March 1, 2014, carnegie newsletter

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MARCH 1, 2014


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401 Main St, Van6A 2T7 604-665-2289

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OUR ~HOOD OUR PLANJ ThG Local Araa Plan for tht DTES -JOGS to Council on March f2 C.omQ tall CitiJ Hall to


It's the LAST CHANCE to tell City Hall to keep the DTES a low-income neighbourhood! On March 12th, City Council hearings will begin for a plan that will set the future of the DTES for the next 30 years. The Local Area Plan will decide who will be able to afford to live in the neighbourhood and who will be pushed out. Here are three ways to tell City Council aboutYOUR plan for YOUR 'hood:



Come march through the DTES and paint your message to the City about the future of the DTES at a surprise location. Hot chocolate and snacks will be served.There will be paint and brushes for you to use.



Starting Time: I pm Starting Point: Main & Hastings

To read the Low-Income Caucus position on the Local Area Plan: For info: King-mong Chan: Tamara Herman: Phone: 604.665.21 OS

3 2. Wed. March 12th: BRING IT TO CITY HALL! RalllJ in the DTES and at C.itlj Hall The Local Area Plan goes to City Council on March 12th. Come to a rally in the DTES and bring your message to City H al l. Bus tickets to and from City Hall will be given out to people who need them. Snacks will be served in the evening at City Hall. Be ready to wait once we get to City Hall: It might be hours before our speakers get to the mic.

Starting Time- Rally in the DTES: I:30 pm (To be confirmed) Starting Point: Main & Hastings Rally at City Hall: 3 pm (To be confirmed)

3. Wed. March 12th: SPEAK AT CITY HALLI SiCJn up to tell the C.itlj what lJOU think about the Local Area Plan You can tell City Council what you think about the Local Area Plan and what you want to see in a plan for the future of the DTES. Here's how to sign up to speak:

Step I.

If you have email, send an email to to tell her you want to get a message when the speaker's list opens (around March 5th). Follow the instructions she sends you.

OR Send your name, email and phone number to and Kingmong from CCAP will put you on the list.

OR Sign your name and phone number on the sign-up sheet on the bulletin board outside the CCAP office on the 2nd floor of the Carnegie.

Step 2. Write a 5-minute speech. The 5 minute speaking time

is st rictly enforced at City Council. If you need inspiration or help, come to our workshop:

Workshop: SpeakinCJ to Citlj Council about the LAP Date: Monday March I0 Time: 1-3 pm Place: Classroom, Jrd floor of the Carnegie Snacks and coffee provided

Can't make the workshop? Get in touch with CCAP to set a time for us to help you.


The Truth Is [Chorus] The truth is that we need T0 open up our eyes so that we start to see All of the lies that we were told and we believed Because the time has come to face reality And work together for the sake of liberty So that our future generation can be free WE NEED TO WAKE UP AND SEE THAT THE TRUTH IS NOT WHAT IT APPEARS TO BE

Truth is the Real reason for war is Motivat~d by money and corporate interest Rwanda didn't have oil, that's why . The world turned a blind eye during its genocide Verse One Truth is, corporations can donate . An unlimited amount of money to a candidate . Democrats and Republicans are bought and paid So Government does whatever corporations say Truth is the President doesn't run the country The people in charge are those who control the money So The Federal Reserve is really more powerful Than the U.S. Government and they're running the show The truth is, That Goldman Sachs Sold sub-prime mortgages they ~new w~re bad they also profited by betting they d all fall .. So they'd win either way and no one went to Jail Truth is, the financial crisis ain't solved It was a big Ponzi scheme, an inside job Where taxpayers bailed out the banks who caused It in the first place and now, they're still in charge Truth is, money is created from debt If all debt was repaid there'd be no money left But loans that are made have interest attached That doesn't exist so we can't pay it back Truth is, our banking system's a trap That leads to bankruptcy and collapse It's why the States are fifty trillion in the hole And this crisis is spreading all around the globe Truth is, a crash is inevitable . Cuz' our growing debt must be matched 1n the real world Through the use of resources, so infinite growth On a finite planet is impossible [Chorus]

