TwentyFour 7 issue 33

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EXECUTIVE EditorS: GERRI AND Michelle Di Somma PRODUCED BY: WWW.CRE8ION.CO.UK Printers: HALCYON PrINT Bible quotations are from the New King James Version unless stated otherwise.

All teachings in this edition are abridged. Full versions are available to order on CD or DVD.

He sent them to preach the kingdom of God and to heal the sick. Luke 9:2


This October we hosted our annual aGODthing! Conference. Its theme was ‘Inception’, which means new beginnings. We welcomed international guest speakers, Pastors Mark and Trina Hankins and Pastor Paul Brady. Each ministered with anointing, to empower individuals to fulfil their potential in Christ. An overview of the Conference is on pages 6-7. Our main article is a summary of Pastor Mark’s message, ‘Fighting The Good Fight Of Faith.’ He shows the power of our confession working together with our faith to overcome every obstacle in life. Pastor Gerri shows how when we praise God, as temples of the Holy Spirit, all of His blessings are poured out in our lives (see pages 12-13). Pastor Michelle’s message, ‘Hold Fast’ focuses on the importance of endurance in our fight of faith. In his second teaching, Pastor Gerri emphasises one of the hindrances to our faith, impatience, in order that we address ‘the cause, the cost, the consequence and the cure’ (pages 16-17). This is our last edition for 2011. We pray that you will experience the true meaning of Christmas and enjoy every blessing in the New Year. Gerri and Michelle Di Somma




Carols by Candlelight


Sun 25

Christmas Service


Sat 31

New Year’s Eve Celebration


22 Dec – 03 Jan Carmel offices closed


New Year’s Communion Service


Sat 14

Exceptional Women’s Breakfast


Sun 15

Vision Sunday

9.00am & 11.00am

FEBRUARY Fri 17 – Sat 18

Youth Conference, ‘The One’

Fri 7.00pm Sat 9.00am & 7.00pm

Sat 25

Valiant Men’s Breakfast


MARCH Fri 30 – Sat 31

Exceptional Women’s Fri 7.00pm Conference, ‘Love’ Sat 9.00am & 7.00pm

Please note some of the dates and times of up and coming events may be subject to change. See carmel: website for all the latest information.



The Uprising Youth Camp Report


Exceptional Girls Conference Report


aGODthing! - Inception Conference Overview


Fighting The Good Fight Of Faith Article by Pastor Mark Hankins


The Power Of Praise Teaching by Pastor Gerri Di Somma


Hold Fast Teaching by Pastor Michelle Di Somma


Impatience Teaching by Pastor Gerri Di Somma


Found Heaven Testimonies



For one week during August, a farming field in Ross-On-Wye, South Wales, was transformed into a camping site. Teenagers and young adults gathered for Carmel’s annual Youth Camp, hosted by Carmel’s young adults department, St Revolution.

The hosts welcomed youngsters from Carmel and other Churches in the UK and overseas. With the theme ‘The Uprising’, they joined together with enthusiasm to rise up in four key areas of life: worship, witness, purity and faith. Each day focussed on a key area through morning devotions, workshops and evening meetings. Fun afternoon activities brought laughter as teams worked together to win the coveted ‘Holy Grail’ trophy. Youth leaders and Pastors from Carmel and associated Churches shared in different aspects of the teaching. RISING UP IN WORSHIP The young people were prompted to consider what worship meant to them personally, and why God commands not to worship idols. They were helped to understand that worship is not limited to singing songs, but is a lifestyle of glorifying God in everything (1 Corinthians 10:31). They were taught that God created them to worship. They were warned that if their expression of worship is not towards God, they will worship an idol, something or someone else. Such things as the Internet, television, money and relationships were highlighted as possible idols of worship, if given priority over God. The campers were encouraged to make God their main focus by valuing Him more than other things. RISING UP IN WITNESS The young people were shown that witnessing is every Christian’s responsibility and they were inspired to use their personal testimonies when sharing the Gospel. They were taught that Jesus Himself preached the Gospel (Mark 1:35-38). His last instruction was for His followers to do the same, And He said to them, “Go into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature.” Mark 16:15. The campers were encouraged to consider that, in the midst of uncertainty and chaos, those who don’t


know Jesus are in need of hearing the Gospel, a valuable and life changing message. They were encouraged not to shy away from witnessing and were challenged from Romans 10:14 with the question: ‘How will unbelievers know about Jesus if we don’t tell them?’ RISING UP IN PURITY Purity in heart was discussed, focussing on “Blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see God.” Matthew 5:8. A pure heart was described as being genuine and sincere, free from pretence, dishonesty and cheating. Using King David’s life as an example, the youth were taught that, despite David’s sin, his repentance and pure heart enabled him to see God. This is evidenced in the Psalms, which are full of prophesies about Jesus, the coming Messiah. Campers were encouraged that God has given them a new heart and they can maintain purity in heart by obeying His Word (Ezekiel 36:26-27; Psalm 119:9). RISING UP IN FAITH The difference between belief and faith was highlighted to the campers: belief is passive and stimulates faith; faith requires action. Whereas the young people can believe for the impossible, they don’t need to have faith for the impossible; they only need to have faith in God and His ability. ‘Faith is relationship’, they were told, being encouraged to build their faith by building their relationship with God. The importance of this was emphasised: their relationship with God will increase their trust in Him, so that when He speaks, they can confidently obey, knowing that He will do what seems impossible. Many lives were changed as young people were ministered to. Some received healing, some were baptised in the River Wye and others were filled with the Holy Spirit.


September saw the launch of the Exceptional Girls’ Conference at Carmel. Pastor Michelle Di Somma’s vision for the Conference was, “For girls to be impacted with the Word before being contaminated by the world.”

