Still Lisbon

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caro e van veen

Her petals blown away she left her heart in Lisbon

Lisbon, even with your eyes wide open and the sun at its highest point you can see t h e p o e t r y i n t h e a i r. T h a n l o w e r y o u r l o o k . Wi t h t h e g l i t t e r s i n y o u r e y e s y o u c a n w o n d e r o v e r the stories, mostly told by nightwriters. Stories. They talk to you by coloured walls.

The Tagus is our home, we like to go out at the end of dayPeople call us the Alfama brothers As you will notice my brother is the serious one, for jokes come with me Don’t give it away little brother Yes, we’ll take you on a poemcolourwalk People are nice company once in a while This time a special one is coming with us Come let’s check who she is

Like everyone you need some new water It’s been too long you’ve been here? Here this is our bathroom Little brother whistle the watersong to her It’s still early, rest a while

This Daisy, do you know how she came here? She came from the other side of the water How, I don’t know

It seems I am not the only visitor. Ah, we know who to pick out of the mainstream So many tourists No worries, We always offer a place to sit and wonder Has it changed so much? Not really dear, it’s still slow and easy

You see Daisy What doesn’t come together can be found on the same side Brother, you mean, the different sides of a heart and mind won’t find each other Whatever Who is she? Of course you know her

Take a deeper dive brother Let’s meet some new wall people What does she say ? I do see him You hear that brother? Yes heard her Little brother, shake your tail We knew she was something special Climb on my back little brother I think we have a long way ahead of us

Are you comfortable my little brother? Yes just mind these low branches.

Branches? No trees around here. Dry your tears Daisy. Hold my hand.

I remember someone I met here. A special person. Who is it? For sure

we will find him. He is probably dead. Doesn’t matter. No problem for us.

Ah great, we are going to look for somebody Is he passionate? It is a he, isn’t it? Calm little brother! Leave your tail out of my face Try to sit still What makes you so sure it’s a he? Of course it’s a he Daisy who is your man? He was not really my man Not really a man My man

Ah let’s forget it Come on boys I want to meet the Lisbons Any nice girls like me to join a party? Of course sweety Get back on your tail I can’t keep up with her anymore No! no! not her What’s wrong with her? Look at the stream around her Hold on! They catch us!

That was close Very close Where is Daisy? I think she left You think she left You slipped into her blouse Did I? Yes I don’t remember Sorry for you Look what beautiful feet Oh, let me suckle them It’s time for a salty taste

Don’t hide in your fantasy sweet little brother We have to face it She left us Yes, she left us We really have to become braver to deal with this world I am only a little fish brother I am but slightly bigger

Don’t forget We are from Alfama So let us be strong Facing the world How to become stronger? Should we look for it elsewhere? Weren’t we always confident with ourselves? We swim better Much better

Let the other boys Be the other boys They might be tough They might be intelligent They might be talented or just charming Yes I miss her too

Hey poor little one, you felt funny These girls like to join us Daisy?! Can’t just leave my new friends no?! Hey ladies, you live behind the church Ah you know us as well We have never seen you together Come, let’s have fun

Look what we found Aren’t they cute? No not just cute little dogs Didn’t you miss some people on the way? Boys No Little old ladies? Little old ladies Only to be found in the real world These creatures represent them They are very cute

I am more than cute Hi girls, fish guys Looking for a party? The blue boy is for me Brother what do you think? You told me never to trust People with sunglasses at night So keep an extra eye On Daisy

Who lives here? I think her with the little crown Huh? Which one? We didn’t bring enough drink Come let’s check the fridge Is that the father? Coming out of bed Time for a real club

Funky people Coming out to play At this hour

All this music and sweat Let’s take some fresh air Oh brother your eyes are red You know that stuff? Well, yes Daisy, it’s allready occupied Funny guy Probably a tourist

We lost some people It is definitely running out of hand I thought the sun is up I am late for school Go back to bed It is too early I am a bit dizzy I see things I shouldn’t see

I want to rest my head All we need is a soft pink piglet Water Later Rest

Daisy pour some water over us It’s time to go home It’s slippery here Woh, what’s this? Hey, it is our Fernando Daisy? He is the one you were looking for! Brother what are you frowning? I don’t think it’s correct Seems like it’s 4 or 6 minutes behind

Ready to meet him Daisy? We know where to find him at this hour Pssst gentlemen, lady Which cafĂŠ he visits lately?!

No surprise on his face He just looks at her Says her name, so recognizes her He slightly straightens his back A very very little smile He is funny and serious

Cool, you wrote this Touristguide about Lisbon Just to do by car Excuse me for my little brother As you notice He is very restless

I think I know the feeling Daisy, we need to be back in the water Fernando, can we bring them to the Tagus? Yes, we take Alvaro’s car It’s been a while driving a car Good for my legs

Your home is beyond that line The glitters and light Is that a living place? To me it is the end of the World of Lisbon We say goodbye here then

Did you see Daisy’s face? Yes and the look on it He is not really a prince Taking her to his castle But, we had a good time Hadn’t we little brother?

I want to come with you Daisy But if I come with you I can not be wanting to come with you anymore There will be probably something else To be wanted Come Let’s see the other world If it is a dream far away

Ma n y t h a n k s to t h e L i s b o n n i g h t w r i te r s . The Alfamabrothers were, of course, found in Alfama. The rest was found in the old centre, Alfama, Baixa, Bairro alto and Chiado. The astrology wheel l i e s i n f r o n t o f Ca s a Pe s s o a . Fe r n a n d o Pe s s o a i s t h e w e l l k n o w n s o l i t a r y p o e t f r o m L i s b o n w h o l i v e d f r o m 1 3 Ju n e 1 8 8 8 t i l l 3 0 No v e m b e r 1 9 3 5. He wrote under different names. These names represented different characters with their own biography and style of writing. One of them is Álvaro de C a m p o s , t h e s e n s a t i o n a l c i t y l o v e r. In h i s p o e m S o n e t a j á A n t i g o w e f i n d t h e c h a r a c t e r D a i s y. I am fa scinated how we explore ne w places and e ven more how we make them our own. The mesmerizing atmosphere and specific ingrediënts of a place and its characters can create new stories, even real ones. caro e van veen, 2010

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