Before you can upload anything onto the blog, you need to have created a new “entrada”.You should do this by clicking on Nueva entrada on the front page of the blog. Click on the orange pencil icon and when the new entrada opens, you should first write the “título de la entrada”. On the right hand side, in “configuración de las entradas” in “etiquetas” you should write the name of your school (eg: EOI Calvià). Now leave the blog open. If you want to upload a Word document, first of all , you should create an account in a hosting website. We have done this on When you have created your account and have logged in, click on upload and a new page will come up which will invite you to browse your computer to select a file. Use this to locate the file you want to upload. You will be asked to complete certain information about the file and give it a name. The info link is optional, it’s probably best to leave this blank. When you are asked to select a document type, it’s best to select Manual or Resource. Click on “yes” for child safe. In “Target your audience”, choose Knowledge and Resources in “Category”. In “Language” click on English and in “Target area”, click on The World. Here, we are not concerned with “media”. In “Publishing options”, click on publish. In “Comments” and “Ratings” click on No. In “Download” click on Yes (otherwise, no one will be able to access your material or print it out! Finally, click on “Upload file”. You will have to wait for a few seconds while ISSUU is preparing the document. When they are ready, ISSUU will ask you if you want to advertise your document. Just click on “No thanks. Go to My Library” At this point you will need to enable pop ups on your computer. When you are in “My Library”, select the document and click on the embed button. Another page will open and you must copy the embed code. When you have done this, go back to the blog, to the “entrada” that you have made for your material and paste the embed code into the “entrada”. Click on “Actualizar” and then “Ver blog”. You should see your document under the “etiqueta” for your school.