Delightfully Raw: Delectable Recipes from Carmella's Sunny Raw Kitchen

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Delightfully Raw Delectable Recipes from Carmella’s Sunny Raw Kitchen

Carmella Soleil

Contents In Gratitude................................................ 5

Kombucha Tea........................................................44 Basic Cashew or Macadamia Cheeze................46

Contents..................................................... 6 A First Few Words....................................... 8

Raw Dessert Making Tips....................................47 Working With Irish Moss.......................................48 Irish Moss Gel and Paste.........................................49

In a Raw Nutshell..................................... 10

Beverages................................................ 51

So why raw?........................................................11

Our Daily Juice....................................................52

The pH of Food....................................................11

Mango Spinach Green Smoothie.....................52

My Health Journey.................................. 12 Our Approach To Changing Diet........... 19 ‘Letting Go Of Control’......................................19

Malted Shake......................................................53 Carobanana Smoothie......................................54 Apricot Blueberry Ambrosia..............................54 Super Chocolate Shake.....................................54

Nine Helpful Tips for Successfully Transitioning to Raw Foods................................21

Soups........................................................ 56

Ingredients............................................... 23

Popeye Gone Raw Spinach Soup....................58

Equipment................................................ 27

So Like Campbell’s Tomato Soup.....................58 Chia Garden Soup.............................................59 Creamy Zucchini and Lovage Bisque..............60

Outfitting Your Raw Kitchie... Without Going Broke.........................................................28

Don’s Pilgrim’s Soup...........................................61

Raw Foodies’ Best Friends..................................28

Curried Corn Chowder......................................62

Techniques............................................... 33

Green Cucumber Soup.....................................63

Measuring............................................................34 Soaking Nuts and Seeds....................................34 Sprouting..............................................................34 Dehydrating........................................................37 Nut Milks...............................................................39 Basic Nut Milk...........................................................39 Nut Milk in a Pinch...................................................39 Coconut Milk...........................................................40 Coconut Cream.....................................................40

Marinating...........................................................40 Fermentation.......................................................40 Sauerkraut................................................................41 Rejuvelac.................................................................43


Delightfully Raw

Cream of Leek....................................................61

Smokey Tomato Soup........................................64 Potage au Poivron et à la Coriandre...............65 Cheezy Spinach Almond Soup.........................67 Cream of Celery.................................................67 Creamy Sweet Pea Soup .................................69 Chia Zucchini Soup............................................69 Don’s Whisper of India Soup.............................70

Dressings & Marinated Salads................ 71 Carmella’s House Dressing
...............................72 Hemp Avocado Dressing...................................73 Caesar Dressing..................................................74 Chia House Dressing...........................................75

Chia Mustard Dressing.......................................76

Simple Mexican Crackers................................119

Hemp & Peppercorn Dressing...........................76

Soft Veggie Wraps............................................119

Caesar Dressing..................................................74

Onion Bread Revisited......................................121

Ranch Dressing...................................................77

Kale Chips 3 ways.............................................122

Spinach & Orange Salad With Balsamic Vinaigrette..........................................79

