21 January 2018
Japanese: every Day
21 January 2018
Hiragana e Katakana Hiragana “A”, Katakana “A” あア, “E” えエ Hiragana “i”, Katakana “i” いイ, “O”おオ Hiragana “U”,
U” う, 宇,“Ka”: か, カ
Ki: キ, き, きい,キイ,きー, キー Kya: キャ, きゃ Kyaa きゃあ, きゃー,キャア,キャー Kyu きゅ,キュ, Kyuu きゅう, きゅー, キュウ, キュー Kyoきょ, キョ, Kyoo きょう, きょお, きょー, キョウ, キョオ, キョー Ke け, ケ, Kei: けい, けぃ, ケイ, ケィ, Kee: けえ, けぇ, ケエ, ケェ Kee (long e): けー, ケー Ku: く, ク, Ko: こ, コ Sa - さ (hiragana) , サ (katakana). Shi - し, シ both from the kanji 之 Su - す,ス this is very common hiragana and katakana because they can represent the simple “s”- sound especially at the end of the word, when the “u” is almost not audible, like in Desu です - that translate the positive version of to be verb: I am, You are, He, She,It is, We are, You are, They are
Pattern Today pattern is [noun]の隣 [noun] no tonari that means “next to [noun]”. Let’s seen an example The restaurant is next to that metro station レストランはその地下鉄駅の隣にあります (Resutoran wa sono chikatetsu-eki no tonari ni arimasu We can extend this pattern adding some additional location place that respect the same pattern: no
21 January 2018
近く - chikaku adverb meaning near / nearby My car is near the gas station - 私の⾞はガソリンスタンドの 近くにある Watashi no kuruma wa gasorinsutando no chikaku desu 前 - mae that means before or in front of The pharmacy is in front of the bank - 薬局は銀⾏の前にあり ます - Yakkyoku wa ginkoo no Mae ni arimasu. 中 - naka that means in, inside the pen is inside the book - ペンは本の中にあります - pen wa hon no nana ni arimasu
We have some nice and useful words: 銀⾏ - gink00 - meaning money business it is the word for bank 薬局 - yakkyoku - pharmacy it is made up 2 different kanji 薬 - jaku, kusuri, mi that indicate a substance with mystical or pharmaceutical properties. Today we can use this word to indicate something toxic or something to improve our health. For example the gun powder that twas supposed to have mystical power is called ⽕薬 kayak - fire mystical power
⾞ - has different procunciations including Kuruma, sha しゃ, kyo きょ and it means car, originally was generic vehicle or wheel . レストラン - resutoran - restaurant 地下鉄駅 - chikatetsu-eki metro/subway station にあります - ni arimasu - it is in その - sono - that
21 January 2018
Translation (not updated since last lesson, you can skip) In order to proceed with organic translation I have taken the following free ebook and step by step we shall translate together http://www.loyalbooks.com/download/text/Book-34084.txt
Title: 法螺男爵旅⼟産 - Horadanshaku tabimiyage - Boast
Baron Travel Souvenirs
法螺《ほら》男爵《だんしやく》旅《たび》⼟產《みや げ》Boast Baron Travel Souvenir, that is with hiragana pronunciation 佐々⽊邦譯 - Sasaki Kuni 暴⾵《ばうふう》と胡⽠《きうり》の樹《き》の話《はな し》- A story about a windstorm and cucumber tree. 拙⽣《せつせい》の髯《ひげ》が丁年《ていねん》到逹《た うたつ》の宣⾔《せんげん》をする以前《まへ》 - Before my beard arrivals declaring the adulthood もつと碎《くだ》いて申《まを》せば、最早《もはや》⼦ 供《こども》でもなく If you have it, you are no longer a child さりとて未《いま》だ⼤⼈《おとな》でもない頃《ころ》 However you are not yet an adult
Vocabulary: さりとて - written also as 然りとて: having say that , but, however 未 だ - imada - not yet, more, besides, unfinished yet, only, still. This can be read as well as mada or hitsujida no
21 January 2018
⼤⼈ - otona - adult, grown up でもない - it is not (like that); used to explicitly deny one thing while also implicitly denying other things. We can find also the expression written でも無い using the kanji 頃 - koro - time, about, toward ⼦供《こども》 - Kokomo - child 最早 - もはやmahaya - now 申 - normally indicate the 9th sign of Chinese zodiac (monkey) and it is used in expression like 申し難い - I am sorry to trouble you. Here the pronunciation is まを- mao. 碎 - break, smash, broken, busted, it is now simplified as 砕 , reading in this case is だ - da と - to - and, with, if もつ - motsu - to have も - mo - it means also, more, even, other 拙⽣ - sessei - reborn 髯 - hige - mustache; beards; whiskers 丁年 - teinen - age 20, adulthood 到逹 - tautatsu - arrival 宣⾔ - sengen - declaration 以前 - mae - before 暴⾵ - windstorm と - to: and 胡⽠ -kyuuri- Cucumber の - no: of 樹 - ki, we can translate as tree, wood, shrub, lumber no
21 January 2018
芹 - hanashi - tale, story, talking, speech, conversation, lecture, rumor