Verse Two Truth is, The C.I.A. Has a history of smuggling drugs intu the States Their profits are then laundered through banks In order to help them secretly operate Cuz' the truth is, they've been involved In things that should make people appalled Like mind control experiments on soldiers To alter their behavior with drugs and hypnosis Truth is, Nazis were the first to try Putting fluoride into the nation's water supply To dumb people down and control what they think And now it's in almost all the water that we drink Truth is, there's a chemical company Called Monsanto controlling the food we eat By transforming everything genetically And then forcing everyone to only use their seecis Truth is, that the medical industry Is big business with millions of employees the last thing it wants is a cure for cancer Cuz' they'd lose trillions if there was ever an answer Truth is, cures for cancer exist Just look up Dr. Burzynski in Texas Who's been curing people with tumors for years The F.D.A. and the government don't want you to hear Truth is, you can't trust the TV News It's pre-filtered to distract and confuse All the outlets are owned by only five companies So It's impossible to ever get news objectively Cuz' the truth is, people need to wake up And expose how our whole system is corrupt And if you think I'm wrong, go ahead try to stump me Let's see you write a song as smart as this to debunk me [Chorus] Rapper rappin'

Hello From 1:he LibrarY!


Freedom to Read: held over! Due to the popularity of our display in recognition of Freedom to Read week, we will keep the display up for an additional week or so. Yes, we know, Freedom to Read Week was February 23rd- March 1st so it's technically over. But should respect for intellectual and cultural freedom ever really be over?! Of course not! Please come and have a look at our display, where you can check off how many of the frequently banned books you've read, and add your two cents to the "conversation" on the poster. And some previously banned books are avai lable at the display area for you to check out. Besides the sometimes-banned books, as usual we have new books on display in our new books cabinet. This week's new books include Johnny Cash: The Life I by Robert Hilburn: A Brief Guide to Celtic Myths and Legends I by Martyn Whittock; and

Spiritual Solutions: Answers to Life's Greatest Challenges I by Oeepak Chopra. Stephanie (Carnegie Librarian). Special thanks to Elizabeth (the Monday librarian) for her creative effort pulling together the Freedom to Read display for us.

On Pete Seeger Some of the greatest achievers were not nice people. Pablo Picasso the great Spanish artist was horrible to many of the women in his life. Betty Friedan, who helped create the modern feminist movement. wasn't liked by some. "She didn't like lesbians like me," a woman I knew told me. "And she told us this right after we lesbians did a lot of work for her." Steve Jobs was a genius . Yet at the workplace he could be a terribly driven man. Then there's the American balladeer and constant campaigner for social justice, namely Pete Seeger. He wasn't just a great man but he was also a nice perso n. In the early 1960's, friends of mine would go backstage at the old Queen Elizabeth Theatre in Montreal after a Pete Seeger concert. There this great composer, singer and social justice campaigner would

play his five-stringed banjo and 12 string guitar. He'd give eager young folkies and musicians tips on ho\v to play music and tell stories about his musical adventures. He'd do this after he'd just given a two hour concer1. Seeger died this past January at the very ripe old age of94. "My job," he said in 2009,"is to show folks there's a lot of good music in this world and if it's used right itt may help to save the planet." This pencil-thin Harvard University dropout pursued his mission for over 70 years. He composed songs and sang songs like 'We Shall Overcome' which became the anthem of the U.S. civil rights movement. Seeger took the tune from an old African American song. He wrote many other songs like 'If I Had A Hammer' and 'Turn,Turn. Turn' which when sung by others became top 40 hits in the 1960's. He was the backbone of the Weavers, a great folks inging quartet that was hounded off the music scene by the McCarthyite anti-communist wave of the 1950's. For Pete Seeger was a communist as well as being an environmentalist. "Should I apologize for all of this?" he wrote about his past support for communist revolutions. "1 think so." Communism, Seeger once said, "is no more what Russia made of it, than Christianity is what the churches made of it." Seeger travell ed around the world singing and playing his banjo and guitar. He warned North American youth in the late 1960's that while rock music back then was sometimes great music, yet young people should open their ears to music in many other countries. On television once he hoped that t.v. one day could liberate millions from tyranny and many other things. Yet Seeger knew this hadn't happened yet. His soul mate the great song writer Woody Guthrie inscribed on his guitar "This Machine Kills Fascists." Seeger's inscription on his banjo played a gentler tune. "This Machine Surrounds Hate and Forces It to Surrender", it said. Like mill ions of others around the world I'm going to miss Pele Seeger. By Dave Jaffe

~ ,96~?ÂŤ9u?u/lh by Allegra Duo

Join violinist Zelko Krakan and cellist Kira van Deusen for a lyrical afternoon of instrumental music, songs and storytelling.