SPIRIT, SOUL AND BODY The key scripture of the Conference was, For I know the thoughts that I think towards you, says the Lord, thoughts of peace and not of evil, to give you a future and a hope. Jeremiah 29:11. The aim was to address issues commonly experienced by the age groups involved. The girls were in three separate age groups for the day and each group followed the same subjects: spirit, soul and body.

goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control (Galatians 5:22).

The following is a sample of some of the teachings given by spiritually mature women from the Exceptional Girls’ team. Each teaching session was tailor made for the age groups concerned:

This example showed how, if the soul is not in the right shape or is affected by dark patches, the spirit within will be hindered in its ability to shine through or fully bear fruit. The girls were made aware of ‘dark patches’ such as gossip, lying, inappropriate texting or spreading rumours, and encouraged that God replaces negative with positive. He gives beauty for ashes, the oil of joy for mourning, the garment of praise for the spirit of heaviness. Isaiah 61:3. The girls were led in prayer to repent of anything affecting their souls, to let the full spectrum of God’s light shine in and through their lives.



On the subject of spirit, the importance was outlined of making the human spirit the starting point from which God can work to put things back in order. The girls were warned of the dangers of pandering to the world’s nicely packaged promises, which don’t deliver. By observing that every good gift and every perfect gift is from above (James 1:17), they can avoid the potential pitfalls which will captivate them and put their emotional well-being at risk.

Following teaching on the spirit and soul, this group was presented with a session on the body, which started with practical advice on personal hygiene and the importance of being appropriately ‘dressed for every occasion’. This addressed the outer body. The teaching referred to the parable of the wedding feast and the guest who arrived unprepared and inappropriately dressed (Matthew 22:1-14).


Concerning the inner man, the girls heard that their bodies house the spirit and the soul. They learnt outward influences, such as what is seen and heard, can negatively affect their lives. They were made aware of media pressure and its impact on insecurity and low-self esteem. The girls were encouraged to conform to God’s standards, not the world’s, knowing that they are fearfully and wonderfully made. Psalm 139:14.

The soul harbours the emotions, intellect and views; it is the product of life experiences. The soul was likened to a clean filter or prism through which the Holy Spirit must pass in order to produce fruits such as, love, joy, peace, long-suffering, kindness,

The event was Holy Spirit led and it blessed all involved, leaving the girls newly inspired for their future paths. After the success of this year’s event, plans are already underway for next year’s Exceptional Girls’ Conference.

Psychologists may choose to disregard the mere existence of man’s spirit, but it’s essential that young Christian women build and strengthen their spirits in order to be transformed from the inside out.




This year’s Conference, ‘Inception’ truly was a ‘God thing.’ International guest speakers Pastors Mark and Trina Hankins and Pastor Paul Brady ministered with anointing and power, meeting people’s expectations to hear God’s Word and receive a touch from heaven.

The Conference consisted of morning and evening sessions. Every meeting worked together to bring about God’s purposes in the lives of individuals to impact their city and nation. Previous Conferences contained in-depth teaching, especially regarding the gifts of the Holy Spirit. These teachings have laid a foundation to help believers understand the function and operation of these gifts. From the outset, Conference hosts Pastors Gerri and Michelle Di Somma said that ‘Inception’ would be a very different Conference from previous years, and it was. Delegates were encouraged to go beyond ‘conference mode’. Instead of simply listening to another message, this year’s Conference had an even stronger emphasis on personally encountering God. People sang praise, danced and rejoiced in God’s presence. Through the combination of preaching, teaching, worship and ministry gifts, God touched people’s lives in many different ways. Through many prophecies, God spoke to individuals and the Church corporately about moving up higher, reaching new levels of faith and glory. Words of exhortation came to encourage everyone to drink from the rivers of God’s Spirit. Mark Hankins said, “Press on in to the realm of glory and your life will tell a different story – a story of blessing.” PASTOR MARK HANKINS The opening night of the Conference was full of laughter as Pastor Mark laid his hands on every person to impart the anointing of joy. His teachings throughout the following days inspired faith to rise in every heart. Using humorous anecdotes, Mark helped believers understand spiritual truths concerning their finances, their faith and their position in Christ. On Thursday night, Mark taught about the grace that touches believers’ finances. He explained that Christians are to abound in this grace, which is accessed by sowing generously (2 Corinthians 8:1-7; 9:6-11). He showed that generosity is not


about the amount given, but the amount retained; true generosity will take the giver beyond their comfort. Mark gave insight from Luke 16:1-13: God gives true riches, which are His anointing and revelation, to those who are faithful with money. “It’s God’s good pleasure to bless us,” he said. ‘Fighting The Good Fight Of Faith’ was Mark’s subject on Saturday morning. Taking his teaching from Mark 11:21-26, he showed how faith must have a voice. (See pages 8-9). On Saturday evening, Mark spoke about the believer’s position in Christ. He explained that Jesus’ death and resurrection changed who mankind is: whoever believes in Christ is a new creation, one who never existed before, in ways that were never experienced before (2 Corinthians 5:17). The new birth brings divine exchange as believers allow Christ’s strength, health and abundance to live in and through them. Mark exhorted the congregation that, because of their position in Jesus, they have all authority and dominion over the devil and sin. PASTOR TRINA HANKINS Pastor Trina taught that when Jesus said, “It is finished”, His ministry changed to intercede in heaven (Hebrews 7:25). Jesus also sent the Holy Spirit to help believers pray (Romans 8:26). Given that the Holy Spirit guides believers into all truth, the delegates were encouraged to allow their prayers to be Spirit-led by listening and trusting the truth of the Guide who is inside them. Trina explained that God works through prayer to accomplish His purpose. She likened corporate prayers to a harmonious sound from an orchestra of musical instruments: “Everyone has a part to play when we pray corporately.” With all eyes on the conductor, Jesus, a beautiful melody is played, and the purpose of believers’ prayers is accomplished. As citizens of heaven, believers “have the right and responsibility to accomplish things through prayer.” Attendees were encouraged to pray from their hearts using God’s Word because God’s will is