Nacho Cheezey Kale Chips................................122

Curried Kale Salad..............................................80

Curried Kale Chips................................................123

Jeanne’s Asian Spinach Salad..........................81

Garlic Nori Snacks.............................................124

Spreads & Nut Cheezes.......................... 82

Nori-Kale Krunchies...........................................125

Ranch Kale Chips..................................................123

Tarragon & Chive Cream..................................83

Desserts.................................................. 127

Herbed  Almonnaise...........................................84

Chocolate Mousse...........................................128

Cheddar Cheeze Spread or Dip......................85

Cheesecake with Raspberry Sauce...............128

Nacho Cheeze...................................................86

Strawberry Shortcake.......................................130

Basil & Garlic Cheeze.........................................86

Persimmon Shortcake......................................132

Caper & Mushroom Macadamia Cheeze......87

Delight-full Chocolate Orange Cake.............133

Herb & Green Onion Cheeze............................88

Maple Ginger Walnut Cake............................135

Garlic & Dill Cheeze...........................................89

Blackberry Mango Cobbler.............................137

Fig, Black Olives & Walnut Cheeze Balls..........91

Black Forest Cherry Cake................................138

Cranberry & Orange Cheeze Balls...................91

Heavenly Berry Jubilee.....................................145

Entrees...................................................... 93

Chocolate 'N Cream Charlotte......................142

Spinach & Cream Pasta Casserole..................94 Cheezy Cannellonis...........................................95 Kelp Noodles & Veggies in Peanut Sauce .....97 Spring Rolls with Ginger Dipping Sauce...........99 Cauliflower Curry with Kohlrabi Rice..............100 Basil & Fennel Pizza...........................................102 Lasagna Magnifica..........................................104 Vegetable Satay on Zucchini and Kelp Noodles.....................................................106 South of the Border Pizza.................................108

Durian Chocolate Mousse Cake....................140 Dazzling Hazelnut Cream Pie..........................151 Blueberry Dream Pie.........................................147 'Super' Caramel Chocolate Tarts....................148 Cherry and Sweet Cream Cheeze Tartlets....153 Oatmeal Raisin Cookies...................................155 Dark Chocolate Cookies.................................156 Carmi's Fruit & Nut............................................157 Hazelnut Truffles.................................................159 Vanilla Ice Cream.............................................160 Butterscotch Ice Cream..................................160

Zucchini Pasta in Mushroom & Chive Cheeze Sauce..................................................110

Chocolate Ice Cream.....................................162

Nori Rolls with Ginger Sunflower Pate.............111

Banana Chocolate Cookie Sundae..............162

'Warm Me Up' Chili............................................113

Resources............................................... 163

Tuscan Pizza.......................................................114 Hemp Veggie Burgers......................................116

Index....................................................... 164

Crackers, Wraps and Dehydrated Snacks.................................................... 117 Italian Flax Crackers.........................................118



A First Few Words


’ve always been a foodie at heart. I got so much joy from preparing food and, most of all, then partaking of it with friends. There came a point in my life, however, when I could no longer deny how what I put in my body made me feel. I would continually find myself in the mood to ‘make something’, but then not really enjoy eating it.


am so very grateful for having discovered raw foods, not only because of the major part they’ve played in my radical personal transformation, but also for rekindling my passion  for being creative in the kitchen. I find there is something profoundly satisfying about ‘uncooking’ with raw and 8

Delightfully Raw

living ingredients; the vivid colors, intense bold flavors and vibrant freshness are such a pleasure to work with. And to know that the dishes one lovingly prepares will not only nourish the body but also contribute towards healing, well, that’s the cherry on top, isn’t it? whether I’ve got my chef or epicurean hat on, I find I can fully relax into N othematter culinary experience without the looming concern that there will be an inevitable

‘price to pay’ due to hidden chemicals, dairy, wheat or saturated fats. I love how eating raw foods allows me to feel completely satiated yet light and energized. It’s such a dramatic contrast with how some cooked foods used to throw me into a torpor because all of my energy was needed to digest what I’d just eaten. To be able to enjoy such incredibly tasty yet utterly healthy delights gives me a tremendous sense of well-being, wholeness and freedom. At last, I can truly ‘have my cake and eat it too!’ lol


ver since I was a little girl, writing has been another great passion of mine. I continually jotted down poems and songs, wrote articles for the school newspaper, and diligently recorded my daily ponderings and anecdotes in a journal. And so it was a natural progression that, as an extension of my desire to spread the good news about raw foods, in January 2007 I started a blog called The Sunny Raw Kitchen. Since we lived in a very secluded location at the time, it seemed like a wonderful way to share the results of my latest culinary experiments and what it’s like to live ‘in the raw’. And all without even having to step outside the door!


ittle did I know that this small initiative was to propel me into a whole new reality! From a few dozen, the readership soon grew to hundreds, and eventually thousands. It also led, a few months later, to the creation of our online forum, Raw Freedom Community. It was all this that set in motion the emergence of what we affectionately call our ‘fammunity’. I would have never dreamed of one day forming strong bonds and connections with people all over the world at the touch of my fingertips. But there it was and it seemed to have a life of its own.


