Internet questionnaire

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INTERNET QUESTIONNAIRE 1. Full name: Andrés Martínez. 2. Age: 10. 3. Internet use: other :6-7 times a week. 4. Technology: laptop. tablet. smartphone. other: computer games. 5. Online contacts: family. friends. teachers. other 6. Use the internet for: play games and speak with friends. My partner’s name is Andrés. He is 10 years old. He uses the internet 6-7 times a week. He uses a smartphone and A computer games. His online contacts are friends and he uses the internet for playING games and TALKING with friends. By Nuria.

INTERNET QUESTIONNAIRE 1. Full name:Nazaret García 2. Age: 10 3. Internet use: every day. X 3-4 times a week. 1-2 times a week. other ________ 4. Technology: laptop. tablet. X smartphone. other:_____________ 5. Online contacts: family. X friends. teachers. other:__________ 6. Use the internet for: Play games and watch youtube My partner’s name is_NAzaret García She is 10 years old. She uses the internet 3-4 times on a week . She uses a tablet, Her online contacts are friends. and she uses the internet for playING games and watchING youtube. By Blanca

INTERNET QUESTIONNAIRE 1. Full name:Noelia Jimena LindeS 2. Age:11 3. Internet use:3 4 times a week every day. 3-4 times a week. 1-2 times a week. other ________ 4. Technology: laptop. tablet. smartphone. other:Computer. 5. Online contacts: family. friends. teachers. other:__________ 6. Use the internet for:play games and videos. My partner’s name is_Noelia Jimena LindeS. He / She is11. She uses the internet Every day.. She uses a Computer. Her online contacts are Teachers. and she uses the internet for Play games and look videos. By Ruben Talavera Rosales

INTERNET QUESTIONNAIRE 1. Full name:José Luis 2. Age: 10 3. Internet use: X every day. 3-4 times a week. 1-2 times a week. other ________ 4. Technology: laptop. Tablet. smartphone. X 5. other ____________ 6. Online contacts: X family. X • friends. teachers. other:__________ 7. Use the internet for:what videos _________________________________________ My partner’s name is____Jose Luis__Hurtado_____________________ He _______10____. He uses the internet ____________every day_______. He uses a __smartphone_________, _________ and ____________. His online contacts are ____friends___, __family_______. and ____________ and he uses the internet for __what videos______________________. By _________Loles_________

INTERNET QUESTIONNAIRE 1. Full name: 2. Age: 3. Internet use: every day. 3-4 times a week. 1-2 times a week. other ________ 4. Technology: laptop. tablet. smartphone. other:_____________ 5. Online contacts: family. friends. teachers. other:__________ 6. Use the internet for:_____________________________________________ My partner’s name is_____________________________ He / She is ___________. He / She uses the internet ___________________. He / She uses a ___________, _________ and ____________. His / Her online contacts are _______, _________. and ____________ and he / she uses the internet for ________________________. By __________________ INTERNET QUESTIONNAIRE 1. Full name:Blanca Martínez serrano 2. Age:11 3. Internet use: every day. 3-4 times a week. 1-2 times a week. other ________ 4. Technology: laptop. tablet. smartphone. other:____Computers 5. Online contacts: family. Xfriends. teachers. other:__________ 6. Use the internet for:_____________________________________________ My partner’s name is Blanca Martínez serrano. She is 11. He / She uses the internet 3-4 times a week. She uses a computer mobile and tablet. Her online contacts are friends and teachers and she uses the internet for playing games and you tube By Nazaret

INTERNET QUESTIONNAIRE 1. Full name Gimena Torres 2. Age: 11 years 3. Internet use: every day 4. Technology: laptop. tablet. smartphone. other:computer 5. Online contacts: family. friends. 6. Use the internet for see videos and see series My partner’s name is Gimena Torres. She is 11years a go . She uses the internet 3-4 times a week. She uses a laptop, tablet ,smartphone and computer. His online contacts are family,friends. she uses the internet for see videos and see serie By Safaa

