2015-2016 Coker College RSO Handbook

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Regist ered St udent Organizat ion Handbook 2015-2016

A bout this H andbook Purpose

This icon designat es t he Google Drive. Each RSO has a Google folder, which should be shared wit h officers we have on file. I t cont ains many import ant document s which will be referenced t hroughout t he

The Registered Student Organization (RSO) Handbook is designed to provide Coker student organization leaders and advisers with easy access to policies and procedures related to all areas of RSO activity. It is the goal of this Handbook and SGA to make RSO operations as easily accessible and transparent as possible so that they can thrive in their missions and ideas to enhance campus life. It is the sole responsibility of the advisers, student leaders, and student organizations as a whole to become familiar with the contents of this guidebook, as they will be held accountable for this information. The organizations must remain well maintained and operate within the contained guidelines.


Format This icon will point out

symbol t o find links t o SGA

In order to better serve our student organization leaders and advisors, SGA recently sought out a new format for this handbook. It is SGA's goal to make the book as user friendly and easily navigable as possible.

sit es, Coker websit es, and many

You'll find the following major sections in this Handbook:

valuable websit es for RSO administ rat ion. L ook for t his

ot her non- Coker sit es t hat may help you along t he way.

This icon represent s a fant ast ic idea we t hink you should consider! This may be


What is an RSO? How t o St art an RSO How t o Run an RSO How t o Spend RSO Funds Resources and Appendices

On the left of this page, please note the icon boxes. These boxes will be used throughout this Handbook to designate external sources or ideas to use. They include unique ideas, websites, and references to the Google Drive. Further explanations are within each box.

new ideas not yet t ried at Coker, old t radit ions t hat could be revived, or excit ing ways t o invigorat e and improve your RSO and/or t heir event s.

For questions you can't find answered in this Handbook or on the SGA Google Site, https:/ / sites.google.com/ a/ coker.edu/ sga/ , please contact SGA Officers or the Campus Life staff listed on the next page.

2015-2016 Cont act Inf ormat ion

Whit ney Wat t s

Dean of Students


Carol ine Cart er

Director of Student Activities and Leadership


Dil l on Karnes

SGA President


Wal ker Barf iel d

SGA Vice President


Carrie Wil ks

SGA Chief Justice


Mason Hadl ey

SGA Chief Financial Officer


Kyl e Ocker

SGA Chief of Staff


Marie Rot hrock

SGA Director of Registered Student Organizations


Darrian Love

Executive Director of the Campus Activities Board


Jesse St ernberg

SGA Chief Public Information Officer



SGA Chief Adult Degree Program Representative


What is an RSO? In this section, you'll find... - Basic definitions - SGA's role in RSOs - Broad Framework - Categorizing Levels for RSOs

R SO s and SGA

W hat is this RSO thing? RSO stands for "Registered Student Organization". This basically means that there's a group of Coker students with a common interest that are formally recognized by the Student Government Association (SGA) and Coker College.

Fun fact : We L OVE Google Drive. Each RSO is given t heir own Google folder wit h

There are student organizations that are not officially recognized by SGA. Many of them, however, are wonderful organizations, and we encourage you to get involved! Those that aren't registered often prefer not to go through the official process because they wouldn't utilize the main benefits SGA offers after going through the formal process.

In addition, some academic student groups are not official RSOs because they are tied to academic course credit or need to maintain exclusivity in their membership (i.e. you need to audition or be a certain major). SGA fully supports them, but in accordance with official SGA By-Laws cannot classify them as an RSO.

import ant document s, several of which feed int o SGA's mast er Google files.

Want t o know more about SGA? Check out t heir Google sit e, ht t ps://goo.gl/Uzm5rm. You can also go t o

W hat does SGA have to do with it?

sit es.google.com and search "St udent Government Associat ion"

Student Government is responsible for overseeing the operations of all RSOs. There are two main reasons for this relationship. First, SGA puts into place certain rules and regulations for RSOs. These rules aren't meant to be a hindrance, but rather, help the organizations run smoothly, and importantly, represent Coker College in a fitting manner. Since RSOs advertise themselves as a formal entity of the College, SGA needs to make sure they're conveying the appropriate representation of a Coker College student, and that they're obeying the policies of the College as a whole in their operations. Secondly, RSOs have a major role in creating a vibrant Campus Life. SGA helps RSOs in this mission, offering the ability for RSOs to appeal either on special project or yearly bases for funds to program on campus. Because SGA awards those funds, they also make sure those funds are being spent in a beneficial and appropriate way.

Did you know? All st udent s are a part of SGA! Ask a represent at ive about what t hey do, or even consider running for office yourself! Elect ions and appoint ment s generally happen in mid- Spring for t he next year.

R SO Pr ivileges Resources As RSOs, clubs enjoy special campus privileges. Though the list continues to grow, here's a sample of some of the awesome benefits: Need ideas? Check out Campus Act ivit ies Programming M agazine! There are hard copies in Campus L ife, or you can find t hem on I ssuu: ht t p://issuu.com/naca


Ability to reserve College spaces at no cost Access to the RA Workroom area for banners, posters, etc. Ability to post events to the Campus Calendar Listed on Coker's website for prospective and current students Access to leadership resources and supplies through the Director of Campus Activities and Leadership - Special rental agreements for the Popcorn and SnoCone machines on campus

Special Events RSOs are also often contacted to request their involvement in special campus events and projects. Some of these include:

Not involved but want t o be? Come see us in Campus L ife! We'll connect you wit h organizat ions t hat fit your int erest s, or help you st art a

- CAB's Welcome Week during the first week of August classes - Great Cobra Classic Tailgate on the first Saturday after classes in August - SGA's RSO Fest in August - CAB's Welcome Back Week in January - Co-sponsorship of various campus events - Celebration of Academics Community Service Showcase - Campus Cleanups - Community Service Events

new one!