ast fall, I, Don and our two furry friends, Kylo and Da Puss, found ourselves embarking on an incredible adventure in which the virtual and real worlds merged. We took ‘The Sunny Raw Kitchen’ on the road, visiting over 20 different homes across Canada and the United States. Invited by readers of my blog and members of Raw Freedom Community, we had the privilege to become part of their lives for a short time and do some major ‘uncooking’ together. Since first starting my blog, my approach has been that if the information I post can be of assistance to even a single person, then all the effort I pour into it will be worth it. To have an opportunity to physically witness how the open sharing of my raw journey has impacted the lives of so many was absolutely magical. As I’ve already pointed out, I love writing and I love creating raw food delights, but most of all, there’s nothing I enjoy as much as sharing! I am filled with such a deep sense of gratitude for having been presented with a means to do what I love to do… and in the process make a real difference in other people’s health quest.


elightfully Raw is a testimonial to the many hours of creative fun I’ve spent in our sunny raw kitchen over the last 3 years or so. It contains knowledge and experiences that Don and I have acquired since walking the raw path, and includes some of the most succulent recipes to have come out of our kitchen. While you may recognize a few recipes published on my blog and in my previous two books, The Best of The Sunny Raw Kitchen and The Best of Raw Freedom Community, the vast majority are either revised versions or new exclusive recipes. I hope you enjoy this ‘work of heart’ and its celebration of how delightful raw food can be! In radiance and health,

Slocan Valley, British Columbia November 2010 Introduction


My Health Journey


lrighty! *slapping her hands together* Now let’s move on to less theoretical matters and tell you a little about my story, shall we? as long as I can remember, I’ve always loved F orfood. My mother told me that I used to walk into

the neighbors’ house and help myself to my favorite cookies in their cupboards! lol But my relationship with food has been “tough love” at best! Ironically, I have a very delicate digestive system. In fact, I was conceived while my dad was dying of stomach cancer. Coincidence you think? Nah, not in my book! In addition to my difficulties digesting certain foods, particularly meat, I also had food allergies; a fact I only came to realize at the end of my 20s. There was a time when I was afraid of eating altogether because of the almost inevitable stomach pains that were sure to come along. 12

Delightfully Raw

A good way to describe the person I was in what I now think of as ‘my previous life’ would be to say that I was almost completely out of touch with my body, and therefore also my feelings. A close and very intuitive friend of mine, having picked up a slight change in my mood, once asked me how I felt. And you know what? I was unable to answer that! I had no idea how I truly felt inside. It later became apparent that the only way I managed to cope with living in a stressful, toxic city environment was to cut myself off from feeling the many physical and mental discomforts that were plaguing me. Eventually, in 1995, inspired by my sister’s own dabbling into the vegetarian diet, and no longer being able to ‘stomach’ the way eating meat, poultry and fish made me feel, both physically and psychologically, I became a vegetarian. Even though my new diet did help in some ways, I was still far from thriving. By 1999 I was in the worst shape I’d ever been in my life. I had quite a few extra pounds and was suffering from a number of health issues. I was extremely irritable and depressed, had chronic vicious mood swings, insomnia, migraine headaches, low energy, constipation, and my digestive problems hadn’t let up. (Pfhew!) During the last winter I spent in Quebec, I only got the flu 5 times! lol I would barely recover from one virus before I was hit with another. Enough already! When a naturopath offered to do a reading of my condition with some new and complex computer device, I thought: “What the heck! What do I have to lose?” Even though I was relieved, at some level, to find out what was going on inside my body, the news was far from comforting. It was determined that all of my organs and meridians were totally out of balance (surprise, surprise!), except for my heart (thankfully!) According to the reading, I was also suffering from candida, and had allergies to foods such as corn, gluten and dairy. And, to top it all off, my immune system was completely shot to pieces. It’s amazing that I was still standing! The naturopath basically told me that I might as well be throwing all the good organic foods I was buying straight down the toilet, as my system was too weak to even absorb the nutrients. As you can imagine, I walked away feeling pretty shaken up, not having a clue as to what to do with this newly found knowledge. Where does one even start, when everything seems to be so out of whack? As it turned out, I had to wait a few more months before I began to find the answers.

