Karen Dickmann Thomas Digani ’67 Bradley Percy and Carmella (D’Incognito ‘96) Percy

Keller Williams North Pointe-Lisa Wolf Brad and Tanya Klaslo Christopher and Pamela Kompare James ’96 and Katherine Kwiatt Lake Forest Pediatric Associates, Ltd Kevin and Jennifer Larsen

Daniel Madigan Colleen Maguire ’75 John and Renee Malandrino Sean and Donna Margiotta Mathnasium of Wauconda Thomas and Mary Maus Martin ’67 and Barbara Kunze Mazurek Joseph McCormick ’67 James and Shirley McGrain Christopher and Leticia Medina John and Deborah (Laskowski ‘81) Meyer Kathleen Militmore Glenn ’66 and Donna Mordini Stephen and Jennifer Moseley Mundelein American Legion Post 867 Alan and Shelley Myers Janice Nichol Richard† and Mary Jean Niemi Kevin and Cynthia Noonan Northwest Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery OB-GYNE Associates of Libertyville O’Hare-Midway Limousine Service Inc Our Lord’s Little Ones, Inc. Packaging Corporation of America Parabolic Sports Performance Lab Jose Pereira and Fabiola Tomassini-Pereira Perfection Plating Inc Richard ’87 and Erin Pietranek Dr. Barbara Pintz Quest Food Management Services Harry and Amy Raemont Michael ’98 and Bridget Rapplean Re/Max Showcase

A Look Back at FEBRUARY 2018


Street Scenes Goes Tropical raises more than $300,000 for the academic programs at Carmel Catholic

FEBRUARY 2018 Dance Team places 11th at Nationals

Donors to Carmel Catholic High School THE CORSAIR CLUB $500-$999


Edward and Nancy Reidy

Donald and Michelle Adams Alan and Michelle Adamski Brian Aden and Kathleen DeCaire-Aden Albert L. Wysocki Attorney At Law Alden & Ott Printing Inks Co Allstate Insurance AmazonSmile Foundation Anthony Andaleon Polly Andrews Animal House Shelter Jason and Maria Armstrong Arpino Orthodontics, P.C. Timothy ’00 and Jennifer (Hanna ‘00) Arvidson Associated Bank Assurance Heating & Air Conditioning, Inc. Athletico Physical Therapy Ala Dean Attar ’89 Bob and Joan Auclair Automatic Building Controls James ’68 and Joanne Lokay Bader Kenneth and Laura (Walker ‘89) Bair Renato and Theresa Baladad Steven ’89 and Renee Ballerine Jeff and Connie Barhorst Peter and Nancy Barnes Barr Mechanical Sales, Inc. Barron Jewelers, Inc David, Jr. and Karen Barry Steve and Julie Basco Jack Baucus ’09 Beacon Place Becker’s Landscaping Services Bella’s Bouncies Party Rentals Daniel and Jill Belmont Greg ’83 and Amy (Claffey ‘84) Benjamin David ’89 and Michele Bertaud Amy Bieri Judge Christy Bishop BMW of Crystal Lake Body Craft, Inc. Jason and Heather Bonds Boston Plumbing, Inc.

P. Kevin Reidy Frank and Betty† Rejc Jerome ’74 and Cheryl Stangel Rejc Risk Management Services Loss Prevention Michele Rivelli-Bucci Rolling Hills Campus Lynn (Pomierski ‘80) Sacramento Kevin and Karen Sahr Antonio Santucci Skopek Orthodontics Edward and Valerie Slack Charles and Michele Smith Patrick ’76 and Cynthia Merris Smith Carlos Solano Carmen Spetco St. Mary Parish St. Patrick Catholic Church St. Paul the Apostle Catholic Parish Paul and Cheri Stockhausen Symonds Lakes Funeral Home T.J. Properties, Inc. Kevin and Katie Teehan The Marti Group The Northstar Group, Inc. Thelen Sand & Gravel Transfiguration Parish Transfiguration Parish Mark and Margaret Tritschler University of St Mary of the Lake Veeva Systems Wells Fargo Foundation Eileen Welsh ’67 Michael and Michelle Whelan Young Scholars Child Care Center Hugh and Diane Zentmyer Dennis and Lorraine Zonsius Robert and Kimberly Zurek

Kevin and Melinda (Urban ‘00) Braun Mark and Kathleen Brinkman Thomas and Catharine Briscoe Denise (Kvaas ‘91) Brookins Margaret Brown Joseph and Claudette Bruschuk Craig and Ann Bryson Burkett & Beattie Burnett-Dane Funeral Home Calo Ristorante Daniel ’00 and Cory (Bocik ‘00) Cameron Megan Boyce-Carlson Casten Body Shop Inc Cedar Roofing Co Inc Centre Club Patrick and Rebecca Cepon Pamela White-Chajet Derek and Lindy Chambers-Boucher Cherokee Printing & Services, Inc. Chicago Tag and Label Dean Chudy and Eleanor Merrill Chudy Terry ’66 and Ruth Cox Church Courtney Ciampi Classic Toyota & Kia R. Michael ’67 and Karen Clements Jim and Suzy Close J. Robert and Sylvia Coates† Colbert Packaging Colletti SportsMed Physical Therapy James and Lisa Collin Community Sailing School @Pistakee Edmund ’85 and Colleen Osmond Conarchy Consolidated Pathology consultants Kenneth and Anna Costanzo Joseph and Kimberly Coyne CR Search Inc David and Ann Cruz Cultural Care Au Pair Rick and Bennette Cunningham Brian ’92 and Suzanne Dam Dam, Snell & Taveirne, Ltd James Dandino ’13 Dave & Jim’s Auto Body, Inc

MARCH 2018 Relic of Saint Therese of Lisieux installed in Brandsma Chapel

MARCH 2018 Cadence Show Choir places 2nd at Annual Chicagoland Showcase


Donors to Carmel Catholic High School THE BROWN AND GOLD CLUB $250-$499 Davenport Family Funeral Home Brad and Kim Davis Sean and Anne Daw Kysler and Angel De Guzman Steven and Eileen De Spain DeLauter Inc Daniel and Kimberley Dellert DexaFit Elbia Diaz Joseph and Kristine DiBartolo Dr. Joseph and Catalina DiCara Leonard and Deborah DiCristofano DiMeo Schneider & Associates Doc Able’s Auto Clinic, Inc Michael and Megan Donnelly Daniel and Erlene Dungan Elizabeth Ede Elite Dance Co. EMC Capital Management Inc Seth and Susan Erickson Estate Heating & Sheet Metal Sean and Julia Farnan Bryan and Jennifer Feldman Joseph and Debra Ferrari First Bank Of Highland Park First Midwest Bank Robert and Andrea Fitzpatrick Todd and Judith Flessner Fodrak’s Patrick and Rita Foley Foley Orthodontics Frank’s for the Memories Thomas and Maureen Fremgen Edward and Mary Friese Michael and Fatima Fusz David and Corrine Gasner Todd and Jennifer Gedville Michael ’67 and Katherine Thullen Geraldi Mike and Kim Gibbons Grant and Elizabeth Gier Gino’s East Pizza Glacier Ice Arena

Glunz Family Winery & Cellars Jason and Kelly Goodman Goodman Electric Supply Bryan and Sheila Grabowski Peter and Marget Graham Dennis and Ann Gramm Brian Grano Graves Design Group Paul and Rita Grawe Michael and Jennifer Greeby Greg Schuda Jr. Insurance Agency Rudolph Grom ’71 Michael and Kathryn Guido Hallen Specialties, Inc. Gregory and Marilyn Halper Patrick ’88 and Jennifer Halverson Richard Hannigan ’66 Hansa Coffee Roasters Kevin† and Patricia (Bockwinkel ‘74) Happ Darrel and Susan Harmon Mark and Anne Harrison Harrison Wallace Financial Group, Ltd. John and Barbara Hartnett Dr. Thomas, Jr. and Beverly Hauff Hawthorn Woods Family Dental George and Denise Hefner Thomas Herman ’80 Hernandez Lawn Service Jerome and Ann Marie Higgins Ralph and Sheryl Hoffman Heraclio and Karen Holguin Thomas and Rhonda Hoy Monte Huber ’90 Huntington Learning Center Kevin and Jennifer Hurley Alfonso and Mika Ella Ignacio Independence Properties, LLC Infraland Consulting Ingleside Auto & Tire Center Interior Craft By Buschman Homes John and Dana Iskalis Richard and Janet† Jacob

Charles and Valerie (Ford’ 71) Jacob James H. Griffin MD-Urology Ltd James Hamlin & Co., P.C. Jamie Angela Salon John M. Quinn & Associates Ltd. John’s Complete Auto Service Chris Jones and Donna Berg Joyce Campbell Insurance Agency Inc JPV Financial Catherine Kaczala Gerald and Dorinda Kalk Doug and Sue Kamman Christopher and Lisa Kane Michael† and Kathryn Karrigan Nora Kelly ’83 Tabitha Kilpatrick Klees Electric Inc. Knauz Auto Group Knights of Columbus #8214 Knights of Columbus Council 13267 Knights of Columbus -Queen of Peace Council Knights of Columbus, Cardinal Stritch Council #367 Mark and Catherine (Welling ‘86) Knuth Ziggy and Sonja Kosobucki Robert and Maureen Kowalski Jennifer Kramer ’88 John and Beth Krautsack Kunes Country Auto Group Lake County Lightning Lake County Medical Group, SC Lakeland Auto Body, Inc. Lakeshore Lacrosse Jim and Dawn Lasky Fabian and Jenny LaTocha Lavin & Waldon Law Office Of Rebecca McNeil Aurelio and Blanca Lee James and Sharon Lentino Libertyville Lincoln-Mercury Sales, Inc. Lindemann Chimney CO Terrance and Susan Link

A Look Back at APRIL 2018

MARCH 2018

Jazz Band earns Division 1 Superior Rating at Mundelein Jazz Festival

APRIL 2018


NYAN Varsity Robotics finished 9th at World Championships

Harbinger wins first place recognition from National Council of Teachers in English

Donors to Carmel Catholic High School THE BROWN AND GOLD CLUB $250-$499 Ernest and Jamie (Crotteau ‘67) Lisson Michael Looby ’75 Lukes of Mundelein Raul and Maria Luna Aurea Luzano Cris and Maria Luzano, Jr. Cheryl Lynch M. W. Home Improvement Maloney Law, LLC Mambo Italiano Ristorante Lolita Maniquiz Susan (Hoselton ‘88) Manshum Maravela’s Catering & Banquets Anthony and Elizabeth Markiewicz Martinez Construction Mary Gail Kwiecinski, DPM Raymond and Catherine Mathez Gregory and Wendi Matz McDonough Mechanical Services, Inc. Luke and Stacey McGinn Stephen McGowan David and Tammy McKeehan Ed and Jennifer McKenna Judith McKinney ’68 Medical Murray Daniel and Kara Mehigan A. William ’79 and Twila Zahorski Meo Merck Foundation Steven and Mary Meves MGN Lock & Key Midland Glass Kenneth ’73 and Theresa Mihalka Ron and Trish Miiller Michael and Anne-Marie (Schommer ‘89) Miller Miracle Green Lawn Care, Inc. Modern Home Products Garry and Kristin Monkman Texas and Catherine Monroe Christopher ’87 and Maria (Zupec ‘86) Monroe Steven ’86 and Ann (Kulis ‘88) Monte Dennis and Mary Beth (Donnellan ‘68) Morelli

