2 minute read
FOR PSYCHIATRIC CLIENTS Coast Club House 6048723502,295 E.IIth: Lunch noon, M-F, $1 Members only. Kettle Friendship Society 6042512854, 1725 Venables: Lunch at 1l:30am, $1 MPAResource Centre 60448237122275 Fir Street M-F: Breakfast 1O-11am$0.50, Dinner 4-5PM $2; Sat/Sun: Breakfast 12-1pm$0.50, Dinner 4-5 $2
ORGANIC, WHOLE FOODS Sweet Cherubim, Choices, East End Food Co-op 1000-block,Commercial Drive. Small Potatoes 6042157783, 1660E.Hastings Order by phone, home delivery with minimum order. FREE CLOTHING
Downtown Eastside Women's Centre 6046818480,302 Columbia; 25E.Hastings: Womn WISH 6046699474, 334 Alexander:Idnt as womn Bette's Boutique 305 Main: Identify as women. UGM-Cornerstore 6042533323,601 E Hastings INEXPENSIVE CLOTHING, FURNITURE & HOUSEHOLD GOODS Salvation Army 6048744721261 E.12th Ave: Beds, furniture, appliances, household, clothing, reconditioned items UGM Thrift Store 6042548721 671 E Hastings Clothes, blankets, dishes, furniture. Value Village 6042544282 1820 E.Hastings: New, used furniture, clothing, household goods, shoes.
Carnegie Outreach 6046653318, 392 Powell St. Call or drop-in for help with housing, & med serv. Office Hours M-F 9am-4pm. Neighbourhood HousingSociety 6043318757 40 E.Hastings, 380 Main, 668 Powell PHS Community Services 6046830073, 20W.Hastings: Residential hotels. Vancouver Native Housing 6043203312, 1726 E. Hastings: Part of Skookurn Hub
Days & Nlghts:Call 211 Aboriginal Shelter 6046825556, 201 Central: 4:30pm-lOam. Pets OK, carts OK, wheelchairs OK Klahowya Tillicum Lalum 875 Terminal: 24 hrs, carts/pets ok
Beacon 6046466846 108E Hastings: Intake time varies. Men Catholic Charities 6044433292, 828 Cambie: Men WISH 6045584031, 340 Alexander: For streetbased sex workers. Laundry, showers, meals. First United 6048396880, 320 E. Hastings 60 beds -40 men, 20 women available 2417 Bud Osborn Shelter 778-222-8988, 27 W Hastings: Up to 60 people. Lookout 6046819126,346 Alexander St: Men. (19+) Accommodation for about 46 people. 2417 Small pets ok. Wheelchairs ok. Triage 6042543700, 707 Powell: 28 beds (W&M) UGM 6042533323601 E Hastings: Overnight Men Intake at 9pm, out by 6:30am
CRISIS SHELTER FOR WOMEN 6048727774 (Emergency)
Kate Booth House 6048720772 : For domestic violence victims (women & children). 24-br crisisline, but stay is short-term. Helping Spirit Lodge 6048726649: Transition hsng women and children. 2417. Wheelchairs ok. Powell Place 6046060403,329 Powell. Rape Relief 6048728212 (24-hour phone): Counselling, shelter*.(*Trans exclusionary) DE Emergency 412 E Cordova: For women addicted, homeless, hard-to-house, at risk of violence
Coast Foundation 6048723502, 293 E.11th: Operates mental health community homes. Mental health enhanced housing available, referrals from BC Housing, Fraser Health. Supportive housing Lookout 6046819126,346 Alexander Street MPA Resource Centre 6044823712, 2275 Fir treet: Outreach workers available. Call for info.
Ambulance, Inhalator, Fire - 911
Psychiatric - 6048747307 (police - Car 87)
Vancouver General 6048754111, 855 W.12 St.Paul's 6046822344, 1081 Burrard