U36thbgrde2017 2018

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GINGERBREAD MAN INGREDIENTS: • 200 g of butter or margarine • 100 g of Icing Sugar • 400 g of self raising flour • 1 teaspoon of ground ginger • ½ teaspoon of salt • smarties (lacasitos) • a bowl • aluminium Foil • a baking tray • gingerbread man biscuit cutter

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Next, Cut the gingerbread men out of the dough with the cutter and put them on to foil. Last of all, Place the foil with all gingerbread men on the tray and bake at 180º for about 10-15 minutues, until they turn brown.

SERVING SUGGESTIONS • Serve with a glass of chocolate milkshake.

PREPARATION TIME: 30 minutes COOKING TIME: 10 to 15 minutes PREPARATION: • •

First of all, Put the butter, the icing sugar, the self raising flour, the ground ginger and the salt in a bowl and mix to form a dough Then take the dough and flatten it.

By English Class

YOGURT CAKE INGREDIENTS: •1 lemon yogurt •1 measure (with the glass of yogurt) of sunflower oil. • 2 measures (with the glass of yogurt) of sugar. • 3 measures (with the glass of yogurt) of flour. •3 eggs. 1 packet (16g) of baking powder or baking powder. •Butter or margarine to grease the mold. PREPARATIONTIME: minutes : 15 MINUTES COOKINGTIME: minutes: 25 MINUTE PREPARATION: •MIX ALL SERVINGSUGGESTION SERVE WITH A SHAKE


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• A bar of chocolate • Two eggs • Almons sheet • Flour • Tablet puff pastry PREPARATION TIME: 15 minutes

COOKING TIME: 30 minutes PREPARATION: • • • •

First of all, traw the puff pastry Then ,With the help of a roller and flour the dough is removed Next, Are made at the ends diagonal lines. Then , are put the square of chocolate long above the center.

With the lines you've made, cover the chocolate on braid shape With the puffed eggs, they are spread on the puff pastry Next, the rolling almonds are placed above the egg Last of all, We bake it 20 or 15 minutes or prep the almond is toast.

SERVING SUGGESTIONS Serve with chocolate milkshake

By Almudena .

my y recipe: CHESECAKE My favourite dessert is chesecake. INGREDIENT: 300 g the creme the chesse. ½ l the cream. 6 spoonfuls the sugar. Paquet the biscuit. Preparation time: 5 minutes COOKING TIME: 2 hours


Macarons INGREDIENTS: • • • • • • • • •

110g the egg white 40g the sugar white 100g the mond powdes 2 tablespoons of cacao 40g icing sugar 1 tablespoon 1 tray 1 bowl 1 mixer


First of all, put the icing sugar in a bowl. Then in a bowl we mix the egg until it is white and

we mix with enveloping movements · Next the two mixtures • Next, we preheat the oven to 150ºand put our mixture in the oven. • Last of all, fill with chocolate SERVING SUGGESTIONS • Serve with water •

By Elvira


envelope and stir until it is thick. Serve your custard

A rĂŠcipe custard. INGREDIENTS: . Milk . eggs . sugar . sobres de flanin. By iker. PREPARATION: Put the milk with the sugar to heat when boiling the eggs and the flanin

Chocolate custard: INGREDIENTS: • • • • •

1/2L the milk 50g the blaCk chocolate desert special 50g the milk chocolate 2g the maize flour biscuits

PREPARATION TIME: 30 minutes COOKING TIME: 45 minutes PREPARATION: • • • •

First of all, dilute the flour in the cold milk Then, add chopped chocolates and part to heat all Then, stir without stopping until the chocolate is melted and the cream takes resistante. Next, dump into prepared bowls or glasses and let cool, if you wannt you can put cookies when they

Finally, are hot or whipped cream when they are cold.

SERVING SUGGESTIONS • Serve them with cookies •

By María Isabel.

CHOCOLATE BROWNIE INGREDIENT -100 g of butter -200g of chocolate -4 eggs -100g of sugar -1/2 teas pon the baking soda -1 tablespoOn vainilla estractus -80g of flour -50g of 100g the flouR


INSTRUCTIONS -First of all mix the flour witH the chocolate. -Then add the 4 eggs pour flour tablespoon OF baking soda. -Then the pour sugar leavening shake. -NexT the plate pour butter and put on the oven 40,50 minute.

-Finally COOL THE BROWNIE Sugestion on the milk of limonade


PUMPKING AND CHOCOLATE CAKE Introduction: My favourite dessert is pumpkin and chocolate cake and this is the recipe.

Ingredients: 110g of flour of wheat ¼ teaspoon of nutmeg 30g of full-fat milk 70g of sugar 1 teaspoon of baking soda 1 medium-size egg 60g of brown sugar

Praparation time: 15-20 minutes

4º After put the mixture in a previously greased mold and add the chopped chocolate and mix it a little. 5º Finally we put it in the oven at 175 degrees for 55 minutes.

Serving suggestions:

Server your pumpkin and chocolate cake in a plate ½ teaspoon of bicarvonate with a glass of milk. 60g of chocolate 1 teaspoon of cinnamon 170g of baked pumpkin By Marta ½ teaspoon of mixed spice 50g of light

Cooking time: 55 minutes

Intruducion: 1º First of all blend the pumpking, the olive oil, the egg and the milk. 2º Then mix the flour, sugar, brown sugar, cinnamon, spices, nutmeg, baking soda and bicarvonate. 3º Next we mix this mixture (dry) with what we had beaten before and mix everything well.

