Accessory Design
THEORY OF DISPLACEMENT – Archimedes Principle ( c287-‐‑212 BC )
Any object, wholly or partially immersed in a fluid, is buoyed up by a force equal to the weight of the fluid displaced by the object. Where buoyancy is the apparent loss of weight of an object when immersed in a liquid.
When buoyant force = weight obj – it floats When buoyant force < weight obj – it sinks
Volume of fluid displaced = Volume of the immersed object Volume of fluid displaced = Mass of immersed object ONLY IF FLOATING
For example -‐‑ 2 Objects in water M = V x D Vol obj = 100 cm3 Vol obj = 100 cm3 Mass obj = 60 g Mass obj = 270 g Vol H2O displaced = 100 cm3
Vol H2O displaced = 100 cm3 Mass of H2O displaced = 60 g
The material stored is immersed in water, displacing it equivalent to its weight, as it is not submerged As container empties you can see how much is left inside by the level of displacement.
Storage system