The Leap into the Unknown

My first realization was that my general state of unhealth was only the tip of the iceberg. Deep down, I was unhappy and unfulfilled; my life was going in circles and now I knew it. I was 29 and in my Saturn Return - a period of internal upheaval, during which one reconsiders what has been working so far and, most importantly, what hasn’t. And so, I decided to walk away from everything that made up my world at the time, in order to jump into the Unknown. As a result, in the summer of 2000, I left Quebec in the hopes of getting a fresh start on the other side of Canada. I didn’t have a clue where I’d live or what I’d do in British Columbia. All I knew for certain was that I was long overdue for a serious change. Within a very short time though, three major things happened to solve my quandary. 1. Landing on Don’s doorstep. Quite literally! I’d been in BC for a grand total of 3 days when in Victoria, on Vancouver Island, I came upon an ad for a room to rent. As I was due to leave the next morning, I made arrangements to check it out on the way to the ferry. After giving me the tour, Don told me: “I think you’ll be happy here!” Boy, was he ever right! We were destined to become platonic life partners and he was destined to be instrumental in my new journey of selfdiscovery. 2. The 14 day Master Cleanser. I decided my body was in dire need of a fast after all the abuse I’d put it through over the years. Doing the cleanse had a powerful impact; it helped me see with greater clarity what bad shape my body was in and how I needed to start taking better



care of it. Amongst other things, it prompted me to start doing ‘The Five Tibetans’; a surprisingly simple yet powerful and energizing set of exercises, which I still do almost daily. 3. Vipassana Meditation. It also became clear that my mind needed a fast even more badly than my body did! I was fortunate to hear about a type of meditation called Vipassana; a Pali word meaning ‘to observe reality as it is’. Even though this technique was re-discovered by Buddha, it is nevertheless non-sectarian, which helps explain its tremendous appeal to people all over the world, regardless of religious background. On the Vipassana website, it is described as “a way of self-transformation through self-observation. It focuses on the deep interconnection between mind and body, which can be experienced directly by disciplined attention to the physical sensations that form the life of the body, and that continuously interconnect and condition the life of the mind.” What I experienced and learned during those 10 days of silent meditation shook me to the core. It prompted me to focus inside in order to free myself from my fears and cravings. In fact, I still use the Vipassana technique everyday, as I find it incredibly simple and effective. I was on a roll! And so this all led to my embarking on a journey so profound that it was to completely change my vision of the world.

What About Raw? Embracing a mostly raw vegan lifestyle came along as part of the inner transformation I was undergoing. Don, for his part, had been experimenting with diet ever since he became a vegetarian in 1980. Shortly thereafter, he ate nothing but raw fruits and nuts for 7 months, which he still considers to be the time when he felt the greatest in his entire life. It’s only later, in 1995, that he was first introduced to living foods through friends who ran a small raw café out of their house. In 2001, both of us gradually started including more and more raw foods into our diets, while at the same time paying close attention to the issue of control. (More on this in the next section.) If we refused to get caught in ideals and control how we should eat, then how did we manage to change our diet? This is difficult to explain, as it isn’t a linear thing. One way to describe it would be to say that it began with our unbending intent to lead more fulfilling, healthier lives. The improvement in our diets - which has been slow and gradual over the years - has only been a side effect of our process of personal growth. That’s not to say that our diets have been ‘perfect’ (if there is such a thing!) or that we haven’t made so called ‘mistakes’; but the overall trend has been ever improving. Our main approach consists of honoring where we’re at, and this connects to the quantum physics understanding that objectively observing ‘What Is’ (or facing facts) will transform.