Campus Life Allies Campus Life is readily available to student organizations! SGA representatives, the Director of Student Activities and Leadership, and others in Campus Life will always be ready and willing to lend advice, find a way to work with your budgets, and help your RSO be great!

Types and L evels of R SO s W hy Levels? Based on the kind of RSO an organization becomes and how much funding they receive if they petition SGA during allocations, the organizations are assigned levels (1-7) which generally require more campus programming of organizations the higher funded they become. Organizations' levels are for the year, and upon a new allocation year, may request to move up or down in funding level.

Special Interest Groups (Level 1) Special Interest Groups are the first of RSO levels. Designated as Level 1 organizations, these are clubs that do not currently receive funding directly from SGA during budget allocations. Even though they do not receive funds, they get all other benefits of being a registered organization, including participation for RSO events, like RSO Fest, and they are invited to all SGA leadership opportunities and community events.

St udent organizat ions can move up or down levels. The level is t ypically det ermined during budget allocat ions at t he end of

In addition, even though Special Interest Groups do not receive annual funding, they are eligible to petition SGA for a special ,one-time funding request for a special event or spending. To petition SGA, send the Chief of Staff or the Director of Student Activities an email to set up a time to meet with SGA.

each Spring for t he following calendar year.

Honor Societies (Level 2) Honor Societies are organizations that welcome members on an invitation level only. These organizations are often associated with a national organization and have GPA and/ or achievement requirements for membership. Honor Societies are provided a standard funding level of $25 per member at the time of allocations. Alternatively, Honor Societies may petition to SGA during the allocations process to become a Level 3-7 organization. If approved, SGA will then hold Honor Societies accountable to the programming requirements associated with their new level.

Funded RSOs (Levels 3-7) Funded RSOs are the largest group of organizations at Coker. They range widely in mission, size, and budget! Each of these organizations has gone through an allocation process through SGA and received some amount of money to spend during the year on campus programming. The amount of money SGA awards decides the level of the organization. Generally, the higher the level, the more money the organization receives, and in turn, the more programming requirements per semester the organization must fulfill. You can check out each of the levels, with their funding and programming requirements, on the next page.

Check out Campus L ife at coker.edu for a complet e list of st udent organizat ions!

R SO L evels Explained W hy Levels? Each level is required to: -

Attend Gathering of Leaders (Fall Leadership Training) Participate in the RSO Fest during Fall Welcome Week Send at least 2 representatives to monly RSO Council Meetings Submit level-specific information for the annual allocations process (see Budgeting Section)

The descriptions of each level and funding levels are shown in detail below.

L ev el 1:

RSO Lev el s i n i ncreasi ng order of b udgets and req ui rements

L ev el 2: - H on or Soci et i es - $25 / m em ber al l ocat i on - N o Pr ogr am m i n g Requ i r em en t s - M u st su bm i t sem est er u p d at es

L ev el 5: - $1,200 t o $2,999 SGA Al l ocat i on - 1 p r ogr am / m on t h

L ev el 3: - $1 t o $499 SGA Al l ocat i on - 1 p r ogr am / sem est er

L ev el 6: - $3,000 t o $4,999 SGA Al l ocat i on - 2 p r ogr am s / m on t h

- N o SGA Fu n d i n g - N o Pr ogr am m i n g Requ i r em en t s

L ev el 4: - $500 t o $1,199 SGA Al l ocat i on - 2 p r ogr am s/ sem est er

L ev el 7: - $5,000 + SGA Al l ocat i on - 3 p r ogr am s / m on t h

How t o St art an RSO Here, we'll explain the process for: - Members and Mission - Petition Packet - SGA Approval - Requesting Funds

A Step- by- Step Guide to St ar t an R SO

Step 1: Figure out what's missing That may seem like a funny place to start, but to start something new, you need to know why you're doing it! Is there an interest or area you think is not represented in the current RSOs? Start by exploring the current offerings to make sure you won't be recreating the wheel. Still don't find it? Proceed to step 2!

Step 2: Make friends SGA requires that a potential RSO have at least 4 interested people in order to consider them for approval. You'll want to see if others are also interested in the group you're trying to start. Remember, you'll also need a faculty/ staff advisor and fellow future officers for the organization. While only 4 is required, a group of at least 8-10 is a good starting point to make sure your organization will be successful.

Step 3: Define the need and your mission Before you put yourself through the petition process, talk amongst your new friends and potential members to clearly articulate the need for this organization on campus and what you want the organization to be about. This will help ensure you and your members are all on the same page with the same goals in mind. You'll also be well prepared for initial conversations with SGA, the Director of Student Activities, and to start on the petition packet materials.