Saturday, March 8 1h, 20 4 1-2:30 PM, Carnegie Theatre

~etropolitan Concert Band Wednesday, March 12th 7:30PM

in Carnegie Theatre Repertoire vvill include a v.~de variety of music: Broadway, the classics, marches, ballads, jazz and movie themes ... Come and enjoy the big band sound!

i am the one i am the streets. i am the streets 1 am the nastiest dog in the shithouse, i am crueL i dont have friends. i dont have family. i am the only one whos known world wide as the streets, i am the streets, i have been here for a really long time. before me there was no name but dirt roads. i am the meanest dog around, so dont come down here full of hope fullofshit, i am the man bullshit, or i am the girl, blaw, blaw, Waw, eat your own shit too im telling you dont make a move down here if you think ur good enouf to hang out on my streets. becuz if your a stuck up little bitch who thinks their shit dont stink go back home stay alive, live long prosperus, all that shit... ........ . i am the streets, dont come down here brokin and no spirit left to give, if you got no spirit, find it now before you come down here becuz im puttin you to the test to see if i cant break ya in small ways i will put u thru the ropes then im gonna snap you in two for the wolfs to feed on. i am the streets, if you are in a rut at home and you want to come down here, listen you shit if none of this is sinkin in then come down brokin hearted. mankinds not gonna miss you, your family mite but that will last for so long, now take ur pipe dreams, ur mister perfect attidude, born with attidude will only get you so fa r bfore i get you listen, learn, adapt at home, love your family like they were the last people ull ever see in ur lifetime .... please be smart ull live to see ur granchildren grow up, your beutiful daughters grow up dont be stupid like i was i had to learn the hard way im a surviver this is why im still here kickin it with the streets my name is donald dale mack, my indian names red running fox, my second is granmothermoon singing, be smart stay in school be wise like our granfathers and granmothers


Just Call Me Johnny NO CASH Being broke makes us all equal Pove1ty turns one & all into beggars Trick is not to get annoyed at those bold enough to ask desperate enough to lay aside pride we all have to get what we need sometimes cost too much other times s'all free so forgive me please Gotta be grateful to those who try do a body good look me in the eye We all hungry ... together all need to feed no matter whatever I'm grateful to those who got enough to share Grateful to those who care




Maybe I'm just a simpleton, -maybe just dope simple see the definition I've arrived at is madness is being mad all the time being so angry it gushes out a river of hate, intolerance, rage aimed at all nearby lucky enuf to catch the full spray of yer shit know me a guy who's forever insanely angry at the whole world everything pisses him off but being a good catholic he shares it with one and all, can't help stem the flow of his generous nature subjecting anyone fool enuf to listen to his never-ending rage so I guess he defines what it is to be a mad man a truly disfigured mess of rage and out-of-control bullshit Jesus H Ford

