Working Draft 10am-5:30pm 10am-12:45pm: Group 1:30pm-5:30pm: Natalie and Joanna and group is optional May 30th Day 1 Schedule INTRO/REMIX
Ritual Opening Circle
10 min
Warm up choreography Trance (1) Graffiti Trance (Remix)
25 min Natalie leads
Presentation of Materials and Goals 20 min Joanna begins Ask what each is excited/afraid of (in re materials/process/whatever) Present pamphlets as the STRICT source
Individual Time With Source Materials 20 min Assignment: look for three resonant phrases and three resonant images in pamphlets; introduce concept of “tache.” Asking to insert the personal and point of view in gesture.
Stylization 1 ASSEMBLE (solo) 30 min Joanna on the outside The individual personalizes and formalizes the material, using montage--the performer[s] can formalize/stylize the rhythm sequence and contrast of events or tasks. All images and text derived from the pamphlets. Synthesis. Must use the three resonant images from previous exercise Must use the three resonant phrases (text) from previous exercise Any text used must be from source material Tache—gesture/response from a point of view Must complete tasks within the stylization—can’t pretend to do things. Attention is paid to narrative: it has a beginning, middle, and end, Performer has a specific and clear relationship to audience
***Asking collaborators when they are watching others to store any images that arise from and to pay attention to emotional responses triggered by them. 6.
15 min
Stylization 2 DECONTRUCT (Trio) 35 min Natalie is on the outside Deconstruct the previous stylization, strip it down to instinct, re-patterning (embody other taches) Continue to derive all images and text from pamphlets. All previous guidelines plus: - taking apart familiar images and forms in order to understand and delight in their components - At some point there is a duet
Closing Ritual Body Storage
10 min
Further work 1:30pm-5:30pm Natalie and Joanna take elements from the day and work to embody them into a repeatable score. This score is repeated until a breakthrough occurs either physically, emotionally or both. We will use taches and repeated permutations to alter and transform the point of view of the score. We will regard the score as a formula—with possible permutations, mutations and a web of possibilities. Our collaborators will be invited to “mess around� independently, without scrutiny, if they wish to riff on what has happened during the day.
May 31st Day 2 Schedule 10am-1pm: Group 1:30pm-5:30pm: Natalie and Joanna, group is optional EXHAUST/BREAK 1. Opening Ritual Circle 2. Warm up Choreography Trance (1) Graffiti Trance (Remix) Introducing spirals and the puppet
10 min 25 min Natalie leads
15 min 3. Source Material Re-acquaintance time with collected pamphlets plus any materials generated during day 1 (i.e phrases and images from day 1). Plus potentially introducing new or different pamphlets. 4. Stylization 3 EXHAUST (Trio)
30 min Joanna on the outside
Exhaust all previous components, (including text, tache and other derivatives from pamphlets) make it fast, repeat it, intensify it, make it brutal‌exhaust the connection to the pamphlet
BREAK 15 min 15 min 5. Introduction of significant words; have a conversation about the effect of the words Pamphlets as vaulting mechanism‌ collaborators store the emotions/thoughts/fantasies triggered by these words **Consider the populist/public information aspect of pamphlets: how to convey public information through the performer to the audience 6. SHEDDING 30 min Natalie leads Significant text from the pamphlets is stated one phrase at a time. Performers/collaborators respond physically and repeat the text. The initial physical relationship to the text is shed and the beginnings of a new pattern are formed. We develop a reconstructing/re-patterning of the relationship between the body and text.
Collaborators are invited to include their own personal triggers and responses, and to respond from their own storage/perspective. 7. Stylization 4 EXPLODE/BREAK (trio)
30 min Joanna on outside
Previous framework maintained; especially as regards to connection to pamphlets and tache; plus the addition of: Contents vs. Container Specific awareness of audience; Take 3 popular forms and explode them. (for example--music video heroine; confessional interviews from reality TV; call and response between Club DJ’s and dancers) 8. Closing Ritual
10 min
9. Further work 1:30pm-5:30pm Natalie and Joanna take elements from the day and work to embody them into a repeatable score. This score is repeated until a breakthrough occurs either physically, emotionally or both. We will use tache and repeated permutations in to change the point of view of the score. We will regard the score as a formula—with possible permutations, mutations and a web of possibilities.
Our collaborators will be invited to “mess around” independently, without scrutiny, if they wish to riff on what has happened during the day.
June 1st Day 3 Schedule CHANGE/ QUEST 10am-12:55pm: Group 1:30pm-5:30pm: Natalie and Joanna, group is optional
1. Opening Ritual
10 min
2. Warm up choreography Trance (1) Graffiti Trance (remix) * Move as a unit
25 min Natalie leads
3. Stylization 5 (whole group) THE RENOVATION
40 min
A mission to juxtapose/find significant contrasts within previously introduced images phrases units or “scenes” (from source material) PLUS A mission to include longer exchanges of text A mission to discover extended narrative and character. Using source material, recognizing the important elements and conventions of storytelling-- context, people and change. Include an opportunity to re-perform this piece after the discussion section Break
15 min
4. Discussion 45 min As a group, discuss the previous stylization from an “outside eye” perspective Offer refinements, remind group of significant words; reconnect to sources if necessary Re-performance of renovation 5. Improvisation: 25 min Natalie leads “Part II” Without attempting the usual planning and discussion, investigate “what happens next” picking up where the big group piece/renovation left off.
7. Closing Ritual 15 min What will you retain from this experiment? What will you/would you change?
8. Further work 1:30pm-5:30pm Natalie and Joanna take elements from the day and work to embody them into a repeatable score. This score is repeated until a breakthrough occurs either physically, emotionally or both. We will use taches and repeated permutations in to change the point of view of the score. We will regard the score as a formula—with possible permutations, mutations and a web of possibilities.
Our collaborators will be invited to “mess around” independently, without scrutiny, if they wish to riff on what has happened during the day.