Carolina parent Education Guide 2014 15

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Education Resources ​

Making the Switch From Public to Private School

Why Early Education Matters Is Your Preschooler Gifted? | EDUCATION GUIDE 2014-15



Cathedral school

St. David’s | EDUCATION GUIDE 2014-15


Trinity Academy

Lifetime Learning Whizard Academy



Durham Ped Dentistry and Orthodontics


Durham County Library | EDUCATION GUIDE 2014-15


E. Laree Johnson

Duke School



The Raleigh School

parent carolina

2 0 1 4 - 1 5




Brenda Larson


Beth Shugg



Melissa Stutts • Cheri Vigna


Odile Fredericks




Sue Chen

Katina Faulkner






Donna Kessler





9 The First 2,000 Days How cognitive connections impact a child’s future success

11 Preschools 37 Private Schools 47 Public Schools 49 Charter Schools 55 Boarding Schools 59 Other Education Resources 59 Foreign Languages 61 Home Schooling 62 Special Needs 65 Tutoring and Academic Support

32 Is Your Preschooler Academically Gifted? Know the signs 34 Why Make the Switch? Moving from public to private school 42 43

8 Tips for Acing High School Exams Online Courses Expand Options for Students N.C. Virtual Public School enrollment grows

52 Homework Help How much is too much?

Shelonda West



5716 Fayetteville Rd., Suite 201, Durham, NC 27713 phone: 919-956-2430 • fax: 919-956-2427 email:

57 Vaccines Required for Different Ages Know when to get them •

Circulation 40,000. Distribution of this magazine does not constitute an endorsement of information, products or services. Carolina Parent reserves the right to reject any advertisement or listing that is not in keeping with the publication’s standards. Copyright 2014-15. All rights reserved. Reproduction in whole or in part without permission is prohibited.

A Publication of the Visitor Publications Division of Morris Communications Company, L.L.C. 725 Broad St., Augusta, GA 30901 Chairman and CEO President William S. Morris III Will S. Morris IV



2014 Bronze Award Winner

2014 Bronze Award Winner

General Excellence Awards Competition

Design and Editorial Awards Competition | EDUCATION GUIDE 2014-15


International Preschool of Raleigh

NC Theatre Conservatory



Lucy Daniels

The TheFirst First

DAYS 2,000 DAYS How early How early cognitive cognitive connections impact a connections child’s future success impact a child’s future success BY ELIZABETH ELIZABETHPOINDEXTER POINDEXTER BY


tudiesshow show tudies thatstrong strong that connections connections formed in in an an infant’s brain formed during her first 2,000 days — the amount infant’s brain during of time that passes between a child’s birth and her first day of her first 2,000 days — kindergarten willthat inform herbetween life and aeducational experiences the amount of— time passes child’s as she prepares for that first day of school. birth and her first day of kindergarten — will inform her life and That’s why the North EarlyforChildhood Foundaeducational experiences as Carolina she prepares that first day tion launched the First 2,000 Days campaign, funded by the Z. of school. Smith Reynolds Foundation and theEarly Community Foundation of That’s why the North Carolina Childhood Foundation Western North Carolina, andcampaign, supportedfunded by organizations launched the First 2,000 Days by the Z. across the state — from Durham’s Partnership for Children to KinderSmith Reynolds Foundation and the Community Foundation musik in Greensboro and Levine Children’s Hospital of Western North Carolina, and supported by organizations in Charlotte. across the state — from Durham’s Partnership for Children to According, these crucial days of a Kindermusik in to Greensboro and Levine Children’s Hospital child’s life are when brain architecture is forming, creating either in Charlotte. a strong or weaktobase for all future learning. “Babies According, these crucial daysare ofborn a with more than 100 billion nerve cells in their brains. These child’s life are when brain architecture is forming, creating either must connect and with eachare other in aneurons strong or weak base for allcommunicate future learning. “Babies born order to form the circuits we ultimately need to think, learn with more than 100 billion nerve cells in their brains. These and succeed — something do at a remarkable during neurons must connect neurons and communicate with eachrate other in in theto first fivethe years of life, ” says Maria Shaheen, executive order form circuits we ultimately need to think, learn, and director — of something Early Childhood Education at Primroserate Schools. succeed neurons do at a remarkable during“A in high-quality education helps students reach their full potenthe first five years of life,” says Maria Shaheen, executive director tialEarly by actively and purposefully developing brains of Childhood Education at stimulating Primrose Schools. “A highduring this critical time. ” quality education helps students reach their full potential by actively and purposefully stimulating developing brains during this critical time.”




According to brain research presented by the First 2,000 Days campaign, child development is a dynamic, interactive According to brain research presented by the First 2,000 process that occurs in the context of relationships, experiences Days campaign, child development is a dynamic, interactive and environments. Children need good health, strong families process that occurs in the context of relationships, experiences and high-quality, early learning and school experiences to gradand environments. Children need good health, strong families uate from high school and grow into productive citizens and and high-quality, early learning and school experiences to valuable employees. graduate from high school and grow into productive citizens James Provenzale, a professor of radiology at Duke Univerand valuable employees. sity’s School of Medicine, compares a child’s brain development James Provenzale, a professor of radiology at Duke to the process of building a house. The foundation of a child’s University’s School of Medicine, compares a child’s brain brain is mostly formed before birth, he says, and a host of condevelopment to the process of building a house. The foundation nections among neurons are made during the first few years of of a child’s brain is mostly formed before birth, he says, and a a child’s life. host of connections among neurons are made during the first “If the house is already on a bad foundation, we can only go few years of a child’s life. so far with it,” Provenzale says. “Education plays a very import“If the house is already on a bad foundation, we can only ant role.” go so far with it,” Provenzale says. “Education plays a very Provenzale’s colleague, Dr. Mohamad Mikati, chief of pediimportant role.” atric neurology at Duke Children’s Hospital and Health Center, Provenzale’s colleague, Dr. Mohamad Mikati, chief agrees, saying early childhood education intervention results in of pediatric neurology at Duke Children’s Hospital and “an improvement in cognitive skills, IQ, language. A lot of skills Health Center, agrees, saying early childhood education improve if you intervene.” intervention results in “an improvement in cognitive skills, IQ, language. A lot of skills improve if Community you intervene.”Connections Durham’s Partnership for Children works to empower parents Community Connections to be their child’s first and best teachers, but Executive Director Durham’s Partnership for Children works to empower parents Laura Benson says communities share the responsibility, as well. to be their child’s first and best teachers, but Executive Director “School readiness is everyone’s business,” Benson says. “In Laura Benson says communities share the responsibility, as well. the long-term, supporting early childhood initiatives has eco“School readiness is everyone’s business,” Benson says. nomic, safety and health benefits for everyone. Everyone wants “In the long-term, supporting early childhood initiatives has to live in a thriving city.” economic, safety and health benefits for everyone. Everyone Preschools are also jumping in to provide school-readiness wants to live in a thriving city.” programming. “At Primrose, our exclusive Balanced Learning Preschools are also jumping in to provide school-readiness curriculum blends teacher-guided and child-initiated learning programming. “At Primrose, our exclusive Balanced Learning activities with a special emphasis on character development to curriculum blends teacher-guided and child-initiated learning build the right foundation for active minds, healthy bodies and activities with a special emphasis on character development to happy hearts in the first five years of a child’s life,” Shaheen says. build the right foundation for active minds, healthy bodies and Mikati says numerous studies have shown that the benefits happy hearts in the first five years of a child’s life,” Shaheen says. of teaching parents how to care for their children can impact Mikati says numerous studies have shown that the benefits generations, and that $1 invested in early childhood education of teaching parents how to care for their children can impact can net $7 worth of value in returns to society. generations, and that $1 invested in early childhood education “It comes down to what everybody already believes,” can net $7 worth of value in returns to society. Provenzale says. “You have to show a kid love.” “It comes down to what everybody already believes,” To learn more about the First 2,000 Days initiative, and Provenzale says. “You have to show a kid love.” volunteer and donation opportunities, visit To learn more about the First 2,000 Days initiative, and volunteer and donation opportunities, visit

Elizabeth Poindexter is the marketing coordinator for DurhamCares, an organization that encourages residents to love their neighbors and Elizabeth Poindexter is the marketing coordinator for invest in their communities. DurhamCares, an organization that encourages residents to love their neighbors and invest in their communities. | EDUCATION GUIDE 2014-15 9

Advanced Placement Academy







Adonai Preschool 2309 S. Miami Blvd., Durham Aldersgate Weekday School 1320 Umstead Rd., Durham Beth El Preschool 1004 Watts St., Durham 919-610-1713 919-479-8686 919-688-8704

Ages 2-4

9 a.m.-12:30 p.m.; $150-$260/mo.; Christian affiliation.

Ages 1-4

See website for details; United Methodist affiliation.

Ages 18 mos.pre-K

Bright Horizons at Imperial Center 1012 Slater Rd., Durham Bright Horizons at North Durham 4205 Capitol St., Durham Bright Horizons at RTP 2352 So-Hi Dr., Durham Bright Horizons at The Enrichment Center 10 T.W. Alexander Dr., RTP Carolina Friends School Durham Early School 404 Alexander Ave., Durham 919-941-6225 919-477-9296 919-686-0080 919-549-4802

Ages 6 wks.grade K Ages 6 wks.-5

9 a.m.-noon, optional lunch bunch until 12:55 p.m.; $216-$391/mo., financial aid and sibling discount available; tree nut-free environment; also serves students with special needs; Jewish affiliation. 7 a.m.-6 p.m.; fees vary; 4 stars; peanut-free environment; also serves students with special needs; license 32000487. 7 a.m.-6 p.m.; fees vary, sibling discount available; 5 stars; license 32000017. 919-383-6602

Ages 3-6

Childcare Network Kindergarten Prep Academy Various Durham locations Children First 1211 Carroll St., Durham k-prep-academy 866-521-5437 919-489-6837

Ages 4-5

8:15 a.m.-12:30 p.m., 8:15 a.m.-3:15 p.m. or 8:15 a.m.-5:15 p.m., transitional kindergarten, kindergarten and after-school care offered; $11,120-$15,970/yr., financial aid available; 4 stars; peanut-free environment; SACS, SAIS accredited; Quaker affiliation; license 3255217. See website for details.

Ages 2.75-5

8:30 a.m.-1 p.m., Mon.-Thur.; $7,000/yr.; tree nut-free environment; license 3206032.

Children Our Heritage Daycare P.O. Box 392, Durham Children’s Cooperative Playschool 2025 Ephesus Church Rd., Chapel Hill Cresset Christian Academy 3707 Garrett Rd., Durham


Infant-age 12


Crossroads Preschool 1605 Bahama Rd., Bahama Duke Memorial Weekday School 504 W. Chapel Hill St., Durham Duke School 3716 Erwin Rd., Durham Durham Academy 3501 Ridge Rd., Durham Durham Community Preschool 304 E. Trinity Ave., Durham Family Preschool 4907 Garrett Rd., Durham The Goddard School - Apex 903 Olive Chapel Rd., Apex The Goddard School - Durham 5300 Fayetteville Rd., Durham Grey Stone Preschool and Kindergarten 2601 Hillsborough Rd., Durham

Infant-age 5 Ages 3-5

7 a.m.-6 p.m.; call for fees, sibling discount available; NAEYC accredited; license 32000023. 7 a.m.-6 p.m.; call for fees, sibling discount available; 5 stars; peanut-free environment; NAEYC accredited; license 32000747.

Call for fees and hours, sibling discount available; before- and after-school care offered; 5 stars. Ages 18 mos.-5 9 a.m.-1 p.m.; fees vary, financial aid available; parent cooperative preschool. 919-403-0121 Ages 6 wks.-4 6:30 a.m.-6 p.m.; kindergarten offered; extra fees apply for before-and after-school care; 919-489-2655 $6,180-$7,740/yr., financial aid available; 4 stars; peanut-free environment; ACSI, SBACS accredited; Baptist affiliation; license 32000027. Ages 2.5-4 9 a.m.-noon; after-school care offered; $195/mo. for 2- and 3-year-old combo class, 919-477-4296 Mon., Wed. and Fri.; $210/mo. for 4-year-old class, Mon.-Thurs.; financial aid available; peanut-free environment; United Methodist affiliation. Ages 2-5 9 a.m.-noon, optional lunch bunch; kindergarten offered; fees vary; Methodist affiliation. 919-688-5130 Ages 3-4 8 a.m.-3 p.m; kindergarten and before- and after-school care offered; see website for 919-416-9420 fees, financial aid available; 5 stars. Ages 4-5 8 a.m.-1 p.m.; kindergarten, before- and after-school care offered; $12,940/yr., financial 919-493-5787 aid available; NAIS, SACS accredited. Ages 6 mos.-5 9 a.m.-12:30 p.m., two-, three- and four-day options; $95-$315/mo. 919-688-7667 Ages 1-4 9 a.m.-noon, optional lunch bunch until 1 p.m.; $100-$435/mo., financial aid available; 919-402-1500 parent cooperative preschool; peanut-free environment.; also serves students with special needs. Ages 6 wks.-6 See website for details; 5 stars; AdvancED accredited; license 92001834. 919-362-3999 Ages 6 wks.-5 7 a.m.-6 p.m.; transitional kindergarten offered; fees vary, sibling discount available; 5 stars; peanut-free environment; license 32001886. durham-fayetteville-road-nc 919-544-3311 Ages 18 mos.-5 9 a.m.-noon; transitional kindergarten and kindergarten offered; fees vary, financial aid 919-354-6173 and sibling discount available. | EDUCATION GUIDE 2014-15


PRESCHOOLS • Durham County NAME CONTACT Immaculata Catholic School 721 Burch Ave., Durham 919-682-5847 International Montessori School 3001 Academy Rd., Ste. 300, Durham Kids R Kids Learning Academy 2502 Presidential Dr., Durham Lakewood Avenue Children’s School 1701 W. Lakewood Ave., Durham The Lerner Jewish Community Day School 1935 W. Cornwallis Rd., Durham Lighted Pathway Academy 3501 S. Alston Ave., Durham McMannen UMC Preschool 4102 Neal Rd., Durham Montessori Children’s House of Durham 2800 Pickett Rd., Durham Montessori Community School 4512 Pope Rd., Durham 919-401-4343 919-544-5050 919-493-5882 919-286-5517 336-791-9785 919-383-1263 919-489-9045 919-493-8541

AGES/GRADES DESCRIPTION Ages 3-4 8 a.m.- 3 p.m.; kindergarten and before- and after-school care offered; $7,966/yr.; tree nut-free environment; also serves students with special needs; AdvancED accredited; Catholic affiliation; license 32000309. Ages 3-12 See website for details; license 32001718. Infant-age 5

7 a.m.-6:30 p.m.; before- and after-school care offered; fees vary, 5 stars.

Ages 3-5

7:30 a.m.-5:30 p.m.; $1,555/mo., plus $50 application fee; 5 stars; NAEYC accredited; license 32001589.

Age 2-4

8 a.m.-12:30 p.m., 8 a.m.-3 p.m. or 8 a.m.-5:30 p.m.; kindergarten and before- and after-school care offered; $5,800-$14,700/yr., three- and five-day options; financial aid and sibling discount available; also serves students with special needs; SACS, SAIS accredited; Jewish affiliation; license 32000805. Age 6 wks.9 a.m.-1 p.m.; kindergarten and after-school care offered; call for fees, sibling discount grade K available; peanut-free environment; email for information. Ages 1-5 9 a.m.-noon; $75-$300/mo., financial aid available; peanut-free environment; also serves students with special needs; United Methodist affiliation. Ages 18 mos.-4 8:30 a.m.-noon; transitional kindergarten, kindergarten and before- and after-school care offered; $4,200-$13,900/yr., financial aid available; peanut-free environment; AMS accredited. Ages 18 mos.- 8:30-11:30 a.m. ages 18 mos.-3 yrs.; 8:15 a.m.-11:45 a.m. ages 3-4; 8:15 a.m.- 3 p.m. grade K kindergarten; before- and after school care offered; fees vary, financial aid and sibling discount available; also serves students with special needs; AMS, SACS accredited; license 3255133. Ages 18 mos.- 8:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m., 8:30 a.m.-3 p.m. or 8:30 a.m.-5 p.m.; transitional kindergarten, grade K kindergarten and before- and after-school care offered; $375-$890/mo., financial aid and sibling discount available; tree nut-free environment; license 32002038. Ages 6 wks.-11 7 a.m.-6 p.m.; before- and after-school care offered; $985-$1,410/mo., sibling discount available; tree nut-free environment; 5 stars; license 32001691.

Our PlayHouse Preschool and Kindergarten 2400 University Dr., Durham Primrose School at Hope Valley Farms 702 Juliette Dr., Durham St. Paul’s Preschool and PMO 1200 W. Cornwallis Rd., Durham St. Stephen’s Episcopal Preschool 82 Kimberly Dr., Durham TAPC Weekday School 927 W. Trinity Ave., Durham Temple Baptist Preschool 4504 Sterling Dr., Durham 919-967-2700 919-489-3214 919-489-6789 919-530-8163 919-309-0050

Ages 9 mos.-4

Toddlers Academy 2811 Beechwood Dr., Durham Triangle Day School 4911 Neal Rd., Durham 919-489-4777 919-383-8800

Ages 6 wks.-5

Triangle Presbyterian Preschool and Kindergarten 5001 Tudor Pl., Durham Trinity School of Durham and Chapel Hill 4011 Pickett Rd., Durham Tutor Time Child Care 1912 Chapel Hill Rd., Durham White Rock Child Development Center 3400 Fayetteville St., Durham Yates Baptist Child Development Center 2819 Chapel Hill Rd., Durham 919-544-2872

Ages 2-5 919-402-8262

TK-K 919-489-9700 919-683-1649

Ages 6 wks.-12 6:30 a.m.-6 p.m.; before- and after-school care offered; fees vary, sibling discount available; 4 stars; tree nut-free environment; license 32000429. Ages 3-5 7 a.m.-6 p.m.; $185/wk. plus $50 registration fee, sibling discount available; 5 stars; license 32000771. 919-489-5760

Ages 2 mos.-5

12 919-484-8884


Ages 2-5 Ages 2-5 Ages 1-5

TK-grade K

9 a.m.-noon, optional lunch bunch bunch until 1 p.m.; $75-$275/mo., financial aid available; Lutheran affiliation. 9 a.m.-noon; $195-$305/mo., financial aid available; peanut-free environment; National Association of Episcopal Schools accredited; Episcopal affiliation. 9 a.m.-noon, optional lunch bunch until 1 p.m.; transitional kindergarten offered; fees vary; Presbyterian affiliation. 9 a.m.-noon; Mon., Wed., Thurs. and Fri.; $70-$250/mo. plus $50 registration fee, sibling discount available; peanut-free environment; Cooperative Baptist Fellowship affiliation; license 56-0623930. 7 a.m.-6 p.m.; call for fees. 8:30 a.m.-3 p.m.; transitional kindergarten and kindergarten available; $10,530/yr., financial aid available; also serves students with special needs; NCAIS, NAIS, SACS, SAIS accredited. 9:15 a.m.-12:15 p.m.; transitional kindergarten offered; $170-$315/mo. plus $100 registration fee; financial aid and sibling discount available; peanut-free environment; Christian affiliation. See website for hours; transitional kindergarten and kindergarten offered; $9,930/yr., financial aid available; CASI, NCAIS, SACS accredited.

7:30 a.m.-5:30 p.m.; see website for fees, sibling discount available; 5 stars; peanutfree environment; also serves children with special needs; NAEYC accredited; Christian affiliation; license 3250912.

St. Timothy

Montessori Community School

Wake Christian Academy | EDUCATION GUIDE 2014-15



Triangle Montessori Schools



EDUCATION GUIDE 2014-15 | 214 NOVEMBER 2012 |

EDUCATION get montessori


Triangle Montessori Schools



Montessori Day School





15 3




Afton Nature School 8800 Seawell School Rd., Chapel Hill 919-636-2836

Ages 1-5

Bible Church Preschool 260 Erwin Rd., Chapel Hill ministries/preschool 919-408-0310 919-383-6602

Ages 1-4

Carolina Friends School Chapel Hill Early School 531 Raleigh Rd., Chapel Hill 919-383-6602

Ages 3-6

Chapel Hill Cooperative Preschool 106 Purefoy Rd., Chapel Hill 919-942-3955

Ages 2-5

Chapel Hill Day Care Center 401 Kildaire Rd., Chapel Hill Christ Church Preschool 800 Market St., Chapel Hill Emerson Waldorf School 6211 New Jericho Rd., Chapel Hill 919-929-3585 919-969-1690 919-967-1858

Ages 3-5

Erwin Road Montessori School 735 Erwin Rd., Durham 919-265-7809


Carolina Friends School 4809 Friends School Rd., Durham

Ages 3-6

9 a.m.-12:30 p.m. or 1-4 p.m.; transitional kindergarten offered; $225-$550/mo., financial aid and sibling discount available; Reggio-inspired nature program; peanut-free environment. 9 a.m.-noon, Mon., Tues., Wed. and Thurs.; call for fees, financial aid available; peanutfree environment; also serves students with special needs; Christian affiliation. 8:15 a.m.-12:30 p.m., 8:15 a.m.-3:15 p.m.; transitional kindergarten and kindergarten offered; $11,120-$15,980 yr., financial aid available; 5 stars; peanut-free environment; SACS, SAIS accredited; Quaker affiliation; license 6855104. 8:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m., 8:30 a.m.-3:15 p.m. or 8:30 a.m.-5:15 p.m., transitional kindergarten, kindergarten and after-school care offered; $10,660-$15,560/yr., financial aid available; 5 stars; peanut-free environment; SACS, SAIS accredited; Quaker affiliation; license 68000073. 7:30 a.m.-noon, 7:30-3 p.m. or 7:30 a.m.-5:30 p.m.; fees vary, financial aid available; 5 stars; tree nut-free environment; also serves students with special needs; NAEYC accredited; license 6851103. 7:30 a.m.-5:45 p.m.; $1,160-$1,265/mo.; 5 stars; NAEYC accredited; license 68000135.