Ukraine's Sickness and Europe's Cure: Neo-Liberalism and Neo-Fascism Join Hands By Eric Draitser. Global Research, February 25, 2014 The situation in Ukraine is evolving by the hour. Right wing ultranationalists and their ··tiberar· collaborators have taken control of the Rada (Ukrainian parliament) and deposed the democratically e lected, though utterly corrupt and incompetent, President Yanukovich. Former Prime Minister, a nd convicted criminaL Y ulia Tymoshenko has been freed. and is novv making common cause with Noe-Nazi Right Sector, Svoboda, and other fascist elements, while the opposition's nominal leaders such as Arse ny Yatsenyuk a nd Vitali Klitschko begin to fade into the background. In Moscow, Russian President Vladimir Putin undoubtedly watches w ith a nx iousness. In Washington, Victoria Nu land a nd the Obama adm inistration rejoice. However, perhaps the most critical development of all is soon to emerge in Europe, as the forces of Western finance capital prepare to welcome Ukraine into the fold. They will come bearing the usual neoliberal gifts: austerity and ·'economic liberalization." With the overihrow ofthe Yanukovich government, the $15 billion of promised Russian financial assistance to Ukraine is in doubt. According to Moody's rating agency, "Ukraine will require $24 billion to cover a budget deficit, debt repayments, natural gas bills and pe ns ion support just in 20 14.'' Without Moscow's continued bond purchasing and other forms of financial aid, and with pro-EU forces taking control of the country's economic and fore ign policy, the outcome is not hard to predict: a rescue package from Europe and the IMF with a ll the usual a us te rity conditions attached. In exchange for European ''aid'', Ukraine will be forced to accept the driving down of wages, significant cuts to the public sector and social services, in add ition to a rise in taxes on the working class and slashing of pensions. Moreover, the country will be cor;pelled to accede to a liberali zation program that will allow Europe to dump goods into the Ukrainian marke t, deregulation and the further opening up the country's financ ial sector to predatory speculation and privatization. It doesn't take psychic powers to predict these developments. One merely has to look at the wave of austerity in European countries such as Greece and Cyprus. Furthermore, Eastern European countries with similar economic and historical conditions to Ukraine- Latvia and S lovenia specifically- provide a roadmap for what Ukraine • should expect. The Model of "Success" As Ukraine's pro-EU " leadership" under Tymoshenko & Co. (and the fascist Right) begins to eye the future , they will immediate ly look to Europe to address the most pressing economic concerns. The Ukrainian people however would do well to examine the precedent of Latvia to understand what lies in store for them. As renowned eco nomists Michael Hudson and Jeffrey Sommers wrote in 2012: What enabled Latvia to s urvive the c ris is were EU and IMF bailouts ... Eiites aside, many emigrated ... Demographers estimate that 200,000 have departed the past decade - roughly I 0 per cent of the population ... Latvia experienced the full effects of austerity and neoliberalism. Birth rates fell during the c ri sis- as is the case almost everywhere austerity programs are imposed. lt continues having among Europe's highest rates of suicide and of road deaths caused by drunk driving. Violent crime is hi gh, arguably, because of prolonged unemployment and police budget cuts. Moreover, a soaring brain drain moves in tande m with blue-collar emigration. The myth of prosperity to fo llow EU integration and bailouts is just that, a myth. T he reality is pain and suffering on a scale far g reater than the poverty and unemployment Ukraine. especially the western portion of the country. have already experienced. The most highly ed ucated, those most equipped to take up the mantle of leadership, wi ll flee e n masse. Those leaders w ho remain wi ll do so while lining their pockets and ingratiating themselves to the European a nd American financiers who will flock to Ukraine like vultures to carrion. In short, the corruption and mismanagement of the Yanukovich governme nt will seem like a pleasant memory. The " liberalization" that Europe demands will create massive profits for speculators, but very few jobs for working people. The best land will be sold to foreign corporations and land-grabbers, while the resources, including the highly regarded agri cultural sector, w ill be stripped and sold on the world market, leaving farmers and city dwellers al ike in grind ing poverty, their children going to bed hungry. This will be the ··success" of Ukraine. One shud-

ders to think what failure would look like. In Slovenia, another Eastern European country that has experienced the ''success路路 Europe strives for. the economic dictates of Brussels have ravaged the country's working people and its institutions. The Organization of Econom ic Cooperation and Development (OECD) issued a 2013 report in w hich it recommended that, as a first step, Slovenia act to ''help the banking sector stand on its feet again," add ing that, "additional and radical measures are necessary as soon as possible.'' Furthermore, the OECD recommended the full privatization of Slovenia's banks and other major firms, despite predicting a more than 2% contraction of the economy. In laymen' s terms, Europe recommends that Slovenia sacrifice itself and its people to the forces of international finance capital, nothing less. Such is the cost of European '路integration." Ukraine is undergo ing a transformation of the worst kind. Its political institutions have been trampled upon by a motley collection of delusional liberals, slick politicians in fancy suits, and Nazi extremists. The social fabric is tearing apart at the seams, with each region searching for a local solution to the problems of what used to be their nation. And, in the midst of it all , the specter of profit-seeking financiers with dollar s ions in their eyes is all the Ukrainian people can expect. "'

By example? We teach our not to bully. That's much harder when the federal Conservative party embraces bullying at every opportunity. Consider their most recent attacks on non-profits- specifica lly e nvironmental organizations. The govern ment is using the Canada Revenue Agency for political reasons- threatening specific organizations that the federal Conservative party does not like, for political reasons. Finance Minister Jim Flahe1ty has lumped legitimate Canadian charities in with terrorist organizations. This is untrue. Unfair. And damaging to these nonprofits. And I believe it's something that the public needs to protest in the strongest way.