1: INCEPTION CONFERENCE OVERViEW contained in His Word and He will perform it (1 John 5:14-15). The congregation lifted hands, hearts and voices to join in prayer for the UK, its secular and spiritual leaders. Trina also ministered powerfully in song. She and Pastor Mark demonstrated the power of unity as they functioned together in the gifts of tongues and interpretation of tongues, bringing exhortation and encouragement to the Body of Christ. PASTOR PAUL BRADY “This weekend is a defining moment,” stated Pastor Paul, encouraging the congregation that ‘Inception’ was God’s mandate for the Conference. “Something’s coming back to life; there will be new life and new beginnings.” During prophecy, Paul described an elevator, or lift, taking people to higher levels. A button must be pushed to open the door. He explained: “Prayer is the button that opens the door. Individual faith and desire will determine the number of floors ascended.” With reference to Joel 3:9-10, Paul taught that the Church is in a time of war, and Christians are fighting together to enforce the defeat of the devil. He explained that there is a common goal and enemy; the fight is not against each other. Everyone should fight as a team, knowing with whom they are fighting.

Pastor Paul referred to the realities of the life of faith. He said that the devil will do whatever he can to get believers to run away from their calling. He shared how, when this happened in his family, they personally applied these principles. Their youngest son was killed in a road accident, and his wife later miscarried twice. These tragedies could have caused them to give up and lose heart in their marriage and their ministry. However, they recognised that Jesus, not the devil, had won because they would see their son again in heaven. They allowed God to minister His peace and give them strength to continue in their calling. HEALING MEETING The Sunday evening service was a healing meeting, led by Pastor Michelle and Pastor Trina. Trina testified of her healing from asthma, a brain tumour and subsequent paralysis. Using Luke 6:17, Trina highlighted the connection between God’s Word and healing. She said, “The Word is medicine” when read, studied, meditated upon and confessed (Proverbs 4:21-23). Speaking from personal experience, Trina said, “Healing can be a process; so don’t be discouraged. Don’t give up, keep praising God for what His Word says.” She also encouraged the congregation that God wants to heal every part of their lives: body, mind and emotions.

Paul explained that victory has already been accomplished through Jesus; therefore believers can take authority over the devil’s works. He gave three keys to successful warfare saying, “If we’re going to fight, we’ve got to fight right.”

Pastor Trina, Pastor Michelle and Carmel leaders prayed for people to receive healing. Together they believed for God’s miraculous power to heal and deliver them from all sickness and disease.

1 2 3

Know your identity. John 1:12.

‘Inception’ brought new beginnings to many lives. People encountered God and rose to a higher level, empowered to accomplish great exploits in God’s kingdom.

Know the certainty that you are called and sent by God. 1 Corinthians 1:9.

DVDs and CDs of every session are available from the Carmel Bookshop. Visit

Be prepared to face the enemy. Psalm 18:39 Amplified Bible.




“There is no such thing as silent or passive faith. Faith is active. It involves believing and speaking.”


The Bible says, Without faith it is impossible to please God. Hebrews 11:6. We need to have faith in every area of our lives, whether physical, emotional, financial or relational. Every aspect of God’s plan for our lives requires faith. However, wherever faith is required, a fight will be involved.

Jesus emphasised the aspect of our faith that concerns speaking, referring to our confession three times: “For assuredly, I say to you, whoever says to this mountain, ‘Be removed and be cast into the sea,’ and does not doubt in his heart, but believes that those things he says will be done, he will have whatever he says.” Mark 11:23 italics added.

TAKE THE STRATEGIC POSITION The Apostle Paul wrote to Timothy at a time when false teachers were on the increase within the Church. In order to confront this onslaught and protect his congregation, Timothy was exhorted to fight the good fight of faith. 1 Timothy 6:12. There is a fight involved when it comes to our faith. We don’t fight using secular methods; we fight by obeying God’s instruction. The Old Testament is full of stories about God’s people prevailing in war. Even though God’s commands were not considered normal warfare procedure, when the Israelites obeyed, they obtained success. Although our fight of faith does not involve earthly physical weapons, we can learn a fundamental principle from worldly battles: a strategic position is identified which troops must seize and occupy. The control of that designated location then gives them the advantage to defeat their enemy and win the battle. As Christians, we will win our fight of faith by taking control of the strategic position that God has revealed to us. 1 Timothy 6:12 continues by saying, lay hold on eternal life, to which you were also called and have confessed the good confession in the presence of many witnesses. Paul acknowledged that Timothy had confessed words of faith before men. This Scripture reveals the part our mouths play in the fight of faith. Our mouths represent the ‘strategic position.’ The words we confess have tremendous power, whether for good or bad. In order to win the fight of faith, we must first win the war of words. We must control our mouths, the things we say. If we remain silent, we lose by default. SPEAK WITH THE VOICE OF FAITH There is no such thing as silent or passive faith. Faith is active. It involves believing and speaking. Jesus cursed a fig tree that bore no fruit and the following day, His disciples noticed that the fig tree had withered away. In response to their surprise, Jesus taught them about faith (Mark 11:12-14; 21-26).