Step 4: Complete a Petition Packet As with many official process, there has to be official documents! SGA requires that all potential new student organizations turn a petition packet into the Director of Student Activities for review before hearing their request for approval. You can pick up a petition packet in Campus Life, 2nd floor Student Center, or you can find it on the SGA Google Site. (https:/ / goo.gl/ Uzm5rm).

A petition packet includes the following documents: -

Petition Checklist Constitution Charter (if affiliated with a national or external organization) Membership Roster Officer List, including Faculty/ Staff Advisor Proposed Calendar of Events Proposed Budget Request (if asking to be a funded organization)

The Director of Student Activities will review these documents to make sure they meet SGA guidelines, and suggest any edits/ adjustments before turning it over to SGA. At that point, SGA will make contact with the proposing students to schedule a time for them to briefly present in front of the SGA Executive Board.

A Step- by- Step Guide to St ar t an R SO Continued

Step 5: Present to SGA After receiving your petition packet, SGA will look over your materials. Someone on the Executive Board, most likely the Chief of Staff, will contact you to schedule a time when you can come in for a brief meeting. During this time, SGA wants to hear from you, directly, why you want this organization to exist on campus and what benefits it would offer to the Coker community. Don't stress about this meeting! Prepare your 5 minute elevator speech with your officers and/ or advisor. After you are finished, SGA will ask a few questions, and then you're done! You will be notified if the organization is approved or not. If you're approved, and you are asking for funds, the SGA Finance Committee will then meet to discuss and allocate the amount they see fit. While the SGA side sounds like a long and grueling process, it actually is not! It usually only takes one to two weeks, depending on your availability and any possible school closings/ breaks that may extend it.

Step 5: Approved? Get going! Once you're approved, your organization is official and off to the races! Start having official meetings, planning events, and enjoying the benefits of your hard work! At the beginning, you'll be in regular contact with the SGA Director of RSOs and the Director of Student Activities to get your Google resources off the ground. Soon after you get approved, they'll work with you to load all of your official documents into the folder and help you understand the responsibilities of officers. Look ahead to the next chapters of this Handbook to get an overview of the requirements and procedures that will help you keep your new organization running per SGA standards!

Before you m ove on...

I n order t o do a great job wit h your work on RSOs, reflect on t he previous sect ion! Even if you are an officer in a longst anding organizat ion, it may be helpful t o redefine t he mission, purpose, and goals of your organizat ion, much like a new organizat ion would. Those will help guide and mot ivat e your work, t hus helping your organizat ion succeed!

The following sect ions get int o t he knit t y- grit t y of how t o funct ion as RSOs. These are our most asked quest ions, most overlooked det ails, and oft en, most import ant funct ions for organizat ions. Caut ion: logist ics ahead!

How t o run an RSO This section explains: - Executive officer roles - Advisor Roles - Recruiting Members - Google Drive - Planning Events

Executive O fficer R esponsibilities

Overview There are a multitude of duties and job descriptions for executive officers. These may be different for every organization, depending on mission, focus, and how they operate. Not sure what posit ions your organizat ion has had in t he past ? Check Google! Previous years folders have older Const it ut ions and officer list s!

You can determine how many officers and what officers you have within your organization. Most commonly, this information is outlined in your Constitution. For example, some organizations have many officers, ranging from Publicity Chair and Historian to Committee Chairs. In addition to your Faculty/ Staff Advisor, SGA requires only two other mandatory officers: the President and Treasurer. To remain in good standing, these two offices must be filled at all times by two different people (i.e. the same person cannot serve as both simultaneously). You can also determine individual responsibilities for your officers, but in general SGA holds certain expectations of the RSOs' executive boards, outlined below.

Ongoing Responsibilities

Remember t hat Roommat e Cont ract you fill out wit h your roommat es? Come

- Keep your Google folder up to date! We use the officer lists and budgets YOU maintain for all our communications. - Be up to date on policies and procedures (KNOW THE HANDBOOK!) - Follow your spending requirements and/ or programming requirements - Submit appropriations requests (if funded) for any and all spending/ activity - Send a minimum of two officers to RSO Council monthly meetings. These meetings are where SGA communicates policy and procedures updates and hears your concerns. They also provide leadership training and ideas to improve your RSO operations.

up wit h an Officer cont ract . W hat do you expect of each ot her? W hat do you expect of yourself? Have everyone sign it so you can refer back t o it t hroughout t he year!

Annual Responsibilities - Attend Gathering of Leaders in the fall semester - Attend the RSO Fest in August to represent your organization - Submit a membership roster, goals, and constitution each spring through Google Drive - Sign up for and attend budget allocations in late Spring, if funded or appealing for funds.

A dvisors Overview All RSOs are required to have a Coker College faculty or staff that has an @coker.edu email address. It helps if your advisor has personal interest in your organization's mission and/ or that you know well. Campus Life is always available to help you find an advisor should you find your organization in need! Advisors are an essential part of the organization, and will be included in many communications and processes between SGA and the RSOs. Therefore, it's wise to communicate well with your advisors!

Advisor Responsibilities Advisors can be involved with their organization on many different levels. Some advisors choose to be there if needed, while others have a much more active role in the organization's operations. Both are perfectly fine, but SGA encourages each organization to sit with their advisor to set out mutually agreed upon roles and expectations that work for your organization and your advisor. Advisors do accept some degree of liability for the organization, depending greatly on the organization. Advisors should help student leaders minimize risks with any of their activities, be aware of and help enforce both Coker College and SGA policies, and connect student leaders with appropriate campus and community resources.