By publicly identifying and throwing suspicion on seven non-profits that are active around environmental issues, the federal government is trying to si lence all other organizations that work on these issues. And in fact, silence any non-profit that advocates for social change. If the federal govt;rnment gets away with this type of narrow-minded intimidation, we'll soon see similar attacks on activist food banks, mental health organizations, development disability non-profits, etc. As you can imagine, audits are incredibly expensive and disruptive to non-profits. It's a fo rm of harassment. It is simply bullying. The CRA aud its distract an organization from their mission, and costs them an incredible amount of money and time having to deal with the aud its. This of course also wastes donor dollars. I believe a core ro le of the Association of Fundraising Professionals (AFP) is to supp01t and defend their members when necessary. Many AFP members are represented in these targeted organizations, and work for many other non-profits that our federal government dislikes. Ultimately, this is the State usi ng their unlimited reso urces to attack non-profits that disagree with the policies of their federal Conservative government. I urge the AFP to defend our membership and respond to this campaign vigorously. By Harvey McKinnon

On the UK's Equating of Journalism with Terrorism by Glenn Greenwald

David Miranda (left), with Glenn Greenwald. (Photograph: Eraldo Peres/A P) As my colleague Ryan Deveraux reports, a lower U.K. court this morning, as long expected, upheld the legality of the nine-hour detention of my partner, David Miranda, at Heathrow Airp01t last August, even as it acknowledged that the detention was ''an indirect interference with press freedom". For good measure, the court also refused permission to appeal (though permission can still be granted by the appellate court). David was detained and interrogated under the Terrorism Act of2000. The UK Government expressly argued that therelease of the Snowden documents (which the free world calls "award-winning journalism") is actual ly tantamount to ''terrorism", the same theory now being used by the Egyptian military regime to prosecute AI Jazeerajournalists as terrorists. Congratulations to the UK government on the illustrious company it is once again keeping. British officials have also repeatedly threatened criminal prosecution of everyone involved in this reporting, including Guardian journalists and editors. Equating journalism with terrorism has a long and storied tradition. Indeed, as Jonathan Schwarz has documented, the U.S. Government has frequently denounced nations for doing exactly this. Just last April, Under Secretary of State Tara Sonenshine dramatically informed the public that many repressive, terrible nations actually ''misuse terrorism laws to prosecute and imprison journalists." When visiting Ethiopia in 2012, U.S. Deputy Secretary of State Wil-

liam Burns publicly disclosed that in meetings with that nation's officials. the United States "express[ed] our concern that the application of anti-terrorism laws can sometimes undermine freedom of expression and independent media."' The same year. the State Department reported that Burundi was prosecuting a journalist under terrorism laws. It should surprise nobody that the U.K. is not merely included in, but is one of the leaders of, this group of nations which regularly wages war on basic press freedoms. In the 1970s, British journalist Duncan Campbell was criminally prosecuted for the crime of reporting on the mere existence of the GCHQ, while fellow journalist Mark Hosenball, now of Reuters, was forced to leave the country. The monarchy has no constitutional guarantee of a free press. The UK government routinely threatens newspapers with all sorts of sanctions for national security reporting it dislikes. Its Official State Secrets Act makes it incredibly easy to prosecute journalists and others for disclosing anything which political officials want to keep secret. For that reason, it was able to force the Guardian to destroy its own computers containing Snowden material precisely because the paper's editors knew that British courts would slavishly defer to any requests made by the GCHQ to shut down the paper's reporting. That such repressive measures come from British political culture is to be expected. The political elite ofthat country cling desperately to 17th century feudal traditions. Grown adults who have been elected 01 appointed to nothing ru n around with a straight face insisting that they be called '路Lord" and "Baroness" and other grandiose hereditary titles of the landed gentry. They bow and curtsey to a "Queen". who lives in a "palace", and they call her sons "Prince". They embrace a wide range of conceits and rituals of a long-ago collapsed empire. The wig-wearing presiding judge who issued this morning's ruling equating journalism with terrorism is addressed as '路Lord Justice Laws", best known for previously approving the use of evidence to detain people that had been derived from tOJture at Guantanamo

[Labelling anything you don't like as terrorism: writing about inconvenient truth, proactive environmental defence, rallies & protests, not eating at McD's ... !?! Ed.]