Jesus gave His faith a voice by speaking to the fig tree, which subsequently withered. He taught that our faith has the potential do the same, not just to curse a fig tree, but also to move a mountain. Jesus’ emphasis reveals that faith must move our mouths to speak before it will move or impact anything else. Our faith must be voiced.Any believer can voice their faith. No one is excluded. Jesus didn’t distinguish between people, He simply said, “Whoever says....” Every Christian, regardless of social status, gender or race, can speak to their circumstances, believing that they will change. Everything has happened and will happen because of words. God created the heavens and earth by speaking and He created us in His image, to possess the same creative power (Genesis 1:2628). Words can move mountains because mountains were made out of words. That’s how powerful our speech is. We can speak in faith to any situation, no matter how big or substantial it may appear to be. Words create; therefore words can dismantle. We see, therefore, how important it is to fight the good fight of faith by speaking words of faith, which give us dominion over circumstances on earth. SPEAK THE LANGUAGE OF HEAVEN Our words are also heard in heaven. Daniel received a heavenly visitation and was told, “Do not fear, Daniel, for from the first day that you set your heart to understand, and to humble yourself before your God, your words were heard; and I have come because of your words.” Daniel 10:12. God hears our words and He also helps us to speak the language of heaven. Through Jesus, God has equipped us with His Holy Spirit. Every born again Christian can receive the Holy Spirit’s indwelling presence, which is evidenced by speaking in other tongues, another language. It’s not a natural earthly language that any human can understand, it’s a heavenly language that God hears and understands: For he who speaks in a tongue does not speak to men but to God, for no one understands him; however, in the spirit he speaks mysteries. 1 Corinthians 14:2.


ARTICLE: BY PASTOR MARK HANKINS We speak directly to God when we speak or pray in our heavenly language. God has given us this language to connect our spirit to our mouths. It bypasses our intellect removing the limits of our own words, thoughts, opinions or experiences. Even though we may not understand what we are saying, our words are creating the substance of what is being spoken through our spirits. All our words have creative power, whether we speak in a known language or our heavenly language, because our mouth represents the strategic position from which the fight of faith is won. SPEAK TO ACTIVATE YOUR FAITH To win the fight of faith we must continue to develop and grow in faith. Another benefit of speaking in our heavenly language is that it helps to build our faith: But you, beloved, building yourselves up on your most holy faith, praying in the Holy Spirit. Jude verse 20. We must live by faith by moving from one level of faith to another: the righteousness of God is revealed from faith to faith; as it is written, “The just shall live by faith.” Romans 1:17. God has given every Christian a measure of faith (Romans 12:3). What we do with our faith will determine whether it grows or dies. Jesus Himself differentiated levels of faith, referring to little faith and great faith (Matthew 8:26; 15:28). Abraham is a biblical example of someone who grew strong in faith. When God promised him an heir, Abraham was 75 and his wife was beyond her childbearing years. Abraham didn’t consider his circumstances, but was strong in faith, giving glory to God. Romans 4:20 KJV.

When Abraham believed God, his confession followed. Abraham glorified God, confessing that he believed God would perform His promise. As a result, Abraham became strong in faith. By activating his faith through his words, Abraham caused the supernatural power of God to work on his behalf, being fully convinced that what He had promised He was also able to perform. Romans 4:21. By glorifying God, Abraham voiced his faith and the impossible became possible. We too must use our voices to glorify God, confessing that we believe His promises are true. When we increase our faith, we will reach the next phase of God’s plan for our lives. It’s essential to grow in faith so that we can move from one degree of glory to another. Speaking reflects and affects our faith. The more we speak in faith, the more our faith will develop. SPEAK YOUR DESTINY INTO REALITY James 3:2-12 describes our tongues as a little member, with the potential to determine our direction and destiny. Though the tongue is very small, without proper control, it can cause untold damage. However, when properly controlled it is an instrument of goodness. Our tongue holds the power to speak good or evil, blessing or curse. We have whatever we say. Therefore James exhorts us to control our tongues, the things we speak. In doing so, we control our bodies too. For we all stumble in many things. If anyone does not stumble in word, he is a perfect man, able also to bridle the whole body. James 3:2. Mark 5:25-34 relates the story of a woman whose illness had plagued her for 12 years. She had sought the help of doctors, but instead of

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improving, her condition became worse. When she heard about Jesus, she believed that He could heal her. The woman gave her faith a voice and her speech affected her physical condition. She received healing in her body. She took her strategic position in her personal fight of faith and experienced her victory. Any Christian can follow the same steps she took and receive whatever they need from God:


She said. She didn’t speak about her physical condition or retell the problems that she had experienced during those 12 years. She confessed what she believed: “If only I may touch His clothes, I shall be made well.” Mark 5:28. The answer to her need started with her speech. The Greek text for this passage indicates that she didn’t say this on only one occasion, but she kept on saying. She believed she would receive.


She acted. Her bleeding and weakness could have influenced her to stay at home, and wait for the possibility of Jesus passing through her town. However, she put her faith into action, and pushed through the crowds determined to reach Jesus. She came behind Him in the crowd and touched His garment. Mark 5:27.


She received. She received anointing power from Jesus and was healed: Immediately the fountain of her blood was dried up, and she felt in her body that she was healed of the affliction. Mark 5:29. Notice that her saying and acting came before her feeling and healing. When we speak and act on

the Word, we make contact with God’s power. The anointing will be felt in our bodies, healing any parts that are sick.