APRIL 2018

Spring play “The Addams Family”

William and Sandra Moss Mundelein Fire Department Zbigniew and Karen Nalewajk Steven ’76 and Julie Ann Naumiak Mike and Andraea (Garcia ‘91) Nerheim Charles Newling ’67 Thomas and Kathleen Nikolai NorStates Bank North Shore Trust and Savings Northwestern Mutual Christopher and Irene Nowak Michael and Louela Nunez David and Zdenka O’Connell O’Donnell Law Firm OEO Energy Solutions LLC Office Plus Solutions & Supply Dr. John and Annette O’Malley David and Karen Otto Owens & Laughlin LLC Paul and Judith Paslaski Pasquale Recchia with @properties Mark and Dawn Passarelli Michael Paulino Robert Paulino Michael and Susanne Pelfresne Pelfresne Penn Station Brian and Rachel Perry Rocco ’77 and Gayle Pesola Petco Jeffrey and Laura Pett Louis ’72 and Karen Piccoli Richard† and Annette Podgorski Poko Loko Early Learning Center Raul and Gladys Poma Potempa and Cloe Dentistry Poul’s Landscaping & Nursery Inc Power of the Golf Ball - Northfield John and Jennifer Powers Prince of Peace Catholic Church Principle Management & Consulting LLC Michael and Paris Pruitt Joseph and Joyce Ptasienski

Andrew ’92 and Michelle (Karrigan ‘92) Ptasienski David and Wanda Pucci Purple Moose Enrichment Preschool Ronald and Christine Puszynski John ’84 and Kathleen Keller Quinn Marisela Quiroz-Jasso Ramon and Sons Sewer Christopher Ramos RD Jewelry Studio, Dufault Fine Custom Jewelry and Design Reading Power Real Results - Fitness & Performance Anthony Recchia Red Mango Red Rose Children’s Choir of Lake County Lesa Redfield ’79 Jay ’81 and Chona Reid Joseph Rejc ’05 Reynolds American Inc. Ridgeview Electric Ismael and Christine Rivera RJR Insulation & Closets Scott Roe and Antoinette Eber-Roe Sean Ronkoske ’98 Stacey and Lisa Roos John Salata ’82 Salvi, Salvi & Wifler, P.C. Sandy Point Dental Santa Maria del Popolo Parish Michael Sapoznik Michael and Therese (Donnellan ‘83) Sarallo Andrew Sauve William and Jennifer Schaefer Jay Schedler and Sherry Schedler-Kim Tim and Dierdre Schneider Robert and Susan Schoen Joseph and Peggy Schott Scott Carr/Northwestern Mutual John and Mary Scully Sean Dunnigan - State Farm Insurance Connie Shanahan Louis, IV and Patricia Sharp Jay V. ‘91 and Anna Sharp

MAY 2018 Carmel themed mural unveiled in Fine Arts Wing


Donors to Carmel Catholic High School THE BROWN AND GOLD CLUB $250-$499 Andrey Shinkarev and Yelena Utkina David ’88 and Sheila (Conarchy ‘88) Shrofe Side Lot Brewery James Sinkovec Skeeter Guys, Inc Edward ‘66 and Susan† Skuse Glenford Smith Jeffrey ’83 and Christine Smith Brian and Denise Smith Christopher and Natalie Smola Soledad Zitzewitz Interiors Sonoma Farm Specialized Accounting Services Inc Peter and Christine Speranza Speranza & Bates Christopher ’90 and Becky Splitt Sports Flags James and Catherine (Varney ‘83) Sprauer St. Gilbert Catholic Church St. Gilbert Catholic School St. Joseph, Libertyville St. Mary of the Annunciation St. Patrick School Bob and Sandy Starnes State Senator Terry Link-District Office Tami Stough John and Leslie Strauss Christopher Stride Steven and Sara Sulfridge Susan E Kamman & Associates Swanson, Martin & Bell, LLP Sean and Jodi Swiatkowski Rodger and Erin Sykes Peter Tarcha and Elizabeth Cozzi J.J. and Rita (Simon ‘84) Tarpey Tavern on 60 Kevin Terry The Marengo-Union Times The Tracy Family Foundation The Vine - Martini & Wine Bar John and Jennifer Thompson

THE SPIRIT CLUB $100-$249 Ken Thompson Timothy O’Toole’s Tina G’s Marc and Beth Tobin Peter and Susan Tomko Timothy and Karen Trush Larry and Karen Trzupek Jerome Tutaj Universal Broaching Inc. Mark and Kathryn Unze Upside Innovations Luis and Becky Valadez John and Teri Valentine Steve and Sherri Vinci Vision Care Grayslake Michael ’82 and Anne (Leslie ‘83) Vonesh Kevin and Janine (McGrath ‘75) Walsh Wa-Pa-Ghetti’s Pizza Thomas ’70 and Pamela Warren Jonathan and Ana-Maria Wattelet Wauconda Physical Therapy-Leslie Ferrigan Wauconda Recycling Center William Weidner James and Judith† Weldon Wenzel’s Automotive Service & Tire Center Ken and Katie White Gary and Amy Wietecha David ’78 and Jill Willems Thomas and Madeleine Wilson Elijah Wise ’02 Mark and Heidi Wojciechowski Jozef and Danuta Wojcik Wynkoop Holdings, LLC Hang and Chao Xie Saad and Ayser Yacu Zengeler Cleaners John and Ludmila Zielonko Jeff and Diane Zimmer William and Rosalinda Zrinsky Joan Zupec

A Look Back at

JUNE 2018

MAY 2018

Welcomed our Class of 2022 for Freshman Experience

Math team places 16th at State

MAY 2018


Anonymous (2) 3HD People 730 North Optometry AAA Paving, Inc. C. Mark and Karen Abernathy Torrance and Azie Abrams Accountants to You John and Dennika Acker Actual Technologies Advanced Eye Care Consultants Agony of De-Feet Jose and Cristina Aguilera Kurt and Carol Albright Christopher Aldinger Zos and Nichole Alivia All Creatures Animal Hospital Allstate Insurance Company Thomas and Catherine (Kasting ‘76) Almanzo American Family Insurance - William Stanley David ’79 and Peggy (Kloss ‘79) Anderson Michael† and Joanne (Rangatore ‘75) Anderson Donny ’90 and Sheryl (Jachowski ‘90) Anderson Shirley and Joe Anderson Rev. Timothy P. Andres, O.Carm ‘76 Timothy Anger ’83 Adolfo and Adora Ansay-Serrano Aronson Fence Co., Inc. James ’91 and Christy Arrajj Associated Physical Libertyville Asylum Concepts Inc Atrium Brian and Alison Attar Sheri Auclair Autobahn Motorworks Inc Thomas ’73 and Leslie Avellone Gerson Avila and Christine Grafft James and Hope Babowice Javier and Graciela Baca Fernando Bahena and Maria Hernandez Baird & Warner - Arlene Fields Broker Joyce Baker Karen Baker Nathan Bargar David and Gina Barker Walter and Marianne Barker Ronald and Annette Barnes Donald Bartlett ’68 Dennis and Paula Basara

313 students graduate; 46 alumni parents and 2 alumni grandparents from the Class of 2018

Donors to Carmel Catholic High School THE SPIRIT CLUB $100-$249 Ted and Maureen Baun George ’75 and Mary Behrens Brian and Beth (Castricone ‘97) Bell Ben and Jennifer† Berg Berry Tire & Auto Michael and Tammy Bertucci Rick and Bridget Besse Byron and Beth Best James ’68 and Kaye Beyer Thomas and Virginia Biegel Lisa Bilotti Robert and Angela Bilton Jadwiga Binkowski Richard and Lori Bishop Ronald ’70 and Constance Bitto Christine Bitto ’78 Rick and Diane Blaha Stephen and Marcia Blaszinski Bodyworks Fitness & Spa William Bolger ’91 Anthony and Gina Borkowski Alan and Jo Ann (Fiore ‘68) Borlack Matthew Borman and Laurie Oberembt ’81 Bosco Chiropractic Marcie Bosnak Robert and MaryJane Boyer Vincent Brandys John and Dorothy† Brennan Scott Brenner Norbert and Patricia Bries Lisa Brock Kaye Brothers Bruce Brugioni Construction Inc Sam and Karen Brunk David and Tiffany Bruskin Marietta Bufalino-Devitt Michael and Kristie (Raupp ‘90) Bugenhagen Michael and Christine (Henderson ‘81) Burke James and Sandra Burkett Sheila Burns Michael and Barbara Bush Joseph and Anne Busky Gregory and Kathleen Byrd Kathleen Byrd Richard and Patricia Caffarelli Richard and Carol Carani Philip† and Bessy Carrano Brian and Colleen Case Gerald and Lois Caslavka Hazel Castillo Catholic Financial Life Dolores Cavenaugh James and Margaret† Cebulski Wilfred and Janet Chan Suzanne Chapman Willaim and Wynette Cheek Gordon† and Catherine Chicoine Gary and Patricia (Berktold ‘81) Chiselko Moon Jeong Choi Jason ’93 and Heather Stauffer Chorazy Adam Chorazy ’01 Lucas ’96 and Rebecca (Straka ‘95) Chorazy Timothy and Melissa Christopher

Steve and Susan Cianci CJ’s Coffee House CK SALONS INC William ’84 and Robin Class Gary and Patricia (Coates ‘69) Colabuono Joseph Colangelo ’74 Daniel Colbert Colette & Ano Plumbing, Inc. Thomas and Rosemary Collard Thomas and Jeanette Collette Jane Conarchy Raymond and Denise Copeland Esmeraldo and Felice Cordero Kevin Corrado ’68 Rocio Cote Dennis Coughlin Chad and Virginia (Pearsall ‘89) Coulthard Christopher and Ellen Coury Gary ’68 and Peggy Coutre Alison Crawford James† and Beverly Crowley Daniel ’84 and Deanna Hardin Curley Holly Rieger Curley ’76 Custom Mailing Service Co. Inc. Christopher and Barbara Cutro Christopher and Ann Czyzewski Dana McNeir DDS David Daniels ’86 and Genice (Reed ‘86) Daniels Robert and Christine Danner Joseph and Therese (Denecke ‘70) Dattalo David W. Honey DMD PC Paul and Aleksandra Davis Robert ’70 and Julie Deisinger Douglas and Monica DeKeyser Mark and Lisa DeLaMar Denise Sabala Dance Studios DeSanto Morgan & Taylor Bruce and Beverly Dille Bernard ‘72 and Sandy DiMuro Ronald and Cheryl (Globis ‘78) DiNella Discover Financial Services DJ and Magic Entertainment Brian ’83 and Deborah Donahoe Edward and Shirley† Donahoe Daniel ’70 and Kaye Fitzsimmons Donahoe Jo Ann (Glaser ‘77) Donaldson Dennis and Justine Donnellan† Richard† and Margie Dornbos Bernard ’68 and Debra Dost Patrick ‘82 and Marilyn Drennan Michael and Vicki (Ori ‘95) Drew Ana Duarte James and Sindy Duncan Lawrence ’83 and Sharon Dunn Marjorie Dupont Jose and Margaret (Rohr ‘67) Duran Thomas Durkee ’67 William Durkin ’79 R. Tracy Durrett Edmund Dvorscak ’72 Marv Edelstein and Carol Busam Patricia Egel Ken† and Karyn Elert

