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Energy Sense

Dale Jarvis, Fayetteville, South River EMC

THIS MONTH: Scenes from Our State

There’s no doubt North Carolina has more than its share of natural beauty, along with vibrant communities that make it a wonderful place to call home. Thank you to those readers who helped capture scenes from around the state for our annual photo contest. See some of our favorites starting on page 10. Also, learn about an awe-inspiring lineman competition on page 8.

—Scott Gates, editor

From Our Readers

Flops Fan I have just read my December issue of Carolina Country and I thoroughly enjoyed the “Kitchen Flops” article (page 28). Every cook has had a flop at one time or another so it was easy to relate to these stories! So entertaining!

Betty Wilder, Wake Forest A member of Wake Electric

Editor’s Note: Thank you for the feedback, Betty! We enjoyed those, too. You can find a few more online at carolinacountry.com/kitchenflops.

Corrections to our Dec. issue: A measurement was omitted from the Nantucket Cranberry Pie recipe (page 41): it calls for ¾ cup of butter, melted and cooled. Also, an editing error made cooking directions confusing for our Maple and Apple Cider Brined Tomahawk Pork Chops (page 13). To cook the chops you have two options, grilling or oven roasting:

To grill: Drain and pat dry. Coat with oil or butter and cook on hot grill to desired doneness (145 degrees by thermometer for moist pink medium chops, longer if desired). Oil generously while cooking for a nice char. Let stand 5 minutes before enjoying.

To oven roast: Preheat oven to 450 degrees. Coat with oil and sear chops quickly on each side over high heat in oven safe skillet for 1–2 minutes. Place into hot oven and roast about 6–7 minutes, checking with thermometer (145 degrees by thermometer for moist pink medium chops, longer if desired). Notes from the Kitchen We know our readers enjoy the recipes in Carolina Country, and our December issue was chockfull of them. Did you know there are more than 1,000 recipes archived on our website? Visit carolinacountry.com/recipes to explore them all. Here are a few recent comments from our website:

Fruit Cake Cookies We call these Lizzie’s and make a batch of about 300 every Christmas season. This recipe is a little different, but just as delicious. Patricia Nicoletti

Creamed Spinach Shrimp Scampi Omgoodness, Wendy, this one sounds delicious! I can’t wait to make and eat this winner!


Slow Cooker Macaroni & Cheese I am a transplant from the Midwest, and I truly appreciate the recipes most of all because I love learning about Southern Food and how to make it for my Southern husband. I’d be thrilled if there were even more each month.

Karen Boyd Flossie Johnson’s Cornbread I love this recipe. I’ve been using it for years! Robin Smith

(ISSN 0008-6746) (USPS 832800) Volume 54, No. 1

Published monthly by

3400 Sumner Blvd., Raleigh, NC 27616-2950

Warren Kessler Publications Director Scott Gates, CCC Editor Renee C. Gannon, CCC Senior Associate Editor Karen Olson House Contributing Editor Tara Verna Creative Director Edgar Serrano Digital Media Keith Alexander Advertising Keith@carolinacountry.com

Joseph P. Brannan Executive Vice President & CEO Nelle Hotchkiss Senior Vice President & COO

North Carolina’s electric cooperatives provide reliable, safe and affordable electric service to 1 million homes and businesses. The 26 electric cooperatives are each memberowned, not-for-profit and overseen by a board of directors elected by the membership. Why Do We Send You Carolina Country Magazine? Your cooperative sends you Carolina Country as a convenient, economical way to share with its members information about services, director elections, meetings and management decisions. The magazine also carries legal notices that otherwise would be published in other media at greater cost.

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