INTERNET QUESTIONNAIRE 1. Full name: Rubén Talabera Rosales 2. Age: 11 3. Internet use: X every day. 3-4 times a week. 1-2 times a week. other ________ 4. Technology: laptop. X tablet. X smartphone. other:_____________ 5. Online contacts: family. X friends. teachers. other:__________ 6. Use the internet for: Play games My partner’s name is Rubén TalaVera Rosales. He is 11 Years old . He uses the internet every day . He uses a tablet AND A smartphone . His online contacts are friends. and HE uses the internet for PlayING games . By Noelia .

INTERNET QUESTIONNAIRE 1. Full name: Elena Lara 2. Age: 11 years old 3. Internet use: X every day. 3-4 times a week. 1-2 times a week. other ________ 4. Technology: X laptop. X tablet. X smartphone. other:_____________ 5. Online contacts: X family. X friends. teachers. other:__________ 6. Use the internet for: Play games and watch videos My partner’s name is Elena Lara. She is 11 years old. She uses the internet every day. She uses a laptop, a tablet and a smartphone. Her online contacts are her family and her friends and she uses the internet for playING games and watchING videos. By Guillermo.

INTERNET QUESTIONNAIRE 1. Full name:Safaá El Orchen 2. Age: 11 3. Internet use: X every day. 3-4 times a week. 1-2 times a week. other ________ 4. Technology: X laptop. tablet. X smartphone. other:_____________ 5. Online contacts: X family. X friends. teachers. other:__________ 6. Use the internet for: watching videos. My partner’s name is Safaá El Orche She is 11 years old. She uses the internet every day.She uses a laptop and smartphone. Her online contacts are friends and family. and she uses the internet for watching videos. By Gimena.

INTERNET QUESTIONNAIRE 1. Full name:Ivan Redondo Sanchez 2. Age: 11 3. Internet use: evrery day: x 3-4 times a week 4. Technology: laptop. x:tablet. x:smartphone. other:_____________ 5. Online contacts: x:family. x:friends. teachers. other:__________ 6. Use the internet for:_Videos___________________________________________ My partner’s name is_Ivan_Redondo Sanchez__________________________( He) / She is ____11_______. (He) / She uses the internet _every day_________________.( He )/ She uses a _smartphone__________, _________ and _tablet___________(His)./Her online contacts are __family_____, _________. and ________friends____ and( he) / she uses the internet for _videos_______________________. By ____Adriana______________

INTERNET QUESTIONNAIRE 1. Full name:Maria Fernandez 2. Age: 11 3. Internet use: x every day. 3-4 times a week. 1-2 times a week. other ________ 4. Technology: laptop. tablet. x smartphone. other:_____________ 5. Online contacts: family. x friends. teachers. other:__________ 6. Use the internet for:_contacts friends My partner’s name is Maria Fernandez She is 11 years old. He / She uses the internet every day She uses a smartphone . His online contacts are friends and she uses the internet for contacts (TALKING TO) friends By Noe

INTERNET QUESTIONNAIRE 1. Full name: 2. Age: 3. Internet use: every day. 3-4 times a week. 1-2 times a week. other ________ 4. Technology: laptop. tablet. smartphone. other:____________ 5. Online contacts: family. friends. teachers. other:__________ 6. Use the internet for:_____________________________________________ she iS 11. She uses the internet _____every day______________. She uses a ___smarPHone________, ________ computer _ and __tablet__________. Her online contacts are ___familY____, _frienDS_ and she uses the internet for ___lookING videos_____________________. By __Jose luis________________

INTERNET QUESTIONNAIRE 1. Full name: GUillermo Molina 2. Age: 10 3. Internet use: X every day. 3-4 times a week. 1-2 times a week. other ________ 4. Technology: laptop. X tablet. smartphone. X other: console 5. Online contacts: X family. friends. X teachers. other:__________ 6. Use the internet for: play games and watch videos My partner’s name is GUillermo Molina He is 10. He uses the internet every day . He uses a tabLet and A console. His online contacts are teschers and family and he uses the internet for playING games and watchING videos By Elena