When you don’t recognize who’s staring back at you in the mirror! I’m fascinated by ‘Before and After Raw’ pictures. Don reminds me, though, that everything is a reflection, and therefore it’s my own incredible transformation that I see represented in them. When I visited my family in the summer of 2005 (for the first time in nearly 6 years), they hardly recognized me! It’s difficult for me not to think of who I used to be ‘back then’ as a different person altogether. Hang on a minute; let’s see if I can dig out some old photos somewhere… In the top three photos I was 20 years old and at my heaviest, 140 pounds. I had just returned from an important but challenging backpacking trip to Europe where I consumed copious amounts of bread, cheese and beer. lol The bottom left was taken about 6 months after I became vegetarian in 1996. My weight then hovered around 125. In the right photo I was vegan and my weight had settled at around 120. A few months later I was heading west and embarking on my raw journey.


Delightfully Raw

Winter 1991

Summer 1996

Summer 1991

Summer 1991

Winter 2000 Introduction


Our Approach To Changing Diet ‘Letting Go Of Control’


n our experience, changing what foods we eat is not an end in itself and can’t be about an ulterior motive such as losing weight. It must be part of a much bigger process of improving oneself and one’s quality of life. We have found that true personal transformation starts from the inside out, not the other way around. In my case, I didn’t consciously decide to become ‘vegetarian’ or ‘vegan’, it just gradually happened; meat was the first to go, then poultry and fish, and a few months later dairy. At a certain point, embracing a mostly raw lifestyle felt like the natural next step. It’s the inner work that I’ve done that has given me the energy (and interest) to start taking better care of myself. And in turn, the food I eat gives me more energy to focus on my inner work. lol



Measuring I’d like to begin with a short note on measuring. While working on a raw recipe, the way ingredients are prepared, especially how they are cut and whether they are used whole or ground, can have a major impact on the finished result. In that light, when reading a recipe pay close attention to the size/type of cuts, and where the commas are located. Let me show you what I mean. For instance, ½ cup flax seeds, ground won’t yield the same amount as ½ cup ground flax seeds. Another example would be 3/4 cup roughly chopped red pepper vs. 3/4 finely chopped. These may seem like minor details, but they will greatly contribute to successful recipe recreation.

Soaking Nuts and Seeds Most nuts and seeds contain phytic acid and enzyme inhibitors. Their purpose is to prevent the seeds from sprouting before they have the proper conditions of soil, rain and sunlight in order to grow. Unfortunately for us, these substances also make nuts and seeds difficult to digest. In nature, rainwater washes off the acids and enzyme inhibitors so the nut or seed can germinate. We imitate Nature by soaking the nuts and seeds (sometimes referred to as ‘sprouting’), therefore activating their growth potential. Not only does soaking increase their vitality, but it boosts the vitamin content, allows the nutrients to be more easily absorbed by the body and makes them easier to digest. Additionally, while nuts and seeds are acidic at the ash level, soaking makes them alkaline. Soaking time differs depending mostly on nut and seed size and density. You can easily find online charts with the recommended soaking times. I like to simplify things as much as I can, so I tend to soak mine for 8 hours (or overnight) unless otherwise specified. Brazil nuts, hazelnuts and macadamia nuts don’t contain enzyme inhibitors and therefore do not require soaking. Be mindful that in raw food preparation, whether nuts and seeds are soaked or ‘dry’ when used in a recipe will greatly affect the texture. If you have the time and energy, you might want to consider soaking and dehydrating your nuts and seeds ahead of time. That way, you’ll be all prepared if a recipe calls for them ’dry’.

Sprouting Sprouting is probably one of the most well known raw techniques. ‘Baby plants in their prime’, sprouts are super rich in vitamins, minerals, proteins and live enzymes. Growing your own sprouts is easy, economical and so delicious! Once you get to enjoy your very own beautiful ultra fresh homegrown sprouts, you’ll no longer be able to settle for the store-bought stuff! For my part, I discovered sprouting early on when I became vegetarian. Although I did dabble a little into homegrown bean, sunflower and buckwheat sprouts, my specialty has always been