Suggestions As stated above, each organization/ advisor relationship is different. With their varying levels of involvement, you may be unsure about how to best utilize your advisor. Here's some of SGA's suggestions: - Ask them how to follow Coker procedures you're confused about. - Have a conflict or disagreement within the organization? Ask them to step in and mediate the conflict. - Out of ideas? Your advisor might have some great ones! - Need a co-sponsor? Advisors have access to departments across campus that might be willing to help. - New to your organization? Advisors will probably have some history on the organization that will help you! - Involve them in the budgeting process. They have valuable insight and skills to prepare for next year.

Remember, your advisor should have access t o your Google files t oo! M ake sure t hey're shared on t he folder t o give t hem full access t o your plans.

Advisors oft en have great cont act s and friends wit h diverse int erest s and t alent s! They might have friends t hat could put on a great program for you at lit t le t o no cost !!

R ecr uiting and M aint aining M em bers Recruiting You should keep a running member list in your

Your organization can't function without members! They bring ideas, fellowship, and manpower to make your organization successful. Only Honor Societies can have exclusive membership, so otherwise, don't limit membership to a particular race, sex, gender, major, class year, etc.

Google file! I t will help your communicat ion wit h members, and allow t hose who can't make meet ings st ay informed!

Get creative when recruiting! Branch out beyond your friend or major groups. In college, many people look to explore and try out new things, some of which they might know nothing about until they join your organization. SGA provides great opportunities to put your name out there on campus and recruit new members! Take advantage of these to help your group grow: - RSO Fest in late August - all RSOs host tables at the Fest to help all students looking to get involved know what's available! Make a poster board, have handouts and sign-up sheets, and even give away some swag. - Wel come Week (August ) and Wel come Back Week (January): CAB puts together a week full of activities to start every semester. RSOs are invited to program during this time, and are included on all official CAB flyers, door hangers, and social media pushes! - Campus Cal endar: One of the privileges of being an RSO is that you're able to publish events to the Campus Calendar. Once approved through SGA, you can submit your event to the calendar. Your event will then be included on the weekly Campus Calendar memo, emailed every Monday. - Communit y Service: SGA and the Center for Engaged Learning often invite RSOs to be involved in campus community service initiatives. You can also do service as an organization and submit to the Community Service Poster Showcase at Celebration of Academics every Spring!

Retaining Members Up t o 40% of an organizat ion's budget can be used on member- only exclusive benefit s and administ rat ion expenses. M aybe t hat 's enough for a t - shirt , reward, or even somet hing lit t le, like snacks at meet ings.

Once you have some members in your organization, make a conscious effort to maintain those members. Provide ample opportunities for them to participate, call meetings regularly, and stay in contact with them! Here are some of SGA's recommended best practices: - Surprise your members with snacks or a goodie at a meeting, or reward them for their hard work. They'll feel appreciated and stick around! - Involve them in the process. Just because you have an executive board doesn't mean they should be the only ones making and executing decisions. If someone feels needed and like their input is valued, they're more likely to keep interested in your mission and organization. - Have special open meetings or "bring a friend" nights. You'll get new faces in the room, and your members will be able to showcase the important (and fun!) things your organization is about. - All meetings don't have to be just about business. Remember to have fun!

Planning Events

Overview Student Organizations are a major part of creating things to do on campus! No matter how much funding you have or the purpose of your organization, everyone should be planning events towards the purpose of your organization. We hope the following steps will help you plan awesome events at Coker. In addition, please see the appendices and resources at the end of this handbook for even more ideas, helpful hints, and how-tos!

M any of t he resources you'll need t o plan event s are accessed t hrough Google! Your budget , allocat ions request s, and past event

The List: 1. Dream! a. Why do you want to do an event? What's the purpose of the event? Your goals? What would the perfect event look like? 2. Pl ot a. Where will your event be? When will it be? How long will it be? Is it open to all students? Will it be open to the public? Do you need money and/ or a budget for the event? What materials, manpower, and steps will you need to make it happen? 3. Del egat e a. You can't do this alone! Assign group members tasks to prepare for the event. 4. Do t he paperwork (even if it 's onl ine) a. ALL events and funding requests should be approved by SGA. You can do this from the "Event and Funding Request Form," found on the SGA Google site. You should probably bookmark this. b. Have you reserved the space you need? Recruited drivers if you're going off campus? Reservations and funding take time, so PLAN AHEAD!!! 5. Approved? Prepare! a. Once you're approved through SGA, go for it! Make all the preparations you need. Do you need a sound system? Do you need to pick up a Walmart card? How will you advertise? Do you need to request a check for a performer or guest? Who's doing what tasks? Plan for all kinds of surprise/ emergency/ risky situations! 6. Enjoy! a. Enjoy the rewards of your hard work! 7. Cl eanup and Debrief a. Leave your campus spaces spotless! Organize, clean up, return Walmart cards or reimbursement requests. Debrief what went well and what you can improve upon for next time with your group. Yay! You did it!

request s/evaluat ions are all st ored on your Google folder!

You can find all of t he "form" t ype t hings for planning event s, as well as an updat ed calendar t o help you pick dat es on t he SGA sit e, ht t ps://goo.gl/Uzm5rm

Beware: L evel 3- 7 organizat ions are required t o do programs for all of campus! M ake sure your event count s t oward your requirement s by planning appropriat e "open t o campus" event s alongside any "members only" exclusives.

