LESSON PLANNING 24 lessons of 90 minutes each Session
Activities - The teacher introduces him/herself.
- Students introduce themselves to the rest of the class. They need to give details about their teaching experience, the subjects they are teaching in English, if they are in 15´ Primary/Secondary... and finally tell the teacher what they expect to gain from the course. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- The teacher explains the main aspects of the course: structure, syllabus and states the importance of students’ active participation and interaction in class. S/he will also 5´ explain his/her role as prompter and corrector. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Students should be placed in groups according to the type of contents they usually deal with in class (ideal group being 3-5).
- Activity: Picture dictionary (different worksheets for each subject). Students need to complete the names of the worksheet given. They should help each other. Self1
correction by looking at an answer sheet (laminated sheets, they stay in the class). --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-Classroom observations: Leading your students to come up with their own solution to an issue. -Task: Focus on the language and techniques the teacher uses in the video to interact with the class and to introduce the activities.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0akVmCfUJiQ&feature=related (watch twice) -Talking point: Advantages and disadvantages of following a student-centered 10´ methodology in class. Give examples of different situations you have experienced in your class. -Cooperation time!: Talk and listen to the rest of the students, and write down different 10´ ways to interact in class with your students and ways of introducing activities/tasks to the students. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-Working on our pronunciation skills: A review on the phonetic chart. -Listen and classify the words according to their sound.
-Activity: Decipher the message!
Total time 90’ Talking point: Should we adapt language and vocabulary for our students? Advantages and disadvantages of doing so. Use of authentic materials or non-authentic materials in class. 2
-Improvising! (game) Students are given a card with some prompts or a photograph and they need to talk about the topic for 2 min! (different cards for each subject)
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