She confessed. Jesus knew that someone had touched Him with faith in their hearts. He turned, asking who it was. The woman spoke out. The woman, fearing and trembling, knowing what had happened to her, came and fell down before Him and told Him the whole truth. And He said to her, “Daughter, your faith has made you well. Go in peace, and be healed of your affliction.” Mark 5:33-34. There were many other people surrounding Jesus at that time, but only this woman received from Him. Her faith, expressed through speaking and acting, radically changed her condition and her future. When we too confess God’s Word from a believing heart, our circumstances will change. Your speaking is not a minor part of your faith. You received salvation by believing in and confessing Jesus as Saviour. You now live by faith the same way, believing and confessing. God has given you a measure of the same faith that created the world. You can develop your faith by speaking in your heavenly language and confessing God’s Word. Speak faith, walk by faith, live by faith. Fight and win the good fight of faith.

In order to win the fight of faith, we must first win the war of words. We must control our mouths, the things we say. If we remain silent, we lose by default.





Our speech will cause us to be either victorious or defeated. When we praise God for who He is, we declare God’s Word, not our own opinions, which brings God’s results – victory. Praise is a wonderful way to maintain a life of victory, because God inhabits, dwells in and resides permanently in our praise.

The Psalms are full of praise and worship. They are a great source to help us praise God. Psalm 23 for example, reveals God’s seven redemptive names. We can use this Psalm to praise God for His intrinsic character and nature. The last word on a subject is always important to take note of. The book of Psalms is no different. Psalm 150 ends the book in multiple praises. It shows us who we praise: Praise the Lord!; where we praise: Praise God in His sanctuary; praise Him in His mighty firmament!; why we praise: Praise Him for His mighty acts; praise Him according to His excellent greatness!; how we praise: Praise Him with the sound of the trumpet; praise Him with the lute and harp! Praise Him with the timbrel and dance; praise Him with stringed instruments and flutes! Praise Him with loud cymbals; praise Him with clashing cymbals! The closing verse of this final Psalm reveals that all mankind should praise God: Let everything that has breath praise the Lord. Praise the Lord! Praising God is our responsibility. There are four elements within praise: the promise, the presence, the process and the provision. THE PROMISE A dispute arose in the early Church about whether a gentile could receive the Holy Spirit. In response, James addressed the apostles and elders using the prophetic words of Amos: After this I will return and will rebuild the tabernacle of David, which has fallen down; I will rebuild its ruins, and I will set it up; so that the rest of mankind may seek the Lord, even all the Gentiles who are called by My name, says the Lord who does all these things. Acts 15:16-17; Amos 9:11-12. The prophecy promised that the tabernacle of David would be restored, not the tabernacle of Moses. The Philistines had captured the Ark of the Covenant, God’s presence, and before returning it


to Israel, King David erected a new tabernacle in Jerusalem. Moses’ tabernacle, with the sacrificial system, remained at Gibeon. There the people could not approach God directly. Only the high priest had access into the Most Holy Place, once a year with a blood sacrifice (Hebrews 9:6-8). In contrast, everyone had access to God’s presence in David’s tabernacle. David appointed musicians and singers to praise and worship God day and night. It became a dwelling place of praise. God’s promise was to rebuild the tabernacle of David where no barriers exist between God and man, Jew or gentile. This promise would come through the shed blood of Jesus, not through animal sacrifice. It was not the restoration of a physical tabernacle, but the promise of God’s presence in all believers. THE PRESENCE After Jesus’ resurrection and ascension, the Holy Spirit was sent to be the presence of God with us and in us. Jesus said, “I will pray the Father, and He will give you another Helper, that He may abide with you forever - the Spirit of truth… He dwells with you and will be in you.” John 14:16-17. As Christians, we are a habitation of praise because our bodies house God’s presence. Therefore, every Christian is the fulfilment of Amos’ prophecy: we are the restored tabernacles of David, as individuals and as the Church corporately. 1 Corinthians 6:12-20 gives a warning not to contaminate our bodies, confirming that they contain God’s presence: Or do you not know that your body is the temple of the Holy Spirit who is in you, whom you have from God, and you are not your own? Verse 19. God’s presence is holy; therefore our bodies need to be suitable temples of His holiness. Verse 20 says: For you were bought at a price; therefore glorify God in your body and in your spirit, which are God’s. Through pure and righteous living, both externally and internally, we glorify God in our bodies and spirits.

Praise is a wonderful way to maintain a life of victory, because God inhabits, dwells in and resides permanently in our praise.

THE PROCESS The Word shows us how to praise and the impact of praise. Jesus’ death and resurrection made the way clear. We can enter boldly into God’s presence without restriction and praise Him with psalms and hymns using the Word (Hebrews 10:19-24; Ephesians 5:18-20). The process is seen in Psalm 100:4: Enter into His gates with thanksgiving, and into His courts with praise. Thanksgiving and praise attracts God’s attention. 2 Chronicles 5:11-14 records that God’s glory fell upon His people when they praised. David wrote that God inhabits the praises of His people (Psalm 22:3 KJV). God Himself is manifest when we praise Him. THE PROVISION We praise God because He is worthy. He sent Jesus to die in our place and secure our eternal destination. Our motive for praise should not be for personal gain but because we love Him and are grateful for what He has done. However, there are many benefits to praise. Hebrews 11:6 says that God rewards those who diligently seek Him. Everything we need is in His presence, that’s why Jesus said that seeking His kingdom and righteousness results in provision (Matthew 6:25-34). Here are some of the benefits: Praise brings victory in spiritual warfare. When we go through difficult times, our breakthrough comes when we praise God. 2 Chronicles 20 describes when the enemies of Jehoshaphat, the king of Judah, came to battle against him. King Jehoshaphat and the people sought the Lord with prayer and fasting. God gave Jehoshaphat a strategy. When the singers praised God, their enemies destroyed each other, and Judah gained victory (verses 20-24).