Event Planning D et ails Reserving Spaces For your records, it will probably help t o keep a copy of any scheduling forms, order forms, or scans of receipt s in your Google folder!

As an RSO, you are able to exclusively reserve campus spaces for your events. To reserve a space, you need to use the Internal Scheduling Request. A copy can always be found on the SGA Google Site. You fill out the document, then email or campus mail the request to the appropriate scheduling coordinator (listed per campus space on the form). This form is how Campus Safety knows when to unlock buildings/ rooms, how Physical Plant knows your setup needs (tables, chairs, trash cans, etc), so it's very important to use it for all of your campus events. An example form and how to fill it out is in the resources section of this handbook.

Events with Food One important step in many events is planning for a meal or snack. If you are hosting an event which will consist of a full meal on campus, you must consult Sodexo Dining Services. They have the right to call first dibs on any catered meals on campus. If you're just having snacks, you may bring those in from outside stores/ vendors. As an alternative, Sodexo does have a Shoestring Menu with some easy pick-up items for Student Organizations. A copy is attached in the Resources section for your convenience.

Off-Campus Travel Asking your advisor if t hey're cert ified t o drive a van, or asking t hem t o become cert ified, is a great way t o involve t hem (and ot her facult y/st aff) in your RSO act ivit ies!

If your organization takes an off-campus trip or travels together to a local destination, there are options to charge those expenses to your RSO account. First, you can reserve a minivan or bus(es) from College Services in the mail room. When you use a college vehicle, you'll be charged by how many miles you drive: $0.45/ mile for the minivan and $0.55 for the buses. Before reserving the vehicle, you'll need to secure a certified faculty/ staff driver for the trip; there is a list of certified drivers available in Campus Life or College Services. Second, you may opt to drive your own vehicles in a carpool. In this case, you can turn in mileage and gas receipts to be reimbursed at $0.40/ mile out of your RSO account.

Event Planning D et ails

Movies Federal copyright laws restrict the use of DVDs, or video streamed online (Netflix, Amazon, Hulu, etc). Even if you have a subscription or have purchased a film, you must obtain a separate viewing license to show it in a public setting. This means that outside of watching something in class or in your home/ residence hall room with a few friends probably needs a license, especially if you're advertising it as an event. Campus Life staff can help you secure a license, which generally run from $200 to $800 for recent releases.

Operat ing Budget , what 's t hat ? L ook in your Drive! There's even a print ing sect ion at t he bot t om for you t o fill in. K eep reading for a preview of t he file!

Not sure if you need a license? Check out the resources section for a handy guide!

Fundraisers RSOs are free to fundraise for their organization or for outside organizations! There's just a few checkpoints to stay within SGA Guidelines: - The purpose of the fundraiser must be clearly stated in the event request to SGA prior to approval and upheld after the fundraiser (if you say you're raising money for the Humane Society, you MUST give proceeds to the Humane Society). - All funds must operate through your RSO's Coker account, including deposits, checks to outside organizations, etc. - A fundraiser will not be counted toward program requirements and cannot be funded by SGA allocated money unless it contributes an active and engaged event that benefits students (think passive bake sale vs. active Study Buddies program).

Printing/ Copying To print or copy RSO materials on campus, you may utilize the campus network printers. Officers are given access to a shared PaperCut account for the RSO, and allotted an amount of money YOU choose, based on your Operating Budget request. Copies are $0.10 per black and white copy, and $.050 per color copy. Any use of t he account f or personal print ing wil l be reimbursed f rom your st udent account , and your print ing privil eges wil l be revoked. For a detailed view of how to operate this system, see the Resources section at the back of this handbook. You may, at any time, opt out of printing. To opt out, just contact Caroline Carter at ccarter@coker.edu.

Fundraisers are more successful when t hey're out of t he box and act ive! I n most cases, a novel idea will get you much more t han a plain old worn out bake sale.

SGA uses Google Drive for almost everyt hing relat ed t o RSOs! As officers and advisors, you'll have access t o your very own RSO Google Folder(s). The following pages will t each you t he basics you'll need t o know.

(We hereby promise t hat Google Drive is sexy, not scary)

A ccessing D r ive How do I get to my Drive? Easy! Open a web browser (Chrome works best) and type in drive.google.com. If you're not logged in yet, it will prompt you for your Coker login. You can also access it through the Apps portal on your email (shown below). You can find this in the top right of the email page.

This should take you to a new page - your Drive! It's okay if it asks you to login - just making sure you're you!

Now...to my RSO Folder? Navigate to "Shared with Me" in the top left. If you don't see your RSO pop up immediately with a folder, go ahead and search for it in the top bar. You can also right click on the folder and select "Add it to My Drive" to place it in your own Drive.

Giving A ccess How do I add people? Can I? Of COURSE you can add people! The following pictures will take you through how to do that. In fact, SGA expects you to add/ remove shared people as your officers, advisors, and members change. Just don't take away any Campus Life staff or SGA members from the shared list!!! (If you need to know who they are, see the second page of this Handbook!

1. Click on the little person with the plus beside their head!



You can type a Coker email OR send the "shareable link" to give access

To change access type or check someone's access, click "Advanced"

The "X" will remove someone from the file. You can also opt to give someone full "Can Edit," partial "Can Comment," or viewing "Can View" privileges for the folder.

