Volume 42, No. 10, October 2010
Union Power Cooperative’s Annual Membership Meeting Schedule of Events October 16, 2010—Wingate University 7:00 a.m.–10:00 a.m. Registration of Members LaVerne Banquet Hall Distribution of over $2.5 million Member Dividend Checks. Complimentary Breakfast W. T. Harris Dining Hall 2010 Health & Safety Fair Cuddy Arena See back cover for more details.
9:00 a.m. Music Entertainment Austin Auditorium Whitewater Bluegrass Company Kid’s Festival Sanders-Sykes Gym Entertainment by DJ Jimmy Huntley, Balloon Bounces, Pinky the Clown, fun games, door prizes, and a $100 Wal-Mart gift card grand prize. (Only registered members’ children are eligible.) 10:30 a.m. Business Meeting Austin Auditorium Business Meeting Board Elections Door Prizes — $2,500 in Cash Prizes
For more information regarding Union Power Cooperative’s Annual Membership Meeting, call (704) 289-3145.
Bring It To The Meeting! Tear off this registration card and bring it with you to the Annual Meeting on Saturday, October 16, 2010. What if you can’t attend? In the event that you or your spouse cannot attend the 2010 Annual Membership Meeting, complete the proxy on the back of this card and mail with your bill payment for a chance to WIN A $100 CREDIT on your electric bill. Deadline for entry is October 15, 2010.
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