Ages 2-4

9 a.m.-noon, optional lunch bunch on select days until 1 p.m.; $169-$389/mo., financial aid available; tree nut-free environment; Methodist affiliation. Ages 3-6 8:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m.; kindergarten and after-school care offered; $6,120-$9,350/yr., financial aid available; peanut-free environment; NCAIS, NAIS, SACS, SAIS, AWASNA, WECAN accredited; license 56-1379068. Ages 18 mos.-5 8:15 a.m.-12:30 p.m. morning program; 8:15 a.m.-3:30 p.m. full-day program; kindergarten and before- and after-school care offered; $7,550-$12,550/mo., sibling discount available; license 68000499.

Leigh Brain & Spine

Chapel Hill, NC

| 919-401-9933 |

ACHIEVE GOALS FASTER WITH BRAIN-BASED EVALUATIONS & THERAPIES FOR: Speech & Language • Sensory Processing Learning Challenges • ADHD & Attention

Featuring Neurofeedback Training All Ages – Specializing in Kindergarten Readiness All Insurances Accepted 16


PRESCHOOLS • Orange and Wake Counties NAME CONTACT Estes Children’s Cottage 200 N. Estes Dr., Chapel Hill 919-942-8485 The Goddard School of Chapel Hill 1162 Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd., Chapel Hill

AGES/GRADES DESCRIPTION Ages 1-4 8:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m or 7:45 a.m.-3:45 p.m.; $399-$1,334/mo., sibling discount available; Reggio-Emilia inspired curriculum; 5 stars; also serves students with special needs; license 68000393. Ages 6 wks.-6 7 a.m.-6 p.m., before- and after-school care offered; fees vary, sibling discount available.

Legacy Academy 515 E. Winmore Ave., Chapel Hill 919-933-9022 Ages 1-5 preschool 919-942-0233 Ages 6 wks.-5 919-929-7060

Mi Escuelita 405 B Smith Level Rd., Chapel Hill 919-969-7949

Ages 1-5

Montessori Academy of Chapel Hill 1200 Mason Farm Rd., Chapel Hill Montessori Day School of Chapel Hill 1702 Legion Rd., Chapel Hill Montessori Farm School 512 U.S. Hwy 70 E., Hillsborough 919-883-9050 919-929-3339 919-732-5026

Ages 1-6

Orange United Methodist Preschool 1220 Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd., Chapel Hill Our PlayHouse Preschool and Kindergarten 3501 Hwy. 54 W., Chapel Hill 919-942-3495

Kehillah Preschool 1200 Mason Farm Rd., Chapel Hill

Pinewoods Montessori School 109 Millstone Dr., Hillsborough The Preschool at Chestnut Ridge 4300 Camp Chestnut Ridge Rd., Efland Preschool at the Chapel of the Cross 304 E. Franklin St., Chapel Hill Sounds and Colors 200 Davis Rd., Hillsborough Spanish for Fun Academy 1001 S. Columbia St., Chapel Hill St. Thomas More Catholic School 920 Carmichael St., Chapel Hill United Church Preschool 1321 Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd., Chapel Hill University Presbyterian Preschool 209 E. Franklin St., Chapel Hill University United Methodist Preschool 150 E. Franklin St., Chapel Hill Weaver Dairy Community Preschool 124 Weaver Dairy Rd., Chapel Hill

7:30 a.m.-5:30 p.m.; call for fees, sibling discount available; 3 stars; also serves students with special needs; Jewish affiliation, all faiths welcome; license 68000502. 7 a.m.-6 p.m., transitional kindergarten and before- and after-school care offered; fees vary, financial aid and sibling discount available; 5 stars; tree nut-free environment; license 68000485. 7:30 a.m.-3:30 p.m. or 7:30 a.m.-5:30 p.m.; see website for fees, financial aid available; Spanish-language immersion program; 5 stars; peanut-free environment; also serves students with special needs; license 68000267. 7:30 a.m.-5:30 p.m.; before- and after-school care offered; fees vary; license 68000459.

Ages 18 mos.-5 8:30-11:45 a.m.; kindergarten and after-school care offered; $8,650-$8,950/yr., financial aid and sibling discount available; teachers are AMS-certified. Ages 3-6 8:30 a.m.-12:15 p.m. ages 3-4, 8:30 a.m.-3 p.m. age 5; transitional kindergarten and kindergarten available; $6,650/yr. preschool, $7,650/yr. kindergarten, $500 acceptance fee; Montessori curriculum with an environmental emphasis; peanut-free environment; also serves students with special needs; AMS member. Ages 1-4 9 a.m.-noon; optional lunch bunch until 1 p.m. and tumbling tots program until 12:45 p.m.; $175-$355/mo.; United Methodist affiliation. 919-967-2700

Age 2-grade K 919-644-2090 919-304-2178 919-932-5074 919-621-0182 919-969-9055 919-929-1546 919-794-5013

Ages 1-5

8:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m., extended day option until 3 p.m.; transitional kindergarten, kindergarten and before-school care offered; $375-$890/mo., financial aid and sibling discount available; Reggio Emilia-inspired curriculum; tree nut-free environment; SACS accredited. See website for details; AMS member.

Ages 3-5

8:30 a.m.-noon; $175-$425/yr.; hands-on, nature-based activities; Christian affiliation.

Ages 2-4

8:15 a.m.-12:15 p.m.; $201-$479/mo., financial aid available; year-round program.

Ages 4-5 Ages 6 wks.-5

7:45 a.m.-5:45 p.m.; $490-$1,325/mo., sibling discount available; Spanish immersion preschool; 5 stars; peanut-free environment; license 68000478. Call for hours and fees; Spanish immersion program; 5 stars; license 6800299.

Age 3-grade K

See website for details; AdvancED accredited; Catholic affiliation; license 56-1081879.

Ages 2-5

9 a.m.-noon, optional lunch bunch until 1 p.m.; $170-$350/mo., financial aid available; peanut-free environment. 919-929-8658 919-967-8867

Ages 2-6

8:45 a.m.-12:15 p.m.; transitional kindergarten offered; $170-$415/mo., financial aid available; Presbyterian affiliation. Hours vary by class; $160-$438/mo., Methodist affiliation. 919-932-1300

Ages 1-5 919-845-3850

Ages 18 mos.-4 9 a.m.-12:35 p.m.; see website for fees; Christian affiliation.

Ages 2-5

7:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m. or 7:30 a.m.-3:30 p.m.; see website for fees, financial aid available; 5 stars; also serves students with special needs; license 68000177.

WAKE COUNTY A.E. Finley YMCA Discovery Kids Preschool North Raleigh Church of the Nazarene, 9200 Strickland Rd., Raleigh | EDUCATION GUIDE 2014-15


PRESCHOOLS • Wake County NAME CONTACT All About Kids 3901 Kildaire Farm Rd., Apex 919-303-7767 All Saints Academy 4154 Shearon Farms Ave., Ste. 100, Wake Forest All Starz Children’s Academy 6410 McCrimmon Pkwy., Morrisville Apex Peak Schools Montesori 432 E. Williams St., Apex 919-467-3339 919-267-8557

Arts Together 114 Saint Mary’s St., Raleigh Asbury Preschool 6612 Creedmoor Rd., Raleigh 919-828-1713 919-846-4773

AsheBridge Children’s Academy 109 Ward St., Cary AsheBridge Children’s Academy 916 Old Honeycutt Rd., Fuquay-Varina 919-462-3450 919-762-0605

The Aspen Center 4328 Bland Rd., Raleigh 919-981-6588

Atlas International School 1280 Buck Jones Rd., Raleigh 919-623-2323

Babes and Kids Creative Learning Center 4309 Ten-Ten Rd., Apex Benson Memorial UMC Preschool and Kindergarten Prep 4706 Creedmoor Rd., Raleigh Beth Meyer Preschool 504 Newton Rd., Raleigh Bridges and Beyond Inclusive Preschool 1340 Wall Rd., Ste. 100, Wake Forest 919-362-0052

Bright Horizons - The Clubhouse 2500 Highstone Rd., Cary Bright Horizons at Apex 2051 Shepherd’s Vineyard Dr., Apex Bright Horizons at Harrison Park 800 Weston Pkwy., Cary Bright Horizons at Raleigh Corporate Center 800 Corporate Center Dr., Raleigh Bright Horizons at The Forum 8516 Old Lead Mine Rd., Raleigh The Caring Corner 2425 Kildaire Farm Rd., Ste. 104, Cary 919-380-2003 919-363-4556 919-678-1010 919-852-0509 919-845-7180 919-819-8735

Carolina Chinese Academy 3313 Wade Ave., Raleigh 919-889-3703

18 919-236-3370 919-781-3310 919-870-6477 919-562-6433


AGES/GRADES DESCRIPTION Ages 6 wks.-5 7 a.m.-6 p.m.; before-school care offered; fees vary, financial aid and sibling discount available; also serves students with special needs; peanut-free environment; 5 stars; license 9200128. Infant-age 5 9 a.m.-noon or 12:30-3:30 p.m. half-day, 9 a.m.-3:30 p.m. full day; transitional kindergarten and kindergarten offered; $325-$500/mo., sibling discount available; also serves students with special needs; Catholic affiliation; license 92002818. Ages 6 wks.-5 7 a.m.-6:30 p.m.; fees vary, sibling discount available; 5 stars; peanut-free environment; license 92002485. Ages 2-6 8:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m. or 11 a.m.-3 p.m.; transitional kindergarten and after-school care offered; $360-$740/mo., financial aid and sibling discount available; multilingual early language program offering Spanish, French and Portuguese; peanut-free environment; also serves students with special needs; Luz y Sal Educare and Triangle Montessori Association accredited. Ages 3-5 9 a.m.-noon or 1-4 p.m.; $220-$420/mo., financial aid available; arts-based curriculum; peanut-free environment. Ages 16 mos.-5 9:15 a.m.-12:45 p.m. (9:15 a.m.-12:15 p.m. Toddler Tuesdays); $103-$357/mo., financial aid available; 5 stars; also serves students with special needs; NAEYC accredited; United Methodist affiliation; license 9255315. Ages 1-6 9 a.m.-1 p.m.; transitional kindergarten offered; $200-$395/mo., sibling discount available. Ages 1-12 7 a.m.-6 p.m., half-day students dismissed at 12:30 p.m.; before- and after-school care offered; see website for fees, sibling discount available; tree nut-free environment; license 92003225. Ages 18 mos.-6 8:30 a.m.-noon; transitional kindergarten offered; $150-$600/mo., financial aid and sibling discount available; therapy-driven preschool program taught by licensed and certified speech, occupational and developmental therapists; peanut-free environment. Ages 2-5 9:30-11:30 a.m. or 9:30 a.m.-1 p.m.; transitional kindergarten, kindergarten, before- and after-school care offered; fees vary, financial aid and sibling discount available; Spanish language immersion offered Mon. and Wed.; French language immersion is offered Tues. and Thurs. Ages 6 wks.-5 6:30 a.m.-6 p.m.; before- and after-school care offered; fees vary, sibling discount available; 5 stars; license 92001904. Ages 1-7

9 a.m.-noon or 9 a.m.-1 p.m.; transitional kindergarten offered; see website for fees; peanut-free environment; also serves students with special needs; United Methodist affiliation. Ages 1-5 9 a.m.-1 p.m., before- and after-school care offered; see website for fees, sibling discount available; also serves students with special needs; Jewish affiliation. Ages 2-6 9 a.m.-noon; $200-$350/mo.; two-, three-, four- and five-day options; inclusive preschool for children with special needs to learn alongside typically developing peers; also contracts with CDSA for early intervention in home and at the preschool for children ages birth-3 yrs. with developmental delays; tree nut-free environment. Ages 2-5 7 a.m.-6 p.m.; transitional kindergarten and after-school care offered; call for fees, sibling discount available; 5 stars; license 92001325. Ages 6 wks.-5 7 a.m.-6 p.m.; call for fees, sibling discount available; 5 stars; peanut-free environment; also serves students with special needs; license 92000836. Ages 6 wks.-12 7 a.m.-6 p.m.; after-school care available; fees vary, sibling discount available; 5 stars; license 92001134. Ages 6 wks.-12 7 a.m.-6 p.m.; after-school care offered; fees vary, sibling discount available; 5 stars; peanut-free environment; also serves students with special needs; NAEYC accredited; license 92000860. Ages 3-5 7 a.m.-6 p.m., transitional kindergarten offered; fees vary, sibling discount available; 5 stars; peanut-free environment; license 92000688. Ages 2-5 9 a.m.-12:30 p.m.; $200-$500/mo. plus $120 registration fee, sibling discount available; Reggio Emilia-inspired program that also offers an after-school program for grades K-6 for $60/wk. Ages 2-5 9:15 a.m.-1:15 p.m.; fees vary, sibling discount available; Chinese immersion program.

Montessori Children’s House of Durham

UNC Healthcare | EDUCATION GUIDE 2014-15


Amplify Learning

Triangle Rock Club



PRESCHOOLS • Wake County NAME CONTACT Cary Presbyterian Preschool 614 Griffis St., Cary 919-469-2229 Cary YMCA Preschool Church, 590 Westhigh St., Cary services/childcare/preschool 919-653-2371 Casa Esperanza Montessori Preschool 919-855-9811 2600 Sumner Blvd., Ste. 130, Raleigh Cathedral School 204 Hillsborough St., Raleigh 919- 832-4711 Chesterbrook Academy North Raleigh 10200 Strickland Rd., Raleigh Chesterbrook Academy Preschool and Elementary School 130 Towne Village Dr., Cary Christ Baptist Weekday Preschool 400 Newton Rd., Raleigh

AGES/GRADES DESCRIPTION Ages 18 mos.-5 9:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m.; $85-$240/mo., financial aid available; Presbyterian affiliation; license 92000015. Ages 2.5-4 9 a.m.-12:30 p.m.; see website for fees; Christian affiliation. Ages 3-4 Age 4

northraleigh.chesterbrookacademy. Pre-K-grade 5 com 877-959-4181 Age 3-grade 5 877-959-4181 919-573-5454

Christ the King Preschool 600 Walnut St., Cary Construction Kids Weekday Preschool at Open Door Church 9801 Durant Rd., Raleigh Creedmoor Road Baptist Preschool 6001 Creedmoor Rd., Raleigh 919-460-0950 weekday-preschool 919-703-0409 creedmoorrdbaptistraleigh/crbcpreschool 919-571-8376 Destination STEM 4000 Bearcat Way, Ste. 104, Morrisville 919-244-4436 discoverychilddevelopmentcenter. Discovery Child com Development Center 919-234-0735 11000 Lake Grove Blvd., Morrisville Easter Seals UCP Charlie Gaddy 919-773-2020 Children’s Center 314 Chapanoke Rd., Raleigh Fellowship Preschool 1788 Kildaire Farm Rd., Cary First Baptist Weekday Preschool 99 N. Salisbury St., Raleigh 919-380-0533 919-832-4485 Follow the Child Montessori School 1215 Ridge Rd., Raleigh 919-793-8126 Frankie Lemmon School and 919-821-7436 Developmental Center 1800 Glenwood Ave., Raleigh

8:05 a.m.-noon or 8:05 a.m.-3 p.m.; kindergarten and before- and after-school care offered; $5,250/yr., half day, $8,400/yr., full day; English and Spanish dual language environment that uses Montessori philosophy; also serves students with special needs. 7 a.m.-6 p.m.; kindergarten and before- and after-school care offered; $7,000/yr.; National Blue Ribbon School award recipient; AdvancED, CASI, SACS accredited; Catholic affiliation. $9,720/yr., financial aid available; also serves students with special needs; AdvancED accredited. 9 a.m.-4 p.m.; before- and after-school care offered; fees vary, financial aid available; CASI, SACS accredited; 5 stars; also serves students with special needs; license 92001196.

Ages 2-4

9 a.m.-noon; $175/mo., 2-year-olds; $220/mo., 3- and 4-year-olds; non-refundable registration fee, sibling discount available; tree nut-free environment; also serves students with special needs; Baptist affiliation. Ages 2-5 9 a.m.-12:30 p.m. or 9 a.m.-1 p.m. pre-K; transitional kindergarten offered; $145-$275/ mo., financial aid available; peanut-free environment; Lutheran affiliation. Ages 15 mos.-6 9 a.m.-12:45 p.m.; transitional kindergarten offered; $130-$305/mo., financial aid available; peanut-free environment; Christian affiliation. Ages 18 mos.-5 9:45 a.m.-1:45 p.m.; $200-$325/mo., sibling discount available; Baptist affiliation.

Ages 3-7 Ages 2-6 Ages 6 wks.-5

Ages 2-5

9 a.m.-1 p.m.; transitional kindergarten, kindergarten and before- and after-school care offered; $500/mo.; peanut-free environment, STEM-based preschool. 9 a.m.-noon or 9 a.m.-3 p.m; transitional kindergarten and before-school care offered; fees vary, sibling discount available; AdvancED accredited. Call for hours and fees, vouchers accepted; serves special needs and typically developing children; accredited developmental day program by Wake County and national accreditation by Council on Quality and Leadership; pediatric specialized therapies available; 5 stars; license 92000454. See website for details; Presbyterian affiliation.

Ages 1-5

9:30 a.m.-1:30 p.m. Mon.-Thurs.; $190-$275/mo., financial aid and sibling discount available; peanut-free environment; Baptist affiliation.

Toddler-Age 5

8:30 a.m.-noon; kindergarten offered; fees vary, financial aid available; peanut-free environment; license 92002669. 9:15 a.m.-3:45 p.m.; transitional kindergarten and kindergarten offered; Glenwood Ave. location serves children ages 3-6 with special needs with a teacher-to-student ratio no larger than 1:5; a satellite program at the Jordan Center serves PK children in settings with typically-developing children with ratios no larger than 1:6; 5 stars; tree nut-free environment; license 56-0931467. 8 a.m.-2:40 p.m.; transitional kindergarten, kindergarten and after-school care offered: $4,995/yr., sibling discount available; NCCSA, AACSMSA accredited; also serves students with special needs. 9 a.m.-12:30 p.m. or 8:30 a.m.-3:30 p.m.; transitional kindergarten, kindergarten and before- and after-school care offered; $550-$750/mo., sibling discount available; 3 stars; license 92002694. 7 a.m.-6 p.m.; transitional kindergarten and kindergarten offered; fees vary, sibling discount available; 5 stars; AdvancED accreditation; license 92002864.

Ages 3-6

Friendship Christian School 5510 Falls of Neuse Rd., Raleigh 919-872-2133

Ages 3-4

Global Montessori Academy 10275 Chapel Hill Rd., Morrisville 919-345-5896

Ages 2-6

The Goddard School - Brier Creek 10550 Little Brier Creek Ln., Raleigh Ages 6 wks.raleigh-brier-creek-nc?mmg=1 grade K 919-572-0678 | EDUCATION GUIDE 2014-15


PRESCHOOLS • Wake County NAME CONTACT The Goddard School - Cary N.W. Maynard Rd., Cary nc/schools.gspx 919-466-0008 The Goddard School - Morrisville Davis Dr., Morrisville durham/morrisville-davis-drivenc?mmg=1 919-467-0467 The Goddard School - Raleigh Creedmoor Rd., Raleigh durham/raleigh-creedmor-roadnc?mmg=1 919-787-5002 The Goddard School - Wake Forest 1308 Heritage Links Dr., Wake Forest wake-forest-heritage-links-drivenc?mmg=1 919-570-1005 Good Shepherd Lutheran Preschool 7000 Creedmoor Rd., Raleigh 919-846-5060 GRACE Christian School 801 and 1101 Buck Jones Rd., Raleigh 919-783-6618

Greenwood Forest Children’s Center 110 S.E. Maynard Rd., Cary Greystone Baptist Church Preschool 7509 Lead Mine Rd., Raleigh The Grove School of Cary 2590 Laura Duncan Dr., Cary Heather Park Child Development Center 932 Heather Park Dr., Garner Holly Springs Academy 116 Quantum St., Holly Springs Hope Lutheran Preschool 3525 Rogers Rd., Wake Forest Hudson Memorial Preschool 4921 Six Forks Rd., Raleigh International Montessori Preschool of North Raleigh 8604 Falls of Neuse Rd., Raleigh International Preschool of Raleigh 2730 Godley Ln., Raleigh Johnson Pond Learning Center 6523 Johnson Pond Rd., Fuquay-Varina Kiddie Academy of Brier Creek 9920 Sellona St., Raleigh Kiddie Academy of Cary 1450 Tryon Manor Dr., Cary Kiddie Academy of Holly Springs 150 Rosewood Centre Dr., Holly Springs Kiddie Academy of Morrisville 2000 Carrington Mill Blvd., Morrisville Kiddie Academy of West Cary 7350 O’Kelly Chapel Rd., Cary Kids Educational Centers Inc. Various Triangle locations Kids ‘R’ Kids Cary Learning Academy 150 Towne Village Dr., Cary 919-469-0140 919-870-0040 919-467-6494 919-779-2126

22 919-552-8331 919-453-0388 919-787-1792 919-414-6479 919-957-7249 919-557-9448 919-536-7100 919-803-5000 919-367-0088 919-234-6972 919-592-3646 See website for phone numbers 919-467-1112


AGES/GRADES DESCRIPTION Ages 6 wks.-5 Call for fees and hours; 5 stars; license 92002524. Toddlersgrade K

See website for details; 5 stars; AdvancED accredited.