Delightfully Raw

Carobanana Smoothie (top) and Apricot Blueberry Ambrosia Beverages


So Like Campbell’s Tomato Soup Remember Campbell’s Cream of Tomato Soup? I virtually grew up on the stuff! This next recipe reminds me of it, only much better in every way, of course! Serves 2 2 cups roughly chopped tomatoes 2 cups roughly chopped red bell peppers 1/2 cup almonds or cashews, soaked 1/4 medium avocado Juice of 1/2 large lime 1 teaspoon light miso Salt to taste Fresh or dried basil (optional) Water, until the desired consistency is reached Raw honey or agave nectar, if needed Blend all ingredients in a high-speed blender until smooth and creamy. If the soup tastes too acidic, add a squirt of raw honey or agave nectar and blend again.

Popeye Gone Raw Spinach Soup As I often like to joke, I love spinach so much that I may very well be Popeye reincarnated! One of my favorite ways to enjoy this nutritious and iron packed green is also one of the simplest: in soups. I’ve made several variations of the following using different herbs, and it always hits the spot. Try it; you might become a convert too! Serves 2 to 3

1/2 medium avocado

4 cups spinach, packed 2 cups roughly chopped cucumber 1 cup roughly chopped zucchini 1 cup roughly chopped tomatoes 1 celery stalk, chopped 1 green onion, chopped 1 garlic clove 1 tablespoon lemon juice 1/4 cup (or I handful) parsley 1/4 cup (or I handful) cilantro 1 teaspoon light miso Salt to taste 2 cups water, or until the desired consistency is reached Blend all ingredients in a high-speed blender until smooth and creamy.


Delightfully Raw


Delightfully Raw

Dressings & Marinated Salads


lmost as important as the salad ingredients themselves is what you dress them up with. A little trick I read somewhere (and one that often comes in handy) is to experiment and find a few different dressings that you really like. That way, when you feel like enjoying a salad, you don’t have to search hi and lo for something suitable.


ou may also want to consider investing in a salad spinner (if you don’t already have one); a cheap and useful kitchen tool that will dramatically improve your success in making wonderful salads. Dressings & Marinated Salads


Chia House Dressing Besides adding chia seeds to our daily smoothies and soups or enjoying them in ‘tapioca pudding’ with almond milk, sweetener and a dash of cinnamon, we’ve been finding new ways to include these miracle seeds in our diet, such as the next two dressings. Yields about 3 cups

¼ medium avocado ¼ cup cold pressed olive oil ¼ cup lemon juice

3 tablespoons sesame seeds or raw tahini 2 tablespoons chia seeds 2 tablespoons apple cider vinegar 1 tablespoon tamari or Nama Shoyu 1 tablespoon raw honey or agave nectar 1 ½ teaspoons salt 2 or 3 garlic cloves 1 cup + 1 tablespoon water (or more, until the desired consistency is reached) Place all ingredients in the blender and process until smooth. You may need to scrape down the sides for those elusive little chia seed ‘stickies’.

Dill Variation: Add a generous ¼ cup of fresh dill at the end and blend briefly to break down.

Dressings & Marinated Salads


Spinach & Cream Pasta Casserole

Kelp Noodles & Veggies in Peanut Sauce (top) and Spring Rolls with Ginger Sauce 98

Delightfully Raw

3. If desired, pulse in the cilantro until it is broken into pieces. 4. Place ½ cup of the mixture onto a dehydrator tray lined with a non-stick sheet and form into a 7-inch circle with the help of an offset spatula. You should be able to fit 4 circles per tray. Work quickly, or the mixture will thicken and become difficult to spread. 5. Dehydrate at 105ºF for about 4 hours, or until you can easily remove them from the non-stick sheets. 6. Flip the wraps over onto a dehydrator tray and place an additional mesh screen on top of each tray of wraps. This will prevent them from curling up. Continue dehydrating for another 3 to 4 hours, until they’re dry but still flexible. 7. Store in Ziploc bags. They will keep in the refrigerator for up to two weeks, or in the freezer for up to two months. 8. Fill with your favorite spread or paté, chopped veggies and sprouts or use as tortillas for a Mexican style feast with the recipes on page 108.