Praise brings deliverance, impacts physical realities and opens spiritual doors. After being unjustly beaten and imprisoned, Paul and Silas praised God at midnight. God inhabited their praise, causing an earthquake to shake the prison’s foundations, loose their chains and open the prison doors. Acts 16:23-26. Praise brings salvation in life’s circumstances. Praise brings salvation. Psalm 50:23. In Hebrew, ‘salvation’ means, ‘deliverance and prosperity.’ In Greek, ‘salvation’ means, ‘health, rescue and defend.’ Praise brings personal freedom, healing and deliverance. As believers saved by Jesus’ blood and filled with the Holy Spirit, our praise should be a heartfelt outpouring towards God. When we praise God this way, we can further expect: Personal prosperity and blessing upon the land. Psalm 67:3-7. Soul restoration. Psalm 42:5-8. A satisfied and renewed soul. Psalm 63:4-7 Favour, prosperity and spiritual inheritance. Psalm 106:4-5. God will: Replace all fear. Psalm 56:4. Silence the accuser. Psalm 8:2 Open hearts to learning, and souls to His Word. Psalm 119:12-16, 108, 171. You are a dwelling place of praise, a temple of the Holy Spirit. Praise is powerful. A lifestyle of praising God with a sincere heart and according to the Word will cause all of His blessings to be poured out on your life. Don’t hold back. Praise Him for who He is and what He’s done. He will inhabit your praise.


TEACHING: BY PASTOR MICHELLE DI SOMMA In life we will face many challenges and storms. It is only in holding fast that we can stay on course, like a ship, to reach our destination not only on earth, but also in eternity.



‘Holding fast’ is an important principle found in God’s Word, making it possible for Christians to fulfil God’s purposes for their lives. To hold fast means to endure, persevere and be steadfast.

At the end of Paul’s life, he wrote to Timothy strengthening him to carry on the Gospel ministry. He exhorted Timothy to endure, persevere and be steadfast in his faith, despite false teachers and a climate of moral and spiritual degeneration. There is a risk for us all that we won’t hold fast. Hebrews gives a warning to believers that we must hold fast in order not to succumb to the deceitfulness of sin, departing from God (Hebrews 3:6-14). In life we will face many challenges and storms. It is only in holding fast that we can stay on course, like a ship, to reach our destination not only on earth, but also in eternity.

the way of believers. Many put off the necessity for daily fighting their spiritual battles, daily running their spiritual race and daily holding onto their faith. They procrastinate, saying, “I’m going to…” instead of doing what they know they should. At the end of every day we should be able to look back having done all that God has required of us. Then at the end of our lives, we too can say we have fought the good fight, finished the race and kept the faith according to God’s Word. Three key areas to address to hold fast: 1. FEELING DEFEATED – HOLD FAST IN ATTITUDE

Knowing his death was imminent, Paul wrote: I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith. 2 Timothy 4:7. This scripture conveys three areas where Paul held fast. He compared himself to a soldier fighting and gaining victory, an athlete running and finishing a race, and a steward remaining faithful in what he’d been given. Such holding fast requires utter dependence upon God, which describes Paul’s life. His focus was not on his immediate circumstances, even when they were adverse. He looked beyond the temporal to the eternal, thus he could endure, persevere and remain steadfast in his fight, race and faith. The scripture in Hebrews says we are to hold fast, to the end. This is a daily choice. Whatever life brings, we are to hold fast. But this is not always


Our Christian walk is a fight of faith. The Bible describes us as soldiers of Jesus Christ, and as thus we must learn to endure hardships and not give up (2 Timothy 2:3). A soldier with a defeatist attitude won’t be successful in battle. When tough times come, it’s tempting to want to give up, but to ensure victory we must press on. There was a time in my life when I felt defeated and couldn’t carry on. My oldest daughter had a serious long-term illness. A friend told me, “Having done all, stand. Keep standing.” (Ephesians 6:13) I didn’twant to listen. Later, the Holy Spirit told me to apologise. He challenged me to realise that despite my circumstances, I could change my attitude and trust God. I recognised my friend spoke God’s truth. I needed to keep standing on God’s Word and His promises.

We don’t fight from a position of defeat, because Jesus has already given us victory. Understanding this, Paul wrote, We are hard-pressed on every side, yet not crushed; we are perplexed, but not in despair; persecuted, but not forsaken; struck down, but not destroyed. 2 Corinthians 4:8-9. We must daily determine never to surrender to feelings of defeat. As a soldier of Jesus Christ we must daily take up the sword of the Spirit, which is the Word of God (Ephesians 6:17). Then we too can say, ‘I have fought the good fight.’ 2. LETHARGY – HOLD FAST IN ENERGY Comparing our Christian lives to an athlete, Paul writes to encourage us to finish our race: Do you not know that those who run in a race all run, but one receives the prize? Run in such a way that you may obtain it. 1 Corinthians 9:24. Without the determination to fight, lethargy – apathy, inactivity and weariness - sets in and we don’t run our race. Lethargy comes as a result of indifference. We must guard our hearts from becoming indifferent to the things of God. An athlete who has set out to win doesn’t become lethargic. The Church in Sardis had become, among others things, indifferent and apathetic. Not only was it a centre of idol worship, but also the Church had become inactive, dead. Revelation 3:1-3. Verse three shows God’s solution to their spiritual condition: Remember therefore how you have received and heard; hold fast and repent. To overcome apathy we too must repent, receive God’s forgiveness, then hold fast to what we’ve received and heard from Him. Recall and hold fast to the evidence of God’s saving grace and power. Remember and hold fast to the promises in God’s Word. As a runner finishes the race by running in such a way to obtain the prize, we must daily refuse lethargy and daily hold fast to God’s promises until we too can say, ‘I have finished the race.’