Ages 6 wks.-6

7 a.m.-6 p.m., call for fees. sibling discount available; 5 stars; license 92002796.

Ages 6 wks.-6

7 a.m.-6 p.m.; fees vary, sibling discount available; 5 stars; peanut-free environment; NAEYC accredited; license 92002251.

Ages 1-5

9:30 a.m.-1:30 p.m.; transitional kindergarten offered; $205-$325/mo., financial aid available; peanut-free environment; Evangelical Lutheran Education Association accreditation; Lutheran affiliation. Ages 4-5 yrs. 8:15 a.m.-11:45 a.m. or 8:15 a.m.-3 p.m.; transitional kindergarten and kindergarten offered; $4,250-$6,995/yr., financial aid available; ACSI, AdvancED accredited; nondenominational Christian affiliation. Ages 20 mos.-5 9 a.m.-noon or 9 a.m.-1 p.m.; transitional kindergarten offered; $190-$295/mo.; peanut-free environment; Baptist affiliation. Ages 1-4 See website for details; Baptist affiliation. Ages 6 wks.-5

See website for fees and hours; 5 stars; license 92002726.

Ages 6 mos.-12 7 a.m.-6 p.m.; before- and after-school care offered; fees vary, sibling discount available; 5 stars; tree nut-free environment; also serves students with special needs; license 92000994. Ages 1-5 6 a.m.-6 p.m.; fees vary, sibling discount available; 5 stars; license 92002987. Ages 2-4

See website for details; Lutheran affiliation.

Ages 3 mos.-4

9 a.m.-12:30 p.m.; see website for fees; Presbyterian affiliation.

Ages 3-5

8:45 a.m.-12:30 p.m.; after-school care offered; fees vary.

Ages 2-5

8:55 a.m.-12:40 p.m.; call for fees; International Preschool Curriculum; peanut-free environment. Ages 6 wks.-12 See website for details; license 92001678. Ages 6 wks.-5

7 a.m.-6 p.m.; fees vary; 4 stars; license 92001991.

Ages 6 mos.-5

7 a.m.-6 p.m.; fees vary; sibling discount available; 5 stars; peanut-free environment; license 92003101. Ages 6 wks.-12 7 a.m.-6:30 p.m.; call for fees; 5 stars, license 92002195. Ages 6 wks.-5

7 a.m.-6 p.m.; fees vary, sibling discount available; peanut-free environment; license 92003264. Ages 6 wks.-5 6:30 a.m.-6:30 p.m.; transitional kindergarten offered; call for fees, sibling discount available; tree nut-free environment. Ages 6 wks.-12 See website for fees and locations in Knightdale, Wendell, Wake Forest and Raleigh. Infant-pre-K

7 a.m.-6:30 p.m.; fees vary, financial aid and sibling discount available; 5 stars; AdvancED accredited; license 92001095.

PRESCHOOLS • Wake County NAME CONTACT Kids ‘R’ Kids Morrisville Learning Academy 919-460-1500 6010 McCrimmon Pkwy., Morrisville Kids ‘R’ Kids of Wake Forest 1941 Heritage Branch Rd., Wake Forest 919-453-2543 Kid ‘R’ Kids of West Cary 7580 Carpenter Fire Station Rd., Cary 919-461-2202 The Kinder Garden Preschool 8849 Ray Rd., Raleigh 919-805-0479 Kingswood Elementary School 200 E. Johnson St., Cary 919-460-3481 Knightdale United Methodist Church Preschool 7071 Forestville Rd., Knightdale L’cole - French School of Raleigh 5100 Lacy Ave., Ste. 104, Raleigh 919-790-1219

Learn with the Best 501 Keisler Dr., Ste. 101, Cary 919-303-1255

Learning Together Developmental Day Center 568 E. Lenoir St., Ste. 204, Raleigh Legacy Academy 10250 Chapel Hill Rd., Morrisville developmental-day-center 919-856-5200 morrisville_nc 919-655-0655

Arts Together 919-266-2373

AGES/GRADES DESCRIPTION Infant-pre-K 7 a.m-6:30 p.m.; fees vary, financial aid and sibling discount available; 5 stars; AdvancED accredited; license 92002143. Ages 6 wks.-12 6:30 a.m.-6:30 p.m.; before- and after-school care offered; AdvancED accredited; Kids ‘R’ Kids Double Platinum Award recipient. Ages 6 wks.-12 7 a.m.-6:30 p.m.; transitional kindergarten and before- and after-school care offered; fees vary, sibling and financial aid available; 5 stars. Ages 3-5 9 a.m.-1 p.m.; $240-$400/mo.; Episcopal affiliation. Pre-K-K

8:35 a.m.-3:35 p.m.; $600/mo.; the only paid, all-day, multi-age pre-K/K program in the Wake County Public School System; before- and after-school care provided on campus by the YMCA for an additional cost. Ages 15 mos.-5 9 a.m.-noon; before-school care offered; $135-$245/mo., two-, three-, and fiveday options; sibling discount available; peanut-free environment; United Methodist affiliation. Ages 2-5 9:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m. with optional hour until 1:30 p.m.; $200-$435/mo., financial aid and sibling discount available; French immersion preschool with native-speaking teachers; French government curriculum in use; tree nut-free environment. Ages 4-6 9 a.m.-1 p.m. or 9 a.m.-3 p.m.; transitional kindergarten, kindergarten and before- and after-school care offered; $600-$900/mo., sibling discount available; serves typical and atypical children. Ages 18 mos.-6 Inclusive center-based program for children with, or at risk for, developmental disabilities, as well as typically developing children. Infant-grade K

See website for details.

Bethesda | EDUCATION GUIDE 2014-15


Not Just Paper

Grade Power Oxford Learning

Reading Solutions

Durham Arts Council



NC Symphony

PRESCHOOLS • Wake County NAME CONTACT Little Dreamers Preschool of Cary 171 High House Rd., Cary 919-319-9332 Little Lambs Learning Center 12200 Bayleaf Church Rd., Raleigh 919-847-4477 Lord of Life Preschool and Kindergarten Academy 919-772-5444 2100 Buffaloe Rd., Garner Lucy Daniels School 9003 Weston Pkwy., Cary 919-677-1400 Maracas Montessori 12401 Strickland Rd., Raleigh Mariposa School for Children With Autism 203 Gregson Dr., Cary Millbrook Baptist Preschool 1519 E. Millbrook Rd., Raleigh Millbrook United Methodist Preschool 1712 E. Millbrook Rd., Raleigh Montessori Creative Learning School 1005 W. Beechmont Cir., Apex The Montessori School of Raleigh 7005 Lead Mine Rd., Raleigh 919-745-1359 919-461-0600 919-876-4030 919-876-8023 montessoricreativelearningschool. com 919-624-6541 919-848-1545

AGES/GRADES DESCRIPTION Ages 2-5 9:15 a.m.-12:30 p.m.; before- and after-school care available; $165-$325/mo. Ages 6 wks.-5

9:30 a.m.-1:30 p.m.; transitional kindergarten and kindergarten offered; $115-$420/mo.; peanut-free environment; Baptist affiliation. Ages 3-5 8:30 a.m.-2:30 p.m. or 8:30 a.m.-5 p.m.; transitional kindergarten and kindergarten offered; $700/mo., prekindergarten, $570/mo., kindergarten; 5 stars; peanut-free environment; NAEYC accredited; license 92000416. Ages 3-5 9 a.m.-noon pre-K; 8:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m. grade K; call for fees, financial aid available; provides programs specifically for children with social and emotional difficulties; 5 stars; tree nut-free environment; NAEYC accredited; license 92000206. Ages 1-5 Enrollment 90; kindergarten offered; see website for fees, sibling discount available; Montessori curriculum in a full Spanish immersion program; 1 star; license 92003219. Ages 18 mos.-5 9 a.m.-noon or 1-4 p.m.; transitional kindergarten, kindergarten and after-school care offered; see website for fees, financial aid available; serves students with special needs. Ages 1-5 Ages 1-5 Ages 3-6 Ages 18 mos.grade K

9:15 a.m.-12:15 or 9:15 a.m.-1:15 p.m.; transitional kindergarten offered; $200-$310/ mo., financial aid and sibling discount available; Baptist affiliation. 9:15 a.m.-12:45 p.m.; $110-$320/mo.; also serves students with special needs; Methodist affiliation. 7:30 a.m.-5:30 p.m. transitional kindergarten, kindergarten and before- and after-school care offered; $788/mo., financial aid and sibling discount available; 3 stars; license 92003170. 7:30 a.m.-6 p.m.; transitional kindergarten, kindergarten, before- and after-school care offered; see website for fees, financial aid available; NCAIS, NAIS, SACS, AMS accredited; license 92002992.

Follow the Child | EDUCATION GUIDE 2014-15


PRESCHOOLS • Wake County NAME CONTACT North Raleigh Christian Academy 7300 Perry Creek Rd., Raleigh 919-573-7900

AGES/GRADES DESCRIPTION Age 4 9:15 a.m.-1 p.m.; transitional kindergarten and after-school care offered, four- and fiveday options; $2,340-$2,610/yr., financial aid available; ACSI, AdvancED, CITA accredited; non-denominational Christian affiliation. Ages 2-5 See website for details; Methodist affiliation.

North Raleigh United Methodist Preschool 8501 Honeycutt Rd., Raleigh Oak City Academy 1181 Haynes St., Raleigh 919-870-6616 919-815-7742

Ages 3-5

Oxford Learning/ Grade Power Learning 1229 N.W. Maynard Rd., Cary Peace Montessori 2190 N. Salem St., Ste. 103, Apex Preschool for the Arts 844 Perry Rd., Apex Preston Children’s Academy 551 James Jackson Ave., Cary Primrose School at Holly Grove 1530 Avent Ferry Rd., Holly Springs 919-462-3330

Ages 3-5 919-363-2461 919-367-7210 919-297-0007 919-567-1114

Ages 2-5

See website for details; AMS-certified teachers.

Ages 2-5

Primrose School at The Park 131 Lattner Ct., Morrisville Primrose School at West Lake 4501 West Lake Rd., Apex 919-468-8880 919-662-1322


Primrose School of Heritage Wake Forest 844 Heritage Lake Rd., Wake Forest Primrose School of Hilburn 6941 Hilburn Dr., Raleigh Primrose School of North Raleigh 8521 Falls of Neuse Rd., Raleigh Primrose School of West Cary 2511 N.C. Hwy. 55, Cary 919-453-2554

Ages 3-5

9 a.m.-noon, optional lunch bunch until 1 p.m.; $195-$345/mo., sibling discount available. 7 a.m.-6 p.m.; call for fees, sibling discount available; 5 stars; peanut-free environment; NAEYC accredited; license 92002051. 7 a.m.-6 p.m., full- and part-time options; transitional kindergarten, kindergarten and before- and after-school care offered; fees vary, sibling discount available; 5 stars; tree nut-free environment; AdvancED accredited; license 92002866. 7 a.m.-6 p.m.; transitional kindergarten offered; fees vary, sibling discount available; 5 stars; peanut-free environment; AdvancED accredited; license 92001480. 7 a.m.-6 p.m.; transitional kindergarten, kindergarten and before- and after-school care offered; fees vary, sibling discount available; 5 stars; tree nut-free environment; AdvancED accredited; license 92002012. 7 a.m.-6:30 p.m.; before- and after-school care offered; fees vary, sibling discount available; 5 stars; peanut-free environment; AdvancED accreditation; license 92002096. 919-783-8222 919-329-2929 919-363-2700

Ages 6 wks.-5

Raleigh Christian Academy 2110 Trawick Rd., Raleigh Raleigh Moravian Preschool 1816 Ridge Rd., Raleigh The Raleigh School 1071 Raleigh School Dr., Raleigh Ravenscroft 7409 Falls of Neuse Rd., Raleigh 919-872-2215 919-616-8873 919-546-0788 919-861-2110

Preschoolgrade K Ages 1-5

Renaissance Montessori School of Cary 610 Nottingham Dr., Cary Resurrection Lutheran Preschool 100 W. Lochmere Dr., Cary Saint Francis of Assisi Preschool 11401 Leesville Rd., Raleigh Salem Baptist Weekday Preschool 1821 N. Salem St., Apex The School of Grace 5010 Six Forks Rd., Raleigh 919-439-0130

Ages 1-5 919-851-7270 919-847-8205 919-387-3400 919-787-4740

Ages 2-5



Ages 6 wks.-5 Infant-age 10

Infant-age 10

Ages 6 wks.-5 Infants-pre-K

Ages 2-5 Pre-K

Ages 2-5 Age 2-pre-K Ages 6 mos.-5

9:15 a.m.-1 p.m.; transitional kindergarten, kindergarten and before- and after school care offered; $480-$780/mo., financial aid and sibling discount available; Christian affiliation. 9 a.m.-noon or 12:30-3 p.m.; transitional kindergarten offered; fees vary, sibling discount available; peanut-free environment.

7 a.m.-6 p.m.; fees vary, sibling discount available; 5 stars; CITA, SACS accredited; license 92001128. 7 a.m.-6 p.m.; fees vary, sibling discount available; 5 stars; SACS, CITA accredited; license 92001782. 7 a.m.-6 p.m.; transitional kindergarten, before- and after-school care offered; fees vary, sibling discount available; 5 stars; peanut-free environment; AdvancED accredited; license 92001831. 7 a.m.-6 p.m.; kindergarten and before- and after-school care offered; $220/wk., sibling discount available; Baptist affiliation. 9:25 a.m.-1 p.m., two-, three- and five day options; $200-$325/mo., financial aid and sibling discount available; peanut-free environment; Protestant affiliation. Hours and fees vary by class, financial aid available; SACS, SAIS, NAEYC accredited. 8 a.m.-noon Pre-kindergarten; 8 a.m.-2:30 p.m. Pre-kindergarten Plus; before- and after-school care offered; $13,065/yr. pre-kindergarten; $14,225/yr. pre-kindergarten plus, financial aid and sibling discount available; peanut-free environment; SACS, SAIS accredited. 7:45 a.m.-6 p.m.; transitional kindergarten, kindergarten and before- and after-school care offered; see website for fees, financial aid and sibling discount available; also serves students with special needs. 9 a.m.-12:30 p.m.; transitional kindergarten offered; $160-$275/mo.; SACS accredited; Lutheran affiliation. 9 a.m.-1 p.m.; transitional kindergarten and before- and after-school care offered; see website for fees, financial aid available; Diocese of Raleigh affiliation. See website for details. 9 a.m.-1 p.m.; see website for fees, financial aid available; parent participatory preschool; also serves students with special needs; Christian affiliation.


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Montessori School of Raleigh | EDUCATION GUIDE 2014-15


Building Blocks Pediatrics

Thales Academy



Camelot Academy

PRESCHOOLS • Wake County NAME CONTACT Spanish for Fun! - Cary 100 Endeavor Way, Cary 919-677-7114 Spanish for Fun! - Raleigh 8000 Glenwood Ave., Raleigh 919-881-1160 Spanish for Fun! - Wake Forest 222 Capcom Ave., Wake Forest 919-883-2061 St. Andrew’s Early Childhood Center 3008 Old Raleigh Rd., Apex 919-387-8656 St. Catherine of Siena Catholic Preschool 919-556-4104 520 W. Holding Ave., Wake Forest St. David’s School 3400 White Oak Rd., Raleigh 919-782-3331 St. Francis UMC Preschool 2965 Kildaire Farm Rd., Cary 919-362-8657 St. John’s Episcopal Preschool 830 Durham Rd., Wake Forest 919-562-8619 St. Mary Magdalene Preschool 625 Magdala Pl., Apex 919-657-4800 St. Michael the Archangel Catholic School 919-468-6150 810 High House Rd., Cary St. Michael’s Parish Day School Canterbury Rd., Raleigh day-school 919-782-6430 St. Paul’s Preschool 221 Union St., Cary 919-467-3788 St. Philip Lutheran Preschool 7304 Falls of Neuse Rd., Raleigh 919-870-5841

AGES/GRADES DESCRIPTION Ages 6 wks.-5 7 a.m.-6 p.m.; $232/wk., financial aid and sibling discount available; full-time Spanish immersion program; 4 stars; peanut-free environment; license 92002210. Ages 18 mos.-5 Fees vary, financial aid and sibling discount available; Spanish immersion program; 3 stars; license 92002589. Ages 6 wks.-5 7 a.m.-6 p.m.; $232/wk, financial aid and sibling discount available; full-time Spanish immersion program; peanut-free environment; license 92003247. Ages 3-5 Call for fees and hours; Catholic affiliation. Ages 3-4

8:15 a.m.-noon, three- and four-day options; $2,534-$3,085/mo.; tree-nut free environment; AdvancED accredited; Roman Catholic affiliation.

Pre-K-grade K

8 a.m.-noon or 8 a.m.-2:30 p.m.; kindergarten offered; $9,500-$13,950/yr., financial aid available; SACS, SAIS accredited; Episcopal affiliation. See website for hours and fees.

Ages 1-4 Ages 1-5 Ages 3-4 Age 4 Ages 1-5 Ages 1-6 Ages 2-5

St. Raphael Preschool 5801 Falls of Neuse Rd., Raleigh 919-865-5728

Ages 2-5

Tammy Lynn Center 739 Chappell Dr., Raleigh 919-832-3909

Ages 3-5

Thales Academy - Wake Forest K-5 3106 Heritage Trade Dr., Wake Forest Triangle Montessori Academy 540 E. Chatham St., Cary Trillium Montessori 10120-210 Green Level Church Rd., Cary 919-453-6415 919-463-7770 919-467-8569

Age 4 Ages 3-6 Ages 3-5

9:15 a.m.-12:15 p.m., optional lunch bunch until 1:15 p.m. for ages 3-4; call for fees, financial aid available; peanut-free environment; Episcopal affiliation. Call for fees and hours; AdvancED accredited; Roman Catholic affiliation. 8 a.m.-3 p.m.; kindergarten and before- and after-school care offered; $6,250-$8,050, financial aid available; AdvancED accredited; National Blue Ribbon School award recipient; Catholic affiliation. 9:15 a.m.-12:45 p.m. ages 1-4 or 9:15 a.m.-1:15 p.m. transitional kindergarten; $230$342/mo., financial aid available; peanut-free environment; Episcopal affiliation. 9:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m. or 9:30 a.m.-1 p.m.; transitional kindergarten and after-school care offered; $165-$260/mo., financial aid available; Episcopal affiliation. 9 a.m.-noon; 9 a.m.-1 p.m. for kindergarten; transitional kindergarten offered; call for fees, financial aid and sibling discount available; tree nut-free environment; Lutheran affiliation. 9 a.m.-noon, 9 a.m.-1 p.m. or 9 a.m.- 3 p.m.; transitional kindergarten and beforeschool care offered; fees vary, financial aid available; AdvancED and Diocese of Raleigh accredited; Roman Catholic affiliation. 9 a.m.-3:30 p.m.; before- and after-school care offered; fees vary, financial aid available; 5 stars; tree nut-free environment; preschool serves students with special needs and typically developing children; license 9255396. 7:45 a.m.-11:45 a.m.; kindergarten and before- and after-school care offered; $4,800/yr., sibling discount available. 9 a.m.-5 p.m.; kindergarten and before- and after-school care offered; $370-$690/mo.; AMS accredited; license 92002481. 8:30 a.m.-noon or 1-4:30 p.m.; transitional kindergarten offered; call for fees, sibling discount available. | EDUCATION GUIDE 2014-15


PRESCHOOLS • Wake County, Other Counties and Special Needs NAME Trinity Academy of Raleigh 10224 Baileywick Rd., Raleigh

CONTACT 919-786-0114

Trinity Presbyterian Preschool 3120 New Hope Rd., Raleigh Wake Forest Montessori 231 Capcom Ave., Ste. 180, Wake Forest Wee-Pre-Exclusive School for Children with Special Needs 2200 E. Millbrook Rd., Ste. 117, Raleigh Westminster MMO/Preschool 301 E. Whitaker Mill Rd., Raleigh White Memorial Weekday School 1704 Oberlin Rd., Raleigh White Plains Children’s Center 313 S.E. Maynard Rd., Cary 919-805-3593 919-827-1148 919-880-5770 919-832-8888 919-834-4637 919-469-2217

AGES/GRADES DESCRIPTION Ages 4 and See website for hours and fees; traditional kindergarten, kindergarten and before- and older after-school care offered; NCAIS, AdvancED accredited; nondenominational Christian affiliation. Ages 18 mos.-5 9:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m., Tues.-Fri.; fees vary, sibling discount available; Presbyterian affiliation. Ages 18 mos.-6 See website for details. Ages 2-5 Ages 3 mos.-4

Enrollment 5-8; teacher-to-student ratio 1:5; 9 a.m.-noon Mon., Wed. and Fri. for ages 4-5; 9 a.m.-noon Tues. and Thurs. for ages 2-3; $210-$305/mo.; peanut-free environment; serves students with special needs. 9:30 a.m.-1:25 p.m.; call for fees; Presbyterian affiliation.

