Great Theater from New York, Latin America, the Caribbean, and Spain.
June 2-15, 2008
TeatroStageFest is produced by the Latino International Theater Festival of New York, Inc. (LITF/NY), a non-profit organization. LITF/NY supports year-round New York based Latino theater artists, encourages collaboration between local, national and international companies, and serves as a portal to a global community that promotes cultural exchange with international organizations and theater festivals from around the world.
Jose W. Fernandez Chairman & Co-Founder
Teatro Círculo 64 East 4th Street (Bet’ 2nd Ave. & Bowery) Manhattan
Susana Tubert Executive Director & Co-Founder
Ticket Prices: $20 Students/Seniors: $15
With support from the Ministry of Foreign Relations of Chile Presented in partnership with Teatro Círculo
Two moving one-act plays reveal “the other” Argentina we rarely hear about. In Harina a young baker in a remote provincial town recounts a time when the railroad brought people together with the promise of progress. Guardavidas weaves an unlikely but tender connection between a retired lifeguard and a caretaker who has come to tend to his terminally ill wife. Dos conmovedoras obras de un acto revelan “la otra” Argentina de la cual raramente escuchamos hablar. En Harina una joven panadera en un remoto pueblo de provincia relata historias sobre la época en que el ferrocarril unía a la gente bajo la promesa del progreso. Guardavidas presenta el improbable y tierno encuentro entre un guardavidas jubilado y la enfermera que ha venido a asistir a su enferma esposa. In Spanish with live English interpretation
(Women in War) Based on the book by /Basado en el libro de Patricia Lara Directed by/Dirigida por Fernando Montes
Photo: O. Harrassowki
“Meet the fantastic Zarandini Brothers!” A troupe of ragtag-performers embarks on a magical epic journey that leads them everywhere and nowhere at the same time. World renowned La Zaranda returns to NY with an existentialist tragicomedy as part of its 30th anniversary tour. “¡Con ustedes, los fantásticos Hermanos Zarandini!” Una tropa de actores andrajosos se embarca en un mágico y épico viaje que los conduce a todas partes y a ningún lado al mismo tiempo. La mundialmente reconocida compañía La Zaranda regresa a NY con esta tragicomedia existencial, como parte de su gira conmemorando su 30 aniversario. In Spanish with English supertitles
Skirball Center for the Performing Arts, NYU 566 La Guardia Place Manhattan
Ticket Prices: $35/$20 Students/Seniors: $12
Bogotá, Colombia
142 East 27th Street, suite 1A NEW YORK, NY 10016
Andalucía, España Brochure design by M. Vazquez
Students/Seniors: $15
Mujeres en La Guerra
By/De Teatro La Zaranda Written by/Escrita por Eusebio Calonge Directed by/Dirigida por Paco de la Zaranda
ASSOCIATED PARTNERS: Fragomen, Del Rey, Bernsen & Loewy LLP, Bronx Tourism Council, National Puerto Rican Day Parade, NYC Hispanic Chamber of Commerce CREATIVE PARTNERS: Reynardus & Moya Advertising, Enorbitas Studios
Ticket Prices: $35/$20
Harina: With support from the Laura Pels Foundation Presented in partnership with Repertorio Español
(Those who laugh last)
Produced with The Ministry of Culture of Spain (INAEM) With support from Instituto Cervantes Presented in partnership with The Skirball Center for the Performing Arts, NYU
Repertorio Español 138 E. 27th St. (Off Lex. Ave) Manhattan
Fri/Vie June 6 @ 8pm Sat/Sab June 7 @ 8pm Sun/Dom June 8 @ 3pm & 6:30pm
Los que Ríen Los últimos
Fri/Vie June 13 @ 8pm Sat/Sab June 14 @ 8pm Sun/Dom June 15 @ 3pm
Photo: J. Ghersa
Photo: D. Danei
Photo: A. Benitez
Fri/Vie June 6 @ 8pm Sat/Sab June 7 @ 3pm & 8pm Sun/Dom June 8 @ 3pm
Get your tickets at or call 212.695.4010
In Spanish with English supertitles
Buenos Aires, Argentina
To Get Your Tickets Visit For info on group discounts call (212) 695-4010
One of the most relevant plays to come out of Chile’s fringe theater, Narciso blends physical theater, pop music, and a non-traditional setting to expose the dangerous games played by upper class teenagers who have everything except motivation. Una de las obras más relevantes del movimiento de teatro independiente de Chile, Narciso mezcla teatro físico, música pop, y un entorno no tradicional para exponer los peligrosos juegos de los adolescentes de clase alta que tienen todo menos motivación.