Elite Appraisal Center Llc Bobby and Diana (McCarthy ‘88) Elliott George and Rosanne Ellis Peter and Karen Erken James and Gina Esperson ETA hand2mind Jennifer Evans Family Chiropractic & Sports Rehab Family Fishery Farmers Insurance Group of Companies Shane and Jill Farrell Roy and Nichole Farris James and Karen (Gibbs ‘80) Fayen FDH Velocitel Eric ’91 and Maggie Feinendegen Fred† and Margaret Feinendegen Felix’s Famous Cookies Thomas and Christina Ferguson Laura Ferrari ’05 Susana Figueroa Marco and Letty Figueroa John and RoseAnn Filar Charles ’73 and Marilena (Bernardi ‘76) Fiore Fire Control, Inc. Donn and Teri Firnbach Craig and Barb Fischel William Fischer and Dianne (Gibbons ‘68) Fischer David and Eileen (O’Connor ‘77) Fleming Julie Fluno Brian Fluno Greg and Annette Foltz Kevin and Katie Ford Robert and Cynthia† Forman Forsight Vision Austin and Lora Fox Victor and Luisa Foyain Ronald ’89 and Lisa (Rohleder ‘89) Freeman Kambra French Fresh Cafe John and Roberta Froemke John and Cathy Fruscione Sandra Fukumoto Fye and Villejo, DDS Gages Lake Auto & Light Truck Repair David and Mary Gaines Peter and Maureen Galdoni Gale Street Inn David ‘82 and Robi Galla David and Melissa Galla Gary and Joanne Garzonetti John and Shona Ann Geier Matthew and Sarah Gill Jeffrey and Susan Gille Derrick Gingery ’94 Brian Giza Anne Godziszewski Arturo and Jessyca Gonzalez Alvin and Barbara Goodman Steve and Kelly Goudreau Graber Orthodontics Stephen and Bernadine Graff Daniel ’95 and Melinda Graham Matthew and Kristin Graham


Donors to Carmel Catholic High School THE SPIRIT CLUB $100-$249


Daniel ’91 and Lori Anderson Gramm David and Kathryn† Grampovnik Barbara Gray Grayslake Feed Sales Inc Grayslake Orthodontics, P.C. Great Lakes Home Mortgage Dennis and Jan Green Craig and Nicole Greenlee Pat Griffin Mark and Deborah Griffin Vito and Nance Grimaldi Edward and Patricia Gromala Growmasters Marcia Grzesiak Amy Guin Michael and Ann Gumkowski Gurnee Masonry Inc Thomas and Jennifer Gustafson Gustafson Eyecare Gutierrez Landscaping Gabriel Guzman Haas Tree Service Chris and Sarah Hagen Patrick and Tabitha Haggie Paul and Karen Halaburt Marc Hallee Steve and Michele Hanam Darlene Hanna Douglas and Susan Hanna Daniel and Pamela Hannon Mike and Pamela Hardin Kevin and Jennifer (Spaulding ‘88) Harris Milo and Karen Harrison Timothy and Elizabeth Harvey John ’68 and Bobbi Hedrick Ronald and Julie Hehn Matthew ‘78 and Deborah Heidecke Heidi A. Novack, DDS Heinen’s Grocery Store Bryan Heinrichs ’03 Paul and Therese Hernandez Paul and Yvonne Herring Jean Herron Timothy and Margaret Herron Michael and Diane Hettinger Valerie Hewitt Hines Supply Donald† and Helen Hintz Kurt ’88 and Lisa Hironimus Paul and Sharon Hitselberger Michael and Becky Hoffman Louise Hoffman Karen Hoffman Byron and Karen Holden Honey Orthodontics, PC Hoopman Roger and Mary Hoselton Scott and Laurie Howard Michael and Mary Jo Howard Michael and Anne Huiras Donald and Maureen Hull Delaney Hunt ’11 Suzanne Huntemann Kevin and Kathryn Hunter

Huntington Learning Center Patricia (Leahy ‘68) Husen Icare Home Health ID Label Inc. Infinity Benefits Group Inspirion Wealth Advisors, LLC InStyle Salon & Spa IUP General Feed Store John Ivan and Lynn Draeger-Ivan J.R.’s Wrecker Services James LaDuke and Associates, Inc. Joseph and Carolyn Jané John ’66 and Margaret (Steffenhagen ‘67) Janiszewski Judd Jaraczewski Ross and Dina Jaske Jim and Carin (Nieds ‘68) Jelinek Charles ’82 and Maria (Thomas ‘82) Jenks Sheri Jesiel Jorge and Evelyn Jimenez Johnson & Johnson Consumer Companies, Inc. Mattison and Christine Jolly David Jones ’72 Michael and Jollene Jones Patricia (Heinz ‘68) Kadison Richard and Susan Kadowaki Pete and Jeannie Kalb Robert and Michele (Gardner ‘68) Kane Karma Salon Spa Richard ’68 and Laurel Karolczak Alan and Karen Karr Kattner Orthodontics, Ltd Michael ’86 and Kristina Keane James and Susan (Skehan ‘71) Kearns Eileen Kelleher James and Sandra Kelley Larry and Mary (Campanella ‘86) Kenar Kenneth A. Holz, DDS Letitia (Todd ‘87) Kim Kims Salon &Spa Todd and Stephanie Klemp Dan and Susan (Ladurini ‘71) Klinkhamer Thomas ’76 and Katherine Costigan Kloss Kmiec & Noonan, LLC - Attorneys at Law Linette Knauer Vernon and Laura Knight Richard and Geraldine Kolaczewski John and Christine (Dam ‘87) Kornak Donald and Maureen Kotek Paul Kovach ’83 and Elizabeth Papacek-Kovach Thomas ’73 and Victoria Koziol Peter and Deanna Kratochvil George ’66 and Carol Pinkus Krempley Joseph Kristan ’78 Robert and Mary Krombach Edward Kuderna Roland† and Evelyn Kurfess Stephen and Virginia Lacke Lake County Movers, Inc Lakeland Appliance Service Lakemoor Transmissions, Inc. Karen LaManna Erica Landree Daniel and Colleen Larkins

Larsen Florists & Greenhouses Michael and Tami Larson Lasting Impressions by Lisa Brian Laughlin and Julie Mauer Law Office of Bridget A. Slavi Law Offices of Scott W. Spaulding, P.C. Le Blowout Bar Terry and Patricia Leaderbrand James and Kristen (Kwasiborski ‘91) Leaf Patrick and Cynthia (Kipp ‘88) Lenihan Ryan Leonard ’16 Cynthia Leonard Dan and Rebecca (Ledezma ‘89) Leskovec Lester’s Material Service Inc. Noel and Patricia (Ratican ‘75) Levasseur Lillie Lillie Fred and Myrna Linares Jason and Jay-Jay Lindas Patricia (Boquist ‘78) Lindsey Little Lake Learning Station LLW Group Marketing Consulting David and Tracy Lombardo Eric and Christine Long Richard and Judi (Kelroy ‘69) Long Jane (Conarchy ‘79) Longo Fidel and Guadalupe Lopez Lovin Oven Cakery Kevin and Patricia Lowe Nicole Lucas Joseph Lucchesi ’78 Bryan ’03 and Monika Luczkiw Rudy and Lisa Luedecke Rudi Luedecke William Lutes Lynn Fairfield Re/Max Suburban Ann Lyon Judith Macrowski ’67 Michael and Lynn Maguire Matthew ’87 and Rachel Maher Main Street SportsCenter Keith and Stacia Mainzer Robert and Linda Malloy Chai and Suzy Maneeniyom Chris Marth Arthur and Teresa (Giannini ‘90) Marti Martin Enterprises Edward and Nancy Mas John and Margaret Massarelli Angeline (Iwan ‘88) Massaro Kenneth ’79 and Lori Massaroni Master Cleaners Michael Matias ’87 Tai and Kathy Matlin Nsesi Matundu and Luzolo Vumi Jeffrey and Jane May Michael and Heather (Huster ‘05) May Joseph and Karen McDermott Dan and Magdalena (Carrizales ‘70) McElroy Fr. Peter McGarry, O. Carm. Timothy McGrain ’85 Thomas McGrath ’84 Joseph and Lisa McKernan Sr. Mary Frances McLaughlin, BVM Robert and Kristina McLoud

Donors to Carmel Catholic High School THE SPIRIT CLUB $100-$249 Michael ’78 and Sarah McMahon Gary and Carol Mede Kevin and Caterina Meixell Joseph and Chris Melillo Benedictus and Deniece Mensah Keith and Anne (Schneider ‘86) Meny Luis and Monica Mercado Brian ’83 and Gerry Micheli Mik’s Barber Shop Miller Chiropractic Daryl and Connie Mirza Kenneth Misher and Lori Dobis-Misher Witold and Patricia Mital MJK Computer Consulting Mark and Jacqueline (Kmiecik ‘77) Mlsna James and Leslie Modelski Dennis and Marilyn Moisio Philip ’68 and Holly Monger Jeffrey and Theresa Moore Morgan’s Bar & Grill Morton Grove Dental Associates Noelia Murua Nader Gill, DDS National Quality Logistics Kim Needham John Nelson Mark and Teresa Nelson Thomas ’68 and Mary Nenoff Robert and Michele Nettesheim New Land Concepts Terence Nolan ’68 North Shore Elite Golf Performance Academy Tony and Angela Norton Christopher and Rebecca (Monterastelli ‘02) Norton Brett and Kelly Novak John and Donna Nylen Kevin ’98 and Kelli (Farina ‘97) Nylen Lane ’78 and Frances Oberembt Oberweis Ice Cream and Dairy Store Remi and Nike Oduba Oelerich HVAC Richard and Angela O’Hara O’Hare School of Irish Dance Jorge Ojeda Anatoliy and Vitaliya Oleksyn Harold and Catherine Olson Joseph ’92 and Kelly O’Malley Patrick ’76 and Marya O’Neill Benjamin and Mary Beth (Loula ‘81) Oosterbaan Rene Ortiz and Brenda Gonzales Jeffrey ’66 and Shelle Owen Anna Pacheco Rudolph ’70 and Susan Palenik Rigoberto and Araceli Panchi Pankau Law Raymond ’87 and Angela Parhad Harvey and Salwa Parhad Kenneth and Eileen Parrish Mark and Cathy Parrish William and Joan Passolt Hamish and Dipika Patel Patrick Kennedy, DDS- Family Dentistry Nelson and Debra Patterson