The Problem with Jack and the Beanstock an essay in silliness by Skippy the Tye Dyed Mascot and the fairytale continuums continuity department l bet you think there's absolutely nothing wrong with ole' bro' Grimm's fairytale about that weird little critter Jack, and the adventure he had up that there beanstock. Go on. you know fer a fact that there's a whole pasel of problems wit dat one but yer terrified aren't ya, yeah as terrified as an illuminaz i in Neuremberg to tell people dat dey shouldn't be tell in' dere kids dat one. Try "Jack Meets de Cat". Ycah dat's a much better "Jack" story But ya'll just goes along wit de story o' de beanstock bein' told toyer little chubacabra's by well-meaning but confused teachers here there and everywhere's anyways ... Right!? No, it can't be that you don't understand the story is it? Remember it's a Grimm kinda thing we'd be talkin' about here as we slips into and outta leprechaun patois fer de sakes o' laugh in' our damn fool heads off as we explain yet another fairytale to that weird little pla net of mostly hairless hybrid monkeys. Oh yeah, that would be you roo by the way. And if that bugs you well, go argue the actual percentage ofyer DNA that's identical to chimps with a geneticist. And try not to take it personally OK!? Jack and the Beanstock, like most fairytales, is a story about things we don't really understand. Not to say l do, but more to drive a wedge of doubt into the doors. framing and brickwork most critters have set up in their psyches as their personal notion (notions) about what they think reality is all about. Or you could call this an adult interpretation of a classic story that like all "classic" stories resonates, or is part and parcel of the mythos of any society you might be talkin' about. Stories are like that. And they leave indelible traces upon and within the psycology of people with in any culture you would care to talk about. So there's Jack takin the family fortune, the cow, to market with instructions fi'om Ma. But he didn't listen to his Ma did he. Jack-up #1 Jack listens to a con-man who sells him magic for the family fortune. (Nice lessons to teach a child eh!? "lg. nore yer mother and do what ya want.") Jack buries the magic beans by cover of night. (Practices dark sorcery to get vv"hat he wants.) Jack-up #'l He then climbs the bean stock that "magic" gave him and breaks into the house of the Giant in the clouds. (So now jack is using his magic to do B&E's in a place no one on emih has ever been before, pissing off the Giant when he steals the Giants harp. Stealing ta lent or ability related to creativity from someone and some place humans have never been before.) Remember, Jack is supposed to be a hero in this tale. Yeah right.. That was Jack-up #3 The giant then takes after Jack trying to get his harp back. (Ya know in some countries it's quite legal to shoot to kill someone who breaks into your home to rob you. l mean. what was Jack thinkin'?) Jack gets to the bottom of the beanstock with his pirate booty and sees the giant com in' down the beans rock to get it back and maybe do an impression ofStompin' Tom Connors on the thicvin' weasel who stole his harp. So Jack gets the axe, chops down the beanstock and kills the giant. Jack is now a murderer. Jack-up #4 That's the "Coles Notes" version, but basically what it's sayin' to yer kids subconscious is this; "If you want to be a hero be like Jack; A gullible fool who ignores his parents, wastes the family fortune, is a thief. a liar, and in the end a murderer." That's the problem with Jack and the beanstock; What it teaches your kids. Next week we'll whittle away a bit on Pinocchio's Nose. Another fairytale few seem, on the surface at least. to understand. Skippy the Tye Dyed Mascot



Under Cover 1 have been told that on the surface 1 look younger than my years. As a child and throughout my teens 1 dreaded maturing physically. Fear stunted my ascent into womanhood. 1 feared his touch, his need for self-gratification. 1 believed that as long as I made myself unattractive, he would stop. He didn't. I feared her punishments, her need to release her jealous rage. 1 believed that as long as I was inconspicuous and obedient, she would stop. She didn't. Internally I have aged more so. Many years of abuse have aged my body, mind and soul. When I left home at 18, they no longer violated my body -- I did. Angharad Giles

2014 started off with a bang in the Carnegie Learning Centre. On January 30 we celebrated the year of the Horse with all our students and tutors. Students from Dell's Thursday morning English class brought in a bounteous spread of traditional foods. Johnny, another of our ESL students, reported on the history and traditions of Chinese New Year. He gave us an informative and entertaining talk which we all enjoyed while munching on the delicious goodies. Betsy invented a game like charades where we had to act out being animals from the Chinese Zodiac while performing duties in the learning centre. I had to pretend to be a dragon teaching the computer. Peter and Lisa playing the game On February 6th we were lucky to have Jill Novack, a tutor who is giving expressive workshops give us our own workshop incorporating Chinese New Year's ideas into the presentation. We all had to describe why we feel we are like our own particular zodiac sign. Me being a snake I said that l seem to slither around a lot. Lucy, a monkey, jumped around from one thing to another It was a fun event that everybody enjoyed. We decided we liked to. have fun while we learn and planned on doing more of that in the future. , It looks like it' s goipg to be another interesting and productive year in the Learning Centre. Drop by and see if we can help you out with your learning needs. Written by Adrienne Macallum . intrepid learning centre repotier