A recipe: Tarta de tres chocolates


IntroductiĂłn: First of all, chop the bicuit and grind him put in a My faVOurite dessert is tarta de tres chocolates mould detachable. and this is the recipe. Mix dark chocolate, 250 ml of cream, 250 ml of milk, 50 g of sugar and a sachet of curd INGREDIENTS we put it in the fire more or mere 7 minutes 150g of WHITE chocolate without it comes to boil and put it in the mold 150g of chocolate WITH milk we put it in the fridge 150g of BLACK chocolate we make the layer of milk chocolate 750ml of creamfor whipped cream we make the white chocolate layer and add it 750ml of milk Let cool in the fridge until the next day . 3 curd envelopes 150g of sugar By Miguel Ă ngel For the basis , biscuits and 60g of butter Baena Redondo. Preparation time: 45 minutes Cooking time: 1 hour

Pie the Boilled ham and cheese triangles INGREDIENTS: • • • • •

puff pastry boilled ham cheese triangles eggs


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First of all, to puff pastry Then to put boiled ham and cheese triangles Next, to put eggs Last of all, place into in the oven

SERVING SUGGESTIONS • Serve your pie and juice

By Natalia___

BIZCOCHO DE STACCIATELLA INGREDIENTS Two yogurt of stacciatella Three eggs 170 grams of flour 130 grams of sugar 80 grams sun flower oil 1 envelope of chocolat drups ICING Sugar PREPARATION TIME 10 minutes COOKING TIME 30 minutes Instructions First of all put the eggs in a bowl, add the sugar and mix Then pouR the oil and the yogurts, and mix

Then we put the chocolatE drups and incorporate the flour and the yeast, beat. Next we put the mixture in a greased mold and baked 170ยบ 30 minutes Finally we decorate with ICING sugar BY PABLO 6ยบB


• 100 g of oreo cookies without the cream • 40 g of butter • 250 ml of whipping cream • 100 ml of milk • 1 tablespoon of gelatin powder • 250 soft spread cheese • 60 g of sugar • oreo cookies PREPARATION TIME: 40 minutes COOKING TIME: 3 hours PREPARATION: • First the cream of the biscuits is removed and the filling is reserved. Take a bowl, introduce and crush them. • •

When mixing put it in a mold with the help of a spoon and make pressure. Well store the cream for the filling of the cake. You can use a blender to acquiere a powder texture. Store it for the end of the oreo cake preparation.

Take a saucepan and add the cream milk, sugar, cheese spread and cream of the cookies that you removed in the previous steps. • Add the gelatin powder and keep moving for 5 minutes until all the ingredients dissolve and mix well • Pour it over the mold where you placed the base of the oreo cake.Insert it in the fridge, set the filling and thicken.Leave it 3 hours. • And list! You can decorate it with oreo cookies SERVING SUGGESTIONS • You can serve it with a chocolate milkshake. • By_____Elena__ •

A recipe Cake of lemon. Ingredients: 4 eggs 1 packet the baking powder 1 yogurt the lemon 100g flour 75g sugar grated lemon Preparation time: 15 minutes Cooking time: 40-45 minutes Preparation: First of all you shake the eggs. Then you add the eggs and the yogurt. Then with the measure of the yogurt you add the flour Next you mix all the ingredients until smooth

Finally you pour the mixture on a tray and you put this into the oven at 180ยบ Serve you: Cake on a tray By Nuria

EGG CREME CARAMEL. •INTRODUCTION: My favourite desert is egg crème caramel •INGREDIENTS:

• • • • • • •

500 ml of milk 6 eggs (we use the bud of two) A vainilla bean A cinnamon stick 300 g of sugar (150 to the caramel and 150 to the custard) Middle lemon juice 4 spoonfuls of water

•PREPARATION TIME: -20 minutes at bain-marie •COOKING TIME: -20 minutes.


1. In a pan we melt the sugar with lemon juice and water for de caramel 2. We boil the milk with the vainilla and the cinnamon and then let it rest for 30 minutes 3. We mix 4 eggs and 2 buds with sugar and then mix it with the milk 4. We put everything in molds and do it in a bain marie for 45 minutes at 160 degrees 5. We let cool in the fridge for 3 or 4 hours

SERVE SUGGESTIONS Server the custard with cream. By Sergio

TORRIJAS INGREDIENTES: ·Bread · 3 tablespoons of sugar · 4 eggs · sunflower oil · cinamon powder · cing sugar PREPARATIÓN TIME: 1 hour and a half COOKING TIME: 45 minutes

· Then in a bowl we mix milk and sugar. We put the bread in the milk and let it soak. We beat the eggs and we passed the bread for them. . Next, put the oil in a pan and when it is hot we start frying. Whem they are golden we remove and drais on a plate with a paper underneat. · Lats of all, them we passed them throungh th sugar and mixed cinnamon and kas we tookout in a dish. We serve. SERVING SUGGESTIONS : The coffee

PREPARATION: · First of all, we cut the bread a finger wide more or less. By Ivan

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