3. UNBELIEF – HOLD FAST IN FAITH When we don’t believe God can effect change in our circumstances, it reveals a heart of unbelief, which is evil in God’s sight (Hebrews 3:12). Believing that His Word is untrue, we become unfaithful stewards of what He has given us. As a faithful steward, we are to take care of and maintain what God gives us. This applies to our faith just as it does to our material possessions. We have all been given a measure of faith (Romans 12:3), and we must be faithful to ‘keep the faith’. Moreover it is required in stewards that one be found faithful. 1 Corinthians 4:2 It’s impossible to keep the faith and be full of unbelief at the same time. As Christians we must feed our faith and starve our doubts. The Bible, the living Word, will feed us spiritually to the point where we are so strong we can overcome any obstacle. Feeding daily on God’s Word is essential. In the same way that we attain healthy bodies by regularly eating healthy foods, our spiritual life is only healthy when we regularly feed on God’s Word. The biblical way of dealing with unbelief is by bringing every thought into captivity to the obedience of Christ. 2 Corinthians 10:5. Instead of entertaining anything contrary to the Bible, our minds and mouths should be full of God’s promises, until we too can declare, ‘I have kept the faith.’ Don’t procrastinate; daily do everything that God requires of you. Your daily choices will determine whether you can say ‘I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith’. 2 Timothy 4:7. God has a destiny for your life, for you to fulfil everything He has planned for you. Learn how to hold fast, to overcome defeatist attitudes, lethargy and unbelief. Set yourself on course like a ship, not moved by life’s storms, but holding fast to obtain your rewards, both earthly and heavenly.








the FATHER but where are who is in heaven’, r begins: ‘Our Father, say while we watch more children nothing to ? Has heaven today? ess in the world to the Gerri takes us the Bible. As Pastor qualities to say through the story and the at the father in t for families digal son, he looks is vitally importan message This a godly father. the whole family. or the father, but


















God’s Word is the sword of the Spirit and ‘A Word in Season’ is God’s vehicle for proclaiming the power of the Gospel to the nations. This monthly message on CD is available for you today. Contact the ‘A Word in Season’ office at carmel:centre. You can also view our catalogue online at 15



CAUSE, CONSEQUENCE, COST & CURE TEACHING BY PASTOR GERRI DI SOMMA Faith is our relationship with God. There are certain enemies to faith, which will rob us in that relationship. Impatience is one of them.

TRIALS ACCOMPANIED BY TEMPTATION LEAD TO IMPATIENCE Impatience is the refusal to wait for an appointed time. A person who is impatient becomes progressively agitated at being delayed, provoking them to act or react recklessly. James 1:1-4 explains that trials are a natural part of life. Trials will come. They are unavoidable, but what we do in the trial will determine the provision at the end of the trial. Trials are often accompanied by temptation (James 1:12-15) because the devil will tempt us with a quick-fix solution, to bypass waiting for God’s timing. This is where we often succumb to impatience. The devil tempts us in an attempt to draw us out of faith, because he knows that when we are disobedient, our relationship with God is affected and then he can do with us as he pleases. That’s why the Bible exhorts us to not grow weary while doing good, for in due season we shall reap if we do not lose heart. Galatians 6:9 We are promised a season of reaping, but the due season doesn’t always come the way we would like, or within our preferred timeframe. In these instances, we can become impatient to see the promise of God fulfilled. Impatience becomes an enemy to our faith because it will lead us to doubting God’s promises


and using our own efforts to attempt to make the promises happen.Let us therefore look at a biblical example from Genesis 16, which reveals to us the cause, consequence, cost and cure of impatience to help us in our own journey of faith. THE CAUSE OF IMPATIENCE – UNFULFILLED DESIRES Genesis 16:1-2. God had spoken to Abram promising him an heir. Ten years later Abram and Sarai (later known as Abraham and Sarah) were still childless. With their desires unfulfilled they rationalised their situation and questioned God’s promise. Romans 4:11 describes Abraham as the father of faith yet despite his faith he became impatient. Sarai’s accusation against God allowed doubt to enter into her relationship with Him: “See now, the Lord has restrained me from bearing children.” (verse 2) . During this trial, there was a temptation for Sarai. It was common in the culture of their day for childless couples to produce an heir through the husband and the wife’s maidservant. Because it was not an uncommon thing, the temptation was even greater. Sarai had a quick-fix solution that nobody would have questioned.

Looking at their natural situation, their aging bodies and their lack of children, the unfulfilled desires of their hearts caused them to become impatient, and as a result, to act recklessly. They rationalised that God needed their help in bringing His promise to pass. As we see in the rest of the scripture, their impatience resulted in far-reaching consequences in their own lives and generations to follow. THE CONSEQUENCE OF IMPATIENCE – BROKEN RELATIONSHIPS Genesis 16: 3-7. Abram and Sarai yielded to their impatience and Abram took Hagar, Sarai’s maidservant, as his second wife and Hagar conceived a child. The sequence of events quickly escalated: Sarai became despised in Hagar’s eyes, because Sarai was still childless. The scorned Sarai blamed Abram and Abram abdicated his responsibility when he should have brought order into his home. Sarai then abused Hagar, causing Hagar to flee from the household. Abram and Sarai’s impatience led to sinful behaviour: adultery, polygamy, jealousy, blame, malice, insolence and reproach. The consequence of their sinful behaviour was evident in broken relationships: Firstly between God and Sarai, as she doubted God, then between God and Abram who should have known better. Subsequently Sarai became angry towards Abram and finally Sarai was jealous of Hagar and Hagar despised Sarai. THE COST OF IMPATIENCE – A WORK OF THE FLESH Genesis 16:8-15. As a result of their impatience, Abram became the father of Ishmael, who is referred to as a work of the flesh (Galatians 4:23). At this stage, Abram was required to count the cost of his and Sarai’s impatience. Now that Ishmael was born, they could not abandon him. The principles identified apply equally to us today: • We are responsible for what we give birth to. Whatever we birth in the flesh will persecute that which is of the Spirit. People who hear God and act prematurely, give birth to works that fail. Those failures pursue them for the rest of their lives. They cannot escape what they have given birth to because they are responsible for it. • We must take care of what we birth. We can’t just walk away, we must work with, and take care of, what we’ve birthed. When Hagar returned, Abram had to take care of Ishmael.