By/De Grupo Doble Ve Harina: Written by/Escrita por Carolina Tejeda and Román Podolsky Guardavidas: Written by/ Escrita por Román Podolsky , based on texts by/ basado en textos de Vavassori , Massa, and/y Podolsky Directed by/Dirigidas por Román Podolsky
Based on journalistic testimonies by real-life women who bravely face war-torn days in Colombia, renowned actress Carlota Llano performs four distinct and gripping portrayals of human strength. Basado en testimonios periodísticos de mujeres que en la vida real enfrentan con valentía días de guerra en Colombia, la renombrada actriz Carlota Llano representa cuatro cautivantes retratos de la fuerza humana. In Spanish with English supertitles
Thurs/Jue June 12 @ 8pm Fri/Vie June 13 @ 8pm Sat/Sab June 14 @ 8pm
Queens Theatre in the Park Flushing Meadows Corona Park Queens
Ticket Prices: $25 Students/Seniors: $15
Exit to the Shea Stadium side and pick up the free trolly to the theater.
With support from the Ministry of Foreign Relations of Colombia Presented in partnership with Queens Theatre in the Park This collaboration is partially funded by the David Schwartz Foundation
International Productions
A Festival for ALL Audiences!
By/De Teatro de Chile Written and Directed by/Escrita y Dirigida por Manuela Infante
Santiago, Chile
Teatrostagefest productions are performed bilingually, in English, or in Spanish with live English interpretation or supertitles in English
Guardavidas (Lifeguard)
Harina (Flour)
Narciso (Narcissus)
Photo: C. M. Lema
Set against the backdrops of hip downtown manhattan, queens and the bronx, The second annual TeatrostageFest features local and International productions, concerts And comedy nights, artist panels, TeatrostageFamily, and a playwriting competition for high school students.
Fri/Vie June 6 @ 6pm Sat/Sab June 7 @ 7:30pm Sun/Dom June 8 @ 5pm Ticket Prices: $15 Students/Seniors: $7.50 Children under 12: $5
Fri/Vie June 6 @ 7pm Sat/Sab June 7 @ 2pm Sun/Dom June 8 @ 2pm
Hostos Center for the Arts & Culture 450 Grand Concourse at E.149th Street, Bronx
Ticket Prices: $20 Students/Seniors: $15
(Picasso Flamencount OF oRGAz)
(Doña Flor and Her Two Husbands)
“Todo lo que encuentras en estos poemas, también lo podrás encontrar en mis pinturas.” Una fusión de los textos poéticos de Pablo Picasso, proyecciones de sus cuadros, máscaras cubistas y la pasión del flamenco, transporta al publico en un original viaje teatral a la mente del hombre que transformó al arte moderno para siempre.
Photo by C. A. Dominguez/M.J. Palma
“Everything you find in these poems you can also find in my paintings.” A fusion of Pablo Picasso’s poetic texts, projections of his paintings, Cubist masks, and the passion of live flamenco takes audiences on a unique theatrical journey into the mind of the man who forever transformed modern art.
Be it magical realism or wishful thinking, Doña Flor manages to live and sleep with her conventional new husband and her irresistible (deceased) first spouse in this delightful Brazilian comedy adapted and directed by Jorge Alí Triana from Colombia. Ya sea realismo mágico o deseos irreprimibles, Doña Flor consigue vivir y dormir con su convencional nuevo esposo y su irresistible (difunto) marido en esta encantadora comedia brazileña adaptada y dirigida por Jorge Alí Triana de Colombia. In Spanish with live English interpretation
Sat/Sab June 14 @ 3pm & 7pm. In English Sun/Dom June 15 @ 3pm. In Spanish Ticket Prices: $20 Students/Seniors: $15
Ticket Price: $20
Bobby Sanabria
Photo : J. Sacks
Fri/Vie June 13 @ 8pm Sat/Sab June 14 @ 8pm Sun/Dom June 15 @ 3pm & 6:30pm
Repertorio Español 138 E. 27th St. (Off Lex. Ave) Manhattan Presented in partnership with Repertorio Español
Ticket Prices: $35/$20 Students/Seniors: $15
Mon/Lun June 2 @ 9:30pm
The multiple Grammy Award nominated drummer, percussionist, composer and arranger adds spice to TeatroStageFest with his Quarteto Aché and his legendary fussion of sounds that continues to redefine Latin Jazz. El varias veces nominado al Premio Grammy baterista, percusionista, compositor y arreglista agrega ajilimójili a TeatroStageFest con su Quarteto Aché y su legendaria mezcla de ritmos que continúa redefiniendo al Jazz Latino.
