Luststrand an der Mauer A Beach for Berlin by Carolina Gรณmez
Master Thesis @EPSA Alicante. [2009] Selected by Prae-IBA Team in pool-project for IBA Berlin 2020. [2011] Exhibited in CTAA-Alicante CMYK Urban Sustainability. [2010] Exhibited in COAM-Murcia. [2011] Exhibited in Diputaciรณn de Alicante. [2011]
Luststrand an der Mauer A Beach for Berlin
// Mapping Luxury Situations in Berlin // Place Identity Organises the Space // Zero Spontaneity, Maximum Flexibility // Flexibility through Empty Space // Floor Plan as Espèces d’Espaces // Modifying and correcting Performance // Topographies constructing Domestic Public Space // Cleaning River Water with Natural Pool System // The Park as Floor Plan Negative // Architectures Adaptation
Proposal developed as Master Thesis, back on 2009. Nowadays, the spontaneous developing of the site still asserts it main guidelines.
Mapping Luxury Situations in Berlin A city made of voids The Berlin Beach sits the Spree.
in LohmĂźhleninsel in
While mapping new luxury situations in Berlin, in the frame of ADIP-TU.Berlin program h e a d e d b y J e a n P h i l i p e Va s s a l , w e discovered this empty fields that before separated and now bring together the districts of Friedrichshain and Kreuzberg. An area instrumentalised for temporary uses, intermediate spaces, clubs, theatres, bars, and other forms of informal cultural hubs with good mobility access.
Place Identity Organises the Space Reutilisation of existing resources as Genius Loci Identity of the place is understood as the reutilisation of existing resources: -Architectures in the site: Berlin Wall, existing buildings, gas station, bars in the canal,‌ -Protecting plants and trees, and reinforcing with local flora -Focusing on local target group (creatives, entrepreneurs, tourists, students, young families,...), measuring and satisfying their needs -Informal spaces
Zero Spontaneity, Maximum Flexibility Three kind of flexibilities are applied to program the park
-Flexibility through empty space -Flexibility through multiplying spaces and their qualities (SANAA reference) -Flexibility through modifying and correcting performance in time (Mies reference)
Flexibility through Empty Space Platform Equipped
Where nothing and everything is possible. The objects you bring with you transform this spaces from sports field to cinema area (in yellow)
Floor Plan as Espèces d'Espaces Flexibility through multiplying spaces qualities You can always find an adequate space for a certain use or event. Topographies, natural swimmingpools and preexisting elements in the site are used as project materials. Also meteorological and technical parameters
Modifying and correcting Performance Flexibility through measuring activities and re-programming the park
Mapping by a variety of sensors, energy usage, climate, transportation, security and also functions, physical characteristics of spaces, occupation, comfort,... It also work as a social network where to interact with other occupants. Collected data is public so that users can add, rate and participate in constant park reprogramation
Topographies constructing Domestic Public Space Topographies introduce human dimensions Re-reading some master pieces: -
Le Corbusier inverts the classic order of organic additive topographies and geometric subtractive ones. The sense of limit and their suggestive way of standing on the map.
The dierent sizes hills in Robin Hood Gardens transform the vast space into a human scale one.
Using topographies to separate uses and spaces, also creating privacy areas as in Miralles Igualada Cemetery.
Munich Olympia Park amphitheatres.
The sequence of hills in the access to Laban Dance Centre.
Cleaning River Water with Natural Pool System Bringing the river back to citizens The water quality of the riverside in Berlin is poor due to the fact that all rain water is collected and directly pump to the river, lowering O2 in water, so species can not survive. The natural swimming pool system is calculated for collecting the raining water of Kreuzberg-Treptow area. It cleans the water through first and secondary natural bio purification system. It also creates the natural pools that can be used for leisure activities. When there is an excess of rain water or in winter time the rain water gets collected in some tanks below the platform over the Spree. Water now can be slowly pumped into the Spree protecting the river natural equilibrium.
The Park as Floor Plan Negative Space as the absence of architectures
The firm results in a surface qualified by the project materials and a series of not visible parameters: technological and meteorological The two main project objectives overlays: - the value of use - emptiness as architecture
Architectures Adaptation Reusing existing buildings -Scaoldings and new openings in Alt-Bau building facade facing the beach -Protecting the Berlin Wall through the river, connecting it to the site and using it as a waterfront walkway with some adjacent platform where to sunbath and grow some green. -Reuse of industrial constructions in site as nude structures where to hang plants and infrastructural systems