Portfolio - Interior Desing

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volume & space interior design branding mapping scene curriculum vitae

volume & space

Three-dimensional concepts expressed and solved by different materials, getting mockup models that allow us to visualize and understand every suggested idea.

curve 路 straight 路 transition

superficial element

serial planes

modular element

interior design

Projects of different interior spaces where we can observe a design and a development in a digital way. All of them are thought for their own use, from a functional creative habitable point of view.

sea container ‘nao’ Santa Cruz de La Palma C




Tijarafe C

Plot 4, Time Road

The location has been extremely important, for this reason the building place and orientation has been perfectly chosen. In this way the residents can enjoy the views from everywhere in the house.


Section A

Section B

Section C

sea container ‘nao’

The name of this project is “North Atlantic Ocean”, a combination of color, light and functionality. It is a space without partitions got by the combination of creativity and the furniture from the Swedish brand IKEA.

magic box On the one hand there is an habitable house; on

The aim of this project is to give the users the op-

the other, the house that is habitable. While the

tion of building everyday and in different ways their

habitable house is imposed by the architectonic

place to live.A unique place, modular and versatile

plans, people are who make the house habitable.

to the user´s lifestyle.

Section A B




Section B

magic box

ikea kitchen Back to the traditional, to the warmth and to the strength, recalling the Nordic style. In order to achieve an usable and affordable kitchen it is opted for IKEA furniture brand, this way achieving a better use of the space.

art dec贸 house

Process of rehabilitation of a house in the center of Valladolid (Spain). The house remodel is aimed for a family consisting of a couple of teachers passionate for the classical art and their three children.

The house has been remodeled using Art Dec贸 and Pierre Chareau style, and we tried to recover the design and the elegance of the houses of the 20s and 30s. Recovering this style makes us relive the warmth and familiar atmosphere that you could breathe in those years.

c.e.i.p. ‘camino de la miranda’ reform This project is part of the remodel of the Integrated Vocational Training Centre Camino de la Miranda in Palencia. We tried to develop and provide not only the center, but also its students and teachers with a number of instruments, places and feelings that improve their work places

Ground floor

and generate motivation.

Areas for Reform Classroom for Reform

All the corridors and meeting areas will be modified aesthetically and functionally for a better use of the facilities. This way, some of the current furniture will be replaced by the new elements that will give more comfort to the users. Moreover, we will renovate a classroom that could be an example for the rest of the building classrooms.

First floor




The corporate style of the developed business organization makes the collaborators aware of the values and principles of it while they also get enriched by the elements that make the NGO unique and different.

energy builder.org

Purpose y Objetive

Energy Builder is an organization that doesn’t´ have any connection with the government spheres or companies which their final aim is to make profits. The organization is created with a social purpose, the Poverty Reduction, enabling the poor people with the possibility of creating wealth for themselves as a means for ending poverty forever. Promoting a responsible and respectful solidarity, managing to change the words charity and solidarity to the equality and working in the areas of Madrid - Mali.


Making the words charity and solidarity change for the equality. ”ORIENTATION´S SERVICE” To provide education and welfare. “PARTICIPATORY ORIENTATION” To involve the locals in projects, contributing with tools, land, materials, labor, etc.



This is the kinetic energy generated by the effect of air currents interacting with wind turbines.

M PHOTOVOLTAIC PANEL This is a source of energy that produces electricity from renewable sources, obtained directly from solar radiation.


North and South´s roles

70% Courses




To inform about the situations that we know that happen in this territory and transmit it to the society.

Volunteerism To inform, instruct and educate about the economic, social, political process that is affecting in the problem of underdevelopment.



Social Mission


North and South´s roles

Administration and Fundraising Corporative Image To get daily the complicity of these societies. To collaborate with the NGO Plan in Kita, which is operating in Mali since 1976, helping the poor children to get their health´s rights, education, protection and enable them to live.

video mapping

In the video mapping and after effects course is outlined the idea of creating a projection in the school of arts in Zamora, where we could show the ability work group and the possibilities of this kind of art.

moonrise The group was formed by six people, who have different ideas and inquisitiveness, so we create an original and striking projection. It is a combination of the Iggy Pop “Passenger� song and the video mapping program. Moreover it is included a short scene of Moonrise Kingdom film.

Projection check

Moonrise Group

rise Kingdom.

curriculum vitae


ACADEMIC TRAINING Ma Carmen Carcía Sáez.

Fecha de nacimiento 13· 10· 1991 Nacionalidad


Carnet de conducir


2015 Second year in Degree in Interior Design.

School of Arts and College of Design, Zamora (Spain).

2011 Vocational training degree in Furniture Technics 2013 Art School Mariano Timón, Palencia (Spain). 2009 Vocational training degree in Development and Application of Construction 2011 Projects. “IES Trinidad Arroyo”. Palencia (Spain).

626 279 880


2 Diagonal Street, 5ºD, 34005. Palencia.

EXTRA ACADEMIC TRAINING 2015 Workshop of “Between Order and Chaos”. 24-25 February. Castelo Branco (Portugal).

2014 Course of “After effects”. 50 hours. Zamora, (Spain). trabelling reading cinema art graphic desingn architecture drawing nature mountaineering

2010 Course of Leisure time Monitor. “Escuela Etcétera”. 300 horas. Palencia, (Spain).



photo manipulation photoshop

autoCAD 2D/3D




cinema 4D

model making

after effects


team working

AWARDS 2014 Prize in the contest “Carmen Trapote”. Organized by Marian Tomón School Arts of Palencia, and local government of Palencia.

hand drawing renderings

LANGUAJES Español: mother lenguaje. Inglés: medium level.

2014 Prize in the contest “Asienta la Cabeza” (group work). Organized by the Museo Etnológico and Chachi&Chachi, Zamora.

2009 Prize in the contest “Los Nueve Secretos” (group work). Fundación de amigos del patrimonio de Castilla y León. (Spain)

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