Nga Mui speaking about New Years Peter and Lisa playing the game

Sonja and Lena dishing out

Charitl' Meditate each step counted on the cane canes everywhere here on the skids come in handy handling the kids cautious we walk knowing VISTA some psychotic with a knife might upset our plan Under the volcano on becoming an old man Baker looms so we walk cane in hand white snow fire hidden a little wood so they understand the volcano under on ly so far you can push a man. stretching the blue white sIep by s tep, breat h by b reath k f h Ol . count the days before your death ~rea sl 0 t eh ymplcs 1 . on y a11 t ese creatures you I1ad 1't a II , now you got nothing left d1~n't s~lly the water ~ 1 my bro tl1er wnh the1r human waste so be care.u with your next step Spear me to a time when alone by the water Sammy Noh men pulled canoes thru the eternal s ilence lapping of water waves roll onto shore ~ and I just barely J;, catch my breath I~



R Loewen

Maybe God doesn't fully enjoy a good fight Yet everyday it's right in his sight The lion and the prey The rich and the poor soul who gets lost in the way The defenceless woman and the angry man assaults A poor child and sick, disturbed adults The jail systems that are fucked Where some who could rehabilitate have no luck What you gonna do - pray a little harder? Oh please god help me be a fighter That's it: god helps those who help themselves So what are you doing today that's right each & every day Take alook around at all the shit you see What' re you gonna do to make sure you stay free A fighter stands tall with all that they stake A fighter whips the circumstances into shape Show what you are made of so you don't end a fool. Submitted anonymously

Charity is not subject to condition. It is the willingness to help another

with no strings attached, with no expectation of something in return. Charity is not boastful of past deeds done. That all around may bow down in praise. True charity is humble, at times anonymous, relieving the recipient of all feelings of owing, of indebtedness. Charity can help mend a broken heart and bring faith and hope to an empty soul, that one might learn to trust again through acts of human kindness. Angharad Giles

And the End Told by an Idiot The Present is already the Past The Past is creeping into the Future Or is it the other way 'round? The bread, the wine and the circus worked for the Romans Perhaps the.Egyptians and the Babylonian Les couleurs- rouge et bleu et jaune Pink palest and baby blue New korn - maize bringing fotih the story of Ceres and Demeter Newborn each spring renewing Nature's promise Or maybe I have it all wrong? That monkey chasing the weasel round & round The tigers turning to butter. Weasel gettin' fat of late At the door, at the gate taking your ticket Barring entrance to the unforgiven The Ones unrepentant- never redeemed Here in One Skunk Town it's our way or the highway And the highway getting' to look more appealing as time passes Or maybe I have it ALL WRONG and it's the 'Grass is Greener on th' other side' story ... More to come Wilhelmina M Miles

The Wrong Side of History Entering the Downtown Eastside has opened and closed so many eyes like an opi um den scent Fabreeze-flavour with obituary columns and pages for wallpaper vve live the low life some wou ld say the w rong side of history, others trying to take o ur reign sideways over and under again they say we n eed a new coat of acrylic tiles force-fed smiles propane and we shall be o ut of our misery, a ll that money for Vancouver Canucks Stanley Cup Champs hats incinerated the day after being made we get to wa tc h dreams die every day then bus inessmen and j ani tors sweep it all away, We watched in horro r as another payphone was ripped out roots and a ll Oh god No as the dis rupti ve a udience dispersal qho ir with their sack of c redit cards dismiss anything we say, Jo hn Lennon backing up Jesus Christ with more to be added later the wrong side of history is o ur time please let us savo ur gift ho rses with broken legs we are doing but we are repeatedly to ld we only li ve once or tw ice, whe n all is all and said is do ne that life you wished for has come undo ne j ust in time for another 5-wee k month how nice, another block di sappears now only drunken pieces of memori es the new ones use pricetags as their flag o ne day this will be their cemetery they built it they deserve the ir very own special he ll, once aga in w hen a ll is all and sai d is done this city burnt to the g round once it can burn again the ir kids' priviledged scum create in the image of new d ictators and mass killers thank SatanGodiceCreamFa mily I wi ll be part of that history right o r wro ng I w ill have my so ul to myself never to sell, A nother story about the Smiling Buddha will happen w hen I am not sure the future killed another Kettle member George Dupont w ho lived in the Haze lwood and it has a lready been a year s ince Michae l G regory d ied this fu ture pisses me off and makes me c ry this history rig ht o r w rong sucks. Until next time so long. By ROBERT McGILLI VRAY PS: Exactl y o ne year s ince Mike was take n and what the hell is happening m urderer-wise! 9 months ago a small paragraph mumbled something abo ut a 27-year old male being charged with manslaug hter, o r was it 2"d degree murder? W hy do yo un try to ignoranceize us, because we are not. And we want answers and j ustice not bullshit and time served.