Ages 2-5

See website for details; Presbyterian affiliation.

Ages 1-5

7 a.m.-6 p.m.; before- and after-school care available; call for fees, financial aid and sibling discount available; nonprofit child care center and preschool serving typically developing children and those with special needs; 5 stars; peanut-free environment; license 9255200.

OTHER COUNTIES Casa Club Spanish Immersion Preschool 41130 Moring Dr., Chapel Hill Childcare Network Various Triangle locations Country Garden Montessori 1418 Mount Pleasant Rd., Willow Spring Haw River Christian Academy 2428 Silk Hope Gum Springs Rd., Pittsboro Kids ‘R’ Kids Clayton 307 Tew Ct., Clayton La Petite Academy Various Triangle locations The Preschool at Clayton Crossings 11407 US 70 Bus. Hwy. W., Clayton Willow Oak Montessori Children’s House 886 Hamlet Chapel Rd., Pittsboro 919-929-6019 866-521-5437 919-639-8388

Ages 6 wks.-5

7:30 a.m.-5:30 p.m.; after-school care offered; fees vary, sibling discount available; Spanish immersion program; 4 stars; peanut-free environment; also serves students with special needs; license 19000333. Ages 6 wks.-12 See website for details. Ages 2.5-6

8:30 a.m.-12:15 p.m.; kindergarten offered; $295-$505/mo., sibling discount available. 919-533-4139

Ages 4-5 919-550-8864

Ages 3-5 877-861-5078 html 919-272-3600 childrenshouse. 919-240-7787

Ages 3-4

8:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m.; transitional kindergarten, kindergarten and after-school care offered; $2,490-$4,150/yr., financial aid and sibling discount available; tree-nut free environment; ACCSI accredited. 6:30 a.m.-6:30 p.m.; transitional kindergarten, kindergarten and before- and after-school care offered; call for fees, sibling discount available; 5 stars; tree nut-free environment; also serves students with special needs; AdvancED, SACS accredited; license 51000592 See website for locations, fees and hours; NECPA, APPLE, NAC and NAEYC accredited. 919-236-3370

Infant-age 5

Ages 1-5

9 a.m.-12:30 p.m., Mon., Tues., Wed., Thurs.; $53-$180/mo., sibling discount available; Christian affiliation.

Age 3-grade K

8 a.m.-noon; kindergarten offered; $5,460/yr., financial aid available; also serves students with special needs.

SPECIAL NEEDS All Saints Academy 4154 Shearon Farms Ave., Ste. 100, Wake Forest The Aspen Center 4328 Bland Rd., Raleigh 919-981-6588

Bridges and Beyond Inclusive Preschool 1340 Wall Rd., Ste. 100, Wake Forest 919-562-6433

Easter Seals UCP Charlie Gaddy Children’s Center 314 Chapanoke Rd., Raleigh 919-773-2020



9 a.m.-noon or 12:30-3:30 p.m. half-day, 9 a.m.-3:30 p.m. full day; transitional kindergarten and kindergarten offered; $325-$500/mo., sibling discount available; also serves students with special needs; Catholic affiliation; license 92002818. Ages 18 mos.-6 8:30 a.m.-noon; transitional kindergarten offered; $150-$600/mo., financial aid and sibling discount available; therapy-driven preschool program taught by licensed and certified speech, occupational and developmental therapists; peanut-free environment. Ages 2-6 9 a.m.-noon; $200-$350/mo.; two-, three-, four- and five-day options; inclusive preschool for children with special needs to learn alongside typically developing peers; also contracts with CDSA for early intervention in home and at the preschool for children ages birth-3 yrs. with developmental delays; tree nut-free environment. Ages 6 wks.-5 Call for hours and fees, vouchers accepted; serves special needs and typically developing children; accredited developmental day program by Wake County and national accreditation by Council on Quality and Leadership; pediatric specialized therapies available; 5 stars; license 92000454.

PRESCHOOLS • Special Needs NAME CONTACT Frankie Lemmon School and Developmental Center 919-821-7436 1800 Glenwood Ave., Raleigh

AGES/GRADES DESCRIPTION Ages 3-6 9:15 a.m.-3:45 p.m.; transitional kindergarten and kindergarten offered; Glenwood Ave. location serves children ages 3-6 with special needs with a teacher-to-student ratio no larger than 1:5; a satellite program at the Jordan Center serves PK children in settings with typically-developing children with ratios no larger than 1:6; 5 stars; tree nut-free environment; license 56-0931467. Birth-age 5 Hours vary; for children with diagnosed visual impairments and blindness; services are community-based and are provided in homes, day care settings, public schools and other environments. Ages 4-6 9 a.m.-1 p.m. or 9 a.m.-3 p.m.; transitional kindergarten, kindergarten and before- and after-school care offered; $600-$900/mo., sibling discount available; serves typical and atypical children. Ages 18 mos.-6 Inclusive center-based program for children with, or at risk for, developmental disabilities, as well as typically developing children.

Governor Morehead Preschool 319 Ashe Ave., Raleigh 919-733-6192

Learn with the Best 501 Keisler Dr., Ste. 101, Cary 919-303-1255

Learning Together Developmental Day Center 568 E. Lenoir St., Ste. 204, Raleigh Lucy Daniels School 9003 Weston Pkwy., Cary developmental-day-center 919-856-5200 919-677-1400

M.A.G.I.C. (Movement and Gestures Improve Communication) Preschool 141 N. Main St., Fuquay-Varina Mariposa School for Children With Autism 203 Gregson Dr., Cary Tammy Lynn Center 739 Chappell Dr., Raleigh magic.html 919-577-6807 919-461-0600 919-832-3909

Ages 3-5

Wee-Pre-Exclusive School for Children with Special Needs 2200 E. Millbrook Rd., Ste. 117, Raleigh White Plains Children’s Center 313 S.E. Maynard Rd., Cary 919-880-5770

Ages 2-5 919-469-2217

Ages 1-5

Ages 3-5 Ages 2-5

9 a.m.-noon pre-K; 8:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m. grade K; call for fees, financial aid available; provides programs specifically for children with social and emotional difficulties; 5 stars; tree nut-free environment; NAEYC accredited; license 92000206. Inclusive preschool designed to enhance social, emotional and intellectual growth; a program of Capitol City Speech Therapy.

Ages 18 mos.-5 9 a.m.-noon or 1-4 p.m.; transitional kindergarten, kindergarten and after-school care offered; see website for fees, financial aid available; serves students with special needs. 9 a.m.-3:30 p.m.; before- and after-school care offered; fees vary, financial aid available; 5 stars; tree nut-free environment; preschool serves students with special needs and typically developing children; license 9255396. Enrollment 5-8; teacher-to-student ratio 1:5; 9 a.m.-noon Mon., Wed. and Fri. for ages 4-5; 9 a.m.-noon Tues. and Thurs. for ages 2-3; $210-$305/mo.; peanut-free environment; serves students with special needs. 7 a.m.-6 p.m.; before- and after-school care available; call for fees, financial aid and sibling discount available; nonprofit child care center and preschool serving typically developing children and those with special needs; 5 stars; peanut-free environment; license 9255200. | EDUCATION GUIDE 2014-15



Academically Gifted? BY LISSY WOOD


our toddler asks questions — lots of them. All preschool

How to Respond

children are inquisitive, but you suspect she might be

Every child is different. One gifted preschooler might exhibit multiple characteristics and behaviors, while another displays just one or two. If you see some of these signs in your child, consider responding in some way. Whether you invest in psycho-educational testing, enroll your child in advanced academic programs on a trial basis, or simply seek out other parents of gifted preschoolers with whom you can exchange information, you’ll start to gain new perspectives and feel more positive about how your child fits into the world.

different — maybe gifted. You could be right. Even very young children can show signs of precocity. As a parent, you will probably be the first to spot it. You observe your child daily and understand how she thinks, processes information and views the world. You are truly the best judge of your preschooler’s abilities. Experts look for certain behaviors and characteristics as indicators of giftedness. These are listed below, but keep in mind: This is not an all-inclusive, definitive list.



Early verbal skills

Talks earlier, uses expressive language, ask lots of questions to gain knowledge and has a large vocabulary.

Early motor skills

Turns his head, sits up early as an infant, crawls or walks at a younger age.

Intense interest in numbers

Puts together a 20-piece puzzle at age 3 or has interest

and puzzles

in telling time and how it affects day-to-day activities.

Emotional sensitivity

Is empathetic to others and their feelings, and starts to observe differences with others who are the same chronological age.

Long attention span

Maintains a longer attention span, even as an infant.

Comfortable conversing with

Finds it easier to talk to older children or adults due to

older children or adults

early verbal and communication skills.

Asynchronous development

This refers to the unequal development of intellectual, motor and emotional skills in children. A gifted 3-yearold might have basic reading skills common for a 6-yearold but still throw tantrums. Developmentally, basic reading is not common for the average 3-year-old, but throwing tantrums is within the range of developmentally appropriate behaviors.



It can be isolating for parents who suspect their child might be gifted because they feel they can no longer share “mommy stories� with other parents. Many parents feel that this comes across as bragging, exaggerating or outright lying to say their 4-year-old just read a chapter book. Many choose to stop talking about their gifted child altogether. Although parenting gifted preschoolers provides challenges and difficulties that vary from more typical parenting frustrations, searching for resources or a support group is the best way to understand your gifted preschool child. Contrary to belief, being gifted is not easy, but with the right perspective and support, it can be a positive and rewarding experience for you, your child and your family.

Triangle Day School

Lissy Wood is an educator with more than 14 years of experience. She has studied the needs of gifted students and is founder of Wake Gifted Academy, an independent school opening next summer in Wake County for kindergarten through fifth grades. Learn more at

RESOURCES n Overexcitability and the Gifted Child


by Duke TIP n Supporting Emotional Needs of the Gifted n Top blogs about gifted children, gifted

education and parenting: top-blogs-about-gifted-children-gifted.html n Top Ten Books on Raising Gifted Children: tp/parenting_books.htm | EDUCATION GUIDE 2014-15


l Public Schoo

Why Make the Switch?



e Sch ool


it bil



m Moving fro public to ool private sch BY KATHLE






or the majority of kids across North Carolina, back to school means big yellow buses, busy hallways, noisy lunchrooms and large classes. But for other kids, the school experience is slightly different: carpool transportation, fewer students in a class and smaller school campuses. These children’s families have opted out of public school, and instead have chosen private school. According to the John Locke Foundation, a North Carolina nonprofit advocacy group and research institute, 6 percent of North Carolina students attend private K-12 schools, and the number is growing. There are 700 private schools in North Carolina, serving more than 114,000 students. Mecklenburg County claims the largest number of private schools with 88, followed by Wake County with 80. Guilford County, with 38, has the third-highest number of private schools. While many kids begin their education adventure in private schools, others choose to move from the public school setting into an independent school. “While the reasons are different, all the families that consider private school seem to have one thing in common,” says Kim Freedman, admissions counselor at New Garden Friends School in Greensboro. “They’re looking for a more individualized educational experience for their child.”

STABILITY Raleigh mom Michelle Hardy says making the switch from public to private school evolved from her children’s needs. Her daughter, now a seventh-grader, started out in public school. “She had a great public school experience,” Hardy says. “My biggest frustration with the public school system was that every single year, they changed the plan. School choice, yearround, no year-round, calendar changes; we never knew where she’d be going to school the next year.” Hardy would attend school board meetings every year where, she says, “beautiful plans would be laid out and then scrapped the next year.” Frustrated, Hardy tried a charter






school for her son’s elementary years while continuing to consider other options for her older daughter. “I looked at all the possibilities and toured as many as I could,” she says. “We did the lottery for charter schools, went to magnet fairs, and tried to see every possibility.” After months of searching, the Hardys turned to private schools and chose Ravenscroft in Raleigh. Ravenscroft is a big school, but the class sizes are small, so the teachers and students really get to know each other well, Hardy says. “Our experience has been nothing short of excellent,” she says.

PROXIMITY Kimberly Armstrong Hillegas and her family have lived in North Carolina for almost two years. “We were really excited about the public schools,” the Union County mom says. “We’d heard good things about them, and moved less than 2 miles from the school we wanted so we’d be close and could get involved.” Hillegas has older kids who went through public schools, so she was prepared to send her youngest through the public education system, too. But after moving to the zone they wanted, Union County schools were redistricted. “Instead of going to the school right down the road, our daughter would be going to a school 10 miles away, driving right past five other schools to get there,” she says. They opted to make the switch to a private school that matched their parenting philosophy and religious interests, had smaller class sizes and worked at students’ paces. The bonus: Her daughter skips the long bus rides and has more time to just “be a kid.” “It’s a trade off,” Hillegas says. “At public schools, kids experience more diversity and learn to cope with situations that aren’t perfect, like kids with some behavior challenges. There are also more resources and more sports and other activities.” On the other hand, she adds, public schools have larger class sizes and testing isn’t as targeted or useful as it could be.

CHALLENGE Hillsborough mom Elizabeth Hays started her son’s education at a local public school. “It was a good school and one of his most influential teachers was his first grade teacher,” she says. But while he did well academically and socially, “he just didn’t seem particularly enthusiastic about learning,” she says. When her younger daughter was school-aged, they chose differently and sent her to Duke School, a private school in Durham. She offered her son the opportunity to switch, but he was reluctant to change schools, at first. After a few years passed, he came to her and asked if he could go to the same school as his sister. Since he was going into fourth grade, Hays felt he was old enough to be involved in the decision process, so when he said he wanted to go to Duke School, she enrolled him. “It’s a huge change. Huge change!” she says, three years after making the switch. “He’s bubbly about school, and learning and curious again about the world around him. He’s so enthusiastic about his education.”

the thing that makes independent schools so good for families,” says Duke School Head of School Dave Michelman. “Each of us are able to offer a mission that is unique to our school. The public schools, who do unbelievably great work while very under-resourced, have a tough mission to supply education to everyone who walks through their door.”

HOW TO DECIDE How do you know if a private school would be right for your family? Here are some tips from private school counselors and administrators.

Consider your child’s style of learning and level of social engagement. Some kids thrive in the busy world of public school. Others might not. Knowing your child, her personality and her goals can help you make the decision. “Students care about their work and want to be around other students who care about their work,” says Freedman. If your child isn’t finding what she needs, it could be time to look around.

Evaluate missions. Most private schools specialize education and offer something different to families. “That’s

Consider — but don’t be deterred by — pricing. “People think independent schools are expensive,” Michelman says. “That’s true to an extent, but all of us offer robust financial aid programs so we charge based on what people can afford to pay. I’d hate for people who think it’s a good choice to say, ‘I can’t afford it.’ ” Think about family dynamics. “The decision to attend a private school will most likely create a shift in the dynamics of the family as priorities shift, and responsibilities of each family member may change,” says Charlotte Preparatory School Counselor Erin Kelly. Parents should consider what additional support may be needed as they go through the transition, which may come from family, friends, school staff or other community members. Block out external pressures. “You have to look deep inside your own family and determine your values and priorities, and find a school that aligns with that,” says Ravenscroft Head of Lower School Payton Hobbs. “There is no one ‘best’ school out there; there is only the school that’s best for your child and your family … Find the school that best meets your family’s needs now as well as hopes and dreams for the future.”

Kathleen M. Reilly is a writer and author living in Raleigh with her husband and sons. | EDUCATION GUIDE 2014-15


Trilogy School

Grace Christian



St. Thomas More






Bethesda Christian Academy 1914 S. Miami Blvd., Durham 919-598-0190

Grades K-8

Camelot Academy 809 Proctor St., Durham Cresset Christian Academy 3707 Garrett Rd., Durham 919-688-3040 919-489-2655

Grades K-12

Duke School 3716 Erwin Rd., Durham Durham Academy 3501 Ridge Rd., Durham Five Oaks Adventist Christian School 4124 Farrington Rd., Durham The Hill Center 3200 Pickett Rd., Durham 919-416-9420 919-493-5787 919-493-5555 919-489-7464

Age 3-grade 8

Enrollment 200; teacher-to-student ratio 1:12; $6,300/yr. elementary, $6,800/ yr. middle; financial aid and sibling discount available; ACSI, AdvancED accredited; Southern Baptist affiliation. Enrollment 125; teacher-to-student ratio 1:10; $9,300-$12,950/yr., financial aid and sibling discount available; NIPSA accredited. Enrollment 249; teacher-to-student ratio 1:15 elementary, 1:25 upper levels; $7,380$9,480/yr., financial aid available; ACSI, SBACS accredited; also serves students with special needs; Baptist affiliation. Enrollment 485; teacher-to-student ratio 1:12; see website for fees, financial aid available; SACS accredited. Enrollment 1,185; $12,940-$22,420/yr., financial aid available; NAIS, SACS accredited.

Immaculata Catholic School 721 Burch Ave., Durham International Montessori School 3001 Academy Rd., Bldg. 300, Durham The Lerner Jewish Community Day School 1935 W. Cornwallis Rd., Durham Montessori Children’s House of Durham 2800 Pickett Rd., Durham Montessori Community School 4512 Pope Rd., Durham Southpoint Academy 7415 Fayetteville Rd., Durham Triangle Day School 4911 Neal Rd., Durham Trinity School of Durham and Chapel Hill 4011 Pickett Rd., Durham 919-682-5847 919-401-4343 919-286-5517

Pre-K-grade 8


Pre-K-grade 12

Pre-K-grade 12 Grades K-8 Grades K-12

Pre-K-grade 6 Pre-K-grade 5

Enrollment 20; teacher-to-student ratio 1:10; $500/mo. plus $450 registration fee; sibling discount available; NCPSA, NADBR accredited; Seventh-Day Adventist affiliation. Enrollment 170; teacher-to-student ratio 1:4; $10,160-$17,300/yr., financial aid available; serves students who have specific learning disabilities and/or attention deficit disorder; SACS, SAIS accredited. Enrollment 400; teacher-to-student ratio 1:9-1:26; $7,966/yr., financial aid available; also serves students with special needs; AdvancED accredited; Catholic affiliation. Call for enrollment and teacher-to-student ratio; $8,330-$13,740/yr., financial aid available; Mandarin Chinese, French and Spanish language immersion; AMS accredited. Enrollment 130; $6,000-$14,750/yr., financial aid and sibling discount available; also serves students with special needs; SACS, SAIS accredited; Jewish affiliation. 919-489-9045

Age 18 mos.grade 6

Enrollment 148; teacher-to-student ratio 1:6; $4,200-$13,900/yr., financial aid available; AMS accredited. 919-493-8541 919-544-5652 919-383-8800 919-402-8262

Grades K-8

Enrollment 265; teacher-to-student ratio 1:7-1:12; fees vary, financial aid and sibling discount available; AMS, SACS accredited. Teacher-to-student ratio 1:10; kindergarten offered; $5,500/yr., financial aid and sibling discount available; Christian affiliation. Enrollment 180; teacher-to-student ratio 1:7; $10,530-$14,120/yr., financial aid available; also serves students with special needs; NCAIS, NAIS, SACS, SAIS accredited. See website for enrollment and teacher-to-student ratio; $9,930-$17,970/yr., financial aid available.

Grades K-5 TK-grade 8 TK-grade 12

Woodplay | EDUCATION GUIDE 2014-15


Our Lady of Lourdes

Carolina Friends

Lerner Jewish Community School



PRIVATE SCHOOLS • Orange and Wake County NAME



DESCRIPTION 919-383-6602 919-967-1858 919-732-6460 919-929-3339 919-644-2090 919-929-1546

Pre-K-grade 12

Age 18 mos.grade 6 Pre-K-grade 4

Enrollment 490; teacher-to-student ratio 1:9; $15,980-$18,130/yr., financial aid available; SACS, SAIS accredited; Quaker affiliation. Enrollment 265; teacher-to-student ratio 1:5-1:20; $6,150-$16,375/yr., financial aid and sibling discount available; NCAIS, NAIS, SACS, SAIS, AWASNA, WECAN accredited. Teacher-student ratio: 2:15; $5,500/yr. kindergarten, $6,500 grades 1-3 plus $125 registration fee; financial aid and sibling discount available; Life Point Church affiliation. Enrollment 60; teacher-to-student ratio 2:10; $9,650-$9,850/yr., financial aid and sibling discount available; all teachers are AMS-certified. See website for fees and hours; AMS member.

Pre-K-grade 8

See website for details; AdvancED accredited; Catholic affiliation. 919-236-3370

Pre-K-grade 8 919-623-2323 919-834-1625 919-677-3873 919-303-2560 919-832-4711

Pre-K-grade 8

Enrollment 50; teacher-to-student ratio 1:8; $5,000/yr., $3,500/each additional child, financial aid and sibling discount available; also serves students with special needs; Catholic affiliation. Enrollment 60; teacher-to-student ratio 1:6; fees vary, financial aid and sibling discount available. See website for fees; NCAIS, NCEA accredited; Catholic affiliation. 919-244-4436 919-782-5082

Pre-K-grade 1

Enrollment 10-20; teacher-to-student ratio 1:10; $500/mo.

