accessory design

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Accessory Design


THEORY OF DISPLACEMENT – Archimedes Principle ( c287-­‐‑212 BC )

Any object, wholly or partially immersed in a fluid, is buoyed up by a force equal to the weight of the fluid displaced by the object.   Where buoyancy is the apparent loss of weight of an object when immersed in a liquid. 

When buoyant force = weight obj – it floats   When buoyant force < weight obj – it sinks 

Volume of fluid displaced = Volume of the immersed object   Volume of fluid displaced = Mass of immersed object ONLY IF FLOATING 

For example -­‐‑ 2 Objects in water M = V x D Vol obj = 100 cm3 Vol obj = 100 cm3 Mass obj = 60 g Mass obj = 270 g Vol H2O displaced = 100 cm3

Vol H2O displaced = 100 cm3 Mass of H2O displaced = 60 g

The material stored is immersed in water, displacing it equivalent to its weight, as it is not submerged   As container empties you can see how much is left inside by the level of displacement. 

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