Note: If you don’t have a high-speed blender, process the first 8 ingredients in a food processor until smooth. Then transfer to a blender and proceed as described above.


Delightfully Raw

Ranch Kale Chips 2 large bunches of kale, washed, dried and de-stemmed 1 recipe Ranch Dressing on page 77 Proceed as for Nacho Cheezy Kale Chips on page 122.

Curried Kale Chips 2 large bunches of kale, washed, dried and de-stemmed 1 recipe Curry Sauce on page 100 Proceed as for Nacho Cheezy Kale Chips on page 122.

Crackers, Wraps and Dehydrated Snacks


Chocolate Mousse (top) and Cheesecake with Raspberry Jam



y now, you should have a pretty good sense that the raw food diet is not about sacrifice and austere deprivation. As you have seen, you can make all sorts of incredibly tasty smoothies, super creamy soups, colorful salads and raw gourmet dishes. However for me, desserts are ‘creating in the raw’ in its most stunning and delectable form. What’s more, they have all the scrumptious looks and palatable tastes of the most exquisite traditional desserts... minus the undesirable side effects. Guilt-free decadence? Mmmmmmmm... Now we’re talking!


ntil I discovered raw desserts, I didn’t have much of a sweet tooth. In fact, when I released my first ebook, The Best of The Sunny Raw Kitchen, I had to ask my friend Heathy Pace of Sweetly Raw to contribute some dessert recipes, as I was seriously weak in that department. I think I can say that I have come a long way since, thanks to Café Gratitude’s two amazing recipe books, I Am Grateful and Sweet Gratitude, and of course Don, who for some strange reason is always eager to know “what’s for dessert?” Desserts


Maple Ginger Walnut Cake (top) and Blackberry Mango Cobbler 136

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Delightfully Raw

Hazelnut Truffles (top) and Butterscotch Ice Cream with Chocolate Sauce


Delightfully Raw

Index A Agave about, 26–27 Alfredo Sauce, 94 Almond Cream, 145 Apricot Blueberry Ambrosia, 54

B Banana Chocolate Cookie Sundae, 162 Basic Cashew or Macadamia Cheeze, 46–47 Basic Nut Milk, 39 Basil & Fennel Pizza, 102–103 Basil & Garlic Cheeze, 86 Berries Berry Jam or Sauce, 129 Blackberry Mango Cobbler, 137 Blueberry Dream Pie, 147 Cheesecake with Raspberry Sauce, 128 Heavenly Berry Jubilee, 145 Strawberry Shortcake, 130 Berry Jam or Sauce, 129 Beverages Apricot Blueberry Ambrosia, 54 Basic Nut Milk, 39 Carobanana Smoothie, 54 Coconut Milk, 40 Malted Shake, 53 Mango Spinach Green Smoothie, 52 Nut Milk in a Pinch, 39 Our Daily Juice, 52 Super Chocolate Shake, 54 Blackberry Mango Cobbler, 137 Black Forest Cherry Cake, 138–139 Black Olives & Walnut Cheeze Balls, 91 Blueberries. See Berries Blueberry Dream Pie, 147 Butterscotch Ice Cream, 160