T he Folder W hat's should my folder look like? SGA divides your materials by year. If your organization has been around for more than one year, you'll probably have two files, like below. The older one(s) is for historical record. Use it like an archive if you need information! The new one is where you'll do business. Keep WHATEVER YOU WANT in here, and use it for your own organization, but SGA requires some documents (see next)

SGA Documents you MUST have: While you can store whatever you'd like in this folder, SGA requires just a few files for an organization to remain in good standing and to go through budget requests each year. The files are: your organization's updated constitution, a running member list, operating budget, officer list, and budget tracking sheet. The last two of these are automatically provided by SGA and feed into master documents on the back end - that will be explained in the next couple pages! Here's an example of the Pause for Paws '15-'16 folder, with notes on what you are responsible for updating:

SGA updat es t his as you spend money. You updat e t his every year! You updat e t his! You updat e t his! We can't cont act you if you don't ! You updat e t his - it 's your $$ planning! You updat e t his as needed!

Special Notes If you are a non-funded RSO, you are not responsible for financial-related documents, such as the budget tracking and operating budget. You may at any time utilize them if you'd like, and you also still have a Coker budget account if you should ever need it for deposits, special funding requests, etc. While we won't cover it in the next few pages specifically, the Member List is ESPECIALLY important for Honor Societies. Honor Societies are awarded money per member, so we must have an updated list to award any funds during the allocations process!

D r ive Files Officer List Your officer list should be one of your top priorities to keep updated! Your officer file feeds into a master list of all RSO officers for SGA, which is where we pull email addresses to get in contact with you. A good rule of thumb is that when you change officers, go ahead and change your folder sharing as well to reflect the change (see previous pages for instructions).

Beware! Advisor email addresses are different than student emails! Look on the directory or a recent email to make sure it's correct.

SGA requires a President, Treasurer, and Advisor. You can add however many others you like!

ALWAYS check spelling and typos! If the email is wrong here, that person WILL NOT receive emails from SGA!

D r ive Files Operating Budget The operating budget is your working budget for the year. It's what you use to propose a budget during allocations, what you'll use to plan for the year after allocations are released, and generally plan your year monetarily. Use this planning tool wisely! It'll help you to plan programs, administrative costs, and more. Every month is represented on the file, but for space purposes, only the first few are shown here.

Keep your level up to date, as it will affect allocations and program requirements!

The more detail you provide, the more it helps you to plan, and it makes spending requests easy to detail!

Your "Unit Costs" automatically tally to the side for monthly totals, and a grand total at the bottom of the sheet!

D r ive Files Budget Tracking The budget tracking sheet is an insight into your actual Coker RSO account. As Campus Life and the business office process transactions, the transactions will be posted here. Only SGA and Campus Life may make changes to this sheet, so any changes you make will not be saved. If you have questions about the sheet, would like to rename any transactions, or doubt the accuracy of the sheet, please contact Caroline Carter at ccarter@coker.edu with your question(s)!

The top left corner will calculate your remaining budget, tell you your funding level, program requirements, and Walmart card balance.

For Level 3-7 RSOs, SGA provides a reminder of your 60/ 40 split (see next chapter for more detail on this rule).

Negative amounts designate a deposit or credit INTO your account.

Before you m ove on...

Do you feel comfortable with the roles and responsibilities of your organization? Do you understand the basics of Google Drive? Always know SGA is here to help! Contact the Director of RSOs, or any member of SGA to assist you if you need help. You can also ask in person at one of the monthly, mandatory RSO Council meetings!

Now that you think Google is sexy, let's get down to business...

How t o Regist er Event s & Spend $$ This section explains: - Event and Spending Request - Spending Options - Programming vs. Administrative Costs - Budgeting - Budget Allocations

Event and Spending R equests A form, really? We know, we know - ANOTHER form. This one really is necessary, and we've tried to make it as painless as possible. EVERY EVENT OR SPENDING INSTANCE should be entered into the form so that SGA can document it, approve funding, and double check with you on any miscellaneous details. Pl ease make every ef f ort t o submit request s 2-3 weeks in advance so t hat SGA has adequat e t ime f or review and approval . If your event does not require funding, OR if you're not doing an event and just need to buy supplies, you shoul d st il l f il l out an Event and Spending Request . The form is smart, and you won't have to fill out details that don't apply to your current needs. Once you're approved, the SGA Chief Financial Officer will notify you by email, and then you're good to go! In addition, for RSOs with programming requirements (level 3-7), your entries on the form help SGA track whether or not you are fulfilling the requirements associated with your funding level. The easiest place to access the form is through the SGA Google site. You can navigate directly to sites.google.com, or toggle through the apps portal on email. Once on sites.google.com, simply type in "Student Government Association." Once on the page, click on the top bar entitled "Regist ered St udent Organizat ions (RSOs)." You can find the link to the form in in all these places on the Google Site:

Event and Spending R equests W hat it looks like if it's not an event...

This drop-down menu will provide all RSO names, but remember, you can only request for those in which you serve as an officer.

Give as much detail as possible!! This helps SGA evaluate the request for approval.

If you do not require funds, click "no," and "continue." You're done! If you do require funds, see pg. 30 for a preview of that portion.

