Japanese basics for every day 12

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13 January 2018

Japanese: every Day



13 January 2018


Hiragana e Katakana Hiragana “A”, Katakana “A” あア, “E” えエ Hiragana “i”, Katakana “i” いイ, “O”おオ Hiragana “U”,

U” う, 宇,“Ka”: か, カ

Ki: キ, き, きい,キイ,きー, キー Kya: キャ, きゃ Kyaa きゃあ, きゃー,キャア,キャー Kyu きゅ,キュ, Kyuu きゅう, きゅー, キュウ, キュー Kyoきょ, キョ, Kyoo きょう, きょお, きょー, キョウ, キョオ, キョー Ke け, ケ, Kei: けい, けぃ, ケイ, ケィ, Kee: けえ, けぇ, ケエ, ケェ Kee (long e): けー, ケー Ku: く, ク Ko: こ, コ Sa - さ (hiragana) from 左 that in Chinese and in Japanese means left and is pronounced as Hidari, サ (katakana) from 散 (chi) that means scatter.

Pattern Today pattern is どこの [noun] this pattern is used to ask where something or someone is, let’s see few example: - それはどこのチーズ ですか? Where is that cheese from? Sore wa doko no chīzudesu ka? - それはどこのペン ですか? Where is that pen from? The meaning is where is made



13 January 2018

Translation In order to proceed with organic translation I have taken the following free ebook and step by step we shall translate together http://www.loyalbooks.com/download/text/Book-34084.txt

Title: 法螺男爵旅⼟産 - Horadanshaku tabimiyage - Boast

Baron Travel Souvenirs

法螺《ほら》男爵《だんしやく》旅《たび》⼟產《みや げ》Boast Baron Travel Souvenir, that is with hiragana pronunciation 佐々⽊邦譯 - Sasaki Kuni 暴⾵《ばうふう》と胡⽠《きうり》の樹《き》の話《はな し》- A story about a windstorm and cucumber tree. 拙⽣《せつせい》の髯《ひげ》が丁年《ていねん》到逹《た うたつ》の宣⾔《せんげん》をする以前《まへ》 - Before my beard arrivals declaring the adulthood もつと碎《くだ》いて申《まを》せば、最早《もはや》⼦ 供《こども》でもなく If you have it, you are no longer a child

Vocabulary: ⼦供《こども》 - Kokomo - child 最早 - もはやmahaya - now 申 - normally indicate the 9th sign of Chinese zodiac (monkey) and it is used in expression like 申し難い - I am sorry to trouble you. Here the pronunciation is まを- mao. 碎 - break, smash, broken, busted, it is now simplified as 砕 , reading in this case is だ - da no


13 January 2018

と - to - and, with, if もつ - motsu - to have も - mo - it means also, more, even, other 拙⽣ - sessei - reborn 髯 - hige - mustache; beards; whiskers 丁年 - teinen - age 20, adulthood 到逹 - tautatsu - arrival 宣⾔ - sengen - declaration 以前 - mae - before 暴⾵ - windstorm と - to: and 胡⽠ -kyuuri- Cucumber の - no: of 樹 - ki, we can translate as tree, wood, shrub, lumber 話 - hanashi - tale, story, talking, speech, conversation, lecture, rumor



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