Mongolian english lesson 31

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Carmelo Marchese

15 November 2017


Basic vowel and syllables Let’s continue with our basics starting with combination as well:

For example we have the word амаа that means mouth where the sounds are very clear and we can see that a and aa they have almost a ratio. 1:2 or 1:3 with slight pitch of the voice at the end.

Other example эмээ that means both grandmother or grandma and elder woman. In this case the first э it seems little bit moving to “i” as pure sounds in Italian

Other examples are: ямаа, that means goat and has all clear sounds for all letters. As we have in some idiomatic expression like ямаан зан that means quick behaviour. Or for example with basic and clear sound we have аяган that means cup/mug

Mongolian - English lesson


Carmelo Marchese

15 November 2017

Combination with other vowels includes: мод- tree/wood in this case the M and O are clear consonant, while the ending “d” is in middle between “D” and “T”. However for firewood we can use the word Түлээ, where “u” and “e” are clear sounds and “l” it is the Mongolian “l”

A reference

This is a really good video with extensive explanation and some tricks.

Continuing on our study of basic combination we have муур- cat simple and clear “u” sound with long vowel. We have also бороо-rain with its compound аадар бороо - thunderstorm: we have again clear sounds. “o” is short and long, Then we have малгай - hat there we have the combination ай that is closer to “e” sound like in “election” like in булган малгай that means leather’s hat.

Please remember Never Never Never touch the hat of a Mongolian, it is really considered rude.

To complete today travel with vowel and basic sounds we can mention:

Өмд- trousers Оймс - socks note in this case the Ой that sounds like “e” in “election” but prolongated сүү- milk, that has a clear “u” sound and long one with some example of usage:

- сүү хөөрүүлэх - to boil the milk

Grammar Note: it is important to learn the sounds of the vowels according to their positions, the best way is to speak with native and listen to basic texts. I shall try to provide some basic description in the next lessons.

Daily translation Today we shall review the following:

Title: Охин, хүүтэй тань чацуу ТЭД - They are your daughter and your son

Analysis of the text:

Охин -> daughter

хүүтэй -> son

чацуу - as well

Охин минь өнөөдөр таван нас хүрэв.

My daughter is 5 years old today.

Mongolian - English lesson


Carmelo Marchese

15 November 2017

өнөөдөр - today

таван - five

нас - age

Mongolian - English lesson


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