Event and Spending R equests W hat it looks like if it is an event... Click "event," even if the event will not count toward your program requirements, and even if it doesn't require funding.



Community service and fundraisers require a bit more follow up with Campus Life staff, so plan ahead!


Be thorough! All information goes directly to a published Google Calendar!

Event and Spending R equests To request money for either: Do your research so you're prepared for this section! The more detail you give, the faster SGA can approve it.

NEW!!! Some organizations have non-SGA funds from deposits, fundraisers, etc. Since it's all in the same account, we need to know which money you want to spend - SGA, fundraised, or a combination.

For good measure, always send yourself a copy of your responses. You're DONE!

Continue reading for more about these forms of spending! And double check your math!

Spending O ptions

Walmart Card As a courtesy, Campus Life will happily load a Walmart Card with a declining balance for your RSO upon request, via the Event and Spending Form. Once SGA approves your spending, Campus Life will pre-load a card with the amount you specified. You can then sign out the card on the 2nd floor of the Student Center. All receipts must be returned, in addition to the Walmart Card, to Campus Life within 2 business days of the purchases. SGA can and will revoke privileges of RSOs who do not observe these rules.

Don't forget , once t he spending occurs, it should appear on your Budget Tracking Sheet in your RSO's Google folder!

Reimbursement A student or advisor may also do a reimbursement for a purchase. For example, if using your own money, you buy 10 pizzas for an event, you may turn in a "Disbursement Request," with all receipts, to Caroline Carter, (2nd floor Student Center). As long as all receipts are present and the spending has been approved, the college will process a check to reimburse you for what you bought. Be advised: reimbursements may take a few days to process through the business office. However, you can opt to have them direct-deposit the amount if you are already set up in the college payroll system.

Disbursement Request s can be downloaded from t he SGA Google Sit e. You can find it in t he document s list ed at t he bot t om of t he page. SGA Sit e: RSOs


Online Ordering If you would like to order supplies, or pre-order food from a local restaurant online, Campus Life can assist you! We can order with a college credit card as long as SGA has approved the spending, no paperwork required! Beware: if you're ordering goods online, your RSO account may be charged a "use tax" at a later date because of the way SC Tax Law is currently structured.

Check Requests Contracted outside businesses and/ or performers may require a check to be written directly to them from the college. NEVER, EVER SIGN A CONTRACT for your RSO. Any contracts, direct-bill invoice requests, and check requests should all be arranged well ahead of time with Caroline Carter!!

Please see t he resources sect ion at t he end of t his handbook for examples of how t o properly fill out bot h a reimbursement and a check request !

Spending Policies W hat can I spend money on?


Event supplies Printing and flyers Postage Mileage/ Vehicle usage Office supplies and materials - Prizes, awards, and plaques - Use of on campus services that involve a cost - Event-specific food/ drinks


Alcohol Scholarships Personal Expenses Wages Enrollment in courses Individual dues for professional membership organizations

***RSOs may use their allocated dollars to donate to outside, non-profit organizations as long as there is a set activity or event that will take place for Coker students surrounding the event (i.e. reading materials donated after reading at Boys and Girls Club). Students ARE NOT allowed to simply donate portions of their allocated budgets to outside organizations (i.e. angel tree)

Campus L ife st aff can help you find t he best places t o order t hings, bot h locally and nat ionwide. I n addit ion, t hey can help you access official school logos and

W hat about apparel? RSOs may buy apparel (tshirts, polos, bookbags, etc) for their members, but it may not exceed $15 per member, and for Level 3-7 organizations, that must be within their 40% administrative limit (explained below in detail). In addition, all designs and artwork must be submitted to Caroline Carter, Director of Student Activities, for approval prior to placing an order.

make sure you adhere t o Coker logo and color st andards!

The 60/ 40 Split For level 3-7 organizations, there is a slight limitation on spending, colloquially known as the 60/ 40 split. In simple terms, it means: - At least 60 % of the organization's budget must be spent on programming costs. In essence, that money goes towards programming that is open to the entire student body. - No more than 40% of the organization's budget can be used for administrative costs. Administrative costs are any events not open to the entire student body or are member-only exclusive benefits (apparel, etc).

Budgeting and Budget A llocations The Basics of SGA $$ As you've seen in the previous pages, an SGA account doesn't work like a regular checking account. It takes time to process financial transactions, so be patient and plan ahead! SGA allocates activity fee dollars each year during budget allocations (see below). That money is accessible for the following year, beginning July 1 and running until Reading Day. SGA allocated funds do not roll over from year to year in your account - they're use it or lose it! You will also not be allowed to go over your allocated budget, so it's important to plan well with the Operating Budget, and then also keep an eye on actual expenditures with the Budget Tracking Sheet. We're human, so the more you track spending to compare to our records, the faster we'll all catch any mistakes or typos that may affect your account.

Budget Allocations Budget allocations is the process by which SGA executives evaluate how much money each requesting student organization will have for a school year. Allocations ends with one weekend day late in the Spring semester. SGA will post sign-up times for you and your board to present them with a proposed budget and plans for next year.

L ike ot her SGA operat ions,

Before you sit down with SGA, you'll have some homework. The Director of RSOs and the Chief Financial Officer will prepare you for the day, but in brief, you'll need updated information in your Google Folder, including a new proposed budget for the following year.

