Landscape Architecture Porfolio Carolina Martinho

Birthday: Adress:Nacionality:19.12.1993PortugueseWatercirkel133, 1186 Amstelveen, Netherlands Email: Experience: Gemeente Amsterdam - Cluster Ruimte Economie, Team Zuidoost Junior public space designer Gemeente Amsterdam - Cluster Ruimte Economie, Team Zuidoost flank Internship in Landscape Architecture Inside Outside - Petra Blaisse Internship in Landscape Architecture Professional skills: Autocad, Microstation, GIS, Adobe illustrator, Adobe indesign, Adobe photoshop Languages: English, Portuguese, Spanish and Dutch Interests: Travel, Outdoor sports, Drawing, Photograpy, Reading Education: Eesti Maulikool - Estonian University Of Life Science Master Degree in Landscape Architecture Instituto Superior de Agronomia - School of Agronomy – University of Lisbon Bachelor in Landscape Architecture 08/2018 - 11/2018 09/2015 - 02/2016 09/2011 - 06/2014 02/2019 - 09/2019 09/2019 - PRESENT Maria Carolina Rodrigues Martinho

ContextACADEMICWORKMUNICIPALITYOF AMSTERDAM Green programa SE Amsterdam 2030 HneighborhoodMidden Master thesis Nelson Mandelapark Nelson Mandelabuurt Quinta das Conchas EcologicalAlmadaNetwork
The Green Program Southeast 2030 describes a guiding program with objectives based on the green vision for Amsterdam. On the basis of which we can formulate efforts up to 2030 that contribute to a green and liveable Southeast for humans and Foranimals.each
Programma Groen Zuidoost
Main Tree StructureMain Green Structure Local Green Structure
goal, area-oriented green core tasks have been formulated that will create a cohesive green structure in Southeast, guarantee sufficient greenery, have a nature-inclusive layout and contribute to collecting rainwater and cooling the urban dis trict.
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Green Programa Southeast

Ouderkerkerplas en polders Groene DiemerbosBijlmermuseumDeNatuurzoomRuggengraatparkenwigPWGRRVNZBMDB Goal Ensure1 enought and varied greenery within a cohesive green structure in the Zuidoost district. • Update and develop/reinforce Main Green Structure • Strength the Local Green Structure Southeast • Reinforce the Main Tree Structure • Develop Green Pearls • Realize green routes Recreational green and ecological connectionsGreen Pearls 5

Goal Ensuring2 high quality greenery that contributes to various tasks. • Improve the quality of city parks in Southeast • Investing in strengthening the landscape • Make Southeast Amsterdam climate-adaptive • Greening existing neighborhoods in Southeast Climate-adaptive design focus area Stimulating green roofs Stimulate green in the existing neighbourhoods 6

Goal Creating3 and managing Southeast nature inclusively. Section Section 7

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H-buurt Midden will be an attractive public space. The square and the boulevard are the two main elements. The new building outskirts on the boulevard and the square must ensure the neigborhood a sense of unity and identity. Residential buildings with non-residential functions on the ground floor provide liveliness. The adjacent public space, with the boulevard, the square and the so-called "pockets program", offers space for relaxation, sports and games and can be used by several target groups at the same time. Adding greenery in strategic places not only creates a pleasant spatial image, but also ensures a comfortable climate on warm or windy days. The area will be designed to be rainproof, so that nuisance from heavy rain showers is kept to a minimum.
H-Midden neighborhoodH-Midden buurt

The plan area offers the opportunity to create a green, recreational connection between the Nelson Mandela Park, Spoorpark and Hondsrug Park. This green link connects existing and future parks, neighborhood squares and the area around the metro stop, creating the potential for creating a green promenade. The existing central square in the area forms a link between the surrounding neighbourhoods. This square has the potential to become an attractive green square, with space for people of different social backgrounds and ages to meet.
Potential green structure

Importance of green
Accessibility car
The greenery in the public space makes a link with the historic landscapes of the Bijlmer.
Activating the public space with the “pocket program”.
Importance of trees
Accessibility by bicycle and pedestrian
The existing trees will be taken into account as much as possi ble in the design.
Accessibility by bicycle and pedestrian Cycling and walking are encouraged in the plan area. This is done by separating bicycle and car routes and by creating continuous structures
The pedestrian boulevard and main square form the attractive center of the area.
Each new residential block and the existing flats are made easily accessible by car. The square will be completely car-free, reserved for games, sports and catering.

