Tdcmp1266 itsneverthelastsupper

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M- Ok, someone has to be Christ… M.J.- …And Judas. C- Let’s just make them… A.-You can´t make a cardboard Christ… N.-Oh common you can make anything out of cardboard... A.-No, I mean it would never look like Crist. C.- It would always look like Crist… M.-No, no, no, the thing is he has to talk. M.J, C.-Oh, A.- Right. M.J.- I don’t wanna talk… please. A.- I don’t wanna talk either. M.J.- I can’t speak English. M.- Then angie you… A.- But I don’t know what to say M.J.-Oh, you think Christ knew what to say? C.-I bet he did N.-You think he planed the whole thing? C.- I bet you he rehearsed his lines… N.- You mean like the last supper was staged? C.- Have you read the bible?... N.- I´m jewish. C.- Who´s read the bible? M, M.J y A.- … C.- Who´s seen Mel Gibson….uhmm… N.- The passion of the Christ. M, M.J y A.- yeah, mhm, I did. C.- O.k , do you think those lines sounded spontaneous? A.-I really think Maria Jose looks more like Christ. M.J.- What?!... which Christ?! A.- OK, whatever I’ll be Christ, but you know that if you’re Judas you have to leave the scene almost right away?

M.J.- Why? A.-Because you’re going to betrade me, it’s just that you don’t know it yet. M.J.- (come de su algo…) Me?! Why me? M.-We have to make this look kind of real guys. C.-But common we are copying a painting… N.- It´s a real painting though… C.-Have you seen the real painting? N.- It’s supposed to be human scale… M.-So what, that doesn’t make it real? M.J.- Like Amsterdam … hahhaha… N.- No I think it’s, the people are a bit bigger than human scale… A.-Of course he’s bigger than human scale… he’s Christ for Christ sake!!. C.- Still it’s not the real last supper.

N.-Are you saying the only real last supper is the first supper? (are you saying the first supper is the real last supper?) M.J.- (correcting) …First last supper you mean. A.- First last?… what the hell?! M.J.- I googled last supper… M.-No, this is not about the first supper… M.J.-Should I google first supper? A.- It´s about the last supper. C.-Right, but it´s not about Da Vinci´s… N.-That’s da vinci´s last supper… A.- Did da Vinci paint more that one last supper? M.J.- I googled da vinci… there was more than one Da Vinci… there were like 20… A.- I really don´t think we should discuss which is the real last supper…I mean the guy is saying the bread is his body…from then on there is no place for questions about reality. N.- It was staged. C.-See, you know what to say then, you can do Christ. M.-Ours it the real last supper… its obvious…

N.-There´s a documentary called the real da vinci code. C.-Unless someone … M-…Yeah, I mean it the last until there’s another.. C.-Mhm A.-What about the written one… N.-What about it… A.-That´s the real one. C.-There´s 5 written ones. A-Mark, …(alguien enumera envangelios) M.J.- 5 real ones? M.-Can you google that please? M.J.- Did I tell you I goggled real? M.-Yeah. M.J.-And there were 3.730.000.000 M.-I thought you said 3.580.000.000? M.J.- Yeah, no, that was yesterday.

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