SGA, t hey have no idea you

allocat ions depends almost ent irely on Google Folders! I f you don't updat e your informat ion or propose t o want money!

After all proposals are heard, you'll be notified of your allocation so you can adjust your budget accordingly and plan for a great year ahead! Get a brilliant idea mid- way

Special Petitions Any organization, funded or non-funded, can petition SGA during the school year for a special, one-time funds request for a special project or event. You'll simply need to email SGA and consult Campus Life staff to put together a proposal, then have a brief Q&A with the entire SGA board so that they can hear your petition formally.

t hrough t he year, or did somet hing awesome fall int o your lap unexpect edly? Capit alize on it by proposing t o SGA for a special request !

Resources and Appendices - Movie Licenses - Example Campus Forms - SGA Policies and Procedures

D o I need a m ovie license?

H ow D o I Fill out a Scheduling R equest?

After you fill this out, email or campus mail it to the person listed for the building you're requesting

Make sure your event details are correct.

Put your event set-up here for Physical Plant!

Having alcohol requires approval from the Dean!

H ow to fill out a Check R equest or R eim bursem ent

WHO is getting paid? You or another person?

WHO is submitting the form? And for what RSO?

Is more than one party sponsoring this? If so, put both and their agreed amounts. If no, only put 1 line here.

How do you want to get it? US Mail? Or Campus Mailbox # ?

Put Student ID # here, if person is from Coker.

Briefly, for what event/ use was this money spent?

Caroline Carter fills in Account # and signs below you.

SGA O fficial R SO By- L aw s ARTICLE XI: Guidelines for Allocation of Student Fees 1.The SGA will be responsible for allocating student fees assessed by the College through an annual budget allocation process outlined in the Policies and Procedures Manual 2.After hearing all requests and appeals, the Finance Committee will approve a final budget upon passage by a simple majority vote 3.Any special funding request by a recognized organization outside the final budget will be considered on a case-by-case basis and awarded based on availability of funds by the Finance Committee 4.Funds from the Student Activity Fee may not be used to purchase any alcoholic beverages. Additionally, no student taking part in a trip funded even partially by the SGA will be allowed to consume alcoholic beverages while on that trip, even if purchased separately. If any member of the organization is found to have consumed alcohol on an SGA sponsored trip, that organization will have the amount allocated for the trip removed from the organization?s budget ARTICLE XII: Guidelines for Recognition of Registered Student Organizations 1.The power to recognize student organizations as official entities of the College lie with the SGA 2.Student groups wishing to be recognized as a Registered Student Organization must petition for recognition with the Executive Council utilizing the process outlined in the Policies and Procedures Manual 3.Organizations will be approved if they receive a majority of votes from the Executive Council members 4.Organizations may petition to be recognized under one and only one of the following designations: a.Interest Groups ? Organizations whose mission it is to share a common interest, but do not wish to seek funding from the SGA through the budget allocation process. These groups will not be required to meet programming requirements set forth by the budget allocation process outlined in the Policies and Procedures Manual. Membership should be open to the entire campus population b.Funded Registered Student Organizations ? Organizations whose mission it is to share a common interest, but do wish to seek funding from the SGA through the yearly budget allocation process. These groups will be required to meet programming requirements set forth by the budget allocation process outlined in the Policies and Procedures Manual. Membership should be open to the entire campus population c.Honor Societies ? Organizations whose mission it is to recognize academic or personal attainment as a result of demonstrated achievement. Students filing under this designation must obtain approval for petition by the Provost and Dean of the Faculty prior to submission to the SGA Executive Council. Membership should be limited to those that meet stringent qualifications. Organizations under this designation will receive an equal amount of funding per member for operation of the organization as defined by the Policies and Procedures Manual d.Social Organizations ? Organizations that petition for recognition under local, state, national or international affiliation with a social, community service, or professional group and whose mission it is to assemble for the main purpose of social contact. These groups will not seek funding through the yearly SGA budget allocation process. Membership into these organizations may be selective 5.All student organizations may petition the Finance Committee for additional funding for special projects. Any special funding request will be considered on a case-by-case basis and awarded based on availability of funds

M iscellanous SGA Policies Regist ered St udent Organizat ions ?St udent Act ivit y Donat ion Pol icy? As proposed by t he St udent Government Associat ion President : All Registered Student Organizations (RSOs) may spend Student Activity Dollars for donations using the following Policy and Procedure Procedure: 1.Submit appropriation request to SGA, as well as community service paperwork to the Center for Engaged Learning. 2.Await approval from SGA before continuing process 3.Advertise event to the entire student population. 4.Once event is complete, submit completed paperwork to the CEL. Policy: a.RSOs may use their allocated dollars to donate to outside nonprofit organizations as long as there is a set activity or event that will take place. (i.e. reading materials donated after reading at Boys and girls club, etc.) b.Students are not allowed to simply donate portions of their allocated budgets to outside organizations. (i.e. angel tree, etc.)

RSO Publ ic Viewing Movie Pol icy The movie policy for showings out on the lawn is as follows: Due to the public nature of showing movies on the lawn in an open air environment, only movies rated G, PG, or PG-13 (or equivalences) will be allowed. If an organization would like to show a rated R or Not Rated movie on the lawn, the movie would have to be screened and approved be either the Director of Student Activities or the Dean of Students in advance.

Fundraising Pol icy

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