INTERNET QUESTIONNAIRE 1. Full name:Esperanza Muñoz 2. Age:11 3. Internet use: X every day. 3-4 times a week. 1-2 times a week. other 4. Technology: laptop. X tablet. X smartphone. X other:_____________ 5. Online contacts: X family. X friends. teachers. other:__________ 6. Use the internet for:Watching videos My partner’s name is Esperanza She is __11_________. She uses the internet every day. She uses a _smartphone__________, laptop and tablet. Her online contacts are family, friends and she uses the internet for watching videos By Manolo

INTERNET QUESTIONNAIRE 1. Full name: Adriana Trillo Conchillo. 2. Age: 11 3. Internet use: X every day. 3-4 times a week. 1-2 times a week. other ________ 4. Technology: laptop. X tablet. X smartphone. other:_____________ 5. Online contacts: X family. X friends. teachers. other:__________ 6. Use the internet for:_whatching videos___________________________________________ My partner’s name is_Adriana Trillo Conchillo. He / She is __11 age. He / She uses the internet _every day. He / She uses a _tablet and _smartphone. His / Her online contacts are _friends and family and he / she uses the internet for __watching videos. By __Iván________________

INTERNET QUESTIONNAIRE 1. Full name:Maria fernandez 2. Age: 11 3. Internet use: every day. X 3-4 times a week. 1-2 times a week. other ________ 4. Technology: laptop. tablet. smartphone. X other:_____________ 5. Online contacts: xfamily. X friends. teachers. other:__________ 6. Use the internet for:_____________________________________________is an contact for friends and family My partner’s name is__noe gamez___________________________ He / She is 11___________. He / She uses the internet ____ 3-4 times a week._______________. He / She uses a ___________, _____family ____ and ______friends ______. His / Her online contacts are ____family ____ and ______friends _____, _________. and ____________ and he / she uses the internet for _________________playing_pley games______. By _________maria_________

INTERNET QUESTIONNAIRE 1. Full name:Loles 2. Age: 11 3. Internet use: every day. 3-4 times a week. 1-2 times a week. other ________ 4. Technology: laptop. tablet. smartphone. other:_____________ 5. Online contacts: family. friends. teachers. other:__________ 6. Use the internet for:_____________________________________________ My partner’s name is_________Loles__________________ He / She is __11__years______. He / She uses the internet __every day_________________. He / She uses a __, ___tablet ______ and ______smartphone______. His / Her online contacts are ___family____, __friends_______. and ____________ and he / she uses the internet for ___watchingwhat videos_____________________. By ______José Manuel____________

INTERNET QUESTIONNAIREFull name:Nuria Lopez 1. Age: 10 2. Internet use: every day. 3-4 times a week. 1-2 times a week. other 5-6 times a week 3. Technology: laptop. tablet. smartphone. other:_____________ 4. Online contacts: family. friends. teachers. other No bod Use the internet for:Play games. My partner’s name is Nuria Lopez He / She is ___________. He / She uses the internet 5-6 times a week . He / She uses a tablet and smartphone His / Her online contacts are No bodi. and he / she uses the internet for play games. By Andrés.

INTERNET QUESTIONNAIRE 1. Full name:Manolo 2. Age: 11 3. Internet use: X every day. 3-4 times a week. 1-2 times a week. other ________ 4. Technology: laptop. tablet. X smartphone. other:_____________ 5. Online contacts: X family. friends. teachers. other:__________ 6. Use the internet for:To do the exercises, play games. My partner’s name is Manolo .He is 11 year. He uses the internet every day. He uses a smartphone, . His online contacts are family and friends. and he uses the internet for doing exercises, play games. By Esperanza.

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