Presented with WBGO 88.3 FM
Ticket Price: $20
Marga Gomez & Carmelita Tropicana
By/De Repertorio Español Written by/Escrita por Jorge Amado. Stage adaptation by/Adaptación por Veronica Triana & Jorge Alí Triana Directed by/Dirigida por Jorge Alí Triana
By/De Thalia Spanish Theatre Directed by/Dirigida por Angel Gil Orrios Music/Música Basilio Georges Choreography/Coreografía Aurora Reyes
Mon/Lun June 2 @ 7:30pm
The star of Broadway’s Chicago celebrates her journey from Mexico to Broadway in a grand music extravaganza covering Mexican standards, showtunes, and her own songs. La estrella del musical de Broadway Chicago celebra su trayectoria desde México hasta Broadway en una gran extravaganza musical que incluye estándares de la música mexicana, temas de Broadway y sus propias composiciones.
Presented in partnership with Hostos Center for the Arts & Culture Additional support by Hostos Community College President Dolores M. Fernández & Provost Daisy Cocco de Filippis Sponsored by Univision 41/Telefutura 68 Summer Tour Presented in partnership with CityParks Theater
Doña Flor y sus dos maridos
Sponsored by American Express Presented in partnership with El Museo del Barrio
Bianca Marroquin
Photo: L. Prince
Picasso FlamencoNDE DE oRGAz
Bianca Marroquin
Eugenio Derbez
Lin Manuel Miranda
Go Behind the Curtain
CityParks Theater Free Summer Tour August 12,14,17 @ 8pm Saint Mary’s Park, Bronx August 10 @ 8pm East River Park, Manhattan
Presented in partnership with El Museo del Barrio June 7th performance hosted by NY1 and NY1Noticias Partially funded by the David Schwartz Foundation
Teatro Heckscher of El Museo del Barrio 5th Ave. at E. 104th Street Manhattan
John Leguizamo
When an unexpected visitor challenges the cultural contradictions of a Puerto Rican family in East Harlem, everyone is forced to reexamine the past, present, and future of their home island. A politically charged drama that is unbiased, moving, and brutally honest. Cuando una visita inesperada cuestiona las contradicciones culturales de una familia puertorriqueña en East Harlem, todos se ven forzados a reexaminar el pasado, presente y futuro de su isla natal. Un intenso drama político que no toma partido, conmueve y es brutalmente honesto.
and TimesTalks Salute Broadway’s Talento!
Photo J. Vespa
Joe’s Pub at The Public Theater 425 Lafayette Street Between Astor Pl & 4th Street
Mon/Lun June 9 @ 9:30pm
INTAR Theatre’s production of Marga Gomez in Talkin’ Funny and Carmelita Tropicana in Ole! reunites a dynamic duo of power Latina comediennes at TeatroStageFest. A hilarious night of New York style comedy celebrating Latino pride and their unique take on life. (left: Marga Gomez, right: Carmelita Tropicana)
Teatro Heckscher of El Museo del Barrio 5th Ave. at E. 104th Street Manhattan
Photo: D. Wilson
Photo: M.J. Palma
By/De INTAR Theatre
La producción de INTAR Theatre de Marga Gomez en Talkin’ Funny y Carmelita Tropicana en ¡Ole! reúne nuevamente al dúo dinámico de poderosas comediantes para una divertidísima noche de comedia al estilo neoyorquino, celebrando el orgullo latino y su hilarante percepción de la vida. (izq: Marga Gomez, der: Carmelita Tropicana)
Ticket Price: $20
Graciela Daniel
Mon/Lun June 9 @ 6:00pm
A tell-all dialogue with Broadway’s stars -- a TimesTalks special event at the TimesCenter. Featuring: director/choreographer Graciela Daniele (Ragtime, Annie Get Your Gun), composer/lyricist/ performer Lin Manuel Miranda (In The Heights), performer Bianca Marroquin (Chicago, The Pajama Game), and actor Eugenio Derbez (Latinologues). Moderated by Robert Pogrebin, New York Times culture reporter. Un revelador diálogo con las estrellas de Broadway – un evento especial del TimesTalks en el TimesCenter. Presentando a: Graciela Daniele (directora/coreógrafa; Ragtime, Annie Get Your Gun), Lin Manuel Miranda (compositor y letrista/actor; In The Heights), Bianca Marroquín (actriz; Chicago, The Pajama Game), y Eugenio Derbez (actor; Latinologues). Moderador: Robert Pogrebin, reportero Cultural del New York Times.
