1 minute read


Tradeworks 6042539355, 882 E Cordova: Training in construction, computers, home imp, etc. Internet access, job search & resumes, email, other help. Embers 6046920781,310-111 WHastings: Flex -ible opps, training, support M-Th 9-4:30, F 9-5:30 Eastside Works 6046204587, 57 E Hastings: 104, M-F Info & help WorkBC Employment Services 6048720770, 250 W Pender: Referrals and training, job placement and creation, economic & business enhancement aid, Call or drop in. 8:00am-4:30am M-F except first and third Wednesdays 8am-2pm Work Resource Ctr: 6042534469, 659 E Hastings 3-day workshop then opportunities. Megaphone 6042559701, 312 Main: Training to sell Vancouver's street paper. First 10 copies free. Mon: to Fri. 9-4pm,

Aboriginal Connections to Employment


6046877480,390 Main: Free access to resourcesInternet, job board, phone & message service- for employment purposes. Counselling, case management" action plans, referrals. Under ACCESS Bladerunners 6046889116, 390 Main: Skills, etc placement on construction. Call: 8:30-4:30, M-F.


Birth Certificate 6046602937,250-605 Robson BCID/Driver's Licence 6046612255, 254-800 Hornby or 2750 Commercial Passport 1-800-567-6868200-757 W.Hastings Care Card (MSP-BC) 6046837151, 8-4:30 M-F Indian Status 6046662059, 601-1138 Melville S.I.N. Card 6046818253,415-757 W Hastings Places ta ga fOr help; Carnegie Outreach 6046653318, 392 Powell 94 M-F KettleID Bank 60421554941725 Venables:9:30MTI


Police Information 6047173321 Court Information 6046604200, 222 Main: To find out court appearance dates & times for Provincial Court on Main. Transit Information 6049533333 bus routes, schedules; 6049533334 for lost bus passes. General Information 6048756381: Greater Vancouver Information & Referral. Alcohol & Drug referral: 6046609382 Victim Services: 1-800-563-0808

NEIGHBOURHOOD .... Neighbourhood Housing Society

6043318757, Call for information. DTES Neighbourhood House 6042152030, 573 E.Hastings: Volunteers welcome. Programs, activities for moms+tots, others. Mon-Sat. Neighbourhood Helpers Project 604 2546207, 509 E.Hastings: Connects volunteers with isolated seniors & persons with disabilities. Pigeon Park Savings 6046788276, 92 E Hastings Banking services to low-income residents. Flat rate cheque cashing. Mon-Thur 11-5 Fri 12-6. BC Men's Resource Centre 6048789033


Two Nice Movers 6047810297

Two Small Men with Big Hearts

6046363338 Lara Transport 778-323-0466


United We Can 6046810001,449 Industrial Ave: 7am-6pm. Fri+Sat -Spm : [Also bike repair and street/alley cleaning.] Electronic Recycling Association 604 2154483 : Non-profit; focus on reuse ofIT equipment. Donates various hardware items to charities and low-income people.

First Nations Health Ben-

efits 778.806.6993, 122 E Hastings: Help with accessing and navigating the health care system. Feet, eyes, teeth, medicine. Mon-Fri,1l-5pm

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