C Cacao about, 24 Banana Chocolate Cookie Sundae, 162


Delightfully Raw

Black Forest Cherry Cake, 138–139 Carmi’s Fruit & Nut, 157 Chocolate Ice Cream, 162 Chocolate Mousse, 128 Chocolate ‘N Cream Charlotte, 142–144 Chocolate Sauce, 143 Dark Chocolate Cookies, 156 Dark Chocolate Ganache, 149 Dazzling Hazelnut Cream Pie, 151 Delight-full Chocolate Orange Cake, 133–135 Durian Chocolate Mousse Cake, 140–141 Hazelnut Truffles, 159 Raw Chocolate Making, 48 ‘Super’ Caramel Chocolate Tarts, 148–149 Super Chocolate Shake, 54 Caesar Dressing, 74 Cake Black Forest Cherry Cake, 138–139 Cheesecake with Raspberry Sauce, 128–129 Chocolate ‘N Cream Charlotte, 142–144 Delight-full Chocolate Orange Cake, 133–134 Durian Chocolate Mousse Cake, 140–141 Maple Ginger Walnut Cake, 135 Persimmon Shortcake, 132 Strawberry Shortcake, 130–131 Caper & Mushroom Macadamia Cheeze, 87 Carmella’s House Dressing, 72 Carmi’s Fruit & Nut, 157 Carob, 128 Carobanana Smoothie, 54 Carob Powder about, 24 Cauliflower Curry with Kohlrabi Rice, 100–101 Changing Diet, 19–21 Cheddar Cheeze Spread or Dip, 85 Cheesecake with Raspberry Sauce, 128–129 Cheezy Cannellonis, 95–96 Cheezy Spinach Almond Soup, 67 Cherries Black Forest Cherry Cake, 138–139 Cherry and Sweet Cream Cheeze Tartlets, 153–154 Cherry and Sweet Cream Cheeze Tartlets, 153–154 Chia Garden Soup, 59

“There is something profoundly satisfying about ‘uncooking’ with raw and living ingredients; the vivid colors, intense bold flavors and vibrant freshness are such a pleasure to work with. And to know that the dishes one lovingly prepares will not only nourish the body but also contribute towards healing. Well, that’s the cherry on top, isn’t it?” — Carmella Soleil If you thought that the raw food diet was about sacrifice and austere deprivation, I have some great news for you. It is anything but! Incredibly tasty smoothies, creamy and comforting warm soups, sexy salads, delicious nut cheezes, tasty satisfying entrees and scrumptious guilt-free desserts... healthy food never tasted so good! Since launching her Sunny Raw Kitchen blog in 2007, Carmella has shared with her readers hundreds of mouth watering recipes, untold helpful food preparation tips and candid anecdotes drawn from her personal health journey. She is renowned for her warm and engaging writing style, her relaxed and effective approach to changing diet, and her extensive variety of accurate and fool-proof recipes. Delightfully Raw is a testimonial to the many hours of creative fun that she has spent in her “sunny raw kitchen”. In this, her third and most comprehensive work, she discusses a range of topics including successfully transitioning to the raw lifestyle, how best to equip a raw kitchen, and techniques like sprouting, dehydrating and preparing cultured foods and beverages. Delightfully Raw also includes some of Carmella’s most delectable culinary creations and will appeal to anyone interested in a healthier diet, regardless of their level of knowledge and experience. From easy one-step everyday dishes to more elaborate and involved gourmet entrees and layered cakes, it offers something for every occasion. A ‘work of heart’, as Carmella likes to call her books, Delightfully Raw is an honest, beautifully illustrated and joyful celebration of how delightful raw food can be.

Carmella Soleil is the author of the popular Sunny Raw Kitchen blog, winner in the website and media categories at the ‘Best of Raw 2008’ Awards. Together with her life partner Don, she is the co-founder of Raw Freedom Community forum, a resourceful interactive website. She has previously published 2 successful raw recipe ebooks, The Best of The Sunny Raw Kitchen and The Best of Raw Freedom Community. These days, Carmella, Don and their furry friends, Kylo and DaPuss, are nomads, traveling across North America and sharing their passion for health living, raw foods and personal growth along the way. “As a busy Natural Health Practitioner and Herbalist I encourage all my patients to include more raw foods into their diet. While I have personal experience of the power of a raw diet in healing, I have always been keen to admit that I found it difficult at times. Then I came across Carmella and her Sunny Raw Kitchen blog and haven’t looked back since. With her friendly encouraging approach to learning about raw foods, her amazing pictures of her creations, and the many helpful additional comments and encouragement, I truly felt like I had found an inspiring mentor.” — Joanne Oliver, Herbalist & Intuitive Healer, UK

“Carmella’s recipes are gems! I absolutely adore the love and detail that she puts into each one. We eat with our eyes first and her recipes are certainly “eye candy,” always followed by taste bud approval!” — Stacy in Lancaster, PA

ISBN 978-0-9867858-0-1


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