Carmen Trifiletti is aNewJerseyDepartmentofHumanandSpecialServices clerk from Harrison Township in Gloucester County. Trifiletti is a New Jersey native who grew up in Woodbury, the county seat. The Gloucester County-basedservicesclerkgraduatedfromClearviewRegionalHighSchool andCabriniCollege.
They are actively involved with numerous charitable efforts, including Toys for Tots and New Jersey Clean Communities. Toys for Tots distributes gifts to underprivileged children at Christmas, while New Jersey Clean Communities focuses on litter reduction in the Garden State. Elsewhere, the nativeofNewJerseyisacertifiedpeerrecoveryspecialist.
Trifiletti is a clerk at the New Jersey Department of Human and Special Services. The New Jersey Department of Human and Special Services is the state's largest agency, serving over two million Garden State residents. The clerk works from the department's West Deptford, Gloucester County location.
The organization serves individuals and families, people with disabilities, parents needing childcare services, those dealing with addiction and mental health issues, and more. As a New Jersey Department of HumanandSpecial Services clerk, Trifiletti oversees meetings involving committees for CEAS, CIACC,COMA,HSAC,andLPRC.
Trifiletti manages resources, diligently preparesnotes,handlespaperworkfor meetings, and records upcoming sessions. They are also active members of the Living Proof Advisory Board, having assisted in setting up numerous workshopsandeventsattractingoveronehundredparticipants.
Moreover, they have worked on vital point-in-time counts, where homeless individuals are accounted for in the community. As a part of these point-in-time counts, they have handed out all-important gloves, hats, and information for local shelters and mental health organizations. They also handledcomprehensivedataanalysisfollowingpastcountcompletions.
Before assuming the New Jersey Department ofHumanandSpecialServices clerk role, Trifiletti worked at Shady Lane Nursing Home in EastGreenwich Township, New Jersey. They served as a maintenance worker at the nursing home, which offers residents dining, housekeeping, quality healthcare,social services,andtherapeuticrecreation,amongmanyotherbenefits.
Shady Lane Nursing Home opened its doors in Gloucester County in the 1800s. Well over a century later, it remains a special place withhigh-quality, long-term care at its heart. Accordingly, residents' families receive complete peace ofmindwithassurancesthattheirlovedonesarethoroughlywellcared foratthenursinghome.
As a maintenance workeratShadyLaneNursingHome,Trifilettiassistedthe grounds crew with landscaping duties, electrical work, hospital bed repair, the use of various tools and equipment, wheelchair maintenance, and other upkeep-focusedtasks.
Alongside their work at Shady Lane Nursing Home, Trifiletti served as a camp counselor for the Clearview Youth Basketball League before joining the New Jersey Department of Human and Special Services. The Clearview Youth Basketball League provides basketball instruction and sportsmanship
training to children in Mantua Township and surrounding areas of New Jersey.
The Clearview Youth Basketball League also participates in the Gloucester County Basketball League. Trifiletti's core responsibilities as a camp counselor for the league included teaching and supervising basketball to childrenagessixtofourteen.
Trifiletti previously held further roles, including tutoring, participating in the after-school program at Cassidy Elementary School, and maintaining a positionatGCIASolidWasteComplex.
Carmen Trifiletti grew up in the South Jersey region of the Garden State. It was here that they attended Clearview Regional HighSchoolinMullicaHill, NewJersey.
Part of the wider Clearview Regional High School District, Clearview Regional High School is a public high school for studentsfromHarrisonand Mantua Townships. The school serves pupils from ninth through twelfth grades.Trifilettigraduatedwithahighschooldiploma.
Following graduation from New Jersey-based Clearview Regional High School, Trifiletti attended Cabrini College in neighboring Pennsylvania. Cabrini College is a private Roman Catholic university in Radnor Township intheso-calledKeystoneState.
The Missionary Sisters of the Sacred Heart of Jesus established Cabrini College in 1957. The college is named in honor of Frances Xavier Cabrini, the founder of the Missionary Sisters of the Sacred Heart of Jesus. Also known as Mother Frances Cabrini, she was the first American naturalized citizensaint.
The school is recognized for its welcoming, safe environment.Anaccredited residential Catholic institution, it welcomes learners of all backgrounds, cultures, and faiths. At Cabrini College, Trifiletti's studies included concentrations in health and exercise, science, business administration, and psychology.
As a clerk for the New Jersey Department of Human and Special Services, Trifiletti extensively facilitated and collected gifts for Toys for Tots, which distributes gifts to underprivileged children at Christmas. Trifiletti has also arranged food contributions and donation box collections around Gloucester County.
Furthermore, Trifiletti has assisted at length with other community-focused initiatives and good causes. Among these community-focused initiatives and good causes is a wide range of events, including addiction recovery walks, disability job fairs, candlelight vigils, harm reduction outreach activities,and seniorservicepicnics.
While a GCIA Solid Waste Complex maintenance worker, Trifiletti was closely involved with New Jersey Clean Communities, which focuses on litter reduction in the Garden State. Trifiletti's support for the initiative included transporting volunteers throughout New Jersey to clean parks and otherpublicspacesacrossthestate.
Carmen Trifiletti enjoys various hobbies and personal interests outside their professional work and charitable endeavors. Among these hobbies and interests are listening to music, reading, and watching and playing sports –namelybasketball.
Trifiletti is of proud Italian heritage and was born and raised in Woodbury, Gloucester County, New Jersey. Woodbury is a popular part of the South Jersey region of the Garden State. They reside near Mullica Hill, another popularcommunitywithinGloucesterCounty'sHarrisonTownship.