Q: "Hope never abandons you, you abandon it." -George Weinburg

Co•ne•s ~~~~--~ I gaze o ut my window as the c ity bus struggles through Vancouver's busy traffic. It's 'arsenic hour' and many motorists are impatient and impetuous in the ir driv ing. T ravelling a long East Hastings I become acutely aware of those c laim ing thei r territorial street corners. Some are pac ing, while others stand still. Some are scantily clad, wh ile others cover their curves wi th loose-fitting attire, all desperate ly hoping to solicit good bus iness tonight-the competition is in full swing. A part of me wants to c lose the curtain to the discomforting scene before me. But my eyes remai n open, out of curiosity and out of concern. I find myse lf wondering: are they here by choice or out of necessity? Some wear expressions of lonely and wounded selves, wh ile others mainta in a hardened impenetrab le aura. This is where some feel acceptance, a sense of belonging. For many, th is is the only life they know. A weighty sadness envelopes me and I am deeply humbled. Minutes later, our bus disembarks at the Skytrain station. I s ilently thank God for all I have. Those who wait on street comers remind me of where I could have been. A ngharad Giles

CRUNCH ~d.t~~

Carnegie ( _N E ~~\/ S L E.J"""T E R

"Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has." -Margaret Meade

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THIS NEWSLETTER IS A PUBLICATION OF THE CARNEGIE COMMUNITY CENTRE ASSOCIATION Articles represent the views of individual contributors and not of the Association.

Vancouver's non-commercial, listener supported community station.

WANTED: Artwork for the Carnegie Newsletter


-Small illustrations to accompany articles and poetry -Cover art: Max.size-17cm(6.?")wide x 15cm(6")high -Subject matter pertaining to issues relevant to the Downtown, but all work considered. -Black & White printing only. -Size restrictions apply (i.e. If your piece is too large, it will be reduced and/or cropped to fit). -All artists will receive credit for their work. -Originals will be returned to the artist after being copied for publication. -Remuneration: Carnegie Volunteer tickets.

TUESDAY, MARCH 11TH make submissions to Paul Taylor, Editor.

Jenny Wai Ching Kwan NrLA Working for You 1070-1641 Commercial Dr, VSL3Y3

Phone: 604-775-0790

WEAPONS OF MASS DESTRUCTION DONATIONS 2014 (Money and in-kind is needed & welcome.) Sheila 8.-$259 Jenny K.-$25 Elsie McG.-$150 Terry & Savannah -$100 Robert McG.-$100 Leslie S.-$125 Laila 8.-$65 Dave J.-$48 Christopher R.-$100 Anonymous -$30 Bob & Muggs -$500 laurie R.-$75 Penny G.-$60 Yukiko T.-$20 Ellen W.-$23 Eleanor B.-$60 Nathan E.-$50 Maxine B.-$20 Tom W.-$25 Michelle C.-$100 Janet W.-$100 Renee S.-$23 Barb & Mel L.-$150 Gail C.-$25 Michael C.-$50 Susan S.-$50 Ron C.-$25 In memory of Sandy Cameron( Mary R) -$100 Amy V.-$20 Shyla S.-$200 Maureen D.-$50 ( Don G.-$50 BCTF -$200 Barbara M.-$150 J Harold & Sharron D.-$ 100 Cr:tig 1 .-$500 % Lisa & Jason B.-$50 Margaret D.-$40 Glen n B.-$200 Wi lhelmina M.-$26




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