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OBSTACLES RACES by 4th CLASS B 2021-2022

PROJECT: AN OBSTACLE RACE! First of all,go down the rope Then, go through 4 hoops Then, climb up tHe wall Then, ride a bike Last of all, Kick the ball intO the goal Course designed by Carla


First of all,climb up the wall. Then ride a bike. Then go through 4 hoops. Then go down the rope. Last of all,kick the ball into the goal. Course designed by Carlos

PROJECT: AN OBSTACLE RACE! First of all, climb up the wall. Then go through four hoops. Then kick the ball into the goal. Then ride a bike Last of all go down the rope. Course designed by Samuel.

PROJECT: AN OBSTACLE RACE! First of all, climb up the wall. Then go through 4 hoops. Then ride a bike. Then kick the ball into the goal. Last of all, go down the rope. Course designed by Lucía.

PROJECT: AN OBSTACLE RACE! First of all, cycle a bike. Then climb up the wall. Then go down the rope. Then go through 4 hoops. Last of all kick the ball into the goal. Course designed by Rocío.

PROJECT: AN OBSTACLE RACE! First of all,climb over a wall. Then go through four hoops. Then cycle down. Then go up the rope. Last of all, kick the ball into the goal. Course designed by Eva María López Martínez.

PROJECT: AN OBSTACLE RACE! First of all,kick the ball into the goal Then ride a bike Then climb up the wall Then go down the rope Last of all go thorough 4 hoops Course designed by Librada

PROJECT: AN OBSTACLE RACE! First of all,climb Up the wall Then Ride a bike Then go through 4 hoops Then go down the rope Last of all kick the ball into the goal Course designed by _Aitor____

PROJECT: AN OBSTACLE RACE! First of all,climb up the wall. Then go down the rope. Then kick the ball into the goal. Then go through 4 hoops. Last of all,ride a bike. Course designed by Adriana

PROJECT: AN OBSTACLE RACE! First of all, Then go under Then clim down the rope Then run over the bridge Last of all climB down the rope Course designed by __4b___ JUANFRAN

PROJECT: AN OBSTACLE RACE! First of all, go up the rope Then go under the rope Then jump into trampoline Last of all go around the goal. Course designed by Luis Gallego

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