John and Cherie Patterson Patrick and Alicia Patterson Brian Payant ’99 David and Jennifer (Dille ‘00) Penney Thomas ’72 and Ann Perille Mark and Christine Perrelle Kenneth Bates and Mary Perry Bates Pfizer Foundation Matching Gifts Program Michael ’88 and Gena Phelps Keith and Patricia Pierson Edward and Heather Pietschmann John and Jane Pilotte Edward and Cynthia Pincombe Jack and Louise Pinto Andrew Plonsky ’89 PMI Cartoning Inc. Polson’s Natural Foods James† and Mary Ann Porten Michael ’80 and Lois Scott Poulos Todd Preusker ’84 Tracy Prieto Priority One Janitorial Services Prudential Financial Inc. Timothy and Kathryn Puszynski Robert and Anne Quast Quickpick Liquors Charles ’67 and Wenjun Quinlan Agustin and Pravda Quinones Stephen ’77 and Amy Ratican Luciano† and Rita Rattin Graham and Ashley Ray Ray’s Bike & Mower Inc RE/MAX Plaza Ann Marie Recchia Corey and Rebecca (Gundrum ‘97) Rentz Paul ’68 and Brenda Rettman RGN, Inc. Stephanie Richartz ’10 Robert† and Robyn Ringa Robb Orthodontics John and Roberta Robbins William ’70 and Patricia Roberts Andrew ’79 and Amy Robillard Michael and Teresa Roessler Mark ’75 and Patricia Rohling Jodi Rohlwing-Hettich James and Kathleen Romans Robert and Jacqueline Romolo Ron’s Hobbies Carol Ronzani ’68 Rosati’s Pizza Gina Rossi ’89 William and Pandora (Fillipp ‘90) Rouleau Kathleen Rubenstein Thomas and Barbara Ruhl Kevin and Cecelia Rupprecht Michael and Mary Jo Rutz Vincent and Sharon Ryan John Ryan Robert ’68 and Nancy Ryan Salon Gia Michael ’77 and Debra Salvi Dan and Susan (Feinendegen ‘91) Santner Robert and Frances Sarkis

John and Robin Sasman Christopher ’67 and Debbie Schleicher Brett and Amy Schmidt Keith and Ann Schoenfeld Sara Schroeder Gregory and Elizabeth Schuda Scott and Tina Schuler Deanna Schultz Lawrence ’68 and Mary Schutz Schweitzer Engineering Laboratories, Inc. John and Patricia (Myers ‘89) Seabright Christopher and Sandra Seidl Stephen Semasko ’01 Mary Setnicar ’72 Jason and Janette Sfire Shear Paradise Pet Salon John and Sherry Sheehy Krista Sheehy ’06 Kevin and Deborah (Cevallos ‘85) Shields Dixon and Terry Slater Anthony and Gail Sliwa Stefan and Magdalena Slowinski Dan and Tina Marie Smigielski Kora Smith Michael and Kristine Smith Richard and Toni Smith Walter and Anne Smith Wanda Snell Jacob and Emily (Tourdot ‘09) Solarz Steve Solimini Ross and Jill Sorrentino Thomas and Traci Spalding Speed Plumbing Sewer & Drainage Philipp and Christina Speer Gregory and Rosetta Speights Frank Spellman ’70 Paul and Joan Spheeris Richard† and Patricia Spicuzza Benedict and Susan Sponseller St. Louis Church Youth Group St. Mary of Vernon Parish Richard and Kitty Stailey Martin and Dianne Stansbury Star Auto Authority State Farm-Mike Hansen Insurance Agcy Inc State Farm-Ray Nierstheimer Andrew and Jennifer Stavros James and Lucia Stefo STEPS Performing Arts Center Bryan and Ellen Stirrat Andrew ’97 and Ann Getz Stith Joan Stockhausen Stolarick & Company, Inc Jim and Kristi Streit Brian and Christina Stropich David Stroz and Linda (Harding ‘67) Stroz Fredric and Lynne Strutzel Daniel and Elvia Strutzel Daniel and Linda Stull William and Angelica Sturm Thomas and Elizabeth (Lucas ‘72) Sublewski Edwin ’87 and Patricia Sullivan Superior Felt & Filtration, LLC Jeff and Hilary (Spiller ‘88) Suwyn


Donors to Carmel Catholic High School THE SPIRIT CLUB $100-$249 Paul and Jeanne (Weis ‘77) Swanson Catherine Swanson ’08 John ’78 and Beverly Sweeney Joseph and Stacey Sweeney Walter and Kelly(Rafferty ‘78) Swietlik T2TRI, LLC T5 Hair Design John Tabat Tax Associates, Inc Nicole Taylor ’09 Michael and Barbara (Bertagni ‘68) Teff John and Carmen Terselic The Calzone & Macaroni Co The Olive Tap Steven ’78 and Diana Thelen Andrew and Susan Thiel Erik and Michelle Thomas Michael ‘82 and Kelly Thompson Jon ’77 and Laura Thorsen Donald Thul ’68 TMS Tax Service Edmund Tobin John ‘76 and Melissa Torres Gerald and Michaelinda Trahan Robert ’69 and Susan Trefilek Anthony and Sandra Trocano Susan Trost John and Heather (Bastounes ‘87) Truckenbrod Brian and Angela Truesdale TSS Glass Services Sheri Turkula James and Theresa (Freeman ‘82) Tutaj Jason and Mary Katherine (Boyce ‘01) Ugolini Ultimate Screen Printing Eric Urbanski ’07 Alejandro and Deici Vargas Thomas ’79 and Marisa Varney Robbie and Lori (VanErden ‘88) Ventura James Vepley and Carla Bachmann Edward and Bernice Vrablik Scott and Lisa Vrablik Beth Vrioni W.W. Grainger, Inc. Cynthia Wait ’73 and Anil Khurana

THE CONTRIBUTER CLUB $10-$99 David and Marge Waldschmidt Randall and Diane (Bartholomae ‘84) Walkowiak Michael and Jane Waller Michael and Mary Walsh Walt Disney Company Konrad and Suzanne Walzer Kexiu Wang and Liwei Song Craig and Christine Watson Wauconda Cafe Waukegan Bally Muck, Inc. Waukegan Police Association Unit 42 Waukegan/Gurnee Auto Body Mark ’68 and Gail (Hoffmann ‘71) Wegener Steve and Kim Welborn Kent and Carlota Welch Wells Fargo Home Mortgage William and Regina (Lauten ‘81) Wendes Michael and Flora West West’s Insurance Agency Jeff and Margaret Wheeler Whisk Bakery & Coffee Shop Michael and Kathy White David White Lawrence and Diane Whittier David ’68 and Betsy Whitton Robert and Mary (Suter ‘83) Wiacek Shane and Francesca Wickremesekera Andrew and Rebecca Wiegman Peter and Catherine (Salvi ‘74) Wifler Kevin and Melissa Wilhelm James and Deanna Willemsen Ezzit Williams Lance and Lisa Williamson Wodaj Construction, Inc David Wurzbach Paul and Karen Young Karen Young Michael and Bernardine Zdon Mark and Diane Zelich Scott and Brenda Zingsheim Dustin ’93 and Trisha Zubert ZümBier Ed and Joann Zych

Anonymous (2) Ricardo and Marianne Abreu Jordan Abruzzo Alex and Ingrid Abt Tim and Cathy Ackerman Alan and Lois Adamski Ann Adee ’88 Affiliated Dental Specialists Melanie Agbay Siony Agbay Octario Aguilar Guerro Aguilar David and Theresa (Ramos ‘77) Alameda Francisco and Ruth Altamirano Pricilla and Jose Alvarez Suzanne (Kane) Amberg ’68 Robert and Mary Ann Anderson Gordy Anderson Joseph and Pamela Anderson Danton and Consuelo Andres Faisal Taha Chris and Tania Apostal Michael and Kathleen Arata Jason and Catherine Arends Stephen Ark ’10 Joseph and Dana Armagno Beth Arnold Daniel Arvidson ’97 Adnan and Sana Attar Ray Auclair Jose and Roxanne Avalos Jonathan and Jennifer Azucena Baby University Smart Bee, Inc Bagels By the Book Donald and Kate (Ring) Balasa ’77 Linda Ballinger Rudolph Balog Charles and Susan Banker Ernie and Ana Malene Banlasan Martin and Molly Barr Lamont and Julie Barrientos Caitlin Barry ’13 Kathleen (Williams ‘9) Barry Frank and Christine Bart Eric and Renee Baude Christopher and Katie (Halverson ‘92) Baugher Manuel and Nancy Bautista Steven and Danielle Beauchamp Carl and Kathleen Beckman Barbara (Spoolstra ‘68) Beckner Vic Behrendt Marc and Shawn Belanski Dave and Julie Bending Marlene Berg Tony and Nicketta (Guarino ‘72) Bernardi Luis and Mary Berrones Carl Bertram Virginia Biondi Steven ’72 and Maureen (Olinger ‘76) Bitto Victor and Suzanne (Brooks ‘97) Blanton Robert Blaser Ashley (Goudreau ‘03) Blessing Joel and Sharon Blumer Robert and Kirsten Bobber

Donors to Carmel Catholic High School THE CONTRIBUTER CLUB $10-$99 Carl and Maura Bodo Carl Eric ’89 and Michelle (Nutschnig ‘89) Bodo Christopher and Stephanie Boll Mary Bonfiglio Louis Bosshart Max and Tammy Bowyer Gail (Kasting ‘78) Brant Michael ’81 and Beth Brennan David Breseman Mark and Susanne (Skuse ‘72) Briskovich Larry and Patrica Britten William and Catherine Brolley Dante and Tiffany Brooks Roy Brown and Valerie Campbell James ’69 and Frances Brown Mike and Angela Bruce John ’84 and Mary Beth Brunner Chip and Melinda Bryant Robert and Melissa Bryce Joseph ’97 and Erin Brysiewicz David Grooms and Laura Budris ’90 David and Christine Bugaj James Kirking Robert Burton Jamese Scott Geoffrey and Jody Ricketts Butler Lawrence and Mary Jo Butz Mark ’71 and Rita (Schueneman ‘72) Byrd Mary Byrne ’72 Leonard and Kelly Byrne Bella Cain Manuel Cano and Ofelia Delira Austin Cappelle ’97 Martin Cappelle ’95 Amy Capulong Carolyn Carr Juana Mencia Carvajal Family Anthony and Ingrid Casale Alicia Casas Jimmy and Lisa Cashmore Michael and Cara Catalanello Ken and Helen Cawley Karl Cazzini and Clíona McAlister Louis and Linda Cepon Joseph Cesar ’77 Brian Chaney-Austin ’97 Tom Chang Peter Charcut ’77 Philip Chasin and Rosanne Plescia ’66 Chateau Elite LLC Joanne Cherefko Thomas and Linda Chernesky Childrens House Mike Nolan and Virginia (Cicone ‘77) Nolan Bert and Kelly Clark Reuben and Elizabeth Clark Matthew and Margaret Clatch Jeff Coda Charles and Laura Coe Randy and Anamaria Colon Peter Colucci Mark and Martha Conway

