The Whole Brain Teaching Technique Sixteen Variations on the Scoreboard
The Scoreboard, described in the “First Steps” menu, is your initial and primary motivator. For K-4th graders, use Smilies and Frownies as your categories; for older students we’ve found Teacher vs. Students works wonderfully well. Because you'll be using the Scoreboard all year, here are a variety of Scoreboard strategies ... but don't employ them too often! It's a long time until spring. 1. Ping-Pong: Named by our WBT kindergarten pro, Andrea Schindler, you either reward for a positive behavior and then quickly follow up with a negative point or vice versa. You pingpong the Scoreboard, point on one side, point on the other. Say, "That back row is doing great! Give me a Mighty Oh Yeah!" (And make a mark on the positive side.) Continue, "But unfortunately, some of my students are not using vigorous gestures! Oh no! Mighty Groan!" (And make a mark on the negative side.) Obviously, you can go the other way, negative point first and then positive point. 2. Marker Move: Your marker is in a tray at the bottom of your blackboard. Say, "You kids are doing really well. I'm going to move my marker a little closer to the positive side of the Scoreboard. Give me a 'ooooooh, goody!'" Also, when kids aren't doing quite so well, you move your marker slightly further away from where it would need to be to make a positive mark. 3. Boombox: You go in with a boombox and place it in the front of the room, far from where it would be hooked up. Each positive mark on the Scoreboard gets a "Mighty Oh Yeah" and