Grades 1-12

Follow the Child Montessori School 1215 Ridge Rd., Raleigh The Franciscan School 11401 Leesville Rd., Raleigh 919-755-1150 919-847-8205

Grades K-6

Friendship Christian School 5510 Falls of Neuse Rd., Raleigh 919-872-2133

Age 3-grade 12

GRACE Christian School 801 Buck Jones Rd., Raleigh Hopewell Academy 101 Preston Executive Dr., Cary 919-783-6618 919-481-2123

Grades K-12

Enrollment 120; teacher-to-student ratio 1:5 for reading, writing and math, 1:10 for content and elective classes; $21,982/yr., financial aid and sibling discount available; SACS, SAIS accredited; also serves students with special needs. Enrollment 149; fees vary, financial aid available; all teachers are AMI- and/or AMScertified. Enrollment 680; teacher-to-student ratio 1:12; $6,829-$9,064/yr., financial aid available; fully accredited; 2011 National Blue Ribbon School of Academic Excellence award recipient; also serves students with special needs; Catholic affiliation. Enrollment 330; teacher-to-student ratio varies by grade level; $5,400-$6,230/yr., sibling discount available; NCCSA, American Association of Christian Schools and Middle States Association accredited; also serves children with special needs. Enrollment 715; teacher-to-student ratio 1:18-1:24; $6,995-$8,965/yr., financial aid available; ACSI, AdvancED accredited; nondenominational Christian affiliation. Teacher-to-student ratio 1:12; fees vary, sibling discount available; SACS, AdvancED accredited.

ORANGE COUNTY Carolina Friends School 4809 Friends School Rd., Durham Emerson Waldorf School 6211 New Jericho Rd., Chapel Hill Hillsborough Christian Academy 512 Hwy. 70 E., Hillsborough Montessori Day School of Chapel Hill 1702 Legion Rd., Chapel Hill Pinewoods Montessori School 109 Millstone Dr., Hillsborough St. Thomas More Catholic School 920 Carmichael St., Chapel Hill

Pre-K-grade 12 Grades K-3

WAKE COUNTY All Saints Academy 4154 Shearon Farms Ave., Ste. 100, Wake Forest Atlas International School 1280 Buck Jones Rd., Raleigh Cardinal Gibbons High School 1401 Edwards Mill Rd., Raleigh Cary Academy 1500 N. Harrison Ave., Cary Cary Christian School 1330 Old Apex Rd., Cary Cathedral School 204 Hillsborough St., Raleigh Celebration Christian Academy and Performing Arts, Inc. 3510 Edwards Mill Rd., Raleigh Chesterbook Academy 10200 Strickland Rd., Raleigh Chesterbrook Academy Elementary School 130 Towne Village Dr., Cary Destination STEM 4000 Bearcat Way, Ste. 104, Morrisville The Fletcher Academy 400 Cedarview Ct., Raleigh

Grades 9-12 Grades 6-12 Grades K-12

Enrollment 750; teacher-to-student ratio 1:9; $20,200/yr., financial aid available; SACS, SAIS accredited. See website for fees; Association of Classical and Christian Schools accredited.

Pre-K-grade 8

Enrollment 243; teacher-to-student ratio: 1:25-2:25 depending on grade level; $6,000/ yr., financial aid available; AdvancED, CASI, SACS accredited; National Blue Ribbon School award recipient; Catholic affiliation. Grades pre-K-12 Enrollment 43; teacher-to-student ratio varies per class; see website for fees, financial 919-571-3939 aid and sibling discount available; nondenominational Christian affiliation; also serves students with special needs. northraleigh.chesterbrookacademy. Pre-K-grade 5 Enrollment 160; $9,720/yr., financial aid and sibling discount available; teacher-tocom student ratio 1:10 pre-K, 1:12 elementary grades; AdvancED accredited. 877-959-4181 Pre-K-grade 5 Hours vary; teacher-to-student ratio varies by class; call for fees; CASI, SACS accredited; 877-959-4181 also serves students with special needs.

Grades K-8

Grades 6-12 | EDUCATION GUIDE 2014-15


PRIVATE SCHOOLS • Wake County NAME CONTACT Learn with the Best School 501 Keisler Dr., Ste. 104, Cary 919-303-1255 Lord of Life Preschool and Kindergarten Academy 919-772-5444 2100 Buffaloe Rd., Garner The Montessori School of Raleigh 7005 Lead Mine Rd., Raleigh 919-848-1545 Neuse Christian Academy 7600 Falls of Neuse Rd., Raleigh 919-844-6496 North Raleigh Christian Academy 7300 Perry Creek Rd., Raleigh 919-573-7900 Oak City Academy 1181 Haynes St., Raleigh 919-815-7742 Our Lady of Lourdes Catholic School 2710 Overbrook Dr., Raleigh 919-861-4610 Peace Montessori School 2190 N. Salem St., Ste. 103, Apex 919-363-2461 Raleigh Christian Academy 2110 Trawick Rd., Raleigh 919-872-2215

AGES/GRADES Pre-K-grade 12 Grade 1 Pre-K-grade 9 Grades K-12 Pre-K-grade 12 Pre-K-grade 5 Grades K-8 Grades K-6 Grades K-12

The Raleigh School 1141 Raleigh School Dr., Raleigh Ravenscroft School 7409 Falls of Neuse Rd., Raleigh Renaissance Montessori School of Cary 610 Nottingham Dr., Cary Resurrection Lutheran School 100 Lochmere Dr. W., Cary 919-546-0788 919-861-2110 919-439-0130

Grades K-5 919-851-7270

Grades K-8

Saint Mary’s School 900 Hillsborough St., Raleigh 919-424-4000

Grades 9-12

Saint Raphael Catholic School 5815 Falls of the Neuse Rd., Raleigh St. Catherine of Siena Catholic School 520 W. Holding Ave., Wake Forest St. David’s School 3400 White Oak Rd., Raleigh St. Mary Magdalene Catholic School 625 Magdala Pl., Apex St. Michael the Archangel Catholic School 810 High House Rd., Cary St. Thomas More Academy 3109 Spring Forest Rd., Raleigh St. Timothy’s School 4523 Six Forks Rd., Raleigh Stevens Prep Academy 901 Oak Creek Rd., Raleigh Tammy Lynn Center 739 Chappell Dr., Raleigh Thales Academy - Apex 1177 Ambergate Station, Apex Thales Academy - Raleigh 8151 Town Dr., Raleigh 919-865-5750 919-556-7613

Grades K-8 919-782-3331 919-657-4800 919-468-6150

Pre-K-grade 12 919-878-7640 919-787-3011 919-846-0118 919-832-3909 919-606-3478 919-882-2320

Grades 9-12



Pre-K-grade 12 Grades 1-3

Pre-K-grade 8

Pre-K-grade 8 Pre-K-grade 8

Pre-K-grade 8 Grades 3-12 Grades K-12 Grades K-10 Grades K-5

DESCRIPTION Enrollment 15; $900-$2,000/mo., sibling discount available; also serves students with special needs. Enrollment 100; teacher-to-student ratio 2:20; $570/mo; NAEYC accreditation; nondenominational Christian affiliation. Enrollment 400; teacher-to-student ratio 1:12; see website for fees, financial aid available; NCAIS, NAIS, SACS, AMS accredited. See website for fees; ACSI, AdvancedED accredited; Christian affiliation. Enrollment 1,420; teacher-to-student ratio 1:18-1:22; $4,056-$8,556/yr., financial aid available; ACSI, CITA, AdvancED accredited; nondenominational Christian affiliation. Enrollment 46; teacher-to-student ratio 1:12-1:14; $780/mo. grades K-5, financial aid and sibling discount available; Christian affiliation. Enrollment 521; $5,425-$7,970, financial aid and sibling discount available; SACS accredited; Catholic affiliation. See website for details. Enrollment 330; teacher-to-student ratio 1:18; $6,400/yr., sibling discount available; Middle States Association of Schools and Colleges, AACS, NACS, NCCSA accredited; Baptist affiliation. Enrollment 400; teacher-to-student ratio 1:11; $10,560/yr., financial aid available; NAEYC, SACS, SAIS accredited. Enrollment 1,180; $18,825 grades 1-5, $21,085 grades 6-12, financial aid and sibling discount available; SACS, SAIS accredited. Enrollment 50; teacher-to-student ratio 1:4-1:10; fees vary, financial aid and sibling discount available; International Montessori Council accredited. Enrollment 160; teacher-to-student 1:18; $4,825-$6,400/yr., financial aid and sibling discount available; AdvancED and National Lutheran Schools accredited; Lutheran affiliation. Enrollment 271, all-girls; teacher-to-student ratio 1:8; $23,850/yr. for day, $47,600/ yr. for boarding; financial aid available; NCAIS, NAIS, NAES, NCGS, SACS, SAIS, TABS accredited; Episcopal affiliation. Enrollment 468; teacher-to-student ratio 1:26-2:26; $5,401-$7,995, financial aid and sibling discount available; AdvancED accredited; Roman Catholic affiliation. Enrollment 145; teacher-to-student ratio 1:7; kindergarten offered; $5,595/yr., financial aid and sibling discount available; also serves students with special needs; AdvancED accredited; Catholic affiliation. Enrollment 623; teacher-to-student ratio 1:8-1:12; $12,950-$18,650, financial aid available; SACS, SAIS accredited; Episcopal affiliation. See website for fees; AdvancED accredited; Roman Catholic affiliation. Enrollment 500; teacher-to-student ratio 1:12-1:27; $6,250-$8,050, financial aid available; AdvancED accredited; National Blue Ribbon School award recipient; Catholic affiliation. Enrollment 180; teacher-to-student ratio 1:10; $6,500/yr., financial aid and sibling discount available; Catholic affiliation. Enrollment 450; teacher-to-student ratio 1:9; $4,380-$13,420/yr., financial aid and sibling discount available; SACS accredited; Episcopal affiliation. Enrollment 20; teacher-to-student ratio 1:4; $1,300/mo., sibling discount available; NCAA accredited; also serves students with special needs. Enrollment 45; teacher-to-student ratio 1:6; fees vary, financial aid available; grades K-12 serve students with special needs only; 5 stars. Enrollment 450; teacher-to-student ratio 1:24; after-school care offered; $5,300/yr., financial aid and sibling discount available. Enrollment 273; teacher-to-student ratio varies; $5,300/yr., financial aid and sibling discount available.

PRIVATE SCHOOLS • Wake and Other Counties NAME CONTACT Thales Academy - Rolesville 1201 Granite Falls Blvd., Rolesville 919-435-2715 Thales Academy - Wake Forest 3106 Heritage Trade Dr., Wake Forest 919-453-6415 Triangle Collaborative School 808 Aviation Pkwy., Ste. 1100, 919-943-9817 Morrisville The Trilogy School 3810 Merton Dr., Raleigh 919-781-7804 Trinity Academy of Raleigh 10224 Baileywick Rd., Raleigh 919-786-0114 Wake Christian Academy 5500 Wake Academy Dr., Raleigh 919-772-6264 Wake Gifted Academy P.O. Box 5632, Cary 919-389-2494

AGES/GRADES Grades 6-11 Grades pre-K-5 Grades 6-12 Grades 2-12 TK-grade 12 Grades K-12 Grades K-5

DESCRIPTION Enrollment 230; teacher-to-student ratio 1:24-1:25; $6,000/yr., financial aid and sibling discount available; also serves students with special needs. Enrollment 500; teacher-to-student ratio 1:24; $5,300/yr., financial aid and sibling discount available. Teacher-to-student ratio 1:8; $11,750/yr. middle school, $12,750 high school; also serves students with special needs. See website fees and hours; provides specialized instruction in small group enviroments for students with learning disabilities; SACS, AdvancEd accredited. See website for details; fees vary, financial aid and sibling discount available; CASI, SACS, NCAIS, AdvancED accredited; nondenominational Christian affiliation. Enrollment 850; $5,150-$6,875/yr., financial aid available; AACS, NCCSA, NACSAA accredited; nondenominational Christian affiliation. Enrollment 45; teacher-to-student ratio 1:10; kindergarten offered; fosters the intellectual growth and development of academically gifted and high potential students at elementary age.

OTHER COUNTIES Haw River Christian Academy 2428 Silk Hope Gum Springs Rd., Pittsboro Jordan Lake School of the Arts 1434 Farrington Rd., Apex (in Chatham County) True Light Shines Academy 7428 Pearces Rd., Louisburg

Duke Youth 919-533-4139

JK-grade 9 919-387-9440

Grades K-12 919-720-2864

Grades K-9

Enrollment 60; teacher-to-student ratio averages 1:8; $2,490-$5,825, financial aid and sibling discount available; adding one grade level per year up to grade 12; Association of Classical Christian Schools member; Christian affiliation. See website for fees and teacher-to-student ratio; also serves students with special needs. Enrollment 11; teacher-to-student ratio 1:5; $410/mo., sibling discount available; adding one grade level per year; nondenominational Christian affiliation.

The Fletcher Academy | EDUCATION GUIDE 2014-15



Durham School of the Arts

BY BARBARA DIANIS Barbara Dianis, CEO and founder of Dianis Educational Systems, runs an educational tutoring business that helps students with dyslexia, attention deficit disorder, attention deficit and hyperactivity disorder, and learning differences to achieve scholastic and professional success. She offers eight tips to new high schoolers for how to ace their final exams.


1 High school students generally benefit from preparing a few


| |

minutes a day, several weeks prior to exam week. Students who relearn and review core concepts daily for 10-15 minutes typically retain and recall the information more consistently.

The week before exams, students should increase their review time for each class by 20 minutes or more. This additional review time can help transform their scholastic future by raising their GPAs and class rank.

3 Parents can help teenagers by discussing a workable exam


study plan, and reviewing these plans the week before and of the exams.

4 Create a study area within the home for the student to use


as a review station. Stock a crate of study supplies, such as highlighters and small white boards. Teenagers are typically are more focused when they have an organized area in which to study.

5 Students who are unsure of what to study should look over


previous test and quiz questions, as well as outlines and review sheets. When a student receives a study guide, he or she should begin reviewing the information immediately.

6 Parents may want to host a small study group for their teen


and several of his or her friends. Studying together can improve retention and help fill each other’s learning gaps. In addition, study groups bring a much-needed element of fun to learning.

7 Numerous teenagers find they can retain and recall more


core information while taking exams if they have reviewed the information orally and in written form.

8 When preparing for exams, students benefit from drinking

water. Research suggests a well-hydrated brain functions at a more optimum level.

Find more tips at





hen Gregor McGee of Hickory wanted to double up on his math courses during high school, he didn’t go the traditional route. Instead, he enrolled

in online courses through N.C. Virtual Public School, a program that offers online courses to middle and high school students throughout the state via the N.C. Department of Public Instruction. “When NCVPS started in 2007, the main goal was for students — regardless of zip code — to have access to high quality classes,” says Tracy Weeks, chief academic and digital learning officer for NCDPI. “It has really opened up options for students, and equipped traditional schools with the opportunity to expand class choices offered to students,” she says. Online courses through NCVPS are becoming more common for students throughout North Carolina. Enrollment has grown to more than 52,000 students representing all 115 North Carolina school districts since the program began in 2007. NCVPS offers more than 150 courses ranging from Arabic and Japanese to calculus and personal finance. Students can also choose from advanced placement offerings. The increase in enrollment has expanded the course catalog for all North Carolina schools, allowing students to take classes they need due to schedule conflicts or for credit recovery, or are interested in taking just for curiosity’s sake — even if the classes are not offered in their schools. For McGee, the online classes were a great benefit since his small school offered limited resources. He took everything from AP Music Theory and AP Accounting to

AP Advanced Functions and AP Human Geography. “My school didn’t offer some of the classes, but I wanted to learn the material and challenge myself because the courses sounded interesting,” he said. In addition, he was able to take some of his required courses online that didn’t fit into his school schedule. When NCVPS was first being developed, Weeks said she and the other staff members didn’t think schools in the larger zip codes would have as big of a need for the classes, but have found them to have the largest enrollment because they are better able to meet the needs of all students. At Enloe High School in Raleigh, for example, there is a computer lab dedicated to online courses that is monitored by a teacher. One student may be taking AP Geography, while the student next to him is taking Math 2.

RESOURCES For students who need extra support, NCVPS offers these resources to ensure that students succeed. n


Peer Tutors help students understand material for specific subjects.


Virtual Buddies are paired with students who need encouragement and assistance in areas such as time management.


The TutorTalk Blog provides information on topics ranging from study tips to advice on applying to college.


Language coaches are offered to students taking more complicated languages, like Japanese or Chinese. The coaches talk to the students over the phone to teach accuracy in pronouncing the language, and to work on subtleties of the language.

Teachers While NCVPS teachers don’t see their students in a classroom every day, their teacher-student relationships are strong. Teachers are required to regularly communicate with the students and parents, continued on page 44

Quick Questions, available through Blackboard, provide quick answers to simple questions. | EDUCATION GUIDE 2014-15


Online Classes


continued from page 43

plus many send out newsletters or other forms of communication to maintain relationships and encourage those students who are struggling. All NCVPS teachers have a current North Carolina teaching certificate, and taught a minimum of three years in a classroom. In addition, teachers are required to take a teacher induction semester that provides training and ensures they understand the requirements and time involved. On average, a NCVPS teacher will spend 10 hours a week on each class he or she teaches.

Challenges Statewide connectivity can be an issue, according to Eliz Colbert, executive director of NCVPS. Students and schools must be willing to download programs, such as a media player and Java, to ensure that the required programs run correctly. In addition, some schools in rural areas don’t have current versions of Windows, which can cause glitches. To avoid these issues, Colbert advises students to refer to the technology requirements on the NCVPS website prior to enrolling in a class. NCVPS also has a team that addresses technology issues. For McGee, the main challenge when taking an online course is being responsible and keeping up with the classwork and assignments. “No one is there pushing you like in the classroom setting,” he says. “So you have to learn to motivate yourself.” As NCVPS continues to expand, more and more students will be able to take advantage of all it offers. “It is now a part of schools, the enrollment process, and how schools help kids plan,” Weeks says. “It is a regular part of the tool box, not an exception to the rule.” For more information, visit Michele Jonczak, a freelance writer from Raleigh, is a mother of two boys, ages 4 and 2, and a girl, 10 months old.



Ac c e s s f o r A l l In addition to all North Carolina public schools, NCVPS is open to private schools, homeschools, students who are homebound with illnesses and students who have different life schedules due to extracurricular activities, such as ballet or racing cars. NCVPS has also opened up doors for students with special needs through the Occupational Courses Study Blended Learning Program. Maria Topliff of Jacksonville, who teaches English 2 to 10th grade students in the OCS Blended Learning Program through NCVPS, says this combined classroom/online learning method is successful because student achievement is forefront. Students have a face-to-face teacher in the classroom and take specific courses online through NCVPS. Topliff says she is able to create customized lesson plans to make sure the students connect with her and understand the concepts. “It has been amazing to see the progress the students have made,” Topliff says. “They are passing tests, and are really engaged.”

Eliz Colbert, executive director of NCVPS, says local schools absorb the costs of the classes, which range from $235 for summer classesto $438 for yearlong classes.

Wake County magnet | EDUCATION GUIDE 2014-15


Durham Public Schools



PUBLIC SCHOOLS CHAPEL HILLCARRBORO CITY 750 S. Merritt Mill Rd., Chapel Hill 919-967-8211 Elementary Schools: 11 Middle Schools: 4 High Schools: 4 Alternative Schools: 1 Enrollment: 12,275 ABC Goals: 100 percent of schools met goals for expected or high growth Average SAT Score: 1,183 Graduation Rate: 92.6 percent CHCCS launched its 2013-18 Long Range Plan for Thinking, Learning and Growing Every Day last year. The district has a 92.6 percent graduation rate, with 15 percent of its high school students taking advanced placement (AP) or advanced classes. CHCCS offers pre-K/Head Start in 10 elementary schools; full-day kindergarten and after-school care at all elementary schools; summer school; camps; and youth enrichment. There is a 1.47 ratio for students per digital learning device and 99.6 percent of CHCCS classrooms are connected to the Internet.

CHATHAM COUNTY P.O. Box 128; 369 West St., Pittsboro 919-542-3626 Elementary Schools: 10 (two have grades K-8; one has grades pre-K-4; four have grades pre-K-5; three have grades pre-K-8.) Middle Schools: 3 High Schools: 3 Alternative Schools: 1 Enrollment: 8,402 Average SAT Score: 981 Graduation Rate: 82.2 percent Offers pre-K at some sites and fullday kindergarten at all elementary schools. All high schools operate on block scheduling. The district

has issued laptop computers to all traditional high school students for the 2014-15 school year. Laptop computers are in elementary and middle schools. All teachers in the district already have been issued laptop computers.

DURHAM COUNTY 511 Cleveland St., Durham 919-560-2000 Elementary Schools: 30 Middle Schools: 9 Secondary Schools (grades 6-12): 2 High Schools: 11 Alternative Schools: 1 Hospital School: 1 Enrollment: 33,400 Average SAT Score: 952 Graduation Rate: 81.5 percent Offers full-day kindergarten and targeted pre-K, before-

and after-school care in the elementary schools, after-school care in middle schools, summer camps and enrichment. Three elementary, one middle school and one secondary school operate on a year-round calendar with intersession available. DPS has 23 magnet schools. You can find more magnet information at Seven small high schools offer unique school settings, specialized curriculum and flexible hours.