Core Martial Arts and Fitness Inc Rita Coulombe John Csiha ’09 Culvers of Lake Zurich Timothy Cummings Cathleen Cummings Edwin and Shelley Cummings Daniel and Betty Curley Jori Curry Curtis Frame Heather Czarnetzki Maria Czyzewski Dairy Dream of Libertyville John and Lisa (Simon ‘80) Dallas Michael and Rebecca Dana John and Kelly Daniels Corry and Diane Daus Ferdinand and Elsa David Darryl and Flor Davis Keisha Davis Barbara and Reinaldo De La Torre Michael and Beth Dean Thomas Dekoj ’97 Robert and Ingrid Dekoj George and Sheila DeLaMar Eric and Maria Delos Reyes Richard and Ann (Clark ‘92) Dennerline Karl and Laura Eichler Jennifer Desimone Kent and Debra Dettwiller Robert† and Betty DeWitt Frank and Linda Dicks Michael Diesen and Christine Filler-Diesen Bruce and Molly Dir William Divane and Suzanne Scheller Phil and Julie (Stith ‘99) Donner John and Renee Dorn Jeff Dougherty Peter and Vicki Douvlis Michael and Erin Downey DS Belmont Travel Consultants Jack† and Kimberly (Cypher ‘68) Dubsky Daniel and Kristine Duffy David and Annamay Duncan Jaime and Ingrid Duron William and Kimberly Dwyer Jerzy Dybko and Magdalena Pietura E2 Manufacturing Group LLC Edwin and Angela Edejer James and Eileen Edwards Eggshells Restaurant Patrick and Susan Ehren Walter Eisenberg Reggee Elazegui and Linda Elazequi Roberto and Jennifer Elias Brian and Lindsay (Kulla ‘02) Ellis Randee Mayo Elsing ’87 Teresa Esposito Gerrie Evans Spencer Ezyk ’16 Mark and Dawn Faerber Karl and Christine Falkstrom Farmers Insurance - Joseph Rada

Laura Fay Julie Fecteau Luis Fernandez Matthew Ferrin Paul and Kathy Fiascone Arlene Fields George† and Eleanor Fillipp Marta Fiol Robert and Angela (Sturgeon ‘84) Fiore Clarence Fisher Timothy and Melinda Fitch Goldie Fitzpatrick Patricia Fix Wayne† and Elaine Flanigan Frederick Flude and Mary Ann Koval David and Susan Foecking Eric Fortell Christina Fox Ralph Frank Steven and Jennifer Fremgen Joe Gabler Mary Pat Gabor Michael ’95 and Christine (Bertaud ‘92) Gaiden Ann Galuska Frederick and Marguerite Galvez Hector Garcia and Maria Najera Carlos Acevedo Ed Garcia Renee Gasner Humberto and Jennifer Gauna Dianne Gavin Patricia Gavin Scott Gavin Catherine Permoda Geier ’78 Jean-Marie and Teresa Geoffroy Robert and Christine George Sharon Giannetto Ryan ’95 and Regina Gibbons Barbara Giegerich Deanna Gill Valery Goldring Dawnelle Tellado Jose and Micaela Gonzalez Roberto and Robin Gonzalez James and Carol Goodman Richard and Coleen Goodson Hayes Goranson Kosta Govantanis John and Kim Graff Farrah Graff Ryan Graham Ray and JoAnn Grant Jeffrey and Mary Fran Graunke Florence Grawe Thomas† and Catherine Green Patrick and Colleen (Scully ‘92) Green Scott and Melissa Greenenwald Janice Gries ’74 Travis Gripentrog Suzanne Bercier Grossman ’95 David and Shannon Grzesiak Paul and Patricia Guerrero Amalia Guerrero


Donors to Carmel Catholic High School THE CONTRIBUTER CLUB $10-$99 Christopher ’93 and Kristine Guidici Joseph Guin Melissa Guldberg Randy ’72 and Judy Guthridge Angela and Jose Guzman Eddie Guzman Juan and Leonila Habacon Charla Hagel Hair Envy Philip and Kathy Hajduk Robert and Pamela Haley Clay and Mary Hamlin Chad and Jolanda Hannah Victoria Loffredo Carl and Kristen Hansel Gerard ’69 and Caroline Happ Paulette Harar Paul Harlow Edmond and Sharon Harrigan James ’68 and Carole Harrington James McClinton and Kiana Harris Steve and Amy Hartnig Jeff and Lynne Hartzer Jason and Tanya Harvey Rob Harvey Ken Harvey Randall and Barbara Haseman Michiel Hawkins Matthew and Heather (McGillivray ‘87) Hayek Frank and Julie Hayes Bradley and Ann Heinz Steve and Shannon Hellen Gregory and Sally Henderson Scot and Jennifer Hensel Carlos Hernandez and Helen Minogue Ramon and Guadalupe Hernandez Carlos and Marissa Hernandez Melissa Hernandez Wesley and Virgina Herring Debbie Herrmann Joseph and Karen Herubin Gillian Hessing ’08 Eddy and Crisciel Hidalgo Steven ’87 and Jennifer Hill Dennis and Donna Hirth Noreen Hitzeman ’77 Garry and Mylette Hodges Guy Goodwin and Eileen Hoffman-Goodwin ’76 Jamie and Janet Hogan Joshua Holmes and Maria Cecilia Lontok-Holmes Joseph and Suzzanne Holtgreive Craig and Lisa Holzem How Impressive Matthew Howeth ’06 Stephen and Katherine (Abernathy ‘76) Huber Huff Enterprises Inc: Huff John W CPA Daniel and Jean (Thickpenny ‘81) Hughes Ross Hugi and Jeannine Lamb-Hugi Alvaro and Antonia Huizar Roger and Carolyn Huner


Lois Hutchinson iGive IL Nail Spa Oscar and Lorna Im John and Rita (Cecconi ‘71) Imlah Indian Creek Veterinary Clinic Margie Infanti Mary Infanti Insurancenter Pat Ischinger Charles and Mesha Jackson Alejandra Jaimes David and Tina Jakubek Rodney Wilson John and Maribeth (Donovan ‘81) Janke Joseph and Gloria Jansen Joseph and Monica Jansen Regina Jarvis Eric Jasso Stephen and Cheryl (Giznik ‘91) Jessogne Robert and Elizabeth Jiang John Lucente’s Barber Shop Jerry and Darice Johnson Bruce Johnson Jeff Johnson Elaine Johnson Carl Johnson and Jacalyn Ramdin-Johnson Philip Johnson and Genna Armstrong Johnson Philip and Sandy Johnson James Jolly Donna Jones Thomas Jones Robert and Mary Jozwiak Sandra Juarez-Aragon Ascencion and Suzanne (Mack ‘67) Juarez Kathleen Asma Kane ’88 Toni Deasey Kappel ’72 James ’82 and Androniki Karagiannes Preston Karansky Michael Kassin Matthew Kasting ’83 Paul ’87 and Lisa Kasting Jason and Anne Marie Kaull Vidas ’76 and Ramute Kazlauskas Kaz and Terese Kazlauskas Peter and Mary Joan Keffer Thomas and Susan Kegel James and Patricia Kelley ’75 Myles and Josephine Kelly Kevin and Barbara (Naumiak ‘78) Kerpan Joseph and Andrea Kessler Allen and Camm Kiel Richard and JoAnn Kimbel Michael ’88 and Anna Klein Peter Koburov ’82 Greg and Stefanie Koenig Mike and Donna Konie Ken Kordick Darek Kozuch and Margaretta Dziedzic-Kozuch Charles Kranz ’92 Raymond Krawzak Kevin and Irene (Raupp ‘80) Krempely Kathy Kress Robert and Lynn Krysa

David and Kimberly (Zych ‘87) Kuhlman Judie Kukliski Kumon Math and Reading Center of Grayslake Lisa Kuznacki Donald and Lili-Ann Kvaas Thomas and Katherine Kwasiborski Mark ’78 and Camie Kwasigroch Paul ’82 and Diane Labelle John and Kerry Lackner Roy and Lanie Lagman Michael Laidley ’94 Matthew and Warlita Laing Landscapes by Tony Norton Steve Langer Jose and Carmen Lanza Beverly Larsen Laura Larsen Smith Debra Laskonis Vincent and Lori Laughlin William and Rebecca Laverdure Gloria Lee Kyle ’09 and Caitlin Lees Ronald and Bernadette Legarreta Thadd and Lacey Lewis Gil and Jo Ann Licudine Daniel and Denise Liesen David Lin Daniel and Shelley Lindgren Jennifer Lentine Lindner ’97 Roman and Anna Linschield Frank ’83 and Theresa Guarino Lipo Sharon Bell LoMastro ’82 Andrew and Melissa (Skriba ‘90) Long Gabriel and Diane Lopez Ramiro and Katherine Lopez Lori Friend Hair Studio Donald and Joanne Loversky Daniel Machamer ’80 Charles Machamer Kevin and Sharon Mack Casey Madden Barbara Madison Randy and Michelle Madrigal Yvette Magana Richard and Shayna Magnone Susie Mahon Sergio and Edith Malagon Annette Malaker Kyla Huber Marabella ’97 Trankolova Family Patrick Marotta Margaret Marshall Joseph and Brigid (Conarchy ‘97) Martin Paul and Denice (Ryan ‘77) Martin Erica Martinez Thomas and Virginia Mataya Jan and John May Jim and Pat Mayberry Amy (Portegys ‘89) McCaffery Bill and Shay McCorkle Sean ’96 and Erin (Byrne ‘97) McElroy Edward McGarrigle ’72 Jerry and Sue McGuire Chris and Pam McHugh

Donors to Carmel Catholic High School THE CONTRIBUTER CLUB $10-$99 Geoff and Jaclyn McKarns Ken McKay and Tina Ellis Peter and Amy (Stanczak ‘85) McKernan Eric and Lucy McKinnon Julie McLaughlin Michael and Kim McNamee Bryan and Jamie McNulty Kathleen Mears Tim and Venessa (Gerstenbrand ‘97) Medved Loretta Megwa ’74 Richard and Jennifer Melnick Alan and Dale Mennenoh Joe and Gail Meriel Patrick Michael ’77 Jerome and Judith Mikrut Thomas and Margaret (Thelen ‘84) Miles Eric Miller Leo and Marie Miller Ed and Heidi Mills John and Sandra Minard Maria Moeller Greg Moisio and Gina Marocco-Moisio Christopher ’87 and Courtney Molsen Nicholas and Mary Molsen Geri Lynn Montellano Michael and Angela Mooney Jermaine and Mashanna Moore Rick and Mary Rose Morabito John ‘77 and Lori Morabito Cesar and Maria Morales Margarita Morales Mike and Heather Moran Julie Moran and Mark Gaunky Christine (Smith ‘81) Moran Alexander and Lisa Moreno Debra Morozin Christopher and Jennifer (Graham ‘86) Morozin Mary Morrill Mary Moss Motorola Mobility Foundation Matthew and Jyoti Mottier Larry and Karen Motzel Scott Mowery Dale Multerer Stephen and Sharon Munro David Myers ’91 Theresa Myint Paul and Sandra Nagy Nails First Spa Inc Charles and Constance Natarelli Patrick and Christina Naumann Denis and Angeline Nelligan Steven and Susan Nelson James ’83 and Marlene Neuroth Kenneth and Carol Neuser Daniel Nguyen Gerard and Colleen Nichol Kenneth and Nicole Nickles Ryan Nitch Wilfred and Rita Nonnenmacher Marjorie Noonan Northwest Road Runners, Inc. Steve and Karen Novack MaryJane Novack

