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February 2011

Together We Save Flexpay

K]] `go dalld] [`Yf_]k Y\\ mh lg Za_ kYnaf_k Nakal2 ooo&Lg_]l`]jO]KYn]&[ge www.BlueRidgeEMC.com Be Prepared & Connected in Case of Severe Weather! This winter, take advantage of free money saving tools like TogetherWeSave.com to maximize energy efficiency and savings. Severe winter weather can also cause an occasional power outage. Conveniently use your smart phone from anywhere to access Blue Ridge Electric’s Facebook page to reach outage maps, safety tips and updates in case of a major outage. To stay informed go to www.facebook.com/blueridgeemc and click the “Like” button to get connected! What’s not to “Like” about that?

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1/7/11 9:42 AM

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