JOHNSTON COUNTY P.O. Box 1336 2320 U.S. 70 Business Hwy. E., Smithfield 919-934-6031 Elementary Schools: 22 Middle Schools: 13 High Schools: 11

Enrollment: 34,660 Average SAT Score: 998 Graduation Rate: 84.9 percent Offers pre-K and full-day kindergarten, before- and afterschool care, and high school summer school. All traditional high schools operate on block scheduling.

ORANGE COUNTY 200 E. King St., Hillsborough 919-732-8126 Elementary Schools: 7 Middle Schools: 3 High Schools: 2 Alternative Schools: 1 Enrollment: 7,581 Average SAT Score: 1,051 Graduation Rate: 85.2 percent Offers pre-K and full-day kindergarten, after-school care at continued on page 48 | EDUCATION GUIDE 2014-15


PUBLIC SCHOOLS continued students who show promise of exceptional development and/ or special interest in science or mathematics. Students accepted to NCSSM live on the Durham campus in residence halls at the historic site of Watts Hospital. NCSSM also provides an online program that allows students to stay at their local high school and take four to six NCSSM courses during their junior and senior years. NCSSM is a constituent institution of the UNC system. Information about NCSSM is available online or by contacting local school guidance counselors, science and mathematics teachers, principals or headmasters of N.C. secondary schools. Accreditation by AdvancED Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Council on Accreditation and School Improvement.

all elementary and middle schools, summer school and enrichment. Hillsborough Elementary School operates on a year-round calendar with intersession provided. Two high schools operate on block scheduling, and both offer Advanced Placement courses and Career and Technical Education courses, on and off-campus. An International Baccalaureate program is offered at Cedar Ridge High School. Central Elementary School offers an “Engineering is Elementary” program and EflandCheeks Elementary School offers “The Leader in Me” program. As part of the One-to-One initiative, all students in grades 4-12 have been given a Lenovo laptop to use during the school year.

WAKE COUNTY 5625 Dillard Dr., Cary 
 Elementary Schools: 105
 Middle Schools: 36
 High Schools: 29
 Alternative Schools: 4 
 Enrollment: est. 156,000 Average SAT Score: 1,070 Graduation Rate: 82.2 percent

 Offers pre-K and full-day kindergarten, before- and after-school care at many sites, summer school and enrichment. There are 48 schools operating on a year-round calendar with intersession available. All high schools operate on block scheduling except Enloe High School. Twelve high schools offer career academies. Families may choose an early college program at the Vernon Malone College and Career Academy, Young Men’s Leadership Academy, Young Women’s Leadership Academy, Wake Early College of Health and Science, or Wake N.C. State University STEM Early



College High School. There are 34 magnet schools, which specialize in the following themes: Creative Arts and Science, Gifted and Talented, Leadership, Museums, International Baccalaureate, Center for Spanish, Center for Leadership and Technology, Active Learning and Technology, Montessori, International Studies, University Connections and Leadership, GT/IB Center for Humanities, Sciences and the Arts. For more information about WCPSS’s magnet program, visit www. Leadership Academies consist of middle and high schools; Hilburn Academy


is an elementary and middle school. These schools are counted in both categories in the school breakdowns.

NORTH CAROLINA SCHOOL OF SCIENCE AND MATHEMATICS P.O. Box 2418 1219 Broad St., Durham 919-416-2600 Grades: 11-12 Enrollment: 680 Average SAT score: 1,358 NCSSM recruits statewide to educate academically talented

1533 S. Main St., Winston-Salem 336-770-3399 Grades: 9-graduate school Average SAT score: 1,170 Enrollment is more than 1,200 during the academic year and more than 600 during the summer session. Accreditation: SACS; teacher-to-student ratio: 1:7. Yearly tuition varies depending on whether a student is in high school, college or graduate school, and has in-state or out-of-state status. Financial aid is available. UNCSA offers programs in dance, design and production, drama, filmmaking, music and visual arts in a conservatory environment. The school operates on a semester schedule.






Carter Community School 1966 W. Cornwallis Rd., Durham Central Park School for Children 724 Foster St., Durham Global Scholars Academy 311 Dowd St., Durham 919-797-2340 919-682-1200 919-682-5903

Grades K-8

Healthy Start Academy 807 W. Chapel Hill St., Durham The Institute for the Development of Young Leaders 1305 W. Club Blvd., Durham Kestrel Heights School 4700 S. Alston Ave., Durham Maureen Joy Charter School 107 S. Driver St., Durham RAM (Reaching All Minds) Academy 2703 Holloway St., Durham 919-956-5599 919-973-4178

Grades K-8

Call for enrollment and teacher-to-student ratios;Â focuses on the development of economic and financially literate students; also serves students with special needs. Call for enrollment and teacher-to-student ratios; also serves students with special needs; N.C. School of Distinction for High Growth. Enrollment 200; teacher-to-student ratio 1:13 grades K-3,1:25 grades 4-8; seeks to improve educational outcomes and the overall life chances of youth who are at the greatest risk of academic failure due to significant social, economic and educational challenges; also serves students with special needs. Call for enrollment and teacher-to-student ratio; SACS accredited; also serves students with special needs. Enrollment 160; teacher-to-student ratio 1:10; after-school care offered; also serves students with special needs. 919-484-1300 919-493-6056 919-596-1899

Grades K-12

Enrollment 1,065; AdvancED accredited; also serves students with special needs.

Grades K-8

See website for details.

Grades K-3

Research Triangle Charter Academy 2418 Ellis Rd., Durham Research Triangle High School 10 Park Dr., Research Triangle Park

researchtrianglecharteracademy. Grades K-8 org 919-957-7108 Grades 9-10 919-998-6757

Enrollment 115; teacher-to-student ratio 1:18; kindergarten and before- and after-school care offered; prepares students to become productive citizens with the skills needed to solve complex problems, think critically, exhibit positive social competencies and function in a highly technological and global society; peanutfree environment. Enrollment 704; teacher-to-student ratio 1:22-1:28; also serves students with special needs.

Voyager Academy 4210 Ben Franklin Blvd., Durham 919-433-3301

Grades K-12 919-960-1748 919-644-6272 919-933-7699

Grades K-6 919-653-5000 919-855-9811

Grades K-8

DURHAM COUNTY Grades K-5 Grades K-8

Grades K-6

Call for enrollment and teacher-to-student ratios; features a science, technology, engineering and math (STEM) focus, designed to bring a globally competitive education to a broad spectrum of students. See website for enrollment figures; project-based learning instruction/learning approach; middle school located at 101 Hock Parc Ln., Durham.

ORANGE COUNTY The Expedition School 437 Dimmocks Mill Rd., Ste. 33, Hillsborough Orange Charter School 920 Corporate Dr., Hillsborough PACE Academy 308 N.C. Hwy. 54, Carrboro

Grades K-8 Grades 9-12

Enrollment 230; teacher-to-student ratio 1:20; hands-on, project-based learning approach with a STEM focus; also serves students with special needs. Enrollment 225; teacher-to-student ratio 1:20; also serves students with special needs. Enrollment 160; teacher-to-student ratio 1:10; also serves students with special needs.

WAKE COUNTY Cardinal Charter Academy 1020 St. Charles Pl., Cary Casa Esperanza Montessori Preschool and Charter School 2600 Sumner Blvd., Ste. 130, Raleigh Dynamic Community Charter School 5510 Munford Rd., Raleigh East Wake Academy 400 NMC Dr., Zebulon Endeavor Charter School 4879 One World Way, Wake Forest Envision Science Academy 9400 Forum Dr., Raleigh Exploris Middle School 401 Hillsborough St., Raleigh 919-787-7388 919-404-0444 919-848-0333 919-435-4002 919-715-3690

Pre-K-grade 8

Grades K-12 Grades K-8 Grades K-8 Grades K-8

Call for enrollment and teacher-to-student ratios; project-based and technologydriven school in which students can reach their academic potential. Enrollment 460; charter school and private preschool; English-Spanish dual language program; also serves students with special needs. A project-based middle and high school for students with intellectual and developmental disabilities. Call for enrollment and teacher-student ratios; rigorous curriculum in a collegeprep atmosphere. Call for enrollment and teacher-to-student ratios; curriculum focuses on fine arts, public speaking, service learning and hands-on experiential learning. Call for enrollment and teacher-to-student ratios; STEAM (science, technology, engineering, arts and mathematics) curriculum. Enrollment 410; also serves students with special needs. | EDUCATION GUIDE 2014-15


Charter Schools USA



CHARTER SCHOOLS • Wake and Other Counties NAME Franklin Academy Wake Forest See description for addresses

CONTACT 919-554-4911

GRADES Grades K-12

Hope Elementary Charter School 1116 N. Blount St., Raleigh Longleaf School of the Arts 207 E. Hargett St., Raleigh Magellan Charter School 9324 Baileywick Rd., Raleigh PreEminent Charter School 3815 Rock Quarry Rd., Raleigh Quest Academy Charter School 10908 Strickland Rd., Raleigh Raleigh Charter High School 1307 Glenwood Ave., Raleigh Southern Wake Academy 5801 Old Powell Rd., Holly Springs Sterling Montessori Academy and Charter School 202B Treybrooke Dr., Morrisville Torchlight Academy 3211 Bramer Dr., Raleigh Triangle Math and Science Academy 312 Gregson Dr., Cary 919-834-0941 919-896-8164 919-844-0277 919-235-0511 919-841-0441 919-715-1155 919-567-9955 919-462-8889

Grades K-5

Pre-K-grade 8

Call for enrollment and teacher-to-student ratios; follows Montessori philosophy and consists of two facilities: pre-K and K-8. 919-850-9960 919-388-0077

Grades K-5

Wake Forest Charter Academy 1851 Friendship Chapel Rd., Wake Forest 919-263-8673

Grades K-5

Call for enrollment and teacher-to-student ratios; also provides separate K-5 classrooms for boys and girls and serves students with special needs. Enrollment 350; teacher-to-student ratio 1:20; adding one grade level per year up to grade 12; math, science and technology learning opportunities; also serves students with special needs. Enrollment 504; teacher-to-student ratio 1:22 grade K, 1:28 grades 1-5. 919-240-7787

Grades 1-4

Enrollment 120; teacher-to-student ratio 1:15; also serves students with special needs. 919-960-8353

Grades K-12

Call for enrollment and teacher-to-student ratios.

Grades 9-12 Grades 3-8 Grades K-8 Grades K-8 Grades 9-12 Grades 9-12

Grades K-8

DESCRIPTION Call for enrollment and teacher-student ratios; founded in 1998 as one of North Carolina’s 100 Charter Schools; Franklin Academy I and II for grades K-2 located at 604 S. Franklin St., Wake Forest; Franklin Academy III and IV for grades 3-8 located at 1127 Chalk Rd., Wake Forest; Franklin Academy High School for grades 9-12 located at 648 Flaherty Ave., Wake Forest. Call for enrollment and teacher-to-student ratios. Enrollment 250; teacher-to-student ratio 1:18; provides a rigorous, collegepreparatory curriculum with a required course of study in the fine arts. Call for enrollment and teacher-to-student ratios; also serves students with special needs. Enrollment 704; teacher-to-student ratio 1:22-1:25; also serves students with special needs. Call for enrollment and teacher-to-student ratios; 2011 National Blue Ribbon School of Academic Excellence recipient. Enrollment 550; teacher-to-student ratio 1:20; also serves students with special needs. Call for enrollment and teacher-to-student ratios.

OTHER COUNTIES Willow Oak Montessori Public Charter School 50101 Governors Dr., Ste. 170, Chapel Hill Woods Charter 160 Woodland Grove Ln., Chapel Hill

This information was provided by the school. Check our online directories at for more education resources.

Triangle Education Assessment

Wake Gifted Academy | EDUCATION GUIDE 2014-15


homework homework



eachers, you may have seen it. Parents, you may have done it. It could be a math paper pockmarked with erasures and reprinted. Or it could be a science project where everything is centered neatly with too much information, but the child is unable to answer questions about its substance. It’s called helping your children too much with their homework, or just doing their homework for them. It’s a hallmark of the “helicopter parent” who hovers over a child, making sure homework or a project is perfect, and it may be doing more harm than good. In a recent study based on nearly 25,000 student surveys provided by the U.S. National Center for Education Statistics and family questionnaires from Child Development Supplement, researchers found that parental help is mostly inconsequential, but sometimes it can hurt, especially as children get older and enter middle school. Parental homework help can even have negative effects, including bringing down test scores.

How Teachers Encourage Independence Fifth-grade teacher Kathleen Crook, who has been in the classroom for 25 years and teaches at Morgan Elementary School in Clemmons, has seen the effect of parental involvement firsthand, and has developed strategies to combat the tendency of parents to help too much.



“The purpose of homework is to reinforce skills that have been learned in the classroom,” she says, and a child who is struggling with schoolwork can benefit from a parent offering support. She suggests a parent ask the child to tell him or her what she feels is troublesome about a subject. “If the student can talk through the problem, his or her work will get better,” Crook says. When it comes to school projects, the objective is to challenge children’s thinking, and have them create something that reflects what they have learned. Crook says it’s usually obvious if a parent did the project for the child. If she sees that parents continue to be heavily involved in their child’s homework or projects, Crook will deal with the student and parents, saying, “I can tell that you and your parents put in a lot of time and effort. But for the next project, parents, you need to back off and let your child do more of the work.” Another strategy she uses to combat too much parental involvement is starting school projects in the classroom instead of just sending a sheet of directions home. “For example, when we were doing a project on clouds, we set up an assembly line where the kids would pick up their construction paper, cotton balls and a glue stick, and put them in a gallon plastic bag,” she says. “We give them a lot of direction before we send them home with a project.” Crook tries to lessen the stress that may be put on students and their parents by not assigning homework on the weekends. “The child needs to spend time with their family and be free of that,” she says. Susanne Reid, a second-grade teacher at Providence Day School in Charlotte, says the school works in partnership with parents and students to make sure homework (or practice time) is an extension of what is taught in the classroom. Students in Reid’s class start with approximately 10 minutes of practice time with his or her parents. Reid has students keep a log to make sure they

complete this practice time each evening. Reid also requires nightly reading time, “reading with and to the children,” she says.

Leave Them Be Fifi Ray of Cornelius has a sixth-grader, third-grader and 10-month-old. She says she is there for her children “to assist with questions, but I don’t do their projects and homework for them. … They don’t learn from me doing it,” she says. “It will hurt them in the future because they won’t know how to do things on their own.” Ray adds that she lets her children use a computer, but sticks to websites that are used in school. Nancemarie Brandquist of Apex says she and her husband are firm believers in letting their children do their own homework. “Giving your child support and the right guidance to complete their homework tasks is the best for them,” Brandquist says. “If you do it for them, where will they be in college and the professional world?” Her methods are borne out through her three children — a graduate of N.C. State University who is an accountant, a senior at NCSU who is an engineering major and a senior at Apex High School who plans to study criminology and forensics. When her children were in elementary and middle school, Brandquist says, she could always tell which parents did their children’s projects for them. “They were living through their children,” she says. “They would brag on them all the time.” Brandquist says she thinks when parents do all their children’s work for them, it makes their kids’ lives harder in the long run. “The teacher might think, ‘Maybe this kid belongs in a higher level class?’ It puts too much pressure on the children.” But Brandquist says she has also seen the flip side of hovering parents — parents who don’t support their kids’ education enough. “I’ve seen parents who did not help their kids get the proper things for the project, supplies that they needed for the project,” she says. “They let their kids

slide completely. Education ends when the school day does.”

A Little Help, Here? A teacher who thinks a bit of parental help with homework can be good is Robin Snow, a sixth-grade English teacher at Forsyth Country Day School in Lewisville. Snow has taught for 21 years and has four children — an 11th-grader, 10th-grader, seventh-grader and preschooler. She says offering help with homework “depends on the student, which is OK.” For the most part, Snow, like Crook, ensures that papers and projects get done in class. “You have to know your child, you have to know his or her strengths and challenges,” she says. “If a child has issues with organization, a mom can ask if her child has everything needed. She should know when to say ‘you try it first’ about a certain homework assignment.” As far as school projects go, parents can sense when they are too much for their child. Ray says it is obvious when a parent needs to be involved in the project. “Some projects are so elaborate that my child would never be able to do them,” she says. Snow says at times she sees a difference between a student’s classwork and homework. When that happens, she will ask the student to do his homework in the classroom. Snow has noticed when some of her children’s classmates’ school projects are done by parents. “It is not serving the children,” she says. “They are not learning the skills they should have learned going through the project.” Snow admits that she has helped her children with their homework, “But I don’t do it for them.” Anne Wooten Green is a freelance writer in Winston-Salem. | EDUCATION GUIDE 2014-15


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SOUTH CAROLINA Ben Lippen School 60 AMS Circle Burnsville, NC 28714 828-675-4262 | Coed Grades 7-9 | $27,023 7401 Monticello Rd. Columbia, SC 29203 803-807-4000 | Coed Grades 7-12 | $34,708-$44,708

Asheville School

Camden Military Academy 360 Asheville School Rd. Asheville, NC 28806 828-254-6345 | Coed Grades 9-12 | $28,500 (day), $47,375 (boarding) 520 Hwy. 1 N. Camden, SC 29020 800-948-6291 | Boys Grades 7-12 | $21,000

Lake House Academy 447 Lily Pad Lane Flat Rock, NC 28731 877-267-5888 | Girls Ages 10-14 | Call for rates

Oak Ridge Military Academy 2317 Oak Ridge Rd. Oak Ridge, NC 27310 336-643-4131 | Coed Grades 7-12 | $29,000

Saint Mary’s School 900 Hillsborough St. Raleigh, NC 27603 919-424-4000 | Girls Grades 9-12 | $47,600

Salem Academy 500 E. Salem Ave. Winston-Salem, NC 27101 336-721-2643 | Girls Grades 9-12 | $42,980

GEORGIA Darlington School 1014 Cave Spring Rd. Rome, GA 30161 706-235-6051 | Coed Grades 9-12 | $44,900

Riverside Military Academy 2001 Riverside Dr. Gainesville, GA 30501 800-462-2338 | Boys Grades 7-12 | $32,200

TENNESSEE Baylor School 171 Baylor School Rd. Chattanooga, TN 37405 423-267-5902 | Coed Grades 9-12 | $44,480

VIRGINIA Blue Ridge School

Chatham Hall

Miller School of Albemarle 800 Chatham Hall Circle Chatham, VA 24531 434-432-2941 | Girls Grades 9-12 | $45,000 1000 Samuel Miller Loop Charlottesville, VA 22903 434-823-4805 | Coed Grades 8-PG | $40,480

Christchurch School

Oak Hill Academy 49 Seahorse Lane Christchurch, VA 23031 804-758-2306 | Coed Grades 9-12 | $45,600 2635 Oak Hill Rd. Mouth of Wilson, VA 24363 276-579-2619 | Coed Grades 8-12 | $28,143

Episcopal High School

Randolph-Macon Academy 1200 N. Quaker Lane Alexandria, VA 22302 703-933-3000 | Coed Grades 9-12 | $49,700 200 Academy Dr. Front Royal, VA 22630 800-272-1172 | Coed Grades 6-PG | $34,565

Fishburne Military School

Stuart Hall 225 S. Wayne Ave. Waynesboro, VA 22980 540-946-7700 | Boys Grades 7-PG | $31,800 235 W. Frederick St. Staunton, VA 24401 888-306-8926 | Girls Grades 8-12 | $44,500

Foxcroft School

Virginia Episcopal School 22407 Foxhound Lane Middleburg, VA 20118 540-687-5555 | Girls Grades 9-12 | $50,900 400 VES Rd. Lynchburg, VA 24503 434-385-3600 | Coed Grades 9-12 | $45,000

Hargrave Military Academy

Woodberry Forest School 200 Military Dr. Chatham, VA 24531 434-432-2481 | Boys Grades 7-PG | $30,800 898 Woodberry Forest Rd. Woodberry Forest, VA 22989 540-672-3900 | Boys Grades 9-12 | $50,200 273 Mayo Dr. St. George, VA 22935 434-985-2811 | Boys Grades 9-12 | $41,500 | EDUCATION GUIDE 2014-15


Brain Balance

Carolina Partners in Mental Health

Resurrection Lutheran School






eading to the pediatrician for shots can be an anxiety-inducing trip for both children and parents, but one that is vital for a child’s health and entry into

school. If you’ve ever held your baby so a nurse could administer a vaccine — and heard the wails that followed — you have felt your child’s pain, even though you knew the shot was needed. Often, during routine vaccination appointments, parents are asked to decide whether they should vaccinate their child against emerging diseases. Pediatricians provide parents with written information about these optional vaccines and are there to answer questions about what’s best for your child. But parents may feel pressured to make a decision quickly and leave the office uncertain about whether they’ve made the right choice. The best way to prepare for your child’s next pediatrician visit is to know which shots are required and which are optional.

Request your child’s vaccination record from your pediatrician’s office so you can ensure that he is current with his required vaccination schedule. You can also gather information on optional shots ahead of your pediatrician visit. Keep in mind that requirements for shots change with time and vary from state to state.