Meet John Leguizamo
Mon/Lun June 9 @ 7:30pm
Conversación with Emmy and three-time ALMA award winner John Leguizamo about his anticipated return to the stage this fall in American Buffalo and his upcoming role in the movie The Happening, opening June 13. Moderated by Robert Pogrebin, New York Times culture reporter. Conversación con el ganador del premio Emmy y tres veces ganador del Premio ALMA John Leguizamo sobre su esperado retorno a las tablas este otoño con American Buffalo y su próxima película The Happening, que estrena el 13 de junio. Moderador: Robert Pogrebin, reportero Cultural del New York Times.
The TimesCenter Ticket Price: $20 each 242 West 41st Street, Manhattan Tickets and information: 1.888.NYT.1870 or
TeatroStageFest, Instituto Cervantes and CUNY present: Opera at TeatroStageFest
Tues/Mar June 3 @ 6:00pm
Up close and personal dialogues with three members of the new generation of opera singers. Featuring Kirstin Chávez (Mezzo-Soprano), John-Andrew Fernandez (Baritone), and Gastón Rivero (Tenor). Moderator: Midge Woolsey. Sponsored by 96.3 FM WQXR. Diálogos con tres integrantes de la nueva generación de cantantes de ópera. Presentando a Kristin Chavez (Mezzo-Soprano), John-Andrew Fernandez (Baritone), and Gastón Rivero (Tenor). Moderador: Midge Woolsey. Patrocinado por 96.3 FM WQXR.
Visiones: From the Page to the Stage I Visiones: From the Page to the Stage II
Sat/Sab June 7 @ 12:00pm Sat/Sab June 14 @ 12:00pm
Insightful conversations about the creative process with local and international playwrights and directors participating in TeatroStageFest 2008. Reveladoras conversaciones sobre el proceso creativo con dramaturgos y directores participantes en TeatroStageFest 2008.
Instituto Cervantes 211-15 East 49th Street, between 2nd and 3rd Avenues, Manhattan RSVP Required: 212-695-4010 or Free Admission. Receptions will follow all panels. Entrada Gratis. Al finalizar los paneles habrá una recepción.
The Young Playwrights Latino Challenge AWARDS CEREMONY Sat/Sab June 14 @ 4 PM
Limited Engagements!/¡Funciones Limitadas! Buy your tickets now at/Compren sus boletos ya en Group Discounts/Descuento de grupos Call/Llame (212) 695-4010 For more ticket information write Para más información escriba a
Designed by M. Vazquez
Bilingual --Suggested for children 8+ years-old/Sugerida para niños de más de 8 años
Presented in Association with Joe’s Pub at The Public Theater
By/De Hostos Repertory Company Written by/Escrita por Tere Martínez Directed by/Dirigida por Angel Morales
Photo by M. Corniel
Over twenty life size puppets, musicians, and singers bring to life this colorful children’s zarzuela (Spanish operetta) which tells the story of the lessons learned by a stubborn king who refused to love and respect others.
Más de veinte marionetas de tamaño humano, músicos y cantantes, traen a escena esta colorida zarzuela infantil (opereta española) que cuenta la historia de las lecciones que aprendió un testarudo rey que se rehusaba a querer y respetar a los demás.
Photo by M.J. Palma
New York Productions
Photo by M.J. Palma
By/De Teatro SEA Original book and lyrics /Libreto original y letra Serafín y Joaquín Álvarez Quintero Music by/Música por Manuel A. Morán & Iván Alexander Bautista Directed by/Dirigida por Manuel A. Morán
Manhattan/puerto Rico
Artist Panels
Intimate concerts & Comedy Night
Photo J. Marcus
(The Toothache of king Farfán)
(Borinquen lIVEs in El Barrio)
Photo C. Weider
Borinquen VIVE En El Barrio
Photo M. Husseman
La Muela Del Rey Farfán
Playwriting workshops were led by Young Playwrights Inc. in NYC public high schools and a city-wide contest, the Young Playwrights Latino Challenge, was announced in over 1000 schools. A judging committee reviewed 82 student submissions and selected the best three plays which will be recognized with cash awards at the AWARDS CEREMONY. Don’t miss the staged reading by The LAByrinth Theater Company of the winning play and celebrate a new generation of theater writers at TeatroStageFest. Sponsors
Apollo Theater 253 West 125 Street (Bet’ Adam Clayton Powell & Frederick Douglass Blvd) Presented in partnership with The Apollo Theater
Free Admission