• What we birth will try to hinder our progress. We will take what we have birthed with us wherever we go. God will forgive us if we’ve been impatient and made a mistake, but He doesn’t take away the work of the flesh that we’ve birthed. THE CURE OF IMPATIENCE – SUBMIT AND RESIST Hagar’s life teaches us the way back to God. When she was persecuted and badly treated, she ran away. But in the wilderness, she encountered God, and God said, “Return to your mistress, and submit yourself under her hand.” Genesis 16:9. Hagar demonstrated the way to overcome impatience. Even though she was premature in leaving, when she encountered God she had the courage to obey and return. Following her example is our cure: • Recognise that we act recklessly. Whenever we act recklessly we hinder our relationship with God. God is waiting for us to repent. •

Return and submit to the process of restoration. Hagar had to return to the place where she was badly treated and submit to the process of restoration. In other words, to be restored back into the family, back into the place of her responsibilities. • Remember the promises of God. Thank God that His promises still stand even though we fail by becoming impatient. We can encourage ourselves that God’s Word is eternal and He stands over His Word to perform it. Isaiah 55:11. • Revive faith and trust in God. Push into the presence of God, and do whatever it takes to be revived in relationship with Him. Hebrews 10:35-39. • Remain in the place of joy and patience. …imitate those who through faith and patience inherit the promises. Hebrews 6:12. Whether the wait is one year, ten years, twenty years or more for God’s promises, remain joyful, waiting patiently for the manifestation, knowing that God is faithful. If God has promised you something, and you have not yet seen it come to pass, stop looking at the natural circumstances, but look at the promise of what God has said. It doesn’t matter what is happening in the natural realm. If God has spoken, He will come through. Our job is to remain faithful to God and His promise; His job is to remain faithful to us.



The Bible tells us that God’s goodness leads us to Him (Romans 2:4). The following two stories are evidence of this. Even before they were Christians, both Emma and Robert experienced God’s goodness in their lives. After crying out to Jesus, Emma survived a car accident that could have caused serious injuries; after many years of suffering Robert recieved healing through others prayers. Both stories show how God’s goodness led them on their journey to become Christians. More stories can be found on our website

ground. I knew my Christian back t ns ai ag d lle be re I Clubbing and As a teenager, be part of my life. d ul co He at th or whatever ’t know Him e. But I never found tim y er about God, but didn ev n tio ipa tic rthless. citement and an ed, hopeless and wo int po ap dis drinking brought ex lt fe I r. fo I was longing out “Jesus!” , but my spirit cried ing en pp ha s wa at g.”Nurses ew wh e here for somethin 40mph. My mind kn m at nt e wa m t hit us r m ca od a y ght, “G a bruise. One da had a scratch and king after me. I thou ly loo on I re , sly we ls lou ge cu an ira I knew God’s d came to help. M n strength, e lying in the road an m w sa ty du f struggling in my ow of of ing ad te com ins w, No . His Word College taught me to trust d, so I went to Bible ’s Go He e. ow ac kn pe to s ed Hi nt ithout gives From then, I wa me, directs me and do things His way. W I lps en he wh r He d. tte be Go t to ou s I have learned to go d feeling worthless. , but it always work thing, depressed an ristian life isn’t easy no Ch ing s. do ng eli or fe d, y ar m t rw fo and no training. xiously driving myself completed nursing ly nt God, I’d either be an ce re e I’v d an to be. ars of Bible College I know God wants us e er wh is ich I’ve finished three ye wh h, the yout decisions I make. and and I now lead generations by the re tu fu ct In Church, my husb fe af n ca I nificant, and that I know my life is sig

As a child I expe rienced very poor health. I was phys of school bullies ically weak and th . Through my latt e target er teens I built up the RAF. I excelle my strength and d as a police dog at age 20, I joined instructor and m y career prospe But a very serious cts were looking back injury left m good. e hospitalised. The I would end my life doctors couldn’t in a wheelchair. Fo do anything and they r many years I w I struggled to do said as in and out of ho even the simple ev spital. ery day things. In 1983 I joined my sons on a Bo ys Brigade camp. were playing foot My back pain was ball one day and particularly severe the ball came my my surprise, I expe . The boys way. Without thin rienced no back kin g, I kicked the ba pain. Then the bo ll back, and to ys told me they’d I learned about he been praying for aling and salvatio my healing. n and became a I can’t remembe Christian. The re r the last time m la ps y es ba re ck hurt. God heal duced over time healing power, I w ed me 100%. W and ould have accept ithout knowing Go ed the doctor’s re d and His port and ended up Today, I have a w in a wheelchair. onderful wife, child ren and grandchi Bible College stud ldren. I am a Mis ents onto the mis sions Director an sion field and see to more of the gr d I take God working in an eat things God ha d through them. s for me. I look forward












MICHELLE MARK TRINA GERRI HANKINS HANKINS DI SOMMA DI SOMMA WED 19TH – SAT 23RD OCTOBER 2011 If undelivered please return to carmel: ministries international 817a bath road brislington bristol bs4 5nl INTERNATIONAL


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