What’s New in NC

Just this spring, the N.C. Commission on Public Health enacted a change in the vaccination schedule that will affect middle and high school students next year. Under the new requirements, students who enroll in seventh grade after July 1, 2015, will need to be vaccinated against meningitis and other meningococcal diseases. Students who enroll in 12th grade after July 1, 2020, will also be required to have an additional booster. All children in public and private schools in North Carolina must have received the immunizations mandated by the N.C. Department of Health and Human Services for entry into school. However, if they have a valid medical or religious exemption, they are not required to be vaccinated.

Meningococcal disease is a serious bacterial infection that includes meningitis and septicemia (blood infection), according to WebMD. About 50 percent of meningococcal cases are meningococcal meningitis. Although rare, the infection can be fatal. Meningitis, which can swell tissues around the brain and spinal cord, develops rapidly and can claim the life of an otherwise healthy person in as little as one day after the first symptoms appear. Common activities such as kissing, sharing utensils and water bottles, and living in close quarters such as a dormitory or sleep-away summer camp can increase the risk of exposure to the bacteria that cause meningococcal disease. According to the latest National Immunization Survey conducted by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, and reported by the N.C. Pediatric Society, just over half (54 percent) of North Carolina teens are vaccinated against meningococcal disease. The society applauded the recent rule change, saying it brings North Carolina’s vaccination standards for these diseases in line with national recommendations from the Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices and the CDC. If you have a child under age 2, it may seem that you’re frequently heading to the pediatrician for shots. The frequency of recommended immunizations is designed to protect infants and children early in life, when they are most vulnerable and before they are exposed to potentially life-threatening diseases. You can view the recommended immunizations for children birth through age 18 at

Odile Fredericks is a mother of two and the web editor for Carolina Parent. You can read her Daily Post blogs on | EDUCATION GUIDE 2014-15



Tutor Time



The Hill Center

Spanish for Fun

OTHER EDUCATION RESOURCES FOREIGN LANGUAGES NAME Apex Peak Language 432 E. Williams St., Apex Atlas International School 1280 Buck Jones Rd., Raleigh

CONTACT 919-267-8557 919-623-2323

GRADES Grades K-8

DESCRIPTION $120-$380/mo.; language instruction in Spanish, French and Portuguese.

Ages 2-5

Carolina Chinese Academy 3313 Wade Ave., Raleigh Casa Club Spanish Immersion Preschool 41130 Moring Dr., Chapel Hill 919-889-3703 919-929-6019

Ages 2-5

9:30-11:30 a.m. or 9:30 a.m.-1 p.m.; transitional kindergarten, kindergarten, before- and after-school care offered; fees vary, financial aid and sibling discount available; Spanish language immersion is offered Mon. and Wed.; French language immersion is offered Tues. and Thurs. 9:15 a.m. -1:15 p.m.; fees vary, Chinese language preschool program.

Casa Esperanza Montessori Preschool and Charter School 2600 Sumner Blvd., Ste. 130, Raleigh 919-855-9811

Grades pre-K-8

CHICLE Language Institute 101 E. Weaver St., Ste. G-1, Carrboro Ecole2France - French Immersion Programs 103 Crest Rd., Cary 919-933-0398 919-619-4743

Ages 18 mos.-13

Fun with French! 1731 Chestnut Hill Rd., Wake Forest 919-260-7535

Ages 5-11

German Music and More - Kaffeeklatsch 919-396-0841

Ages 1-7

Immersion Island Chapel Hill International Montessori School 3001 Academy Rd., Bldg. 300, Durham Japan Culture Exchange 5106 Oak Park Rd., Raleigh L’ecole - French School of Raleigh 5100 Lacy Ave., Ste. 104, Raleigh Lango Kids RTP 919-259-2843 919-401-4343

Ages 7-adult


Maracas Montessori 12401 Strickland Rd., Raleigh Mi Escuelita 405 B Smith Level Rd., Chapel Hill 919-790-1219 919-802-7329 919-744-1359 919-969-7949

Raleigh French Instruction 7329 Brighton Hill Ln., Raleigh The Spanish Corner 2845 Jones Franklin Rd., Raleigh Ages 6 mos.-18 919-830-4355 Various ages 919-656-1992

Spanish for Fun Academy 1001 S. Columbia St., Chapel Hill Spanish for Fun! - Cary 100 Endeavor Way, Cary Spanish for Fun! - Raleigh 8000 Glenwood Ave., Raleigh Spanish for Fun! - Wake Forest 222 Capcom Ave., Wake Forest 919-969-9055 919-677-7114 919-881-1160 919-883-2061

Ages 6 wks.-5

Ages 18

Ages 3-9 Grades 1-12

Ages 18 mos.-11 Grades 1-5 Ages 1-5

7:30 a.m.-5:30 p.m.; after-school care offered; fees vary, sibling discount available; Spanish immersion program; 4 stars; peanut-free environment; also serves students with special needs; license 19000333. 8:05 a.m.-noon or 8:05 a.m.-3 p.m.; kindergarten and before- and after-school care available; $5,250/yr. half-day, $8,400/yr. full day; charter school has an enrollment of 460 and serves grades K-8; English and Spanish dual language environment that uses Montessori philosophy; also serves students with special needs. Fees vary; Spanish language immersion classes feature interactive activities, games and music. Fees vary; French language immersion through weekly classes, special interest workshops and more. Enrichment program in French immersion. Classes held Mon.-Thurs. from 2-3:30 p.m. Geared toward home-schooled children, but all are welcome. $15/day; sibling discount available. Hour-long German class on Tuesdays, 9:30-10:30 a.m., that includes songs, fingerplay, storytelling, circle games and more; twelve-week sessions. Classes held at Resurrection Lutheran Church, 100 W. Lochmere Dr., Cary. See website for fees; language immersion camps, small group classes and tutoring for all levels. $8,330-$13,740/yr., financial aid available; Mandarin Chinese, French and Spanish language immersion; AMS accredited. Fees vary; Japanese language classes and private lessons; see website or email for information. Fees vary; offers French language classes and tutoring; programs held after school or in 10-week sessions. Fees vary; Spanish, French and Mandarin Chinese language classes held at various locations. Fees vary; offers a preschool, kindergarten and afterschool programs in music and Spanish tutoring. 7:30 a.m.-3:30 p.m. or 7:30 a.m.-5:30 p.m.; see website for fees, financial aid available; Spanish-language immersion program; 5 stars; peanut-free environment; also serves students with special needs; license 68000267. Fees vary; French classes and tutoring with a native speaker.

Ages 6 wks.-5

$90/six-week session with 45-minute classes. Spanish-language immersion program for kids and their caregivers featuring lessons, additional supplements and videos. Call for fees; Spanish immersion preschool.

All ages

Fees vary; offers high-quality Spanish lessons taught by native speakers.

All ages

Fees vary; offers high-quality Spanish lessons taught by native speakers.

All ages

Fees vary; offers high-quality Spanish lessons taught by native speakers. | EDUCATION GUIDE 2014-15


Center for Mindful Development

Casa Club Spanish Immersion Preschool




Capital City Girls Choir @ Meredith College




Cary Homeschoolers

All-inclusive, secular home-school support group that helps children develop and maintain social connections through field trips, play dates, classes and more with other young people in the Cary area. Holds regular gatherings for parents to help create a sense of community, share ideas about homeschooling and act as a sounding board and source of support for home-schooling parents, and does not require or endorse adherence to any particular belief system, educational method or philosophy.

Chapel Hill Homeschoolers

Network of parents and children that provides encouragement, support and enriching activities for the home-schooling community in the Chapel Hill area. Committed to maintaining educational freedom, encouraging educational excellence, and advocating and supporting home education in our community, state and nation.

Christian Home Educators Association of Greater Durham

Christian home-school support group serving the Greater Durham area. Open to all home-school families who agree to honor the principles in the group’s Statement of Faith. Provides students with field trips and educational enrichment opportunities, and organizes various programs for parents.

Citizens High School: Textbook-based Curriculum for Home Schoolers

Provides a self-paced, high school curriculum for home-schooled students in grades 9-12; accredited by the distance Education and Training Council.

Colonial Homeschoolers

Support group for Christian home-schoolers in Cary and surrounding areas. Sponsored by Colonial Baptist Church but any Christian family may join. Free membership. Offers field trips, classes, clubs, co-ops, socials, networking opportunities, email updates, National Honor Society, home-school graduation ceremony, annual group testing, “Mentor Mom” program, and teen activities and socials.

Deerstream Learning Center

Fees vary, $715-$1,430 per class per year; offers classes for home-schooled children ages 5-14 in a variety of subjects, including geography, science, literature, art, history and more with a hands-on, interdisciplinary approach. Life, earth and physical science topics are offered wthin the context of the Christian faith. Classes are currently offered for students in the elementary and middle school grades. All classes have a lab book or supply fee. Classes meet at the Chapel Hill Bible Church.

Gifted Home Scholars

Online support group for parents who are educating gifted children at home in N.C., or have an interest in home education. Open to all types of home-schoolers. Provide parents an opportunity to network and share experiences and ideas.

Home School Foundation

Charitable arm of the Home School Legal Defense Association dedicated to bringing hope and tangible help to home-schoolers in need. Christian affiliation.

Homeschool Alliance of North Carolina/HA-NC

Nonprofit, all-inclusive organization committed to the empowerment of registered N.C. home-schoolers in making informed decisions regarding home schooling. Membership is open to all independent home schoolers registered with the N.C. Department of Non-Public Education, which supports the mission and goals of HA-NC.

The Homeschool Gathering Place

Sells new and consigned curricula and other home-school and family resource materials.

The Home School Legal Defense Association

Nonprofit advocacy organization established to defend and advance the constitutional right of parents to direct the education of their children and to protect family freedoms. Members are advocates on the legal front, on Capitol Hill, state legislatures and in the media to provide insightful vision and leadership for the cause of home schooling.

Homeschoolers of Color homeschoolersofcolor

Online support group dedicated to supporting home-schoolers of color and their families, including those of African, Asian, Latino and Native American heritage. Serves families in Alamance, Chatham, Durham, Johnston, Lee, Orange and Wake counties.

Johnston County Home Educators of N.C.

Nondenominational, Christian home-school support organization whose purpose is to encourage and strengthen home-school families in Johnston County, N.C. Membership is open to all home-schooling families who uphold the ideals of JCHE and comply with the N.C. home-school law.

N.C. Division of Non-Public Education

Administers the requirements of Article 39, Chapter 115C of the N.C. General Statutes which govern nonpublic schools, both conventional nonpublic and home. Impacts nonpublic schools and the quality of education received by students, and monitors nonpublic school compliance to the laws governing those schools.

N.C. Loop

Provides a means for communication among N.C. home-schoolers. Members are free to share their ideas, questions and concerns relating to home-schooling.

N.C. Secular Homeschool Network ncsecularnetwork

Online support group shares information about home-schooling curricula, activities of interest, answers questions from new home-schoolers, and discusses home-schooling legislative and legal issues.

NATHHAN National Challenged Homeschoolers Associated Network

Christian organization that encourages and equips home-schooling families with children who have special needs and/or disabilities. | EDUCATION GUIDE 2014-15





NCarolina Homeschool ncarolinahomeschool/

Online, all-inclusive support group for home-schooling families or those who are thinking of home schooling in N.C.

North Carolinians for Home Education

Private, volunteer organization active at the state level, serving N.C. home-schoolers. Provides encouragement and support to promote home education and welcomes members of all races, nationalities and religions who subscribe to the NCHE ideals.

North Wake Homeschoolers

Provides secular home-school support group for home-schoolers ages preschool to high school in the North Raleigh and North Wake County area, and features playdates and occasional field trips and more. Free membership.

Spice-line of Raleigh spice_line

Christian-based online group that provides information and encouragement to home-schooling families in Raleigh and Durham. Serves established, finished and new home-schoolers or even those considering home schooling.

Triangle Homeschool Adventures Club trianglehomeschooladventureclu

A group for families with early elementary-aged children in the Raleigh/Durham/Chapel Hill area to enjoy field trips, classes, events and other excursions together.

SPECIAL NEEDS NAME All Saints Academy 4154 Shearon Farms Ave., Ste. 100, Wake Forest Apex Peak Schools 432 E. Williams St., Apex

CONTACT 919-236-3370

GRADES/AGES Pre-K-grade 8

DESCRIPTION Enrollment 50; teacher-to-student ratio 1:8; $5,000/yr., $3,500/each additional child, financial aid and sibling discount available; also serves students with special needs; Catholic affiliation. 919-267-8557

Grades K-post college

Autism Innovations, LLC Serving greater Raleigh area 919-390-7771


Brain Balance Achievement Center of Cary 8204 Tryon Woods Dr., Ste. 114, Cary Brain Balance Achievement Center of Wake Forest 13600 New Falls of Neuse Rd., Ste. 110, Raleigh Bridges Tutoring Raleigh Ages 4-19 919-851-2333

Fees vary; provides academic tutoring and enrichment classes in all core subjects for students in elementary and middle school. Private tutoring for high school and college-level Spanish, French, Portuguese, math and chemistry courses, and test preparation; also provides special assistance and tutoring for students with special needs. $99 intake, $45/hr.; provides uniquely designed, home-based social skills services to help individuals with autism spectrum disorders; services include crisis intervention processing, structured teaching, age appropriate social stories, picture systems and more. Fees vary. Offers a cutting-edge, drug-free approach to help children improve their ability to learn academically, socially and emotionally. Integrates three key pillars of brain development–sensory motor exercises, cognitive activities and nutritional guidance–to address the root cause of most learning and developmental issues. Fees vary. Offers program for students struggling academically, socially, or behaviorally that integrates physical and cognitive exercises in conjunction with dietary change to promote optimum brain and body functions. 919-836-1228


Celebration Christian Academy and Performing Arts, Inc. 3510 Edwards Mill Rd., Raleigh Clinical Teaching Tutors 1829 E. Franklin St., Chapel Hill Cresset Christian Academy 3707 Garrett Rd., Durham Duke Talent Identification Program 1121 W. Main St., Durham Dynamic Community Charter School 5510 Munford Rd., Raleigh 919-571-3939

Ages 4-18

clinicalteachingtutors. com 919-967-5776 919-489-2655 919-668-9100

Grade K-college

Fees vary; comprehensive educational services and academic coaching for learning disorders, ADHD, dyslexia, AP and honors courses, test prep and more.

Grades pre-K-12

dynamiccommunitycs. com 919-787-7388

Grades 6-10 (adding grades 11 and 12 during the next two years)

Fees vary. Offers enrichment classes, academic tutoring, Wilson Language (reading assistance) and educational therapy. Fees vary by program; need-based financial aid available; nonprofit organization that provides academically gifted students and talented youth with innovative programming including online courses, summer programs and independent learning resources to support their development. A project-based middle and high school for students with intellectual and developmental disabilities.

62 Grades K-12 919-554-4426

Grades 4-12


$35/hr.; one-to-one reading, writing, math and study skills lessons tailored to the student’s needs and offered at student’s home or library; optional ADHD and LD remediation; licensed K-12 and special education instructor; serving the Triangle area. See website for fees; offers tutoring in reading and math; provides resources and support for students with behavior health and educational diganosis, including ADHD, ADD, dyslexia, dysgraphia, sensory processing disorders, reading and other language-related learning difficulties.



NAME Easter Seals UCP Charlie Gaddy Children’s Center 314 Chapanoke Rd., Raleigh Eastern North Carolina School for the Deaf 1311 Hwy. 301 S., Wilson Educational Services Division of Family Psychiatry & Psychology Associates 1400 Crescent Green, Ste. 120, Cary Governor Morehead Preschool 319 Ashe Ave., Raleigh GradePower Learning Raleigh 4701 Creedmoor Rd., Ste. 107, Raleigh Heather Forgione Tutoring and Test Prep 3820 Merton Dr., Ste. 215, Raleigh IMACS - The Institute for Mathematics and Computer Science 10224 Baileywick Rd., Raleigh Jordan Lake School of the Arts 1434 Farrington Rd., Apex Just Right Academy 4723 Erwin Rd., Durham

CONTACT eastersealsucpcenters. com 919-773-2020 252-237-2450

GRADES/AGES Ages 6 wks.-5

DESCRIPTION Call for hours and fees, vouchers accepted; serves special needs and typically developing children; accredited developmental day program by Wake County and national accreditation by Council on Quality and Leadership; pediatric specialized therapies available; 5 stars; license 92000454. State-run residential and day school for children in grades K-12 who are deaf or hard of hearing. 919-233-4131


Call for fees; enriched services include introducing new learning strategies for students with ADHD, autism or learning disabilities, teaching organizational and self-advocacy skills crucial to success in middle and high school, and more. 919-733-0533

Birth-age 21

State-run residential school serving students who are blind or visually impaired. 919-615-1363

Pre-K-high school

Fees start at $200/mo.; provides tutoring many subject areas, SAT/ACT programs and assistance with homework and organizational skills; also assists students with ADD, ADHD, CAP and other issues. 561-866-0707

Grades 6-12

See website for fees. Provides private and semi-private SAT, ACT, SSAT and GRE preparation and academic coaching in most subjects. Also serves students with learning disabilities, including AD/HD, dyslexia and others. 919-786-0246

Grades K-12

Fees vary; after-school and weekend programs develop logical reasoning and mathematical thinking; students are grouped by ability and not by age; primarily serves gifted students but can also provide the foundations of mathematics to struggling students; locations throughout the Triangle. 919-387-9440

Grades K-12

See website for fees; also serves students with special needs. 919-932-0360

Grades K-12

Learn with the Best School 501 Keisler Dr., Ste. 101, Cary 919-303-1255

Ages 3-adult

LearningRx Brain Training 8305 Six Forks Rd., Ste. 207, Raleigh Lucy Daniels School 9003 Weston Pkwy., Cary 919-232-0090

Ages 5-adult

Enrollment 50; teacher-to-student ratio 1:4; $18,900/yr. plus $500 materials fee, financial aid and sibling discount available; program serves students with special needs who need structure, consistency, positive reinforcement, more movement, reduced stress, and both remediation and challenge, along with a multi-sensory way of learning. Students receive direct small group and/or individual instruction in reading, math and language arts, along with integrated social studies, science, art, music and drama. Fees vary. Provides one-on-one tutoring for all types of learners, particularly those with disabilities and/ or students who are in need of individualized support in higher level curriculum areas (physics, calculus, chemistry, etc). Tutoring in subject areas. Fees vary, sibling discount available; one-to-one comprehensive programs to strengthen attention, memory, speed, logic and phonemic skills; remediation and enhancement programs available. 919-677-1400

Ages 3-5

Mariposa School for Children With Autism 203 Gregson Dr., Cary Maximum Test Prep 814 Perkins Dr., Chapel Hill Next Stage Drumming and ADHD Coaching 4933 Allanbrooke Ln., Fuquay-Varina PAGE of Wake County 919-461-0600

Grades pre-K-10 917-701-5558 drumming 919-906-7842

Grades 2-12

Grades K-8

Ages 6-adult

9 a.m.-noon, pre-K; 8:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m. kindergarten; teacher-to-student ratios and fees vary, financial aid available; provides programs specifically for children with social and emotional difficulties; 5 stars, NAEYC accredited; tree nut-free environment; license 92000206. Total capacity 50; teacher-to-student ratio 1:1; see website for fees, financial aid available; serves students with special needs. Fees vary; offers SAT, ACT and GRE test prep and tutoring in math (through Algebra II), English and biology; also provides tutoring for students with ADHD, Asperger’s and autism. Fees vary. Drum therapy and ADHD coaching for students and adults. Drumming helps with brain balance, coordination, cooperation, anger management, anxiety, and stress relief and can help with physical and emotional healing. Private or group sessions. Coaching for highly gifted, talented and creative students also available. Nonprofit volunteer organization of parents, teachers and others interested in supporting and encouraging the development of gifted students by promoting an understanding of the characteristics and needs of gifted students and fostering local appropriate educational opportunities for them at home, school and in the larger community. PAGE sponsors semi-annual Super Saturday events featuring enrichment classes; the Wake County Spelling Bee, part of the Scripps National Spelling Bee program; and other opportunities for children. | EDUCATION GUIDE 2014-15




NAME Paladin Academy 130 Towne Village Dr., Cary

CONTACT cary.chesterbrook 877-959-4181 Reading Solutions Raleigh readingsolutionsraleigh. P.O. Box 861, Fuquay-Varina com 919-986-0665 A Sage Tutor is Sage Tutelage 919-542-2956 Pittsboro Stevens Prep Academy stevensprepacademy. 901 Oak Creek Rd., Raleigh com 919-846-0118 Student Learning Recovery studentlearningrecovery. Tutoring and Therapy com 6917 Cass Holt Rd., 919-557-4727 Holly Springs Success4School 3434 Kildaire Farm Rd., 919-491-2904 Ste. 106, Cary Success4Students 3908 Cashew Dr., Raleigh 919-669-8077 The Arc of the Triangle - Durham 919-493-8141 3500 Westgate Dr., Ste. 402, Durham The Arc of the Triangle - 919-942-5119 Orange 208 N. Columbia St., Ste. 100, Chapel Hill The Arc of the Triangle - 919-832-2660 Wake 343 E. Six Forks Rd., Ste. 370, Raleigh The Fletcher Academy 400 Cedarview Ct., Raleigh 919-782-5082 The Hill Center 3200 Pickett Rd., Durham 919-489-7464 The Trilogy School 3810 Merton Dr., Raleigh Triangle Collaborative School-Pathways Program 808 Aviation Pkwy., Ste. 1100, Morrisville Triangle Learning Consultants 3810 Merton Dr., Raleigh Wake Gifted Academy P.O. Box 5632, Cary WeeHabilitate Pediatric Therapy 2200 E. Millbrook Rd., Ste. 117, Raleigh 919-781-7804 919-943-9817


DESCRIPTION Call for fees; program within Chesterbrook Academy that provides a unique and supportive environment for students with learning challenges such as dyslexia, dysgraphia and mild attention deficit disorders.