Hon.Paul and Joelle Novak Charles and Nancy Nozicka Nick and Nancy (Peters ‘72) Nustra James† and Judy Nutschnig Randall Oberembt ’72 Eugene O’Brien ’87 Sheila O’Brien Gabriela Ochoa Ryan ’84 and Candy O’Connell O’Dell Family Melissa Odle Christopher ‘92 and Lynda O’Donnell Robert ’72 and Mary Beth O’Donnell William ’81 and Jody Oechsle Michael O’Grady ’73 and Kathy Rauch Daniel ’97 and Caroline (Casten ‘98) Ogurek Ann Marie O’Hara Jack Olichwier Bill Olson Andrew and Kristina Olson Benjamin Olson ’01 Kathleen (Stumpp ‘68) Olson Bladimiro Ortiz and Fabiola Santiago Kenneth and Jolene Orvis Edward Osada ’66 Sara (Jansta ‘97) Page Robert Palm Edsel and April Panlaqui Nicholas and Angela Pann Linda Panszczyk ’78 Micheal and Carolyn Para Vanina Matus Netty Park Edgar and Melissa Parker Kent and Vivian Parry Brian ’97 and Colleen (Carey ‘97)Passolt Rajesh and Claudia Patel Jill Patrick Douglas and Charlotte Pavelka Daniel and April Pearson Gary and Constance (Comer ‘68) Pechura Edwin and Marsha Perez Eric ’97 and Veronica Perez P. James and Eileen† Perille Michael and Julie Perry Richard and Jane Petrus Timothy and Megan Phelan Roman and Anne Phoenix David and Nancy Pierce Piggly Wiggly David Pincombe ’17 Patricia Pineda Savio and Freda Pinto Ray Piontkowski Jeanette Pletcher John Poletto ’02 Thaddeus ‘82 and Sharon (Spicuzza ‘83) Popielewski Matt and Mary Beth (Jacob ‘82) Porter Gary and Mary Pat Potempa Thomas and Doreen Potter Gregg and Katherine Powell John Power Peter and Anne Powers Matthew and Carole Preda

William ’66 and Dawn Preston Linh (Stevens ‘92) Preston Jason and Rachel Priebe Richard and Celine Provax Joseph and Jerilyn Prybell Scott and Dina Pryhocki Wayne Przyby Nick and Dianna Psyhogios Charles Pullin Kathleen Queenan ’12 Emmett and Elizabeth Quilty Luis Quiñones Oscar Quiroz Jaime Quiroz Glenn and Francesca Racette Jeffrey and Joyce Rae John† and Janice Rafferty Dennis and Maricel Ramirez David and Carolyn Randolph Callison Randolph ’12 Randy Nebel - State Farm Insurance Agent Roy Rash George and Suzanne Rattin Chris Redstrom Matthew and Elizabeth Reidel Matthew Rejc ’10 Richard and Shannon Resetich Chad and Caryn Reuland Fernando Reyes and Rosa Huizar Jonathan and Emmylou Reyes Herbert Richards Scott and Kathleen (Golden ‘77) Richter Carol Rigal Jason and Christin Riley Karol Rini Daniel and Barbara Riordan William and Lori Roberts William and Barbara Roberts James and Maria Robles Rodis’ Sunset Liquors Jaime Rodriguez and Maria Gomez Reyes Rodriquez and Ana Velia Rodriguez Todd and Katherine Roesler Michael and Sandra Rogalski Andrea Rogel Sheila Rohowetz ’79 Francis and Elizabeth Romanes Pete and Karen Rosquete Mark and Melissa Roth Jonathan and Michelle (Miller ‘92) Rowley Peter ’77 and Kim (Kaski ‘78) Rubio Daniel and Kelly Ruby Marion and Ana Rudman Amy (Sesing ‘88) Rudolph Keith and Maria Ruehl Jeanne Rutledge Steven and Patricia (Ryan ‘72) Fouts Howard Sacco ’72 Ron and Christine Sachs Roland and Mary (Laidley ‘90) Sachs Sam and Karen Salman John and Patricia Samuelian Israel and Gabriela Santana Catherine Carlen


Donors to Carmel Catholic High School THE CONTRIBUTER CLUB $10-$99


Ida Santucci Margaret Sanzone Nancy Sarallo Gregory and Eileen Schaer Donald and Debra Schaible Robert and Adrian Schaid James and Retta Schanaberger Georg and Andreia Scharf Ryan Schaul ’95 Gregg and Adriana Schiltz Norbert and Nicole Schmelz Robert Schneider ‘70 and Julie Henthorn Randy and Rosemary Scholl Donna Schommer ’68 Peter ’87 and Lori Schommer Edward† and Kathleen Schrank Schuberth Orthodontics Alvin and Audrey Schueller Joseph and Lindsey Schultz Tracy Schulz Curt and Carole Schumacher Robert and Arin Scott James and Martha Scott Gary and Sandra (Serdar ‘68) Scroggins Mary Koziol Sedlack ’77 Theresa Seibert Noah and Kathy Seidenberg Joseph and Amy Serrano Stephen and Catherine Settle Robert† and Marilyn Sewall Stephen Shebenik ’71 Irving and Karen Shenderovsky Ron and Lisa Shibovich Barbara Shoemaker Dave Shrofe Mark and Dawn Sicco Tina Sio ’94 Maria Skorcz ’10 Jeffery Smialek Mark and Joanne Smith Steve and Julie Smith D Wayne Smith Betty Smitherman James and Lynn Snyder George and Lorraine Sochacki Susan Soler Angela Somodi Mark and Teri Spanswick Gaylord and LuRae Spaulding Bryan and Angela Spegel Timothy Spencer James and Amy Spera David St. Luce Mitch and Dawn Stafiej James ’97 and Beth Stamatakos Stan’s Barber Shop State Road Auto Repair Scott and Lisa (Owczarski ‘88) Stearns William and Ann Steffenhagen Gregory and Charlotte Steinbach Scott and Joanne Steiner Ollen and Michelle Stephens Jessica Stickler ’96 John and Anjanae Stieber

Edward and Paulette Stith Virginia Stone Joseph Stramich ’78 Elizabeth and Michael Stretti Stephen Stronach ’85 Harold and Susan Stronach Charles and Beverly Stulginskas Robert Sumeriski ’87 Purnima Swearingen Swearingin Family Robert and Kathleen Swieton Franklin ’81 and Cynthia (Amato ‘82) Swindell Matthew and Kathy Szamocki Tacos El Norte Gurnee Julie Tarzon ’10 William and Lori Taylor Judy Taylor John Taylor Robert and Betsy Tekampe David Hoetzer ’80 The Pit Shop Garage Chris and Kimberly (Linda ‘88) Thomas Thomas ’89 and Christine (Velican ‘90) Thomas Chris and Rebecca Thompson Brad Thurman David ’75 and Elaine Titus Andy Toth Daniel and Kathy Tourville Townee Square Restaurant Timothy Trelka ’76 Walter and Diane Treu Michael and Diane (Perhats ‘70) Trickey John and Jill Kuhfahl Sirott Tucker Venkata Ramana and Pratibha Ramana Tumuluri Mike Turner Jeffrey and Beth Uhlir Lamak and Farida Ujjainwala Joseph and Rebecca Ullrich Christopher and Jennifer (Stickler ‘94) Van Skyock Rakesh and Sunita Varma Vedder Price P.C. Alycia Verdeyen Marisol Vega Verizon Wireless Shailendra and Ruchika Verma Anna Vessells Joel Villanueva Mario Villanueva Robert and Nancy Vogel Matthew and Cheryl Vogt William Vollmer Glenn Vanco and Andrea Vrahnos-Vanco Dawnell Wachta Charles Waddell Lisa Wagner Sam Wahlers and Lisa Orta-Wahlers Edward and Alice Walinski Thomas and Amy Walker Reuben and Tanya Wallace James and Deborah Ward Dick Warren ’72 Andrew and Margaret Warzecha Erin Marie Warzecha ’16

Dean and Rachel (Stenzel ‘71) Watson Thomas and Joan Weber Weintraub & Eltink Orthodontics Dennis Wendt Amy (Renaud ‘94) Werner Jack and Rebecca (Cameron ‘84) Wesolowicz David Gasinski Frederick and Mary Wheeler Daniel ’89 and Amy Whelan Charles Wifler ’08 Aaron and Julie Wilkins John and Angela Wilkinson Dale and Sandra (Jesenovec ‘88) Williams Matt and Jodi Wilterdink Wines For Humanity Brian and Tracy (Rider ‘88) Winzentsen Melissa Wise Barbara (Hegerle ‘97) Wismer Thomas and Laura Wojcik Lidia Wojcik Donna Wolf ’68 John and Diane Wolf Thomas and Christine Wolf Rick and Diane Yatteau Veronica Ybarra ’81 David and Adriana Young Scott Yu Paul and Beverly Zack Jorge and Julie Zamora Manley† and Margaret Zanco Romano and Carmella Zapanta Ralph Zarumba ’77 Byron and Augusta Zawaski Frank† and Clara Zenzola Thomas and Susan Zimmer Greg and Donna Zonca

Carmel Catholic deeply appreciates the support we receive from donors at every level. Thank you to our donors for their contributions in support of our mission.

Restricted and Scholarship Gifts and Memorial Awards SCHOLARSHIPS AND TUITION ASSISTANCE Anonymous Antioch Womens Club Big Shoulders Fund Boar’s Head Meats, Windy City Deli Provisions/ Robert and Adriene Bates Cardinal Health Foundation Inc Cuneo Foundation Irish Fellowship Foundation James ’75 and Nancy (Miller ‘75) Daluga Lawrence ’83 and Sharon Dunn Michael and Patricia Graft Philip and Gaye Kenny Noel and Patricia (Ratican ‘75) Levasseur LifeSource-Chicagoland’s Blood Center Sr. Mary Frances McLaughlin, BVM Christian and Janet Silge Larry and Janene Thompson The Van Erden Family Fund of the Ayco Charitable Foundation

MEMORIAL SCHOLARSHIPS Eric P. Bertaud ‘88 Scholarship Bertaud Family Foundation In memory of Darryl Didier Todd Preusker ’84 Caitlin M. Duffy Memorial Scholarship Caitlin Duffy Memorial Foundation Ezyk-Ramos Scholarship Christopher Ramos Daniel J. Frainey Memorial Jean Frainey In memory of Fay Kadowaki Richard and Susan Kadowaki In memory of Randy Kolaczewski Richard and Geraldine Kolaczewski Richard ’84 and Kathy Kolaczewski In memory of Patrick J. Kurpiewski Kevin and Jennifer Hurley In memory of Joyce Masterson John and Roberta Froemke Joseph ’78 and Diane May In memory of Kim Hoffman Mathewson Holly Rieger Curley ’76 Ryan Meinken ‘07 Science Scholarship Endowment Mary Bonfiglio Joanne Cherefko Donald and Debra Schaible In memory of Peggy Miller Bruce Johnson Sara (Jansta ‘97) Page In memory of Donald Riordan Philip and Gaye Kenny Doc Watson Scholarship Lawrence Watson In memory of Manley Lawrence Zanco Margaret Zanco

1968 REUNION FUND Suzanne (Kane ‘68) Amberg Donald Bartlett ’68 Barbara (Spoolstra ‘68) Beckner James ’68 and Kaye Beyer Alan and Jo Ann (Fiore ‘68) Borlack Kevin Corrado ’68 Gary ’68 and Peggy Coutre Bernard ’68 and Debra Dost Kimberly (Cypher ‘68) Dubsky William and Dianne (Gibbons ‘68) Fischer Joseph Green ’68 John ’68 and Bobbi Hedrick Patricia (Leahy ‘68) Husen Jim and Carin (Nieds ‘68) Jelinek Patricia (Heinz ‘68) Kadison Robert and Michele (Gardner ‘68) Kane Richard ’68 and Laurel Karolczak Judith McKinney ’68 Philip ’68 and Holly Monger Dennis and Mary Beth (Donnellan ‘68) Morelli Thomas ’68 and Mary Nenoff Terence Nolan ’68 Kathleen (Stumpp ‘68) Olson Gary and Constance (Comer ‘68) Pechura Carol Ronzani ’68 Robert ’68 and Nancy Ryan Donna Schommer ’68 Lawrence ’68 and Mary Schutz Gary and Sandra (Serdar ‘68) Scroggins Thomas and Mary Anne (Nichols ‘68) Wells David ’68 and Betsy Whitton Donna Wolf ’68