PedestrianBikepath zone Planning area Access for the parking garages Access to cars Planning area Access for cars Loading and unloading places Planning area Fire Plantruckarea Public Plangebiedtransport Cyclists and pedestrians Loading and unloading Emergency and emergency services Car route Public transport 11

Catering industry JumpingWorkout ChessClimbingHammockpodswall 12

A2A1 A3B2B1 New situation, section B1 New situation, section B2 New situation, section A3 New situation, section A2New situation, section A1 Nieuwe situatie, doorsnede A2Nieuwe situatie, doorsnede A1 13

The vision for use provides a total overview of all interventions and measures in the park, and is a coherent story based on the input of the stakeholders. Functional wishes are considered spatially and incorporated as well as possible. It is essential to take a good look at the use of the park and to give the park a quality boost and to offer more space for young people. The user vision looked at a good connection to the housing development of the eastern flank, optimizing and opening a future-proof Kwaku Summer Festival.
Nelson Mandela park
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The objective is to arrive at a broadly supported integral vision for Nelson Mandelapark and Kwakoe/u and to further develop this in conjunction with the housing and sports tasks.

ProtectionDrainageFilterSubstrateVegetationlayerand on storage layer ProtectionDrainageLightVegetationsubstratelayerand on storage layer15

Existing trees New trees New Bordertrees Rain DeckingGrasPerennialsgarden New buidings New parking lots Bike Sidewalkpath 1’1 16

2’2 17

The aim was to create a Strategic Plan for the industrial zone of eastern Lisbon through a Landscape Character Assessment (LCA) LCA is a process of systematic description, classification and analysis of the landscape in order to identify, describe and under stand it's character. Also the LCA makes it clear the importance in informing judgements and decision-making concerning the management of change in the landscape.
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UNIT Industrial3 units and working-class districts UNIT Wasteland-2 Open space UNIT 6 Newneighborhoods ValeUNIT4do OpenUNITneighborhoodfundão8spaceconnected to tagus river UNIT neighborhood5 with 3 historical layers UNIT Railways7 containerandterminal UNIT Madre1 neighborhoodDeus 19

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Quinta das Conchas
The Recovery Plan proposed took into account the different historical layers and also the fact that the park is located in a large area of direct recharge of aquifers.
Quinta das Conchas and Lilases was originally, in the XVIII century, a farm that belonged to the aristocracy in the border of Lisbon. Over time various amendments have been made to the original Plan. It was been recovered nowadays as a public park located in Lumiar, in the eastern area of Lisbon.

C6- Rehabilitation and adptation of the colonial building C7- Reconstruction of the the support wall
Quinta das conchas Replacemnet of the Palm trees alignment Maintenanceof the tree structure and lawn Maintenance of the existing pavement surface A4- Design of green spaces near the main entrances Replacement of worn-out and broken furniture Reconstruction of the hydraulic system Restoration of water stuctur Maintenance of the lake hydraulic system Design of cultural interpretive routes A10- Improvement of the informative signposting.
C10- Reconstruction of the lake hydraulic system
C11- Restoration of the gutter C12- Restoration of the water fountain and increase the size of the pergola
C13- Design of vineyard trellis vitis vinifera
C14- Standardization of furniture
C15- Design of green spaces near the main entrances
C5-Quinta dos Lilases Palace A7-Mãe d'Água C12- Pergola
Quinta dos Lilases
Woods B1- Conservation of the original Plan B2- Floor surface reconstrution Maintenance of the vegetation B4- Restoration of the water stuctures Reconstruction of the water fountain pipeline B6- Rehabilitation of Casa do Monte building Floor surface reconstrution Convert the current tank into a water mirror B9- Improvement of the green space surrounding Casa do Monte B10- Replacement of worn-out and broken furniture B11- Creation of green spaces on the northeast limit of the park
C8/C9- Palm trees alignment replacement
C1- Paths reconstrunction
C2- New path romantic style C3- Designof areas with open and close feeling C4- Plantation of citrus sinensis C5- Adaption of the current structures for the new uses

The first step of this work consisted in the determination of the Main Ecological Structure for the municipality of Almada, through the analysis of the terrain morphology, permeability, soil ecological value and vegetation with potential value. In the second phase an image plan of the municipality of Almada was developed that represents a potential scenario for the land occupation in 20 years. Ecological high ecologic value ecological ecological ecological ecological ecological urban species (Pinus pinaster) and Oak Pinewood (Pinus pinea) pasture
value High
field Coastal vegetation Permeability High LowMedium-LowMediumMedium-HighPermeabilityPermeabilityPermeabilityPermeabilityPermeability22
Structure Main water lines Steep Vegetationslopeswith ecologic value Soils with
Water system Water infiltration areas Morphology Water SlopesSteeperBollardsLineRaisedRiverbedlinebeachesofslumpsslopes Soil's
Meadow and
value Very low
Quinta das Structure
Conchas6 Almada Ecological
areas Acacia elds Groves and Thickets CheirolophusOak sempervirens Nitrophilous
value Without classication Vegetation Vegetation in
value Variable ecological value Low
value Very high

gardensPublic/Parks Municipality land use proposal Forest Open florest Meadow or pasture Riparian vegetation Dunar HeritageRoadsRailwayWalkingDevelopmentsBuildingsAgriculturevegetationtrailssites patrimonyandPaths 4 Subsystems 3 Subsystems 2 Subsystems 1 Subsystems Conflitcts with developments AgricultureSprawlUrban 23