Ages 4-adult

Fees vary; offers programs for students who experience difficulties in reading; students learn how to identify all consonant and vowel sounds, as well as how to decode and encode simple to multisyllable words; also helps readers to visualize, comprehend and organize what they are reading. $20-$80/hr.; tutoring in SAT, ACT, GRE, EOG prep and assistance with homework, school preparation and college entrance in a classroom or one-to-one setting. Also helps students with ADD, ADHD, dyslexia, test anxiety and more. Enrollment 20; teacher-to-student ratio 1:4; $1,300/mo., sibling discount available; NCAA accredited; also serves students with special needs.

Grades 4-12 Grades 3-12 Grades K-12

Fees vary. Academic tutoring for students with learning disabilities.

Ages 2-adult

Fees vary; provides educational consulting, tutoring, special education services and test prep.

Grades 5-10

$30-$45/hr.; assists students with study skills, homework assistance, life skills and motivational speaking and helps those with ADD/ADHD and executive function difficulties. Nonprofit providing programs, resources, services and advocacy for people with intellectual and developmental disabilities; website contains links to local chapters.

Various ages

Various ages

Nonprofit agency serving the Triangle area providing a myriad of programs, community events, resources, services and advocacy for children and adults with intellectual and developmental disabilities; website contains links to local chapters.

Various ages

Nonprofit agency serving the Triangle area providing a myriad of programs, community events, resources, services and advocacy for children and adults with intellectual and developmental disabilities; website contains links to local chapters.

Grades 1-12

Enrollment 120; teacher-to-student ratio 1:5 for reading, writing and math, 1:10 for content and elective classes; $21,982/yr., financial aid and sibling discount available; SACS, SAIS accredited; NCAIS member. Enrollment 170; teacher-to-student ratio 1:4; $10,160-$17,300/yr., financial aid available; provides students who have been diagnosed as having specific learning disabilities and/or attention deficit disorder the opportunity to reach their full potential and achieve at a level commensurate with their intellectual abilities; SACS, SAIS accredited. See website fees and hours; provides specialized instruction in small group enviroments for students with learning disabilities; SACS, AdvancEd accredited. Fees vary. Offers customized academic support and individualized instruction for students who need an alternative educational approach.

Grades K-12

Grades 2-12 Grades 6-12

Grades K-12 triangle-learningconsultants.aspx 919-789-8989 Grades K-5 919-389-2494 Various ages 919-880-5770

Center providing individual tutoring and support for students in grades K-12, including those with LD and ADHD, homework management and summer programs. Enrollment 45; teacher-to-student ratio 1:10; kindergarten offered; fosters the intellectual growth and development of academically gifted and high potential students at elementary age. Provides handwriting therapy and a preschool for students with special needs.

Preschool Special Needs can be found on page 30. 64




AGES/GRADES DESCRIPTION 919-489-2655 developmentaltherapy. com 919-493-7002 919-668-9100

Pre-K-grade 12 Fees vary. Offers enrichment classes, academic tutoring, Wilson Language (reading assistance) and educational therapy. Various ages Fees vary; handwriting therapy.

DURHAM COUNTY Cresset Christian Academy 3707 Garrett Rd., Durham Development Therapy Associates 3514 University Dr., #8, Durham Duke Talent Identification Program 1121 W. Main St., Durham Emerge-A Child’s Place 3905 University Dr., Durham Lighted Pathway Academy 3501 S. Alston Ave., Durham Mindspire Tutoring and Test Prep 3622 Lyckan Pkwy., Ste. 6006, Durham Pediatric Possibilities 3209 Yorktown Ave., Ste. 171, Durham Shodor 807 E. Main St., Ste. 7-100, Durham Triangle Therapy 3602 Trail Twenty Three, Durham

Grades 4-12

Fees vary by program; need-based financial aid available; nonprofit organization that provides academically gifted students and talented youth with innovative programming including online courses, summer programs and independent learning resources to support their development. Grades pre-K-8 Fees vary; handwriting therapy. 919-928-0204 336-791-9785 Grades K-8 $25/minimum of two hours; provides after-school tutoring from 2-6 p.m. and by appointment on Saturdays from 9 a.m.-noon. Email for more information. Fees vary; provides individual and group tutoring services, and SAT and ACT test preparation. 919-335-8378 Ages 1-21 919-844-1100

Fees vary; handwriting therapy. workshops/current 919-530-1911 919-489-7771

Grades 6-12

Fees vary; nonprofit organization serving students and educators by providing materials and instruction relating to computational science.

Grades K-3

Fees vary; provides language arts tutoring and handwriting therapy.

ORANGE COUNTY Clinical Teaching Tutors clinicalteachingtutors. 1829 E. Franklin St., Chapel Hill com 919-967-5776 Maximum Test Prep 814 Perkins Dr., Chapel Hill 917-701-5558

Grade K-college Fees vary; comprehensive educational services and academic coaching for learning disorders, ADHD, dyslexia, AP and honors courses, test prep and more. Grades 2-12

Fees vary; offers SAT, ACT and GRE test prep and tutoring in math (through Algebra II), English and biology; also provides tutoring for students with ADHD, Asperger’s and autism.


Grades K-7

$30-$40/hr.; tutoring in subject areas and EOG test prep in the home.

advancedplacement 919-234-1503

Grades 3-12

Birth-age 18 Birth-age 18

Fees vary; handwriting therapy.

Apex Peak Schools 432 E. Williams St., Apex

advantagetherapync. com 919-847-6773 advantagetherapync. com 919-847-6773 919-267-8557

$30/class, financial aid available; academic training academy specifically designed for high performing students; provides supplemental training at a deeper and more rigorous level in math, science and language arts to provide a strong foundation. Classes meet once per week for 90 minutes in the evening and weekends. Fees vary; handwriting therapy.

Grades K-post college

The Aspen Center 4328 Bland Rd., Raleigh 919-981-6588

Ages 2-7

Fees vary; provides academic tutoring and enrichment classes in all core subjects for students in elementary and middle school. Private tutoring for high school and college-level Spanish, French, Portuguese, math and chemistry courses, and test preparation; also provides special assistance and tutoring for students with special needs. $50/hr.; provides tutoring in reading and writing, and support in behavior management. Tutors have a background in special education and early intervention and use a variety of tools and resources to assist children.

WAKE COUNTY Academic Tutor Darren Segool Advanced Placement Academy 6406 McCrimmon Pkwy., Morrisville Advantage Therapy 8402 Six Forks Rd., #101, Raleigh Advantage Therapy 301 Kilmayne Dr., #103, Cary | EDUCATION GUIDE 2014-15


TUTORING AND ACADEMIC SUPPORT NAME Autism Innovations, LLC Serves Greater Raleigh area

AGES/GRADES DESCRIPTION Infant-adult $99 intake, $45/hr.; provides uniquely designed, home-based social skills services to help individuals with autism spectrum disorders; services include crisis intervention processing, structured teaching, age appropriate social stories, picture systems and more. Brain Balance Achievement Ages 4-19 Fees vary; offers a cutting-edge, drug-free approach to help children improve their ability to learn Center of Cary 919-851-2333 academically, socially and emotionally; integrates three key pillars of brain development–sensory motor 8204 Tryon Woods Dr., Ste. 114, exercises, cognitive activities and nutritional guidance–to address the root cause of most learning and Cary developmental issues. Brain Balance Achievement brainbalancecenters. Grades K-12 Fees vary; offers a program for students struggling academically, socially, or behaviorally that integrates Center of Wake Forest com physical and cognitive exercises in conjunction with dietary change to promote optimum brain and body 13600 New Falls of Neuse Rd., 919-554-4622 functions. Ste. 110, Raleigh Bricks 4 Kidz Grades K-8 After-school programs start at $75 for a six-week program; STEM engineering, after-school programs and Multiple locations in Raleigh, northraleigh track-out camps; theme-based project kits, utilizing LEGO Bricks and Technic elements, playfully motivate Cary and Wake Forest 919-271-8638 children by reinforcing STEM-based principles using themes such as mining and crafting, movie making, comic book creation and more. Bridges Tutoring Pre-K-post $35/hr.; one-to-one reading, writing, math and study skills lessons tailored to the student’s needs Raleigh 919-836-1228 graduate and offered at student’s home or library; optional ADHD and LD remediation; licensed K-12 and special education instructor; serving the Triangle area. Celebration Christian Ages 4-18 See website for fees; offers tutoring in reading and math; provides resources and support for students with Academy and Performing 919-571-3939 behavior health and educational diganosis, including ADHD, ADD, dyslexia, dysgraphia, sensory processing Arts, Inc. disorders, reading and other language-related learning difficulties. 3510 Edwards Mill Rd., Raleigh College Tutors Ages 4-18 Fees vary; provides one-to-one customized tutoring and college test prep in the home or at a local library. 2054 Kildaire Farm Rd., carync #186, Cary 919-896-7227 Ages 5 and See website for fees; offers group and one-to-one tutoring; enrichment classes in math and science; SAT, Destination STEM 919-244-4436 older PSAT, math and science EOG, and EOC; science and math track-out camps and more. 4000 Bearcat Way, Ste. 104, Morrisville Fees vary; handwriting therapy. developmentaltherapy. Various ages Developmental com Therapy Associates 875 Walnut St., Ste. 100, Cary 919-465-3966 Pre-K-college Call for fees; enriched services include introducing new learning strategies for students with ADHD, autism Educational Services Division 919-233-4131 or learning disabilities, teaching organizational and self-advocacy skills crucial to success in middle and high of Family Psychiatry & school, and more. Psychology Associates 1400 Crescent Green, Ste. 120, Cary Pre-K-high Fees start at $200/mo.; provides tutoring many subject areas, SAT/ACT programs and assistance with GradePower Learning 919-615-1363 school homework and organizational skills; also assists students with ADD, ADHD, CAP and other issues. Raleigh 4701 Creedmoor Rd., Ste. 107, Raleigh Heather Forgione Tutoring Grades 6-12 See website for fees. Provides private and semi-private SAT, ACT, SSAT and GRE preparation and academic 561-866-0707 coaching in most subjects. Also serves students with learning disabilities, including AD/HD, dyslexia and and Test Prep others. 3820 Merton Dr., Ste. 215, Raleigh Hill Tutoring Grades K-12 Call for fees. Remediation tutoring focusing on reading, math and written language for students in grades 919-489-7464 ext. 2 K-8. Content tutoring is offered to students in grades 6-12 in all subject areas including science, math, 6500 Falls of Neuse Rd., foreign language, study skills, homework help and test preparation (including SAT/ACT). Ste. 130, Raleigh Grades K-12 Fees vary; after-school and weekend programs develop logical reasoning and mathematical thinking; IMACS - The Institute for Mathematics and 919-786-0246 students are grouped by ability and not by age; primarily serves gifted students but can also provide the foundations of mathematics to struggling students; locations throughout the Triangle. Computer Science 10224 Baileywick Rd., Raleigh JEI Learning Center Ages 4-14 $100/mo. workbook-based supplemental education program that focuses on conceptual understanding of 2775 Hwy. 55, Cary 919-655-5300 math, English, reading and writing and provides a comprehensive curriculum aligned with the Common Core State Standards; individually paced, step-by-step learning in a 4:1 classroom ratio. Key Learning Center Grades K-12 $59/hr.; tutoring sessions feature aerobic physical activity designed to prime the brain for learning; material 8204 Tryon Woods Dr., 919-615-0943 is presented through hands-on technology and multi-sensory learning, as well as traditional book and paper Ste. 114, Cary methods; one-to-one tutoring available if desired.


CONTACT 919-390-7771

WAKE COUNTY continued



WAKE COUNTY continued

NAME Kumon Math and Reading 7610 Falls of Neuse Rd., Ste. 120, Raleigh Learn with the Best 501 Keisler Dr., Ste. 101, Cary

CONTACT 919-616-4899

AGES/GRADES DESCRIPTION Ages 4-18 $110/mo. per subject; provides math and reading support to help children perform beyond expectations. 919-303-1255

LearningRx Brain Training 8305 Six Forks Rd., Ste. 207, Raleigh Lifetime Academy for Math, Science and English (formerly the WHIZard Academy for Mathematics and English) 3647 S.W. Cary Pkwy., Cary Lifetime Academy for Math, Science and English (formerly the WHIZard Academy for Mathematics and English) 620 Holly Springs Rd., Holly Springs Maracas Montessori 12401 Strickland Rd., Raleigh Next Stage Drumming and ADHD Coaching 4933 Allanbrooke Ln., Fuquay-Varina Oxford Learning/ Grade Power Learning 1229 N.W. Maynard Rd., Cary Paladin Academy 130 Towne Village Dr., Cary 919-232-0090

Preschool-adult Fees vary; provides one-on-one tutoring for all types of learners, particularly those with disabilities and/ or students who are in need of individualized support in higher-level curriculum areas (physics, calculus, chemistry, etc); tutoring in all subject areas. Age 5-adult Fees vary, sibling discount available; one-to-one comprehensive programs to strengthen attention, memory, speed, logic and phonemic skills; remediation and enhancement programs available. 919-468-1721

Grades pre-Kpost graduate

Fees vary; personalized one-to-one tutoring, enrichment and test preparation for all ages; flexible programs and schedules supporting mathematics (pre-K to AP Calculus), English, phonics, reading, writing, chemistry, physics, biology, environmental science, civics, history, Spanish and test prep (SAT, ACT, AP, EOC/EOG, ASVAB, ISEE and more); certified teacher/tutors. 919-557-5010

Pre-K-post graduate

Fees vary; personalized one-to-one tutoring, enrichment and test preparation for all ages; flexible programs and schedules supporting mathematics (pre-K to AP Calculus), English, phonics, reading, writing, chemistry, physics, biology, environmental science, civics, history, Spanish and test prep (SAT, ACT, AP, EOC/EOG, ASVAB, ISEE and more); certified teacher/tutors.

Pediatric Possibilities 7209 Creedmoor Rd., Ste. 101, Raleigh Project Enlightenment 501 S. Boylan Ave., Raleigh Reading Solutions Raleigh P.O. Box 861, Fuquay-Varina The SMART Academy 781 Bright Creek Way, Raleigh Grades 1-5 919-744-1359 Ages 6-adult drumming 919-906-7842 gradepowerlearning. com 919-462-3330 cary.chesterbrook 877-959-4181 pediatricpossibilities. com 919-844-1100 projectenlightenment. 919-856-7774 readingsolutionsraleigh. com 919-986-0665 919-834-5663

Ages 5-19

Fees vary; offers preschool, kindergarten and afterschool programs in music and Spanish tutoring. Fees vary. Drum therapy and ADHD coaching for students and adults. Drumming helps with brain balance, coordination, cooperation, anger management, anxiety, and stress relief and can help with physical and emotional healing. Private or group sessions. Coaching for highly gifted, talented and creative students also available. Fees vary; tutoring in reading, writing, math and science, SAT/ACT prep and assistance with homework and study skills.

Grades K-5

Call for fees; program within Chesterbrook Academy that provides a unique and supportive environment for students with learning challenges such as dyslexia, dysgraphia and mild attention deficit disorders.

Ages 1-21

Fees vary; handwriting therapy.

Birth-grade K

Offers programs, resources and support for parents, teachers and other adults.

Age 4-adult

Fees vary; offers programs for students who experience difficulties in reading; students learn how to identify all consonant and vowel sounds, as well as how to decode and encode simple to multi-syllable words; also helps readers to visualize, comprehend and organize what they are reading. See website for fees; academic enrichment program that uses project-based learning to foster student innovation in science, technology, reading, engineering, arts and math; led by certified North Carolina teachers. Fees vary; provides one-to-one private tutoring in mathematics, physics, chemistry and computer science; specializes in tutoring advanced STEM courses including AP, Honors and college-level courses and provides SAT, ACT, GRE and GMAT prep. Fees vary; combines specialized academic tutoring with learning skills therapy and offers dyslexia treatment, reading therapy and more.

Grades K-10

STEMxl Tutoring and Camps 221 Rosenberry Hills Dr., Cary 919-601-9551

Ages 8 and older

Student Learning Recovery Tutoring and Therapy 6917 Cass Holt Rd., Holly Springs StudyRight Study Skills Training 335 McDowell Dr., Wake Forest Success4School 3434 Kildaire Farm Rd., Ste. 106, Cary

studentlearning 919-557-4727

Grades K-12 919-817-8839

Grades 6-12

$69-$179/course; provides study skills training through a variety of formats; courses can be taken in an on-demand format, a live online webinar format or through on-location courses in the Triangle. 919-491-2904

Ages 2-adult

Fees vary; provides educational consulting, tutoring, special education services and test prep. | EDUCATION GUIDE 2014-15


TUTORING AND ACADEMIC SUPPORT NAME Success4Students 3908 Cashew Dr., Raleigh TheraPlay Bilingual Solutions, LLC 1033 Bullard Ct., Ste. 207, Raleigh TOPS: Teen Organizational and Planning Skills 1901 N. Harrison Ave., Ste. 100, Cary Triangle Collaborative School - Pathways Program 808 Aviation Pkwy., Ste. 1100, Morrisville Triangle Education Assessments 5512 Merion Station Dr., Apex Tutor Doctor 10911 Raven Ridge Rd., Ste. 103-50, Raleigh Wade Edwards Learning Lab 714 St. Mary’s St., Raleigh

CONTACT 919-669-8077 919-559-1385

Wake Tutors Raleigh WeeHabilitate Pediatric Therapy 2200 E. Millbrook Rd., Ste. 117, Raleigh


AGES/GRADES DESCRIPTION Grades 5-10 $30-$45/hr.; assists students with study skills, homework assistance, life skills and motivational speaking and helps those with ADD/ADHD and executive function difficulties. Birth-age 18 Fees vary; speech and language services provided in English and Spanish; Fast ForWord provider for students who struggle academically. Grades 6-12 919-677-0101, ext. 520

Fees vary; group program designed to help teens struggling with school projects, organization, planning and study skills. 919-943-9817

Grades 6-12

Fees vary; offers customized academic support and individualized instruction for students who need an alternative educational approach. 919-387-7004

Ages 3 and older

Fees vary; provides private testing and tutoring services. Pre-K-adult 919-521-4028

$40-$52/hr.; provides one-to-one tutoring in a student’s home; tutors are matched based on the student’s personality, academic needs and schedule, and work in conjunction with the student’s class curriculum. 919-856-9355

Grades 9-12 919-435-4020 919-880-5770

Ages 5-adult

Programs and services include free academic support tutoring, ACT and SAT test prep, Wednesday WellRounded Series with speakers, and other special programs; tutoring is free, but some programs have a small fee. Call for fees; offers prescreened qualified tutors.

Various ages

Call for fees; handwriting therapy.

Carolina Tutoring

Ages 5-adult

Mathnasium Locations throughout the Triangle My Tutor Online 877-601-6284

Grades K-12

Online searchable database of independent tutors serving the local community; tutoring in academics, special needs, test prep and more; search by zip code, grade level and subject to view tutor profiles. Fees vary; math learning center offering year-round training; grades served may vary from center to center; locations in Apex, Brier Creek, Cary, Cary Park, Durham-Chapel Hill, Fuquay-Varina and North Raleigh. 704-720-7309 888-955-4600

Grade K-adult

Online tutoring in most subject areas.

Grades 9-12 and postgraduate Grades 4-12

Fees vary; comprehensive SAT, PSAT and ACT preparation programs held throughout the Triangle.


The Princeton Review A Sage Tutor is Sage Tutelage Pittsboro The Sensation Nation Multiple Raleigh locations 919-542-2956

The Successful Student Serving Raleigh, Durham and Chapel Hill Sylvan Learning Center of Johnston County 11459 US Hwy. 70 Bus. W., Clayton

successfulstudent 919-539-4840 919-553-8009 Grades K-2 866-292-5290 Grades 7-12

$20-$80/hr.; tutoring in SAT, ACT, GRE, EOG prep and assistance with homework, school preparation and college entrance in a classroom or one-to-one setting. Also helps students with ADD, ADHD, dyslexia, test anxiety and more. $280/session; handwriting programs; eight-class sessions are designed to facilitate good handwriting habits to enable the students to feel successful with written language and provide them with the opportunity to use their brain energy on the content of what is written rather than the mechanical process of letter or sentence production. See website for details; also serves students with special needs.

Pre-K-grade 12 Fees vary; tutoring in reading, writing, mathematics and study skills; SAT/ACT/EOG preparation.

Find more academic resources in our Enrichment Programs and Classes directory at 68


Asheville | EDUCATION GUIDE 2014-15


Emerson Waldorf

Our Playhouse



Mathnasium | EDUCATION GUIDE 2014-15


Kiddie Academy

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