David and Eileen (O’Connor ‘77) Fleming Noreen Hitzeman ’77 Paul and Denice (Ryan ‘77) Martin Patrick Michael ’77 Mark and Jacqueline (Kmiecik ‘77) Mlsna John ’77 and Lori Morabito Mike and Virginia (Cicone ‘77) Nolan Scott and Kathleen (Golden ‘77) Richter Peter ’77 and Kim (Kaski ‘78) Rubio Michael ’77 and Debra Salvi Mary (Koziol ‘77) Sedlack Ralph Zarumba ’77

STEM PROGRAM Helen Brach Foundation Elert Family Charitable Fund/ Eric and Lisa (Tagli ‘88) Elert Raymond and Tammy Feeney Robert and Gina Hickey Randy ’91 and Amy Zitella

ATHLETIC Rebecca Belmont Boar’s Head Meats, Windy City Deli Provisions/ Robert and Adriene Bates Illinois Bone & Joint Institute, Ltd. David Herro Joseph ’73 and Katherine Reinke Nemmers John and Gerilyn Posner Platinum Home Mortgage Corporation Robert and Teresa Rao Patrick ’71 and Lindy Salvi Christian and Janet Silge Wintrust Financial Corp/ Lake Forest Bank and Trust Company



Thomas ’66 and Karen (Schlagheck ‘67) Davis Thomas Digani ’67 Jose and Margaret (Rohr ‘67) Duran Thomas Durkee ’67 Michael ’67 and Kimberly Gavigan Michael ’67 and Katherine Geraldi Yanez Jamnik ’67 John ’66 and Margaret (Steffenhagen ‘67) Janiszewski Ascencion and Suzanne (Mack ‘67) Juarez Ernest and Jamie (Crotteau ‘67) Lisson Judith Macrowski ’67 Martin ’67 and Barbara Mazurek Joseph McCormick ’67 Merck Foundation Charles Newling ’67 Charles ’67 and Wenjun Quinlan Christopher ’67 and Debbie Schleicher David and Linda (Harding ‘67) Stroz Eileen Welsh ’67

Cardinal Health Foundation Inc Timothy Colter and Debra Fluno Johnson Controls Robert ’85 and Tamara Hoffman Robert and Jill Lyman

1977 REUNION FUND David and Theresa (Ramos ‘77) Alameda Donald and Kate (Ring ‘77) Balasa Joseph Cesar ’77 Peter Charcut ’77 Jo Ann (Glaser ‘77) Donaldson

SERNA CENTER AbbVie, Inc. Andrew ’81 and Katherine Bitto James and Carrie Mouritsen Pye

BAND Anonymous (2) Ronald and Annette Barnes

CHEMISTRY Nancy Conway

MARY OF MOUNT CARMEL GARDEN John Cannuli James ’78 and Martha McGillivray John and Janet Murphy Joseph ’73 and Katherine Reinke Nemmers


Murphy Society 20+ YEARS Thomas and Catherine (Kasting ‘76) Almanzo James ’68 and Joanne Bader Charles and Teresa Bartels Thaddeus and Joyce Bond J. Robert and Sylvia† Coates Gary and Patricia (Coates ‘69) Colabuono Thomas Digani ’67 Patricia Egel Richard and Judith Hegerle Monte Huber ’90 Richard Jacob Ascencion and Suzanne (Mack ‘67) Juarez Gerald and Dorinda Kalk Ted and Judith (DeWitt ‘76) Kasperczyk Peter Koburov ’82 Evelyn Kurfess Kathleen (Shellenberger ‘88) Longo and Jay Pluimer Robert and Linda Malloy James and Shirley McGrain Loretta Megwa ’74 Kenneth ’73 and Theresa Mihalka Scott and Nora Murray Richard† and Mary Jean Niemi John and Annette O’Malley Thomas ’72 and Ann Perille Robert ’76 and Amy Perille Stephen ’77 and Amy Ratican Jerome ’74 and Cheryl Rejc Patrick ’71 and Lindy Salvi Edward Skuse ’66 Gerald and Michaelinda Trahan Robert ’69 and Susan Trefilek Timothy Trelka ’76 Michael and Jane Waller Thomas ’70 and Pamela Warren

15+ YEARS Anonymous Family David ’79 and Peggy (Kloss ‘79) Anderson Harry and Maureen Balzer Brian and Beth (Castricone ‘97) Bell Francois and Jeanne Bertaud/Bertaud Family Foundation Thaddeus ’84 and Julia Bond Gerald and Lois Caslavka Philip Chasin and Rosanne Plescia ’66 Holly (Rieger ‘76) Curley James ’75 and Nancy (Miller ‘75) Daluga Michael ’82 and Jeanne DeLacluyse Daniel and Deborah Devitt Joseph and Debra Ferrari


Named for Fr. David Murphy, O.Carm., the founding principal of Carmel High School for Boys, the Murphy Society recognizes donors who serve as models of support through their regular, yearly contributions to the Carmel Catholic Fund. Murphy Society members are alumni, parents and friends of Carmel Catholic High School who have contributed to the Carmel Catholic Fund for five or more years consecutively. We are extremely grateful to these donors for their steadfast support that reflects Fr. David’s commitment to Catholic education and Carmel values. Todd and Judith Flessner Raymond† and Jean Frainey Robert ’87 and Carrie Graham William and Lois Graham David and Kathryn† Grampovnik Thomas† and Catherine Green Michael and Ann Gumkowski Barry ’72 and Deborah Heinrichs Kevin and Jennifer Hurley Philip and Gaye Kenny Vernon and Laura Knight Mark and Catherine (Welling ‘86) Knuth Richard and Geraldine Kolaczewski Mark ’78 and Camie Kwasigroch Frank ’83 and Theresa Lipo Michael Looby ’75 Susan (Hoselton ‘88) Manshum A. William ’79 and Twila Meo Francis and Nancy Ogrinc Patrick ’76 and Marya O’Neill Linda Panszczyk ’78 Michael ’80 and Lois Poulos Paul ’68 and Brenda Rettman Jeanne Rutledge William and Mary Sauerland Lambert and Joan Schommer Mark and Jacqueline (Bond ‘88) Senger John and Jill (McEwen ‘75) Spude Fredric and Lynne Strutzel Paul ’87 and Rita Washburn Mark ’68 and Gail (Hoffmann ‘71) Wegener David and Joanne Weick Peter and Catherine (Salvi ‘74) Wifler Paul and Beverly Zack Frank† and Clara Zenzola Joan Zupec

10+ YEARS Anonymous Michael and Christine (Henderson ‘81) Burke Mary Byrne ’72 Timothy Colter and Debra Fluno Bradley Percy and Carmella (D’Incognito ‘96) Percy Robert and Angela (Sturgeon ‘84) Fiore Jerrold and Caryn Fox Julie Goodman ’85 Patrick ’84 and Marcella Graham Dennis and Ann Gramm John and Kathleen Gray Robert and Christine (Schmidt ‘87) Handel Kevin† and Patricia (Bockwinkel ‘74) Happ John and Barbara Hartnett Dr. Robert and Rev. Amy Heinrich Robert and Gina Hickey Robert ’85 and Tamara Hoffman

Richard and Marsha Kolb Matthew ’87 and Rachel Maher Joseph and Margaret Massarelli Joseph ‘78 and Diane May John and Deborah (Laskowski ‘81) Meyer John and Janet Murphy William and Joan Passolt Harry and Dolores Pettengill John and Patricia Samuelian Ronald and Linda Schmits Hon. Mary Schostok Jay V. ’91 and Anna Sharp Andrew ’97 and Ann Stith John ’78 and Beverly Sweeney Thomas ’79 and Marisa Varney Andrew and Margaret Warzecha Lawrence Watson Warren and Mary Young Hugh and Diane Zentmyer Dennis and Lorraine Zonsius

5+ YEARS Anonymous (3) Donny ’90 and Sheryl (Jachowski ‘90) Anderson Rev. Timothy P. Andres, O.Carm ‘76 James ’91 and Christy Arrajj Daniel Arvidson ’97 Arthur ’70 and JoAnne Baker Keith ’82 and Jean Bartz Royce and Kathryn Bedward George ’75 and Mary Behrens Mark and Julie (Berger ‘93) Chamberlin David ’89 and Michele Bertaud Rick and Bridget Besse Robert and Angela Bilton Christine Bitto ’78 Hans Michael ’89 and Mary Emily Bjorkman Kevin and Melinda (Urban ‘00) Braun Norbert and Patricia Bries Margaret Brown James ’69 and Frances Brown John ’84 and Mary Beth Brunner Marietta Bufalino-Devitt Timothy and Jennifer (Slater ‘90) Burkhalter Mark and Shannon Buschman Geoffrey Butler and Jody Ricketts Richard and Jill Caffarelli Richard and Patricia Caffarelli Daniel ’00 and Cory (Bocik ‘00) Cameron Richard ’84 and Carol Carani Steven and Margaret Carlson Dolores Cavenaugh Andrew Chiero ’82 Terry ’66 and Ruth Church Anthony ’93 and Jaime (Wegener ‘93) Clesceri

Daniel Colbert Paul and Carole Coleman John† and Jane Conarchy Susan Crook John and Diane Csiha Steven and Eileen De Spain Christopher and Patricia DeWald Robert† and Betty DeWitt Edward and Shirley† Donahoe Michael and Megan (Smith ‘98) Donnelly Craig and Nanette (Tako ‘89) Donton Patrick ’82 and Marilyn Drennan Michael and Vicki (Ori ‘95) Drew Richard and Susan Duffy John and Loranne Ehlenbach Patrick and Susan Ehren Elert Family Charitable Fund James and Karen (Gibbs ‘80) Fayen Raymond and Tammy Feeney Jeffrey ’89 and Cindy Feinendegen Edward and Maria Filippini J. Thomas ’80 and Maren Finnegan Charles ’73 and Marilena (Bernardi ‘76) Fiore Ronald ’89 and Lisa (Rohleder ‘89) Freeman Thomas and Maureen Fremgen David and Mary Gaines Michael ’67 and Kimberly Gavigan Michael ’67 and Katherine Geraldi William and Michelle Giambrone Derrick Gingery ’94 Alvin and Barbara Goodman Joseph Green ’68 Rudolph Grom ’71 Edward and Patricia Gromala Marcia Grzesiak Gregory and Marilyn Halper Gerard ’69 and Caroline Happ Evelyn Heinrich Bryan Heinrichs ’03 Paul and Therese Hernandez Paul and Yvonne Herring Timothy and Margaret Herron Jerome and Ann Marie Higgins Donald† and Helen Hintz Ralph and Sheryl Hoffman Guy and Eileen (Hoffman ‘76) Goodwin John and Valerie Holaday Heraclio and Karen Holguin Peter and Susan (Cairns ‘69) Holm Roger and Mary Hoselton Keith and Laura Hunt Suzanne Huntemann John Jenks ’77 Brian and Shawn Jensen Richard and Susan Kadowaki Michael† and Kathryn Karrigan James and Joellen (Zannini ‘72) Kaster

Murphy Society Kenneth and Jennifer (Jicha ‘83) Katz Richard and JoAnn Kimbel Christopher and Pamela Kompare Kevin and Irene (Raupp ‘80) Krempely George ’66 and Carol Krempley Joseph and Marisue Lacher Fabian and Jenny LaTocha Vincent and Lori Laughlin James and Sharon Lentino Noel and Patricia (Ratican ‘75) Levasseur John and Donna (Howland ‘81) Lobaito Kevin and Patricia Lowe Jennifer and James Machala Judith Macrowski ’67 Michael and Lynn Maguire Sean and Donna Margiotta Kenneth ’79 and Lori Massaroni Thomas and Virginia Mataya Charles ‘78 and Nellie May Martin and Barbara Mazurek

Dan and Magdalena (Carrizales ‘70) McElroy Fr. Peter McGarry, O. Carm. Timothy McGrain ’85 Thomas McGrath ’84 Robert and Mary McKay Eric and Lucy McKinnon Kenneth and Roberta McQuade Daniel and Kara Mehigan James ’73 and Mary Miller Lawrence Molloy Matthew and Jyoti Mottier James ’83 and Marlene Neuroth Charles Newling ’67 Daniel Nguyen and Nga Le Anatoliy and Vitaliya Oleksyn Harold and Catherine Olson Benjamin and Mary Beth (Loula ‘81) Oosterbaan Scott and Sharon Ozmun Mark and Cathy Parrish Douglas and Charlotte Pavelka David and Jennifer (Dille ‘00) Penney Mark and Christine Perrelle Jeffrey and Laura Pett Michael ’88 and Gena Phelps

Raul and Gladys Poma Joseph and Jerilyn Prybell Joseph and Joyce Ptasienski Charles ’67 and Wenjun Quinlan Kevin Rafferty ’84 Christopher Ramos and Terre† Ezyk Robert and Teresa Rao Mark ’87 and Marguerite (Keller ‘87) Rapplean Luciano† and Rita Rattin Anthony Recchia Lesa Redfield ’79 Daniel and Barbara Riordan Ricardo and Kathryn Rivera John and Maureen Rizzo William ’70 and Patricia Roberts Mark ’75 and Patricia Rohling William and Pandora (Fillipp ‘90) Rouleau Gregory ’80 and Heather Rusk Vincent and Sharon Ryan Nancy Sarallo William and Jennifer Schaefer Peter ’87 and Lori Schommer Thomas and Denise Sebastiano James† and Alice Seitz

Louis and Patricia Sharp Christian and Janet Silge Dixon and Terry Slater Charles and Michele Smith Edna Smyth Jacob and Emily (Tourdot ‘09) Solarz Sister Virginia M. Stone William and Angelica Sturm Rodger and Erin Sykes J.J. and Rita (Simon ‘84) Tarpey Jon ’77 and Laura Thorsen Peter and Susan Tomko John ’76 and Melissa Torres Jerome Tutaj John and Teri Valentine Cynthia Wait ’73 and Anil Khurana Randall and Diane (Bartholomae ‘84) Walkowiak Kevin and Janine (McGrath ‘75) Walsh Thomas and Joan Weber Frederick and Mary Wheeler Robert and Janell Winters William Zadell and Kelly Niesen-Zadell Manley† and Margaret Zanco Thomas and Susan Zimmer Ed and Joann Zych

Mike Schuh ’79 Mike Schuh ‘79, WJZ-TV Baltimore, recently won his 12th Regional Emmy Award for his winning feature story. Mike has been a General Assignment News Reporter for WJZ for the past 20 years. His previous 11 Emmy Awards were earned in the “Best Reporter,” “Writing,” “Hard News Investigation,” “Spot News,” “General News Reporting” and “Features Reporting” categories.

“Carmel was a good time in my life.” – Mike Schuh ’79

His most recent story in the Education category was about a young man overcoming the odds of growing up in a depressed area of Baltimore, and finding “Year-up”, a six-month training program that teaches skills to young men and women to help them find work. While Mike was out on another news story, something caught his eye. He noticed a young man in a full suit with a lanyard around his neck. This seemed unusual in this area of Baltimore, so he stopped, and

thought “this is something.” Although Mike had never picked up a hitchhiker before, he was intrigued and stopped to give him a ride. From there he learned about Montay Henson, and the story was born. “It’s important to know to look for something. Then you can find what you’re looking for.” Mike attributes his success to the discipline he learned at a young age, which was reinforced while attending Carmel. “We all had a good work ethic. Mom set the expectation of doing good work and always trying to do your best.” “Carmel was a good time in my life.” Mike’s advice to young Carmel students is “You are given a very special opportunity, you may not have the perspective to see it right now, but it’s up to you.”

Gifts in Kind Anonymous (2) A-Adams School of Driving Mark ’83 and Dawn (Benjamin ‘84) Abernathy Always Faithful Equestrian Club Bella’s Bouncies Party Rentals Biaggi’s Restorante Italiano Boar’s Head Meats, Windy City Deli Provisions/ Robert and Adriene Bates Jason and Heather Bonds Robert Campbell Fine Portraiture Casa Bonita Mexican Restaurant The Cheesecake Factory Chicago Bears Chicago Blackhawk Hockey Team, Inc. The Chicago Dogs Chicago White Sox The Chicago Wolves Chicago Zoological Society/Brookfield Zoo Andrew ’82 and Nancy Chiero Citywoods Conlon & Thompson Orthodontics, Ltd Cooper’s Hawk Winery & Restaurants Copper Fiddle Distillery Countryside Fire Protection District Culvers of Lake Zurich


Culvers of Mundelein D & J Bistro Joia De Majorca Kevin and Barbara Dolan Brian ’83 and Deborah Donahoe EFT Sports Performance Egg Harbor Cafe Eric and Lisa Tagli Elert ’88 Five Guys Operations, LLC Foglia YMCA Jerrold and Caryn Fox Fresh Green Light Driving School Gale Street Inn William and Michelle Giambrone The Glunz Family Winery and Cellars Patrick ’84 and Marcella Graham Hawthorn Woods Country Club Robert and Gina Hickey Paul and Teresita Hogan Illinois Beach Resort Kloss Distributing Company Lands’ End Business Outfitters Law Offices of Thaddeus M Bond, Jr. & Associates, PC Liberty Auto City Lou Malnati’s Pizzeria

Lukes of Mundelein Mathnasium of Wauconda Menchie’s Frozen Yogurt John and Deborah (Laskowski ‘81) Meyer Northbrook Sports Club O’Hare-Midway Limousine Service Inc Packaging Corporation of America David and Nancy Pierce Pizzeria DeVille The Popcorn Factory Royal Melbourne Country Club Shedd Aquarium Stonecasters, LLC Thomas and Denise Sebastiano Timothy O’Toole’s Pub Top Driver Uline Wa-Pa-Ghetti’s Pizza Wines For Humanity Zanies Comedy Club

Jackie Senger ’88 Jackie Senger ’88 and Carmel Catholic High School have a long-rooted history. Jackie and her family have been involved in some way with Carmel Catholic for four decades. Not only did she and her siblings graduate from Carmel, but she and her husband, Mark, also made the same choice for their three children. “All three of my children have flourished at Carmel. Carmel helped build their confidence, fostered their maturity and developed them into the amazing individuals that they are today.” Jackie herself has been a very active member in supporting Carmel’s music programs, advancement events and is current chair of the Alumni Association, of which she has been on for more than seven years. Jackie encourages other alumni to give, even if it’s just a little. Her dedication of volunteer time shows her obvious love for the school and its mission.

“You may not be able to give to the extent of others, but you can give time. All gifts of time and talent are part of what makes Carmel so special. Give back to the people who have helped you along the way. It’s been engrained in me. It’s what you do,” said Senger. That is the reason Jackie and Mark have made the decision to include Carmel Catholic in part of their estate plans, joining others in the Kelly Circle program. “It feels great to have a lasting legacy. It would be awesome if someday our grandkids could attend Carmel and reap the same values and experiences as those in our family before them.” Jackie’s motto is “Leave a place better than when you got there.”

Kelly Circle

– Jackie Senger ’88

Wish List

Donors who have made Carmel Catholic High School a beneficiary in their estate plans become members of the Kelly Circle in recognition of their commitment to the continuation of Carmel Catholic’s mission. Sr. Mary Cecil Kelly, BVM was the first principal of Carmel High School for Girls. Her gifts of deep Christian faith, academic innovation and community spirit helped shape the traditions of Carmel Catholic High School. Kelly Circle donors sustain Sr. Kelly’s legacy of commitment and leadership by providing financial support for generations of students. Anonymous Walter and Marianne Barker Charles and Teresa Bartels Brian and Beth (Castricone ‘97) Bell Marlene Benjamin Thaddeus, Jr. ’84 and Julia Bond Thaddeus, Sr. and Joyce Bond Cathy Burke ’66 Holly (Rieger ‘76) Curley Daniel and Deborah Devitt James Fitzsimmons ’70 Richard ’67 and Carol Gedman Robert ’85 and Tamara Hoffman Bill and Penny (Pasquesi ‘66) Kuhnmuench

“Give back to the people who have helped you along the way. It’s been engrained in me. It’s what you do.”

Kevin ’79 and Ana Maria McGuan Anthony ’72 and Andrea (Smith ‘72) Moree Lawrence ’72 and Dawn Neal Joseph ’73 and Katherine Reinke Nemmers Charles Newling ’67 B. Tucker and Cheryle Olson Christopher Ramos Christopher Raspante ’80 Jerald† and Carol† Schmitt Mark and Jacqueline (Bond ‘88) Senger David† and Lori (Esser ‘78) Short Lawrence Watson Paul ’83 and Jackie Zudyk

This is just a sample of items on Carmel Catholic’s Wish List. For more information, please contact Chief Advancement Officer Alana Flatley at aflatley@carmelhs.org or 847-388-3338.

SCIENCE DEPARTMENT GREENHOUSE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $25,000 LITURGICAL MURAL . . . . . . . . . . . . . $10,000 SPEAKER SERIES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $5,000 FORENSIC COMPARISON MICROSCOPE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $2,000 MARY FRANCES CLARKE BMV SCHOLARSHIP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $1,000 STUDY ABROAD SCHOLARSHIP . . . . $1,000 MARCH FOR LIFE SCHOLARSHIP . . . . $500



HIGH SCHOOL One Carmel Parkway | Mundelein, IL 60060 847.566.3000 | www.carmelhs.org

Interviews, Writing, Editing and Data Compilations by: The Office of Institutional Advancement Alana Flatley, Chief Advancement Officer Courtney Ciampi, Director of Annual Giving Ken Kordick, Director of Alumni Relations Milena Stanimirova, Data Services Coordinator Please contact Alana Flatley, Chief Advancement Officer, at (847)388-3338 or aflatley@carmelhs.org with any questions about this Annual Report or giving to Carmel Catholic High School.

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